module ActsAsPurchasable extend ActiveSupport::Concern mattr_accessor :descendants module ActiveRecord def acts_as_purchasable(*options) @acts_as_purchasable = options || [] instance = new() raise 'must respond_to price' unless instance.respond_to?(:price) raise 'must respond_to purchased_order_id' unless instance.respond_to?(:purchased_order_id) if defined?(EffectiveQbSync) raise 'must respond to qb_item_name' unless instance.respond_to?(:qb_item_name) end include ::ActsAsPurchasable end end included do belongs_to :purchased_order, class_name: 'Effective::Order' # Set when purchased has_many :cart_items, as: :purchasable, dependent: :delete_all, class_name: 'Effective::CartItem' has_many :order_items, as: :purchasable, class_name: 'Effective::OrderItem' has_many :orders, -> { order(:id) }, through: :order_items, class_name: 'Effective::Order' has_many :purchased_orders, -> { where(state: EffectiveOrders::PURCHASED).order(:purchased_at) }, through: :order_items, class_name: 'Effective::Order', source: :order # Database max integer value is 2147483647. So let's round that down and use a max/min of $20 million (2000000000) validates :price, presence: true, numericality: { less_than_or_equal_to: 2000000000, message: 'maximum price is $20,000,000' } validates :tax_exempt, inclusion: { in: [true, false] } with_options(if: -> { quantity_enabled? }) do validates :quantity_purchased, numericality: { allow_nil: true } validates :quantity_max, numericality: { allow_nil: true } validates_with Effective::SoldOutValidator, on: :create end scope :purchased, -> { where.not(purchased_order_id: nil) } scope :not_purchased, -> { where(purchased_order_id: nil) } # scope :purchased, -> { joins(order_items: :order).where(orders: {state: EffectiveOrders::PURCHASED}).distinct } # scope :not_purchased, -> { where('id NOT IN (?)', purchased.pluck(:id).presence || [0]) } scope :purchased_by, lambda { |user| joins(order_items: :order).where(orders: { user_id: user.try(:id), state: EffectiveOrders::PURCHASED }).distinct } scope :not_purchased_by, lambda { |user| where('id NOT IN (?)', purchased_by(user).pluck(:id).presence || [0]) } end module ClassMethods def before_purchase(&block) send :define_method, :before_purchase do |order, order_item| self.instance_exec(order, order_item, &block) end end def after_purchase(&block) send :define_method, :after_purchase do |order, order_item| self.instance_exec(order, order_item, &block) end end def after_decline(&block) send :define_method, :after_decline do |order, order_item| self.instance_exec(order, order_item, &block) end end end # Regular instance methods # If I have a column type of Integer, and I'm passed a non-Integer, convert it here def price=(value) if value.kind_of?(Integer) super elsif value.kind_of?(String) && !value.include?('.') # Looks like an integer super else raise 'expected price to be an Integer representing the number of cents.' end end def title self[:title] || to_s end def tax_exempt self[:tax_exempt] || false end def purchased? purchased_order_id.present? end def purchased_at purchased_order.try(:purchased_at) end def purchased_by?(user) purchased_orders.any? { |order| order.user_id == } end def purchased_download_url # Override me if this is a digital purchase. false end def quantity_enabled? false end def quantity_remaining quantity_max - quantity_purchased if quantity_enabled? end def sold_out? quantity_enabled? ? (quantity_remaining <= 0) : false end end