require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' describe Frank::TemplateHelpers do include Rack::Test::Methods def app Frank.bootstrap(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'template')) require File.join(Frank.root, 'helpers') do set :environment, :test end end before(:all) do @app = app end it 'render haml and use hello_helper' do template = @app.render('helper_test.haml') template.should == "<div id='p'>/helper_test</div>\n<div id='layout'>\n <h1>hello from helper</h1>\n</div>\n" end it 'sets an instance variable, which the layout should render correctly' do template = @app.render('setting_in_layout.haml') template.should == "<div id='title'>BLAH!</div>\n<div id='p'>/setting_in_layout</div>\n<div id='layout'>\n <h1>hello</h1>\n</div>\n" end it 'should render the refresh javascript' do template = @app.render('refresh.haml') template.should include("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n (function(){") end context 'Lorem' do it 'render haml with 3 random lorem words' do template = @app.render('lorem_test.haml') reg = /<p class='words'>(?:\w+\s?){3}<\/p>/ template.should =~ reg end it 'render haml with 2 random lorem sentences' do template = @app.render('lorem_test.haml') reg = /<p class='sentences'>(?:[^.]+.){2}<\/p>/ template.should =~ reg end it 'render haml with 1 random lorem paragraph' do template = @app.render('lorem_test.haml') reg = /<p class='paragraphs'>(?:[^\n]+(?:\n\n)?){1}<\/p>/m template.should =~ reg end it 'render haml with lorem name' do template = @app.render('lorem_test.haml') reg = /<p class='name'>[\w']+\s[\w']+<\/p>/m template.should =~ reg end it 'render haml with lorem email' do template = @app.render('lorem_test.haml') reg = /<p class='email'>[\w-]+@\w+\.\w+<\/p>/m template.should =~ reg end it 'render haml with lorem date' do template = @app.render('lorem_test.haml') reg = /<p class='date'>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}<\/p>/m template.should =~ reg end it 'render image url using imager' do template = @app.render('lorem_test.haml') reg1 = /<img src='http:\/\/placehold\.it\/400x300\/[a-z0-9]{6}\/[a-z0-9]{6}' \/>/ reg2 = /<img src='http:\/\/placehold\.it\/400x300\/444\/eee' \/>/ reg3 = /<img src='http:\/\/placehold\.it\/400x300\/ccc\/aaa' \/>/ reg4 = /<img src='http:\/\/placehold\.it\/400x300\/444(&|&)text=blah' \/>/ template.should =~ reg1 template.should =~ reg2 template.should =~ reg3 template.should =~ reg4 end end end