module Medea class JasonDeferredQuery require 'rest_client' attr_accessor :time_limit, :result_format, :type, :result_format, :time_limit, :state, :contents, :filters def initialize a_class, format=:json @type = a_class @filters = {:FILTER => {:HTTP_X_CLASS =>}} @result_format = format @time_limit = 0 @state = :prefetch @contents = [] end #Here we're going to put the "query" interface #here we will capture: #members_of(object) (where object is an instance of a class that this class can be a member of) #members_of_<classname>(key) #find_by_<property>(value) #Will return a JasonDeferredQuery for this class with the appropriate data filter set def method_missing(name, *args, &block) #if we are postfetch, we throw away all our cached results if self.state == :postfetch self.state = :prefetch self.contents = [] end if name =~ /^members_of$/ #use the type and key of the first arg (being a JasonObject) #args[0] must be a JasonObject (or child) raise ArgumentError, "When looking for members, you must pass a JasonObject" unless args[0].is_a? JasonObject self.filters[:DATA_FILTER] ||= {} self.filters[:DATA_FILTER]["__member_of"] ||= [] self.filters[:DATA_FILTER]["__member_of"] << args[0].jason_key elsif name =~ /^find_by_(.*)$/ #use the property name from the name variable, and the value from the first arg add_data_filter $1, args[0].to_s else #no method! super return end #return self, so that we can chain up query refinements self end #end query interface def add_data_filter property, value self.filters[:DATA_FILTER] ||= {} self.filters[:DATA_FILTER][property] = value end def to_url url = "#{JasonDB::db_auth_url}@#{self.time_limit}.#{self.result_format}?" filter_array = [] self.filters.each do |name, val| if not val filter_array << name.to_s next else #FILTER's value is a hash (to avoid dupes) #DATA_FILTER's value is a hash if val.is_a? Hash #for each k/v in the hash, we want to add an entry to filter_array val.each do |field ,value| if value.is_a? Array value.each do |i| filter_array << "#{name.to_s}=#{field}:#{i}" end else filter_array << "#{name.to_s}=#{field.to_s}:#{value.to_s}" end end end end end url + filter_array.join("&") end #array access interface def [](index) execute_query unless self.state == :postfetch self.contents[index] end def each(&block) execute_query unless self.state == :postfetch self.contents.each &block end def count execute_query unless self.state == :postfetch self.contents.count end #end array interface def execute_query #hit the URL #fill self.contents with :ghost versions of JasonObjects begin #puts " = Executing #{} deferred query! (#{to_url})" result = JSON.parse(RestClient.get to_url) #results are in a hash, their keys are just numbers result.keys.each do |k| if k =~ /^[0-9]+$/ #this is a result! get the key /\/([^\/]*)\/([^\/]*)$/.match result[k]["POST_TO"] #$1 is the class name, $2 is the key item =$2, :lazy) self.contents << item end end rescue self.contents = [] ensure self.state = :postfetch end end end end