require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper')) describe HTTParty::Request do def stub_response(body, code = 200) unless @http @http ='localhost', 80) @request.stub!(:http).and_return(@http) @request.stub!(:uri).and_return(URI.parse("")) end response = Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ[code.to_s].new("1.1", code, body) response.stub!(:body).and_return(body) @http.stub!(:request).and_return(response) response end before do @request =, '', :format => :xml) end describe "uri" do it "should not add ? to the end of the request if there are no params" do @request.uri.request_uri.should == "/v1" end end describe "#format" do it "should return the correct parsing format" do @request.format.should == :xml end end describe 'http' do it "should use ssl for port 443" do request =, '') request.send(:http).use_ssl?.should == true end it 'should not use ssl for port 80' do request =, '') request.send(:http).use_ssl?.should == false end it "should use ssl for https scheme" do request =, '') request.send(:http).use_ssl?.should == true end it "should use basic auth when configured" do @request.options[:basic_auth] = {:username => 'foobar', :password => 'secret'} @request.send(:setup_raw_request) @request.instance_variable_get(:@raw_request)['authorization'].should_not be_nil end context "when setting timeout" do it "does nothing if the timeout option is a string" do http = mock("http", :null_object => true) http.should_not_receive(:open_timeout=) http.should_not_receive(:read_timeout=) Net::HTTP.stub(:new => http) request =, '', {:timeout => "five seconds"}) request.send(:http) end it "sets the timeout to 5 seconds" do @request.options[:timeout] = 5 @request.send(:http).open_timeout.should == 5 @request.send(:http).read_timeout.should == 5 end end end describe '#format_from_mimetype' do it 'should handle text/xml' do ["text/xml", "text/xml; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| @request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct).should == :xml end end it 'should handle application/xml' do ["application/xml", "application/xml; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| @request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct).should == :xml end end it 'should handle text/json' do ["text/json", "text/json; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| @request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct).should == :json end end it 'should handle application/json' do ["application/json", "application/json; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| @request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct).should == :json end end it 'should handle text/javascript' do ["text/javascript", "text/javascript; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| @request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct).should == :json end end it 'should handle application/javascript' do ["application/javascript", "application/javascript; charset=iso8859-1"].each do |ct| @request.send(:format_from_mimetype, ct).should == :json end end end describe 'parsing responses' do it 'should handle xml automatically' do xml = %q[1234Foo Bar!] @request.options[:format] = :xml @request.send(:parse_response, xml).should == {'books' => {'book' => {'id' => '1234', 'name' => 'Foo Bar!'}}} end it 'should handle json automatically' do json = %q[{"books": {"book": {"name": "Foo Bar!", "id": "1234"}}}] @request.options[:format] = :json @request.send(:parse_response, json).should == {'books' => {'book' => {'id' => '1234', 'name' => 'Foo Bar!'}}} end it 'should handle yaml automatically' do yaml = "books: \n book: \n name: Foo Bar!\n id: \"1234\"\n" @request.options[:format] = :yaml @request.send(:parse_response, yaml).should == {'books' => {'book' => {'id' => '1234', 'name' => 'Foo Bar!'}}} end it "should include any HTTP headers in the returned response" do @request.options[:format] = :html response = stub_response "Content" response.initialize_http_header("key" => "value") @request.perform.headers.should == { "key" => ["value"] } end describe 'with non-200 responses' do it 'should return a valid object for 4xx response' do stub_response 'yes', 401 resp = @request.perform resp.code.should == 401 resp.body.should == "yes" resp['foo']['bar'].should == "yes" end it 'should return a valid object for 5xx response' do stub_response 'error', 500 resp = @request.perform resp.code.should == 500 resp.body.should == "error" resp['foo']['bar'].should == "error" end end end it "should not attempt to parse empty responses" do stub_response "", 204 @request.options[:format] = :xml @request.perform.should be_nil end it "should not fail for missing mime type" do stub_response "Content for you" @request.options[:format] = :html @request.perform.should == 'Content for you' end describe "a request that redirects" do before(:each) do @redirect = stub_response("", 302) @redirect['location'] = '/foo' @ok = stub_response('bar', 200) end describe "once" do before(:each) do @http.stub!(:request).and_return(@redirect, @ok) end it "should be handled by GET transparently" do @request.perform.should == {"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}} end it "should be handled by POST transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Post @request.perform.should == {"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}} end it "should be handled by DELETE transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete @request.perform.should == {"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}} end it "should be handled by PUT transparently" do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Put @request.perform.should == {"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}} end it "should keep track of cookies between redirects" do @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=bar; name=value; HTTPOnly' @request.perform @request.options[:headers]['Cookie'].should match(/foo=bar/) @request.options[:headers]['Cookie'].should match(/name=value/) end it 'should update cookies with rediects' do @request.options[:headers] = {'Cookie'=> 'foo=bar;'} @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=tar;' @request.perform @request.options[:headers]['Cookie'].should match(/foo=tar/) end it 'should keep cookies between rediects' do @request.options[:headers] = {'Cookie'=> 'keep=me'} @redirect['Set-Cookie'] = 'foo=tar;' @request.perform @request.options[:headers]['Cookie'].should match(/keep=me/) end it 'should make resulting request a get request if it not already' do @request.http_method = Net::HTTP::Delete @request.perform.should == {"hash" => {"foo" => "bar"}} @request.http_method.should == Net::HTTP::Get end end describe "infinitely" do before(:each) do @http.stub!(:request).and_return(@redirect) end it "should raise an exception" do lambda { @request.perform }.should raise_error(HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep) end end end end describe HTTParty::Request, "with POST http method" do it "should raise argument error if query is not a hash" do lambda {, '', :format => :xml, :query => 'astring').perform }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end