var $runtime = "dhtml";
var $dhtml = true;
var $as3 = false;
var $as2 = false;
var $swf10 = false;
var $j2me = false;
var $debug = true;
var $js1 = true;
var $backtrace = false;
var $swf7 = false;
var $swf9 = false;
var $swf8 = false;
var $svg = false;
var $profile = false;
var _Copyright = "Portions of this file are copyright (c) 2001-2010 by Laszlo Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.";
var Debug = {backtraceStack: [], uncaughtBacktraceStack: null, FUNCTION_NAME: "displayName", FUNCTION_FILENAME: "_dbg_filename", FUNCTION_LINENO: "_dbg_lineno"};
Debug.backtraceStack.maxDepth = 100;
var $modules = {};
$modules.runtime = this;
$modules.lz = $modules.runtime;
$modules.user = $modules.lz;
var global = $modules.user;
var __ES3Globals = {Array: Array, Boolean: Boolean, Date: Date, Function: Function, Math: Math, Number: Number, Object: Object, RegExp: RegExp, String: String, Error: Error, EvalError: EvalError, RangeError: RangeError, ReferenceError: ReferenceError, SyntaxError: SyntaxError, TypeError: TypeError, URIError: URIError};
var globalValue = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["name", name_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzRuntime.lzs";
$3.lineno = 95;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (($3.lineno = 103, name_$0.charAt(0)) == "<" && ($3.lineno = 103, name_$0.charAt(name_$0.length - 1)) == ">") {
return lz[$3.lineno = 104, name_$0.substring(1, name_$0.length - 1)]
} else if (name_$0 in this) {
return this[name_$0]
} else if (name_$0 in global) {
return global[name_$0]
} else if (name_$0 in __ES3Globals) {
return __ES3Globals[name_$0]
return void 0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzRuntime.lzs#95/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzRuntime.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 95;
return $lzsc$temp
var $lzsc$issubclassof = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (one_$0, other_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["one", one_$0, "other", other_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzRuntime.lzs";
$4.lineno = 148;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return one_$0 === other_$1 || (other_$1["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($4.lineno = 170, other_$1.$lzsc$isa(one_$0.prototype)) : one_$0.prototype instanceof other_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzRuntime.lzs#148/26";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzRuntime.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 148;
return $lzsc$temp
var $lzc$validateReferenceDependencies = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (dependencies_$0, referenceNames_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["dependencies", dependencies_$0, "referenceNames", referenceNames_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzRuntime.lzs";
$9.lineno = 177;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
for (var i_$2 = 0, l_$3 = referenceNames_$1.length;i_$2 < l_$3;i_$2++) {
var j_$4 = i_$2 + i_$2;
var dc_$5 = dependencies_$0[j_$4];
var dp_$6 = dependencies_$0[j_$4 + 1];
if (!(LzEventable["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 182, LzEventable.$lzsc$isa(dc_$5)) : dc_$5 instanceof LzEventable)) {
dependencies_$0[j_$4] = ($9.lineno = 185, new Error("Invalid dependency context"));
dependencies_$0[j_$4 + 1] = ($9.lineno = 186, Debug.formatToString("Unable to create dependency on %=s.%s", dc_$5, referenceNames_$1[i_$2], dp_$6))
return dependencies_$0
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzRuntime.lzs#177/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzRuntime.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 177;
return $lzsc$temp
var $lzc$getFunctionDependencies = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fnnm_$0, self_$1, context_$2, args_$3, ctnm_$4) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["fnnm", fnnm_$0, "self", self_$1, "context", context_$2, "args", args_$3, "ctnm", ctnm_$4];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzRuntime.lzs";
$a.lineno = 194;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 4:
ctnm_$4 = null
var deps_$5 = [], depfn_$6 = null;
try {
depfn_$6 = context_$2["$lzc$" + fnnm_$0 + "_dependencies"]
catch (e_$7) {};
if (!(Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($a.lineno = 199, Function.$lzsc$isa(depfn_$6)) : depfn_$6 instanceof Function)) {
return [($a.lineno = 206, new Error("Invalid dependency method")), ($a.lineno = 206, Debug.formatToString("Unable to create dependency on %=s.%s", context_$2, ctnm_$4, fnnm_$0))]
} else {
try {
deps_$5 = ($a.lineno = 210, depfn_$6.apply(context_$2, ($a.lineno = 210, [self_$1, context_$2].concat(args_$3))))
catch (e_$7) {
$a.lineno = 215, Debug.warn("Error: %w computing dependencies of %.64w.%s", e_$7, context_$2, fnnm_$0)
return deps_$5
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzRuntime.lzs#194/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzRuntime.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 194;
return $lzsc$temp
var Instance = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$2.lineno = 27;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.constructor = arguments.callee;
$2.lineno = 29, this.$lzsc$initialize.apply(this, arguments)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "constructor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 27;
return $lzsc$temp
Instance.prototype.constructor = Instance;
Instance.classname = "Instance";
Instance.prototype.classname = "Object";
Instance._dbg_typename = "Class";
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$3.lineno = 54;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var addProperties_$0 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (plist_$0) {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = ["plist", plist_$0];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$b.lineno = 55;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
for (var i_$1 = plist_$0.length - 1;i_$1 >= 1;i_$1 -= 2) {
var value_$2 = plist_$0[i_$1];
var name_$3 = plist_$0[i_$1 - 1];
if (value_$2 !== void 0 || !(name_$3 in this)) {
this[name_$3] = value_$2
if (!(value_$2 instanceof Function)) continue;
var xtor_$4 = this.constructor;
if ($b.lineno = 67, value_$2.hasOwnProperty("$superclasses")) {
var os_$5 = value_$2.$superclasses, found_$6 = false;
for (var j_$7 = os_$5.length - 1;j_$7 >= 0;j_$7--) {
if (os_$5[j_$7] === xtor_$4) {
found_$6 = true;
if (!found_$6) {
$b.lineno = 76, value_$2.$superclasses.push(xtor_$4)
}} else if (($b.lineno = 78, value_$2.hasOwnProperty("$superclass")) && value_$2.$superclass !== xtor_$4) {
var $8 = value_$2.$superclass;
delete value_$2.$superclass;
value_$2.$superclasses = [$8, xtor_$4]
} else {
value_$2.$superclass = xtor_$4
if (!value_$2._dbg_typename) {
value_$2._dbg_owner = this;
value_$2._dbg_typename = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$3.lineno = 90;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var t_$0 = ($3.lineno = 91, Debug.functionName(this._dbg_owner._dbg_prototype_for));
return t_$0 + " function"
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "_dbg_typename";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 90;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addProperties";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 55;
return $lzsc$temp
$3.lineno = 117, addProperties_$, ["addProperties", addProperties_$0])
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/Class.lzs#54/2";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 54;
return $lzsc$temp
Instance.prototype.addProperties(["addProperty", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$4.lineno = 132;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
$4.lineno = 133, this.addProperties([name_$0, value_$1])
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addProperty";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 132;
return $lzsc$temp
Instance.prototype.addProperty("nextMethod", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (currentMethod, nextMethodName) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["currentMethod", currentMethod, "nextMethodName", nextMethodName];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$6.lineno = 150;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var next_$0;
if ($6.lineno = 152, currentMethod.hasOwnProperty("$superclass")) {
next_$0 = currentMethod.$superclass.prototype[nextMethodName]
} else if ($6.lineno = 154, currentMethod.hasOwnProperty("$superclasses")) {
var $1 = currentMethod.$superclasses;
for (var i_$2 = $1.length - 1;i_$2 >= 0;i_$2--) {
var sc_$3 = $1[i_$2];
if (this instanceof sc_$3) {
next_$0 = sc_$3.prototype[nextMethodName];
if (!next_$0) {
next_$0 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$2.lineno = 166;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 168, Debug.error("super.%s is undefined in %w", nextMethodName, currentMethod)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/Class.lzs#166/12";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 166;
return $lzsc$temp
return next_$0
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "nextMethod";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 150;
return $lzsc$temp
Instance.prototype.addProperty("$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$2.lineno = 191;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 191;
return $lzsc$temp
if (lz.embed.browser.isSafari && lz.embed.browser.version >= "531.21" && lz.embed.browser.version < "533.16") {
Instance.prototype.addProperty("$lzsc$safarikludge", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$2.lineno = 206;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$safarikludge";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 206;
return $lzsc$temp
var Class = {prototype: new Instance(), addProperty: Instance.prototype.addProperty, addProperties: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (plist_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["plist", plist_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$3.lineno = 218;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 219, this.prototype.addProperties(plist_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addProperties";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 218;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), addStaticProperty: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$4.lineno = 221;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this[name_$0] = value_$1;
if (value_$1 instanceof Function && !value_$1._dbg_typename) {
value_$1._dbg_owner = this;
value_$1._dbg_typename = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$2.lineno = 236;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return ($2.lineno = 237, Debug.functionName(this._dbg_owner)) + " static function"
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "_dbg_typename";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 236;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addStaticProperty";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 221;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), allClasses: {Instance: Instance}, make: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (classname_$0, instanceProperties, mixinsAndSuperclass_$1, staticProperties_$2, interfaces_$3) {
var $d = Debug;
var $e = $d.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($e) {
var $f = ["classname", classname_$0, "instanceProperties", instanceProperties, "mixinsAndSuperclass", mixinsAndSuperclass_$1, "staticProperties", staticProperties_$2, "interfaces", interfaces_$3];
$f.callee = arguments.callee;
$f["this"] = this;
$f.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$f.lineno = 261;
if ($e.length > $e.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
instanceProperties = null;;case 2:
mixinsAndSuperclass_$1 = null;;case 3:
staticProperties_$2 = null;;case 4:
interfaces_$3 = null
var superclass = null;
if (mixinsAndSuperclass_$1 instanceof Array) {
for (var k_$4 = mixinsAndSuperclass_$1.length - 1;k_$4 >= 0;k_$4--) {
var c_$5 = mixinsAndSuperclass_$1[k_$4];
if (c_$5 instanceof Function) {
if (superclass) {
$f.lineno = 284, Debug.error("Class.make: Multiple superclasses %s and %s for class %s", superclass, c_$5, classname_$0)
$f.lineno = 287, mixinsAndSuperclass_$1.splice(k_$4, 1);
superclass = c_$5
}}} else if (mixinsAndSuperclass_$1 instanceof Function) {
superclass = mixinsAndSuperclass_$1;
mixinsAndSuperclass_$1 = null
} else {
if (mixinsAndSuperclass_$1) {
$f.lineno = 296, Debug.error("Class.make: invalid superclass %w", mixinsAndSuperclass_$1)
if (!superclass) {
superclass = Instance
var nc_$6 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$2.lineno = 300;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.constructor = arguments.callee;
if (this["$lzsc$safarikludge"] && this.$lzsc$safarikludge !== Instance.prototype.$lzsc$safarikludge) {
$2.lineno = 309, this.$lzsc$safarikludge()
if (this.$lzsc$initialize !== Instance.prototype.$lzsc$initialize) {
$2.lineno = 356, this.$lzsc$initialize.apply(this, arguments)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "constructor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 300;
return $lzsc$temp
nc_$6.constructor = this;
nc_$6.classname = classname_$0;
nc_$6._dbg_typename = this._dbg_name;
nc_$6[Debug.FUNCTION_NAME] = classname_$0;
var xtor_$7 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$2.lineno = 374;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.constructor = superclass
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "prototype";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 374;
return $lzsc$temp
xtor_$7.prototype = superclass.prototype;
var prototype_$8 = ($f.lineno = 379, new xtor_$7());
if (mixinsAndSuperclass_$1 instanceof Array) {
for (var i_$9 = mixinsAndSuperclass_$1.length - 1;i_$9 >= 0;i_$9--) {
var t_$a = mixinsAndSuperclass_$1[i_$9];
prototype_$8 = ($f.lineno = 386, t_$a.makeInterstitial(prototype_$8, i_$9 > 0 ? mixinsAndSuperclass_$1[i_$9 - 1] : nc_$6))
if (interfaces_$3 instanceof Array) {
for (var i_$9 = interfaces_$3.length - 1;i_$9 >= 0;i_$9--) {
var t_$a = interfaces_$3[i_$9];
$f.lineno = 393, t_$a.addImplementation(classname_$0, nc_$6)
nc_$6.prototype = prototype_$8;
prototype_$8._dbg_prototype_for = nc_$6;
$f.lineno = 408,$6, "addStaticProperty", this.addStaticProperty);
$f.lineno = 409, nc_$6.addStaticProperty("addProperty", this.addProperty);
$f.lineno = 412, nc_$6.addStaticProperty("addProperties", this.addProperties);
if (staticProperties_$2) {
for (var i_$9 = staticProperties_$2.length - 1;i_$9 >= 1;i_$9 -= 2) {
var value_$b = staticProperties_$2[i_$9];
var name_$c = staticProperties_$2[i_$9 - 1];
$f.lineno = 418, nc_$6.addStaticProperty(name_$c, value_$b)
if (instanceProperties) {
$f.lineno = 423, nc_$6.addProperties(instanceProperties);
if (lz.embed.browser.isSafari && lz.embed.browser.version == "531.21") {
$f.lineno = 429, nc_$6.addProperty("$lzsc$safarikludge", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$5.lineno = 429;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$safarikludge"] || ($5.lineno = 430, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$safarikludge"))).call(this);
for (var i_$0 = instanceProperties.length - 1;i_$0 >= 1;i_$0 -= 2) {
var value_$1 = instanceProperties[i_$0];
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($5.lineno = 433, Function.$lzsc$isa(value_$1)) : value_$1 instanceof Function) continue;
var name_$2 = instanceProperties[i_$0 - 1];
if (value_$1 !== void 0 || !(name_$2 in this)) {
this[name_$2] = value_$1
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$safarikludge";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 429;
return $lzsc$temp
if (this.allClasses[classname_$0]) {
$f.lineno = 446, Debug.error("Redefining %s from %w to %w", classname_$0, this.allClasses[classname_$0], nc_$6)
global[classname_$0] = this.allClasses[classname_$0] = nc_$6;
return nc_$6
finally {
if ($e) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "make";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 261;
return $lzsc$temp
Class._dbg_typename = "Metaclass";
Class._dbg_name = "Class";
Class.addProperties._dbg_typename = "Class static function";
Class.addStaticProperty._dbg_typename = "Class static function";
Class.make._dbg_typename = "Class static function";
var Mixin = {prototype: new Instance(), allMixins: {}, addProperty: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$7.lineno = 475;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
this.prototype[name_$0] = value_$1;
$7.lineno = 479, this.instanceProperties.push(name_$0, value_$1);
var impls_$2 = this.implementations;
for (var mash_$3 in impls_$2) {
var t_$4 = impls_$2[mash_$3];
$7.lineno = 484, t_$4.addProperty(name_$0, value_$1)
if (value_$1 instanceof Function && !value_$1._dbg_typename) {
value_$1._dbg_typename = this.classname + " function"
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addProperty";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 475;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), addStaticProperty: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$4.lineno = 492;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this[name_$0] = value_$1;
if (value_$1 instanceof Function && !value_$1._dbg_typename) {
value_$1._dbg_typename = this.classname + " static function"
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addStaticProperty";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 492;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), makeInterstitial: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (superclassInstance_$0, sharable_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["superclassInstance", superclassInstance_$0, "sharable", sharable_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$9.lineno = 504;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var impls_$2 = this.implementations;
var interstitialname_$3 = this.classname + "+" + superclassInstance_$0.constructor.classname;
var prototypename_$4 = sharable_$1.classname + "|" + interstitialname_$3;
if (impls_$2[prototypename_$4]) {
$9.lineno = 514, Debug.debug("Sharable interstitial: %s", prototypename_$4);
return impls_$2[prototypename_$4]
$9.lineno = 519, superclassInstance_$0.addProperties(this.instanceProperties);
var xtor_$5 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$2.lineno = 521;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.constructor = arguments.callee
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "interstitial";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 521;
return $lzsc$temp
xtor_$5.prototype = superclassInstance_$0;
xtor_$5.classname = interstitialname_$3;
xtor_$5._dbg_typename = "Interstitial";
xtor_$5[Debug.FUNCTION_NAME] = xtor_$5.classname;
var t_$6 = ($9.lineno = 535, new xtor_$5());
impls_$2[prototypename_$4] = t_$6;
return t_$6
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeInterstitial";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 504;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), addImplementation: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (classname_$0, constructor_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["classname", classname_$0, "constructor", constructor_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$4.lineno = 544;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.implementations[classname_$0] = {constructor: constructor_$1}}
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addImplementation";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 544;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), $lzsc$isa: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["obj", obj_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$5.lineno = 551;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var impls_$1 = this.implementations;
for (var prototypename_$2 in impls_$1) {
if (obj_$0 instanceof impls_$1[prototypename_$2].constructor) {
return true
return false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$isa";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 551;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), make: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (classname_$0, instanceProperties_$1, superMixin_$2, staticProperties_$3, interfaces_$4) {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = ["classname", classname_$0, "instanceProperties", instanceProperties_$1, "superMixin", superMixin_$2, "staticProperties", staticProperties_$3, "interfaces", interfaces_$4];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$b.lineno = 566;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
instanceProperties_$1 = null;;case 2:
superMixin_$2 = null;;case 3:
staticProperties_$3 = null;;case 4:
interfaces_$4 = null
var nt_$5 = {constructor: this, classname: classname_$0, _dbg_typename: this._dbg_name, _dbg_name: classname_$0, prototype: superMixin_$2 ? ($b.lineno = 575, superMixin_$2.make()) : ($b.lineno = 575, new Object()), instanceProperties: superMixin_$2 ? ($b.lineno = 576, superMixin_$2.instanceProperties.slice(0)) : ($b.lineno = 576, new Array()), implementations: {}};
$b.lineno = 580,$5, "addStaticProperty", this.addStaticProperty);
$b.lineno = 581, nt_$5.addStaticProperty("addProperty", this.addProperty);
$b.lineno = 582, nt_$5.addStaticProperty("makeInterstitial", this.makeInterstitial);
$b.lineno = 583, nt_$5.addStaticProperty("addImplementation", this.addImplementation);
$b.lineno = 584, nt_$5.addStaticProperty("$lzsc$isa", this.$lzsc$isa);
if (staticProperties_$3) {
for (var i_$6 = staticProperties_$3.length - 1;i_$6 >= 1;i_$6 -= 2) {
var value_$7 = staticProperties_$3[i_$6];
var name_$8 = staticProperties_$3[i_$6 - 1];
$b.lineno = 590, nt_$5.addStaticProperty(name_$8, value_$7)
if (instanceProperties_$1) {
for (var i_$6 = instanceProperties_$1.length - 1;i_$6 >= 1;i_$6 -= 2) {
var value_$7 = instanceProperties_$1[i_$6];
var name_$8 = instanceProperties_$1[i_$6 - 1];
$b.lineno = 598, nt_$5.addProperty(name_$8, value_$7)
global[classname_$0] = this.allMixins[classname_$0] = nt_$5;
return nt_$5
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "make";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/Class.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 566;
return $lzsc$temp
Mixin._dbg_typename = "Metaclass";
Mixin._dbg_name = "Mixin";
Mixin.addStaticProperty._dbg_typename = "Mixin static function";
Mixin.addProperty._dbg_typename = "Mixin static function";
Mixin.makeInterstitial._dbg_typename = "Mixin static function";
Mixin.make._dbg_typename = "Mixin static function";
Class.make("LzDebugConsole", ["saved_msgs", void 0, "canvasConsoleWindow", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$2.lineno = 35;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return null
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "canvasConsoleWindow";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 35;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (msg_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["msg", msg_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 48;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var str_$1;
try {
if (msg_$0 && (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($5.lineno = 51, Function.$lzsc$isa(msg_$0["toHTML"])) : msg_$0["toHTML"] instanceof Function)) {
str_$1 = ($5.lineno = 52, msg_$0.toHTML())
} else {
str_$1 = ($5.lineno = 54, ($5.lineno = 54, String(msg_$0))["toHTML"]())
catch (e_$2) {
str_$1 = "" + msg_$0
if (navigator.platform == "rhino") {
try {
$5.lineno = 63, print(str_$1);
catch (e_$2) {}};
$5.lineno = 68, this.addHTMLText(str_$1)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 48;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clear", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$2.lineno = 75;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clear";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 75;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ensureVisible", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$2.lineno = 81;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "ensureVisible";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 81;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "echo", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, newLine_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["str", str_$0, "newLine", newLine_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$4.lineno = 93;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
newLine_$1 = true
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "echo";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 93;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addHTMLText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (msg_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["msg", msg_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 102;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addHTMLText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 102;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "makeObjectLink", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (rep_$0, id_$1, attrs_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["rep", rep_$0, "id", id_$1, "attrs", attrs_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 122;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
attrs_$2 = null
return undefined
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeObjectLink";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 122;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "SimpleExprPattern", new RegExp("^\\s*([$_A-Za-z][$\\w]*)((\\s*\\.\\s*[$_A-Za-z][$\\w]*)|(\\s*\\[\\s*\\d+\\s*\\]))*\\s*$"), "ElementPattern", new RegExp("([$_A-Za-z][$\\w]*)|(\\d+)", "g"), "isSimpleExpr", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (expr_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["expr", expr_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 136;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 137, expr_$0.match(this.SimpleExprPattern)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "isSimpleExpr";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 136;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "evalSimpleExpr", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (expr_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["expr", expr_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$7.lineno = 141;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var parts_$1 = ($7.lineno = 143, expr_$0.match(this.ElementPattern));
var val_$2 = ($7.lineno = 144, globalValue(parts_$1[0])) || Debug.environment[parts_$1[0]];
for (var i_$3 = 1, l_$4 = parts_$1.length;i_$3 < l_$4;i_$3++) {
val_$2 = val_$2[parts_$1[i_$3]]
return val_$2
catch ($lzsc$e) {
if (Error["$lzsc$isa"] ? Error.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$e) : $lzsc$e instanceof Error) {
lz.$lzsc$thrownError = $lzsc$e
throw $lzsc$e
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "evalSimpleExpr";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 141;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "doEval", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (expr_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["expr", expr_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$6.lineno = 163;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if ($6.lineno = 164, this.isSimpleExpr(expr_$0)) {
var simple_$1 = true;
try {
var val_$2 = ($6.lineno = 167, this.evalSimpleExpr(expr_$0));
if (val_$2 === void 0) {
simple_$1 = false
catch (e_$3) {
simple_$1 = false
if (simple_$1) {
$6.lineno = 178, Debug.displayResult(val_$2)
} else {
$6.lineno = 180, Debug.warn("Unable to evaluate %s", expr_$0)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "doEval";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 163;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 20;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#20/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 20;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzBootstrapDebugConsole", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$2.lineno = 198;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.saved_msgs = ($2.lineno = 199, new Array())
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 198;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "echo", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, newLine_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["str", str_$0, "newLine", newLine_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$4.lineno = 207;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
newLine_$1 = true
$4.lineno = 208, this.addHTMLText("" + str_$0 + "" + (newLine_$1 ? "\n" : ""))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "echo";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 207;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addHTMLText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (msg_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["msg", msg_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 216;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 217, this.saved_msgs.push(msg_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addHTMLText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 216;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "makeObjectLink", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (rep_$0, id_$1, attrs_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["rep", rep_$0, "id", id_$1, "attrs", attrs_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 225;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
attrs_$2 = null
if (id_$1 != null) {
return '' + rep_$0 + ""
return rep_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeObjectLink";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 225;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "doEval", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (expr_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["expr", expr_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$4.lineno = 240;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
try {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["doEval"] || ($4.lineno = 243, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "doEval"))).call(this, expr_$0)
catch (e_$1) {
$4.lineno = 245, Debug.error(e_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "doEval";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 240;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzDebugConsole);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 196;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#196/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 196;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzBootstrapDebugLogger", ["log", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (msg_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["msg", msg_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 278;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (("console" in global) && typeof console.log == "function") {
var fn_$1 = "log";
try {
if (msg_$0 instanceof LzError) {
fn_$1 = "error"
} else if (msg_$0 instanceof LzWarning) {
fn_$1 = "warn"
} else if (msg_$0 instanceof LzInfo) {
fn_$1 = "info"
} else if (msg_$0 instanceof LzDebug) {
fn_$1 = "debug"
if (typeof console[fn_$1] != "function") {
fn_$1 = "log"
if (console[fn_$1].length == 0 && (msg_$0 instanceof LzMessage || msg_$0 instanceof LzSourceMessage)) {
$5.lineno = 314, console[fn_$1].apply(console, ($5.lineno = 314, msg_$0.toArray()));
catch (e_$2) {};
$5.lineno = 319, console[fn_$1](($5.lineno = 319, msg_$0.toString()))
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "log";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 278;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 261;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#261/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 261;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzBootstrapDebugService", ["FUNCTION_NAME", "displayName", "FUNCTION_FILENAME", "_dbg_filename", "FUNCTION_LINENO", "_dbg_lineno", "backtraceStack", [], "uncaughtBacktraceStack", null, "log_all_writes", false, "logger", void 0, "console", void 0, "window", void 0, "environment", {}, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (logger_$0, console_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["logger", logger_$0, "console", console_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$6.lineno = 367;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
logger_$0 = null;;case 1:
console_$1 = null
if (logger_$0 == null) {
logger_$0 = ($6.lineno = 370, new LzBootstrapDebugLogger())
if (console_$1 == null) {
console_$1 = ($6.lineno = 374, new LzBootstrapDebugConsole())
var copy_$2 = {backtraceStack: true, uncaughtBacktraceStack: true};
for (var k_$3 in copy_$2) {
this[k_$3] = Debug[k_$3]
this.log_all_writes = global["console"] && typeof global.console["log"] == "function";
this.logger = logger_$0;
this.console = console_$1
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 367;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ensureVisible", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$2.lineno = 395;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "ensureVisible";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 395;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "log", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 404;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 404,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 405, this.logger.log.apply(this.logger, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "log";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 404;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "makeObjectLink", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 412;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 412,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 413, this.console.makeObjectLink.apply(this.console, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeObjectLink";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 412;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "displayResult", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (result_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["result", result_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 420;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
result_$0 = void 0
if (result_$0 !== void 0) {
$3.lineno = 422, this.__write(result_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "displayResult";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 420;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__write", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (msg_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["msg", msg_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 431;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.log_all_writes) {
$3.lineno = 433, this.logger.log(msg_$0)
$3.lineno = 435, this.console.addText(msg_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__write";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 431;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "debug", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 443;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 443,, 0));
$3.lineno = 444, this.__write("DEBUG: " + ($3.lineno = 444, args_$0.join(" ")))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debug";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 443;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "info", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 452;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 452,, 0));
$3.lineno = 453, this.__write("INFO: " + ($3.lineno = 453, args_$0.join(" ")))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "info";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 452;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "warn", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 461;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 461,, 0));
$3.lineno = 462, this.__write("WARNING: " + ($3.lineno = 462, args_$0.join(" ")))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "warn";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 461;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "error", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 470;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 470,, 0));
$3.lineno = 471, this.__write("ERROR: " + ($3.lineno = 471, args_$0.join(" ")))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "error";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 470;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "deprecated", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0, method_$1, replacement_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["obj", obj_$0, "method", method_$1, "replacement", replacement_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 483;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
$5.lineno = 484,"%w.%=s is deprecated. Use %w.%=s instead", obj_$0, method_$1, ($5.lineno = 485, Debug.methodName(obj_$0, method_$1)), obj_$0, replacement_$2, ($5.lineno = 486, Debug.methodName(obj_$0, replacement_$2)))
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "deprecated";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 483;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "readOnly", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0, attribute_$1, value_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["obj", obj_$0, "attribute", attribute_$1, "value", value_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 499;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
$5.lineno = 500, Debug.warn("%w.%s is read-only. %w ignored", obj_$0, attribute_$1, value_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "readOnly";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 499;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "evalCarefully", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fileName_$0, lineNumber_$1, closure_$2, context_$3) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["fileName", fileName_$0, "lineNumber", lineNumber_$1, "closure", closure_$2, "context", context_$3];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$7.lineno = 513;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
try {
return $7.lineno = 516, closure_$$3)
catch (e_$4) {
$7.lineno = 518, $reportSourceWarning(fileName_$0, lineNumber_$1, e_$4)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "evalCarefully";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 513;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ignoringErrors", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (closure_$0, context_$1, errval_$2) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["closure", closure_$0, "context", context_$1, "errval", errval_$2];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$6.lineno = 531;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
try {
return $6.lineno = 534, closure_$$1)
catch (e_$3) {
return errval_$2
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "ignoringErrors";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 531;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 331;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
LzBootstrapDebugService.prototype._dbg_name = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$2.lineno = 541;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this === Debug) {
return "#Debug"
} else return null
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#541/49";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 541;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#331/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 331;
return $lzsc$temp
var Debug = new LzBootstrapDebugService();
function trace () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$3.lineno = 561;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 561,, 0));
$3.lineno = 561,, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
trace["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
trace["_dbg_lineno"] = 561;
var $reportSourceWarning = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, msg_$2, fatal_$3) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["filename", filename_$0, "lineNumber", lineNumber_$1, "msg", msg_$2, "fatal", fatal_$3];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$7.lineno = 577;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var warning_$4 = filename_$0 + "@" + lineNumber_$1 + ": " + msg_$2 + "\n";
$7.lineno = 580, Debug[fatal_$3 ? "error" : "warn"](warning_$4)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$reportSourceWarning";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 577;
return $lzsc$temp
var $reportedError = null;
var $reportException = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fileName_$0, lineNumber_$1, e_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["fileName", fileName_$0, "lineNumber", lineNumber_$1, "e", e_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 593;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (e_$2 !== $reportedError) {
$reportedError = e_$2;
$5.lineno = 598, $reportSourceWarning(fileName_$0, lineNumber_$1, e_$2, true)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$reportException";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 593;
return $lzsc$temp
var $reportUndefinedObjectProperty = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, propertyName_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["filename", filename_$0, "lineNumber", lineNumber_$1, "propertyName", propertyName_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 603;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (!arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call) {
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = true;
$5.lineno = 607, $reportSourceWarning(filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, "undefined object does not have a property '" + propertyName_$2 + "'", true);
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#603/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 603;
return $lzsc$temp
$reportUndefinedObjectProperty._dbg_recursive_call = false;
var $reportUndefinedProperty = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, propertyName_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["filename", filename_$0, "lineNumber", lineNumber_$1, "propertyName", propertyName_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 614;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (!arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call) {
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = true;
$5.lineno = 618, $reportSourceWarning(filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, "reference to undefined property '" + propertyName_$2 + "'", false);
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#614/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 614;
return $lzsc$temp
$reportUndefinedProperty._dbg_recursive_call = false;
var $reportUndefinedVariable = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, variableName_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["filename", filename_$0, "lineNumber", lineNumber_$1, "variableName", variableName_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$5.lineno = 625;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (!arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call) {
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = true;
$5.lineno = 629, $reportSourceWarning(filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, "reference to undefined variable '" + variableName_$2 + "'", true);
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#625/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 625;
return $lzsc$temp
$reportUndefinedVariable._dbg_recursive_call = false;
var $reportNotFunction = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, name_$2, value_$3) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["filename", filename_$0, "lineNumber", lineNumber_$1, "name", name_$2, "value", value_$3];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$7.lineno = 636;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
if (!arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call) {
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = true;
var msg_$4 = "call to non-function";
if (typeof name_$2 == "string") msg_$4 += " '" + name_$2 + "'";
msg_$4 += " (type '" + typeof value_$3 + "')";
if (typeof value_$3 == "undefined") {
msg_$4 = "call to undefined function";
if (typeof name_$2 == "string") msg_$4 += " '" + name_$2 + "'"
$7.lineno = 649, $reportSourceWarning(filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, msg_$4, true);
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = false
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#636/26";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 636;
return $lzsc$temp
$reportNotFunction._dbg_recursive_call = false;
var $reportUndefinedMethod = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, name_$2, value_$3) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["filename", filename_$0, "lineNumber", lineNumber_$1, "name", name_$2, "value", value_$3];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$7.lineno = 656;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
if (!arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call) {
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = true;
var msg_$4 = "call to non-method";
if (typeof name_$2 == "string") msg_$4 += " '" + name_$2 + "'";
msg_$4 += " (type '" + typeof value_$3 + "')";
if (typeof value_$3 == "undefined") {
msg_$4 = "call to undefined method";
if (typeof name_$2 == "string") msg_$4 += " '" + name_$2 + "'"
$7.lineno = 671, $reportSourceWarning(filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, msg_$4, true);
arguments.callee._dbg_recursive_call = false
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs#656/30";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzBootstrapDebugService.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 656;
return $lzsc$temp
$reportUndefinedMethod._dbg_recursive_call = false;
Class.make("LzBootstrapMessage", ["message", "", "length", 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (message_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["message", message_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 21;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
message_$0 = null
if (message_$0 != null) {
$3.lineno = 23, this.appendInternal("" + message_$0, message_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 21;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "appendInternal", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, obj_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["str", str_$0, "obj", obj_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$4.lineno = 28;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
obj_$1 = null
this.message += str_$0;
this.length = this.message.length
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "appendInternal";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 28;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "append", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$5.lineno = 34;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var str_$0 = ($5.lineno = 34,, 0));
var len_$1 = str_$0.length;
for (var i_$2 = 0;i_$2 < len_$1;i_$2++) {
$5.lineno = 37, this.appendInternal(($5.lineno = 37, String(str_$0[i_$2])))
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "append";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 34;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "charAt", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (index_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["index", index_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 53;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 53, this.message.charAt(index_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "charAt";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 53;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "charCodeAt", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (index_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["index", index_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 55;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 55, this.message.charCodeAt(index_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "charCodeAt";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 55;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "indexOf", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["key", key_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 57;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 57, this.message.indexOf(key_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "indexOf";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 57;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "lastIndexOf", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["key", key_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 59;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 59, this.message.lastIndexOf(key_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "lastIndexOf";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 59;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toLowerCase", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 61;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 62, new LzMessage(($2.lineno = 62, this.message.toLowerCase()))
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toLowerCase";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 61;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toUpperCase", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 65;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 66, new LzMessage(($2.lineno = 66, this.message.toUpperCase()))
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toUpperCase";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 65;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 77;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.message || ""
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 77;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "valueOf", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 87;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.message || ""
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "valueOf";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 87;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "concat", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 89;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 89,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 90, new LzMessage(($3.lineno = 90, this.message.concat.apply(this.message, args_$0)))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "concat";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 89;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "slice", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 93;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 93,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 93, this.message.slice.apply(this.message, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "slice";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 93;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "split", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 95;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 95,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 95, this.message.split.apply(this.message, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "split";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 95;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "substr", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 97;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 97,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 97, this.message.substr.apply(this.message, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "substr";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 97;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "substring", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 99;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 99,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 99, this.message.substring.apply(this.message, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "substring";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 99;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toHTML", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 106;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 109, ($2.lineno = 109, this["toString"]()).toHTML()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toHTML";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 106;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], null, ["xmlEscape", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (input_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["input", input_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$7.lineno = 129;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
if (input_$0 && (typeof input_$0 == "string" || (String["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($7.lineno = 130, String.$lzsc$isa(input_$0)) : input_$0 instanceof String))) {
var len_$1 = input_$0.length;
var output_$2 = "";
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < len_$1;i_$3++) {
var c_$4 = ($7.lineno = 134, input_$0.charAt(i_$3));
switch (c_$4) {
case "<":
output_$2 += "<";break;;case "&":
output_$2 += "&";break;;default:
output_$2 += c_$4
return output_$2
} else {
return input_$0
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "xmlEscape";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 129;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 16;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzMessage.lzs#16/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 16;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzMessage = LzBootstrapMessage;
String.prototype.toHTML = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 177;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 178, LzMessage.xmlEscape(this)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzMessage.lzs#177/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 177;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzFormatCallback", ["callback", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (callback_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["callback", callback_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$3.lineno = 30;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.callback = callback_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 30;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "call", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$2.lineno = 37;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 38,
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "call";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 37;
return $lzsc$temp
Mixin.make("LzFormatter", ["toNumber", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$3.lineno = 141;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 141, Number(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toNumber";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 141;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "pad", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, widthMin_$1, decMax_$2, pad_$3, sign_$4, radix_$5, force_$6) {
var $e = Debug;
var $f = $e.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($f) {
var $g = ["value", value_$0, "widthMin", widthMin_$1, "decMax", decMax_$2, "pad", pad_$3, "sign", sign_$4, "radix", radix_$5, "force", force_$6];
$g.callee = arguments.callee;
$g["this"] = this;
$g.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$g.lineno = 161;
if ($f.length > $f.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
value_$0 = "";;case 1:
widthMin_$1 = 0;;case 2:
decMax_$2 = null;;case 3:
pad_$3 = " ";;case 4:
sign_$4 = "-";;case 5:
radix_$5 = 10;;case 6:
force_$6 = false
var isNumber_$7 = typeof value_$0 == "number";
if (isNumber_$7) {
if (decMax_$2 != null) {
var precision_$8 = ($g.lineno = 173, Math.pow(10, -decMax_$2));
value_$0 = ($g.lineno = 174, Math.round(value_$0 / precision_$8)) * precision_$8
value_$0 = ($g.lineno = 176, ($g.lineno = 176, Number(value_$0)).toString(radix_$5));
if (sign_$4 != "-") {
if (($g.lineno = 178, value_$0.indexOf("-")) != 0) {
if (value_$0 != 0) {
value_$0 = sign_$4 + value_$0
} else {
value_$0 = " " + value_$0
}}}} else {
value_$0 = "" + value_$0
var strlen_$9 = value_$0.length;
if (decMax_$2 != null) {
if (isNumber_$7) {
var decimal_$a = ($g.lineno = 194, value_$0.lastIndexOf("."));
if (decimal_$a == -1) {
var decimals_$b = 0;
if (force_$6 || decMax_$2 > 0) {
value_$0 += "."
