module NightcrawlerSwift class Connection def self.connected_attr_reader(*args) args.each do |arg| define_method(arg.to_sym) do connect! unless connected? instance_variable_get("@#{arg}") end end end private_class_method :connected_attr_reader attr_writer :auth_response attr_reader :token_id, :expires_at connected_attr_reader :catalog, :admin_url, :upload_url, :public_url, :internal_url def auth_response @auth_response ||= nil authenticate! if @auth_response.nil? @auth_response end def connect! authenticate! configure NightcrawlerSwift.logger.debug "[NightcrawlerSwift] Connected, token_id: #{token_id}" self end def connected? !self.token_id.nil? and self.expires_at > end def configure select_token select_catalog select_endpoints configure_urls end private def opts NightcrawlerSwift.options end def authenticate! url = opts.auth_url headers = {content_type: :json, accept: :json} response = {|r|, headers)} @auth_response = response.headers, body: JSON.parse(response.body)) rescue StandardError => e raise end def auth_options { auth: { identity: { methods: [ "password" ], password: { user: { domain: { id: "default" }, name: opts.username, password: opts.password } } }, scope: { project: { domain: { id: "default" }, name: opts.tenant_name } } } } end def select_token @token_id = auth_response.headers[:x_subject_token] @expires_at = auth_response.body["token"]["expires_at"] @expires_at = DateTime.parse(@expires_at).to_time end def select_catalog catalogs = auth_response["body"]["token"]["catalog"] @catalog = catalogs.find {|catalog| catalog["type"] == "object-store"} end def select_endpoints raise "No catalog of type 'object-store' found" if @catalog.nil? @endpoints = @catalog["endpoints"] end def configure_urls @admin_url = opts.admin_url || @endpoints.find {|e| e["interface"] == "admin"}["url"] @public_url = opts.public_url || @endpoints.find {|e| e["interface"] == "public"}["url"] @internal_url = opts.internal_url || @endpoints.find {|e| e["interface"] == "internal"}["url"] @upload_url = "#{@admin_url}/#{opts.bucket}" end end end