#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'regexp-examples' require 'rcmd' =begin rdoc # This program is for executing a command on multiple nodes at the same time and accepts the following arguments. # # * -u, --username | Username for the connections # * -n, --nodes | comma seperated list of nodes. '-' to use piped list # * -t, --threads | Number of threads to run # * -c, --command | Command to be executed # * -q, --quiet | Boolean flag for suppressing stdout of executed commands # * -v, --version | Print version string and exit =end # Set default options options = { :threads => 4, :nodes => nil, :environment => nil, :user => 'root', :password => false, :command => nil, :quiet => false, :version => false, :debug => false, :expression => nil, :database => false, :config => false, :type => nil, :host => nil, :os => nil , :timeout => 2, :hosts_file => File.expand_path('~/.ssh/known_hosts'), :keys_only => false } host_list = [] # Setup options opts = OptionParser.new #:nodoc: opts.on('-u username', '--username username', String, "Username for SSH connections") { |v| options[:user] = v } opts.on('-n nodes', '--nodes x,y,z', Array, "Comma seperated list of nodes. use '-' for a space seperated list piped from another command") { |v| options[:nodes] = v } opts.on('-r regex', '--regexp regex', Regexp, "Use Regex to build host list (ruby regexp)") { |v| options[:expression] = v} opts.on('-t threads', '--threads threads', Integer, "Number of threads to run") { |v| options[:threads] = v } opts.on('-c ', '--command ', String, "Quoted string containing the command to be run") { |v| options[:command] = v } opts.on('-q', '--quiet', "Suppress stdout of commands. stderr will still be displayed") { |v| options[:quiet] = v } opts.on('-v', '--version', "Print what version of the command is in use") { |v| options[:version] = v} opts.on('-D', '--debug', "Print debug information") { |v| options[:debug] = v } opts.on('--timeout Seconds', Integer, "Number of seconds to wait before timeing out the session") { |v| options[:timeout] = v } opts.on('--hosts-file FILE', String, "Filename to use as the SSH hosts file (known_hosts)") { |v| options[:hosts_file] = File.file?(File.expand_path(v)) ? File.expand_path(v) : File.expand_path('~/.ssh/known_hosts') } opts.on('--keys_only', "Use only ssh keys for authentication. (No Passwords)") { |v| options[:keys_only] = v } opts.separator " " opts.separator "Database Options" opts.on('-C', '--create-config', "Create template dbconfig file in ~/.rcmd") { |v| options[:config] = v} opts.on('-T server-type ', '--type server-type', "Database query on server type") { |v| options[:type] = v} opts.on('-H hostname-pattern', '--host hostname-pattern', "Database query on hostname (sql like query)") { |v| options[:host] = v} opts.on('-O operating-system', '--os operating-system', "Database query on Operating System string") { |v| options[:os] = v} # Process options begin opts.parse!(ARGV) # need a smarter way then this ugly hack unless options[:version] or options[:expression] or options[:config] or options[:type] or options[:host] or options[:os] mandatory = [:command, :nodes] missing = mandatory.select{ |param| options[param].nil? } raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, missing.join(', ') unless missing.empty? end rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e $stderr.puts e $stderr.puts opts exit end # Process Regex for node list generation if options[:expression] options[:nodes] = Regexp.new(options[:expression]).examples(max_group_results: 500) end if options[:config] Rcmd::DB.create_config puts "Configuration file created. Please adjust accordingly" exit end # Process database options if options[:host] begin Rcmd::DB.db_connect options[:nodes] = Rcmd::DB.query_by_hostname(options[:host]) rescue e puts "Error:: #{e}" exit ensure Rcmd::DB.connection.disconnect! end elsif options[:type] begin Rcmd::DB.db_connect options[:nodes] = Rcmd::DB.query_by_type(options[:type]) rescue e puts "Error:: #{e}" exit ensure Rcmd::DB.connection.disconnect! end elsif options[:os] begin Rcmd::DB.db_connect options[:nodes] = Rcmd::DB.query_by_os(options[:os]) rescue e puts "Error:: #{e}" exit ensure Rcmd::DB.connection.disconnect! end end # Print version and exit if version option chosen if options[:version] $stdout.puts "Version: #{Rcmd::VERSION}" exit end # Populate the host list if options[:nodes][0] == '-' ARGF.read.split().each do |h| host_list << h end else host_list = options[:nodes] end # abort if host_list is empty abort("No hosts to run command on") if host_list.nil? # Set needed variables Rcmd.host_list= host_list Rcmd.nthreads= options[:threads] Rcmd.user= options[:user] Rcmd.quiet= options[:quiet] Rcmd.command= options[:command] Rcmd.debug= options[:debug] Rcmd.timeout = options[:timeout] Rcmd.keys_only = options[:keys_only] Rcmd.hosts_file = options[:host_file] # Execute command on provided hosts Rcmd.run_command