Elements of a Notification Message

Notification messages sent with either the REST or SOAP transports contain the following elements:

How You Know Amazon Mechanical Turk Sent the Message

Similar to how you include a Signature parameter with your requests to the Amazon Mechanical Turk Requester service that proves it is you, and not somebody else, sending the request, Amazon Mechanical Turk includes a Signature with each notification message. The signature value is calculated in the same way: Amazon Mechanical Turk produces a string by concatenating several values from the notification message, then calculates a Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication code (HMAC) with the SHA-1 hashing method using a key known only to your application and Amazon Mechanical Turk: your AWS Secret Access Key.

To verify the signature in a notification message:

  1. Produce a string by concatenating the following values:

    • the string "AWSMechanicalTurkRequesterNotification" (the "service" name)

    • the string "Notify" (the "operation" name)

    • the value of the Timestamp parameter included in the notification message

  2. Calculate an RFC 2104-compliant HMAC, using your AWS Secret Access Key as the key. This is the same method you use to sign your requests to Amazon Mechanical Turk, and could be performed using similar code.

  3. Base64 encode the HMAC value. (This is also similar to request signing.)

  4. Compare the result to the Signature value included in the notification message. A matching value indicates the notification message is genuine.

For more information about the method used to produce signature values, see MakingRequests_RequestAuthenticationArticle.

The Notification API Version

Similar to how a REST request sent to the Amazon Mechanical Turk Requester service must include a Version parameter to indicate which version of the service API the client is expecting to use, a notification message also contains a Version parameter. This version string will be identical to the version included in the notification specification for the HIT type.

For notifications sent over the SOAP transport, the version will be in the message header as part of the WSDL URL. See The SOAP Transport for more information.


Your application may need to accommodate receiving notification messages of different versions at the same time if you want to upgrade your notification specifications to a new version without missing messages. You can avoid having to accommodate multiple API versions by first disabling the notification specifications that use the old version, upgrading your application to use the new version, then updating the notification specifications to use the new version and re-enable notifications.

When a new version of the notification API is made available, all existing notification specifications will continue to use the API versions they were using previously. You must update your notification specifications to use a new version of the API.


A notification message describes one or more events that happened in regards to a HIT type. Each event includes:

  • the event type (EventType), a value corresponding to the EventType value in the notification specification data structure

  • the time of the event (EventTime), as a dateTime in the Coordinated Universal Time time zone, such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z

  • the HIT type ID for the event (HITTypeId)

  • the HIT ID for the event (HITId)

  • the assignment ID for the event, if applicable (AssignmentId)

Multiple events may be batched into a single notification message.

Amazon Mechanical Turk may send a "Ping" event to your notification receptor at any time. "Ping" events are for diagnostic purposes, and do not correspond to HIT activity.