require 'spec_helper' require 'speckle/cli/environment' RSpec::Matchers.define :yield_action do |expected| match do |actual| env = @options = env.load(actual.kind_of?(Array) ? actual : [actual]) @options.action == expected end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "expected #{actual} to yield action :#{expected.to_s} but was :#{@options.action}" end failure_message_for_should_not do |actual| "expected #{actual} to not yield action :#{expected.to_s} but was :#{@options.action}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :yield_option do |expected| match do |actual| env = @options = env.load(actual.kind_of?(Array) ? actual : [actual]) @result = @options.send(expected) @result == true end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "expected #{actual} to yield option :#{expected.to_s}, but was #{@result}" end failure_message_for_should_not do |*args| "expected #{actual} to not yield option :#{expected.to_s}, but was #{@result}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_default_option do |expected| match do |actual| env = @options = env.load(actual.kind_of?(Array) ? actual : [actual]) @options.send(expected) == true end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "expected #{actual} to have default option :#{expected.to_s}" end failure_message_for_should_not do |actual| "expected #{actual} to not have default option :#{expected.to_s}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_default_option_value do |key, value| match do |actual| env = @options = env.load(actual.kind_of?(Array) ? actual : [actual]) @result = @options.send(key) @result == value end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "expected #{actual} to have default option #{key} = #{value}, but was #{@result}" end failure_message_for_should_not do |*args| "expected #{actual} to not have default option #{key} = #{value}, but was #{@result}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :yield_option_value do |key, value| match do |actual| env = @options = env.load(actual.kind_of?(Array) ? actual : [actual]) @result = @options.send(key) @result == value end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "expected #{actual} to yield option #{key} = #{value} but was '#{@result}'" end failure_message_for_should_not do |actual| "expected #{actual} to not yield option #{key} = #{value} but was #{options.send(key)}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :include_path do |expected| match do |actual| env = @options = env.load(actual.kind_of?(Array) ? actual : [actual]) @result = @options.inputs @result.include?(expected) end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "expected #{actual} to include path #{expected}, inputs was #{@result}" end failure_message_for_should_not do |actual| "expected #{actual} to not include path #{actual}, inputs was #{@result}" end end module Speckle module CLI describe 'Main options basics' do it 'defaults to compile_and_test without args' do expect('').to yield_action(:compile_and_test) end it 'has action :compile_and_test with -a or --all' do expect(['-a', 'foo']).to yield_action :compile_and_test expect(['--all', 'foo']).to yield_action :compile_and_test end it 'has action :compile with -c or --compile' do expect(['-c', 'foo']).to yield_action :compile expect(['--compile', 'foo']).to yield_action :compile end it 'has action :test with -t or --test' do expect(['-t', 'foo']).to yield_action :test expect(['--test', 'foo']).to yield_action :test end end describe 'Source path defaults' do it 'uses spec directory without args', :dms => true do expect('').to include_path('spec') end it 'includes spec directory if no files were specified with -a or --all' do expect('-a').to include_path('spec') expect('--all').to include_path('spec') end it 'includes spec directory if no files were specified with -c or --compile' do expect('-c').to include_path('spec') expect('--compile').to include_path('spec') end it 'includes spec directory if no files were specified with -t or --test' do expect('-t').to include_path('spec') expect('--test').to include_path('spec') end it 'does not use spec directory when file is specified', :dms => true do expect('a.riml').to include_path('a.riml') expect('a.riml').to_not include_path('spec') end it 'does not use spec directory when multiple file is specified', :dms => true do env = opts = env.load(['a.riml', 'b.riml']) expect(opts.inputs).to eq(['a.riml', 'b.riml']) end end describe 'Extra options and