--- layout: docs title: Troubleshooting prev_section: contributing next_section: sites permalink: /docs/troubleshooting/ --- If you ever run into problems installing or using Jekyll, here’s a few tips that might be of help. If the problem you’re experiencing isn’t covered below, please [report an issue](https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/issues/new) so the Jekyll community can make everyone’s experience better. ## Installation Problems If you encounter errors during gem installation, you may need to install the header files for compiling extension modules for ruby 1.9.1. This can be done on Ubuntu or Debian by running: {% highlight bash %} sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev {% endhighlight %} On Red Hat, CentOS, and Fedora systems you can do this by running: {% highlight bash %} sudo yum install ruby-devel {% endhighlight %} On [NearlyFreeSpeech](http://nearlyfreespeech.net/) you need to run the command with the following environment variable: {% highlight bash %} RB_USER_INSTALL=true gem install jekyll {% endhighlight %} On OSX, you may need to update RubyGems: {% highlight bash %} sudo gem update --system {% endhighlight %} To install RubyGems on Gentoo: {% highlight bash %} sudo emerge -av dev-ruby/rubygems {% endhighlight %} On Windows, you may need to install [RubyInstaller DevKit](http://wiki.github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/development-kit). ## Problems running Jekyll On Debian or Ubuntu, you may need to add /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ to your path in order to have the `jekyll` executable be available in your Terminal. ## Base-URL Problems If you are using base-url option like: {% highlight bash %} jekyll serve --baseurl '/blog' {% endhighlight %} … then make sure that you access the site at: {% highlight bash %} http://localhost:4000/blog/index.html {% endhighlight %} It won’t work to just access: {% highlight bash %} http://localhost:4000/blog {% endhighlight %} ## Configuration problems The order of precedence for conflicting [configuration settings](../configuration) is as follows: 1. Command-line flags 2. Configuration file settings 3. Defaults That is: defaults are overridden by options specified in `_config.yml`, and flags specified at the command-line will override all other settings specified elsewhere. ## Markup Problems The various markup engines that Jekyll uses may have some issues. This page will document them to help others who may run into the same problems. ### Maruku If your link has characters that need to be escaped, you need to use this syntax: {% highlight text %} ![Alt text](http://yuml.me/diagram/class/[Project]->[Task]) {% endhighlight %} If you have an empty tag, i.e. ``, Maruku transforms this into `