# encoding: utf-8 require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' Bundler.setup(:default, :development) require 'test/unit' require 'shoulda' require 'rack/test' require 'hpricot' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'serious' class Test::Unit::TestCase include Rack::Test::Methods Serious.set :title, "Serious Test Blog" Serious.set :articles, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'articles') Serious.set :pages, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'pages') Serious.set :author, "TheDeadSerious" Serious.set :url, 'http://example.com' StupidFormatter.chain = [StupidFormatter::Erb, StupidFormatter::RDiscount] def app Serious end def self.should_contain_elements(count, selector) should "contain #{count} elements in '#{selector}'" do doc = Hpricot.parse(last_response.body) assert_equal count, (doc/selector).size end end def self.should_respond_with(status) should "respond with #{status}" do assert_equal status, last_response.status end end def self.should_contain_text(text, selector) should "contain '#{text}' in '#{selector}'" do doc = Hpricot.parse(last_response.body) assert_match(/#{text}/, (doc/selector).inner_html.force_utf8) end end def self.should_not_contain_text(text, selector) should "not contain '#{text}' in '#{selector}'" do doc = Hpricot.parse(last_response.body) assert_no_match(/#{text}/, (doc/selector).inner_html.force_utf8) end end def self.should_contain_attribute(attribute, text, selector) should "contain '#{text}' in '#{selector}' #{attribute}" do doc = Hpricot.parse(last_response.body) assert_equal text, (doc/selector).first[attribute] end end def self.should_set_cache_control_to(seconds) should "set Cache-Control header with timeout of #{seconds} seconds" do assert_equal "public, max-age=#{Serious.cache_timeout}", last_response.headers['Cache-Control'] end end def self.should_slugize(input, expectation) should "return '#{expectation}' for '#{input}'.slugize" do assert_equal expectation, input.slugize end end def self.should_have_file(name, content=nil) should "have file #{name}" do assert File.exist?(name), "#{name} does not exist" end if content and not block_given? should "have content in file #{name} match /#{content}/" do assert_match(/#{content}/, File.read(name)) end end yield(File.read(name)) if block_given? and File.exist?(name) end def self.should_have_dir(name) should "have directory #{name}" do assert File.directory?(name), "#{name} is not a directory" end end def self.should_not_have_path(name) should "not have directory #{name}" do assert !File.exist?(name), "#{name} exists!" end end def self.should_contain(expect, item) should "contain #{expect}" do assert_match(/#{expect}/, item) end end def self.should_not_contain(expect, item) should "not contain #{expect}" do assert_no_match(/#{expect}/, item) end end def self.when_running_serious_with(site_name, arguments="", cache=true) context("when running serious #{site_name} #{arguments}") do setup { assert @output = serious(site_name, arguments, cache) } yield end end def self.should_print(expect) should("print #{expect}") do assert_match(/#{expect}/, @output) end end def self.should_have_git_commit(folder, commit_message) should "match git log with 'Initial commit'" do Dir.chdir(folder) assert_match(/#{commit_message}/, `git log`) Dir.chdir('..') end end end