}} else {
var decimals_$b = strlen_$9 - (decimal_$a + 1)
if (decimals_$b > decMax_$2) {
value_$0 = ($g.lineno = 204, value_$0.substring(0, strlen_$9 - (decimals_$b - decMax_$2)))
} else {
for (var i_$c = decimals_$b;i_$c < decMax_$2;i_$c++) value_$0 += "0"
}} else {
value_$0 = ($g.lineno = 209, value_$0.substring(0, decMax_$2))
strlen_$9 = value_$0.length;
var leftJustify_$d = false;
if (widthMin_$1 < 0) {
widthMin_$1 = -widthMin_$1;
leftJustify_$d = true
if (strlen_$9 >= widthMin_$1) {
return value_$0
if (leftJustify_$d) {
for (var i_$c = strlen_$9;i_$c < widthMin_$1;i_$c++) value_$0 = value_$0 + " "
} else {
sign_$4 = null;
if (pad_$3 != " ") {
if (($g.lineno = 228, " +-".indexOf(($g.lineno = 228, value_$0.substring(0, 1)))) >= 0) {
sign_$4 = ($g.lineno = 229, value_$0.substring(0, 1));
value_$0 = ($g.lineno = 230, value_$0.substring(1))
for (var i_$c = strlen_$9;i_$c < widthMin_$1;i_$c++) value_$0 = pad_$3 + value_$0;
if (sign_$4 != null) {
value_$0 = sign_$4 + value_$0
return value_$0
finally {
if ($f) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "pad";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 161;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "abbreviate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0, l_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["s", s_$0, "l", l_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$5.lineno = 253;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
l_$1 = Infinity
if (s_$0) {
var ellipsis_$2 = "\u2026";
if (s_$0.length > l_$1 - ellipsis_$2.length) {
s_$0 = ($5.lineno = 257, s_$0.substring(0, l_$1 - ellipsis_$2.length)) + ellipsis_$2
return s_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "abbreviate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 253;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "stringEscape", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0, quoted_$1) {
var $d = Debug;
var $e = $d.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($e) {
var $f = ["s", s_$0, "quoted", quoted_$1];
$f.callee = arguments.callee;
$f["this"] = this;
$f.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$f.lineno = 306;
if ($e.length > $e.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
quoted_$1 = false
var sec_$2 = LzFormatter.singleEscapeCharacters;
var skip_$3 = '"';
var quote_$4 = "";
var ignore_$5 = "'";
if (quoted_$1) {
ignore_$5 = "";
var singles_$6 = ($f.lineno = 319, s_$0.split("'")).length;
var doubles_$7 = ($f.lineno = 320, s_$0.split('"')).length;
if (singles_$6 > doubles_$7) {
skip_$3 = "'";
quote_$4 = '"'
} else {
skip_$3 = '"';
quote_$4 = "'"
var output_$8 = "";
for (var i_$9 = 0, l_$a = s_$0.length;i_$9 < l_$a;i_$9++) {
var ch_$b = ($f.lineno = 332, s_$0.charAt(i_$9));
var cc_$c = ($f.lineno = 333, s_$0.charCodeAt(i_$9));
if (cc_$c in sec_$2) {
if (ch_$b != skip_$3 && ch_$b != ignore_$5) {
output_$8 += sec_$2[cc_$c]
} else {
output_$8 += ch_$b
}} else if (cc_$c >= 0 && cc_$c <= 31 || cc_$c >= 127 && cc_$c <= 159) {
output_$8 += "\\x" + ($f.lineno = 341, this.pad(cc_$c, 2, 0, "0", "", 16))
} else {
output_$8 += ch_$b
return quote_$4 + output_$8 + quote_$4
finally {
if ($e) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "stringEscape";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 306;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "formatToString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (control) {
var $t = Debug;
var $u = $t.backtraceStack;
try {
var getarg_$7;
var consumearg_$8;
if ($u) {
var $v = ["control", control];
$v.callee = arguments.callee;
$v["this"] = this;
$v.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$v.lineno = 410;
if ($u.length > $u.maxDepth) {
getarg_$7 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (i_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["i", i_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$3.lineno = 435;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (i_$0 >= al) {
return null
return args[i_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getarg";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 435;
return $lzsc$temp
consumearg_$8 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (i_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["i", i_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$3.lineno = 441;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (i_$0 >= al) {
$3.lineno = 444, Debug.warn("%#0.48w: insufficient arguments", control)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "consumearg";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 441;
return $lzsc$temp
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
control = ""
var args = ($v.lineno = 413,, 1));
var al = args.length;
if (!(typeof control == "string" || (String["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($v.lineno = 414, String.$lzsc$isa(control)) : control instanceof String)) || al > 0 != ($v.lineno = 415, control.indexOf("%")) >= 0) {
args = ($v.lineno = 418, [control].concat(args));
var out_$0 = ($v.lineno = 420, new LzMessage());
for (var i_$1 = 0;i_$1 < al;i_$1++) {
var arg_$2 = args[i_$1];
var sep_$3 = i_$1 == al - 1 ? "\n" : " ";
$v.lineno = 424, out_$0.append(arg_$2);
$v.lineno = 426, out_$0.appendInternal(sep_$3)
return out_$0
var ctrl_$4 = "" + control;
var argno_$5 = 0;
var maxarg_$6 = 0;
var base_$9 = 0, limit_$a = ctrl_$4.length;
var start_$b = 0, end_$c = 0;
var out_$0 = ($v.lineno = 450, new LzMessage());
while (start_$b < limit_$a) {
end_$c = ($v.lineno = 452, ctrl_$4.indexOf("%"));
if (end_$c == -1) {
$v.lineno = 454, out_$0.append(($v.lineno = 454, ctrl_$4.substring(start_$b, limit_$a)));
$v.lineno = 457, out_$0.append(($v.lineno = 457, ctrl_$4.substring(start_$b, end_$c)));
base_$9 = end_$c;
start_$b = end_$c + 1;
end_$c = end_$c + 2;
var sign_$d = "-";
var pad_$e = " ";
var alternate_$f = false;
var length_$g = "";
var precision_$h = null;
var directive_$i = null;
var object_$j = null;
while (start_$b < limit_$a && directive_$i == null) {
var char_$k = ($v.lineno = 474, ctrl_$4.substring(start_$b, end_$c));
start_$b = end_$c++;
switch (char_$k) {
case "-":
length_$g = char_$k;break;;case "+":
case " ":
sign_$d = char_$k;break;;case "#":
alternate_$f = true;break;;case "0":
if (length_$g === "" && precision_$h === null) {
pad_$e = char_$k;
};case "1":
case "2":
case "3":
case "4":
case "5":
case "6":
case "7":
case "8":
case "9":
if (precision_$h !== null) {
precision_$h += char_$k
} else {
length_$g += char_$k
}break;;case "$":
argno_$5 = length_$g - 1;length_$g = "";break;;case "*":
if (precision_$h !== null) {
precision_$h = ($v.lineno = 509, getarg_$7(argno_$5));
$v.lineno = 510, consumearg_$8(argno_$5++)
} else {
length_$g = ($v.lineno = 512, getarg_$7(argno_$5));
$v.lineno = 513, consumearg_$8(argno_$5++)
}break;;case ".":
precision_$h = "";break;;case "h":
case "l":
break;;case "=":
object_$j = ($v.lineno = 523, getarg_$7(argno_$5));$v.lineno = 524, consumearg_$8(argno_$5++);break;;case "^":
object_$j = ($v.lineno = 529, new LzFormatCallback(($v.lineno = 529, getarg_$7(argno_$5))));$v.lineno = 530, consumearg_$8(argno_$5++);break;;default:
directive_$i = char_$k;break
var value_$l = ($v.lineno = 547, getarg_$7(argno_$5));
if (object_$j == null) {
object_$j = value_$l
var decimals_$m = null;
var force_$n = false;
if (precision_$h !== null) {
decimals_$m = 1 * precision_$h
} else {
switch (directive_$i) {
case "F":
case "E":
case "G":
case "f":
case "e":
case "g":
decimals_$m = 6;force_$n = alternate_$f;break;;case "O":
case "o":
if (alternate_$f && value_$l != 0) {
$v.lineno = 565, out_$0.append("0")
}break;;case "X":
case "x":
if (alternate_$f && value_$l != 0) {
$v.lineno = 570, out_$0.append("0" + directive_$i)
var radix_$o = 10;
switch (directive_$i) {
case "o":
case "O":
radix_$o = 8;break;;case "x":
case "X":
radix_$o = 16;break
switch (directive_$i) {
case "U":
case "O":
case "X":
case "u":
case "o":
case "x":
if (value_$l < 0) {
value_$l = -value_$l;
var wid_$p = ($v.lineno = 595, Math.abs(($v.lineno = 595, parseInt(length_$g, 10))));
if ($v.lineno = 596, isNaN(wid_$p)) {
wid_$p = ($v.lineno = 597, ($v.lineno = 597, this.toNumber(value_$l)).toString(radix_$o)).length
var max_$q = ($v.lineno = 599, Math.pow(radix_$o, wid_$p));
value_$l = max_$q - value_$l
switch (directive_$i) {
case "D":
case "U":
case "I":
case "O":
case "X":
case "F":
case "E":
case "G":
value_$l = ($v.lineno = 611, this.toNumber(value_$l));$v.lineno = 612, out_$0.appendInternal(($v.lineno = 612, ($v.lineno = 612, this.pad(value_$l, length_$g, decimals_$m, pad_$e, sign_$d, radix_$o, force_$n)).toUpperCase()), object_$j);$v.lineno = 613, consumearg_$8(argno_$5++);break;;case "c":
value_$l = ($v.lineno = 616, String.fromCharCode(value_$l));;case "w":
var width_$r = decimals_$m || Debug.printLength;
$v.lineno = 623, out_$0.appendInternal(($v.lineno = 623, this.pad(($v.lineno = 623, Debug.__String(value_$l, true, width_$r, alternate_$f)), length_$g, null, pad_$e, sign_$d, radix_$o, force_$n)), object_$j);
$v.lineno = 626, consumearg_$8(argno_$5++);
};case "s":
var str_$s;if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($v.lineno = 633, Function.$lzsc$isa(value_$l)) : value_$l instanceof Function) {
str_$s = ($v.lineno = 635, Debug.functionName(value_$l, false));
if (!str_$s) {
str_$s = "function () {\u2026}"
}} else if (typeof value_$l == "number") {
str_$s = ($v.lineno = 642, ($v.lineno = 642, Number(value_$l)).toString(radix_$o))
} else if (directive_$i == "w" && typeof value_$l == "string") {
str_$s = ($v.lineno = 645, this.stringEscape(value_$l, true))
} else {
str_$s = "" + value_$l
}if (alternate_$f) {
var width_$r = decimals_$m || Debug.printLength;
if (width_$r) {
str_$s = ($v.lineno = 657, this.abbreviate(str_$s, width_$r));
decimals_$m = null
}}$v.lineno = 661, out_$0.appendInternal(($v.lineno = 661, this.pad(str_$s, length_$g, decimals_$m, pad_$e, sign_$d, radix_$o, force_$n)), object_$j);$v.lineno = 663, consumearg_$8(argno_$5++);break;;case "d":
case "u":
case "i":
case "o":
case "x":
case "f":
case "e":
case "g":
value_$l = ($v.lineno = 666, this.toNumber(value_$l));$v.lineno = 667, out_$0.appendInternal(($v.lineno = 667, this.pad(value_$l, length_$g, decimals_$m, pad_$e, sign_$d, radix_$o, force_$n)), object_$j);$v.lineno = 668, consumearg_$8(argno_$5++);break;;case "%":
$v.lineno = 671, out_$0.append("%");break;;default:
$v.lineno = 675, out_$0.append(($v.lineno = 675, ctrl_$4.substring(base_$9, start_$b)));break
ctrl_$4 = ($v.lineno = 678, ctrl_$4.substring(start_$b, limit_$a));
base_$9 = 0, limit_$a = ctrl_$4.length;
start_$b = 0, end_$c = 0;
if (argno_$5 > maxarg_$6) {
maxarg_$6 = argno_$5
if (maxarg_$6 < al) {
$v.lineno = 685, Debug.warn("%#0.48w: excess arguments", control);
$v.lineno = 688, out_$0.appendInternal(" ");
for (;maxarg_$6 < al;maxarg_$6++) {
var arg_$2 = ($v.lineno = 690, getarg_$7(maxarg_$6));
var sep_$3 = maxarg_$6 == al - 1 ? "\n" : " ";
$v.lineno = 692, out_$0.append(arg_$2);
$v.lineno = 693, out_$0.appendInternal(sep_$3)
return out_$0
finally {
if ($u) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "formatToString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 410;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], null, ["singleEscapeCharacters", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (np_$0) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["np", np_$0];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$8.lineno = 269;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var result_$1 = [];
for (var i_$2 = 0, l_$3 = np_$0.length;i_$2 < l_$3;i_$2 += 2) {
var rep_$4 = np_$0[i_$2];
var ch_$5 = np_$0[i_$2 + 1];
result_$1[$8.lineno = 274, ch_$5.charCodeAt(0)] = rep_$4
return result_$1
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzFormatter.lzs#269/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 269;
return $lzsc$temp
})()(["\\b", "\b", "\\t", "\t", "\\n", "\n", "\\v", String.fromCharCode(11), "\\f", "\f", "\\r", "\r", '\\"', '"', "\\'", "'", "\\\\", "\\"])]);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$3.lineno = 118;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compiler/LzFormatter.lzs#118/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/compiler/LzFormatter.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 118;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzDebugMessage", ["objects", [], "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (message_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["message", message_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 35;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
message_$0 = null
this.objects = [];
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($3.lineno = 46, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, message_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 35;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toLowerCase", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 53;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var msg_$0 = ($3.lineno = 54, new LzMessage(($3.lineno = 54, this.message.toLowerCase())));
msg_$0.objects = ($3.lineno = 55, this.objects.concat());
return msg_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toLowerCase";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 53;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toUpperCase", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 59;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var msg_$0 = ($3.lineno = 60, new LzMessage(($3.lineno = 60, this.message.toUpperCase())));
msg_$0.objects = ($3.lineno = 61, this.objects.concat());
return msg_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toUpperCase";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 59;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "concat", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = [];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$a.lineno = 65;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($a.lineno = 65,, 0));
var msg_$1 = ($a.lineno = 66, new LzMessage(($a.lineno = 66, this.message.concat.apply(this.message, args_$0))));
var offset_$2 = this.message.length;
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < args_$0.length;i_$3++) {
var arg_$4 = args_$0[i_$3];
if (LzDebugMessage["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($a.lineno = 70, LzDebugMessage.$lzsc$isa(arg_$4)) : arg_$4 instanceof LzDebugMessage) {
var ao_$5 = arg_$4.objects;
for (var j_$6 = 0;j_$6 < ao_$5.length;j_$6++) {
var od_$7 = ao_$5[j_$6];
$a.lineno = 74, msg_$1.objects.push({id: od_$, start: od_$7.start + offset_$2, end: od_$7.end + offset_$2})
offset_$2 += ($a.lineno = 77, String(arg_$4)).length
return msg_$1
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "concat";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 65;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "slice", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 83;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 83,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 83, this.message.slice.apply(this.message, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "slice";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 83;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "split", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 86;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 86,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 86, this.message.split.apply(this.message, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "split";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 86;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "substr", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 89;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 89,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 89, this.message.substr.apply(this.message, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "substr";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 89;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "substring", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 92;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 92,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 92, this.message.substring.apply(this.message, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "substring";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 92;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "appendInternal", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, obj_$1) {
var $a = Debug;
var $b = $a.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($b) {
var $c = ["str", str_$0, "obj", obj_$1];
$c.callee = arguments.callee;
$c["this"] = this;
$c.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$c.lineno = 110;
if ($b.length > $b.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
obj_$1 = null
if (obj_$1 != null) {
var id_$2 = ($c.lineno = 112, Debug.IDForObject(obj_$1))
} else {
var id_$2 = null
if (id_$2 == null) {
this.message += str_$0
} else if (LzDebugMessage["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($c.lineno = 118, LzDebugMessage.$lzsc$isa(obj_$1)) : obj_$1 instanceof LzDebugMessage) {
var arg_$3 = obj_$1;
var offset_$4 = this.message.length;
this.message += arg_$3.message;
var ao_$5 = arg_$3.objects;
for (var j_$6 = 0;j_$6 < ao_$5.length;j_$6++) {
var od_$7 = ao_$5[j_$6];
$c.lineno = 126, this.objects.push({id: od_$, start: od_$7.start + offset_$4, end: od_$7.end + offset_$4})
}} else {
var start_$8 = this.message.length;
this.message += str_$0;
var end_$9 = this.message.length;
$c.lineno = 132, this.objects.push({id: id_$2, start: start_$8, end: end_$9})
this.length = this.message.length
finally {
if ($b) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "appendInternal";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 110;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "append", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = [];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$7.lineno = 147;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($7.lineno = 147,, 0));
var len_$1 = args_$0.length;
for (var i_$2 = 0;i_$2 < len_$1;i_$2++) {
var arg_$3 = args_$0[i_$2];
if (!((String["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($7.lineno = 153, String.$lzsc$isa(arg_$3)) : arg_$3 instanceof String) && arg_$3["constructor"] === String) && ((Object["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($7.lineno = 154, Object.$lzsc$isa(arg_$3)) : arg_$3 instanceof Object) || ($7.lineno = 154, Debug.isObjectLike(arg_$3)) || ($7.lineno = 154, Debug.IDForObject(arg_$3)) != null)) {
var str_$4 = ($7.lineno = 156, Debug.__String(arg_$3, true, Infinity, true));
$7.lineno = 157, this.appendInternal(str_$4, arg_$3)
} else {
$7.lineno = 159, this.appendInternal(($7.lineno = 159, String(arg_$3)))
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "append";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 147;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toArray", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (linkMaker_$0) {
var $c = Debug;
var $d = $c.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($d) {
var $e = ["linkMaker", linkMaker_$0];
$e.callee = arguments.callee;
$e["this"] = this;
$e.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$e.lineno = 172;
if ($d.length > $d.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
linkMaker_$0 = null
if (linkMaker_$0 == null) {
linkMaker_$0 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (rep_$0, id_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["rep", rep_$0, "id", id_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$4.lineno = 174;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return $4.lineno = 174, Debug.ObjectForID(id_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMessage.lzs#174/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 174;
return $lzsc$temp
var msg_$1 = this.message;
var base_$2 = 0;
var limit_$3 = msg_$1.length;
var start_$4 = 0;
var end_$5 = 0;
var objs_$6 = this.objects;
var id_$7;
var array_$8 = [];
var len_$9 = objs_$6.length;
for (var i_$a = 0;i_$a < len_$9;i_$a++) {
var annot_$b = objs_$6[i_$a];
start_$4 = annot_$b.start;
end_$5 = annot_$b.end;
id_$7 = annot_$;
$e.lineno = 190, array_$8.push(($e.lineno = 190, ($e.lineno = 190, msg_$1.substring(base_$2, start_$4)).toHTML()));
$e.lineno = 191, array_$8.push(($e.lineno = 191, linkMaker_$0(($e.lineno = 191, ($e.lineno = 191, msg_$1.substring(start_$4, end_$5)).toHTML()), id_$7)));
base_$2 = end_$5
$e.lineno = 194, array_$8.push(($e.lineno = 194, ($e.lineno = 194, msg_$1.substring(base_$2, limit_$3)).toHTML()));
return array_$8
finally {
if ($d) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toArray";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 172;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toHTML", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 203;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return( $2.lineno = 204, ($2.lineno = 204, this.toArray((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 204;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 204,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 205, Debug.makeObjectLink.apply(Debug, args_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMessage.lzs#204/25";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 204;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toHTML";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 203;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzBootstrapMessage, ["xmlEscape", LzBootstrapMessage.xmlEscape]);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 29;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMessage.lzs#29/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 29;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzMessage = LzDebugMessage;
Class.make("LzSourceMessage", ["file", void 0, "__filePrefix", "@", "line", void 0, "__linePrefix", "\u2248", "message", void 0, "length", void 0, "backtrace", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3) {
var $b = Debug;
var $c = $b.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($c) {
var $d = ["file", file_$0, "line", line_$1, "message", message_$2, "node", node_$3];
$d.callee = arguments.callee;
$d["this"] = this;
$d.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$d.lineno = 261;
if ($c.length > $c.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
file_$0 = null;;case 1:
line_$1 = 0;;case 2:
message_$2 = "";;case 3:
node_$3 = null
var bts_$4 = ($d.lineno = 264, Debug.backtrace());
if (bts_$4 != null) {
var btsl_$5 = bts_$4.length;
var limit_$6 = btsl_$5;
for (var i_$7 = btsl_$5 - 1;i_$7 > 0;i_$7--) {
var callee_$8 = bts_$4[i_$7].callee;
if (callee_$8 === $reportException) {
limit_$6 = i_$7;
} else if (callee_$8 === $reportSourceWarning) {
limit_$6 = i_$7
} else if (callee_$8 === Debug.warnInternal) {
limit_$6 = i_$7 - 1
if (btsl_$5 >= limit_$6) {
for (var i_$7 = btsl_$5 - 1;i_$7 >= limit_$6;i_$7--) {
var frame_$9 = bts_$4[i_$7];
delete bts_$4[i_$7];
bts_$4["__" + i_$7] = frame_$9
bts_$4.length = limit_$6;
this.backtrace = bts_$4;
var top_$a = ($d.lineno = 305, this.backtrace.userStackFrame());
if (top_$a) {
if (file_$0 == null) {
file_$0 = ($d.lineno = 308, top_$a.filename());
line_$1 = ($d.lineno = 309, top_$a.lineno());
this.__linePrefix = "#"
} else if (file_$0 == ($d.lineno = 312, top_$a.filename()) && line_$1 == ($d.lineno = 313, top_$a.lineno())) {
this.__linePrefix = "#"
if (file_$0 == null && node_$3 != null) {
file_$0 = node_$3[Debug.FUNCTION_FILENAME];
this.__filePrefix = "%";
if (node_$3[Debug.FUNCTION_LINENO]) {
line_$1 = node_$3[Debug.FUNCTION_LINENO];
this.__linePrefix = "#"
this.file = file_$0;
this.line = line_$1;
if (LzMessage["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($d.lineno = 333, LzMessage.$lzsc$isa(message_$2)) : message_$2 instanceof LzMessage) {
this.message = message_$2
} else {
this.message = ($d.lineno = 336, new LzMessage(message_$2))
this.length = ($d.lineno = 338, this.toString()).length
finally {
if ($c) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 261;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "locationString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prefix_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["prefix", prefix_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$4.lineno = 375;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
prefix_$0 = ""
var str_$1 = prefix_$0;
if (this.file) {
if (str_$1.length) {
str_$1 += " "
str_$1 += this.__filePrefix;
str_$1 += this.file;
if (this.line) {
str_$1 += this.__linePrefix;
str_$1 += this.line
if (str_$1.length) {
str_$1 += ": "
return str_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "locationString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 375;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toArray", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 394;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var array_$0 = [($3.lineno = 395, this.locationString(this["constructor"].type))];
if (LzMessage["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($3.lineno = 396, LzMessage.$lzsc$isa(this.message)) : this.message instanceof LzMessage) {
return $3.lineno = 397, array_$0.concat(($3.lineno = 397, this.message.toArray()))
return $3.lineno = 399, array_$0.concat("" + this.message)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toArray";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 394;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toStringInternal", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (conversion_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["conversion", conversion_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 406;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return ($3.lineno = 407, this.locationString(this["constructor"].type)) + ($3.lineno = 407, this.message[conversion_$0]())
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toStringInternal";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 406;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_dbg_name", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 413;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return ($2.lineno = 415, this.locationString("")) + this.message
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMessage.lzs#413/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 413;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 422;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return ($2.lineno = 425, this.toStringInternal("toString")) + "\n"
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 422;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toHTML", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 433;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var id_$0 = ($3.lineno = 435, Debug.IDForObject(this));
return ($3.lineno = 438, Debug.makeObjectLink(($3.lineno = 438, this.toStringInternal("toHTML")), id_$0, this["constructor"])) + "\n"
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toHTML";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 433;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], null, ["type", "", "color", "#000000", "level", 0, "levelMax", 5, "format", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (file_$0, line_$1, control_$2) {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = ["file", file_$0, "line", line_$1, "control", control_$2];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$b.lineno = 354;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
file_$0 = null;;case 1:
line_$1 = 0;;case 2:
control_$2 = ""
var args_$3 = ($b.lineno = 359,, 3));
var debug_$4 = Debug;
var message_$5 = ($b.lineno = 356, debug_$4.formatToString.apply(debug_$4, ($b.lineno = 356, [control_$2].concat(args_$3))));
var node_$6 = null;
if (file_$0 == null) {
for (var i_$7 = 0;i_$7 < args_$3.length;i_$7++) {
var arg_$8 = args_$3[i_$7];
if ((LzNode["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($b.lineno = 362, LzNode.$lzsc$isa(arg_$8)) : arg_$8 instanceof LzNode) && arg_$8[Debug.FUNCTION_FILENAME]) {
node_$6 = arg_$8;
return $b.lineno = 368, new this(file_$0, line_$1, message_$5, node_$6)
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "format";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 354;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzWarning", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["file", file_$0, "line", line_$1, "message", message_$2, "node", node_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$6.lineno = 450;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
file_$0 = null;;case 1:
line_$1 = 0;;case 2:
message_$2 = "";;case 3:
node_$3 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 451, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 450;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzSourceMessage, ["type", "WARNING", "color", "#ff9900", "format", LzSourceMessage.format]);
Class.make("LzError", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["file", file_$0, "line", line_$1, "message", message_$2, "node", node_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$6.lineno = 465;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
file_$0 = null;;case 1:
line_$1 = 0;;case 2:
message_$2 = "";;case 3:
node_$3 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 466, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3);
Debug.lastError = this
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 465;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzSourceMessage, ["type", "ERROR", "color", "#ff0000", "format", LzSourceMessage.format]);
Class.make("LzInfo", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["file", file_$0, "line", line_$1, "message", message_$2, "node", node_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$6.lineno = 482;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
file_$0 = null;;case 1:
line_$1 = 0;;case 2:
message_$2 = "";;case 3:
node_$3 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 483, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 482;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzSourceMessage, ["type", "INFO", "color", "#0066cc", "format", LzSourceMessage.format]);
Class.make("LzDebug", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["file", file_$0, "line", line_$1, "message", message_$2, "node", node_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$6.lineno = 497;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
file_$0 = null;;case 1:
line_$1 = 0;;case 2:
message_$2 = "";;case 3:
node_$3 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 498, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMessage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 497;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzSourceMessage, ["type", "DEBUG", "color", "#00cc00", "format", LzSourceMessage.format]);
global._dbg_name = "global";
Class.make("LzDebugService", ["base", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (base_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["base", base_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$5.lineno = 116;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($5.lineno = 117, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, base_$0 != null ? base_$0.logger : null, base_$0 != null ? base_$0.console : null);
if (base_$0 != null) {
this.base = base_$0;
var copy_$1 = {backtraceStack: true, uncaughtBacktraceStack: true};
for (var k_$2 in copy_$1) {
this[k_$2] = base_$0[k_$2]
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 116;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "printLength", 1024, "printDepth", 8, "inspectPrintLength", 128, "inspectPrintDepth", 1, "printDetectCircular", null, "messageLevel", "ALL", "showInternalProperties", false, "atFreshLine", true, "atPrompt", false, "canvasConsoleWindow", null, "attachDebugConsole", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (console_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["console", console_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$7.lineno = 271;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var old_$1 = this.console;
this.console = console_$0;
this.canvasConsoleWindow = ($7.lineno = 275, this.console.canvasConsoleWindow());
var sm_$2 = old_$1.saved_msgs;
var sml_$3 = sm_$2.length;
for (var i_$4 = 0;i_$4 < sml_$3;i_$4++) {
$7.lineno = 280, this.console.addText(sm_$2[i_$4])
return this
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "attachDebugConsole";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 271;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ensureVisible", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$2.lineno = 293;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 294, this.console.ensureVisible()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "ensureVisible";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 293;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "freshLine", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$2.lineno = 301;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (!this.atFreshLine) {
$2.lineno = 303, this.console.addText("\n");
this.atFreshLine = true
this.atPrompt = false
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "freshLine";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 301;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "freshPrompt", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$2.lineno = 313;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (!this.atPrompt) {
$2.lineno = 315, this.freshLine();
$2.lineno = 316, this.console.echo("lzx> ", false);
this.atPrompt = true
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "freshPrompt";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 313;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "echo", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, newLine_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["str", str_$0, "newLine", newLine_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 325;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
newLine_$1 = true
$4.lineno = 326, this.console.echo(str_$0, newLine_$1);
this.atPrompt = false;
this.atFreshLine = newLine_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "echo";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 325;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "doEval", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (expr_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["expr", expr_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 336;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
$4.lineno = 337, this.freshPrompt();
$4.lineno = 339, this.echo(($4.lineno = 339, ($4.lineno = 339, String(expr_$0))["toHTML"]()));
try {
$4.lineno = 342, this.console.doEval(expr_$0)
catch (e_$1) {
$4.lineno = 344, this.error(e_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "doEval";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 336;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clear", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$2.lineno = 353;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 354, this.console.clear()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clear";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 353;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "displayObj", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (id_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["id", id_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 363;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var obj_$1 = ($4.lineno = 364, this.ObjectForID(id_$0));
if (LzFormatCallback["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($4.lineno = 366, LzFormatCallback.$lzsc$isa(obj_$1)) : obj_$1 instanceof LzFormatCallback) {
return $4.lineno = 367, obj_$
$4.lineno = 371, this.freshPrompt();
$4.lineno = 372, this.echo(($4.lineno = 372, ($4.lineno = 372, this.formatToString("Debug.inspect(%0.48w)", obj_$1))["toHTML"]()));
$4.lineno = 373, this.displayResult(($4.lineno = 373, this.inspect(obj_$1)))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "displayObj";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 363;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "updateOutputState", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (msg_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["msg", msg_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 380;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var str_$1 = ($4.lineno = 381, String(msg_$0));
this.atFreshLine = ($4.lineno = 382, str_$1.charAt(str_$1.length - 1)) == "\n";
if (str_$1.length) {
this.atPrompt = false;
$4.lineno = 386, this.console.ensureVisible()
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "updateOutputState";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 380;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "displayResult", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (result_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["result", result_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 395;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
result_$0 = void 0
var e_$1 = this.environment;
if (result_$0 !== void 0) {
if (result_$0 !== e_$1["_"]) {
if (e_$1["__"] !== void 0) {
e_$1.___ = e_$1.__
if (e_$1["_"] !== void 0) {
e_$1.__ = e_$1._
e_$1._ = result_$0
$4.lineno = 409, this.freshLine();
if (result_$0 !== void 0) {
$4.lineno = 412, this.format("%#w", result_$0)
$4.lineno = 414, this.freshPrompt()
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "displayResult";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 395;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__write", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (msg_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["msg", msg_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 427;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.log_all_writes || !(!($3.lineno = 428, LzBrowserKernel.getInitArg("logdebug")))) {
$3.lineno = 429, this.logger.log(msg_$0)
$3.lineno = 431, this.console.addText(msg_$0);
$3.lineno = 432, this.updateOutputState(msg_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__write";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 427;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "write", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 459;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var any_$0 = ($4.lineno = 459,, 0));
var msg_$1;
msg_$1 = ($4.lineno = 462, this.formatToString.apply(this, any_$0));
$4.lineno = 463, this.freshLine();
$4.lineno = 464, this.__write(msg_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "write";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 459;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "format", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (control_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["control", control_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 480;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var args_$1 = ($4.lineno = 480,, 1));
$4.lineno = 481, this.__write(($4.lineno = 481, this.formatToString.apply(this, ($4.lineno = 481, [control_$0].concat(args_$1)))))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "format";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 480;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "warnInternal", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (xtor_$0, control_$1) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["xtor", xtor_$0, "control", control_$1];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$a.lineno = 494;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var args_$2 = ($a.lineno = 494,, 2));
var sourceMessage_$3 = LzSourceMessage;
var level_$4 = sourceMessage_$3.level;
if (level_$4 > sourceMessage_$3.levelMax) {
try {
sourceMessage_$3.level = level_$4 + 1;
var msg_$5 = ($a.lineno = 501, xtor_$0["format"].apply(xtor_$0, ($a.lineno = 501, [null, null, control_$1].concat(args_$2))));
var mls_$6 = LzDebugService.messageLevels;
var t_$7 = xtor_$0["type"];
if ((t_$7 in mls_$6) ? mls_$6[t_$7] >= mls_$6[this.messageLevel] : true) {
$a.lineno = 507, this.freshLine();
$a.lineno = 508, this.__write(msg_$5)
finally {
sourceMessage_$3.level = level_$4
return msg_$5
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "warnInternal";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 494;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "warn", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 530;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 530,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 531, this.warnInternal.apply(this, ($3.lineno = 531, [LzWarning].concat(args_$0)))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "warn";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 530;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "error", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 546;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 546,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 547, this.warnInternal.apply(this, ($3.lineno = 547, [LzError].concat(args_$0)))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "error";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 546;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "info", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 562;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 562,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 563, this.warnInternal.apply(this, ($3.lineno = 563, [LzInfo].concat(args_$0)))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "info";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 562;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "debug", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 578;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var args_$0 = ($3.lineno = 578,, 0));
return $3.lineno = 579, this.warnInternal.apply(this, ($3.lineno = 579, [LzDebug].concat(args_$0)))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debug";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 578;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "inspect", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["obj", obj_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 600;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var msg_$1 = ($4.lineno = 601, this.inspectInternal(obj_$0));
$4.lineno = 603, this.freshLine();
$4.lineno = 607, this.console.addHTMLText(msg_$1);
$4.lineno = 608, this.updateOutputState(msg_$1);
return obj_$0
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "inspect";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 600;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "explainStyleBindings", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (node_$0, showInherited_$1) {
var $k = Debug;
var $l = $k.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($l) {
var $m = ["node", node_$0, "showInherited", showInherited_$1];
$m.callee = arguments.callee;
$m["this"] = this;
$m.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$m.lineno = 628;
if ($l.length > $l.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
showInherited_$1 = false
var style_$2 = LzCSSStyle;
var pc_$3 = ($m.lineno = 630, style_$2.getPropertyCache(node_$0));
var ppc_$4 = ($m.lineno = 631, style_$2.getPropertyCache(node_$0.immediateparent));
var rc_$5 = ($m.lineno = 632, style_$2.getRulesCache(node_$0));
var ps_$6 = [];
var sp_$7 = node_$0.__LZCSSProp;
if (sp_$7) {
for (var a_$8 in sp_$7) {
var p_$9 = sp_$7[a_$8];
if (showInherited_$1 || pc_$3[p_$9] !== ppc_$4[p_$9]) {
$m.lineno = 639, ps_$6.push(p_$9)
$m.lineno = 643, ps_$6.sort(this.caseInsensitiveOrdering);
var rs_$a = [];
for (var j_$b = 0, m_$c = rc_$5.length;j_$b < m_$c;j_$b++) {
var r_$d = rc_$5[j_$b];
var rp_$e = r_$;
for (var i_$f = 0, l_$g = ps_$6.length;i_$f < l_$g;i_$f++) {
var p_$9 = ps_$6[i_$f];
if (p_$9 in rp_$e) {
$m.lineno = 651, rs_$a.push(r_$d);
var msg_$h = "";
var vs_$i = [];
for (var j_$b = 0, m_$c = rs_$a.length;j_$b < m_$c;j_$b++) {
var r_$d = rs_$a[j_$b];
var rp_$e = r_$;
msg_$h += ($m.lineno = 661, ($m.lineno = 661, this.formatToString("/* @%s#%d (specificity %d, order %d) */\n", r_$d[Debug.FUNCTION_FILENAME], r_$d[Debug.FUNCTION_LINENO], r_$d.specificity, r_$d._lexorder)).toHTML());
msg_$h += ($m.lineno = 662, ($m.lineno = 662, this.formatToString("%w {\n", r_$d)).toHTML());
for (var i_$f = 0, l_$g = ps_$6.length;i_$f < l_$g;i_$f++) {
var p_$9 = ps_$6[i_$f];
if (p_$9 in rp_$e) {
var x_$j = vs_$i[i_$f];
msg_$h += ($m.lineno = 668, this.formatToString(" %s%s: ", x_$j ? "" : "", p_$9));
msg_$h += ($m.lineno = 669, ($m.lineno = 669, this.formatToString("%w", rp_$e[p_$9])).toHTML());
msg_$h += ($m.lineno = 670, this.formatToString("%s;\n", x_$j ? "" : ""));
vs_$i[i_$f] = true
msg_$h += ($m.lineno = 674, ($m.lineno = 674, this.formatToString("}\n")).toHTML())
$m.lineno = 678, this.freshLine();
$m.lineno = 682, this.console.addHTMLText(msg_$h);
$m.lineno = 683, this.updateOutputState(msg_$h);
return node_$0
finally {
if ($l) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "explainStyleBindings";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 628;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "objseq", 0, "id_to_object_table", [], "IDForObject", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0, force_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["obj", obj_$0, "force", force_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$6.lineno = 719;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
force_$1 = false
var id_$2;
var ot_$3 = this.id_to_object_table;
for (id_$2 = ot_$3.length - 1;id_$2 >= 0;id_$2--) {
if (ot_$3[id_$2] === obj_$0) {
return id_$2
if (!force_$1) {
if (!($6.lineno = 733, this.isObjectLike(obj_$0))) {
return null
id_$2 = this.objseq++;
this.id_to_object_table[id_$2] = obj_$0;
return id_$2
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "IDForObject";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 719;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ObjectForID", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (id_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["id", id_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 750;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return this.id_to_object_table[id_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "ObjectForID";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 750;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__typeof", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (thing_$0) {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = ["thing", thing_$0];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$b.lineno = 783;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
try {
var n_$1 = typeof thing_$0;
if ($b.lineno = 788, this.isObjectLike(thing_$0)) {
var oc_$2 = (Object["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($b.lineno = 791, Object.$lzsc$isa(thing_$0)) : thing_$0 instanceof Object) && thing_$0["constructor"];
var user_name_$3 = null;
if ("_dbg_typename" in thing_$0) {
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($b.lineno = 798, Function.$lzsc$isa(thing_$0._dbg_typename)) : thing_$0._dbg_typename instanceof Function) {
try {
user_name_$3 = ($b.lineno = 801, thing_$0._dbg_typename())
catch (e_$4) {}} else if (typeof thing_$0._dbg_typename == "string") {
user_name_$3 = thing_$0._dbg_typename
if ($b.lineno = 808, this.isStringLike(user_name_$3)) {
n_$1 = user_name_$3
} else if (oc_$2) {
var ocn_$5 = ($b.lineno = 811, this.functionName(oc_$2, true));
if (ocn_$5) {
n_$1 = ocn_$5
} else {
ocn_$5 = ($b.lineno = 815, this.functionName(oc_$2, false));
if (!ocn_$5) {
var ts_$6 = ($b.lineno = 818, thing_$0.toString());
var s_$7 = "[object ".length;
var e_$4 = ($b.lineno = 820, ts_$6.indexOf("]"));
if (($b.lineno = 821, ts_$6.indexOf("[object ")) == 0 && e_$4 == ts_$6.length - 1) {
ocn_$5 = ($b.lineno = 823, ts_$6.substring(s_$7, e_$4))
} else if (($b.lineno = 824, ts_$6.indexOf("[")) == 0 && ($b.lineno = 825, ts_$6.indexOf("]")) == ts_$6.length - 1) {
ocn_$5 = ($b.lineno = 826, ts_$6.substring(1, ts_$6.length - 1))
if (ocn_$5) {
if (oc_$2 !== ($b.lineno = 830, globalValue(ocn_$5))) {
var id_$8 = ($b.lineno = 832, this.IDForObject(oc_$2, true));
ocn_$5 += "#" + id_$8
n_$1 = ocn_$5
if (oc_$2 && !(oc_$2["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($b.lineno = 839, oc_$2.$lzsc$isa(thing_$0)) : thing_$0 instanceof oc_$2)) {
if (thing_$0 === oc_$2["prototype"]) {
} else {
n_$1 = "\xBF" + n_$1 + "?"
}} else if (oc_$2["prototype"] && (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($b.lineno = 851, Function.$lzsc$isa(oc_$2.prototype["isPrototypeOf"])) : oc_$2.prototype["isPrototypeOf"] instanceof Function) && !($b.lineno = 852, oc_$2.prototype.isPrototypeOf(thing_$0))) {
if (thing_$0 === oc_$2.prototype) {
} else {
n_$1 = "\xA1" + n_$1 + "!"
