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" end end Note: The default is a comma and a space (", ") ### Link The link configuration option takes 2 parameters. The first is a key that is a method_name available in the class including `ModsDisplay::ControllerExtension` and the 2nd is options to pass to that method. This method must return a string that will be used as the href attribute of the link. (NOTE: If you have the %value% token in your options that will be replaced with the value of the field being linked) class MyController include ModsDisplay::ControllerExtension configure_mods_display do format do link :format_path, '"%value%"' end end def format_path(format) "http://example.com/?f[format_field][]=#{format}" end end ### Special Subject Configuration Depending on the implementation of subjects there may be different ways you would want to link them. The standard way of linking will just create a link passing the value to the href and the link text. However; in certain cases the subjects should be linked so that each subject to the right of a delimiter should have the values of all its preceding values in the href. [Country](http://example.com/?"Country") > [State](http://example.com/?"Country State") > [City](http://example.com/?"Country State City") This can be accomplished by setting the hierarchical_link configuration option to true for subjects configure_mods_display do subject do hierarchical_link true end end NOTE: The default delimiter is set to > for subjects. ## Usage Once installed, the class that included the `ControllerExtension` (`MyController`) will have the `render_mods_display` method available. This method takes one argument which is an instance of the class that included the `ModelExtension` (`MyClass`). render_mods_display(@model) # where @model.is_a?(MyClass) ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request