# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin rdoc Math statistics methods that are Enumerable extensions. =end module Enumerable # Calculate the sum of a list of numbers. # # Example: # # [3, 1, 4].sum => 8 # # Example with a block: # # [3, 1, 4].sum{|x| x * 2} => 16 # # Example with a default value in case the list is empty: # # [].sum(99) => 99 # # This method is copied from rails to ensure compatibility. # def sum(identity = 0, &block) return identity unless size > 0 if block_given? map(&block).sum else inject { |sum, element| sum + element } end end # Calculate the mean of a list of numbers. # # Example: # # [3, 1, 4].mean => 2.666 # # If the list is blank, then return nil. # def mean size==0 ? nil : sum.to_f / size end # Calculate the median of a list of numbers. # # Example: # # [3, 1, 4].median => 3.0 # # If the list is blank, then return nil. # def median size==0 ? nil : ((0==self.size%2) ? sort[size/2-1,2].mean : sort[self.size/2].to_f) end # Calculate the sum of squares of a list of numbers. # # Example: # # [3, 1, 4].sum_of_squares => 26 # def sum_of_squares size==0 ? 0 : inject(0){|sum,x|sum+(x*x)} end # Calculate the variance of a list of numbers. # # Example: # # [3, 1, 4].variance => 1.555 # def variance size==0 ? nil : ( m=mean and sum_of_squares.to_f/size - m*m ) end # Calculate the deviation of a list of numbers. # # Example: # # [3, 1, 4].deviation => 1.247 # def deviation size==0 ? nil : Math::sqrt(variance) end end