try {
if ($b.lineno = 867, this.isArrayLike(thing_$0)) {
n_$1 += "(" + thing_$0.length + ")"
catch (e_$4) {}}
catch (e_$4) {
try {
n_$1 = ($b.lineno = 875, this.formatToString("Error: %0.24#s computing __typeof", e_$4))
catch (e_$4) {
n_$1 = "Recursive error computing __typeof"
return n_$1
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__typeof";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 783;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "functionName", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fn_$0, mustBeUnique_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["fn", fn_$0, "mustBeUnique", mustBeUnique_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$9.lineno = 902;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
mustBeUnique_$1 = false
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 903, Function.$lzsc$isa(fn_$0)) : fn_$0 instanceof Function) {
var dn_$2 = Debug.FUNCTION_NAME;
if ($9.lineno = 906, fn_$0.hasOwnProperty(dn_$2)) {
var n_$3 = fn_$0[dn_$2]
} else {
var fstring_$4 = ($9.lineno = 910, fn_$0["toString"]());
var s_$5 = "function ".length;
var e_$6 = ($9.lineno = 912, fstring_$4.indexOf("("));
if (($9.lineno = 913, fstring_$4.indexOf("function ")) == 0 && e_$6 > s_$5) {
while (($9.lineno = 914, fstring_$4.charAt(s_$5)) == " ") {
while (($9.lineno = 915, fstring_$4.charAt(e_$6 - 1)) == " ") {
n_$3 = ($9.lineno = 916, fstring_$4.substring(s_$5, e_$6))
if (n_$3) {
if (!mustBeUnique_$1 || fn_$0 === ($9.lineno = 920, globalValue(n_$3))) {
return n_$3
return null
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "functionName";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 902;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "methodName", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0, f_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["o", o_$0, "f", f_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 944;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return $4.lineno = 945, this.functionName(f_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "methodName";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 944;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__StringDescription", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (thing, escape_$0, limit_$1, readable_$2, depth_$3) {
var $l = Debug;
var $m = $l.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($m) {
var $n = ["thing", thing, "escape", escape_$0, "limit", limit_$1, "readable", readable_$2, "depth", depth_$3];
$n.callee = arguments.callee;
$n["this"] = this;
$n.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$n.lineno = 962;
if ($m.length > $m.maxDepth) {
try {
if (thing === void 0) {
return {readable: true, description: "(void 0)"}};
if (thing === null) {
return {readable: true, description: "null"}};
var t_$4 = typeof thing;
var isreadable_$5 = false;
var debug_name_$6 = null;
var s_$7 = "";
if ($n.lineno = 979, this.isObjectLike(thing)) {
var opl_$8 = this.printLength;
try {
this.printLength = limit_$1 < this.inspectPrintLength ? limit_$1 : this.inspectPrintLength;
if ((Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($n.lineno = 987, Function.$lzsc$isa(thing["hasOwnProperty"])) : thing["hasOwnProperty"] instanceof Function) && ($n.lineno = 987, thing.hasOwnProperty("_dbg_prototype_for"))) {
debug_name_$6 = ($n.lineno = 988, this.functionName(thing._dbg_prototype_for)) + ".prototype"
} else {
var dn_$9 = ("_dbg_name" in thing) ? thing._dbg_name : null;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($n.lineno = 993, Function.$lzsc$isa(dn_$9)) : dn_$9 instanceof Function) {
try {
debug_name_$6 = ($n.lineno = 997, thing._dbg_name())
catch (e_$a) {}} else if ($n.lineno = 1000, this.isStringLike(dn_$9)) {
debug_name_$6 = dn_$9
finally {
this.printLength = opl_$8
if ($n.lineno = 1013, this.isStringLike(debug_name_$6)) {
if (($n.lineno = 1016, debug_name_$6.charAt(0)) == "#") {
isreadable_$5 = true
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1022, this.stringEscape(debug_name_$6))
} else if (t_$4 == "null" || t_$4 == "number" || t_$4 == "boolean") {
isreadable_$5 = true;
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1027, String(thing))
} else if ($n.lineno = 1028, this.isStringLike(thing)) {
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1030, this.abbreviate(thing, limit_$1));
isreadable_$5 = escape_$0 && t_$4 == "string" && s_$7 === thing;
if (escape_$0) {
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1037, this.stringEscape(s_$7, true))
}} else if (t_$4 == "function" || (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($n.lineno = 1039, Function.$lzsc$isa(thing)) : thing instanceof Function)) {
var n_$b = ($n.lineno = 1040, this.functionName(thing, true));
if (n_$b != null) {
isreadable_$5 = true;
s_$7 = n_$b
} else {
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1047, this.functionName(thing, false));
if (s_$7 == null) {
s_$7 = ""
}}} else if ($n.lineno = 1051, this.isObjectLike(thing)) {
if (thing["constructor"] && (thing.constructor === Date || thing.constructor === Boolean || thing.constructor === Number)) {
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1060, thing.toString());
if (s_$7 == null) {
s_$7 = ""
}} else if (String["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($n.lineno = 1063, String.$lzsc$isa(thing)) : thing instanceof String) {
} else if ((Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($n.lineno = 1068, Function.$lzsc$isa(thing["toString"])) : thing["toString"] instanceof Function) && thing.toString !== {}.toString && thing.toString !== [].toString && (s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1071, (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1071;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
try {
var u_$0 = ($4.lineno = 1073, thing.toString());
if (typeof u_$0 != "undefined" && u_$0 != "undefined") {
return u_$0
catch (e_$1) {
return ""
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzDebug.lzs#1071/24";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1071;
return $lzsc$temp
})()()))) {
} else {
var names_$c = [];
var indices_$d = ($n.lineno = 1083, this.isArrayLike(thing)) ? [] : null;
$n.lineno = 1084, this.objectOwnProperties(thing, names_$c, indices_$d, limit_$1);
if (indices_$d) {
$n.lineno = 1085, indices_$d.sort(this.numericOrdering)
if (indices_$d) {
var next_$e = 0;
for (var i_$f = 0;i_$f < indices_$d.length && s_$7.length < limit_$1;i_$f++) {
var key_$g = indices_$d[i_$f];
if (key_$g != next_$e) {
s_$7 += "\u2026, "
s_$7 += ($n.lineno = 1103, this.__String(thing[key_$g], true, limit_$1 - 5, false, depth_$3 - 1)) + ", ";
next_$e = key_$g + 1
if (s_$7 != "" && i_$f == indices_$d.length) {
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1106, s_$7.substring(0, s_$7.length - 2))
s_$7 = "[" + s_$7 + "]"
} else {
var ellip_$h = true;
$n.lineno = 1112, names_$c.sort(this.caseInsensitiveOrdering);
for (var i_$f = 0;i_$f < names_$c.length && s_$7.length < limit_$1;i_$f++) {
var e_$a = names_$c[i_$f];
var v_$i = thing[e_$a];
var tv_$j = typeof v_$i;
var dtv_$k = ($n.lineno = 1117, this.__typeof(v_$i));
if (tv_$j != "undefined" && tv_$j != "function" && "" + v_$i != "" && !($n.lineno = 1123, this.internalProperty(e_$a)) && !($n.lineno = 1124, this.internalProperty(dtv_$k))) {
ellip_$h = true;
s_$7 += "" + e_$a + ": " + ($n.lineno = 1127, this.__String(v_$i, true, limit_$1 - 5, false, depth_$3 - 1)) + ", "
} else {
if (ellip_$h) {
s_$7 += "\u2026, ";
ellip_$h = false
if (s_$7 != "" && i_$f == names_$c.length) {
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1135, s_$7.substring(0, s_$7.length - 2))
s_$7 = "{" + s_$7 + "}"
}}} else {
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1141, String(thing))
catch (e_$a) {
try {
s_$7 = ($n.lineno = 1147, this.formatToString("Error: %0.24#s computing __String", e_$a))
catch (e_$a) {
s_$7 = "Recursive error computing __String"
return {readable: isreadable_$5, description: s_$7}}
finally {
if ($m) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__StringDescription";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 962;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__String", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (thing_$0, escape_$1, limit_$2, readable_$3, depth_$4) {
var $g = Debug;
var $h = $g.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($h) {
var $i = ["thing", thing_$0, "escape", escape_$1, "limit", limit_$2, "readable", readable_$3, "depth", depth_$4];
$i.callee = arguments.callee;
$i["this"] = this;
$i.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$i.lineno = 1189;
if ($h.length > $h.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
escape_$1 = true;;case 2:
limit_$2 = void 0;;case 3:
readable_$3 = void 0;;case 4:
depth_$4 = void 0
var origPrintLength_$5 = this.printLength;
var origPrintDepth_$6 = this.printDepth;
var origPrintDetectCircular_$7 = this.printDetectCircular;
if (limit_$2 === void 0) {
limit_$2 = origPrintLength_$5
if (readable_$3 === void 0) {
readable_$3 = !escape_$1
if (depth_$4 === void 0) {
depth_$4 = origPrintDepth_$6
var circular_$8 = origPrintDetectCircular_$7;
if (depth_$4 < 0) {
return "\u2026"
var s_$9 = "";
var isreadable_$a = false;
var id_$b = ($i.lineno = 1205, this.IDForObject(thing_$0));
if (limit_$2 > 0) {
try {
if (id_$b !== null && circular_$8 != null && circular_$8[id_$b]) {
var cache_$c = circular_$8[id_$b];
if (cache_$c && cache_$c !== true) {
s_$9 = cache_$c.description;
isreadable_$a = cache_$c.readable
} else {
readable_$3 = true
}} else {
if (id_$b !== null) {
if (!(Array["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($i.lineno = 1227, Array.$lzsc$isa(circular_$8)) : circular_$8 instanceof Array)) {
circular_$8 = []
circular_$8[id_$b] = true
this.printLength = limit_$2;
this.printDepth = depth_$4;
this.printDetectCircular = circular_$8;
var d_$d = ($i.lineno = 1235, this.__StringDescription(thing_$0, escape_$1, limit_$2, readable_$3, depth_$4));
s_$9 = d_$d.description;
isreadable_$a = d_$d.readable;
if (s_$9 && id_$b !== null) {
circular_$8[id_$b] = d_$d
finally {
this.printLength = origPrintLength_$5;
this.printDepth = origPrintDepth_$6;
this.printDetectCircular = origPrintDetectCircular_$7
if ((isreadable_$a || !readable_$3) && s_$9 && s_$9.length < limit_$2) {
return s_$9
var r_$e = "\xAB";
r_$e += ($i.lineno = 1258, this.__typeof(thing_$0));
var room_$f = limit_$2 - r_$e.length - 4;
if (readable_$3 && (!isreadable_$a || s_$9 && s_$9.length >= room_$f) && id_$b === null) {
id_$b = ($i.lineno = 1263, this.IDForObject(thing_$0, true))
if (readable_$3 && id_$b !== null) {
r_$e += "#" + id_$b
if (s_$9) {
if (room_$f > 0) {
r_$e += "| ";
r_$e += ($i.lineno = 1270, this.abbreviate(s_$9, room_$f))
r_$e += "\xBB";
return r_$e
finally {
if ($h) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__String";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1189;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "inspectContext", null, "inspectInternal", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0, showInternalProperties_$1) {
var $p = Debug;
var $q = $p.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($q) {
var $r = ["obj", obj_$0, "showInternalProperties", showInternalProperties_$1];
$r.callee = arguments.callee;
$r["this"] = this;
$r.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$r.lineno = 1297;
if ($q.length > $q.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
showInternalProperties_$1 = void 0
var si_$2 = showInternalProperties_$1 === void 0 ? Debug.showInternalProperties : false;
var octx_$3 = this.inspectContext;
var opdc_$4 = this.printDetectCircular;
try {
var isobj_$5 = ($r.lineno = 1305, this.isObjectLike(obj_$0));
if (!isobj_$5) {
var esc_$6 = false;
var pl_$7 = Infinity;
var pr_$8 = false
} else {
var esc_$6 = true;
var pl_$7 = this.inspectPrintLength;
var pr_$8 = true
this.inspectContext = obj_$0;
var id_$9 = ($r.lineno = 1319, this.IDForObject(obj_$0));
if (isobj_$5 && id_$9 !== null) {
var pdc_$a = this.printDetectCircular = [];
var d_$b = ($r.lineno = 1323, this.__StringDescription(obj_$0, true, pl_$7, true, 0));
pdc_$a[id_$9] = d_$b.readable ? d_$b.description : true
var name_$c = ($r.lineno = 1328, LzMessage.xmlEscape(($r.lineno = 1328, this.__String(obj_$0, esc_$6, pl_$7, pr_$8, 0))));
if (!isobj_$5) {
return name_$c
var names_$d = [];
var indices_$e = ($r.lineno = 1335, this.isArrayLike(obj_$0)) && !($r.lineno = 1335, this.isStringLike(obj_$0)) ? [] : null;
$r.lineno = 1336, this.objectOwnProperties(obj_$0, names_$d, indices_$e, Infinity, si_$2);
$r.lineno = 1337, names_$d.sort(this.caseInsensitiveOrdering);
if (indices_$e) {
$r.lineno = 1338, indices_$e.sort(this.numericOrdering)
var description_$f = "";
var nnames_$g = names_$d.length;
var val_$h;
var wid_$i = 0;
if (("markGeneration" in this) && this.markGeneration > 0) {
for (var i_$j = 0;i_$j < nnames_$g;i_$j++) {
var keywidth_$k = names_$d[i_$j].length;
if (keywidth_$k > wid_$i) {
wid_$i = keywidth_$k
if (indices_$e) {
var keywidth_$k = ("" + obj_$0.length).length;
if (keywidth_$k > wid_$i) {
wid_$i = keywidth_$k
var last_$l;
for (var i_$j = 0;i_$j < nnames_$g;i_$j++) {
var key_$m = names_$d[i_$j];
if (key_$m != last_$l) {
last_$l = key_$m;
val_$h = obj_$0[key_$m];
if (si_$2 || !($r.lineno = 1363, this.internalProperty(($r.lineno = 1363, String(key_$m)))) && !($r.lineno = 1366, this.internalProperty(($r.lineno = 1366, this.__typeof(val_$h))))) {
description_$f += " " + ($r.lineno = 1367, this.computeSlotDescription(obj_$0, key_$m, val_$h, wid_$i)) + "\n"
if (indices_$e) {
for (var i_$j = 0;i_$j < indices_$e.length;i_$j++) {
var key_$m = indices_$e[i_$j];
val_$h = obj_$0[key_$m];
description_$f += " " + ($r.lineno = 1377, this.computeSlotDescription(obj_$0, key_$m, val_$h, wid_$i)) + "\n"
if (("markGeneration" in this) && this.markGeneration > 0) {
var leaked_$n = this.annotation.leaked;
if (($r.lineno = 1383, this.isObjectLike(obj_$0)) && (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($r.lineno = 1384, Function.$lzsc$isa(obj_$0["hasOwnProperty"])) : obj_$0["hasOwnProperty"] instanceof Function) && ($r.lineno = 1385, obj_$0.hasOwnProperty(leaked_$n)) && obj_$0[leaked_$n]) {
name_$c += " (\xA3" + obj_$0[leaked_$n] + ")"
catch (e_$o) {
try {
description_$f = ($r.lineno = 1395, ($r.lineno = 1395, this.formatToString("Error: %0.24#s computing inspectInternal", e_$o)).toHTML())
catch (e_$o) {
description_$f = "Recursive error computing inspectInternal"
finally {
this.printDetectCircular = opdc_$4;
this.inspectContext = octx_$3
if (description_$f != "") {
description_$f = " {\n" + description_$f + "}"
return name_$c + description_$f
finally {
if ($q) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "inspectInternal";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1297;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "computeSlotDescription", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0, key_$1, val_$2, wid_$3) {
var $c = Debug;
var $d = $c.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($d) {
var $e = ["obj", obj_$0, "key", key_$1, "val", val_$2, "wid", wid_$3];
$e.callee = arguments.callee;
$e["this"] = this;
$e.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$e.lineno = 1412;
if ($d.length > $d.maxDepth) {
var r_$4 = key_$1 + ":";
try {
if (("markGeneration" in this) && this.markGeneration > 0) {
var annotation_$5 = this.annotation;
var leaked_$6 = annotation_$5.leaked;
var why_$7 = annotation_$5.why;
var wf_$8 = " ";
wid_$3 += wf_$8.length;
if ((Object["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($e.lineno = 1423, Object.$lzsc$isa(val_$2)) : val_$2 instanceof Object) && (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($e.lineno = 1424, Function.$lzsc$isa(val_$2["hasOwnProperty"])) : val_$2["hasOwnProperty"] instanceof Function) && ($e.lineno = 1425, val_$2.hasOwnProperty(leaked_$6)) && val_$2[leaked_$6] && (!($e.lineno = 1428, obj_$0.hasOwnProperty(leaked_$6)) || ($e.lineno = 1428, val_$2[why_$7].indexOf(obj_$0[why_$7])) == 0)) {
r_$4 += ($e.lineno = 1429, this.pad(" (\xA3" + val_$2[leaked_$6] + ")", wf_$8.length))
} else {
r_$4 += wf_$8
var ostr_$9 = ($e.lineno = 1437, LzMessage.xmlEscape(($e.lineno = 1437, this.__String(val_$2, true, this.inspectPrintLength, false, this.inspectPrintDepth))));
var id_$a = ($e.lineno = 1439, this.IDForObject(val_$2));
r_$4 = ($e.lineno = 1440, this.pad(r_$4, wid_$3));
r_$4 += " " + ($e.lineno = 1441, this.console.makeObjectLink(ostr_$9, id_$a))
catch (e_$b) {
try {
r_$4 += ($e.lineno = 1447, ($e.lineno = 1447, this.formatToString(" Error: %0.24#s computing slot description", e_$b)).toHTML())
catch (e_$b) {
r_$4 += " Error computing description"
return r_$4
finally {
if ($d) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "computeSlotDescription";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1412;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "isObjectLike", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["obj", obj_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1466;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return obj_$0 && ((Object["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($3.lineno = 1469, Object.$lzsc$isa(obj_$0)) : obj_$0 instanceof Object) || typeof obj_$0 == "object")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "isObjectLike";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1466;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "isArrayLike", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["obj", obj_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1481;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (obj_$0 && ((Array["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($4.lineno = 1482, Array.$lzsc$isa(obj_$0)) : obj_$0 instanceof Array) || obj_$0["length"] != void 0)) {
var ol_$1 = obj_$0.length;
return (typeof ol_$1 == "number" || (Number["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($4.lineno = 1484, Number.$lzsc$isa(ol_$1)) : ol_$1 instanceof Number)) && (ol_$1 | 0) === ol_$1 && ol_$1 >= 0
return false
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "isArrayLike";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1481;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "isStringLike", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["obj", obj_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1497;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return typeof obj_$0 == "string" || (String["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($3.lineno = 1499, String.$lzsc$isa(obj_$0)) : obj_$0 instanceof String) || (LzMessage["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($3.lineno = 1500, LzMessage.$lzsc$isa(obj_$0)) : obj_$0 instanceof LzMessage)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "isStringLike";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1497;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "caseInsensitiveOrdering", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (a_$0, b_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["a", a_$0, "b", b_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$6.lineno = 1504;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var al_$2 = ($6.lineno = 1505, a_$0.toLowerCase());
var bl_$3 = ($6.lineno = 1506, b_$1.toLowerCase());
return (al_$2 > bl_$3) - (al_$2 < bl_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "caseInsensitiveOrdering";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1504;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "numericOrdering", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (a_$0, b_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["a", a_$0, "b", b_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$6.lineno = 1515;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var al_$2 = ($6.lineno = 1516, Number(a_$0));
var bl_$3 = ($6.lineno = 1517, Number(b_$1));
return ($6.lineno = 1518, Number(al_$2 > bl_$3)) - ($6.lineno = 1518, Number(al_$2 < bl_$3))
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "numericOrdering";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1515;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "internalProperty", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["str", str_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$5.lineno = 1526;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var ipp_$1 = LzDebugService.internalPropertyPrefixes;
for (var key_$2 = ipp_$1.length - 1;key_$2 >= 0;key_$2--) {
if (($5.lineno = 1530, str_$0.indexOf(ipp_$1[key_$2])) == 0) {
return true
return false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "internalProperty";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1526;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "abbreviate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0, l_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["s", s_$0, "l", l_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1546;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
l_$1 = NaN
if ($4.lineno = 1548, isNaN(l_$1)) {
l_$1 = Debug.printLength
return (arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["abbreviate"] || ($4.lineno = 1549, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "abbreviate"))).call(this, s_$0, l_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "abbreviate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1546;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "versionInfo", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1559;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 1560, this.write(($2.lineno = 1560, LzCanvas.versionInfoString()))
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "versionInfo";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1559;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "lastError", null, "bugReport", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (error_$0, verbose) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
var inspect;
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["error", error_$0, "verbose", verbose];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$8.lineno = 1592;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
inspect = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0, verbose_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["obj", obj_$0, "verbose", verbose_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$5.lineno = 1619;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var id_$2 = verbose_$1 && ($5.lineno = 1620, Debug.IDForObject(obj_$0));
if (id_$2 && !(id_$2 in inspected)) {
inspected[id_$2] = obj_$0
return obj_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "inspect";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1619;
return $lzsc$temp
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
error_$0 = null;;case 1:
verbose = null
if (error_$0 == null) {
try {
with (this.environment) {
if (LzSourceMessage["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($8.lineno = 1596, LzSourceMessage.$lzsc$isa(_)) : _ instanceof LzSourceMessage) {
error_$0 = _
} else {
error_$0 = this.lastError
catch (e_$1) {}};
if (typeof error_$0 == "number") {
error_$0 = ($8.lineno = 1605, this.ObjectForID(error_$0))
if (!(LzSourceMessage["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($8.lineno = 1607, LzSourceMessage.$lzsc$isa(error_$0)) : error_$0 instanceof LzSourceMessage)) {
$8.lineno = 1608, this.error("You must provide a debugger message to report. Please inspect a debugger message and try again.");
if (!(LzBacktrace["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($8.lineno = 1612, LzBacktrace.$lzsc$isa(error_$0.backtrace)) : error_$0.backtrace instanceof LzBacktrace)) {
$8.lineno = 1613, this.error("Backtraces must be on to report a bug. Please enable backtracing and try again.");
if (verbose == null) {
verbose = this.showInternalProperties
var inspected = {};
$8.lineno = 1627, this.format("Please copy the following information into your bug report:\n\n---START OF BUG REPORT---\n\nLPS VERSION INFORMATION:\n");
$8.lineno = 1628, this.versionInfo();
$8.lineno = 1629, this.format("\nERROR MESSAGE: %s", error_$0);
$8.lineno = 1630, this.format("\nERROR BACKTRACE:");
var that = this;
$8.lineno = 1632, error_$ () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (frame_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["frame", frame_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$5.lineno = 1633;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
$5.lineno = 1634, that.format("\n%w", frame_$0);
if (frame_$0.context) {
$5.lineno = 1636, that.format("\n this: %#w", ($5.lineno = 1636, inspect(frame_$0.context, true)))
var args_$1 = frame_$0.arguments;
for (var i_$2 = 0;i_$2 < args_$1.length;i_$2 += 2) {
$5.lineno = 1640, that.format("\n %s: %#w", args_$1[i_$2], ($5.lineno = 1640, inspect(args_$1[i_$2 + 1], verbose)))
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzDebug.lzs#1633/7";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1633;
return $lzsc$temp
var keys_$2 = [];
for (var id_$3 in inspected) {
$8.lineno = 1646, keys_$2.push(id_$3)
if (keys_$2.length > 0) {
$8.lineno = 1649, this.format("\n\nOBJECT DETAILS:");
$8.lineno = 1651, keys_$2.sort((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (a_$0, b_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["a", a_$0, "b", b_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$6.lineno = 1651;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var al_$2 = ($6.lineno = 1652, parseInt(a_$0));
var bl_$3 = ($6.lineno = 1653, parseInt(b_$1));
return (al_$2 > bl_$3 ? 1 : 0) - (al_$2 < bl_$3 ? 1 : 0)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzDebug.lzs#1651/17";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1651;
return $lzsc$temp
for (var i_$4 = 0;i_$4 < keys_$2.length;i_$4++) {
var obj_$5 = inspected[keys_$2[i_$4]];
$8.lineno = 1658, this.format("\n");
$8.lineno = 1660, this.inspect(obj_$5);
$8.lineno = 1661, this.format("\n")
$8.lineno = 1664, this.format("\n---END OF BUG REPORT---\n")
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "bugReport";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1592;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "objectOwnProperties", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0, names_$1, indices_$2, limit_$3, nonEnumerable_$4) {
var $b = Debug;
var $c = $b.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($c) {
var $d = ["obj", obj_$0, "names", names_$1, "indices", indices_$2, "limit", limit_$3, "nonEnumerable", nonEnumerable_$4];
$d.callee = arguments.callee;
$d["this"] = this;
$d.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$d.lineno = 1688;
if ($c.length > $c.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
names_$1 = null;;case 2:
indices_$2 = null;;case 3:
limit_$3 = Infinity;;case 4:
nonEnumerable_$4 = false
var alen_$5 = false;
if ($d.lineno = 1691, this.isArrayLike(obj_$0)) {
alen_$5 = obj_$0.length
var proto_$6 = false;
try {
proto_$6 = obj_$0["constructor"] && typeof obj_$0.constructor["prototype"] == "object" ? obj_$0.constructor.prototype : false
catch (e_$7) {};
for (var key_$8 in obj_$0) {
var isown_$9 = false;
if (!proto_$6) {
isown_$9 = true
} else {
try {
isown_$9 = ($d.lineno = 1710, obj_$0.hasOwnProperty(key_$8))
catch (e_$7) {};
if (!isown_$9) {
var pk_$a;
try {
pk_$a = proto_$6[key_$8]
catch (e_$7) {};
isown_$9 = obj_$0[key_$8] !== pk_$a
if (isown_$9) {
if (alen_$5 != false && (key_$8 | 0) == key_$8 && 0 <= key_$8 && key_$8 < alen_$5) {
if (indices_$2) {
$d.lineno = 1729, indices_$2.push(($d.lineno = 1729, Number(key_$8)));
if (--limit_$3 == 0) {
}}} else {
if (names_$1) {
$d.lineno = 1734, names_$1.push(key_$8);
if (--limit_$3 == 0) {
finally {
if ($c) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "objectOwnProperties";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1688;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "stackOverflow", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var bs_$0 = this.backtraceStack;
try {
var old_$1 = bs_$0.maxDepth;
bs_$0.maxDepth *= 1.25;
throw new Error(Debug.error("Stack overflow: %s", Debug.backtrace(bs_$0.length - 50)))
finally {
bs_$0.maxDepth = old_$1
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "stackOverflow";
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "backtrace", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (skip_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["skip", skip_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1766;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
skip_$0 = 1
if (Debug.backtraceStack.length > skip_$0) {
return $3.lineno = 1768, new LzBacktrace(skip_$0)
return null
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "backtrace";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1766;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], [LzFormatter, LzBootstrapDebugService], ["messageLevels", {ALL: 0, MONITOR: 1, TRACE: 2, DEBUG: 3, INFO: 4, WARNING: 5, ERROR: 6, NONE: 7}, "internalPropertyPrefixes", ["$", "__", "_dbg_", "LzDeclared"]]);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$3.lineno = 107;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzDebug.lzs#107/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzDebug.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 107;
return $lzsc$temp
var Debug = new LzDebugService(Debug);
var __LzDebug = Debug;
Class.make("LzDHTMLDebugConsole", ["DebugWindow", null, "__reNewline", RegExp("
|\\n", "g"), "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (iframe_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["iframe", iframe_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$3.lineno = 21;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($3.lineno = 22, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
this.DebugWindow = iframe_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 21;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addHTMLText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["str", str_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$7.lineno = 29;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var dw_$1 = this.DebugWindow;
var dwd_$2 = dw_$1.document;
var span_$3 = ($7.lineno = 32, dwd_$2.createElement("span"));
var dwdb_$4 = dwd_$2.body;
span_$3.innerHTML = '' + ($7.lineno = 35, str_$0.replace(this.__reNewline, "
")) + "";
$7.lineno = 37, dwdb_$4.appendChild(span_$3);
$7.lineno = 39, dw_$1.scrollTo(0, dwdb_$4.scrollHeight)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addHTMLText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 29;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clear", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$3.lineno = 45;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var dw_$0 = this.DebugWindow;
dw_$0.document.body.innerHTML = ""
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clear";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 45;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "echo", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, newLine_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["str", str_$0, "newLine", newLine_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$4.lineno = 59;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
newLine_$1 = true
$4.lineno = 60, this.addHTMLText('' + str_$0 + "" + (newLine_$1 ? "\n" : ""))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "echo";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 59;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "doEval", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (expr_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["expr", expr_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$5.lineno = 73;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
try {
with (Debug.environment) {
var value_$1 = ($5.lineno = 78, window.eval("(" + expr_$0 + ")"))
$5.lineno = 80, Debug.displayResult(value_$1)
catch (e_$2) {
if (!(SyntaxError["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($5.lineno = 83, SyntaxError.$lzsc$isa(e_$2)) : e_$2 instanceof SyntaxError)) {
$5.lineno = 84, Debug.error("%s", e_$2);
try {
with (Debug.environment) {
var value_$1 = ($5.lineno = 91, window.eval(expr_$0))
$5.lineno = 93, Debug.displayResult(value_$1)
catch (e_$2) {
$5.lineno = 96, Debug.error("%s", e_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "doEval";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 73;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "makeObjectLink", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (rep_$0, id_$1, attrs_$2) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["rep", rep_$0, "id", id_$1, "attrs", attrs_$2];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$8.lineno = 104;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
attrs_$2 = null
var type_$3 = attrs_$2 && attrs_$2["type"] ? attrs_$2.type : "INSPECT";
if (id_$1 != null) {
var obj_$4 = ($8.lineno = 107, Debug.ObjectForID(id_$1));
var tip_$5 = ($8.lineno = 108, ($8.lineno = 108, ($8.lineno = 108, Debug.formatToString("Inspect %0.32#w", obj_$4)).toString()).toHTML());
return '' + rep_$0 + ""
return rep_$0
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeObjectLink";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 104;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzBootstrapDebugConsole);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$3.lineno = 12;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js#12/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 12;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzDHTMLDebugService", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (base_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["base", base_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$5.lineno = 127;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($5.lineno = 128, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, base_$0);
var copy_$1 = {backtraceStack: true, uncaughtBacktraceStack: true, logger: true, console: true};
for (var k_$2 in copy_$1) {
this[k_$2] = base_$0[k_$2]
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 127;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "createDebugIframe", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = [];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$9.lineno = 141;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var debugurl_$0 = lz.embed.options.serverroot + "lps/includes/laszlo-debugger.html";
var form_$1 = '
var debugdiv_$4 = ($9.lineno = 146, document.createElement("div"));
debugdiv_$4.innerHTML = form_$1 + iframe_$2 + inputdiv_$3;
debugdiv_$4.onmouseover = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$3.lineno = 148;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!e_$0) e_$0 = global.window.event;
e_$0.cancelBubble = true;
$3.lineno = 151, LzKeyboardKernel.setKeyboardControl(false, true);
return false
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js#148/28";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 148;
return $lzsc$temp
var y_$5 = canvas.height - 230;
$9.lineno = 156, lz.embed.__setAttr(debugdiv_$4, "style", "position:absolute;z-index:10000000;top:" + y_$5 + "px;width:100%;");
$9.lineno = 157, canvas.sprite.__LZdiv.appendChild(debugdiv_$4);
var style_$6 = debugdiv_$;
style_$6.position = "absolute";
style_$ = y_$5;
style_$6.zIndex = 10000000;
style_$6.width = "100%";
return global.window.frames["LaszloDebugger"]
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "createDebugIframe";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 141;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "makeDebugWindow", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$5.lineno = 172;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
for (var n_$0 in __ES3Globals) {
var p_$1 = __ES3Globals[n_$0];
try {
if (!(Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($5.lineno = 176, Function.$lzsc$isa(p_$1)) : p_$1 instanceof Function)) {
if (!p_$1._dbg_name) {
p_$1._dbg_name = n_$0
}} else if (!($5.lineno = 180, Debug.functionName(p_$1))) {
p_$1[Debug.FUNCTION_NAME] = n_$0
catch (e_$2) {}};
if (($5.lineno = 190, LzBrowserKernel.getInitArg("lzconsoledebug")) == "true") {
$5.lineno = 192, this.attachDebugConsole(($5.lineno = 192, new LzDHTMLDebugConsole(($5.lineno = 192, this.createDebugIframe()))))
} else {
$5.lineno = 195, new (lz.LzDebugWindow)()
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeDebugWindow";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 172;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "objectLinkHandler", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (event_$0, id_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["event", event_$0, "id", id_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$4.lineno = 214;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
event_$0.cancelBubble = true;
if (event_$0.stopPropagation) {
$4.lineno = 216, event_$0.stopPropagation()
$4.lineno = 217, this.displayObj(id_$1);
return false
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "objectLinkHandler";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 214;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "hasFeature", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (feature_$0, level_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["feature", feature_$0, "level", level_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$4.lineno = 222;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return document.implementation && document.implementation.hasFeature && ($4.lineno = 225, document.implementation.hasFeature(feature_$0, level_$1))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "hasFeature";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 222;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__StringDescription", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (thing_$0, escape_$1, limit_$2, readable_$3, depth_$4) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
var nodeToString;
if ($9) {
var $a = ["thing", thing_$0, "escape", escape_$1, "limit", limit_$2, "readable", readable_$3, "depth", depth_$4];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$a.lineno = 233;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
nodeToString = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (node_$0) {
var $e = Debug;
var $f = $e.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($f) {
var $g = ["node", node_$0];
$g.callee = arguments.callee;
$g["this"] = this;
$g.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$g.lineno = 241;
if ($f.length > $f.maxDepth) {
var tn_$1 = node_$0.nodeName || "";
var path_$2 = ($g.lineno = 243, tn_$1.toLowerCase());
var sprite_$3 = node_$0.owner;
var spritedivpath_$4;
if (sprite_$3 instanceof LzSprite && sprite_$3.owner.sprite === sprite_$3) {
for (var key_$5 in sprite_$3) {
if (sprite_$3[key_$5] === node_$0) {
spritedivpath_$4 = ($g.lineno = 251, Debug.formatToString("%w/@sprite/@%s", sprite_$3.owner, key_$5))
if (node_$0.nodeType == 1) {
var id_$6 = node_$;
var cn_$7 = node_$0.className;
if (id_$6 && !spritedivpath_$4) {
path_$2 += "#" + ($g.lineno = 261, encodeURIComponent(id_$6))
} else if (cn_$7) {
var more_$8 = ($g.lineno = 263, cn_$7.indexOf(" "));
if (more_$8 == -1) {
more_$8 = cn_$7.length
path_$2 += "." + ($g.lineno = 265, cn_$7.substring(0, more_$8))
if (spritedivpath_$4) {
return spritedivpath_$4 + (path_$2.length > 0 ? "/" + path_$2 : "")
var parent_$9 = node_$0.parentNode;
if (parent_$9) {
var index_$a, count_$b = 0;
for (var sibling_$c = parent_$9.firstChild;sibling_$c;sibling_$c = sibling_$c.nextSibling) {
if (tn_$1 == sibling_$c.nodeName) {
if (index_$a) break
if (node_$0 === sibling_$c) {
index_$a = count_$b
if (count_$b > 1) {
path_$2 += "[" + index_$a + "]"
try {
return ($g.lineno = 285, nodeToString(parent_$9)) + "/" + path_$2
catch (e_$d) {
return "\u2026/" + path_$2
return path_$2
finally {
if ($f) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "nodeToString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 241;
return $lzsc$temp
try {
if ((!(!global.window.HTMLElement) ? thing_$0 instanceof HTMLElement : typeof thing_$0 == "object" && !thing_$0.constructor) && !($a.lineno = 239, isNaN(($a.lineno = 239, Number(thing_$0["nodeType"]))))) {
var style_$5 = thing_$;
if (style_$5 != "") {
style_$5 = '[@style="' + style_$5 + '"]'
return {readable: false, description: ($a.lineno = 295, nodeToString(thing_$0)) + style_$5}} else if (($a.lineno = 296, this.hasFeature("mouseevents", "2.0")) && (global["MouseEvent"]["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($a.lineno = 296, global["MouseEvent"].$lzsc$isa(thing_$0)) : thing_$0 instanceof global["MouseEvent"])) {
var desc_$6 = thing_$0.type;
if (thing_$0.shiftKey) {
desc_$6 = "shift-" + desc_$6
if (thing_$0.ctrlKey) {
desc_$6 = "ctrl-" + desc_$6
if (thing_$0.metaKey) {
desc_$6 = "meta-" + desc_$6
if (thing_$0.altKey) {
desc_$6 = "alt-" + desc_$6
switch (thing_$0.detail) {
case 2:
desc_$6 = "double-" + desc_$6;break;;case 3:
desc_$6 = "triple-" + desc_$6;break
switch (thing_$0.button) {
case 1:
desc_$6 += "-middle";break;;case 2:
desc_$6 += "-right";break
return {readable: false, description: desc_$6}}}
catch (e_$7) {};
return (arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["__StringDescription"] || ($a.lineno = 321, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "__StringDescription"))).call(this, thing_$0, escape_$1, limit_$2, readable_$3, depth_$4)
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__StringDescription";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 233;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "functionName", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fn_$0, mustBeUnique_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["fn", fn_$0, "mustBeUnique", mustBeUnique_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$5.lineno = 330;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($5.lineno = 331, Function.$lzsc$isa(fn_$0)) : fn_$0 instanceof Function) {
if ($5.lineno = 333, fn_$0.hasOwnProperty("tagname")) {
var n_$2 = fn_$0.tagname;
if (!mustBeUnique_$1 || fn_$0 === lz[n_$2]) {
return "<" + n_$2 + ">"
} else {
return null
return (arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["functionName"] || ($5.lineno = 342, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "functionName"))).call(this, fn_$0, mustBeUnique_$1)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "functionName";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 330;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "objectOwnProperties", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0, names_$1, indices_$2, limit_$3, nonEnumerable_$4) {
var $d = Debug;
var $e = $d.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($e) {
var $f = ["obj", obj_$0, "names", names_$1, "indices", indices_$2, "limit", limit_$3, "nonEnumerable", nonEnumerable_$4];
$f.callee = arguments.callee;
$f["this"] = this;
$f.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$f.lineno = 351;
if ($e.length > $e.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
names_$1 = null;;case 2:
indices_$2 = null;;case 3:
limit_$3 = Infinity;;case 4:
nonEnumerable_$4 = false
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["objectOwnProperties"] || ($f.lineno = 352, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "objectOwnProperties"))).call(this, obj_$0, names_$1, indices_$2, limit_$3, nonEnumerable_$4);
var proto_$5 = false;
try {
proto_$5 = obj_$0["constructor"] && typeof obj_$0.constructor["prototype"] == "object" ? obj_$0.constructor.prototype : false
catch (e_$6) {};
if (names_$1 && nonEnumerable_$4 && proto_$5) {
var unenumerated_$7 = {callee: true, length: true, constructor: true, prototype: true};
for (var key_$8 in unenumerated_$7) {
var isown_$9 = false;
try {
isown_$9 = ($f.lineno = 368, obj_$0.hasOwnProperty(key_$8))
catch (e_$6) {};
if (!isown_$9) {
var pk_$a;
try {
pk_$a = proto_$5[key_$8]
catch (e_$6) {};
isown_$9 = obj_$0[key_$8] !== pk_$a
if (isown_$9) {
for (var i_$b = 0, l_$c = names_$1.length;i_$b < l_$c;i_$b++) {
if (names_$1[i_$b] == key_$8) {
isown_$9 = false;
if (isown_$9) {
$f.lineno = 385, names_$1.push(key_$8)
finally {
if ($e) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "objectOwnProperties";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 351;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "enableInspectMouseHandlers", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (div_$0, enable_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["div", div_$0, "enable", enable_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$4.lineno = 397;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (enable_$1) {
div_$0.prev_onclick = div_$0.onclick;
div_$ = div_$;
div_$ = div_$;
div_$ = "1px solid red";
div_$ = "-1px";
div_$0.onclick = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$3.lineno = 404;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 404, Debug.write("view = ", this.owner.owner)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js#404/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 404;
return $lzsc$temp
} else {
div_$0.onclick = div_$0.prev_onclick;
div_$ = div_$;
div_$ = div_$;
delete div_$0.prev_onclick;
delete div_$0.prev_margin;
delete div_$0.prev_border
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "enableInspectMouseHandlers";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 397;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "showDivs", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (enable_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["enable", enable_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$3.lineno = 422;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (enable_$0 == null) enable_$0 = true;
$3.lineno = 424, Debug._showDivs(canvas, enable_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "showDivs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 422;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_showDivs", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (view_$0, enable_$1) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["view", view_$0, "enable", enable_$1];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$8.lineno = 430;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var k_$2 = view_$0.sprite;
if (k_$2 != null) {
var div_$3 = k_$2.__LZdiv;
if (div_$3 != null) {
$8.lineno = 435, this.enableInspectMouseHandlers(div_$3, enable_$1)
for (var i_$4 = 0;i_$4 < view_$0.subviews.length;i_$4++) {
var cv_$5 = view_$0.subviews[i_$4];
$8.lineno = 440, Debug._showDivs(cv_$5, enable_$1)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "_showDivs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 430;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzDebugService);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$3.lineno = 121;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js#121/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 121;
return $lzsc$temp
var Debug = new LzDHTMLDebugService(Debug);
var __LzDebug = Debug;
if (lz.embed.browser.isIE) {
Error.prototype.toString = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$2.lineno = 460;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return + ": " + this.message
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js#460/30";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebug.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 460;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge", ["DebugWindow", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (view_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["view", view_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$3.lineno = 15;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($3.lineno = 16, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
this.DebugWindow = view_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 15;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "canvasConsoleWindow", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$2.lineno = 21;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.DebugWindow
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "canvasConsoleWindow";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 21;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__reNewline", RegExp("
|\\n", "g"), "addHTMLText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["str", str_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$3.lineno = 31;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 32, this.DebugWindow.addHTMLText(($3.lineno = 32, str_$0.replace(this.__reNewline, "
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addHTMLText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 31;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clear", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$2.lineno = 38;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 39, this.DebugWindow.clearWindow()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clear";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 38;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ensureVisible", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$2.lineno = 45;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 46, this.DebugWindow.ensureVisible()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "ensureVisible";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 45;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "echo", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, newLine_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["str", str_$0, "newLine", newLine_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$4.lineno = 52;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
newLine_$1 = true
$4.lineno = 55, this.addHTMLText('' + str_$0 + "" + (newLine_$1 ? "\n" : ""))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "echo";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 52;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "makeObjectLink", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (rep_$0, id_$1, attrs_$2) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["rep", rep_$0, "id", id_$1, "attrs", attrs_$2];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$9.lineno = 61;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
attrs_$2 = null
var color_$3 = attrs_$2 && attrs_$2["color"] ? attrs_$2.color : "#0000ff";
var decoration_$4 = attrs_$2 && attrs_$2["type"] ? "none" : "underline";
if (id_$1 != null) {
var obj_$5 = ($9.lineno = 65, Debug.ObjectForID(id_$1));
var tip_$6 = ($9.lineno = 66, ($9.lineno = 66, ($9.lineno = 66, Debug.formatToString("Inspect %0.32#w", obj_$5)).toString()).toHTML());
return '' + rep_$0 + ""
return rep_$0
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeObjectLink";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 61;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "doEval", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (expr_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["expr", expr_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$5.lineno = 78;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
try {
with (Debug.environment) {
var value_$1 = ($5.lineno = 83, window.eval("(" + expr_$0 + ")"))
$5.lineno = 85, Debug.displayResult(value_$1)
catch (e_$2) {
if (!(SyntaxError["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($5.lineno = 88, SyntaxError.$lzsc$isa(e_$2)) : e_$2 instanceof SyntaxError)) {
$5.lineno = 89, Debug.error("%s", e_$2);
try {
with (Debug.environment) {
var value_$1 = ($5.lineno = 96, window.eval(expr_$0))
$5.lineno = 98, Debug.displayResult(value_$1)
catch (e_$2) {
$5.lineno = 101, Debug.error("%s", e_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "doEval";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 78;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzDebugConsole);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$3.lineno = 11;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js#11/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzDebuggerWindowConsoleBridge.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 11;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.sourceWarningHistory = {};
var $reportSourceWarning = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, msg_$2, fatal_$3) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["filename", filename_$0, "lineNumber", lineNumber_$1, "msg", msg_$2, "fatal", fatal_$3];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzCompiler.lzs";
$8.lineno = 28;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var warning_$4 = ($8.lineno = 30, new (fatal_$3 ? LzError : LzWarning)(filename_$0, lineNumber_$1, msg_$2));
var warningString_$5 = ($8.lineno = 31, warning_$4.toString());
if (Debug.sourceWarningHistory[warningString_$5]) {
Debug.sourceWarningHistory[warningString_$5] = true;
$8.lineno = 37, Debug.freshLine();
$8.lineno = 39, Debug.__write(warning_$4)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzCompiler.lzs#28/28";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzCompiler.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 28;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("__LzStackFrame", ["__filename", void 0, "__lineno", void 0, "arguments", void 0, "context", void 0, "callee", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (args_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["args", args_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$3.lineno = 31;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (args_$0["this"]) {
this.context = args_$0["this"]
this.callee = args_$0.callee;
this.__filename = args_$0.filename;
this.__lineno = args_$0.lineno;
this.arguments = ($3.lineno = 39, args_$0.concat())
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 31;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "isUserFrame", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$2.lineno = 46;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return ($2.lineno = 47, this.__filename.indexOf("lfc")) != 0
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "isUserFrame";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 46;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "filename", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$2.lineno = 54;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.__filename
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "filename";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 54;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "lineno", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$2.lineno = 62;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.__lineno
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "lineno";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 62;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$3.lineno = 69;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var callee_$0 = this.callee;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($3.lineno = 71, Function.$lzsc$isa(callee_$0)) : callee_$0 instanceof Function) {
return $3.lineno = 72, Debug.functionName(callee_$0, false)
return "" + callee_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 69;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$3.lineno = 20;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
__LzStackFrame.prototype._dbg_name = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$2.lineno = 81;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 82, Debug.formatToString("%0.64s @%s#%d", this.callee, this.__filename, this.__lineno)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs#81/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 81;
return $lzsc$temp
__LzStackFrame.prototype._dbg_typename = "StackFrame"
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs#20/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 20;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzBacktrace", ["length", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (skip_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["skip", skip_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$7.lineno = 108;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
skip_$0 = 0
var bs_$1 = Debug.backtraceStack;
var l_$2 = bs_$1.length - skip_$0;
this.length = l_$2;
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < l_$2;i_$3++) {
var fr_$4 = bs_$1[i_$3];
if (!($7.lineno = 115, fr_$4.hasOwnProperty("__LzStackFrame")) || fr_$4["lineno"] != ($7.lineno = 117, fr_$4.__LzStackFrame.lineno())) {
fr_$4.__LzStackFrame = ($7.lineno = 118, new __LzStackFrame(fr_$4))
this[i_$3] = fr_$4.__LzStackFrame
