# requirements: # Check kvm installed # check kvm fullvirt available # check if qemu-img is installed # check distribution supported # if ARGV[0] == 'instant-deploy' ARGV.shift # # HTTPDownloader code based on code from http://www.vagrantup.com # require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'open-uri' require 'uri' require 'fileutils' class HTTPDownloader def self.match?(uri) # URI.parse barfs on ':\\files \on\ windows' extracted = URI.extract(uri).first extracted && extracted.include?(uri) end def report_progress(progress, total, show_parts=true) line_reset = "\r\e[0K" percent = (progress.to_f / total.to_f) * 100 line = "Progress: #{percent.to_i}%" line << " (#{progress} / #{total})" if show_parts line = "#{line_reset}#{line}" $stdout.sync = true $stdout.print line end def download!(source_url, destination_file) proxy_uri = URI.parse(ENV["http_proxy"] || "") uri = URI.parse(source_url) http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port, proxy_uri.host, proxy_uri.port, proxy_uri.user, proxy_uri.password) if uri.scheme == "https" http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end http.start do |h| h.request_get(uri.request_uri) do |response| total = response.content_length progress = 0 segment_count = 0 response.read_body do |segment| # Report the progress out progress += segment.length segment_count += 1 # Progress reporting is limited to every 25 segments just so # we're not constantly updating if segment_count % 25 == 0 report_progress(progress, total) segment_count = 0 end # Store the segment destination_file.write(segment) end end end rescue SocketError raise Errors::DownloaderHTTPSocketError.new end end class InstantDeployCLI include Mixlib::CLI option :iso_url, :long => '--iso-url URL', :description => 'Abiquo ISO URL' option :help, :short => "-h", :long => "--help", :description => ".\n\n", :on => :tail, :boolean => true, :show_options => true, :exit => 0 end def preflight_check # # Check if this is Ubuntu # if not File.exists? '/etc/lsb-release' $stderr.puts "\nYou are not running Ubuntu. Other distributions are not supported.\n\n" exit end if not (File.read('/etc/lsb-release') =~ /DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu/) $stderr.puts "\nYou are not running Ubuntu. Other distributions are not supported\n\n" exit end # # Check if KVM installed # if `which /usr/bin/kvm`.strip.chomp.empty? $stderr.puts "\nKVM not found. Install it first:\n\n" $stderr.puts "sudo apt-get install kvm\n\n" exit end # # Check if qemu-img installed # if `which /usr/bin/qemu-img`.strip.chomp.empty? $stderr.puts "\nqemu-img not found. Install it first:\n\n" $stderr.puts "sudo apt-get install kvm\n\n" exit end end def install_iso(params = {}) target_dir = params[:target_dir] || "abiquo-instant-deploy-#{Time.now.strftime "%s"}" disk_file = params[:disk_file] || "#{target_dir}/abiquo.qcow2" iso_url = params[:iso_url] # Create target directory begin FileUtils.mkdir(target_dir) rescue Exception $stderr.puts "\nError creating directory #{target_dir}. Aborting.\n\n" exit 1 end # Create qemu img if File.exist? disk_file raise Exception.new("Image #{disk_file} already exists") end `/usr/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 #{disk_file} 20GB` # Download the iso downloader = HTTPDownloader.new puts "Downloading Abiquo ISO..." begin downloader.download! iso_url, File.new(target_dir + '/instant-deploy.iso', 'w') rescue Exception $stderr.puts "Error downloading Abiquo ISO. Aborting." exit end puts "\nBooting the Installer...\n\n" # Boot puts "\nAfter the install process, open the browser and type:\n" puts "\nhttp://\n\n" puts "To open the Abiquo Web Console." `kvm -m 1024 -drive file=#{disk_file},if=scsi,boot=on -net user,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp: -net nic -cdrom #{target_dir}/instant-deploy.iso -boot once=d > /dev/null 2>&1 ` end target_dir = "abiquo-instant-deploy-#{Time.now.strftime "%s"}" trap("INT") { puts "\n\nCleaning Environment..."; exit } preflight_check cli = InstantDeployCLI.new cli.parse_options url = cli.config[:iso_url] if url.nil? $stderr.puts "\n--iso-url argument is mandatory.\n\n" puts cli.opt_parser.help exit end puts "\n" print "Abiquo Instant Deploy: ".bold puts "One Command Cloud Builder\n\n" puts "Building the cloud into #{target_dir.bold} directory..." install_iso(:target_dir => target_dir, :iso_url => url) end