; Hello World for Vectrex computer with 6809 CPU ; by Frog ( http://frog.enlight.ru ) ; 24 March 2016 ;*************************************************************************** org 0 ; this header required to identify ROM by Vectrex hardware (only year allowed to change) db "g GCE 2016", $80 ; 'g' is copyright sign dw $F600 ; music from the rom (no music) db $FC, $30, 33, -$2a ; height, width, rel y, rel x for app title db "HELLO WORLD", $80 ; app title, ending with $80 db 0 ; end of header ; main loop (required to redraw vectors on CRT screen) loop: ; recalibrate CRT, reset beam to 0,0 (center of the screen) jsr $f192 ; Wait_Recal subroutine in ROM ldu #helloworld ; string address lda #10 ; Y ldb #-45 ; X jsr $f37a ; Print_Str_d subroutine in ROM bra loop ; Text data ($80 - end of line) helloworld: db 'HELLO WORLD!',$80