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 108;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "userStackFrame", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$4.lineno = 128;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
for (var i_$0 = this.length - 1;i_$0 >= 0;i_$0--) {
var fr_$1 = this[i_$0];
if ($4.lineno = 131, fr_$1.isUserFrame()) {
return fr_$1
return null
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "userStackFrame";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 128;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "map", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fn_$0, limit_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["fn", fn_$0, "limit", limit_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$5.lineno = 145;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
limit_$1 = NaN
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($5.lineno = 146, Function.$lzsc$isa(fn_$0)) : fn_$0 instanceof Function) {
if ($5.lineno = 147, isNaN(limit_$1)) {
limit_$1 = this.length
for (var i_$2 = this.length - 1;i_$2 >= 0 && limit_$1 > 0;i_$2--, limit_$1--) {
$5.lineno = 149, fn_$0(this[i_$2])
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "map";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 145;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toStringInternal", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (length_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["length", length_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$6.lineno = 160;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
length_$0 = NaN
if ($6.lineno = 161, isNaN(length_$0)) {
length_$0 = Debug.printLength
var backtrace_$1 = "";
var sep_$2 = " <- ";
for (var i_$3 = this.length - 1;i_$3 >= 0 && backtrace_$1.length < length_$0;i_$3--) {
backtrace_$1 += this[i_$3] + sep_$2
if (backtrace_$1 != "" && i_$3 < 0) {
backtrace_$1 = ($6.lineno = 170, backtrace_$1.substring(0, backtrace_$1.length - sep_$2.length))
backtrace_$1 = ($6.lineno = 172, Debug.abbreviate(backtrace_$1, length_$0));
return backtrace_$1
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toStringInternal";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 160;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$2.lineno = 179;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 180, this.toStringInternal()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 179;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$3.lineno = 105;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
LzBacktrace.prototype._dbg_name = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$2.lineno = 188;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 189, this.toStringInternal(Debug.inspectPrintLength)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs#188/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 188;
return $lzsc$temp
LzBacktrace.prototype._dbg_typename = "Backtrace"
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs#105/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzBacktrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 105;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzTrace", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["file", file_$0, "line", line_$1, "message", message_$2, "node", node_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$6.lineno = 24;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
file_$0 = null;;case 1:
line_$1 = 0;;case 2:
message_$2 = "";;case 3:
node_$3 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 25, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 24;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzSourceMessage, ["type", "TRACE", "color", "#00cc00", "format", LzSourceMessage.format]);
Debug.traceMessage = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (control_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["control", control_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$4.lineno = 44;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var args_$1 = ($4.lineno = 44,, 1));
return $4.lineno = 45, this.warnInternal.apply(this, ($4.lineno = 45, [LzTrace, control_$0].concat(args_$1)))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzTrace.lzs#44/22";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 44;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.trace = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, methodName_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["who", who_$0, "methodName", methodName_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$5.lineno = 66;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (who_$0[methodName_$1] instanceof Function) {
var f = who_$0[methodName_$1];
var m_$2 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$3.lineno = 69;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 70, Debug.traceMessage("[%6.2f] %s.apply(%w, %w)", ($3.lineno = 71, ($3.lineno = 71, new Date()).getTime()) % 1000000, f, this, arguments);
var r_$0 = ($3.lineno = 73, f.apply(this, arguments));
$3.lineno = 74, Debug.traceMessage("[%6.2f] %s -> %w", ($3.lineno = 75, ($3.lineno = 75, new Date()).getTime()) % 1000000, f, r_$0);
return r_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzTrace.lzs#69/13";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 69;
return $lzsc$temp
m_$2._dbg_previous_definition = f;
if (Instance["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($5.lineno = 81, Instance.$lzsc$isa(who_$0)) : who_$0 instanceof Instance) {
$5.lineno = 82, who_$0.addProperty(methodName_$1, m_$2)
} else {
who_$0[methodName_$1] = m_$2
return who_$0[methodName_$1] === m_$2
} else {
$5.lineno = 88, Debug.error("%w.%s is not a function", who_$0, methodName_$1)
return false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzTrace.lzs#66/15";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 66;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.untrace = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, methodName_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["who", who_$0, "methodName", methodName_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$6.lineno = 101;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (who_$0[methodName_$1] instanceof Function) {
var f_$2 = who_$0[methodName_$1];
var p_$3 = f_$2["_dbg_previous_definition"];
if (p_$3) {
if ($6.lineno = 108, who_$0.hasOwnProperty(methodName_$1)) {
delete who_$0[methodName_$1]
if (who_$0[methodName_$1] !== p_$3) {
if (Instance["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($6.lineno = 114, Instance.$lzsc$isa(who_$0)) : who_$0 instanceof Instance) {
$6.lineno = 115, who_$0.addProperty(methodName_$1, p_$3)
} else {
who_$0[methodName_$1] = p_$3
return who_$0[methodName_$1] === p_$3
} else {
$6.lineno = 122, Debug.error("%w.%s is not being traced", who_$0, methodName_$1)
}} else {
$6.lineno = 125, Debug.error("%w.%s is not a function", who_$0, methodName_$1)
return false
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzTrace.lzs#101/17";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzTrace.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 101;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzMonitor", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["file", file_$0, "line", line_$1, "message", message_$2, "node", node_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMonitor.lzs";
$6.lineno = 24;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
file_$0 = null;;case 1:
line_$1 = 0;;case 2:
message_$2 = "";;case 3:
node_$3 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 25, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, file_$0, line_$1, message_$2, node_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMonitor.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 24;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzSourceMessage, ["type", "MONITOR", "color", "#00cc00", "format", LzSourceMessage.format]);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMonitor.lzs";
$3.lineno = 19;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMonitor.lzs#19/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMonitor.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 19;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.monitorMessage = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (control_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["control", control_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMonitor.lzs";
$4.lineno = 44;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var args_$1 = ($4.lineno = 44,, 1));
return $4.lineno = 45, this.warnInternal.apply(this, ($4.lineno = 45, [LzMonitor, control_$0].concat(args_$1)))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMonitor.lzs#44/24";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMonitor.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 44;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.monitor = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who, what) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["who", who, "what", what];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js";
$5.lineno = 21;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var o = who[what];
var s_$0 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["n", n_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js";
$5.lineno = 23;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var c_$1 = arguments.callee.caller;
if (!c_$1 && Debug.backtraceStack instanceof Array) {
var bs_$2 = Debug.backtraceStack;
c_$1 = bs_$2[bs_$2.length - 2].callee
$5.lineno = 30, Debug.monitorMessage("[%6.2f] %s: %w.%s: %w -> %w", ($5.lineno = 31, ($5.lineno = 31, new Date()).getTime()) % 1000000, c_$1 || "(unknown)", who, what, o, n_$0);
return o = n_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js#23/11";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 23;
return $lzsc$temp
var g_$1 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js";
$2.lineno = 37;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return o
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js#37/11";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 37;
return $lzsc$temp
try {
delete who[what];
$5.lineno = 45, who.__defineGetter__(what, g_$1);
$5.lineno = 46, who.__defineSetter__(what, s_$0);
with (who) {
if (($5.lineno = 50, eval(what)) !== o) {
throw $5.lineno = 51, new Error("Debug.monitor: failed to install functional getter/setter")
catch (e_$2) {
$5.lineno = 56, Debug.error("Debug.monitor: Can't monitor %s.%s", who, what);
delete who[what];
who[what] = o
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js#21/17";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 21;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.unmonitor = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, what_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["who", who_$0, "what", what_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js";
$5.lineno = 71;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var o_$2 = who_$0[what_$1];
delete who_$0[what_$1];
who_$0[what_$1] = o_$2
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js#71/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/platform/dhtml/LzMonitor.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 71;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.annotation = {marked: "_dbg_marked", why: "_dbg_why", size: "_dbg_smoots", total: "_dbg_weight", leaked: "_dbg_leaked"};
Debug.allAnnotations = [];
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$3.lineno = 27;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
for (var a_$0 in Debug.annotation) {
$3.lineno = 29, Debug.allAnnotations.push(Debug.annotation[a_$0])
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#27/2";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 27;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.markGeneration = 0;
Debug.noteWhy = false;
Debug.findLeaks = false;
Debug.leaks = [];
Debug.debugTrace = false;
Debug.loops = 0;
Debug.loopCount = 0;
Debug.loopElapsed = 0;
Debug.mark = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["o", o_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$5.lineno = 55;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (!o_$0 || !(typeof o_$0 == "object" || typeof o_$0 == "movieclip") || !(typeof o_$0["hasOwnProperty"] == "function")) {
if (this.debugTrace) {
$5.lineno = 62, console.log("Not marking %s\n", o_$0)
return false
try {
var annotation_$1 = this.annotation;
delete o_$0[annotation_$1.leaked];
o_$0[annotation_$1.marked] = this.markGeneration
catch (e_$2) {
return false
return true
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#55/14";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 55;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.isMarked = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["o", o_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$5.lineno = 88;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (!o_$0 || !(typeof o_$0 == "object" || typeof o_$0 == "movieclip") || !(typeof o_$0["hasOwnProperty"] == "function")) {
if (this.debugTrace) {
$5.lineno = 95, console.log("Not tracing %s\n", o_$0)
return true
var marked_$1 = this.annotation.marked;
try {
if (!($5.lineno = 105, o_$0.hasOwnProperty(marked_$1))) {
return null
return o_$0[marked_$1] == this.markGeneration
catch (e_$2) {
if (this.debugTrace) {
$5.lineno = 111, console.log("Not tracing %s\n", o_$0)
return true
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#88/18";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 88;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.obstack = [];
Debug.traceStep = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (steps_$0, milliseconds_$1) {
var $v = Debug;
var $w = $v.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($w) {
var $x = ["steps", steps_$0, "milliseconds", milliseconds_$1];
$x.callee = arguments.callee;
$x["this"] = this;
$x.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$x.lineno = 150;
if ($w.length > $w.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
steps_$0 = Infinity;;case 1:
milliseconds_$1 = 1300
var loopStart_$2 = ($x.lineno = 151, ($x.lineno = 151, new Date()).getTime());
var loopCount_$3 = 0;
var loopElapsed_$4 = 0;
var os_$5 = this.obstack;
var dopath_$6 = this.noteWhy || this.debugTrace;
var annotation_$7 = this.annotation;
var marked_$8 = annotation_$7.marked;
var why_$9 = annotation_$7.why;
var size_$a = annotation_$7.size;
var total_$b = annotation_$;
var leaked_$c = annotation_$7.leaked;
while (loopCount_$3++ < steps_$0 && (loopElapsed_$4 = ($x.lineno = 164, ($x.lineno = 164, new Date()).getTime()) - loopStart_$2) < milliseconds_$1) {
while (os_$5.length > 0 && os_$5[0].length == 0) {
$x.lineno = 168, os_$5.shift();
if (os_$5.length == 0) {
$x.lineno = 173, LzTimeKernel.clearInterval(this.backgroundTask);
this.loopCount += loopCount_$3;
this.loopElapsed += loopElapsed_$4;
$x.lineno = 177, this.debug("%d loops @ %0.0d iterations, %0.2d milliseconds", this.loops, this.loopCount / this.loops, this.loopElapsed / this.loops);
$x.lineno = 181, this.format(" \u2026 done!\n");
return true
var ose_$d = os_$5[0];
var o_$e = ($x.lineno = 190, ose_$d.pop());
var oo_$f = o_$e;
var name_$g = ($x.lineno = 192, ose_$d.pop());
var wasMarked_$h = ($x.lineno = 193, this.isMarked(o_$e));
var wasLeaked_$i = wasMarked_$h === null;
if (wasMarked_$h) {
if (dopath_$6) {
var path_$j = ($x.lineno = 219, ose_$d.path.concat(name_$g));
try {
o_$e[why_$9] = ($x.lineno = 222, path_$j.join("\x01"))
catch (e_$k) {}};
if (o_$e !== oo_$f) {
$x.lineno = 229, Debug.debug("Annotating %s[%s] (%#w) caused allocation of %#w", path_$j, name_$g, oo_$f, o_$e)
if (this.findLeaks && wasLeaked_$i) {
$x.lineno = 233, this.leaks.push(o_$e)
if (!($x.lineno = 237, this.mark(o_$e))) {
var obSize_$l = 0;
var queuedSlots_$m = [];
if (dopath_$6) {
queuedSlots_$m.path = path_$j;
var ancestors_$n = ose_$d.ancestors;
queuedSlots_$m.ancestors = ($x.lineno = 271, ancestors_$n.concat());
$x.lineno = 272, queuedSlots_$m.ancestors.push(o_$e)
var ownProperties_$o = [];
try {
$x.lineno = 276, this.objectOwnProperties(o_$e, ownProperties_$o, ownProperties_$o, Infinity, true)
catch (e_$k) {};
for (var i_$p = ownProperties_$o.length - 1;i_$p >= 0;i_$p--) {
var p_$q = ownProperties_$o[i_$p];
obSize_$l += 2;
try {
var v_$r = o_$e[p_$q];
if (typeof v_$r == "string") {
obSize_$l += ($x.lineno = 291, Math.ceil(v_$r.length / 4))
if (!(v_$r && typeof v_$r == "object" && v_$r["hasOwnProperty"] instanceof Function)) {
if (this.debugTrace) {};
v_$r = null
} else if (v_$r !== o_$e[p_$q]) {
if (this.debugTrace) {};
v_$r = null
} else {
v_$r[size_$a] = 0;
if (v_$r !== o_$e[p_$q]) {
if (this.debugTrace) {
$x.lineno = 311, Debug.debug("Mutating %s[%s] (%#w) caused allocation of %#w", o_$e, p_$q, v_$r, o_$e[p_$q])
v_$r = null
catch (err_$s) {
if (this.debugTrace) {
$x.lineno = 318, Debug.debug("Mutating %s[%s] (%#w) caused %#w", o_$e, p_$q, v_$r, err_$s)
v_$r = null
if (v_$r && !($x.lineno = 325, this.isMarked(v_$r))) {
$x.lineno = 327, queuedSlots_$m.push(p_$q, v_$r)
o_$e[size_$a] = obSize_$l;
if (dopath_$6) {
o_$e[total_$b] = obSize_$l;
if (wasLeaked_$i) {
o_$e[leaked_$c] = obSize_$l
var al_$t = ancestors_$n.length;
for (var i_$p = al_$t - 1;i_$p >= 0;i_$p--) {
var ai_$u = ancestors_$n[i_$p];
if (ai_$u) {
ai_$u[total_$b] += obSize_$l;
if (wasLeaked_$i) {
if ($x.lineno = 350, ai_$u.hasOwnProperty(leaked_$c)) {
if (this.debugTrace) {
if (($x.lineno = 352, o_$e[why_$9].indexOf(ai_$u[why_$9])) != 0) {
$x.lineno = 353, console.log("%w(%s) +> %w(%s)\n", o_$e, o_$e[why_$9], ai_$u, ai_$u[why_$9]);
$x.lineno = 354, console.log("%w[%d]\n", ancestors_$n, i_$p)
ai_$u[leaked_$c] += obSize_$l
if (queuedSlots_$m.length) {
$x.lineno = 373, os_$5.push(queuedSlots_$m)
this.loopCount += loopCount_$3;
this.loopElapsed += loopElapsed_$4;
return false
finally {
if ($w) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#150/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 150;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.initTrace = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (findLeaks_$0, noteWhy_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["findLeaks", findLeaks_$0, "noteWhy", noteWhy_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$6.lineno = 392;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
findLeaks_$0 = false;;case 1:
noteWhy_$1 = false
this.loops = this.loopCount = this.loopElapsed = 0;
this.findLeaks = findLeaks_$0;
if (findLeaks_$0) {
this.leaks = []
} else {
delete this.leaks
this.noteWhy = noteWhy_$1;
for (var t_$2 = this;t_$2 && t_$2 !== Object.prototype;) {
$6.lineno = 406, this.mark(t_$2);
t_$2 = ("__proto__" in t_$2) && typeof t_$2.__proto__ == "object" ? t_$2.__proto__ : (("constructor" in t_$2) && typeof t_$2.constructor.prototype == "object" ? t_$2.constructor.prototype : null)
if ("frameElement" in global) {
$6.lineno = 415, this.mark(global.frameElement)
if ("_" in Debug.environment) {
$6.lineno = 419, this.mark(Debug.environment._)
if ("__" in Debug.environment) {
$6.lineno = 422, this.mark(Debug.environment.__)
if ("___" in Debug.environment) {
$6.lineno = 425, this.mark(Debug.environment.___)
if ("console" in global) {
$6.lineno = 429, this.mark(global.console)
var osel_$3 = ["global", global];
osel_$3.path = [];
osel_$3.ancestors = [];
this.obstack[0] = osel_$3;
this.backgroundTask = ($6.lineno = 439, LzTimeKernel.setInterval((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$2.lineno = 439;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 439, Debug.traceStep()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#439/50";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 439;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), 1400))
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#392/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 392;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.markObjects = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$2.lineno = 446;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 449, Debug.warn("Memory tracing is for experimental use only in this runtime.");
$2.lineno = 451, Debug.format("Marking objects \u2026 ");
$2.lineno = 453, LzTimeKernel.setTimeout((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$2.lineno = 453;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 453, Debug.initTrace()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#453/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 453;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), 10)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#446/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 446;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.findNewObjects = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$2.lineno = 460;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.markGeneration > 0) {
$2.lineno = 464, Debug.warn("Memory tracing is for experimental use only in this runtime.");
$2.lineno = 466, Debug.format("Finding new objects \u2026 ");
$2.lineno = 468, LzTimeKernel.setTimeout((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$2.lineno = 468;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 468, Debug.initTrace(true, true)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#468/29";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 468;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), 10)
} else {
$2.lineno = 470, Debug.error("Call %w first", Debug.markObjects)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#460/24";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 460;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("__LzLeak", ["obj", void 0, "path", "", "parent", void 0, "property", "", "leaked", 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = ["o", o_$0];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$b.lineno = 485;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($b.lineno = 486, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
var annotations_$1 = Debug.annotation;
var why_$2 = annotations_$1.why;
var leaked_$3 = annotations_$1.leaked;
this.obj = o_$0;
if (o_$0 && (why_$2 in o_$0) && (leaked_$3 in o_$0)) {
var path_$4 = ($b.lineno = 492, o_$0[why_$2].split("\x01")); = ($b.lineno = 493, path_$4.pop());
this.path = ($b.lineno = 495, path_$4.join("."));
try {
var p_$5 = ($b.lineno = 497, eval(path_$4[0]));
var pl_$6 = path_$4.length;
for (var i_$7 = 1;i_$7 < pl_$6;i_$7++) {
p_$5 = p_$5[path_$4[i_$7]]
this.parent = p_$5
catch (e_$8) {};
this.leaked = ($b.lineno = 504, Number(o_$0[leaked_$3]))
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 485;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$2.lineno = 512;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.obj) {
return $2.lineno = 514, Debug.formatToString("%=s.%s: (\xA3%d) %0.48#w", this["parent"], this.path,, this.leaked, this["obj"])
} else {
return "" + this.obj
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 512;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("__LzLeaks", ["length", 0, "sort", Array.prototype.sort, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $c = Debug;
var $d = $c.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($d) {
var $e = [];
$e.callee = arguments.callee;
$e["this"] = this;
$e.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$e.lineno = 531;
if ($d.length > $d.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($e.lineno = 532, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
var l_$0 = Debug.leaks;
var ll_$1 = l_$0.length;
var annotations_$2 = Debug.annotation;
var why = annotations_$2.why;
var size_$3 = annotations_$2.size;
var leaked_$4 = "_dbg_check";
$e.lineno = 541, l_$0.sort((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (a_$0, b_$1) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["a", a_$0, "b", b_$1];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$7.lineno = 541;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
try {
var an_$2 = a_$0[why];
var bn_$3 = b_$1[why];
return (an_$2 > bn_$3) - (an_$2 < bn_$3)
catch (e_$4) {
return -1
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#541/12";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 541;
return $lzsc$temp
this.length = 0;
for (var i_$5 = 0;i_$5 < ll_$1;i_$5 = j_$6) {
var j_$6 = i_$5 + 1;
try {
var p_$7 = l_$0[i_$5];
p_$7[leaked_$4] = p_$7[size_$3];
var pn_$8 = p_$7[why];
if (typeof pn_$8 != "undefined") {
while (j_$6 < ll_$1) {
var c_$9 = l_$0[j_$6];
var cn_$a = c_$9[why];
if (typeof cn_$a != "undefined") {
if (($e.lineno = 564, cn_$a.indexOf(pn_$8)) == 0) {
if (c_$9 !== p_$7) {
p_$7[leaked_$4] += c_$9[size_$3]
} else {
if (Debug.debugTrace) {
$e.lineno = 570, console.log("%s is %s\n", pn_$8, cn_$a)
this[this.length++] = ($e.lineno = 580, new __LzLeak(p_$7))
catch (e_$b) {
finally {
if ($d) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 531;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_dbg_name", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = [];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$6.lineno = 585;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var leakage_$0 = 0;
var n_$1 = this.length;
for (var i_$2 = n_$1 - 1;i_$2 >= 0;i_$2--) {
var s_$3 = this[i_$2]["leaked"];
if (!($6.lineno = 590, isNaN(s_$3))) {
leakage_$0 += s_$3
return $6.lineno = 594, Debug.formatToString("%d smoots [%d objects @ ~%0.0d smoots each]", leakage_$0, n_$1, leakage_$0 / n_$1)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "_dbg_name";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 585;
return $lzsc$temp
Debug.whyAlive = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (top_$0) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["top", top_$0];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$9.lineno = 604;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
top_$0 = 10
$9.lineno = 607, Debug.warn("Memory tracing is for experimental use only in this runtime.");
if (this["leaks"]) {
var l_$1 = ($9.lineno = 610, new __LzLeaks());
var ll_$2 = l_$1.length;
$9.lineno = 614, l_$1.sort((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (a_$0, b_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["a", a_$0, "b", b_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$6.lineno = 614;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var al_$2 = a_$0.leaked;
var bl_$3 = b_$1.leaked;
return (al_$2 < bl_$3) - (al_$2 > bl_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#614/12";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 614;
return $lzsc$temp
$9.lineno = 620, Debug.format("%w:\n", l_$1);
if (top_$0 > ll_$2) {
top_$0 = ll_$2
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < top_$0;i_$3++) {
$9.lineno = 623, Debug.format("%w\n", ($9.lineno = 623, l_$1[i_$3].toString()))
if (top_$0 < ll_$2) {
var rest_$4 = 0;
var n_$5 = ll_$2 - i_$3;
for (;i_$3 < ll_$2;i_$3++) {
var lil_$6 = l_$1[i_$3].leaked;
if (!($9.lineno = 630, isNaN(lil_$6))) {
rest_$4 += lil_$6
$9.lineno = 632, Debug.format("%=s [%d more @ ~%0.0d smoots each]", l_$1, "\u2026", n_$5, rest_$4 / n_$5)
return l_$1
} else {
$9.lineno = 638, Debug.error("Call %w first", Debug.findNewObjects)
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "debugger/LzMemory.lzs#604/18";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/debugger/LzMemory.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 604;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzAttributeDescriptor", ["attribute", void 0, "type", void 0, "value", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attribute_$0, type_$1, value_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["attribute", attribute_$0, "type", type_$1, "value", value_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$5.lineno = 36;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
value_$2 = null
this.attribute = attribute_$0;
this.type = type_$1;
this.value = value_$2
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 36;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzValueExpr);
Class.make("LzInitExpr", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attribute_$0, type_$1, value_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["attribute", attribute_$0, "type", type_$1, "value", value_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$5.lineno = 50;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
value_$2 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($5.lineno = 51, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, attribute_$0, type_$1, value_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 50;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzAttributeDescriptor);
Class.make("LzOnceExpr", ["methodName", void 0, "_dbg_name", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attribute_$0, type_$1, initMethod_$2, description_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["attribute", attribute_$0, "type", type_$1, "initMethod", initMethod_$2, "description", description_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$6.lineno = 67;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 3:
description_$3 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 68, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, attribute_$0, type_$1);
this.methodName = initMethod_$2;
this._dbg_name = description_$3
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 67;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzInitExpr);
Class.make("LzConstraintExpr", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attribute_$0, type_$1, constraintMethod_$2, description_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["attribute", attribute_$0, "type", type_$1, "constraintMethod", constraintMethod_$2, "description", description_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$6.lineno = 83;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 3:
description_$3 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 84, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, attribute_$0, type_$1, constraintMethod_$2, description_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 83;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzOnceExpr);
Class.make("LzStyleConstraintExpr", ["property", void 0, "fallback", void 0, "warn", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attribute_$0, type_$1, property_$2, fallback_$3, warn_$4) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["attribute", attribute_$0, "type", type_$1, "property", property_$2, "fallback", fallback_$3, "warn", warn_$4];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$7.lineno = 102;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 3:
fallback_$3 = void 0;;case 4:
warn_$4 = true
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($7.lineno = 103, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, attribute_$0, type_$1, null); = property_$2;
this.type = type_$1;
this.fallback = fallback_$3;
this.warn = warn_$4;
this._dbg_name = attribute_$0 + "\"=$style{'" + property_$2 + "'}\""
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 102;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzConstraintExpr);
Class.make("LzAlwaysExpr", ["dependenciesName", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attribute_$0, type_$1, constraintMethod_$2, dependenciesMethod_$3, description_$4) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["attribute", attribute_$0, "type", type_$1, "constraintMethod", constraintMethod_$2, "dependenciesMethod", dependenciesMethod_$3, "description", description_$4];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$7.lineno = 123;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 4:
description_$4 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($7.lineno = 124, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, attribute_$0, type_$1, constraintMethod_$2, description_$4);
this.dependenciesName = dependenciesMethod_$3
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 123;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzConstraintExpr);
Class.make("LzStyleExpr", ["_dbg_name", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$2.lineno = 140;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 140;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzValueExpr);
Class.make("LzStyleAttr", ["sourceAttributeName", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sourceAttributeName_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sourceAttributeName", sourceAttributeName_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$3.lineno = 150;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($3.lineno = 151, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
this.sourceAttributeName = sourceAttributeName_$0;
this._dbg_name = "attr(" + this.sourceAttributeName + ")"
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 150;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzStyleExpr);
Class.make("LzStyleIdent", ["sourceValueID", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sourceValueID_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sourceValueID", sourceValueID_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$3.lineno = 167;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($3.lineno = 168, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
this.sourceValueID = sourceValueID_$0;
this._dbg_name = sourceValueID_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 167;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzStyleExpr);
function LzInheritedHash (parent_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["parent", parent_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$4.lineno = 202;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (parent_$0) {
for (var key_$1 in parent_$0) {
this[key_$1] = parent_$0[key_$1]
finally {
if ($3) {
LzInheritedHash["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
LzInheritedHash["_dbg_lineno"] = 202;
var lz;
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$2.lineno = 225;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (Object["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($2.lineno = 226, Object.$lzsc$isa(lz)) : lz instanceof Object) {
} else if (!lz) {
lz = ($2.lineno = 231, new LzInheritedHash())
} else {
$2.lineno = 233, Debug.error("Can't create `lz` namespace, already bound to %w", lz)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/LzDefs.lzs#225/3";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDefs.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 225;
return $lzsc$temp
lz.Formatter = LzFormatter;
Class.make("LzDeclaredEventClass", ["actual", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (actual_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["actual", actual_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$3.lineno = 27;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
actual_$0 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($3.lineno = 29, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
this.actual = actual_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 27;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ready", false, "sendEvent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventValue_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["eventValue", eventValue_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$3.lineno = 50;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
eventValue_$0 = null
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "sendEvent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 50;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clearDelegates", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$2.lineno = 63;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clearDelegates";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 63;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "removeDelegate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (d_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["d", d_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$3.lineno = 68;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
d_$0 = null
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "removeDelegate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 68;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getDelegateCount", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$2.lineno = 73;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return 0
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getDelegateCount";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 73;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$2.lineno = 78;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return "LzDeclaredEvent"
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 78;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$3.lineno = 21;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs#21/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzDeclaredEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 21;
return $lzsc$temp
lz.DeclaredEventClass = LzDeclaredEventClass;
var LzDeclaredEvent = new LzDeclaredEventClass();
lz.colors = {aliceblue: 15792383, antiquewhite: 16444375, aqua: 65535, aquamarine: 8388564, azure: 15794175, beige: 16119260, bisque: 16770244, black: 0, blanchedalmond: 16772045, blue: 255, blueviolet: 9055202, brown: 10824234, burlywood: 14596231, cadetblue: 6266528, chartreuse: 8388352, chocolate: 13789470, coral: 16744272, cornflowerblue: 6591981, cornsilk: 16775388, crimson: 14423100, cyan: 65535, darkblue: 139, darkcyan: 35723, darkgoldenrod: 12092939, darkgray: 11119017, darkgreen: 25600, darkgrey: 11119017, darkkhaki: 12433259, darkmagenta: 9109643, darkolivegreen: 5597999, darkorange: 16747520, darkorchid: 10040012, darkred: 9109504, darksalmon: 15308410, darkseagreen: 9419919, darkslateblue: 4734347, darkslategray: 3100495, darkslategrey: 3100495, darkturquoise: 52945, darkviolet: 9699539, deeppink: 16716947, deepskyblue: 49151, dimgray: 6908265, dimgrey: 6908265, dodgerblue: 2003199, firebrick: 11674146, floralwhite: 16775920, forestgreen: 2263842, fuchsia: 16711935, gainsboro: 14474460, ghostwhite: 16316671, gold: 16766720, goldenrod: 14329120, gray: 8421504, green: 32768, greenyellow: 11403055, grey: 8421504, honeydew: 15794160, hotpink: 16738740, indianred: 13458524, indigo: 4915330, ivory: 16777200, khaki: 15787660, lavender: 15132410, lavenderblush: 16773365, lawngreen: 8190976, lemonchiffon: 16775885, lightblue: 11393254, lightcoral: 15761536, lightcyan: 14745599, lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210, lightgray: 13882323, lightgreen: 9498256, lightgrey: 13882323, lightpink: 16758465, lightsalmon: 16752762, lightseagreen: 2142890, lightskyblue: 8900346, lightslategray: 7833753, lightslategrey: 7833753, lightsteelblue: 11584734, lightyellow: 16777184, lime: 65280, limegreen: 3329330, linen: 16445670, magenta: 16711935, maroon: 8388608, mediumaquamarine: 6737322, mediumblue: 205, mediumorchid: 12211667, mediumpurple: 9662683, mediumseagreen: 3978097, mediumslateblue: 8087790, mediumspringgreen: 64154, mediumturquoise: 4772300, mediumvioletred: 13047173, midnightblue: 1644912, mintcream: 16121850, mistyrose: 16770273, moccasin: 16770229, navajowhite: 16768685, navy: 128, oldlace: 16643558, olive: 8421376, olivedrab: 7048739, orange: 16753920, orangered: 16729344, orchid: 14315734, palegoldenrod: 15657130, palegreen: 10025880, paleturquoise: 11529966, palevioletred: 14381203, papayawhip: 16773077, peachpuff: 16767673, peru: 13468991, pink: 16761035, plum: 14524637, powderblue: 11591910, purple: 8388736, red: 16711680, rosybrown: 12357519, royalblue: 4286945, saddlebrown: 9127187, salmon: 16416882, sandybrown: 16032864, seagreen: 3050327, seashell: 16774638, sienna: 10506797, silver: 12632256, skyblue: 8900331, slateblue: 6970061, slategray: 7372944, slategrey: 7372944, snow: 16775930, springgreen: 65407, steelblue: 4620980, tan: 13808780, teal: 32896, thistle: 14204888, tomato: 16737095, turquoise: 4251856, violet: 15631086, wheat: 16113331, white: 16777215, whitesmoke: 16119285, yellow: 16776960, yellowgreen: 10145074, transparent: null};
Class.make("LzCache", ["size", void 0, "slots", void 0, "destroyable", void 0, "capacity", void 0, "curslot", void 0, "data", null, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (size_$0, slots_$1, destroyable_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["size", size_$0, "slots", slots_$1, "destroyable", destroyable_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$5.lineno = 39;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
size_$0 = 16;;case 1:
slots_$1 = 2;;case 2:
destroyable_$2 = true
this.size = size_$0;
this.slots = slots_$1;
this.destroyable = destroyable_$2;
$5.lineno = 43, this.clear()
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 39;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clear", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = [];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$7.lineno = 51;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
this.curslot = 0;
this.capacity = 0;
var sl_$0 = this.slots;
if (! = ($7.lineno = 55, new Array(sl_$0));
var d_$1 =;
for (var i_$2 = 0;i_$2 < sl_$0;++i_$2) {
if (this.destroyable) {
var dobj_$3 = d_$1[i_$2];
for (var k_$4 in dobj_$3) {
$7.lineno = 61, dobj_$3[k_$4].destroy()
d_$1[i_$2] = {}}}
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clear";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 51;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ensureSlot", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = [];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$6.lineno = 71;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (++this.capacity > this.size) {
var nexts_$0 = (this.curslot + 1) % this.slots;
var d_$1 =;
if (this.destroyable) {
var dobj_$2 = d_$1[nexts_$0];
for (var k_$3 in dobj_$2) {
$6.lineno = 79, dobj_$2[k_$3].destroy()
d_$1[nexts_$0] = {};
this.curslot = nexts_$0;
this.capacity = 1
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "ensureSlot";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 71;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "put", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0, val_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["key", key_$0, "val", val_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$5.lineno = 97;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var old_$2 = ($5.lineno = 98, this.get(key_$0));
if (old_$2 === void 0) {
$5.lineno = 101, this.ensureSlot()
};[this.curslot][key_$0] = val_$1;
return old_$2
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "put";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 97;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "get", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["key", key_$0];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$9.lineno = 115;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var sl_$1 = this.slots;
var cs_$2 = this.curslot;
var d_$3 =;
for (var i_$4 = 0;i_$4 < sl_$1;++i_$4) {
var idx_$5 = (cs_$2 + i_$4) % sl_$1;
var val_$6 = d_$3[idx_$5][key_$0];
if (val_$6 !== void 0) {
if (idx_$5 != cs_$2) {
delete d_$3[idx_$5][key_$0];
$9.lineno = 127, this.ensureSlot();
d_$3[this.curslot][key_$0] = val_$6
return val_$6
return void 0
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "get";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzCache.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 115;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzEventable", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$2.lineno = 30;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 30;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZdeleted", false, "_events", null, "__delegates", null, "ondestroy", LzDeclaredEvent, "destroy", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$3.lineno = 74;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.ondestroy.ready) $3.lineno = 78, this.ondestroy.sendEvent(this);
this.__LZdeleted = true;
this.__LZdelegatesQueue = null;
this.__LZdeferDelegates = false;
if (this._events != null) {
for (var i_$0 = this._events.length - 1;i_$0 >= 0;i_$0--) {
$3.lineno = 91, this._events[i_$0].clearDelegates()
this._events = null
if (this.__delegates != null) $3.lineno = 95, this.removeDelegates()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "destroy";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 74;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "removeDelegates", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$4.lineno = 103;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.__delegates != null) {
for (var i_$0 = this.__delegates.length - 1;i_$0 >= 0;i_$0--) {
var del_$1 = this.__delegates[i_$0];
if (del_$1.__LZdeleted != true) {
$4.lineno = 108, del_$1.destroy()
this.__delegates = null
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "removeDelegates";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 103;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZdeferDelegates", false, "__LZdelegatesQueue", null, "childOf", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (node_$0, ignore_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["node", node_$0, "ignore", ignore_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$4.lineno = 126;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
ignore_$1 = null
return false
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "childOf";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 126;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "customSetters", {}, "__invokeCustomSetter", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, val_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["prop", prop_$0, "val", val_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$4.lineno = 140;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return false
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__invokeCustomSetter";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 140;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAttribute", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, val_$1, ifchanged_$2) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["prop", prop_$0, "val", val_$1, "ifchanged", ifchanged_$2];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$7.lineno = 155;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
ifchanged_$2 = null
if (ifchanged_$2 !== null) {
$7.lineno = 159,"%w.setAttribute(%w, %w, %w): The third parameter (ifchanged) is deprecated. Use `if (this.%2$s !== %3$w) this.setAttribute(%2$w, %3$w)` instead", this, prop_$0, val_$1, ifchanged_$2)
if (this.__LZdeleted) {
if (this.customSetters[prop_$0]) {
if (($7.lineno = 167, this.__invokeCustomSetter(prop_$0, val_$1)) == true) {
var s_$3 = "$lzc$set_" + prop_$0;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($7.lineno = 177, Function.$lzsc$isa(this[s_$3])) : this[s_$3] instanceof Function) {
$7.lineno = 178, this[s_$3](val_$1)
} else {
this[prop_$0] = val_$1;
var evt_$4 = this["on" + prop_$0];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($7.lineno = 182, LzEvent.$lzsc$isa(evt_$4)) : evt_$4 instanceof LzEvent) {
if (evt_$4.ready) $7.lineno = 183, evt_$4.sendEvent(val_$1)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAttribute";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 155;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$3.lineno = 27;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
LzEventable.prototype[Debug.FUNCTION_FILENAME] = null;
LzEventable.prototype[Debug.FUNCTION_LINENO] = null;
LzEventable.prototype._dbg_typename = null;
LzEventable.prototype[Debug.FUNCTION_NAME] = null
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/LzEventable.lzs#27/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzEventable.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 27;
return $lzsc$temp
lz.Eventable = LzEventable;
Class.make("LzStyleAttrBinder", ["target", void 0, "dest", void 0, "source", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (target_$0, dest_$1, source_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["target", target_$0, "dest", dest_$1, "source", source_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzStyleAttrBinder.lzs";
$5.lineno = 21;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($5.lineno = 22, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this); = target_$0;
this.dest = dest_$1;
this.source = source_$2
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzStyleAttrBinder.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 21;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "bind", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ignore_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["ignore", ignore_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/LzStyleAttrBinder.lzs";
$7.lineno = 28;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
ignore_$0 = null
var target_$1 =;
var dest_$2 = this.dest;
var oldvalue_$3 = target_$1[dest_$2];
var newvalue_$4 = target_$1[this.source];
if (newvalue_$4 !== oldvalue_$3 || !target_$1.inited) {
if (!target_$1.__LZdeleted) {
var $lzsc$hxqj2b = "$lzc$set_" + dest_$2;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? Function.$lzsc$isa(target_$1[$lzsc$hxqj2b]) : target_$1[$lzsc$hxqj2b] instanceof Function) {
} else {
target_$1[dest_$2] = newvalue_$4;
var $lzsc$u2sx9k = target_$1["on" + dest_$2];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? LzEvent.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$u2sx9k) : $lzsc$u2sx9k instanceof LzEvent) {
if ($lzsc$u2sx9k.ready) {
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "bind";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzStyleAttrBinder.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 28;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzEventable);
Class.make("$lz$class_TypeService", ["PresentationTypes", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$2.lineno = 35;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($2.lineno = 36, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
this.PresentationTypes = {}}
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 35;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "acceptTypeValue", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (type_$0, value_$1, node_$2, attribute_$3) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["type", type_$0, "value", value_$1, "node", node_$2, "attribute", attribute_$3];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$7.lineno = 65;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var presentationtype_$4 = type_$0 ? this.PresentationTypes[type_$0] : null;
if (value_$1 != null) {
if (presentationtype_$4 != null) {
return $7.lineno = 70, presentationtype_$4.accept(value_$1, node_$2, attribute_$3)
} else {
$7.lineno = 72, Debug.warn("No named %w", type_$0)
return value_$1
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "acceptTypeValue";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 65;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "presentTypeValue", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (type_$0, value_$1, node_$2, attribute_$3) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["type", type_$0, "value", value_$1, "node", node_$2, "attribute", attribute_$3];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$7.lineno = 92;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var presentationtype_$4 = this.PresentationTypes[type_$0];
if (presentationtype_$4 != null) {
return $7.lineno = 95, presentationtype_$4.present(value_$1, node_$2, attribute_$3)
} else {
$7.lineno = 97, Debug.warn("No named %w", type_$0)
return value_$1
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "presentTypeValue";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 92;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addType", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (type_$0, presentationType_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["type", type_$0, "presentationType", presentationType_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$4.lineno = 107;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.PresentationTypes[type_$0]) {
$4.lineno = 110, Debug.error("Redefining %s from %w to %w", type_$0, this.PresentationTypes[type_$0], presentationType_$1)
this.PresentationTypes[type_$0] = presentationType_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addType";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 107;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addTypeAlias", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (alias_$0, type_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["alias", alias_$0, "type", type_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$5.lineno = 121;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var aliasType_$2 = this.PresentationTypes[type_$1];
if (!aliasType_$2) {
$5.lineno = 125, Debug.error("No named %w", type_$1);
if (this.PresentationTypes[alias_$0]) {
$5.lineno = 131, Debug.error("Redefining %s from %w to %w", alias_$0, this.PresentationTypes[alias_$0], this.PresentationTypes[alias_$0])
this.PresentationTypes[alias_$0] = aliasType_$2
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addTypeAlias";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 121;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], null, ["Type", void 0]);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$3.lineno = 16;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
$lz$class_TypeService.Type = ($3.lineno = 44, new $lz$class_TypeService())
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/PresentationTypes.lzs#16/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 16;
return $lzsc$temp
lz.TypeService = $lz$class_TypeService;
lz.Type = lz.TypeService.Type;
Class.make("$lz$class_PresentationType", ["_dbg_typename", "type", "_dbg_name", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$2.lineno = 157;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.constructor.lzxtype
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/PresentationTypes.lzs#157/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 157;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "accept", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$5.lineno = 160;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
$5.lineno = 162, Debug.error("%w.accept must be defined", this)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "accept";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 160;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "present", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$5.lineno = 165;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
return $5.lineno = 166, String(value_$0)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "present";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 165;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], null, ["nullValue", null]);
Class.make("$lz$class_StringPresentationType", ["accept", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$5.lineno = 178;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
return $5.lineno = 179, String(value_$0)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "accept";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 178;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], $lz$class_PresentationType, ["lzxtype", "string", "nullValue", ""]);
lz.Type.addType("string", new $lz$class_StringPresentationType());
lz.Type.addTypeAlias("html", "string");
Class.make("$lz$class_TextPresentationType", ["accept", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$a.lineno = 207;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var escChars_$3 = $lz$class_TextPresentationType.xmlEscapes;
var result_$4 = "";
for (var i_$5 = 0, l_$6 = value_$0.length;i_$5 < l_$6;i_$5++) {
var c_$7 = ($a.lineno = 211, value_$0.charAt(i_$5));
result_$4 += escChars_$3[c_$7] || c_$7
return result_$4
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "accept";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 207;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "present", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$b.lineno = 217;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
var result_$3 = "";
for (var i_$4 = 0, l_$5 = value_$0.length;i_$4 < l_$5;i_$4++) {
var c_$6 = ($b.lineno = 220, value_$0.charAt(i_$4));
if (c_$6 == "&") {
var e_$7 = ($b.lineno = 222, value_$0.indexOf(";", i_$4));
if (e_$7 > i_$4) {
var p_$8 = ($b.lineno = 224, value_$0.substring(i_$4, e_$7));
switch (p_$8) {
case "amp":
break;;case "lt":
c_$6 = "<";break;;case "gt":
