// Returns a freshly prepared slices.Uploader instance. // // new slices.Uploader({ // button : '#my-button', // drop : '#my-drop-target', // params : {} // }); // 'use strict'; slices.Uploader = function(options) { this.options = $.extend({}, this.options, options); this.initialize(); } $.extend(slices.Uploader.prototype, Backbone.Events, { // Default options options: { url: '/admin/assets.json' }, initialize: function() { this.files = []; this.button = $(this.options.button); this.input = this.createInput(); this.drop = $(this.options.drop); this.configureCSRF(); this.observeEvents(); }, configureCSRF: function() { var csrfParam = $('meta[name="csrf-param"]').attr('content'), csrfToken = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'); this.options.params = this.options.params || {}; this.options.params[csrfParam] = csrfToken; }, createInput: function() { return $('', { type : 'file', multiple : 'multiple', style : 'position: absolute; visibility: hidden' }); }, observeEvents: function() { var self = this; this.input.on('change', function(e) { self.onInputChange(e) }); this.button.on('click', function(e) { self.onButtonClick(e) }); this.drop.on('dragenter', false); this.drop.on('dragover', false); this.drop.on('drop', function(e) { self.onDrop(e) }); }, onInputChange: function(event) { this.addFiles(this.input.prop('files')); this.input.val(''); }, onButtonClick: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.input.click(); }, onDrop: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.addFiles(event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files); }, addFiles: function(fileList) { var self = this; _(fileList).each(function(browserFile) { var file = new slices.fileClass({ uploader : this, uploadOptions : this.uploadOptions(), browserFile : browserFile }); self.files.push(file); }, this); this.trigger('filesAdded', { uploader: this, files: this.files }); }, uploadOptions: function() { return { url: this.options.url, params: this.options.params }; }, start: function() { // Only start uploading if there are files to upload... // and there is not a current file if (this.files.length == 0 || this.file != undefined) { return false; } // Take the first file from the list and start the upload this.file = this.files.shift(); this.file.start(); }, onprogress: function(event) { this.trigger('fileProgress', event); }, onload: function(event) { this.trigger('fileUploaded', event); this.file = undefined; this.start(); }, onfail: function(event) { this.trigger('fileError', event); this.file = undefined; this.start(); }, toString: function() { return 'slices.Uploader'; } });