flags' do it 'can load args' do env = expect(env).to respond_to(:load) end it 'has :show_help action for -h or --help' do expect('-h').to yield_action(:show_help) expect('--help').to yield_action(:show_help) end it 'has :show_version action for -V or --version' do expect('-V').to yield_action :show_version expect('--version').to yield_action :show_version end it 'has verbose flag for -v or --verbose' do expect('-v').to yield_option 'verbose' expect('--verbose').to yield_option 'verbose' end it 'has debug flag for -D or --debug' do expect('-D').to yield_option 'debug' expect('--debug').to yield_option 'debug' end it 'does not have colorize flag for -C or --no-colors' do expect('-C').to_not yield_option 'colorize' expect('--no-colors').to_not yield_option 'colorize' end it 'has colorize by default' do expect('').to have_default_option 'colorize' end it 'has does not skip vimrc by default' do expect('').to_not have_default_option 'skip_vimrc' end it 'does not have skip_vimrc for -k or --skip-vimrc' do expect('-k').to yield_option 'skip_vimrc' expect('--skip-vimrc').to yield_option 'skip_vimrc' end it 'has :watch action for -w or --watch' do expect('-w').to yield_action :watch expect('--watch').to yield_action :watch end it 'bail by default' do expect('').to_not have_default_option 'bail' end it 'has bail option by default' do expect('-b').to yield_option 'bail' expect('--bail').to yield_option 'bail' end it 'has default vim program' do expect('').to have_default_option_value('vim', 'vim') end it 'takes specified vim program for -m or --vim' do expect(['-m', 'gvim']).to yield_option_value('vim', 'gvim') expect(['--vim', 'gvim']).to yield_option_value('vim', 'gvim') end it 'has a default slow threshold' do expect('').to have_default_option_value('slow_threshold', 10) end it 'takes slow_threshold for -k or --slow-threshold' do expect(['-s', '10']).to yield_option_value('slow_threshold', 10) expect(['--slow-threshold', '10']).to yield_option_value('slow_threshold', 10) end it 'does not have default grep pattern' do expect('').to_not have_default_option('grep_pattern') end it 'takes grep pattern for -g or --grep' do expect(['-g', '^foo']).to yield_option_value('grep_pattern', '^foo') expect(['--grep', '^foo']).to yield_option_value('grep_pattern', '^foo') end it 'does not have default invert grep pattern' do expect('').to_not have_default_option('grep_invert') end it 'takes invert grep pattern for -i or --invert' do expect('-i').to yield_option('grep_invert') expect('--invert').to yield_option('grep_invert') end it 'takes libs from -I or --libs' do expect(['-I', 'lorem:ipsum:dolor']).to yield_option_value('libs', 'lorem:ipsum:dolor') end it 'has a default reporter' do expect('').to have_default_option_value('reporter', 'dot') end it 'takes reporter from -r or --reporter' do expect(['-r', 'min']).to yield_option_value('reporter', 'min') expect(['--reporter', 'min']).to yield_option_value('reporter', 'min') end it 'does not have tag by default' do expect('').to_not have_default_option('tag') end it 'takes tag from --tag' do expect(['--tag', 'focus']).to yield_option_value('tag', 'focus') end it 'does not have duplicate inputs', :foo => true do env = opts = env.load(['spec', 'spec']) expect(opts.inputs.length).to eq(1) end it 'does not have profile option by default' do expect([]).to_not have_default_option('profile') end it 'has profile option when specified' do expect(['-p']).to yield_option_value('profile', true) end it 'has profile option with long switch' do expect(['--profile']).to yield_option_value('profile', true) end end describe 'Complete CLI options' do def env(*args) env = env.load(args) end it 'works with example#1' do opts = env('-a', 'foo', '-I', 'lorem:ipsum', '-r', 'min', '-C', '-D') expect(opts.action).to eq(:compile_and_test) expect(opts.inputs).to include('foo') expect(opts.libs).to eq('lorem:ipsum') expect(opts.reporter).to eq('min') expect(opts.debug).to eq(true) end it 'works with example#2' do opts = env('foo', '-r', 'dot', '-I', 'lorem:ipsum', '-v') expect(opts.action).to eq(:compile_and_test) expect(opts.inputs).to include('foo') expect(opts.libs).to eq('lorem:ipsum') expect(opts.reporter).to eq('dot') expect(opts.verbose).to eq(true) end it 'works with example#3' do opts = env('-r', 'tap', '-t', 'my_specs', '-I', 'stuff', '-D') expect(opts.action).to eq(:test) expect(opts.inputs).to include('my_specs') expect(opts.reporter).to eq('tap') expect(opts.libs).to eq('stuff') end end end end