c_$6 = ">";break;;case "quot":
c_$6 = '"';break;;case "apos":
c_$6 = "'";break;;default:
c_$6 = "&" + p_$8 + ";"
i_$4 = e_$7
result_$3 += c_$6
return result_$3
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "present";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 217;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], $lz$class_PresentationType, ["lzxtype", "text", "nullValue", "", "xmlEscapes", {"&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'"}]);
lz.Type.addTypeAlias("text", "string");
Class.make("$lz$class_BooleanPresentationType", ["accept", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$5.lineno = 256;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch ($5.lineno = 259, value_$0.toLowerCase()) {
case "":
case "0":
case "false":
return false;;default:
return true
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "accept";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 256;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], $lz$class_PresentationType, ["nullValue", false, "lzxtype", "boolean"]);
lz.Type.addType("boolean", new $lz$class_BooleanPresentationType());
lz.Type.addTypeAlias("inheritableBoolean", "boolean");
Class.make("$lz$class_NumberPresentationType", ["accept", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$5.lineno = 280;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
return $5.lineno = 289, Number(value_$0)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "accept";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 280;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], $lz$class_PresentationType, ["nullValue", 0, "lzxtype", "number"]);
lz.Type.addType("number", new $lz$class_NumberPresentationType());
lz.Type.addTypeAlias("numberExpression", "number");
Class.make("$lz$class_ColorPresentationType", ["accept", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$5.lineno = 304;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (value_$0 == -1) {
return null
return $5.lineno = 309, LzColorUtils.hextoint(value_$0)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "accept";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 304;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "present", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$7.lineno = 311;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var ctab_$3 = lz.colors;
for (var name_$4 in ctab_$3) {
if (ctab_$3[name_$4] === value_$0) {
return name_$4
return $7.lineno = 319, LzColorUtils.inttohex(value_$0)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "present";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 311;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], $lz$class_PresentationType, ["nullValue", 0, "lzxtype", "color"]);
lz.Type.addType("color", new $lz$class_ColorPresentationType());
Class.make("$lz$class_ExpressionPresentationType", ["accept", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$5.lineno = 341;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (value_$0) {
case "undefined":
return void 0;;case "null":
return null;;case "false":
return false;;case "true":
return true;;case "NaN":
return 0 / 0;;case "Infinity":
return Infinity;;case "-Infinity":
return -Infinity;;case "":
return ""
if (!($5.lineno = 361, isNaN(value_$0))) {
return $5.lineno = 361, Number(value_$0)
return $5.lineno = 362, String(value_$0)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "accept";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 341;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], $lz$class_PresentationType, ["nullValue", null, "lzxtype", "expression"]);
lz.Type.addType("expression", new $lz$class_ExpressionPresentationType());
Class.make("$lz$class_SizePresentationType", ["accept", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$5.lineno = 380;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (value_$0 == "null") {
return null
return $5.lineno = 384, Number(value_$0)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "accept";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 380;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], $lz$class_PresentationType, ["nullValue", null, "lzxtype", "size"]);
lz.Type.addType("size", new $lz$class_SizePresentationType());
Class.make("$lz$class_CSSDeclarationPresentationType", ["PropRE", new RegExp("^\\s*(\\S*)\\s*:\\s*(\\S*)\\s*$"), "HyphenRE", new RegExp("-(\\w)", "g"), "CapitalRE", new RegExp("[:upper:]", "g"), "accept", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $a = Debug;
var $b = $a.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($b) {
var $c = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$c.callee = arguments.callee;
$c["this"] = this;
$c.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$c.lineno = 410;
if ($b.length > $b.maxDepth) {
var props_$3 = ($c.lineno = 411, value_$0.split(","));
var result_$4 = {};
for (var i_$5 = 0, len_$6 = props_$3.length;i_$5 < len_$6;i_$5++) {
var prop_$7 = props_$3[i_$5];
var parts_$8 = ($c.lineno = 415, prop_$7.match(this.PropRE));
if (parts_$8.length = 3) {
var attr_$9 = ($c.lineno = 417, parts_$8[1].replace(this.HyphenRE, (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (m_$0, p_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["m", m_$0, "p", p_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$4.lineno = 417;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return $4.lineno = 417, p_$1[1].toUpperCase()
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/PresentationTypes.lzs#417/52";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 417;
return $lzsc$temp
result_$4[attr_$9] = parts_$8[2]
return result_$4
finally {
if ($b) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "accept";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 410;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "present", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, node_$1, attribute_$2) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["value", value_$0, "node", node_$1, "attribute", attribute_$2];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$8.lineno = 423;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var props_$3 = [];
for (var attr_$4 in value_$0) {
var prop_$5 = ($8.lineno = 426, attr_$4.replace(this.CapitalRE, (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (m_$0, p_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["m", m_$0, "p", p_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$4.lineno = 426;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return "-" + ($4.lineno = 426, p_$1[1].toLowerCase())
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/PresentationTypes.lzs#426/47";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 426;
return $lzsc$temp
$8.lineno = 427, props_$3.push(prop_$5 + ": " + value_$0[attr_$4])
return $8.lineno = 429, props_$3.join(", ")
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "present";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/PresentationTypes.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 423;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], $lz$class_PresentationType, ["nullValue", {}, "lzxtype", "css"]);
lz.Type.addType("css", new $lz$class_CSSDeclarationPresentationType());
Class.make("LzNode", ["__LZisnew", false, "__LZdeferredcarr", null, "classChildren", null, "animators", null, "__animatedAttributes", void 0, "_instanceAttrs", null, "_instanceChildren", null, "__LzValueExprs", null, "__LZhasConstraint", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attr_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["attr", attr_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 171;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return (attr_$0 in this.__LzValueExprs) && !(LzStyleConstraintExpr["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($3.lineno = 172, LzStyleConstraintExpr.$lzsc$isa(this.__LzValueExprs[attr_$0])) : this.__LzValueExprs[attr_$0] instanceof LzStyleConstraintExpr)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZhasConstraint";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 171;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, attrs_$1, children_$2, instcall_$3) {
var $f = Debug;
var $g = $f.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($g) {
var $h = ["parent", parent_$0, "attrs", attrs_$1, "children", children_$2, "instcall", instcall_$3];
$h.callee = arguments.callee;
$h["this"] = this;
$h.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$h.lineno = 183;
if ($g.length > $g.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
parent_$0 = null;;case 1:
attrs_$1 = null;;case 2:
children_$2 = null;;case 3:
instcall_$3 = false
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($h.lineno = 184, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
this.__LZUID = "__U" + ++LzNode.__UIDs;
this.__LZdeferDelegates = true;
if (attrs_$1) {
if (attrs_$1["$lzc$bind_id"]) {
this.$lzc$bind_id = attrs_$1.$lzc$bind_id
if (attrs_$1["$lzc$bind_name"]) {
this.$lzc$bind_name = attrs_$1.$lzc$bind_name
var bindid_$4 = this.$lzc$bind_id;
if (bindid_$4) {
$h.lineno = 202, bindid_$, this)
var bindname_$5 = this.$lzc$bind_name;
if (bindname_$5) {
$h.lineno = 206, bindname_$, this)
this._instanceAttrs = attrs_$1;
this._instanceChildren = children_$2;
var iargs_$6 = ($h.lineno = 213, new LzInheritedHash(this["constructor"].attributes));
if (!(LzState["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($h.lineno = 221, LzState.$lzsc$isa(this)) : this instanceof LzState)) {
for (var key_$7 in iargs_$6) {
var expr_$8 = iargs_$6[key_$7];
if (expr_$8 && (LzAttributeDescriptor["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($h.lineno = 225, LzAttributeDescriptor.$lzsc$isa(expr_$8)) : expr_$8 instanceof LzAttributeDescriptor)) {
var val_$9 = expr_$8.value
} else {
var val_$9 = expr_$8
if (!(expr_$8 && (LzInitExpr["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($h.lineno = 233, LzInitExpr.$lzsc$isa(expr_$8)) : expr_$8 instanceof LzInitExpr))) {
var setr_$a = "$lzc$set_" + key_$7;
if (!this[setr_$a]) {
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($h.lineno = 238, Function.$lzsc$isa(val_$9)) : val_$9 instanceof Function) {
$h.lineno = 239, this.addProperty(key_$7, val_$9)
} else if (val_$9 !== void 0) {
this[key_$7] = val_$9
delete iargs_$6[key_$7];
if (this[key_$7] === void 0) {
this[key_$7] = null
if (attrs_$1) {
$h.lineno = 268, LzNode.mergeAttributes(attrs_$1, iargs_$6)
if (bindid_$4) {
iargs_$6.$lzc$bind_id = LzNode._ignoreAttribute
if (bindname_$5) {
iargs_$6.$lzc$bind_name = LzNode._ignoreAttribute
this.__LZisnew = !instcall_$3;
var classChildren_$b = this["constructor"]["children"];
if (Array["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($h.lineno = 281, Array.$lzsc$isa(classChildren_$b)) : classChildren_$b instanceof Array) {
children_$2 = ($h.lineno = 282, LzNode.mergeChildren(children_$2, classChildren_$b))
if (iargs_$6["datapath"] != null) {
delete iargs_$6["$datapath"]
var cargs_$c = this.__LzValueExprs = {};
for (var key_$7 in iargs_$6) {
var val_$9 = iargs_$6[key_$7];
if (LzValueExpr["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($h.lineno = 299, LzValueExpr.$lzsc$isa(val_$9)) : val_$9 instanceof LzValueExpr) {
cargs_$c[key_$7] = val_$9;
delete iargs_$6[key_$7]
try {
$h.lineno = 306, this.construct(parent_$0, iargs_$6)
catch (e_$d) {
if (e_$d === LzNode.__LzEarlyAbort) {
} else {
throw e_$d
for (var key_$7 in cargs_$c) {
iargs_$6[key_$7] = cargs_$c[key_$7]
this.__LzValueExprs = null;
$h.lineno = 335, this.__LZapplyArgs(iargs_$6, true);
if (this.__LZdeleted) {
this.__LZdeferDelegates = false;
var evq_$e = this.__LZdelegatesQueue;
if (evq_$e) {
$h.lineno = 344, LzDelegate.__LZdrainDelegatesQueue(evq_$e);
this.__LZdelegatesQueue = null
if (this.onconstruct.ready) $h.lineno = 348, this.onconstruct.sendEvent(this);
if (children_$2 && children_$2.length) {
$h.lineno = 351, this.createChildren(children_$2)
} else {
$h.lineno = 353, this.__LZinstantiationDone()
finally {
if ($g) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 183;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "oninit", LzDeclaredEvent, "onconstruct", LzDeclaredEvent, "ondata", LzDeclaredEvent, "clonenumber", null, "onclonenumber", LzDeclaredEvent, "__LZinstantiated", false, "__LZpreventSubInit", null, "__LZresolveDict", null, "__LZsourceLocation", null, "__LZUID", void 0, "__LZPropertyCache", null, "__LZCSSProp", null, "__LZCSSType", null, "__LZCSSFallback", null, "__LZRuleCache", null, "__LZconstraintdelegates", null, "isinited", false, "inited", false, "oninited", LzDeclaredEvent, "subnodes", null, "datapath", null, "$lzc$set_datapath", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (dp_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["dp", dp_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 500;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (null != this.datapath && dp_$0 !== LzNode._ignoreAttribute) {
$3.lineno = 502, this.datapath.setXPath(dp_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 505, new LzDatapath(this, {xpath: dp_$0})
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_datapath";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 500;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "initstage", null, "$isstate", false, "parent", void 0, "cloneManager", null, "name", null, "$lzc$bind_name", null, "id", null, "$lzc$set_id", -1, "$lzc$bind_id", null, "defaultplacement", null, "placement", null, "$lzc$set_placement", -1, "$cfn", 0, "immediateparent", null, "dependencies", null, "classroot", void 0, "nodeLevel", 0, "lookupSourceLocator", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sourceLocator_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sourceLocator", sourceLocator_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 676;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return LzNode.sourceLocatorTable[sourceLocator_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "lookupSourceLocator";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 676;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "styleclass", "", "onstyleclass", LzDeclaredEvent, "__LZCSSStyleclass", null, "$lzc$set_styleclass", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (classes_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["classes", classes_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 724;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.styleclass = classes_$0;
if (($3.lineno = 726, classes_$0.indexOf(" ")) >= 0) {
this.__LZCSSStyleclass = " " + classes_$0 + " "
} else {
this.__LZCSSStyleclass = null
if (this.onstyleclass.ready) {
$3.lineno = 734, this.onstyleclass.sendEvent(classes_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_styleclass";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 724;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZCSSDependencies", null, "__applyCSSConstraints", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = [];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$a.lineno = 753;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var dependencies_$0 = this.__LZCSSDependencies;
if (dependencies_$0) {
this.__LZCSSDependencies = null;
var cdel_$1 = this.__applyCSSConstraintDel;
if (cdel_$1) {
$a.lineno = 759, cdel_$1.unregisterAll()
} else {
if (!this.__LZconstraintdelegates) {
this.__LZconstraintdelegates = []
cdel_$1 = this.__applyCSSConstraintDel = ($a.lineno = 764, new LzDelegate(this, "__reapplyCSS"));
$a.lineno = 765, this.__LZconstraintdelegates.push(cdel_$1)
for (var prop_$2 in dependencies_$0) {
var eventname_$3 = "on" + prop_$2;
var nodes_$4 = dependencies_$0[prop_$2];
for (var i_$5 = 0, l_$6 = nodes_$4.length;i_$5 < l_$6;i_$5++) {
var node_$7 = nodes_$4[i_$5];
$a.lineno = 773, cdel_$1.register(node_$7, eventname_$3)
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__applyCSSConstraints";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 753;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__reapplyCSS", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ignore_$0) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["ignore", ignore_$0];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$a.lineno = 789;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
ignore_$0 = null
var oldpropmap_$1 = ($a.lineno = 790, LzCSSStyle.getPropertyCache(this));
this.__LZRuleCache = null;
this.__LZPropertyCache = null;
var newpropmap_$2 = ($a.lineno = 794, LzCSSStyle.getPropertyCache(this));
var attrmap_$3 = this.__LZCSSProp;
var typemap_$4 = this.__LZCSSType;
var fallbackmap_$5 = this.__LZCSSFallback;
for (var attr_$6 in attrmap_$3) {
var prop_$7 = attrmap_$3[attr_$6];
if (oldpropmap_$1[prop_$7] != newpropmap_$2[prop_$7]) {
$a.lineno = 802, this.__LZstyleBindAttribute(attr_$6, prop_$7, typemap_$4[attr_$6], fallbackmap_$5[attr_$6])
$a.lineno = 806, this.__applyCSSConstraints()
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__reapplyCSS";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 789;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZstyleBindAttribute", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attr_$0, prop_$1, type_$2, fallback_$3, warn_$4) {
var $b = Debug;
var $c = $b.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($c) {
var $d = ["attr", attr_$0, "prop", prop_$1, "type", type_$2, "fallback", fallback_$3, "warn", warn_$4];
$d.callee = arguments.callee;
$d["this"] = this;
$d.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$d.lineno = 820;
if ($c.length > $c.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 3:
fallback_$3 = void 0;;case 4:
warn_$4 = true
var pc_$5 = this["__LZPropertyCache"] || ($d.lineno = 823, LzCSSStyle.getPropertyCache(this));
if (!(prop_$1 in pc_$5) && fallback_$3 === void 0 && warn_$4 != false) {
$d.lineno = 829, Debug.warn("%w.%s: No applicable value for CSS property %w and there is no default.", this, attr_$0, prop_$1);
pc_$5[prop_$1] = void 0
if (!this.__LZCSSProp) {
this.__LZCSSProp = {}};
this.__LZCSSProp[attr_$0] = prop_$1;
if (!this.__LZCSSType) {
this.__LZCSSType = {}};
this.__LZCSSType[attr_$0] = type_$2;
if (!this.__LZCSSFallback) {
this.__LZCSSFallback = {}};
this.__LZCSSFallback[attr_$0] = fallback_$3;
var styleValue_$6 = pc_$5[prop_$1];
if (typeof styleValue_$6 == "string" && styleValue_$6.length > 2 && ($d.lineno = 848, styleValue_$6.indexOf("0x")) == 0 && !($d.lineno = 848, isNaN(styleValue_$6))) {
$d.lineno = 850, Debug.warn("%w.%s: Invalid value for CSS property %w: `%#w`. Use: `#%06x`.", this, attr_$0, prop_$1, styleValue_$6, ($d.lineno = 850, Number(styleValue_$6)));
styleValue_$6 = ($d.lineno = 852, Number(styleValue_$6))
if (LzStyleExpr["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($d.lineno = 855, LzStyleExpr.$lzsc$isa(styleValue_$6)) : styleValue_$6 instanceof LzStyleExpr) {
if (LzStyleAttr["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($d.lineno = 856, LzStyleAttr.$lzsc$isa(styleValue_$6)) : styleValue_$6 instanceof LzStyleAttr) {
var sa_$7 = styleValue_$6;
var source_$8 = sa_$7.sourceAttributeName;
var binder_$9 = ($d.lineno = 860, new LzStyleAttrBinder(this, attr_$0, source_$8));
if (!this.__LZconstraintdelegates) {
this.__LZconstraintdelegates = []
$d.lineno = 869, this.__LZconstraintdelegates.push(($d.lineno = 869, new LzDelegate(binder_$9, "bind", this, "on" + source_$8)));
$d.lineno = 871, binder_$9.bind()
} else if (LzStyleIdent["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($d.lineno = 872, LzStyleIdent.$lzsc$isa(styleValue_$6)) : styleValue_$6 instanceof LzStyleIdent) {
var si_$a = styleValue_$6;
$d.lineno = 874, this.acceptAttribute(attr_$0, type_$2, si_$a.sourceValueID)
} else {
$d.lineno = 876, Debug.error("Unknown style expression %w", styleValue_$6)
}} else if (styleValue_$6 !== void 0) {
if (this[attr_$0] !== styleValue_$6) {
if (!this.__LZdeleted) {
var $lzsc$ekx20k = "$lzc$set_" + attr_$0;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? Function.$lzsc$isa(this[$lzsc$ekx20k]) : this[$lzsc$ekx20k] instanceof Function) {
} else {
this[attr_$0] = styleValue_$6;
var $lzsc$7gxsgl = this["on" + attr_$0];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? LzEvent.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$7gxsgl) : $lzsc$7gxsgl instanceof LzEvent) {
if ($lzsc$7gxsgl.ready) {
}}}}}}} else if (LzInitExpr["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($d.lineno = 883, LzInitExpr.$lzsc$isa(fallback_$3)) : fallback_$3 instanceof LzInitExpr) {
$d.lineno = 884, this.applyConstraintExpr(fallback_$3)
} else {
if (this[attr_$0] !== fallback_$3) {
if (!this.__LZdeleted) {
var $lzsc$bixgoo = "$lzc$set_" + attr_$0;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? Function.$lzsc$isa(this[$lzsc$bixgoo]) : this[$lzsc$bixgoo] instanceof Function) {
} else {
this[attr_$0] = fallback_$3;
var $lzsc$g8akg7 = this["on" + attr_$0];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? LzEvent.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$g8akg7) : $lzsc$g8akg7 instanceof LzEvent) {
if ($lzsc$g8akg7.ready) {
finally {
if ($c) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZstyleBindAttribute";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 820;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "construct", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, args_$1) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["parent", parent_$0, "args", args_$1];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$a.lineno = 966;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var lp_$2 = parent_$0;
this.parent = lp_$2;
if (lp_$2) {
var ip_$3 = lp_$2;
if (args_$1["ignoreplacement"] || this.ignoreplacement) {
this.placement = null
} else {
var thisplacement_$4 = args_$1["placement"] || lp_$2.defaultplacement;
while (thisplacement_$4 != null) {
if (ip_$3.determinePlacement == LzNode.prototype.determinePlacement) {
var pp_$5 = ($a.lineno = 988, ip_$3.searchSubnodes("name", thisplacement_$4));
if (pp_$5 == null) pp_$5 = ip_$3
} else {
var pp_$5 = ($a.lineno = 992, ip_$3.determinePlacement(this, thisplacement_$4, args_$1))
thisplacement_$4 = pp_$5 != ip_$3 ? pp_$5.defaultplacement : null;
ip_$3 = pp_$5
this.placement = thisplacement_$4
if (this.__LZdeleted) {
throw LzNode.__LzEarlyAbort
var ip_subnodes_$6 = ip_$3.subnodes;
if (ip_subnodes_$6 == null) {
ip_$3.subnodes = [this]
} else {
ip_subnodes_$6[ip_subnodes_$6.length] = this
var nl_$7 = ip_$3.nodeLevel;
this.nodeLevel = nl_$7 ? nl_$7 + 1 : 1;
this.immediateparent = ip_$3
} else {
this.nodeLevel = 1
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "construct";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 966;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "init", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1031;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "init";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1031;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZinstantiationDone", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1042;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.__LZinstantiated = true;
if (!this.__LZdeleted && (!this.immediateparent || this.immediateparent.isinited || this.initstage == "early" || this.__LZisnew && lz.Instantiator.syncNew)) {
$2.lineno = 1049, this.__LZcallInit()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZinstantiationDone";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1042;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZsetPreventInit", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1056;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.__LZpreventSubInit = []
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZsetPreventInit";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1056;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZclearPreventInit", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$5.lineno = 1063;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var lzp_$0 = this.__LZpreventSubInit;
this.__LZpreventSubInit = null;
var l_$1 = lzp_$0.length;
for (var i_$2 = 0;i_$2 < l_$1;i_$2++) {
$5.lineno = 1068, lzp_$0[i_$2].__LZcallInit()
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZclearPreventInit";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1063;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZcallInit", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (an_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["an", an_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$7.lineno = 1077;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
an_$0 = null
if (this.parent && this.parent.__LZpreventSubInit) {
$7.lineno = 1079, this.parent.__LZpreventSubInit.push(this);
this.isinited = true;
if (this.__LZresolveDict != null) $7.lineno = 1087, this.__LZresolveReferences();
if (this.__LZdeleted) return;
var sl_$1 = this.subnodes;
if (sl_$1) {
for (var i_$2 = 0;i_$2 < sl_$1.length;) {
var s_$3 = sl_$1[i_$2++];
var t_$4 = sl_$1[i_$2];
if (s_$3.isinited || !s_$3.__LZinstantiated) continue;
$7.lineno = 1100, s_$3.__LZcallInit();
if (this.__LZdeleted) return;
if (t_$4 != sl_$1[i_$2]) {
while (i_$2 > 0) {
if (t_$4 == sl_$1[--i_$2]) break
if (this.__LZsourceLocation) {
LzNode.sourceLocatorTable[this.__LZsourceLocation] = this
$7.lineno = 1124, this.init();
if (this.oninit.ready) $7.lineno = 1125, this.oninit.sendEvent(this);
if (this.datapath && this.datapath.__LZApplyDataOnInit) {
$7.lineno = 1127, this.datapath.__LZApplyDataOnInit()
this.inited = true;
if (this.oninited.ready) {
$7.lineno = 1133, this.oninited.sendEvent(true)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZcallInit";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1077;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "completeInstantiation", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1152;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this.isinited) {
var myis_$0 = this.initstage;
this.initstage = "early";
if (myis_$0 == "defer") {
$3.lineno = 1160, lz.Instantiator.createImmediate(this, this.__LZdeferredcarr)
} else {
$3.lineno = 1162, lz.Instantiator.completeTrickle(this)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "completeInstantiation";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1152;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ignoreplacement", false, "$lzc$set_$delegates", -1, "$lzc$set_$classrootdepth", -1, "$lzc$set_$datapath", -1, "__LZapplyArgs", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (args_$0, constcall_$1) {
var $l = Debug;
var $m = $l.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($m) {
var $n = ["args", args_$0, "constcall", constcall_$1];
$n.callee = arguments.callee;
$n["this"] = this;
$n.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$n.lineno = 1203;
if ($m.length > $m.maxDepth) {
var ignore_$2 = LzNode._ignoreAttribute;
var oset_$3 = {};
var hasset_$4 = null;
var inits_$5 = null;
var constraints_$6 = null;
if ("name" in args_$0) {
$n.lineno = 1212, this.$lzc$set_name(args_$;
delete args_$
for (var key_$7 in args_$0) {
var expr_$8 = args_$0[key_$7];
if (expr_$8 && (LzAttributeDescriptor["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($n.lineno = 1220, LzAttributeDescriptor.$lzsc$isa(expr_$8)) : expr_$8 instanceof LzAttributeDescriptor)) {
var val_$9 = expr_$8.value
} else {
var val_$9 = expr_$8
if (oset_$3[key_$7] || val_$9 === ignore_$2) continue;
oset_$3[key_$7] = true;
var setr_$a = "$lzc$set_" + key_$7;
if (expr_$8 && (LzInitExpr["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($n.lineno = 1237, LzInitExpr.$lzsc$isa(expr_$8)) : expr_$8 instanceof LzInitExpr)) {
if (expr_$8 instanceof LzConstraintExpr) {
if (constraints_$6 == null) {
constraints_$6 = []
$n.lineno = 1242, constraints_$6.push(expr_$8)
} else if (expr_$8 instanceof LzOnceExpr) {
if (inits_$5 == null) {
inits_$5 = []
$n.lineno = 1246, inits_$5.push(expr_$8)
} else {
$n.lineno = 1248, Debug.debug("Unknown init expr: %w", expr_$8)
if (this[key_$7] === void 0) {
this[key_$7] = null
}} else if (!this[setr_$a]) {
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($n.lineno = 1264, Function.$lzsc$isa(val_$9)) : val_$9 instanceof Function) {
$n.lineno = 1265, this.addProperty(key_$7, val_$9)
} else if (val_$9 !== void 0) {
this[key_$7] = val_$9
if (!constcall_$1) {
var thisevent_$b = this["on" + key_$7];
if (thisevent_$b) {
if (thisevent_$b.ready) {
$n.lineno = 1275, thisevent_$b.sendEvent(args_$0[key_$7])
}}}} else if (this[setr_$a] != -1) {
if (hasset_$4 == null) {
hasset_$4 = []
$n.lineno = 1286, hasset_$4.push(setr_$a, val_$9);
if (this[key_$7] === void 0) {
this[key_$7] = null
if ("$delegates" in args_$0) {
var $c = args_$0.$delegates;
var cdels_$d = this.__LZconstraintdelegates;
var resarray_$e;
for (var i_$f = 0, l_$g = $c.length;i_$f < l_$g;i_$f += 3) {
if ($c[i_$f + 2]) {
if (resarray_$e == null) {
resarray_$e = []
$n.lineno = 1315, resarray_$e.push($c[i_$f], $c[i_$f + 1], $c[i_$f + 2])
} else {
var m_$h = $c[i_$f + 1];
if (!cdels_$d) {
cdels_$d = this.__LZconstraintdelegates = []
$n.lineno = 1319, cdels_$d.push(($n.lineno = 1319, new LzDelegate(this, m_$h, this, $c[i_$f])))
if (resarray_$e != null) {
$n.lineno = 1323, this.__LZstoreAttr(resarray_$e, "$delegates")
if ("$classrootdepth" in args_$0) {
var $i = args_$0.$classrootdepth;
if ($i) {
var p_$j = this.parent;
while (--$i > 0) {
p_$j = p_$j.parent
this.classroot = p_$j
if (("$datapath" in args_$0) && args_$0.$datapath !== ignore_$2) {
var $k = args_$0.$datapath;
if (!($k instanceof Object)) {
$n.lineno = 1348, Debug.debug("`$datapath` is non-object %w?", $k)
$n.lineno = 1351, this.makeChild($k, true)
if (hasset_$4) {
for (var i_$f = 0, l_$g = hasset_$4.length;i_$f < l_$g;i_$f += 2) {
if (this.__LZdeleted) return;
$n.lineno = 1359, this[hasset_$4[i_$f]](hasset_$4[i_$f + 1])
if (inits_$5 != null) {
$n.lineno = 1368, this.__LZstoreAttr(inits_$5, "$inits")
if (constraints_$6 != null) {
$n.lineno = 1369, this.__LZstoreAttr(constraints_$6, "$constraints")
finally {
if ($m) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZapplyArgs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1203;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "createChildren", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (carr_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["carr", carr_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1387;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZdeleted) return;
if ("defer" == this.initstage) {
this.__LZdeferredcarr = carr_$0
} else if ("late" == this.initstage) {
$3.lineno = 1394, lz.Instantiator.trickleInstantiate(this, carr_$0)
} else if (this.__LZisnew && lz.Instantiator.syncNew || "immediate" == this.initstage) {
$3.lineno = 1397, lz.Instantiator.createImmediate(this, carr_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 1399, lz.Instantiator.requestInstantiation(this, carr_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "createChildren";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1387;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "makeChild", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0, async_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["e", e_$0, "async", async_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$9.lineno = 1433;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
async_$1 = null
if (this.__LZdeleted) {
for (var p_$2 = this;p_$2 != canvas;p_$2 = p_$2.immediateparent) {
if (p_$2 == null) break;
if (p_$2.__LZdeleted) {
$9.lineno = 1444, Debug.error("%w.makeChild(%w, %w) when %w.__LZdeleted", this, e_$0, async_$1, p_$2)
var x_$3 = e_$0["class"];
if (!x_$3) {
if (e_$0["tag"]) {
x_$3 = lz[e_$0.tag]
var ok_$4 = Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 1460, Function.$lzsc$isa(x_$3)) : x_$3 instanceof Function;
if (!ok_$4) {
var name_$5 = e_$0["tag"] || e_$0["name"];
if (name_$5) {
name_$5 = "<" + name_$5 + ">"
} else {
name_$5 = "a class"
$9.lineno = 1469, Debug.error("Attempt to instantiate %s, which has not been defined", name_$5)
var w_$6;
if (x_$3) {
w_$6 = ($9.lineno = 1474, new x_$3(this, e_$0.attrs, ("children" in e_$0) ? e_$0.children : null, async_$1))
return w_$6
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeChild";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1433;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_$setters", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["value", value_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1485;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1487, Debug.readOnly(this, "$setters", value_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_$setters";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1485;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "dataBindAttribute", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attr_$0, path_$1, type_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["attr", attr_$0, "path", path_$1, "type", type_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$5.lineno = 1501;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (path_$1 == null) {
$5.lineno = 1504, Debug.warn('No value for %w.%s="$path{%w}"', this, attr_$0, path_$1)
if (!this.datapath) {
$5.lineno = 1509, this.$lzc$set_datapath(".")
if (!this.__LZconstraintdelegates) {
this.__LZconstraintdelegates = []
$5.lineno = 1515, this.__LZconstraintdelegates.push(($5.lineno = 1515, new LzDataAttrBind(this.datapath, attr_$0, path_$1, type_$2)))
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "dataBindAttribute";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1501;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZstoreAttr", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0, prop_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["val", val_$0, "prop", prop_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1521;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZresolveDict == null) {
this.__LZresolveDict = {}};
this.__LZresolveDict[prop_$1] = val_$0
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZstoreAttr";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1521;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZresolveReferences", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = [];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$7.lineno = 1532;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var rdict_$0 = this.__LZresolveDict;
if (rdict_$0 != null) {
this.__LZresolveDict = null;
var inits_$1 = rdict_$0["$inits"];
if (inits_$1 != null) {
for (var i_$2 = 0, l_$3 = inits_$1.length;i_$2 < l_$3;i_$2++) {
$7.lineno = 1540, this[inits_$1[i_$2].methodName](null);
if (this.__LZdeleted) return
var constraints_$4 = rdict_$0["$constraints"];
if (constraints_$4 != null) {
for (var i_$2 = 0, l_$3 = constraints_$4.length;i_$2 < l_$3;i_$2++) {
$7.lineno = 1550, this.applyConstraintExpr(constraints_$4[i_$2]);
if (this.__LZdeleted) return
if (this.__LZCSSDependencies != null) {
$7.lineno = 1556, this.__applyCSSConstraints()
if (this["__LZresolveOtherReferences"]) {
$7.lineno = 1559, this.__LZresolveOtherReferences(rdict_$0)
if (rdict_$0["$delegates"]) $7.lineno = 1564, this.__LZsetDelegates(rdict_$0.$delegates)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZresolveReferences";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1532;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZsetDelegates", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (delarr_$0) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["delarr", delarr_$0];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$9.lineno = 1571;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
if (delarr_$0.length < 1) {
var cdels_$1 = this.__LZconstraintdelegates;
if (!cdels_$1) {
cdels_$1 = this.__LZconstraintdelegates = []
var l_$2 = delarr_$0.length;
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < l_$2;i_$3 += 3) {
var sendermethodname_$4 = delarr_$0[i_$3 + 2];
var sender_$5 = sendermethodname_$4 != null ? ($9.lineno = 1583, this[sendermethodname_$4]()) : null;
if (sender_$5 == null) sender_$5 = this;
var meth_$6 = delarr_$0[i_$3 + 1];
$9.lineno = 1586, cdels_$1.push(($9.lineno = 1586, new LzDelegate(this, meth_$6, sender_$5, delarr_$0[i_$3])))
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZsetDelegates";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1571;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "applyConstraint", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attribute_$0, constraint_$1, dependencies_$2) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["attribute", attribute_$0, "constraint", constraint_$1, "dependencies", dependencies_$2];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$6.lineno = 1607;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
$6.lineno = 1609, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.applyConstraintMethod);
var constraintMethodName_$3 = "$cf" + this.$cfn++;
$6.lineno = 1612, this.addProperty(constraintMethodName_$3, constraint_$1);
return $6.lineno = 1613, this.applyConstraintMethod(constraintMethodName_$3, dependencies_$2)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "applyConstraint";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1607;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "applyConstraintMethod", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (constraintMethodName_$0, dependencies_$1) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["constraintMethodName", constraintMethodName_$0, "dependencies", dependencies_$1];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$8.lineno = 1632;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
if (!(arguments.length == 2 && typeof constraintMethodName_$0 == "string" && this[constraintMethodName_$0] instanceof Function && (dependencies_$1 == null || dependencies_$1 instanceof Array))) {
$8.lineno = 1638, Debug.error("%w.%s: invalid arguments %w", this, arguments.callee, arguments)
if (dependencies_$1 && dependencies_$1.length > 0) {
var cdels_$2 = this.__LZconstraintdelegates;
if (!cdels_$2) {
cdels_$2 = this.__LZconstraintdelegates = []
var dp_$3;
for (var i_$4 = 0, l_$5 = dependencies_$1.length;i_$4 < l_$5;i_$4 += 2) {
dp_$3 = dependencies_$1[i_$4];
if (dp_$3) {
$8.lineno = 1662, cdels_$2.push(($8.lineno = 1662, new LzDelegate(this, constraintMethodName_$0, dp_$3, "on" + dependencies_$1[i_$4 + 1])))
$8.lineno = 1669, this[constraintMethodName_$0](null)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "applyConstraintMethod";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1632;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "applyConstraintExpr", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (expr_$0) {
var $a = Debug;
var $b = $a.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($b) {
var $c = ["expr", expr_$0];
$c.callee = arguments.callee;
$c["this"] = this;
$c.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$c.lineno = 1673;
if ($b.length > $b.maxDepth) {
if (expr_$0 instanceof LzStyleConstraintExpr) {
var se_$1 = expr_$0;
$c.lineno = 1677, this.__LZstyleBindAttribute(se_$1.attribute, se_$, se_$1.type, se_$1.fallback, se_$1.warn);
var constraintMethodName_$2 = expr_$0.methodName;
if (!(Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($c.lineno = 1682, Function.$lzsc$isa(this[constraintMethodName_$2])) : this[constraintMethodName_$2] instanceof Function)) {
$c.lineno = 1684, Debug.error("Bad constraint %w on %w", expr_$0, this);
var dependencies_$3 = null;
if (expr_$0 instanceof LzAlwaysExpr) {
var c_$4 = expr_$0;
var dependenciesMethodName_$5 = c_$4.dependenciesName;
if (!(Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($c.lineno = 1693, Function.$lzsc$isa(this[dependenciesMethodName_$5])) : this[dependenciesMethodName_$5] instanceof Function)) {
$c.lineno = 1695, Debug.error("Bad dependencies for constraint %.64w.%w", this, expr_$0)
} else {
try {
dependencies_$3 = ($c.lineno = 1700, this[dependenciesMethodName_$5]());
for (var i_$6 = 0, l_$7 = dependencies_$3.length;i_$6 < l_$7;i_$6 += 2) {
var dp_$8 = dependencies_$3[i_$6];
if (dp_$8 != null && !(LzEventable["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($c.lineno = 1706, LzEventable.$lzsc$isa(dp_$8)) : dp_$8 instanceof LzEventable)) {
dependencies_$3[i_$6] = null
catch (e_$9) {
$c.lineno = 1726, Debug.error("Error: %w computing dependencies for constraint %.64w.%w", e_$9, this, expr_$0)
$c.lineno = 1732, this.applyConstraintMethod(constraintMethodName_$2, dependencies_$3)
finally {
if ($b) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "applyConstraintExpr";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1673;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "releaseConstraint", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attr_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["attr", attr_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$5.lineno = 1745;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this._instanceAttrs != null) {
var c_$1 = this._instanceAttrs[attr_$0];
if (c_$1 instanceof LzConstraintExpr) {
var m_$2 = c_$1.methodName;
return $5.lineno = 1750, this.releaseConstraintMethod(m_$2)
return false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "releaseConstraint";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1745;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "releaseConstraintMethod", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (constraintMethodName_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["constraintMethodName", constraintMethodName_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$7.lineno = 1765;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var result_$1 = false;
var cdels_$2 = this.__LZconstraintdelegates;
if (cdels_$2) {
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < cdels_$2.length;) {
var del_$4 = cdels_$2[i_$3];
if ((LzDelegate["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($7.lineno = 1771, LzDelegate.$lzsc$isa(del_$4)) : del_$4 instanceof LzDelegate) && del_$4.c === this && del_$4.m === this[constraintMethodName_$0]) {
if (del_$4.__LZdeleted != true) {
$7.lineno = 1774, del_$4.destroy()
$7.lineno = 1776, cdels_$2.splice(i_$3, 1);
result_$1 = true
} else {
return result_$1
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "releaseConstraintMethod";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1765;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_name", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["name", name_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$6.lineno = 1798;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (!(name_$0 === null || typeof name_$0 == "string")) {
$6.lineno = 1803, Debug.error("Invalid name %#w for %w", name_$0, this);
var old_$1 =;
var p_$2 = this.parent;
var ip_$3 = this.immediateparent;
if (old_$1 && old_$1 != name_$0) {
if (this.$lzc$bind_name) {
if (($6.lineno = 1818, globalValue(old_$1)) === this) {
$6.lineno = 1819, this.$lzc$, this, false)
if (p_$2) {
if (old_$1 && p_$2[old_$1] === this) {
p_$2[old_$1] = null
if (ip_$3) {
if (old_$1 && ip_$3[old_$1] === this) {
ip_$3[old_$1] = null
if (name_$0 && name_$0.length) {
if (p_$2 && p_$2[name_$0] && p_$2[name_$0] !== this) {
$6.lineno = 1847, Debug.warn("Redefining %w.%s from %w to %w", p_$2, name_$0, p_$2[name_$0], this)
if (p_$2) {
p_$2[name_$0] = this
if (ip_$3 && ip_$3[name_$0] && ip_$3[name_$0] !== this) {
$6.lineno = 1857, Debug.warn("Redefining %w.%s from %w to %w", ip_$3, name_$0, ip_$3[name_$0], this)
if (ip_$3) {
ip_$3[name_$0] = this
}}; = name_$0
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_name";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1798;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setDatapath", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (dp_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["dp", dp_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1876;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1877, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1878, this.$lzc$set_datapath(dp_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setDatapath";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1876;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "data", null, "$lzc$set_data", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (data_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["data", data_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1887;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
}}; = data_$0;
if (LzDataNodeMixin["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($4.lineno = 1889, LzDataNodeMixin.$lzsc$isa(data_$0)) : data_$0 instanceof LzDataNodeMixin) {
var dp_$1 = this.datapath || ($4.lineno = 1890, new LzDatapath(this));
$4.lineno = 1891, dp_$1.setPointer(data_$0)
if (this.ondata.ready) $4.lineno = 1893, this.ondata.sendEvent(data_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_data";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1887;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setData", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (data_$0, ignore_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["data", data_$0, "ignore", ignore_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1905;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
ignore_$1 = null
$4.lineno = 1906, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$4.lineno = 1907, this.$lzc$set_data(data_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setData";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1905;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "applyData", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (data_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["data", data_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1918;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "applyData";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1918;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "updateData", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1931;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return void 0
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "updateData";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1931;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setSelected", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sel_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sel", sel_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1945;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setSelected";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1945;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "options", {}, "$lzc$set_options", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (hash_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["hash", hash_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1981;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.options === this["constructor"].prototype.options) {
this.options = ($4.lineno = 1986, new LzInheritedHash(this.options))
for (var key_$1 in hash_$0) {
this.options[key_$1] = hash_$0[key_$1]
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_options";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1981;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getOption", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["key", key_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2008;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return this.options[key_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getOption";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2008;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setOption", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0, val_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["key", key_$0, "val", val_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2025;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.options === this["constructor"].prototype.options) {
this.options = ($4.lineno = 2032, new LzInheritedHash(this.options))
this.options[key_$0] = val_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setOption";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2025;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "determinePlacement", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (aSub_$0, placement_$1, args_$2) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["aSub", aSub_$0, "placement", placement_$1, "args", args_$2];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$6.lineno = 2060;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (placement_$1 == null) {
var p_$3 = null
} else {
var p_$3 = ($6.lineno = 2069, this.searchSubnodes("name", placement_$1))
return p_$3 == null ? this : p_$3
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "determinePlacement";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2060;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "searchImmediateSubnodes", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, val_$1) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["prop", prop_$0, "val", val_$1];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$7.lineno = 2081;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var s_$2 = this.subnodes;
if (s_$2 == null) return null;
for (var i_$3 = s_$2.length - 1;i_$3 >= 0;i_$3--) {
var si_$4 = s_$2[i_$3];
if (si_$4[prop_$0] == val_$1) {
return si_$4
return null
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "searchImmediateSubnodes";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2081;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "searchSubnodes", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, val_$1) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["prop", prop_$0, "val", val_$1];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$a.lineno = 2102;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var nextS_$2 = this.subnodes ? ($a.lineno = 2103, this.subnodes.concat()) : [];
while (nextS_$2.length > 0) {
var s_$3 = nextS_$2;
nextS_$2 = ($a.lineno = 2107, new Array());
for (var i_$4 = s_$3.length - 1;i_$4 >= 0;i_$4--) {
var si_$5 = s_$3[i_$4];
if (si_$5[prop_$0] == val_$1) {
return si_$5
var sis_$6 = si_$5.subnodes;
if (sis_$6) {
for (var j_$7 = sis_$6.length - 1;j_$7 >= 0;j_$7--) {
$a.lineno = 2116, nextS_$2.push(sis_$6[j_$7])
return null
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "searchSubnodes";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2102;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "searchParents", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["prop", prop_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2133;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return ($3.lineno = 2134, this.searchParentAttrs([prop_$0]))[prop_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "searchParents";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2133;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "searchParentAttrs", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (proplist_$0) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["proplist", proplist_$0];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$9.lineno = 2147;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var out_$1 = {};
if (!proplist_$0.length) return out_$1;
var props_$2 = ($9.lineno = 2150, proplist_$0.slice());
var sview_$3 = this;
do {
sview_$3 = sview_$3.immediateparent;
if (sview_$3 == null) {
$9.lineno = 2157, Debug.error("searchParentAttrs got null immediateparent", this);
return out_$1
var i_$4 = 0;
var l_$5 = props_$2.length;
while (i_$4 < l_$5) {
var prop_$6 = props_$2[i_$4];
if (sview_$3[prop_$6] != null) {
out_$1[prop_$6] = sview_$3;
$9.lineno = 2170, props_$2.splice(i_$4, 1);
} else {
}}} while (sview_$3 != canvas && l_$5 > 0);
return out_$1
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "searchParentAttrs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2147;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getUID", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2192;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.__LZUID
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getUID";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2192;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "childOf", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (node_$0, ignore_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["node", node_$0, "ignore", ignore_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$5.lineno = 2206;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
ignore_$1 = null
if (node_$0 == null) {
return false
var pv_$2 = this;
while (pv_$2.nodeLevel >= node_$0.nodeLevel) {
if (pv_$2 == node_$0) {
return true
pv_$2 = pv_$2.immediateparent
return false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "childOf";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2206;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "destroy", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$5.lineno = 2222;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZdeleted == true) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["destroy"] || ($5.lineno = 2227, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "destroy"))).call(this);
if (this.subnodes != null) {
for (var i_$0 = this.subnodes.length - 1;i_$0 >= 0;i_$0--) {
$5.lineno = 2232, this.subnodes[i_$0].destroy()
if (this.$lzc$bind_id) {
$5.lineno = 2237, this.$lzc$, this, false)
if (this.$lzc$bind_name) {
$5.lineno = 2239, this.$lzc$, this, false)
var parent_$1 = this.parent;
var name_$2 =;
if (parent_$1 != null && name_$2 != null) {
if (parent_$1[name_$2] === this) {
parent_$1[name_$2] = null
if (this.immediateparent[name_$2] === this) {
this.immediateparent[name_$2] == null
if (this.__LZconstraintdelegates != null) {
this.__LZconstraintdelegates = null
if (this.immediateparent && this.immediateparent.subnodes) {
for (var i_$0 = this.immediateparent.subnodes.length - 1;i_$0 >= 0;i_$0--) {
if (this.immediateparent.subnodes[i_$0] === this) {
$5.lineno = 2260, this.immediateparent.subnodes.splice(i_$0, 1);
}}}; = null
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "destroy";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2222;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "animate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, to_$1, duration_$2, isRelative_$3, moreargs_$4) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["prop", prop_$0, "to", to_$1, "duration", duration_$2, "isRelative", isRelative_$3, "moreargs", moreargs_$4];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$a.lineno = 2301;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 3:
isRelative_$3 = null;;case 4:
moreargs_$4 = null
if (duration_$2 == 0) {
var val_$5 = isRelative_$3 ? this[prop_$0] + to_$1 : to_$1;
if (!this.__LZdeleted) {
var $lzsc$o45h2c = "$lzc$set_" + prop_$0;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? Function.$lzsc$isa(this[$lzsc$o45h2c]) : this[$lzsc$o45h2c] instanceof Function) {
} else {
this[prop_$0] = val_$5;
var $lzsc$cohjx9 = this["on" + prop_$0];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? LzEvent.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$cohjx9) : $lzsc$cohjx9 instanceof LzEvent) {
if ($lzsc$cohjx9.ready) {
return null
var args_$6 = {attribute: prop_$0, to: to_$1, duration: duration_$2, relative: isRelative_$3, target: this};
for (var p_$7 in moreargs_$4) args_$6[p_$7] = moreargs_$4[p_$7];
return $a.lineno = 2317, new LzAnimator(null, args_$6)
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "animate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2301;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2323;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 2324, this.getDebugIdentification()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2323;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getDebugIdentification", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2332;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var s_$0 = this["constructor"].tagname;
if (this["name"] != null) {
s_$0 += " name: " +
if (this["id"] != null) {
s_$0 += " id: " +
return s_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getDebugIdentification";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2332;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "nodePath", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (node_$0, limit_$1) {
var $e = Debug;
var $f = $e.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($f) {
var $g = ["node", node_$0, "limit", limit_$1];
$g.callee = arguments.callee;
$g["this"] = this;
$g.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$g.lineno = 2378;
if ($f.length > $f.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
limit_$1 = Infinity
if (node_$0 === canvas) {
return ""
if (node_$0 === Debug.inspectContext) {
return "."
