[ { "file": "spec/_templates/methods/method_events.coffee", "methods": [], "variables": [] }, { "file": "spec/_templates/methods/method_events.coffee", "name": "Example.Events", "methods": [ { "file": "spec/_templates/methods/method_events.coffee", "name": "emit", "bound": false, "documentation": { "comment": "This is a generic Events emit method.\n\nThis should be more description for the method itself, and events\nshouldn't have messed it up.", "summary": "This is a generic Events emit method.", "events": [ { "name": "theBasic.One", "documentation": { "comment": "", "summary": "" } }, { "name": "theWeirdOne", "documentation": { "comment": "Omg this event is so weird o_O", "summary": "Omg this event is so weird o_O" } }, { "name": "theComplicatedOne", "documentation": { "params": [ { "type": "String", "name": "the", "description": "incredible string" } ], "comment": "This is the complicated event yo", "summary": "This is the complicated event yo" } } ] }, "kind": "dynamic", "parameters": [ { "name": "args", "splat": true } ] } ], "variables": [], "properties": [], "includes": [], "extends": [], "concerns": [] }, { "file": "spec/_templates/methods/method_events.coffee", "name": "emit", "bound": false, "documentation": { "comment": "This is a generic Events emit method.\n\nThis should be more description for the method itself, and events\nshouldn't have messed it up.", "summary": "This is a generic Events emit method.", "events": [ { "name": "theBasic.One", "documentation": { "comment": "", "summary": "" } }, { "name": "theWeirdOne", "documentation": { "comment": "Omg this event is so weird o_O", "summary": "Omg this event is so weird o_O" } }, { "name": "theComplicatedOne", "documentation": { "params": [ { "type": "String", "name": "the", "description": "incredible string" } ], "comment": "This is the complicated event yo", "summary": "This is the complicated event yo" } } ] }, "kind": "dynamic", "parameters": [ { "name": "args", "splat": true } ] } ]