var nid_$2 = node_$;
if (typeof nid_$2 == "string" && ($g.lineno = 2385, globalValue(nid_$2)) === node_$0) {
return "#" + nid_$2
var nn_$3 = node_$;
if (typeof nn_$3 == "string" && ($g.lineno = 2390, globalValue(nn_$3)) === node_$0) {
return "#" + nn_$3
var parent_$4 = node_$0.immediateparent || node_$0.parent;
var path_$5 = "";
if (parent_$4 != null) {
if (typeof nn_$3 == "string" && parent_$4[nn_$3] === node_$0) {
path_$5 = "@" + nn_$3
} else {
var nct_$6 = node_$0.constructor.tagname;
if (!nct_$6) {
path_$5 = "anonymous"
} else {
path_$5 = nct_$6;
var sn_$7 = parent_$4.subnodes;
var index_$8, count_$9 = 0;
for (var i_$a = 0, len_$b = sn_$7.length;i_$a < len_$b;i_$a++) {
var sibling_$c = sn_$7[i_$a];
if (nct_$6 == sibling_$c.constructor.tagname) {
if (index_$8) break
if (node_$0 === sibling_$c) {
index_$8 = count_$9
if (count_$9 > 1) {
path_$5 += "[" + index_$8 + "]"
if (path_$5.length >= limit_$1) {
return "\u2026"
try {
return ($g.lineno = 2430, this.nodePath(parent_$4, limit_$1 - path_$5.length - 1)) + "/" + path_$5
catch (e_$d) {
return "\u2026/" + path_$5
return path_$5
finally {
if ($f) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "nodePath";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2378;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "acceptTypeValue", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (type_$0, value_$1, node_$2, attribute_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["type", type_$0, "value", value_$1, "node", node_$2, "attribute", attribute_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$6.lineno = 2442;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
$6.lineno = 2444, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, lz.Type.acceptTypeValue);
return $6.lineno = 2446, lz.Type.acceptTypeValue(type_$0, value_$1, node_$2, attribute_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "acceptTypeValue";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2442;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "acceptAttribute", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, type_$1, value_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["name", name_$0, "type", type_$1, "value", value_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$5.lineno = 2458;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
value_$2 = ($5.lineno = 2459, lz.Type.acceptTypeValue(type_$1, value_$2, this, name_$0));
if (this[name_$0] !== value_$2) {
if (!this.__LZdeleted) {
var $lzsc$5faybm = "$lzc$set_" + name_$0;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? Function.$lzsc$isa(this[$lzsc$5faybm]) : this[$lzsc$5faybm] instanceof Function) {
} else {
this[name_$0] = value_$2;
var $lzsc$bn85h1 = this["on" + name_$0];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? LzEvent.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$bn85h1) : $lzsc$bn85h1 instanceof LzEvent) {
if ($lzsc$bn85h1.ready) {
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "acceptAttribute";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2458;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "presentTypeValue", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (type_$0, value_$1, node_$2, attribute_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["type", type_$0, "value", value_$1, "node", node_$2, "attribute", attribute_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$6.lineno = 2470;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
$6.lineno = 2472, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, lz.Type.presentTypeValue);
return $6.lineno = 2474, lz.Type.presentTypeValue(type_$0, value_$1, node_$2, attribute_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "presentTypeValue";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2470;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "presentAttribute", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, type_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["name", name_$0, "type", type_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2486;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return $4.lineno = 2487, lz.Type.presentTypeValue(type_$1, this[name_$0], this, name_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "presentAttribute";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2486;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$presentAttribute_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1, name_$2, type_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1, "name", name_$2, "type", type_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$6.lineno = 2491;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
return [self_$1, name_$2]
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$presentAttribute_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2491;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ontransition", LzDeclaredEvent, "transition", void 0, "$lzc$set_transition", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (css_$0) {
var $a = Debug;
var $b = $a.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($b) {
var $c = ["css", css_$0];
$c.callee = arguments.callee;
$c["this"] = this;
$c.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$c.lineno = 2520;
if ($b.length > $b.maxDepth) {
if (transition_$6 === css_$0) return;
this.transition = css_$0;
var transitions_$1 = {};
var counter_$2 = 0;
var transitionlist_$3 = ($c.lineno = 2526, css_$0.split(","));
for (var i_$4 = 0, l_$5 = transitionlist_$3.length;i_$4 < l_$5;i_$4++) {
var transition_$6 = ($c.lineno = 2528, transitionlist_$3[i_$4].split(" "));
var attr_$7 = ($c.lineno = 2529, transition_$6.shift());
if (attr_$7) {
var duration_$8 = ($c.lineno = 2532, transition_$6.shift());
duration_$8 = ($c.lineno = 2533, parseFloat(duration_$8)) * 1000;
if (!duration_$8 || ($c.lineno = 2536, isNaN(duration_$8))) continue;
var motion_$9 = ($c.lineno = 2539, transition_$6.shift());
if (motion_$9 == "ease-in") {
motion_$9 = "easein"
} else if (motion_$9 == "ease-out") {
motion_$9 = "easeout"
} else if (motion_$9 == "linear") {
} else {
motion_$9 = "ease"
transitions_$1[attr_$7] = {duration: duration_$8, motion: motion_$9};
this.__transitionAttributes = transitions_$1;
this.customSetters = transitions_$1
finally {
if ($b) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_transition";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2520;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__invokeCustomSetter", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, val_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["prop", prop_$0, "val", val_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$5.lineno = 2573;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.inited != true) return false;
var ta_$2 = this.__transitionAttributes && this.__transitionAttributes[prop_$0];
if (ta_$2 && this[prop_$0] !== val_$1) {
$5.lineno = 2581, this.animate(prop_$0, val_$1, ta_$2.duration, false, {motion: ta_$2.motion})
return true
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__invokeCustomSetter";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2573;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzEventable, ["tagname", "node", "attributes", new LzInheritedHash(), "mergeAttributes", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attrs_$0, dattrs_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["attrs", attrs_$0, "dattrs", dattrs_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$9.lineno = 80;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
for (var k_$2 in attrs_$0) {
var attrk_$3 = attrs_$0[k_$2];
if (attrk_$3 === LzNode._ignoreAttribute) {
delete dattrs_$1[k_$2]
} else if (LzInitExpr["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 94, LzInitExpr.$lzsc$isa(attrk_$3)) : attrk_$3 instanceof LzInitExpr) {
dattrs_$1[k_$2] = attrk_$3
} else {
if (Object["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 106, Object.$lzsc$isa(attrk_$3)) : attrk_$3 instanceof Object) {
var dattrk_$4 = dattrs_$1[k_$2];
if (Object["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 108, Object.$lzsc$isa(dattrk_$4)) : dattrk_$4 instanceof Object) {
if ((Array["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 109, Array.$lzsc$isa(attrk_$3)) : attrk_$3 instanceof Array) && (Array["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 109, Array.$lzsc$isa(dattrk_$4)) : dattrk_$4 instanceof Array)) {
dattrs_$1[k_$2] = ($9.lineno = 111, attrk_$3.concat(dattrk_$4));
} else if ((attrk_$3.constructor === Object || (LzInheritedHash["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 113, LzInheritedHash.$lzsc$isa(attrk_$3)) : attrk_$3 instanceof LzInheritedHash)) && (dattrk_$4.constructor === Object || (LzInheritedHash["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 114, LzInheritedHash.$lzsc$isa(dattrk_$4)) : dattrk_$4 instanceof LzInheritedHash))) {
var tmp_$5 = ($9.lineno = 116, new LzInheritedHash(dattrk_$4));
for (var j_$6 in attrk_$3) {
tmp_$5[j_$6] = attrk_$3[j_$6]
dattrs_$1[k_$2] = tmp_$5;
dattrs_$1[k_$2] = attrk_$3
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "mergeAttributes";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 80;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "mergeChildren", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (children_$0, superclasschildren_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["children", children_$0, "superclasschildren", superclasschildren_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$4.lineno = 142;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (Array["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($4.lineno = 143, Array.$lzsc$isa(superclasschildren_$1)) : superclasschildren_$1 instanceof Array) {
children_$0 = ($4.lineno = 144, superclasschildren_$1.concat((Array["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($4.lineno = 144, Array.$lzsc$isa(children_$0)) : children_$0 instanceof Array) ? children_$0 : []))
return children_$0
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "mergeChildren";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 142;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LzEarlyAbort", {toString: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$2.lineno = 362;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return "Early Abort"
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/LzNode.lzs#362/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 362;
return $lzsc$temp
})()}, "sourceLocatorTable", {}, "_ignoreAttribute", {toString: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1173;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return "_ignoreAttribute"
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/LzNode.lzs#1173/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1173;
return $lzsc$temp
})()}, "__UIDs", 0]);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$3.lineno = 35;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
LzNode.prototype._dbg_name = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2358;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var dn_$0 = ($4.lineno = 2359, this.nodePath(this, Debug.printLength));
if (dn_$0 != "") {
return dn_$0
var ts_$1 = ($4.lineno = 2363, this.toString());
if (ts_$1 == ($4.lineno = 2364, this.getDebugIdentification())) {
return ""
} else {
return ts_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/LzNode.lzs#2358/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2358;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "core/LzNode.lzs#35/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 35;
return $lzsc$temp
lz[LzNode.tagname] = LzNode;
Class.make("$lzc$class_userClassPlacement", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, placement_$1, ignore_$2, ignoremetoo_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["parent", parent_$0, "placement", placement_$1, "ignore", ignore_$2, "ignoremetoo", ignoremetoo_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$6.lineno = 2601;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
parent_$0 = null;;case 1:
placement_$1 = null;;case 2:
ignore_$2 = null;;case 3:
ignoremetoo_$3 = null
parent_$0.defaultplacement = placement_$1
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/core/LzNode.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2601;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzDelegate", ["__delegateID", 0, "__events", null, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (context_$0, methodName_$1, eventSender_$2, eventName_$3) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["context", context_$0, "methodName", methodName_$1, "eventSender", eventSender_$2, "eventName", eventName_$3];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$7.lineno = 102;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
eventSender_$2 = null;;case 3:
eventName_$3 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($7.lineno = 103, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
if (!(LzEventable["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($7.lineno = 105, LzEventable.$lzsc$isa(context_$0)) : context_$0 instanceof LzEventable)) {
$7.lineno = 115, Debug.error("Not creating delegate: invalid context: %.64w.%s", context_$0, methodName_$1);
if (context_$0 == null || context_$0["__LZdeleted"]) {
$7.lineno = 122, Debug.warn("Not creating delegate: %s context %.64w.%s", context_$0 == null ? "null" : "deleted", context_$0, methodName_$1);
this.c = context_$0;
var m_$4 = context_$0[methodName_$1];
if (!(Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($7.lineno = 129, Function.$lzsc$isa(m_$4)) : m_$4 instanceof Function)) {
$7.lineno = 131, Debug.error("Not creating delegate: invalid method %.64w.%=s (must be a Function)", context_$0, m_$4, methodName_$1);
this.m = m_$4;
if (m_$4.length != 1) {
$7.lineno = 138, Debug.warn("Invalid delegate method %.64w.%=s (must accept one argument)", context_$0, m_$4, methodName_$1)
if (eventSender_$2 != null) {
$7.lineno = 147, this.register(eventSender_$2, eventName_$3)
this.__delegateID = LzDelegate.__nextID++
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 102;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "c", void 0, "m", void 0, "hasevents", false, "enabled", true, "event_called", false, "execute", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventValue_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["eventValue", eventValue_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$5.lineno = 185;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var context_$1 = this.c;
if (this.enabled && context_$1) {
if (context_$1["__LZdeleted"]) {
var m_$2 = this.m;
return m_$2 && ($5.lineno = 196, m_$$1, eventValue_$0))
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "execute";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 185;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "register", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventSender_$0, eventName_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["eventSender", eventSender_$0, "eventName", eventName_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$9.lineno = 221;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var compatibilitymode_$2 = false;
if (!(LzEventable["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 223, LzEventable.$lzsc$isa(eventSender_$0)) : eventSender_$0 instanceof LzEventable)) {
$9.lineno = 234, Debug.error("Not registering %.64w: invalid event sender: %.64w.%s", this, eventSender_$0, eventName_$1);
if (this.c == null || this.c["__LZdeleted"]) {
if (eventSender_$0 !== this.c && !compatibilitymode_$2) {
if (this.__tracked == false) {
this.__tracked = true;
var _dels_$3 = this.c["__delegates"];
if (_dels_$3 == null) {
this.c.__delegates = [this]
} else {
$9.lineno = 254, _dels_$3.push(this)
var anEvent_$4 = eventSender_$0[eventName_$1];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 260, LzEvent.$lzsc$isa(anEvent_$4)) : anEvent_$4 instanceof LzEvent) {
$9.lineno = 261, anEvent_$4.addDelegate(this)
} else {
if (anEvent_$4 && !(LzDeclaredEventClass["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($9.lineno = 263, LzDeclaredEventClass.$lzsc$isa(anEvent_$4)) : anEvent_$4 instanceof LzDeclaredEventClass)) {
$9.lineno = 265, Debug.error("Not registering %.64w: invalid event: %.64w.%=s", this, eventSender_$0, anEvent_$4, eventName_$1);
var eventclass_$5 = anEvent_$4 && anEvent_$4.actual || LzEvent;
anEvent_$4 = ($9.lineno = 270, new eventclass_$5(eventSender_$0, eventName_$1, this))
var events_$6 = this.__events;
if (events_$6 == null) {
this.__events = [anEvent_$4]
} else {
$9.lineno = 277, events_$6.push(anEvent_$4)
this.hasevents = true
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "register";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 221;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "unregisterAll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$5.lineno = 285;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.hasevents == false) return;
var events_$0 = this.__events;
for (var i_$1 = 0, l_$2 = events_$0.length;i_$1 < l_$2;i_$1++) {
$5.lineno = 295, events_$0[i_$1].removeDelegate(this)
events_$0.length = 0;
this.hasevents = false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "unregisterAll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 285;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "unregisterFrom", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (event_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["event", event_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$7.lineno = 306;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
if (this.hasevents == false) return;
var events_$1 = this.__events;
for (var i_$2 = 0, l_$3 = events_$1.length;i_$2 < l_$3;i_$2++) {
var ev_$4 = events_$1[i_$2];
if (ev_$4 === event_$0) {
$7.lineno = 312, ev_$4.removeDelegate(this);
$7.lineno = 313, events_$1.splice(i_$2, 1)
this.hasevents = events_$1.length > 0
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "unregisterFrom";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 306;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "disable", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$2.lineno = 322;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.enabled = false
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "disable";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 322;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "enable", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$2.lineno = 329;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.enabled = true
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "enable";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 329;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$2.lineno = 372;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return "Delegate for " + this.c + " calls " + this.m + " " + this.__delegateID
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 372;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__tracked", false, "__LZdeleted", false, "destroy", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$2.lineno = 391;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZdeleted == true) return;
this.__LZdeleted = true;
if (this.hasevents) $2.lineno = 394, this.unregisterAll();
this.hasevents = false;
this.__events = null;
this.c = null;
this.m = null
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "destroy";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 391;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], null, ["__nextID", 1, "__LZdrainDelegatesQueue", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (evq_$0) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["evq", evq_$0];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$a.lineno = 337;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var n_$1 = evq_$0.length;
var i_$2 = 0;
if (i_$2 < n_$1) {
var calledDelegates_$3 = ($a.lineno = 341, new Array());
var lockedEvents_$4 = ($a.lineno = 342, new Array());
while (i_$2 < n_$1) {
var e_$5 = evq_$0[i_$2];
var d_$6 = evq_$0[i_$2 + 1];
var eventValue_$7 = evq_$0[i_$2 + 2];
e_$5.locked = true;
e_$5.ready = false;
$a.lineno = 351, lockedEvents_$4.push(e_$5);
if (!d_$6.event_called) {
d_$6.event_called = true;
$a.lineno = 354, calledDelegates_$3.push(d_$6);
if (d_$6.c && !d_$6.c.__LZdeleted && d_$6.m) {
$a.lineno = 356, d_$$6.c, eventValue_$7)
i_$2 += 3
while (d_$6 = ($a.lineno = 360, calledDelegates_$3.pop())) {
d_$6.event_called = false
while (e_$5 = ($a.lineno = 363, lockedEvents_$4.pop())) {
e_$5.locked = false;
e_$5.ready = e_$5.delegateList.length != 0
evq_$0.length = 0
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZdrainDelegatesQueue";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 337;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$3.lineno = 80;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
LzDelegate.prototype._dbg_name = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$5.lineno = 406;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var name_$0 = ($5.lineno = 407, Debug.formatToString("%.48w/";
return name_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "events/LaszloEvents.lzs#406/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 406;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "events/LaszloEvents.lzs#80/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 80;
return $lzsc$temp
lz.Delegate = LzDelegate;
Class.make("LzEvent", ["delegateList", null, "_dbg_eventSender", void 0, "_dbg_eventName", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventSender_$0, eventName_$1, d_$2) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["eventSender", eventSender_$0, "eventName", eventName_$1, "d", d_$2];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$6.lineno = 535;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
d_$2 = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 536, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this);
var _evs_$3 = eventSender_$0["_events"];
if (_evs_$3 == null) {
eventSender_$0._events = [this]
} else {
$6.lineno = 541, _evs_$3.push(this)
eventSender_$0[eventName_$1] = this;
if (d_$2) {
this.delegateList = [d_$2];
this.ready = true
} else {
this.delegateList = []
this._dbg_eventSender = eventSender_$0;
this._dbg_eventName = eventName_$1
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 535;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "locked", false, "addDelegate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (d_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["d", d_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$3.lineno = 575;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.ready = true;
$3.lineno = 577, this.delegateList.push(d_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addDelegate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 575;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "sendEvent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventValue_$0) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["eventValue", eventValue_$0];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$9.lineno = 589;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
eventValue_$0 = null
if (this.locked || !this.ready) {
this.locked = true;
this.ready = false;
var dlist_$1 = this.delegateList;
var calledDelegates_$2 = ($9.lineno = 605, new Array());
var d_$3;
var i_$4 = dlist_$1.length;
while (--i_$4 >= 0) {
d_$3 = dlist_$1[i_$4];
if (d_$3 && d_$3.enabled && !d_$3.event_called) {
d_$3.event_called = true;
$9.lineno = 613, calledDelegates_$2.push(d_$3);
var c_$5 = d_$3.c;
if (c_$5 && !c_$5.__LZdeleted) {
if (c_$5.__LZdeferDelegates) {
var evq_$6 = c_$5.__LZdelegatesQueue;
if (!evq_$6) {
c_$5.__LZdelegatesQueue = [this, d_$3, eventValue_$0]
} else {
$9.lineno = 623, evq_$6.push(this, d_$3, eventValue_$0)
}} else if (d_$3.m) {
$9.lineno = 627, d_$$5, eventValue_$0)
while (d_$3 = ($9.lineno = 633, calledDelegates_$2.pop())) {
d_$3.event_called = false
this.locked = false;
this.ready = dlist_$1.length != 0
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "sendEvent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 589;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "removeDelegate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (d_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["d", d_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$6.lineno = 657;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
d_$0 = null
var dlist_$1 = this.delegateList;
for (var i_$2 = 0, l_$3 = dlist_$1.length;i_$2 < l_$3;i_$2++) {
if (dlist_$1[i_$2] === d_$0) {
$6.lineno = 661, dlist_$1.splice(i_$2, 1);
this.ready = dlist_$1.length != 0
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "removeDelegate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 657;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clearDelegates", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$3.lineno = 672;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var dlist_$0 = this.delegateList;
while (dlist_$0.length) {
$3.lineno = 675, dlist_$0[0].unregisterFrom(this)
this.ready = false
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clearDelegates";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 672;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getDelegateCount", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$2.lineno = 685;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.delegateList.length
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getDelegateCount";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 685;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$2.lineno = 690;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return "LzEvent"
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 690;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzDeclaredEventClass);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$3.lineno = 516;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
LzEvent.prototype._dbg_name = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$2.lineno = 699;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 700, Debug.formatToString("%0.48w/", this._dbg_eventSender, this._dbg_eventName)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "events/LaszloEvents.lzs#699/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 699;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "events/LaszloEvents.lzs#516/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LaszloEvents.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 516;
return $lzsc$temp
lz.Event = LzEvent;
Class.make("LzNotifyingEvent", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventSender_$0, eventName_$1, d_$2) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["eventSender", eventSender_$0, "eventName", eventName_$1, "d", d_$2];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$6.lineno = 23;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
d_$2 = null
var wasready_$3 = this.ready;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 25, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, eventSender_$0, eventName_$1, d_$2);
if (this.ready != wasready_$3) {
$6.lineno = 27, this.notify(this.ready)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 23;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addDelegate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (d_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["d", d_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$4.lineno = 34;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var wasready_$1 = this.ready;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["addDelegate"] || ($4.lineno = 36, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "addDelegate"))).call(this, d_$0);
if (this.ready != wasready_$1) {
$4.lineno = 38, this.notify(this.ready)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addDelegate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 34;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "removeDelegate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (d_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["d", d_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$4.lineno = 45;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
d_$0 = null
var wasready_$1 = this.ready;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["removeDelegate"] || ($4.lineno = 47, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "removeDelegate"))).call(this, d_$0);
if (this.ready != wasready_$1) {
$4.lineno = 49, this.notify(this.ready)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "removeDelegate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 45;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clearDelegates", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$3.lineno = 56;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var wasready_$0 = this.ready;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["clearDelegates"] || ($3.lineno = 58, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "clearDelegates"))).call(this);
if (this.ready != wasready_$0) {
$3.lineno = 60, this.notify(this.ready)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clearDelegates";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 56;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "notify", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ready_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["ready", ready_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$3.lineno = 72;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "notify";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/events/LzNotifyingEvent.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 72;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzEvent);
lz.NotifyingEvent = LzNotifyingEvent;
var LzResourceLibrary = {};
Class.make("LzKernelUtils", null, null, ["CSSDimension", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0, units_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["value", value_$0, "units", units_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzKernelUtils.lzs";
$5.lineno = 18;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
units_$1 = "px"
if (value_$0 == 0) return value_$0;
var result_$2 = value_$0;
if ($5.lineno = 21, isNaN(value_$0)) {
if (typeof value_$0 == "string" && ($5.lineno = 24, value_$0.indexOf("%")) == value_$0.length - 1 && !($5.lineno = 25, isNaN(($5.lineno = 25, value_$0.substring(0, value_$0.length - 1))))) {
return value_$0
} else {
result_$2 = 0;
$5.lineno = 30, Debug.warn("%w: coerced %w to %w", arguments.callee, value_$0, result_$2)
}} else if (value_$0 === Infinity) {
result_$2 = ~0 >>> 1
} else if (value_$0 === -Infinity) {
result_$2 = ~(~0 >>> 1)
return result_$2 + units_$1
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "CSSDimension";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzKernelUtils.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 18;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "range", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0, max_$1, min_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["val", val_$0, "max", max_$1, "min", min_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzKernelUtils.lzs";
$5.lineno = 41;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
min_$2 = null
val_$0 = val_$0 > max_$1 ? max_$1 : val_$0;
if (min_$2 != null) {
val_$0 = val_$0 < min_$2 ? min_$2 : val_$0
return val_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "range";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzKernelUtils.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 41;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "rect", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (context_$0, x_$1, y_$2, width_$3, height_$4, topleftradius_$5, toprightradius_$6, bottomrightradius_$7, bottomleftradius_$8) {
var $b = Debug;
var $c = $b.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($c) {
var $d = ["context", context_$0, "x", x_$1, "y", y_$2, "width", width_$3, "height", height_$4, "topleftradius", topleftradius_$5, "toprightradius", toprightradius_$6, "bottomrightradius", bottomrightradius_$7, "bottomleftradius", bottomleftradius_$8];
$d.callee = arguments.callee;
$d.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzKernelUtils.lzs";
$d.lineno = 49;
if ($c.length > $c.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 5:
topleftradius_$5 = 0;;case 6:
toprightradius_$6 = null;;case 7:
bottomrightradius_$7 = null;;case 8:
bottomleftradius_$8 = null
var maxsize_$9 = ($d.lineno = 51, Math.min(width_$3, height_$4)) * 0.5;
topleftradius_$5 = ($d.lineno = 53, LzKernelUtils.range(topleftradius_$5 || 0, maxsize_$9, 0));
if (bottomleftradius_$8 == null) {
bottomleftradius_$8 = bottomrightradius_$7 = toprightradius_$6 = topleftradius_$5
} else {
bottomleftradius_$8 = ($d.lineno = 58, LzKernelUtils.range(bottomleftradius_$8 || 0, maxsize_$9, 0));
bottomrightradius_$7 = ($d.lineno = 59, LzKernelUtils.range(bottomrightradius_$7 || 0, maxsize_$9, 0));
toprightradius_$6 = ($d.lineno = 60, LzKernelUtils.range(toprightradius_$6 || 0, maxsize_$9, 0))
var curvemethod_$a = context_$0["curveTo"] ? "curveTo" : "quadraticCurveTo";
$d.lineno = 66, context_$0.moveTo(x_$1, y_$2 + topleftradius_$5);
$d.lineno = 67, context_$0.lineTo(x_$1, y_$2 + height_$4 - bottomleftradius_$8);
if (bottomleftradius_$8 != 0) {
$d.lineno = 69, context_$0[curvemethod_$a](x_$1, y_$2 + height_$4, x_$1 + bottomleftradius_$8, y_$2 + height_$4)
$d.lineno = 71, context_$0.lineTo(x_$1 + width_$3 - bottomrightradius_$7, y_$2 + height_$4);
if (bottomrightradius_$7 != 0) {
$d.lineno = 73, context_$0[curvemethod_$a](x_$1 + width_$3, y_$2 + height_$4, x_$1 + width_$3, y_$2 + height_$4 - bottomrightradius_$7)
$d.lineno = 75, context_$0.lineTo(x_$1 + width_$3, y_$2 + toprightradius_$6);
if (toprightradius_$6 != 0) {
$d.lineno = 77, context_$0[curvemethod_$a](x_$1 + width_$3, y_$2, x_$1 + width_$3 - toprightradius_$6, y_$2)
$d.lineno = 79, context_$0.lineTo(x_$1 + topleftradius_$5, y_$2);
if (topleftradius_$5 != 0) {
$d.lineno = 81, context_$0[curvemethod_$a](x_$1, y_$2, x_$1, y_$2 + topleftradius_$5)
finally {
if ($c) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "rect";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzKernelUtils.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 49;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "parselzoptions", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (lzopts_$0) {
var $a = Debug;
var $b = $a.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($b) {
var $c = ["lzopts", lzopts_$0];
$c.callee = arguments.callee;
$c.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzKernelUtils.lzs";
$c.lineno = 92;
if ($b.length > $b.maxDepth) {
var tokens_$1 = ($c.lineno = 93, lzopts_$0.split(($c.lineno = 93, new RegExp("([,()])"))));
var KEY_$2 = 1;
var ARGS_$3 = 2;
var options_$4 = {};
var mystate_$5 = KEY_$2;
var vals_$6 = [];
var lastkey_$7 = null;
var nvals_$8 = 0;
while (tokens_$1.length > 0) {
var token_$9 = tokens_$1[0];
var tokens_$1 = ($c.lineno = 118, tokens_$1.slice(1));
if (token_$9 == "") continue;
switch (mystate_$5) {
case KEY_$2:
if (token_$9 == ",") {
if (lastkey_$7 != null && nvals_$8 == 0) {
options_$4[lastkey_$7] = [true]
}} else if (token_$9 == "(") {
mystate_$5 = ARGS_$3;
vals_$6 = [];
options_$4[lastkey_$7] = vals_$6
} else {
lastkey_$7 = token_$9
}break;;case ARGS_$3:
if (token_$9 == ")") {
lastkey_$7 = null;
mystate_$5 = KEY_$2;
nvals_$8 = 0
} else if (token_$9 == ",") {
} else {
$c.lineno = 143, vals_$6.push(token_$9);
if (lastkey_$7 != null && nvals_$8 == 0) {
options_$4[lastkey_$7] = [true]
return options_$4
finally {
if ($b) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "parselzoptions";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzKernelUtils.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 92;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzIdleKernel = {__callbacks: [], __update: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = [];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs";
$8.lineno = 15;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var kernel_$0 = LzIdleKernel;
var callbacks_$1 = kernel_$0.__callbacks;
var now_$2 = ($8.lineno = 21, LzTimeKernel.getTimer());
for (var i_$3 = callbacks_$1.length - 2;i_$3 >= 0;i_$3 -= 2) {
var scope_$4 = callbacks_$1[i_$3];
var funcname_$5 = callbacks_$1[i_$3 + 1];
$8.lineno = 25, scope_$4[funcname_$5](now_$2)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs#15/16";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 15;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __intervalID: null, addCallback: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (scope_$0, funcname_$1) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["scope", scope_$0, "funcname", funcname_$1];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs";
$7.lineno = 29;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var kernel_$2 = LzIdleKernel;
var callbacks_$3 = kernel_$2.__callbacks;
for (var i_$4 = callbacks_$3.length - 2;i_$4 >= 0;i_$4 -= 2) {
if (callbacks_$3[i_$4] === scope_$0 && callbacks_$3[i_$4 + 1] == funcname_$1) {
$7.lineno = 40, (kernel_$2.__callbacks = ($7.lineno = 40, callbacks_$3.slice(0))).push(scope_$0, funcname_$1);
if (kernel_$2.__intervalID == null) {
kernel_$2.__intervalID = ($7.lineno = 42, setInterval(LzIdleKernel.__update, 1000 / kernel_$2.__fps))
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs#29/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 29;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), removeCallback: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (scope_$0, funcname_$1) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["scope", scope_$0, "funcname", funcname_$1];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs";
$8.lineno = 45;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var kernel_$2 = LzIdleKernel;
var callbacks_$3 = kernel_$2.__callbacks;
for (var i_$4 = callbacks_$3.length - 2;i_$4 >= 0;i_$4 -= 2) {
if (callbacks_$3[i_$4] === scope_$0 && callbacks_$3[i_$4 + 1] == funcname_$1) {
kernel_$2.__callbacks = callbacks_$3 = ($8.lineno = 54, callbacks_$3.slice(0));
var removed_$5 = ($8.lineno = 55, callbacks_$3.splice(i_$4, 2));
if (callbacks_$3.length == 0) {
$8.lineno = 57, clearInterval(kernel_$2.__intervalID);
kernel_$2.__intervalID = null
return removed_$5
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs#45/22";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 45;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __fps: 30, setFrameRate: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fps_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["fps", fps_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 67;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
LzIdleKernel.__fps = fps_$0;
if (LzIdleKernel.__intervalID != null) {
$3.lineno = 70, clearInterval(LzIdleKernel.__intervalID);
LzIdleKernel.__intervalID = ($3.lineno = 71, setInterval(LzIdleKernel.__update, 1000 / fps_$0))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs#67/20";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzIdleKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 67;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzLibraryCleanup", ["lib", null, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, attrs_$1, children_$2, instcall_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["parent", parent_$0, "attrs", attrs_$1, "children", children_$2, "instcall", instcall_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzLibraryCleanup.lzs";
$6.lineno = 25;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
parent_$0 = null;;case 1:
attrs_$1 = null;;case 2:
children_$2 = null;;case 3:
instcall_$3 = false
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 26, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, parent_$0, attrs_$1, children_$2, instcall_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzLibraryCleanup.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 25;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_libname", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/LzLibraryCleanup.lzs";
$3.lineno = 29;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.lib = ($3.lineno = 30, LzLibrary.findLibrary(val_$0));
$3.lineno = 31, this.lib.loadfinished()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_libname";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/LzLibraryCleanup.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 29;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzNode, ["attributes", new LzInheritedHash(LzNode.attributes)]);
var getTimer = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LFC.js";
$2.lineno = 14;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 15, LzTimeKernel.getTimer()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LFC.js#14/20";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LFC.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 14;
return $lzsc$temp
global = window;
lz.BrowserUtils = {__scopeid: 0, __scopes: [], getcallbackstr: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (scope_$0, name_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["scope", scope_$0, "name", name_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$5.lineno = 23;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var sc_$2 = lz.BrowserUtils.__scopeid++;
if (scope_$0.__callbacks == null) {
scope_$0.__callbacks = {sc: sc_$2}} else {
scope_$0.__callbacks[sc_$2] = sc_$2
lz.BrowserUtils.__scopes[sc_$2] = scope_$0;
return "if (lz.BrowserUtils.__scopes[" + sc_$2 + "]) lz.BrowserUtils.__scopes[" + sc_$2 + "]." + name_$1 + ".apply(lz.BrowserUtils.__scopes[" + sc_$2 + "], [])"
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getcallbackstr";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 23;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), getcallbackfunc: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (scope_$0, name, args) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["scope", scope_$0, "name", name, "args", args];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$3.lineno = 37;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var sc = lz.BrowserUtils.__scopeid++;
if (scope_$0.__callbacks == null) {
scope_$0.__callbacks = {sc: sc}} else {
scope_$0.__callbacks[sc] = sc
lz.BrowserUtils.__scopes[sc] = scope_$0;
return (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$3.lineno = 45;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var s_$0 = lz.BrowserUtils.__scopes[sc];
if (s_$0) return $3.lineno = 47, s_$0[name].apply(s_$0, args)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js#45/16";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 45;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getcallbackfunc";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 37;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), removecallback: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (scope_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["scope", scope_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$5.lineno = 54;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (scope_$0.__callbacks != null) {
for (var i_$1 in scope_$0.__callbacks) {
var sc_$2 = scope_$0.__callbacks[i_$1];
delete lz.BrowserUtils.__scopes[sc_$2]
delete scope_$0.__callbacks
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "removecallback";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 54;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), hasFeature: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (feature_$0, level_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["feature", feature_$0, "level", level_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$4.lineno = 65;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return document.implementation && document.implementation.hasFeature && ($4.lineno = 68, document.implementation.hasFeature(feature_$0, level_$1))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js#65/18";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserUtils.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 65;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzPool = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (getter_$0, cacheHit_$1, destroyer_$2, owner_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["getter", getter_$0, "cacheHit", cacheHit_$1, "destroyer", destroyer_$2, "owner", owner_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js";
$6.lineno = 13;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
this.cache = {};
if (typeof getter_$0 == "function") this.getter = getter_$0;
if (typeof cacheHit_$1 == "function") this.cacheHit = cacheHit_$1;
if (typeof destroyer_$2 == "function") this.destroyer = destroyer_$2;
if (owner_$3) this.owner = owner_$3
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js#13/14";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 13;
return $lzsc$temp
LzPool.prototype.cache = null;
LzPool.prototype.get = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (id_$0, skipcache_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["id", id_$0, "skipcache", skipcache_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js";
$6.lineno = 25;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var args_$2 = ($6.lineno = 25,, 2));
var itm_$3 = this.cache[id_$0];
if (skipcache_$1 || itm_$3 == null) {
$6.lineno = 28, args_$2.unshift(id_$0);
itm_$3 = ($6.lineno = 29, this.getter.apply(this, args_$2));
if (!skipcache_$1) this.cache[id_$0] = itm_$3
} else if (this.cacheHit) {
$6.lineno = 32, args_$2.unshift(id_$0, itm_$3);
$6.lineno = 33, this.cacheHit.apply(this, args_$2)
if (this.owner) itm_$3.owner = this.owner;
return itm_$3
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js#25/24";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 25;
return $lzsc$temp
LzPool.prototype.flush = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (id_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["id", id_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js";
$3.lineno = 39;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.destroyer) $3.lineno = 40, this.destroyer(id_$0, this.cache[id_$0]);
delete this.cache[id_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js#39/26";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 39;
return $lzsc$temp
LzPool.prototype.destroy = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js";
$3.lineno = 45;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
for (var id_$0 in this.cache) {
$3.lineno = 47, this.flush(id_$0)
this.owner = null;
this.cache = null
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js#45/28";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzPool.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 45;
return $lzsc$temp
LzPool.prototype.getter = null;
LzPool.prototype.destroyer = null;
LzPool.prototype.cacheHit = null;
var LzKeyboardKernel = {__downKeysHash: {}, __keyboardEvent: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = ["e", e_$0];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$b.lineno = 16;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
if (!e_$0) e_$0 = window.event;
var delta_$1 = {};
var dirty_$2 = false;
var k_$3 = e_$0["keyCode"];
var t_$4 = e_$0.type;
var dh_$5 = LzKeyboardKernel.__downKeysHash;
if (k_$3 >= 0 && k_$3 != 16 && k_$3 != 17 && k_$3 != 18 && k_$3 != 224) {
var s_$6 = ($b.lineno = 27, ($b.lineno = 27, String.fromCharCode(k_$3)).toLowerCase());
if (t_$4 == "keyup") {
if (dh_$5[s_$6] != null) {
delta_$1[s_$6] = false;
dirty_$2 = true
dh_$5[s_$6] = null
} else if (t_$4 == "keydown") {
if (dh_$5[s_$6] == null) {
delta_$1[s_$6] = true;
dirty_$2 = true
dh_$5[s_$6] = k_$3
if ($b.lineno = 43, LzKeyboardKernel.__updateControlKeys(e_$0, delta_$1)) {
dirty_$2 = true
if (dirty_$2) {
var scope_$7 = LzKeyboardKernel.__scope;
var callback_$8 = LzKeyboardKernel.__callback;
if (scope_$7 && scope_$7[callback_$8]) {
$b.lineno = 51, scope_$7[callback_$8](delta_$1, k_$3, "on" + t_$4)
if (k_$3 >= 0) {
if (k_$3 == 9) {
e_$0.cancelBubble = true;
return false
} else if (LzKeyboardKernel.__cancelKeys && (k_$3 == 13 || k_$3 == 0 || k_$3 == 37 || k_$3 == 38 || k_$3 == 39 || k_$3 == 40 || k_$3 == 8)) {
e_$0.cancelBubble = true;
return false
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js#16/23";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 16;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __updateControlKeys: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0, delta_$1) {
var $c = Debug;
var $d = $c.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($d) {
var $e = ["e", e_$0, "delta", delta_$1];
$e.callee = arguments.callee;
$e["this"] = this;
$e.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$e.lineno = 71;
if ($d.length > $d.maxDepth) {
var quirks_$2 = LzSprite.quirks;
var dh_$3 = LzKeyboardKernel.__downKeysHash;
var dirty_$4 = false;
if (delta_$1) {
var send_$5 = false
} else {
delta_$1 = {};
var send_$5 = true
var alt_$6 = e_$0["altKey"];
if (dh_$3["alt"] != null != alt_$6) {
dh_$3["alt"] = alt_$6 ? 18 : null;
delta_$1["alt"] = alt_$6;
dirty_$4 = true;
if (quirks_$2["alt_key_sends_control"]) {
delta_$1["control"] = delta_$1["alt"]
var ctrl_$7 = e_$0["ctrlKey"];
if (dh_$3["control"] != null != ctrl_$7) {
dh_$3["control"] = ctrl_$7 ? 17 : null;
delta_$1["control"] = ctrl_$7;
dirty_$4 = true
var shift_$8 = e_$0["shiftKey"];
if (dh_$3["shift"] != null != shift_$8) {
dh_$3["shift"] = shift_$8 ? 16 : null;
delta_$1["shift"] = shift_$8;
dirty_$4 = true
if (quirks_$2["hasmetakey"]) {
var meta_$9 = e_$0["metaKey"];
if (dh_$3["meta"] != null != meta_$9) {
dh_$3["meta"] = meta_$9 ? 224 : null;
delta_$1["meta"] = meta_$9;
dirty_$4 = true;
delta_$1["control"] = meta_$9
if (dirty_$4 && send_$5) {
var scope_$a = LzKeyboardKernel.__scope;
var callback_$b = LzKeyboardKernel.__callback;
if (scope_$a && scope_$a[callback_$b]) {
$e.lineno = 129, scope_$a[callback_$b](delta_$1, 0, "on" + e_$0.type)
return dirty_$4
finally {
if ($d) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js#71/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 71;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __allKeysUp: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = [];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$b.lineno = 136;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
var delta_$0 = null;
var stuck_$1 = false;
var keys_$2 = null;
var dh_$3 = LzKeyboardKernel.__downKeysHash;
for (var key_$4 in dh_$3) {
if (dh_$3[key_$4] != null) {
stuck_$1 = true;
if (!delta_$0) {
delta_$0 = {}};
delta_$0[key_$4] = false;
if (key_$4.length == 1) {
if (!keys_$2) {
keys_$2 = []
$b.lineno = 148, keys_$2.push(dh_$3[key_$4])
dh_$3[key_$4] = null
var scope_$5 = LzKeyboardKernel.__scope;
var callback_$6 = LzKeyboardKernel.__callback;
if (stuck_$1 && scope_$5 && scope_$5[callback_$6]) {
if (!keys_$2) {
$b.lineno = 158, scope_$5[callback_$6](delta_$0, 0, "onkeyup")
} else for (var i_$7 = 0, l_$8 = keys_$2.length;i_$7 < l_$8;i_$7++) {
$b.lineno = 160, scope_$5[callback_$6](delta_$0, keys_$2[i_$7], "onkeyup")
LzKeyboardKernel.__downKeysHash = {}}
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js#136/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 136;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __callback: null, __scope: null, __cancelKeys: true, __lockFocus: null, setCallback: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (scope_$0, keyboardcallback_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["scope", scope_$0, "keyboardcallback", keyboardcallback_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$4.lineno = 169;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.__scope = scope_$0;
this.__callback = keyboardcallback_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js#169/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 169;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __lastcontrolscope: null, setKeyboardControl: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (dhtmlKeyboardControl_$0, force_$1) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["dhtmlKeyboardControl", dhtmlKeyboardControl_$0, "force", force_$1];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$8.lineno = 174;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
if (!force_$1 && LzKeyboardKernel.__lockFocus) {
dhtmlKeyboardControl_$0 = true
var handler_$2 = null;
var setcontrol_$3 = LzSprite.__rootSprite.options.cancelkeyboardcontrol != true || true;
if (setcontrol_$3 && dhtmlKeyboardControl_$0) {
handler_$2 = LzKeyboardKernel.__keyboardEvent
if (LzSprite.quirks.keyboardlistentotop) {
var doc_$4 =
} else {
var doc_$4 = document
var lastscope_$5 = LzKeyboardKernel.__lastcontrolscope;
if (lastscope_$5 && lastscope_$5 != doc_$4) {
lastscope_$5.onkeydown = lastscope_$5.onkeyup = lastscope_$5.onkeypress = null;
if (handler_$2) {
LzKeyboardKernel.__lastcontrolscope = doc_$4
doc_$4.onkeydown = handler_$2;
doc_$4.onkeyup = handler_$2;
doc_$4.onkeypress = handler_$2
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js#174/26";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 174;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), gotLastFocus: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 205;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (!LzSprite.__mouseActivationDiv.mouseisover) $2.lineno = 207, LzKeyboardKernel.setKeyboardControl(false)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js#205/20";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 205;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), setGlobalFocusTrap: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (istrapped_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["istrapped", istrapped_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$4.lineno = 210;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
LzKeyboardKernel.__lockFocus = istrapped_$0;
if (LzSprite.quirks.activate_on_mouseover) {
var activationdiv_$1 = LzSprite.__mouseActivationDiv;
if (istrapped_$0) {
$4.lineno = 215, activationdiv_$1.onmouseover()
} else {
$4.lineno = 217, activationdiv_$1.onmouseout()
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js#210/26";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzKeyboardKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 210;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzMouseKernel = {__lastMouseDown: null, __lastMouseOver: null, __x: 0, __y: 0, owner: null, __showncontextmenu: null, __mouseEvent: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["e", e_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$7.lineno = 23;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
e_$0 = e_$0 || window.event;
var target_$1 = e_$ || e_$0.srcElement;
var eventname_$2 = "on" + e_$0.type;
if (window["LzKeyboardKernel"] && LzKeyboardKernel["__updateControlKeys"]) {
$7.lineno = 33, LzKeyboardKernel.__updateControlKeys(e_$0)
if (LzSprite.prototype.capabilities.touchevents) {
var maxfingers_$3 = 1;
if (eventname_$2 === "ontouchstart") {
eventname_$2 = "onmousedown"
} else if (eventname_$2 === "ontouchmove") {
eventname_$2 = "onmousemove"
} else if (eventname_$2 === "ontouchend") {
eventname_$2 = "onmouseup";
maxfingers_$3 = 0
if (e_$0.touches.length != maxfingers_$3) {
return true
var lzinputproto_$4 = window["LzInputTextSprite"] && LzInputTextSprite.prototype;
if (lzinputproto_$4 && lzinputproto_$4.__lastshown != null) {
if (LzSprite.quirks.fix_ie_clickable) {
$7.lineno = 54, lzinputproto_$4.__hideIfNotFocused(eventname_$2)
} else if (eventname_$2 != "onmousemove") {
$7.lineno = 56, lzinputproto_$4.__hideIfNotFocused()
if (eventname_$2 === "onmousemove") {
$7.lineno = 61, LzMouseKernel.__sendMouseMove(e_$0);
if (lzinputproto_$4 && lzinputproto_$4.__lastshown != null) {
if (target_$1 && target_$1.owner && !(target_$1.owner instanceof LzInputTextSprite)) {
if (!($7.lineno = 65, lzinputproto_$4.__lastshown.__isMouseOver())) {
$7.lineno = 66, lzinputproto_$4.__lastshown.__hide()
}}}} else if (eventname_$2 === "oncontextmenu" || e_$0.button == 2) {
return $7.lineno = 72, LzMouseKernel.__handleContextMenu(e_$0)
} else {
$7.lineno = 74, LzMouseKernel.__sendEvent(eventname_$2)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#23/20";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 23;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __sendEvent: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventname_$0, view_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["eventname", eventname_$0, "view", view_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$4.lineno = 82;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (eventname_$0 === "onclick" && view_$1 == null) {
if (LzMouseKernel.__callback) {
$4.lineno = 89, LzMouseKernel.__scope[LzMouseKernel.__callback](eventname_$0, view_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#82/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 82;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __callback: null, __scope: null, setCallback: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (scope_$0, funcname_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["scope", scope_$0, "funcname", funcname_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$4.lineno = 96;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.__scope = scope_$0;
this.__callback = funcname_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#96/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 96;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __mousecontrol: false, setMouseControl: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ison_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["ison", ison_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$4.lineno = 102;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (ison_$0 === LzMouseKernel.__mousecontrol) return;
LzMouseKernel.__mousecontrol = ison_$0;
$4.lineno = 107, LzMouseKernel.__sendEvent(ison_$0 ? "onmouseenter" : "onmouseleave");
var method_$1 = lz.embed[ison_$0 ? "attachEventHandler" : "removeEventHandler"];
if (LzSprite.prototype.capabilities.touchevents) {
$4.lineno = 115, method_$1(document, "touchmove", LzMouseKernel, "__mouseEvent")
} else {
$4.lineno = 118, method_$1(document, "mousemove", LzMouseKernel, "__mouseEvent")
document.oncontextmenu = ison_$0 ? LzMouseKernel.__mouseEvent : null
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#102/23";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 102;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __showhand: "pointer", showHandCursor: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (show_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["show", show_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$4.lineno = 131;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var c_$1 = show_$0 === true ? "pointer" : "default";
this.__showhand = c_$1;
$4.lineno = 134, LzMouseKernel.setCursorGlobal(c_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#131/22";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 131;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), setCursorGlobal: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$3.lineno = 142;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (LzSprite.quirks.no_cursor_colresize) {
var n_$0 = ($3.lineno = 146, LzSprite.__defaultStyles.hyphenate(n_$0));
$3.lineno = 147, LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty(".lzclickdiv", "cursor", n_$0);
$3.lineno = 148, LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty(".lzdiv", "cursor", n_$0);
$3.lineno = 149, LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty(".lzcanvasdiv", "cursor", n_$0);
$3.lineno = 150, LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty(".lzcanvasclickdiv", "cursor", n_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#142/23";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 142;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), restoreCursor: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 159;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (LzSprite.quirks.no_cursor_colresize) {
if (LzMouseKernel.__amLocked) return;
$2.lineno = 164, LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty(".lzclickdiv", "cursor", LzMouseKernel.__showhand);
$2.lineno = 165, LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty(".lzdiv", "cursor", "default");
$2.lineno = 166, LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty(".lzcanvasdiv", "cursor", "default");
$2.lineno = 167, LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty(".lzcanvasclickdiv", "cursor", "default")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#159/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 159;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), lock: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 174;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
LzMouseKernel.__amLocked = true
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#174/12";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 174;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), unlock: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 182;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
LzMouseKernel.__amLocked = false;
$2.lineno = 184, LzMouseKernel.restoreCursor()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#182/14";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 182;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), disableMouseTemporarily: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 187;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 188, this.setGlobalClickable(false);
this.__resetonmouseover = true
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#187/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 187;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __resetonmouseover: false, __resetMouse: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 192;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.__resetonmouseover) {
this.__resetonmouseover = false;
$2.lineno = 195, this.setGlobalClickable(true)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#192/20";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 192;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __globalClickable: true, setGlobalClickable: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (isclickable_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["isclickable", isclickable_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$4.lineno = 199;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (isclickable_$0 === this.__globalClickable) return;
this.__globalClickable = isclickable_$0;
var el_$1 = ($4.lineno = 203, document.getElementById("lzcanvasclickdiv"));
if (LzSprite.quirks.fix_ie_clickable) {
$4.lineno = 205, LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty(".lzclickdiv", "display", isclickable_$0 ? "" : "none")
if (el_$1) el_$ = isclickable_$0 ? "" : "none"
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#199/26";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 199;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __sendMouseMove: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0, offsetx_$1, offsety_$2) {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = ["e", e_$0, "offsetx", offsetx_$1, "offsety", offsety_$2];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$b.lineno = 210;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
var sendmousemove_$3 = "mousemove" === e_$0.type;
var returnvalue_$4 = true;
if (LzSprite.prototype.capabilities.touchevents) {
var touches_$5 = e_$0.touches;
var touch_$6 = touches_$5 && touches_$5[0];
if (touch_$6) {
LzMouseKernel.__x = touch_$6.pageX;
LzMouseKernel.__y = touch_$6.pageY
sendmousemove_$3 = true;
returnvalue_$4 = false
} else if (e_$0.pageX || e_$0.pageY) {
LzMouseKernel.__x = e_$0.pageX;
LzMouseKernel.__y = e_$0.pageY
} else if (e_$0.clientX || e_$0.clientY) {
var body_$7 = document.body, docElem_$8 = document.documentElement;
LzMouseKernel.__x = e_$0.clientX + body_$7.scrollLeft + docElem_$8.scrollLeft;
LzMouseKernel.__y = e_$0.clientY + body_$7.scrollTop + docElem_$8.scrollTop
if (offsetx_$1) {
LzMouseKernel.__x += offsetx_$1
if (offsety_$2) {
LzMouseKernel.__y += offsety_$2
if (sendmousemove_$3) {
$b.lineno = 244, LzMouseKernel.__sendEvent("onmousemove");
return returnvalue_$4
return false
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#210/23";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 210;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __contextmenumouse2: false, __handleContextMenu: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["e", e_$0];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$8.lineno = 251;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
$8.lineno = 253, LzMouseKernel.__sendMouseMove(e_$0);
var cmenu_$1 = ($8.lineno = 255, LzMouseKernel.__findContextMenu(e_$0));
if (cmenu_$1) {
var eventname_$2 = "on" + e_$0.type;
var showbuiltins_$3 = cmenu_$1.kernel.showbuiltins;
var viamouse2_$4 = false;
if (LzSprite.prototype.quirks.has_dom2_mouseevents) {
if (eventname_$2 === "oncontextmenu") {
if (LzMouseKernel.__contextmenumouse2) {
LzMouseKernel.__contextmenumouse2 = false;
return false
}} else if (eventname_$2 === "onmousedown" && e_$0.button == 2) {
viamouse2_$4 = true
} else {
return true
}} else if (eventname_$2 !== "oncontextmenu") {
return true
var target_$5 = e_$ || e_$0.srcElement;
if (target_$5 && target_$5.owner && showbuiltins_$3 !== true) {
LzMouseKernel.__contextmenumouse2 = viamouse2_$4;
if (LzMouseKernel.__showncontextmenu) {
$8.lineno = 292, LzContextMenuKernel.lzcontextmenu.hide()
} else {
$8.lineno = 295, cmenu_$1.kernel.__show()
return false
return true
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#251/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 251;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __findContextMenu: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $g = Debug;
var $h = $g.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($h) {
var $i = ["e", e_$0];
$i.callee = arguments.callee;
$i["this"] = this;
$i.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$i.lineno = 303;
if ($h.length > $h.maxDepth) {
var cmenu_$1 = LzSprite.__rootSprite.__contextmenu;
var quirks_$2 = LzSprite.quirks;
if (document.elementFromPoint) {
var swf8mode_$3 = quirks_$2.swf8_contextmenu;
if (window.pageXOffset) {
var x_$4 = e_$0.pageX -;
var y_$5 = e_$0.pageY -
} else {
var x_$4 = e_$0.clientX;
var y_$5 = e_$0.clientY
var rootdiv_$6 = LzSprite.__rootSprite.__LZdiv;
var arr_$7 = [];
if (quirks_$2.fix_contextmenu) {
$i.lineno = 323, arr_$7.push(rootdiv_$6, rootdiv_$;
var rootprevZ_$8 = rootdiv_$;
rootdiv_$ = -1000;
var rootclickdiv_$9 = LzSprite.__rootSprite.__LZclickcontainerdiv;
var clickprevZ_$a = rootclickdiv_$;
$i.lineno = 330, arr_$7.push(rootclickdiv_$9, rootclickdiv_$;
rootclickdiv_$ = -9999
do {
var elem_$b = ($i.lineno = 334, document.elementFromPoint(x_$4, y_$5));
if (!elem_$b) {
} else {
var owner_$c = elem_$b.owner;
if (!owner_$c) {
} else if (owner_$c.__contextmenu) {
cmenu_$1 = owner_$c.__contextmenu;
} else if (quirks_$2.ie_elementfrompoint && owner_$c.scrolldiv === elem_$b) {
} else if (swf8mode_$3 && (owner_$c.__LZdiv === elem_$b && owner_$c.bgcolor != null || owner_$c instanceof LzTextSprite)) {
$i.lineno = 355, arr_$7.push(elem_$b, elem_$;
elem_$ = "none"
}} while (elem_$b !== rootdiv_$6 && elem_$b.tagName != "HTML");
for (var i_$d = arr_$7.length - 1;i_$d >= 0;i_$d -= 2) {
arr_$7[i_$d - 1].style.display = arr_$7[i_$d]
if (quirks_$2.fix_contextmenu) {
rootdiv_$ = rootprevZ_$8;
rootclickdiv_$ = clickprevZ_$a
}} else {
var sprite_$e = (e_$0.srcElement || e_$;
if (sprite_$e) {
while (sprite_$e.__parent) {
if (sprite_$e.__contextmenu) {
var mpos_$f = ($i.lineno = 378, sprite_$e.getMouse());
if (mpos_$f.x >= 0 && mpos_$f.x < sprite_$e.width && mpos_$f.y >= 0 && mpos_$f.y < sprite_$e.height) {
cmenu_$1 = sprite_$e.__contextmenu;
sprite_$e = sprite_$e.__parent
return cmenu_$1
finally {
if ($h) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js#303/25";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzMouseKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 303;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzBrowserKernel", null, null, ["loadURL", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0, target_$1, features_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["url", url_$0, "target", target_$1, "features", features_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$5.lineno = 24;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
target_$1 = null;;case 2:
features_$2 = null
if (target_$1 != null) {
if (features_$2 != null) {
$5.lineno = 27,$0, target_$1, features_$2)
} else {
$5.lineno = 29,$0, target_$1)
}} else {
window.location = url_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "loadURL";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 24;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "loadJS", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (js_$0, target_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["js", js_$0, "target", target_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$4.lineno = 46;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
$4.lineno = 47, LzBrowserKernel.loadURL("javascript:" + js_$0 + ";void(0);", target_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "loadJS";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 46;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "callJS", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (methodname_$0, callback_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["methodname", methodname_$0, "callback", callback_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$9.lineno = 59;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var scope_$2 = null;
var method_$3 = ($9.lineno = 62, eval(methodname_$0));
var path_$4 = ($9.lineno = 63, methodname_$0.split("."));
if (path_$4.length > 1) {
$9.lineno = 65, path_$4.pop();
scope_$2 = ($9.lineno = 66, eval(($9.lineno = 66, path_$4.join("."))))
var args_$5 = ($9.lineno = 69,, 2));
if (method_$3) {
var ret_$6 = ($9.lineno = 72, method_$3.apply(scope_$2, args_$5))
if (callback_$1 && typeof callback_$1 == "function") $9.lineno = 74, callback_$1(ret_$6);
return ret_$6
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "callJS";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 59;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setHistory", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 82;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 84, lz.embed.history.set(n_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setHistory";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 82;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "callMethod", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (js_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["js", js_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 91;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 92, eval(js_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "callMethod";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 91;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getVersion", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$2.lineno = 98;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return navigator.userAgent
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getVersion";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 98;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getOS", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$2.lineno = 105;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return navigator.platform
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getOS";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 105;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getLoadURL", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = [];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$8.lineno = 114;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
if (LzSprite.__rootSprite && LzSprite.__rootSprite._url) {
var url_$0 = LzSprite.__rootSprite._url
} else {
var url_$0 = lz.embed.__propcache.url
if (!url_$0) url_$0 = ($8.lineno = 122, new String(window.location));
var colon_$1 = ($8.lineno = 123, url_$0.indexOf(":"));
var slash_$2 = ($8.lineno = 124, url_$0.indexOf("/"));
if (colon_$1 > -1) {
if (($8.lineno = 126, url_$0.indexOf("://")) == colon_$1) {
return url_$0
} else if (($8.lineno = 129, url_$0.charAt(colon_$1 + 1)) == "/") {
url_$0 = ($8.lineno = 131, url_$0.substring(0, colon_$1 + 1)) + "/" + ($8.lineno = 131, url_$0.substring(colon_$1 + 1));
return url_$0
} else {
var lzu_$3 = ($8.lineno = 135, new LzURL(($8.lineno = 135, new String(window.location))));
url_$0 = ($8.lineno = 136, url_$0.substring(0, colon_$1 + 1)) + "/" + lzu_$3.path + ($8.lineno = 136, url_$0.substring(colon_$1 + 1));
return url_$0
}} else {
if (slash_$2 == 0) {
return url_$0
} else {
var loc_$4 = ($8.lineno = 145, new String(window.location));
var lastslash_$5 = ($8.lineno = 146, loc_$4.lastIndexOf("/"));
loc_$4 = ($8.lineno = 147, loc_$4.substring(0, lastslash_$5 + 1));
return loc_$4 + url_$0
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getLoadURL";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 114;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getInitArg", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["name", name_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$5.lineno = 165;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var initargs_$1 = global;
var id_$2 = LzSprite.__rootSprite._id;
if (id_$2) {
initargs_$1 = lz.embed.applications[id_$2].initargs
if (name_$0 == null) return initargs_$1;
return initargs_$1[name_$0]
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getInitArg";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 165;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getLzOption", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["name", name_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$5.lineno = 175;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var options_$1 = global;
var id_$2 = LzSprite.__rootSprite._id;
if (id_$2) {
options_$1 = lz.embed.applications[id_$2].options
if (name_$0 == null) return options_$1;
return options_$1[name_$0]
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getLzOption";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 175;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getAppID", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$2.lineno = 191;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return LzSprite.__rootSprite._id
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getAppID";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 191;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "isAAActive", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$2.lineno = 203;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 205, Debug.warn("LzBrowserKernel.isAAActive not yet fully implemented");
return false
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "isAAActive";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzBrowserKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 203;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzSprite = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (owner_$0, isroot_$1) {
var $d = Debug;
var $e = $d.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($e) {
var $f = ["owner", owner_$0, "isroot", isroot_$1];
$f.callee = arguments.callee;
$f["this"] = this;
$f.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$f.lineno = 18;
if ($e.length > $e.maxDepth) {
if (owner_$0 == null) return;
this.constructor = arguments.callee;
this.owner = owner_$0;
this.uid = LzSprite.prototype.uid++;
this.aadescriptionDiv = null;
this.__csscache = {};
var quirks_$2 = this.quirks;
if (isroot_$1) {
this.isroot = true;
LzSprite.__rootSprite = this;
var div = ($f.lineno = 30, document.createElement("div"));
div.className = "lzcanvasdiv";
quirks_$2["scrollbar_width"] = ($f.lineno = 33, LzSprite._getScrollbarWidth());
if (quirks_$2.ie6_improve_memory_performance) {
try {
$f.lineno = 36, document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true)
catch (err_$3) {}};
var p_$4 = lz.embed.__propcache;
var rootcontainer_$5 = LzSprite.__rootSpriteContainer = p_$4.appenddiv;
var appcontainer_$6 = rootcontainer_$5;
rootcontainer_$ = 0;
rootcontainer_$ = 0;
rootcontainer_$ = "0 none";
rootcontainer_$ = "hidden";
rootcontainer_$ = "left";
if (quirks_$2["container_divs_require_overflow"]) {
appcontainer_$6 = ($f.lineno = 58, document.createElement("div"));
appcontainer_$6.className = "lzappoverflow";
$f.lineno = 60, rootcontainer_$5.appendChild(appcontainer_$6);
appcontainer_$6.owner = this;
LzSprite.__rootSpriteOverflowContainer = appcontainer_$6
if (quirks_$2.fix_contextmenu) {
var cxdiv_$7 = ($f.lineno = 68, document.createElement("div"));
cxdiv_$7.className = "lzcanvascontextdiv";
cxdiv_$ = "lzcanvascontextdiv";
$f.lineno = 71, appcontainer_$6.appendChild(cxdiv_$7);
cxdiv_$7.owner = this;
this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv = cxdiv_$7
if (p_$4.bgcolor) { = p_$4.bgcolor;
this.bgcolor = p_$4.bgcolor
if (p_$ {
this._id = p_$
if (p_$4.url) {
this._url = p_$4.url
var options_$8 = p_$4.options;
if (options_$8) {
this.options = options_$8
LzSprite.blankimage = options_$8.serverroot + LzSprite.blankimage;
if (quirks_$2.use_css_sprites && options_$8.usemastersprite) {
quirks_$2.use_css_master_sprite = options_$8.usemastersprite;
var mastersprite = LzResourceLibrary && LzResourceLibrary.__allcss && LzResourceLibrary.__allcss.path;
if (mastersprite) {
LzSprite.__masterspriteurl = LzSprite.__rootSprite.options.approot + mastersprite;
var masterspriteimg_$9 = ($f.lineno = 103, new Image());
masterspriteimg_$9.src = mastersprite;
masterspriteimg_$9.onerror = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 105;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 106, Debug.warn("Error loading master sprite:", mastersprite)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#105/47";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 105;
return $lzsc$temp
$f.lineno = 113, LzSprite.__defaultStyles.writeCSS(quirks_$2.write_css_with_createstylesheet);
$f.lineno = 115, appcontainer_$6.appendChild(div);
this.__LZdiv = div;
if (quirks_$2.fix_clickable) {
var cdiv_$a = ($f.lineno = 119, document.createElement("div"));
cdiv_$a.className = "lzcanvasclickdiv";
cdiv_$ = "lzcanvasclickdiv";
$f.lineno = 122, appcontainer_$6.appendChild(cdiv_$a);
this.__LZclickcontainerdiv = cdiv_$a;
$f.lineno = 124, LzSprite.__setClickable(true, appcontainer_$6)
if (quirks_$2["css_hide_canvas_during_init"]) {
var cssname_$b = "display";
var cssval_$c = "none";
if (quirks_$2["safari_visibility_instead_of_display"]) {
cssname_$b = "visibility";
cssval_$c = "hidden"
};[cssname_$b] = cssval_$c;
if (quirks_$2["fix_clickable"])[cssname_$b] = cssval_$c;
if (quirks_$2["fix_contextmenu"])[cssname_$b] = cssval_$c
if (quirks_$2.activate_on_mouseover) {
div.mouseisover = false;
div.onmouseover = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 142;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (LzSprite.quirks.keyboardlistentotop_in_frame) {
if (LzSprite.__rootSprite.options.cancelkeyboardcontrol != true) {
LzSprite.quirks.keyboardlistentotop = true;
$3.lineno = 146, LzKeyboardKernel.setKeyboardControl(true)
if (LzSprite.quirks.focus_on_mouseover) {
if (($3.lineno = 150, LzSprite.prototype.getSelectedText()) == "") {
$3.lineno = 151, div.focus()
if (LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite == null) $3.lineno = 154, LzKeyboardKernel.setKeyboardControl(true);
$3.lineno = 155, LzMouseKernel.setMouseControl(true);
this.mouseisover = true
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#142/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 142;
return $lzsc$temp
div.onmouseout = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["e", e_$0];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$a.lineno = 159;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
if (!e_$0) {
e_$0 = window.event;
var el_$1 = e_$0.toElement
} else {
var el_$1 = e_$0.relatedTarget
var quirks_$2 = LzSprite.quirks;
if (quirks_$2.inputtext_anonymous_div) {
try {
el_$1 && el_$1.parentNode
catch (e_$0) {
var mousein_$3 = false;
if (el_$1) {
var cm_$4 = LzContextMenuKernel.lzcontextmenu;
if (el_$1.owner && ($a.lineno = 182, el_$1.className.indexOf("lz")) == 0) {
mousein_$3 = true
} else if (cm_$4 && (el_$1 === cm_$4 || el_$1.parentNode === cm_$4)) {
mousein_$3 = true
if (mousein_$3) {
var wasClickable_$5 = LzMouseKernel.__globalClickable;
if (quirks_$2.fix_ie_clickable) {
$a.lineno = 193, LzMouseKernel.setGlobalClickable(true)
if (quirks_$2.focus_on_mouseover) {
if (LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastshown == null) {
if (($a.lineno = 197, LzSprite.prototype.getSelectedText()) == "") {
$a.lineno = 198, div.focus()
$a.lineno = 202, LzKeyboardKernel.setKeyboardControl(true);
$a.lineno = 203, LzMouseKernel.setMouseControl(true);
$a.lineno = 204, LzMouseKernel.__resetMouse();
this.mouseisover = true;
if (quirks_$2.fix_clickable && !wasClickable_$5 && LzMouseKernel.__globalClickable) {
var target_$6 = e_$ || e_$0.srcElement;
if (target_$6) {
var owner_$7 = target_$6["owner"];
if (LzSprite["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($a.lineno = 222, LzSprite.$lzsc$isa(owner_$7)) : owner_$7 instanceof LzSprite) {
owner_$7 = owner_$7["owner"]
if (LzView["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($a.lineno = 226, LzView.$lzsc$isa(owner_$7)) : owner_$7 instanceof LzView) {
$a.lineno = 227, LzMouseKernel.__sendEvent("onmouseout", owner_$7)
}}}} else {
if (quirks_$2.focus_on_mouseover) {
if (LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastshown == null) {
if (($a.lineno = 234, LzSprite.prototype.getSelectedText()) == "") {
$a.lineno = 235, div.blur()
$a.lineno = 239, LzKeyboardKernel.setKeyboardControl(false);
$a.lineno = 240, LzMouseKernel.setMouseControl(false);
this.mouseisover = false
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#159/30";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 159;
return $lzsc$temp
if (LzSprite.quirks.keyboardlistentotop_in_frame) {
window.onfocus = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 248;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (LzSprite.__rootSprite.options.cancelkeyboardcontrol != true) {
$3.lineno = 250, div.onmouseover()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#248/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 248;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.__mouseActivationDiv = div
$f.lineno = 260, LzFontManager.__createContainerDiv();
if (quirks_$2.prevent_selection) {
document.onselectstart = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["e", e_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 266;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (!e_$0) {
e_$0 = window.event;
var targ_$1 = e_$0.srcElement
} else {
var targ_$1 = e_$0.srcElement.parentNode
if (targ_$1.owner instanceof LzTextSprite) {
if (!targ_$1.owner.selectable) {
return false
}} else {
return false
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#266/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 266;
return $lzsc$temp
}} else {
this.__LZdiv = ($f.lineno = 289, document.createElement("div"));
this.__LZdiv.className = "lzdiv"
this.__LZdiv.owner = this;
if (quirks_$2.ie_leak_prevention) {
this.__sprites[this.uid] = this
finally {
if ($e) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#18/16";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 18;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype._dbg_typename = "LzSprite";
LzSprite.prototype._dbg_name = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = [];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 306;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var div_$0 = this.__LZdiv;
var d_$1 = div_$0;
var x_$2 = 0, y_$3 = 0;
if (d_$1.offsetParent) {
do {
x_$2 += d_$1.offsetLeft;
y_$3 += d_$1.offsetTop
} while (d_$1 = d_$1.offsetParent)
return $6.lineno = 318, Debug.formatToString("%w/@sprite [%s x %s]*[1 0 %s, 0 1 %s, 0 0 1]", this.owner.sprite === this ? this.owner : "(orphan)", div_$0.offsetWidth || 0, div_$0.offsetHeight || 0, x_$2 || 0, y_$3 || 0)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#306/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 306;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.__defaultStyles = {lzdiv: {position: "absolute", borderStyle: "solid", borderWidth: 0}, lzclickdiv: {position: "absolute", borderStyle: "solid", borderColor: "transparent", borderWidth: 0}, lzcanvasdiv: {position: "absolute"}, lzcanvasclickdiv: {zIndex: 100000, position: "absolute"}, lzcanvascontextdiv: {position: "absolute"}, lzappoverflow: {position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden"}, lztextcontainer: {position: "absolute", cursor: "default"}, lzinputtextcontainer: {position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden"}, lzinputtextcontainer_click: {position: "absolute"}, lztext: {fontFamily: "Verdana,Vera,sans-serif", fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal", fontSize: "11px", whiteSpace: "nowrap", position: "absolute", textAlign: "left", textIndent: 0, letterSpacing: 0, textDecoration: "none"}, lzswftext: {fontFamily: "Verdana,Vera,sans-serif", fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal", fontSize: "11px", whiteSpace: "nowrap", position: "absolute", lineHeight: "1.2em", textAlign: "left", textIndent: 0, letterSpacing: 0, textDecoration: "none", wordWrap: "break-word", MsWordBreak: "break-all", padding: "2px"}, lzinputtext: {fontFamily: "Verdana,Vera,sans-serif", fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal", fontSize: "11px", width: "100%", height: "100%", borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: "transparent", position: "absolute", textAlign: "left", textIndent: 0, letterSpacing: 0, textDecoration: "none", whiteSpace: "nowrap"}, lzswfinputtext: {fontFamily: "Verdana,Vera,sans-serif", fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal", fontSize: "11px", width: "100%", height: "100%", borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: "transparent", position: "absolute", lineHeight: "1.2em", textAlign: "left", textIndent: 0, letterSpacing: 0, textDecoration: "none", wordWrap: "break-word", MsWordBreak: "break-all", outline: "none", paddingTop: "1px", paddingBottom: "3px", paddingRight: "3px", paddingLeft: "1px", whiteSpace: "nowrap"}, lzswfinputtextmultiline: {fontFamily: "Verdana,Vera,sans-serif", fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal", fontSize: "11px", width: "100%", height: "100%", borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: "transparent", position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden", lineHeight: "1.2em", textAlign: "left", textIndent: 0, letterSpacing: 0, textDecoration: "none", wordWrap: "break-word", MsWordBreak: "break-all", outline: "none", whiteSpace: "pre-wrap", paddingTop: "1px", paddingBottom: "3px", paddingRight: "3px", paddingLeft: "1px"}, lztextlink: {cursor: "pointer"}, lzaccessibilitydiv: {display: "none"}, lzcontext: {position: "absolute", borderStyle: "solid", borderColor: "transparent", borderWidth: 0}, lzimg: {position: "absolute", backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat", border: "0 none"}, lzgraphicscanvas: {position: "absolute"}, "#lzTextSizeCache": {position: "absolute", top: "-20000px", left: "-20000px"}, writeCSS: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (isIE_$0) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["isIE", isIE_$0];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$a.lineno = 503;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var rules_$1 = [];
var css_$2 = "";
for (var classname_$3 in this) {
if (classname_$3 == "writeCSS" || classname_$3 == "hyphenate" || classname_$3 == "__replace" || classname_$3 == "__re") continue;
css_$2 += ($a.lineno = 511, classname_$3.indexOf("#")) == -1 ? "." : "";
css_$2 += classname_$3 + "{";
for (var n_$4 in this[classname_$3]) {
var v_$5 = this[classname_$3][n_$4];
css_$2 += ($a.lineno = 515, this.hyphenate(n_$4)) + ":" + v_$5 + ";"
css_$2 += "}"
css_$2 += ($a.lineno = 519, LzFontManager.generateCSS());
if (isIE_$0) {
if (!document.styleSheets["lzstyles"]) {
var ss_$6 = ($a.lineno = 522, document.createStyleSheet());
ss_$ = "lzstyles";
ss_$6.cssText = css_$2
}} else {
var o_$7 = ($a.lineno = 527, document.createElement("style"));
$a.lineno = 528, lz.embed.__setAttr(o_$7, "type", "text/css");
$a.lineno = 529, o_$7.appendChild(($a.lineno = 529, document.createTextNode(css_$2)));
$a.lineno = 530, ($a.lineno = 530, document.getElementsByTagName("head"))[0].appendChild(o_$7)
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#503/15";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 503;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __re: new RegExp("[A-Z]", "g"), hyphenate: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 534;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 535, n_$0.replace(this.__re, this.__replace)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#534/16";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 534;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __replace: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (found_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["found", found_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 537;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return "-" + ($3.lineno = 538, found_$0.toLowerCase())
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#537/16";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 537;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.__styleNames = {borderRadius: "borderRadius", userSelect: "userSelect", transformOrigin: "transformOrigin", transform: "transform", boxShadow: "boxShadow"};
LzSprite.prototype.uid = 0;
LzSprite.quirks = {fix_clickable: true, fix_ie_background_height: false, fix_ie_clickable: false, ie_alpha_image_loader: false, ie_leak_prevention: false, prevent_selection: false, ie_elementfrompoint: false, invisible_parent_image_sizing_fix: false, emulate_flash_font_metrics: true, inner_html_strips_newlines: true, inner_html_no_entity_apos: false, css_hide_canvas_during_init: true, firefox_autocomplete_bug: false, hand_pointer_for_clickable: true, alt_key_sends_control: false, safari_textarea_subtract_scrollbar_height: false, no_cursor_colresize: false, safari_visibility_instead_of_display: false, preload_images_only_once: false, absolute_position_accounts_for_offset: false, canvas_div_cannot_be_clipped: false, inputtext_parents_cannot_contain_clip: false, set_height_for_multiline_inputtext: false, ie_opacity: false, text_measurement_use_insertadjacenthtml: false, text_content_use_inner_text: false, text_selection_use_range: false, document_size_use_offsetheight: false, text_ie_carriagereturn: false, ie_paste_event: false, safari_paste_event: false, text_event_charcode: true, keypress_function_keys: true, ie_timer_closure: false, keyboardlistentotop: false, document_size_compute_correct_height: false, ie_mouse_events: false, activate_on_mouseover: true, ie6_improve_memory_performance: false, text_height_includes_padding: false, inputtext_size_includes_margin: false, listen_for_mouseover_out: true, focus_on_mouseover: true, textstyle_on_textdiv: false, textdeco_on_textdiv: false, use_css_sprites: true, preload_images: true, scrollbar_width: 15, inputtext_strips_newlines: false, swf8_contextmenu: true, inputtext_anonymous_div: false, clipped_scrollbar_causes_display_turd: false, hasmetakey: true, textgrabsinputtextfocus: false, input_highlight_bug: false, autoscroll_textarea: false, fix_contextmenu: true, size_blank_to_zero: true, has_dom2_mouseevents: false, container_divs_require_overflow: false, fix_ie_css_syntax: false, match_swf_letter_spacing: false, use_css_master_sprite: false, write_css_with_createstylesheet: false, inputtext_use_background_image: false, show_img_before_changing_size: false, use_filter_for_dropshadow: false, keyboardlistentotop_in_frame: false, forcemeasurescrollheight: false, resize2dcanvas: false, textmeasurementalphastring: false, textlinksneedmouseevents: false, dont_clip_clickdivs: false, explicitly_set_border_radius: false, prevent_selection_with_onselectstart: false};
LzSprite.prototype.capabilities = {rotation: false, scalecanvastopercentage: false, readcanvassizefromsprite: true, opacity: true, colortransform: false, audio: false, accessibility: true, htmlinputtext: false, advancedfonts: false, bitmapcaching: false, persistence: false, clickregion: false, minimize_opacity_changes: false, history: true, runtimemenus: false, setclipboard: false, proxypolicy: false, linescrolling: false, allowfullscreen: false, setid: true, globalfocustrap: false, "2dcanvas": true, dropshadows: false, cornerradius: false, rgba: false, css2boxmodel: true, medialoading: true, backgroundrepeat: true, touchevents: false, directional_layout: false, scaling: false, customcontextmenu: true};
LzSprite.__updateQuirks = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = [];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$7.lineno = 684;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var quirks_$0 = LzSprite.quirks;
var capabilities_$1 = LzSprite.prototype.capabilities;
var stylenames_$2 = LzSprite.__styleNames;
var defaultStyles_$3 = LzSprite.__defaultStyles;
if (window["lz"] && lz.embed && lz.embed.browser) {
var browser_$4 = lz.embed.browser;
if (browser_$4.isIE) {
if (browser_$4.version < 7) {
quirks_$0["ie_alpha_image_loader"] = true;
quirks_$0["document_size_compute_correct_height"] = true;
quirks_$0["ie6_improve_memory_performance"] = true
} else {
quirks_$0["prevent_selection"] = true;
quirks_$0["invisible_parent_image_sizing_fix"] = true;
if (browser_$4.osversion >= 6) {
quirks_$0["ie_alpha_image_loader"] = true
if (browser_$4.version > 7) {
quirks_$0["resize2dcanvas"] = true
quirks_$0["ie_opacity"] = true;
quirks_$0["ie_timer_closure"] = true;
quirks_$0["ie_leak_prevention"] = true;
quirks_$0["fix_ie_clickable"] = true;
quirks_$0["fix_ie_background_height"] = true;
quirks_$0["inner_html_no_entity_apos"] = true;
capabilities_$1["minimize_opacity_changes"] = true;
quirks_$0["set_height_for_multiline_inputtext"] = true;
quirks_$0["text_measurement_use_insertadjacenthtml"] = true;
quirks_$0["text_content_use_inner_text"] = true;
quirks_$0["text_selection_use_range"] = true;
quirks_$0["text_ie_carriagereturn"] = true;
quirks_$0["ie_paste_event"] = true;
quirks_$0["keypress_function_keys"] = false;
quirks_$0["text_event_charcode"] = false;
quirks_$0["ie_mouse_events"] = true;
quirks_$0["inputtext_size_includes_margin"] = true;
quirks_$0["focus_on_mouseover"] = false;
quirks_$0["textstyle_on_textdiv"] = true;
quirks_$0["use_css_sprites"] = !quirks_$0["ie_alpha_image_loader"];
quirks_$0["textgrabsinputtextfocus"] = true;
quirks_$0["ie_elementfrompoint"] = true;
quirks_$0["fix_ie_css_syntax"] = true;
quirks_$0["write_css_with_createstylesheet"] = true;
quirks_$0["hasmetakey"] = false;
quirks_$0["inputtext_use_background_image"] = true;
quirks_$0["show_img_before_changing_size"] = true;
quirks_$0["use_filter_for_dropshadow"] = true;
quirks_$0["forcemeasurescrollheight"] = true;
defaultStyles_$3["lzswfinputtext"].resize = "none";
defaultStyles_$3["lzswfinputtextmultiline"].resize = "none";
capabilities_$1["dropshadows"] = true;
defaultStyles_$3["#lzTextSizeCache"].zoom = 1;
defaultStyles_$3["#lzTextSizeCache"].position = "relative";
quirks_$0["prevent_selection_with_onselectstart"] = true
} else if (browser_$4.isSafari || browser_$4.isChrome) {
stylenames_$2.borderRadius = "WebkitBorderRadius";
stylenames_$2.borderTopLeftRadius = "WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius";
stylenames_$2.borderTopRightRadius = "WebkitBorderTopRightRadius";
stylenames_$2.borderBottomRightRadius = "WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius";
stylenames_$2.borderBottomLeftRadius = "WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius";
stylenames_$2.boxShadow = "WebkitBoxShadow";
stylenames_$2.userSelect = "WebkitUserSelect";
stylenames_$2.transform = "WebkitTransform";
stylenames_$2.transformOrigin = "WebkitTransformOrigin";
quirks_$0["safari_visibility_instead_of_display"] = true;
quirks_$0["absolute_position_accounts_for_offset"] = true;
if (browser_$4.version < 525.18) {
quirks_$0["canvas_div_cannot_be_clipped"] = true;
quirks_$0["invisible_parent_image_sizing_fix"] = true;
quirks_$0["safari_textarea_subtract_scrollbar_height"] = true
quirks_$0["document_size_use_offsetheight"] = true;
if (browser_$4.version > 523.1) {
capabilities_$1["rotation"] = true;
capabilities_$1["scaling"] = true;
capabilities_$1["dropshadows"] = true;
capabilities_$1["cornerradius"] = true;
quirks_$0["explicitly_set_border_radius"] = true;
capabilities_$1["rgba"] = true
quirks_$0["safari_paste_event"] = true;
quirks_$0["keypress_function_keys"] = false;
if (browser_$4.version < 523.15) {
quirks_$0["keyboardlistentotop"] = true
if ( !== window) {
quirks_$0["keyboardlistentotop_in_frame"] = true
if (browser_$4.version >= 530.19) {
capabilities_$1["threedtransform"] = true
if (browser_$4.isIphone) {
quirks_$0["canvas_div_cannot_be_clipped"] = true;
capabilities_$1["touchevents"] = true
quirks_$0["inputtext_strips_newlines"] = true;
quirks_$0["prevent_selection"] = true;
quirks_$0["container_divs_require_overflow"] = true;
quirks_$0["forcemeasurescrollheight"] = true;
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtext.paddingTop = "0px";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtext.paddingBottom = "2px";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtext.paddingLeft = "1px";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtext.paddingRight = "3px";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtextmultiline.paddingTop = "2px";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtextmultiline.paddingBottom = "2px";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtextmultiline.paddingLeft = "2px";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtextmultiline.paddingRight = "2px"
} else if (browser_$4.isOpera) {
quirks_$0["invisible_parent_image_sizing_fix"] = true;
quirks_$0["no_cursor_colresize"] = true;
quirks_$0["absolute_position_accounts_for_offset"] = true;
quirks_$0["canvas_div_cannot_be_clipped"] = true;
quirks_$0["document_size_use_offsetheight"] = true;
quirks_$0["text_event_charcode"] = false;
quirks_$0["textdeco_on_textdiv"] = true;
quirks_$0["text_ie_carriagereturn"] = true;
quirks_$0["textmeasurementalphastring"] = true;
if (browser_$4.version >= 10.6) {
defaultStyles_$3.lzswftext.wordWrap = "normal";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtext.wordWrap = "normal";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtextmultiline.wordWrap = "normal";
quirks_$0["dont_clip_clickdivs"] = true
}} else if (browser_$4.isFirefox) {
stylenames_$2.borderRadius = "MozBorderRadius";
stylenames_$2.boxShadow = "MozBoxShadow";
stylenames_$2.userSelect = "MozUserSelect";
stylenames_$2.transform = "MozTransform";
stylenames_$2.transformOrigin = "MozTransformOrigin";
quirks_$0["inputtext_anonymous_div"] = true;
if (browser_$4.OS == "Windows") {
quirks_$0["clipped_scrollbar_causes_display_turd"] = true;
quirks_$0["input_highlight_bug"] = true
if (browser_$4.version < 2) {
quirks_$0["firefox_autocomplete_bug"] = true
} else if (browser_$4.version < 3) {
defaultStyles_$3.lzswftext.lineHeight = "119%";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtext.lineHeight = "119%";
defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtextmultiline.lineHeight = "119%"
} else if (browser_$4.version < 4) {
if (browser_$4.subversion < 6) {
quirks_$0["text_height_includes_padding"] = true
if (browser_$4.version < 3.5) {
quirks_$0["container_divs_require_overflow"] = true
quirks_$0["autoscroll_textarea"] = true;
if (browser_$4.version >= 3.5) {
capabilities_$1["rotation"] = true;
capabilities_$1["scaling"] = true
if (browser_$4.version >= 3.1) {
capabilities_$1["dropshadows"] = true;
capabilities_$1["cornerradius"] = true;
capabilities_$1["rgba"] = true
if (browser_$4.OS == "Mac") {
quirks_$0["detectstuckkeys"] = true;
quirks_$0["alt_key_sends_control"] = true;
quirks_$0["match_swf_letter_spacing"] = true
if (browser_$4.OS == "Android") {
capabilities_$1["touchevents"] = true
if (quirks_$0["hand_pointer_for_clickable"]) {
defaultStyles_$3.lzclickdiv.cursor = "pointer"
if (quirks_$0["inner_html_strips_newlines"] == true) {
LzSprite.prototype.inner_html_strips_newlines_re = ($7.lineno = 978, RegExp("$", "mg"))
defaultStyles_$3.lzimg[stylenames_$2.userSelect] = "none";
if (capabilities_$1.rotation) {
defaultStyles_$3.lzdiv[stylenames_$2.transformOrigin] = "0 0"
if (quirks_$0["inputtext_use_background_image"]) {
defaultStyles_$3.lzinputtext["background"] = defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtext["background"] = defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtextmultiline["background"] = "url(" + LzSprite.blankimage + ")"
LzSprite.prototype.br_to_newline_re = ($7.lineno = 994, RegExp("
", "mg"));
if ($7.lineno = 996, lz.BrowserUtils.hasFeature("mouseevents", "2.0")) {
quirks_$0["has_dom2_mouseevents"] = true
if (quirks_$0["match_swf_letter_spacing"]) {
defaultStyles_$3.lzswftext.letterSpacing = defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtext.letterSpacing = defaultStyles_$3.lzswfinputtextmultiline.letterSpacing = "0.01em"
LzSprite.prototype.quirks = quirks_$0
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#684/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 684;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite._getScrollbarWidth = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = [];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$7.lineno = 1009;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var div_$0 = ($7.lineno = 1011, document.createElement("div"));
div_$ = "50px";
div_$ = "50px";
div_$ = "hidden";
div_$ = "absolute";
div_$ = "-200px";
div_$ = "-200px";
var div2_$1 = ($7.lineno = 1019, document.createElement("div"));
div2_$ = "100px";
$7.lineno = 1021, div_$0.appendChild(div2_$1);
var body_$2 = document.body;
$7.lineno = 1024, body_$2.appendChild(div_$0);
var w1_$3 = div_$0.clientWidth;
div_$ = "scroll";
var w2_$4 = div_$0.clientWidth;
$7.lineno = 1031, LzSprite.prototype.__discardElement(div_$0);
return w1_$3 - w2_$4
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1009/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1009;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.setRootX = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["v", v_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 1046;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var rootcontainer_$1 = LzSprite.__rootSpriteContainer;
rootcontainer_$ = "absolute";
rootcontainer_$ = ($4.lineno = 1049, LzSprite.prototype.CSSDimension(v_$0));
$4.lineno = 1051, setTimeout(LzScreenKernel.__resizeEvent, 0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1046/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1046;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.setRootWidth = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1060;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
}}; = ($3.lineno = 1061, LzSprite.prototype.CSSDimension(v_$0));
$3.lineno = 1063, setTimeout(LzScreenKernel.__resizeEvent, 0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1060/25";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1060;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.setRootY = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["v", v_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 1072;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var rootcontainer_$1 = LzSprite.__rootSpriteContainer;
rootcontainer_$ = "absolute";
rootcontainer_$ = ($4.lineno = 1075, LzSprite.prototype.CSSDimension(v_$0));
$4.lineno = 1077, setTimeout(LzScreenKernel.__resizeEvent, 0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1072/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1072;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.setRootHeight = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1086;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
}}; = ($3.lineno = 1087, LzSprite.prototype.CSSDimension(v_$0));
$3.lineno = 1089, setTimeout(LzScreenKernel.__resizeEvent, 0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1086/26";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1086;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__LZdiv = null;
LzSprite.prototype.__LZimg = null;
LzSprite.prototype.__LZclick = null;
LzSprite.prototype.x = null;
LzSprite.prototype.y = null;
LzSprite.prototype.opacity = 1;
LzSprite.prototype.width = null;
LzSprite.prototype.height = null;
LzSprite.prototype.playing = false;
LzSprite.prototype.clickable = false;
LzSprite.prototype.frame = 1;
LzSprite.prototype.frames = null;
LzSprite.blankimage = "lps/includes/blank.gif";
LzSprite.prototype.resource = null;
LzSprite.prototype.source = null;
LzSprite.prototype.visible = true;
LzSprite.prototype.clip = null;
LzSprite.prototype.stretches = null;
LzSprite.prototype.resourceWidth = null;
LzSprite.prototype.resourceHeight = null;
LzSprite.prototype.cursor = null;
LzSprite.prototype._w = "0pt";
LzSprite.prototype._h = "0pt";
LzSprite.prototype.__LZcontext = null;
LzSprite.prototype.initted = false;
LzSprite.prototype.init = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["v", v_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 1143;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
$4.lineno = 1145, this.setVisible(v_$0);
if (this.isroot) {
if (this.quirks["css_hide_canvas_during_init"]) {
var cssname_$1 = "display";
if (this.quirks["safari_visibility_instead_of_display"]) {
cssname_$1 = "visibility"
};[cssname_$1] = "";
if (this.quirks["fix_clickable"])[cssname_$1] = "";
if (this.quirks["fix_contextmenu"])[cssname_$1] = ""
if (this._id) {
$4.lineno = 1159, lz.embed[this._id]._ready(this.owner)
this.initted = true
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1143/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1143;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__topZ = 1;
LzSprite.prototype.__parent = null;
LzSprite.prototype.__children = null;
LzSprite.__warnonce = {};
LzSprite.prototype.addChildSprite = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sprite_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sprite", sprite_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1185;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (sprite_$0.__parent != null) return;
if (this.stretches != null && LzSprite.__warnonce.stretches != true) {
$3.lineno = 1190, Debug.warn("Due to limitations in the DHTML runtime, stretches will only apply to the view %w, and doesn't affect child views.", this.owner);
LzSprite.__warnonce.stretches = true
sprite_$0.__parent = this;
if (this.__children) {
$3.lineno = 1197, this.__children.push(sprite_$0)
} else {
this.__children = [sprite_$0]
$3.lineno = 1202, this.__LZdiv.appendChild(sprite_$0.__LZdiv);
if (sprite_$0.__LZclickcontainerdiv) {
if (!this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) {
this.__LZclickcontainerdiv = ($3.lineno = 1207, this.__createContainerDivs("click"))
$3.lineno = 1209, this.__LZclickcontainerdiv.appendChild(sprite_$0.__LZclickcontainerdiv)
$3.lineno = 1212, sprite_$0.__setZ(++this.__topZ)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1185/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1185;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setResource = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (r_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["r", r_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 1215;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.resource == r_$0) return;
this.resource = r_$0;
if (($5.lineno = 1218, r_$0.indexOf("http:")) == 0 || ($5.lineno = 1218, r_$0.indexOf("https:")) == 0) {
this.skiponload = false;
$5.lineno = 1220, this.setSource(r_$0);
var res_$1 = LzResourceLibrary[r_$0];
if (res_$1) {
this.resourceWidth = res_$1.width;
this.resourceHeight = res_$1.height;
if (this.quirks.use_css_sprites) {
if (this.quirks.use_css_master_sprite && res_$1.spriteoffset != null) {
this.__csssprite = LzSprite.__masterspriteurl;
this.__cssspriteoffset = res_$1.spriteoffset
} else if (res_$1.sprite) {
this.__csssprite = ($5.lineno = 1233, this.getBaseUrl(res_$1)) + res_$1.sprite;
this.__cssspriteoffset = 0
}} else {
this.__csssprite = null;
if (this.__bgimage) $5.lineno = 1238, this.__setBGImage(null)
var urls_$2 = ($5.lineno = 1242, this.getResourceUrls(r_$0));
$5.lineno = 1243, this.owner.resourceevent("totalframes", urls_$2.length);
this.frames = urls_$2;
if (this.quirks.preload_images && !(this.stretches == null && this.__csssprite)) {
$5.lineno = 1247, this.__preloadFrames()
this.skiponload = true;
$5.lineno = 1251, this.setSource(urls_$2[0], true)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1215/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1215;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.getResourceUrls = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (resourcename_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["resourcename", resourcename_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$7.lineno = 1257;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var urls_$1 = [];
var res_$2 = LzResourceLibrary[resourcename_$0];
if (!res_$2) {
$7.lineno = 1265, Debug.warn("Could not find resource named %#s", resourcename_$0);
return urls_$1
var baseurl_$3 = ($7.lineno = 1270, this.getBaseUrl(res_$2));
for (var i_$4 = 0;i_$4 < res_$2.frames.length;i_$4++) {
urls_$1[i_$4] = baseurl_$3 + res_$2.frames[i_$4]
return urls_$1
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1257/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1257;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.getBaseUrl = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (resource_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["resource", resource_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1277;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return LzSprite.__rootSprite.options[resource_$0.ptype == "sr" ? "serverroot" : "approot"]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1277/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1277;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.CSSDimension = LzKernelUtils.CSSDimension;
LzSprite.prototype.loading = false;
LzSprite.prototype.setSource = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0, usecache_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["url", url_$0, "usecache", usecache_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 1288;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (url_$0 == null || url_$0 == "null") {
$5.lineno = 1290, this.unload();
if (this.quirks.size_blank_to_zero) {
if (this.__sizedtozero && url_$0 != null) {
$5.lineno = 1295, this.__restoreSize()
if (usecache_$1 == "reset") {
usecache_$1 = false
} else if (usecache_$1 != true) {
this.skiponload = false;
this.resource = url_$0;
if (this.playing) $5.lineno = 1304, this.stop();
$5.lineno = 1305, this.__updateLoadStatus(0);
this.__csssprite = null;
if (this.__bgimage) $5.lineno = 1307, this.__setBGImage(null)
if (usecache_$1 == "memorycache") {
usecache_$1 = true
if (this.loading) {
if (this.__ImgPool && this.source) {
$5.lineno = 1317, this.__ImgPool.flush(this.source)
$5.lineno = 1319, this.__destroyImage(null, this.__LZimg);
this.__LZimg = null
this.source = url_$0;
if (this.backgroundrepeat) {
$5.lineno = 1328, this.__createIMG();
$5.lineno = 1329, this.__setBGImage(url_$0);
$5.lineno = 1330, this.__updateBackgroundRepeat();
$5.lineno = 1331, this.owner.resourceload({width: this.resourceWidth, height: this.resourceHeight, resource: this.resource, skiponload: this.skiponload});
} else if (this.stretches == null && this.__csssprite) {
$5.lineno = 1334, this.__createIMG();
$5.lineno = 1335, this.__updateStretches();
$5.lineno = 1336, this.__setBGImage(this.__csssprite);
$5.lineno = 1338, this.owner.resourceload({width: this.resourceWidth, height: this.resourceHeight, resource: this.resource, skiponload: this.skiponload});
if (!this.quirks.preload_images) {
$5.lineno = 1343, this.owner.resourceload({width: this.resourceWidth, height: this.resourceHeight, resource: this.resource, skiponload: this.skiponload})
this.loading = true;
if (!this.__ImgPool) {
this.__ImgPool = ($5.lineno = 1348, new LzPool(LzSprite.prototype.__getImage, LzSprite.prototype.__gotImage, LzSprite.prototype.__destroyImage, this))
var im_$2 = ($5.lineno = 1350, this.__ImgPool.get(url_$0, usecache_$1 != true));
$5.lineno = 1351, this.__bindImage(im_$2);
if (this.loading) {
if (this.skiponload && this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) $5.lineno = 1360, this.__updateIEAlpha(im_$2)
} else {
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
$5.lineno = 1365, this.__updateIEAlpha(im_$2)
} else if (this.stretches) {
$5.lineno = 1367, this.__updateStretches()
if (this.clickable) $5.lineno = 1371, this.setClickable(true)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1288/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1288;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__bindImage = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (im_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["im", im_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1374;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZimg && this.__LZimg.owner) {
$3.lineno = 1377, this.__LZdiv.replaceChild(im_$0, this.__LZimg);
this.__LZimg = im_$0
} else {
this.__LZimg = im_$0;
$3.lineno = 1381, this.__LZdiv.appendChild(this.__LZimg)
if (this.cornerradius != null) {
$3.lineno = 1385, this.__applyCornerRadius(im_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1374/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1374;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__setBGImage = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["url", url_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 1389;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZimg) {
var bgurl_$1 = url_$0 ? "url('" + url_$0 + "')" : null;
this.__bgimage = = bgurl_$1
if (bgurl_$1 != null) {
var y_$2 = -this.__cssspriteoffset || 0; = "0 " + y_$2 + "px"
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1389/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1389;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__createIMG = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1400;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this.__LZimg) {
var im_$0 = ($3.lineno = 1402, document.createElement("img"));
im_$0.className = "lzimg";
im_$0.owner = this;
im_$0.src = LzSprite.blankimage;
$3.lineno = 1406, this.__bindImage(im_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1400/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1400;
return $lzsc$temp
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
LzSprite.prototype.__updateIEAlpha = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["who", who_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 1417;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var w_$1 = this.resourceWidth;
var h_$2 = this.resourceHeight;
if (this.stretches == "both") {
w_$1 = "100%";
h_$2 = "100%"
} else if (this.stretches == "width") {
w_$1 = "100%"
} else if (this.stretches == "height") {
h_$2 = "100%"
if (w_$1 == null) w_$1 = this.width == null ? "100%" : ($5.lineno = 1431, this.CSSDimension(this.width));
if (h_$2 == null) h_$2 = this.height == null ? "100%" : ($5.lineno = 1433, this.CSSDimension(this.height));
who_$ = w_$1;
who_$ = h_$2
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1417/42";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1417;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setClickable = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["c", c_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 1440;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
c_$0 = !(!c_$0);
if (this.clickable === c_$0) return;
if (!this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) {
this.__LZclickcontainerdiv = ($4.lineno = 1446, this.__createContainerDivs("click"))
if (this.__LZimg != null) {
if (!this.__LZclick) {
if (this.quirks.fix_ie_clickable) {
this.__LZclick = ($4.lineno = 1452, document.createElement("img"));
this.__LZclick.src = LzSprite.blankimage
} else {
this.__LZclick = ($4.lineno = 1455, document.createElement("div"))
this.__LZclick.owner = this;
this.__LZclick.className = "lzclickdiv"; = this._w; = this._h;
if (this.quirks.fix_clickable) {
$4.lineno = 1464, this.__LZclickcontainerdiv.appendChild(this.__LZclick)
} else {
$4.lineno = 1466, this.__LZdiv.appendChild(this.__LZclick)
if (this.quirks.fix_clickable) {
if (this.quirks.fix_ie_clickable) {
var clickstyle_$1 = c_$0 && this.visible ? "" : "none"; = clickstyle_$1; = clickstyle_$1
} else { = c_$0 ? "" : "none"
}}} else {
if (this.quirks.fix_clickable) {
if (!this.__LZclick) {
if (this.quirks.fix_ie_clickable) {
this.__LZclick = ($4.lineno = 1487, document.createElement("img"));
this.__LZclick.src = LzSprite.blankimage
} else {
this.__LZclick = ($4.lineno = 1490, document.createElement("div"))
this.__LZclick.owner = this;
this.__LZclick.className = "lzclickdiv"; = this._w; = this._h;
$4.lineno = 1500, this.__LZclickcontainerdiv.appendChild(this.__LZclick)
if (this.quirks.fix_ie_clickable) { = c_$0 && this.visible ? "" : "none"
} else { = c_$0 ? "" : "none"
this.clickable = c_$0
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1440/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1440;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.__setClickable = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0, div_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["c", c_$0, "div", div_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 1517;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (div_$1._clickable === c_$0) return;
div_$1._clickable = c_$0;
var f_$2 = c_$0 ? LzSprite.__clickDispatcher : null;
if (LzSprite.prototype.capabilities.touchevents) {
div_$1.ontouchstart = f_$2;
div_$1.ontouchmove = f_$2;
div_$1.ontouchend = f_$2
} else {
div_$1.onclick = f_$2;
div_$1.onmousedown = f_$2;
div_$1.onmouseup = f_$2;
div_$1.onmousemove = f_$2;
if (LzSprite.quirks.listen_for_mouseover_out) {
div_$1.onmouseover = f_$2;
div_$1.onmouseout = f_$2
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_mouse_events) {
div_$1.ondrag = f_$2;
div_$1.ondblclick = f_$2
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1517/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1517;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.__clickDispatcher = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["e", e_$0];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$9.lineno = 1549;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
e_$0 = e_$0 || window.event;
e_$0.cancelBubble = true;
if (e_$0.button === 2) {
return $9.lineno = 1561, LzMouseKernel.__handleContextMenu(e_$0)
if (LzKeyboardKernel && LzKeyboardKernel["__updateControlKeys"]) {
$9.lineno = 1565, LzKeyboardKernel.__updateControlKeys(e_$0);
if (LzKeyboardKernel.__cancelKeys) {
e_$0.cancelBubble = true
if ($9.lineno = 1573, LzMouseKernel.__sendMouseMove(e_$0)) {
var target_$1 = e_$ || e_$0.srcElement;
var owner_$2 = target_$1 && target_$1.owner;
if (!owner_$2) {
var eventname_$3 = "on" + e_$0.type;
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_mouse_events) {
if (eventname_$3 === "onmouseenter") {
eventname_$3 = "onmouseover"
} else if (eventname_$3 === "onmouseleave") {
eventname_$3 = "onmouseout"
} else if (eventname_$3 === "ondblclick") {
$9.lineno = 1601, owner_$2.__mouseEvent("onmousedown");
$9.lineno = 1602, owner_$2.__mouseEvent("onmouseup");
$9.lineno = 1603, owner_$2.__mouseEvent("onclick");
return false
} else if (eventname_$3 === "ondrag") {
return false
if (LzSprite.prototype.capabilities.touchevents) {
if (eventname_$3 === "ontouchstart") {
if (e_$0.touches.length != 1) {
return true
eventname_$3 = "onmousedown";
$9.lineno = 1622, owner_$2.__mouseEvent("onmouseover");
$9.lineno = 1623, owner_$2.__mouseEvent("onmousedown")
} else if (eventname_$3 === "ontouchmove") {
if (e_$0.touches.length != 1) {
return true
$9.lineno = 1629, LzMouseKernel.__sendMouseMove(e_$0);
eventname_$3 = "onmousemove"
} else if (eventname_$3 === "ontouchend") {
if (e_$0.touches.length != 0) {
return true
eventname_$3 = "onmouseup";
e_$0.cancelBubble = false;
var callback_$4 = ($9.lineno = 1641, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(owner_$2, "__mouseEvent", ["onmouseout"]));
$9.lineno = 1642, setTimeout(callback_$4, 0);
var callback_$4 = ($9.lineno = 1643, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(owner_$2, "__mouseEvent", ["onclick"]));
$9.lineno = 1644, setTimeout(callback_$4, 0)
} else {
return true
if (owner_$2.isroot === true) {
if (eventname_$3 === "onmouseup") {
var lastmousedown_$5 = LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseDown;
if (lastmousedown_$5 && lastmousedown_$5 !== owner_$2) {
$9.lineno = 1660, lastmousedown_$5.__globalmouseup(e_$0)
var focusedsprite_$6 = LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite;
if (focusedsprite_$6 && focusedsprite_$6 !== owner_$2) {
$9.lineno = 1666, focusedsprite_$6.deselect()
$9.lineno = 1671, LzMouseKernel.__sendEvent(eventname_$3, null);
return false
if (owner_$2 instanceof LzInputTextSprite && owner_$2.selectable === true) {
if (eventname_$3 === "onmousedown") {
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite = owner_$2
} else if (eventname_$3 === "onmouseout") {
if (!($9.lineno = 1685, owner_$2.__isMouseOver())) {
$9.lineno = 1686, owner_$2.__hide()
}} else {
$9.lineno = 1689, owner_$2.__show()
if (eventname_$3 !== "onmouseout") {
$9.lineno = 1694, owner_$2.__mouseEvent(eventname_$3)
if (eventname_$3 == "onmousedown") {
owner_$2.__mouseisdown = true;
LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseDown = owner_$2
} else if (eventname_$3 === "onmouseup") {
var lastmousedown_$5 = LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseDown;
if (lastmousedown_$5 && lastmousedown_$5 !== owner_$2) {
$9.lineno = 1709, lastmousedown_$5.__globalmouseup(e_$0)
var focusedsprite_$6 = LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite;
if (focusedsprite_$6 && focusedsprite_$6 !== owner_$2) {
$9.lineno = 1715, focusedsprite_$6.deselect()
if (LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseDown !== owner_$2) {
} else {
owner_$2.__mouseisdown = false;
LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseDown = null
e_$0.cancelBubble = false
return ($9.lineno = 1732, owner_$2.__mouseEvent(eventname_$3)) || false
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1549/30";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1549;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__mouseisdown = false;
LzSprite.prototype.__mouseEvent = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventname_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["eventname", eventname_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$7.lineno = 1745;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
if (eventname_$0 == "onmousedown") {
var focusedsprite_$1 = LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite;
if (focusedsprite_$1 && focusedsprite_$1 != this) {
$7.lineno = 1752, focusedsprite_$1.deselect()
}} else if (eventname_$0 == "onmouseover") {
LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseOver = this;
if (this.quirks.activate_on_mouseover) {
var activationdiv_$2 = LzSprite.__mouseActivationDiv;
if (!activationdiv_$2.mouseisover) {
$7.lineno = 1761, activationdiv_$2.onmouseover()
if (this.owner.mouseevent) {
if (LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseDown) {
if (eventname_$0 === "onmouseover" || eventname_$0 === "onmouseout") {
var sendevents_$3 = LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseDown === this;
if (eventname_$0 == "onmouseover") {
LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseOver = this
} else if (sendevents_$3 && LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseOver === this) {
LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseOver = null
if (sendevents_$3) {
$7.lineno = 1782, LzMouseKernel.__sendEvent(eventname_$0, this.owner);
var dragname_$4 = eventname_$0 == "onmouseover" ? "onmousedragin" : "onmousedragout";
$7.lineno = 1784, LzMouseKernel.__sendEvent(dragname_$4, this.owner)
if (this.quirks.fix_clickable && !LzMouseKernel.__globalClickable) {
if (lz["html"] && this.owner && (lz.html["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($7.lineno = 1804, lz.html.$lzsc$isa(this.owner)) : this.owner instanceof lz.html) && (eventname_$0 == "onmouseout" || eventname_$0 == "onmouseover")) {
$7.lineno = 1811, LzMouseKernel.__sendEvent(eventname_$0, this.owner)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1745/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1745;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__isMouseOver = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["e", e_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 1815;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var p_$1 = ($5.lineno = 1816, this.getMouse());
var visible_$2 = ($5.lineno = 1818, this.__findParents("visible", false, true));
if (visible_$2.length) return false;
return p_$1.x >= 0 && p_$1.y >= 0 && p_$1.x < this.width && p_$1.y < this.height
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1815/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1815;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__globalmouseup = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1827;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.__mouseisdown) {
this.__mouseisdown = false;
$3.lineno = 1831, LzMouseKernel.__sendMouseMove(e_$0);
$3.lineno = 1834, this.__mouseEvent("onmouseup");
$3.lineno = 1836, this.__mouseEvent("onmouseupoutside")
if (LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseOver) {
$3.lineno = 1841, LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseOver.__mouseEvent("onmouseover")
LzMouseKernel.__lastMouseDown = null
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1827/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1827;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.xoffset = 0;
LzSprite.prototype._xoffset = 0;
LzSprite.prototype.setX = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (x_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["x", x_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1850;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (x_$0 == null || x_$0 == this.x && this._xoffset == this.xoffset) return;
this.__poscacheid = -1;
this._xoffset = this.xoffset;
this.x = x_$0;
x_$0 = ($3.lineno = 1855, this.CSSDimension(x_$0 + this.xoffset));
if (this._x != x_$0) {
this._x = x_$0; = x_$0;
if (this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) { = x_$0
if (this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv) { = x_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1850/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1850;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setWidth = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (w_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["w", w_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 1868;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (w_$0 < 0 || this.width == w_$0) return;
this.width = w_$0;
w_$0 = ($5.lineno = 1873, this.CSSDimension(w_$0));
if (this._w != w_$0) {
this._w = w_$0;
var size_$1 = w_$0;
var quirks_$2 = this.quirks;
if (quirks_$2.size_blank_to_zero) {
if (this.bgcolor == null && this.source == null && !this.clip && !(this instanceof LzTextSprite) && !this.shadow && !this.borderwidth) {
this.__sizedtozero = true;
size_$1 = 0
$5.lineno = 1885, this.applyCSS("width", size_$1);
if (this.__LZcontext) = w_$0;
if (this.clip) $5.lineno = 1887, this.__updateClip();
if (this.isroot) {
if (quirks_$2.container_divs_require_overflow) { = w_$0
}} else {
if (this.stretches) $5.lineno = 1894, this.__updateStretches();
if (this.backgroundrepeat) $5.lineno = 1895, this.__updateBackgroundRepeat();
if (this.__LZclick) = w_$0;
if (this.__LZcanvas) $5.lineno = 1897, this.__resizecanvas()
return w_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1868/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1868;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.yoffset = 0;
LzSprite.prototype._yoffset = 0;
LzSprite.prototype.setY = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (y_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["y", y_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1905;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (y_$0 == null || y_$0 == this.y && this._yoffset == this.yoffset) return;
this.__poscacheid = -1;
this.y = y_$0;
this._yoffset = this.yoffset;
y_$0 = ($3.lineno = 1911, this.CSSDimension(y_$0 + this.yoffset));
if (this._y != y_$0) {
this._y = y_$0; = y_$0;
if (this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) { = y_$0
if (this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv) { = y_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1905/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1905;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setHeight = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (h_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["h", h_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 1924;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (h_$0 < 0 || this.height == h_$0) return;
this.height = h_$0;
h_$0 = ($5.lineno = 1929, this.CSSDimension(h_$0));
if (this._h != h_$0) {
this._h = h_$0;
var size_$1 = h_$0;
var quirks_$2 = this.quirks;
if (quirks_$2.size_blank_to_zero) {
if (this.bgcolor == null && this.source == null && !this.clip && !(this instanceof LzTextSprite) && !this.shadow && !this.borderwidth) {
this.__sizedtozero = true;
size_$1 = 0
$5.lineno = 1941, this.applyCSS("height", size_$1);
if (this.__LZcontext) = h_$0;
if (this.clip) $5.lineno = 1943, this.__updateClip();
if (this.isroot) {
if (quirks_$2.container_divs_require_overflow) { = h_$0
}} else {
if (this.stretches) $5.lineno = 1950, this.__updateStretches();
if (this.backgroundrepeat) $5.lineno = 1951, this.__updateBackgroundRepeat();
if (this.__LZclick) = h_$0;
if (this.__LZcanvas) $5.lineno = 1953, this.__resizecanvas()
return h_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1924/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1924;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setMaxLength = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1962;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1962/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1962;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setPattern = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1969;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1969/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1969;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setVisible = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["v", v_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 1973;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.visible === v_$0) return;
this.visible = v_$0;
var divdisplay_$1 = v_$0 ? "" : "none";
$4.lineno = 1979, this.applyCSS("display", divdisplay_$1);
if (this.quirks.fix_clickable) {
if (this.quirks.fix_ie_clickable && this.__LZclick) { = v_$0 && this.clickable ? "" : "none"
if (this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) { = divdisplay_$1
if (this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv) { = divdisplay_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1973/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1973;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setBGColor = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1996;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (c_$0 != null && !this.capabilities.rgba) {
c_$0 = c_$0 | 0
if (this.bgcolor == c_$0) return;
this.bgcolor = c_$0;
if (this.quirks.size_blank_to_zero) {
if (this.__sizedtozero && c_$0 != null) {
$3.lineno = 2004, this.__restoreSize()
}}; = c_$0 == null ? "transparent" : ($3.lineno = 2007, LzColorUtils.torgb(c_$0));
if (this.quirks.fix_ie_background_height) {
if (this.height != null && this.height < 2) {
$3.lineno = 2010, this.setSource(LzSprite.blankimage, true)
} else if (!this._fontSize) { = 0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#1996/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1996;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__restoreSize = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 2018;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.__sizedtozero) {
this.__sizedtozero = false;
$2.lineno = 2022, this.applyCSS("width", this._w);
$2.lineno = 2023, this.applyCSS("height", this._h)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2018/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2018;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__filters = null;
LzSprite.prototype.setFilter = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 2029;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (this.__filters == null) {
this.__filters = {}};
this.__filters[name_$0] = value_$1;
var filterstr_$2 = "";
for (var i_$3 in this.__filters) {
filterstr_$2 += this.__filters[i_$3]
return filterstr_$2
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2029/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2029;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setOpacity = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["o", o_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 2042;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.opacity == o_$0 || o_$0 < 0) return;
this.opacity = o_$0;
var factor_$1 = 100;
if (this.capabilities.minimize_opacity_changes) {
factor_$1 = 10
o_$0 = (o_$0 * factor_$1 | 0) / factor_$1;
if (o_$0 != this._opacity) {
this._opacity = o_$0;
if (this.quirks.ie_opacity) { = ($4.lineno = 2056, this.setFilter("opacity", o_$0 == 1 ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + (o_$0 * 100 | 0) + ")"))
} else { = o_$0 == 1 ? "" : o_$0
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2042/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2042;
return $lzsc$temp
})(); = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["f", f_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2063;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this.frames || this.frames.length < 2) return;
f_$0 = f_$0 | 0;
if (!($3.lineno = 2066, isNaN(f_$0))) {
$3.lineno = 2068, this.__setFrame(f_$0)
if (this.playing == true) return;
this.playing = true;
$3.lineno = 2072, this.owner.resourceevent("play", null, true);
$3.lineno = 2073, LzIdleKernel.addCallback(this, "__incrementFrame")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2063/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2063;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.stop = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["f", f_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2076;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this.frames || this.frames.length < 2) return;
if (this.playing == true) {
this.playing = false;
$3.lineno = 2080, this.owner.resourceevent("stop", null, true);
$3.lineno = 2081, LzIdleKernel.removeCallback(this, "__incrementFrame")
f_$0 = f_$0 | 0;
if (!($3.lineno = 2084, isNaN(f_$0))) {
$3.lineno = 2086, this.__setFrame(f_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2076/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2076;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__incrementFrame = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2093;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var newframe_$0 = this.frame + 1 > this.frames.length ? 1 : this.frame + 1;
$3.lineno = 2096, this.__setFrame(newframe_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2093/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2093;
return $lzsc$temp
if (LzSprite.quirks.preload_images_only_once) {
LzSprite.prototype.__preloadurls = {}};
LzSprite.prototype.__preloadFrames = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = [];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 2105;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (!this.__ImgPool) {
this.__ImgPool = ($6.lineno = 2107, new LzPool(LzSprite.prototype.__getImage, LzSprite.prototype.__gotImage, LzSprite.prototype.__destroyImage, this))
var l_$0 = this.frames.length;
for (var i_$1 = 0;i_$1 < l_$0;i_$1++) {
var src_$2 = this.frames[i_$1];
if (this.quirks.preload_images_only_once) {
if (i_$1 > 0 && LzSprite.prototype.__preloadurls[src_$2]) {
LzSprite.prototype.__preloadurls[src_$2] = true
var im_$3 = ($6.lineno = 2119, this.__ImgPool.get(src_$2, false, true));
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
$6.lineno = 2121, this.__updateIEAlpha(im_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2105/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2105;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__findParents = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, value_$1, onlyone_$2) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["prop", prop_$0, "value", value_$1, "onlyone", onlyone_$2];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$8.lineno = 2130;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var parents_$3 = [];
var root_$4 = LzSprite.__rootSprite;
var sprite_$5 = this;
while (sprite_$5 && sprite_$5 !== root_$4) {
if (sprite_$5[prop_$0] == value_$1) {
$8.lineno = 2136, parents_$3.push(sprite_$5);
if (onlyone_$2) return parents_$3
sprite_$5 = sprite_$5.__parent
return parents_$3
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2130/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2130;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__imgonload = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (i_$0, cacheHit_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["i", i_$0, "cacheHit", cacheHit_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 2147;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.loading != true) return;
if (this.__imgtimoutid != null) {
$5.lineno = 2150, clearTimeout(this.__imgtimoutid);
this.__imgtimoutid = null
this.loading = false;
if (!cacheHit_$1) {
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
i_$ = ""
} else {
i_$ = ""
this.resourceWidth = cacheHit_$1 && i_$0["__LZreswidth"] ? i_$0.__LZreswidth : i_$0.width;
this.resourceHeight = cacheHit_$1 && i_$0["__LZresheight"] ? i_$0.__LZresheight : i_$0.height;
if (!cacheHit_$1) {
if (this.quirks.invisible_parent_image_sizing_fix && this.resourceWidth == 0) {
var f_$2 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (i_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["i", i_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2171;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.resourceWidth = i_$0.width;
this.resourceHeight = i_$0.height
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2171/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2171;
return $lzsc$temp
$5.lineno = 2175, this.__processHiddenParents(f_$2, i_$0)
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
i_$0._parent.__lastcondition = "__imgonload"
} else {
i_$0.__lastcondition = "__imgonload";
i_$0.__LZreswidth = this.resourceWidth;
i_$0.__LZresheight = this.resourceHeight
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
$5.lineno = 2189, this.__updateIEAlpha(this.__LZimg)
} else if (this.stretches) {
$5.lineno = 2191, this.__updateStretches()
$5.lineno = 2196, this.owner.resourceload({width: this.resourceWidth, height: this.resourceHeight, resource: this.resource, skiponload: this.skiponload});
if (this.skiponload != true) {
$5.lineno = 2199, this.__updateLoadStatus(1)
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
$5.lineno = 2202, this.__clearImageEvents(this.__LZimg)
} else {
$5.lineno = 2204, this.__clearImageEvents(i_$0)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2147/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2147;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__processHiddenParents = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (method_$0) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["method", method_$0];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$9.lineno = 2216;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var sprites_$1 = ($9.lineno = 2217, this.__findParents("visible", false));
var l_$2 = sprites_$1.length;
for (var n_$3 = 0;n_$3 < l_$2;n_$3++) {
sprites_$1[n_$3] = ""
var args_$4 = ($9.lineno = 2226,, 1));
var result_$5 = ($9.lineno = 2227, method_$0.apply(this, args_$4));
for (var n_$3 = 0;n_$3 < l_$2;n_$3++) {
var sprite_$6 = sprites_$1[n_$3];
sprite_$ = sprite_$6.__csscache.__LZdivdisplay || ""
return result_$5
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2216/45";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2216;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__imgonerror = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (i_$0, cacheHit_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["i", i_$0, "cacheHit", cacheHit_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 2240;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.loading != true) return;
if (this.__imgtimoutid != null) {
$4.lineno = 2243, clearTimeout(this.__imgtimoutid);
this.__imgtimoutid = null
this.loading = false;
this.resourceWidth = 1;
this.resourceHeight = 1;
if (!cacheHit_$1) {
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
i_$0._parent.__lastcondition = "__imgonerror"
} else {
i_$0.__lastcondition = "__imgonerror"
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
$4.lineno = 2259, this.__updateIEAlpha(this.__LZimg)
} else if (this.stretches) {
$4.lineno = 2261, this.__updateStretches()
$4.lineno = 2265, this.owner.resourceloaderror();
if (this.skiponload != true) {
$4.lineno = 2268, this.__updateLoadStatus(0)
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
$4.lineno = 2271, this.__clearImageEvents(this.__LZimg)
} else {
$4.lineno = 2273, this.__clearImageEvents(i_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2240/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2240;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__imgontimeout = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (i_$0, cacheHit_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["i", i_$0, "cacheHit", cacheHit_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 2280;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.loading != true) return;
this.__imgtimoutid = null;
this.loading = false;
this.resourceWidth = 1;
this.resourceHeight = 1;
if (!cacheHit_$1) {
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
i_$0._parent.__lastcondition = "__imgontimeout"
} else {
i_$0.__lastcondition = "__imgontimeout"
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
$4.lineno = 2296, this.__updateIEAlpha(this.__LZimg)
} else if (this.stretches) {
$4.lineno = 2298, this.__updateStretches()
$4.lineno = 2302, this.owner.resourceloadtimeout();
if (this.skiponload != true) {
$4.lineno = 2305, this.__updateLoadStatus(0)
if (this.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
$4.lineno = 2308, this.__clearImageEvents(this.__LZimg)
} else {
$4.lineno = 2310, this.__clearImageEvents(i_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2280/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2280;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__updateLoadStatus = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2317;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2318, this.owner.resourceevent("loadratio", val_$0);
$3.lineno = 2319, this.owner.resourceevent("framesloadratio", val_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2317/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2317;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__destroyImage = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0, img_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["url", url_$0, "img", img_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 2331;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (img_$1) {
if (img_$1.owner) {
var owner_$2 = img_$1.owner;
if (owner_$2.__imgtimoutid != null) {
$5.lineno = 2336, clearTimeout(owner_$2.__imgtimoutid);
owner_$2.__imgtimoutid = null
$5.lineno = 2340, lz.BrowserUtils.removecallback(owner_$2)
$5.lineno = 2342, LzSprite.prototype.__clearImageEvents(img_$1);
$5.lineno = 2343, LzSprite.prototype.__discardElement(img_$1)
if (LzSprite.quirks.preload_images_only_once) {
LzSprite.prototype.__preloadurls[url_$0] = null
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2331/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2331;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__clearImageEvents = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (img_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["img", img_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 2354;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (!img_$0 || img_$0.__cleared) return;
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
var sizer_$1 = img_$0.sizer;
if (sizer_$1) {
if (sizer_$1.tId) $5.lineno = 2360, clearTimeout(sizer_$1.tId);
sizer_$1.onerror = null;
sizer_$1.onload = null;
sizer_$1.onloadforeal = null;
sizer_$1._parent = null;
var dummyimg_$2 = {width: sizer_$1.width, height: sizer_$1.height, src: sizer_$1.src};
$5.lineno = 2367, LzSprite.prototype.__discardElement(sizer_$1);
img_$0.sizer = dummyimg_$2
}} else {
img_$0.onerror = null;
img_$0.onload = null
img_$0.__cleared = true
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2354/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2354;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__gotImage = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0, obj_$1, skiploader_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["url", url_$0, "obj", obj_$1, "skiploader", skiploader_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 2380;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.owner.skiponload || skiploader_$2 == true) {
$5.lineno = 2385, this.owner[obj_$1.__lastcondition]({width: this.owner.resourceWidth, height: this.owner.resourceHeight}, true)
} else {
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
$5.lineno = 2388, this.owner[obj_$1.__lastcondition](obj_$1.sizer, true)
} else {
$5.lineno = 2390, this.owner[obj_$1.__lastcondition](obj_$1, true)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2380/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2380;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__getImage = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0, skiploader_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["url", url_$0, "skiploader", skiploader_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 2398;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_alpha_image_loader) {
var im = ($5.lineno = 2400, document.createElement("div")); = "hidden";
if (this.owner && skiploader_$1 != true) {
im.owner = this.owner;
if (!im.sizer) {
im.sizer = ($5.lineno = 2408, document.createElement("img"));
im.sizer._parent = im
im.sizer.onload = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 2411;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
im.sizer.tId = ($2.lineno = 2413, setTimeout(this.onloadforeal, 1))
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2411/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2411;
return $lzsc$temp
im.sizer.onloadforeal = ($5.lineno = 2415, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(this.owner, "__imgonload", [im.sizer]));
im.sizer.onerror = ($5.lineno = 2416, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(this.owner, "__imgonerror", [im.sizer]));
var callback_$2 = ($5.lineno = 2417, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(this.owner, "__imgontimeout", [im.sizer]));
this.owner.__imgtimoutid = ($5.lineno = 2418, setTimeout(callback_$2, LzSprite.medialoadtimeout));
im.sizer.src = url_$0
if (!skiploader_$1) = "none";
if (this.owner.stretches) { = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + url_$0 + "',sizingMethod='scale')"
} else { = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + url_$0 + "')"
}} else {
var im = ($5.lineno = 2429, document.createElement("img"));
im.className = "lzimg";
if (!skiploader_$1) = "none";
if (this.owner && skiploader_$1 != true) {
im.owner = this.owner;
im.onload = ($5.lineno = 2436, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(this.owner, "__imgonload", [im]));
im.onerror = ($5.lineno = 2437, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(this.owner, "__imgonerror", [im]));
var callback_$2 = ($5.lineno = 2438, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(this.owner, "__imgontimeout", [im]));
this.owner.__imgtimoutid = ($5.lineno = 2439, setTimeout(callback_$2, LzSprite.medialoadtimeout))
im.src = url_$0
if (im) im.__lastcondition = "__imgonload";
return im
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2398/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2398;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setClip = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2448;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.clip === c_$0) return;
this.clip = c_$0;
if (this.quirks.size_blank_to_zero) {
if (this.__sizedtozero && c_$0) {
$3.lineno = 2454, this.__restoreSize()
$3.lineno = 2457, this.__updateClip()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2448/30";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2448;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype._clip = "";
LzSprite.prototype.__updateClip = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 2464;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var quirks_$0 = this.quirks;
if (this.isroot && this.quirks.canvas_div_cannot_be_clipped) return;
var clipcss_$1 = "";
if (this.clip && this.width != null && this.width >= 0 && this.height != null && this.height >= 0) {
clipcss_$1 = "rect(0px " + this._w + " " + this._h + " 0px)"
} else if (this._clip) {
clipcss_$1 = quirks_$0.fix_ie_css_syntax ? "rect(auto auto auto auto)" : ""
if (clipcss_$1 !== this._clip) {
this._clip = clipcss_$1; = clipcss_$1
} else {
if (quirks_$0.fix_clickable && quirks_$0.dont_clip_clickdivs != true) {
if (this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) { = clipcss_$1
if (quirks_$0.fix_contextmenu && this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv) { = clipcss_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2464/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2464;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.stretchResource = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2504;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
s_$0 = s_$0 != "none" ? s_$0 : null;
if (this.stretches == s_$0) return;
this.stretches = s_$0;
if (!(s_$0 == null && this.__csssprite) && this.__bgimage) {
if (this.quirks.preload_images) $3.lineno = 2509, this.__preloadFrames();
$3.lineno = 2511, this.__setBGImage(null);
$3.lineno = 2513, this.__setFrame(this.frame, true)
$3.lineno = 2516, this.__updateStretches()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2504/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2504;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__updateStretches = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = [];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 2522;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (this.loading) return;
var quirks_$0 = this.quirks;
if (quirks_$0.ie_alpha_image_loader) return;
var img_$1 = this.__LZimg;
if (img_$1) {
if (quirks_$0.show_img_before_changing_size) {
var imgstyle_$2 = img_$;
var olddisplay_$3 = imgstyle_$2.display;
imgstyle_$2.display = "none"
if (this.stretches == "both") {
img_$1.width = this.width;
img_$1.height = this.height
} else if (this.stretches == "height") {
img_$1.width = this.resourceWidth;
img_$1.height = this.height
} else if (this.stretches == "width") {
img_$1.width = this.width;
img_$1.height = this.resourceHeight
} else {
img_$1.width = this.resourceWidth;
img_$1.height = this.resourceHeight
if (quirks_$0.show_img_before_changing_size) {
imgstyle_$2.display = olddisplay_$3
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2522/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2522;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.predestroy = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 2553;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2553/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2553;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.destroy = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parentvalid_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["parentvalid", parentvalid_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 2556;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
parentvalid_$0 = true
if (this.__LZdeleted == true) return;
this.__LZdeleted = true;
if (parentvalid_$0) {
if (this.__parent) {
var pc_$1 = this.__parent.__children;
for (var i_$2 = pc_$1.length - 1;i_$2 >= 0;i_$2--) {
if (pc_$1[i_$2] === this) {
$5.lineno = 2567, pc_$1.splice(i_$2, 1);
if (this.__ImgPool) $5.lineno = 2575, this.__ImgPool.destroy();
if (this.__LZimg) $5.lineno = 2576, this.__discardElement(this.__LZimg);
this.__skipdiscards = parentvalid_$0 != true;
if (this.__LZclick) {
$5.lineno = 2582, this.__discardElement(this.__LZclick)
if (this.__LzInputDiv) {
$5.lineno = 2585, this.__setTextEvents(false);
$5.lineno = 2586, this.__discardElement(this.__LzInputDiv)
if (this.__LZdiv) {
if (this.isroot) {
if (this.quirks.activate_on_mouseover) {
this.__LZdiv.onmouseover = null;
this.__LZdiv.onmouseout = null
if (LzSprite.quirks.prevent_selection) {
this.__LZdiv.onselectstart = null
if (LzSprite.quirks.prevent_selection_with_onselectstart) {
if (this.selectable) {
$5.lineno = 2600, this.setSelectable(false)
$5.lineno = 2603, this.__discardElement(this.__LZdiv)
if (this.__LZinputclickdiv) {
$5.lineno = 2606, this.__discardElement(this.__LZinputclickdiv)
if (this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) {
$5.lineno = 2609, this.__discardElement(this.__LZclickcontainerdiv)
if (this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv) {
$5.lineno = 2612, this.__discardElement(this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv)
if (this.__LZcontext) {
$5.lineno = 2615, this.__discardElement(this.__LZcontext)
if (this.__LZtextdiv) {
$5.lineno = 2618, this.__discardElement(this.__LZtextdiv)
if (this.__LZcanvas) {
if (this.quirks.ie_leak_prevention) {
this.__LZcanvas.owner = null;
this.__LZcanvas.getContext = null
$5.lineno = 2626, this.__discardElement(this.__LZcanvas)
this.__ImgPool = null;
if (this.quirks.ie_leak_prevention) {
delete this.__sprites[this.uid]
if (this.isroot) {
lz.BrowserUtils.scopes = null
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2556/30";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2556;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.getMouse = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2643;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var p_$0 = ($3.lineno = 2646, this.__getPos());
return {x: LzMouseKernel.__x - p_$0.x, y: LzMouseKernel.__y - p_$0.y}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2643/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2643;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__poscache = null;
LzSprite.prototype.__poscacheid = 0;
LzSprite.__poscachecnt = 0;
LzSprite.prototype.__getPos = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = [];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$a.lineno = 2665;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
if (!LzSprite.__rootSprite.initted) {
return $a.lineno = 2668, lz.embed.getAbsolutePosition(this.__LZdiv)
var dirty_$0 = false;
var attached_$1 = true;
var root_$2 = LzSprite.__rootSprite;
var pp_$3, ppmax_$4;
for (var p_$5 = this;p_$5 !== root_$2;p_$5 = pp_$3) {
pp_$3 = p_$5.__parent;
if (pp_$3) {
if (p_$5.__poscacheid < pp_$3.__poscacheid) {
dirty_$0 = true;
ppmax_$4 = pp_$3
}} else {
attached_$1 = false;
if (dirty_$0 && attached_$1) {
var next_$6 = ++LzSprite.__poscachecnt;
for (var p_$5 = this;p_$5 !== ppmax_$4;p_$5 = p_$5.__parent) {
p_$5.__poscache = null;
p_$5.__poscacheid = next_$6
var pos_$7 = this.__poscache;
if (!pos_$7) {
pos_$7 = ($a.lineno = 2703, this.__processHiddenParents(lz.embed.getAbsolutePosition, this.__LZdiv));
if (attached_$1) {
this.__poscache = pos_$7
return pos_$7
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2665/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2665;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.getWidth = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2712;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var w_$0 = this.__LZdiv.clientWidth;
return w_$0 == 0 ? this.width : w_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2712/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2712;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.getHeight = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2718;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var h_$0 = this.__LZdiv.clientHeight;
return h_$0 == 0 ? this.height : h_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2718/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2718;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setCursor = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2731;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.quirks.no_cursor_colresize) {
if (c_$0 === this.cursor) return;
if (this.clickable !== true) $3.lineno = 2736, this.setClickable(true);
this.cursor = c_$0;
if (this.quirks.fix_clickable) { = ($3.lineno = 2740, LzSprite.__defaultStyles.hyphenate(c_$0))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2731/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2731;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setShowHandCursor = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2749;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (s_$0 == true) {
$3.lineno = 2751, this.setCursor("pointer")
} else {
$3.lineno = 2753, this.setCursor("default")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2749/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2749;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.getDisplayObject = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 2757;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.__LZdiv
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2757/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2757;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__LZcanvas = null;
LzSprite.prototype.getContext = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2764;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZcanvas && this.__LZcanvas.getContext) {
return $3.lineno = 2766, this.__LZcanvas.getContext("2d")
var canvas_$0 = ($3.lineno = 2769, document.createElement("canvas"));
canvas_$0.owner = this;
this.__LZcanvas = canvas_$0;
canvas_$0.className = "lzgraphicscanvas";
if (this.__LZdiv.firstChild) {
$3.lineno = 2778, this.__LZdiv.insertBefore(canvas_$0, this.__LZdiv.firstChild)
} else {
$3.lineno = 2780, this.__LZdiv.appendChild(canvas_$0)
$3.lineno = 2782, lz.embed.__setAttr(canvas_$0, "width", this.width);
$3.lineno = 2783, lz.embed.__setAttr(canvas_$0, "height", this.height);
if (this.cornerradius != null) {
$3.lineno = 2787, this.__applyCornerRadius(canvas_$0)
if (lz.embed.browser.isIE) {
this.__maxTries = 10;
$3.lineno = 2793, this.__initcanvasie()
} else {
return $3.lineno = 2795, canvas_$0.getContext("2d")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2764/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2764;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setContextCallback = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (callbackscope_$0, callbackname_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["callbackscope", callbackscope_$0, "callbackname", callbackname_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 2800;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.__canvascallbackscope = callbackscope_$0;
this.__canvascallbackname = callbackname_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2800/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2800;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.bringToFront = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2806;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this.__parent) {
$3.lineno = 2809, Debug.warn("bringToFront with no parent");
var c_$0 = this.__parent.__children;
if (c_$0.length < 2) return;
$3.lineno = 2816, c_$0.sort(LzSprite.prototype.__zCompare);
$3.lineno = 2818, this.sendInFrontOf(c_$0[c_$0.length - 1])
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2806/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2806;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__setZ = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (z_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["z", z_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 2824;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
}}; = z_$0;
var quirks_$1 = this.quirks;
if (quirks_$1.fix_clickable && this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) { = z_$0
if (quirks_$1.fix_contextmenu && this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv) { = z_$0
this.__z = z_$0
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2824/29";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2824;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__zCompare = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (a_$0, b_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["a", a_$0, "b", b_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 2839;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (a_$0.__z < b_$1.__z) return -1;
if (a_$0.__z > b_$1.__z) return 1;
return 0
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2839/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2839;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.sendToBack = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2847;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this.__parent) {
$3.lineno = 2850, Debug.warn("sendToBack with no parent");
var c_$0 = this.__parent.__children;
if (c_$0.length < 2) return;
$3.lineno = 2857, c_$0.sort(LzSprite.prototype.__zCompare);
$3.lineno = 2859, this.sendBehind(c_$0[0])
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2847/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2847;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.sendBehind = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (behindSprite_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["behindSprite", behindSprite_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$7.lineno = 2862;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
if (!behindSprite_$0 || behindSprite_$0 === this) return;
if (!this.__parent) {
$7.lineno = 2866, Debug.warn("sendBehind with no parent");
var c_$1 = this.__parent.__children;
if (c_$1.length < 2) return;
$7.lineno = 2873, c_$1.sort(LzSprite.prototype.__zCompare);
var behindZ_$2 = false;
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < c_$1.length;i_$3++) {
var s_$4 = c_$1[i_$3];
if (s_$4 == behindSprite_$0) behindZ_$2 = behindSprite_$0.__z;
if (behindZ_$2 != false) {
$7.lineno = 2881, s_$4.__setZ(++s_$4.__z)
$7.lineno = 2885, this.__setZ(behindZ_$2)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2862/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2862;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.sendInFrontOf = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (frontSprite_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["frontSprite", frontSprite_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$7.lineno = 2888;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
if (!frontSprite_$0 || frontSprite_$0 === this) return;
if (!this.__parent) {
$7.lineno = 2892, Debug.warn("sendInFrontOf with no parent");
var c_$1 = this.__parent.__children;
if (c_$1.length < 2) return;
$7.lineno = 2899, c_$1.sort(LzSprite.prototype.__zCompare);
var frontZ_$2 = false;
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < c_$1.length;i_$3++) {
var s_$4 = c_$1[i_$3];
if (frontZ_$2 != false) {
$7.lineno = 2906, s_$4.__setZ(++s_$4.__z)
if (s_$4 == frontSprite_$0) frontZ_$2 = frontSprite_$0.__z + 1
$7.lineno = 2911, this.__setZ(frontZ_$2)
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2888/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2888;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__setFrame = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0, force_$1) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["f", f_$0, "force", force_$1];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$8.lineno = 2918;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
if (f_$0 < 1) {
f_$0 = 1
} else if (f_$0 > this.frames.length) {
f_$0 = this.frames.length
var skipevent_$2 = false;
if (force_$1) {
skipevent_$2 = f_$0 == this.frame
} else if (f_$0 == this.frame) {
this.frame = f_$0;
var url_$3 = this.frames[this.frame - 1];
if (this.backgroundrepeat) {
$8.lineno = 2936, this.__setBGImage(url_$3);
$8.lineno = 2937, this.__updateBackgroundRepeat()
} else if (this.stretches == null && this.__csssprite) {
if (!this.__bgimage) {
$8.lineno = 2941, this.__createIMG();
$8.lineno = 2942, this.__setBGImage(this.__csssprite)
var x_$4 = (this.frame - 1) * -this.resourceWidth;
var y_$5 = -this.__cssspriteoffset || 0; = x_$4 + "px " + y_$5 + "px"
} else {
$8.lineno = 2950, this.setSource(url_$3, true)
if (skipevent_$2) return;
$8.lineno = 2953, this.owner.resourceevent("frame", this.frame);
if (this.frames.length == this.frame) $8.lineno = 2955, this.owner.resourceevent("lastframe", null, true)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2918/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2918;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__discardElement = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (element_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["element", element_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 2961;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.__skipdiscards) return;
if (element_$0.parentNode) $3.lineno = 2963, element_$0.parentNode.removeChild(element_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2961/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2961;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.getZ = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 2970;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.__z
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2970/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2970;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.updateResourceSize = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 2974;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 2975, this.owner.resourceload({width: this.resourceWidth, height: this.resourceHeight, resource: this.resource, skiponload: true})
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2974/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2974;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.unload = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 2978;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.resource = null;
this.source = null;
this.resourceWidth = null;
this.resourceHeight = null;
if (this.__ImgPool) {
$2.lineno = 2984, this.__ImgPool.destroy();
this.__ImgPool = null
if (this.__LZimg) {
$2.lineno = 2988, this.__destroyImage(null, this.__LZimg);
this.__LZimg = null
$2.lineno = 2991, this.__updateLoadStatus(0)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2978/29";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2978;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__setCSSClassProperty = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (classname_$0, name_$1, value_$2) {
var $a = Debug;
var $b = $a.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($b) {
var $c = ["classname", classname_$0, "name", name_$1, "value", value_$2];
$c.callee = arguments.callee;
$c["this"] = this;
$c.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$c.lineno = 2997;
if ($b.length > $b.maxDepth) {
var rulename_$3 = document.all ? "rules" : "cssRules";
var sheets_$4 = document.styleSheets;
var sl_$5 = sheets_$4.length - 1;
for (var i_$6 = sl_$5;i_$6 >= 0;i_$6--) {
var rules_$7 = sheets_$4[i_$6][rulename_$3];
var rl_$8 = rules_$7.length - 1;
for (var j_$9 = rl_$8;j_$9 >= 0;j_$9--) {
if (rules_$7[j_$9].selectorText == classname_$0) {
rules_$7[j_$9].style[name_$1] = value_$2
finally {
if ($b) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#2997/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2997;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setDefaultContextMenu = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (cmenu_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["cmenu", cmenu_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3017;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
LzSprite.__rootSprite.__contextmenu = cmenu_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3017/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3017;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setContextMenu = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (cmenu_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["cmenu", cmenu_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 3026;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.__contextmenu = cmenu_$0;
if (!this.quirks.fix_contextmenu || this.__LZcontext) return;
var cxdiv_$1 = ($4.lineno = 3030, document.createElement("div"));
cxdiv_$1.className = "lzcontext";
if (!this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv) {
this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv = ($4.lineno = 3034, this.__createContainerDivs("context"))
$4.lineno = 3036, this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv.appendChild(cxdiv_$1);
this.__LZcontext = cxdiv_$1; = this._w; = this._h;
cxdiv_$1.owner = this
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3026/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3026;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__createContainerDivs = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (typestring_$0) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["typestring", typestring_$0];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$a.lineno = 3046;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var propname_$1 = "__LZ" + typestring_$0 + "containerdiv";
var copyclip_$2 = true;
if (this.quirks.dont_clip_clickdivs && typestring_$0 === "click") {
copyclip_$2 = false
if (this[propname_$1]) {
return this[propname_$1]
var sprites_$3 = ($a.lineno = 3062, this.__findParents(propname_$1, null));
for (var i_$4 = sprites_$3.length - 1;i_$4 >= 0;i_$4--) {
var sprite_$5 = sprites_$3[i_$4];
var newdiv_$6 = ($a.lineno = 3071, document.createElement("div"));
newdiv_$6.className = sprite_$5 instanceof LzTextSprite ? "lztextcontainer" : "lzdiv";
var parentcontainer_$7 = sprite_$5.__parent && sprite_$5.__parent[propname_$1];
if (parentcontainer_$7) {
$a.lineno = 3080, parentcontainer_$7.appendChild(newdiv_$6)
$a.lineno = 3084, this.__copystyles(sprite_$5.__LZdiv, newdiv_$6, copyclip_$2);
if (sprite_$5._id && !newdiv_$ {
newdiv_$ = typestring_$0 + sprite_$5._id
newdiv_$6.owner = sprite_$5;
sprite_$5[propname_$1] = newdiv_$6
return newdiv_$6
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3046/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3046;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__copystyles = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (from_$0, to_$1, copyclip_$2) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["from", from_$0, "to", to_$1, "copyclip", copyclip_$2];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$9.lineno = 3105;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
copyclip_$2 = copyclip_$2 == null ? true : copyclip_$2;
var sprite_$3 = from_$0.owner;
var left_$4 = sprite_$3._x;
if (left_$4) {
to_$ = left_$4
var top_$5 = sprite_$3._y;
if (top_$5) {
to_$ = top_$5
var display_$6 = sprite_$3.__csscache.__LZdivdisplay || "";
if (display_$6) {
to_$ = display_$6
to_$ = sprite_$3._z || from_$;
if (copyclip_$2 && sprite_$3._clip) {
to_$ = sprite_$3._clip
if (sprite_$3._transform) {
to_$[stylename] = sprite_$3._transform
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3105/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3105;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.getContextMenu = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 3134;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.__contextmenu
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3134/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3134;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.rotation = 0;
LzSprite.prototype.setRotation = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (r_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["r", r_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3139;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.rotation == r_$0) return;
this.rotation = r_$0;
this._rotation = "rotate(" + r_$0 + "deg) ";
$3.lineno = 3143, this.__updateTransform()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3139/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3139;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype._transform = "";
LzSprite.prototype.__updateTransform = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (r_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["r", r_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 3147;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var css_$1 = (this._xscale || "") + (this._yscale || "") + (this._rotation || "");
if (css_$1 === this._transform) return;
this._transform = css_$1;
var stylename_$2 = LzSprite.__styleNames.transform;[stylename_$2] = css_$1;
if (this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) {[stylename_$2] = css_$1
if (this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv) {[stylename_$2] = css_$1
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3147/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3147;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.backgroundrepeat = null;
LzSprite.prototype.tilex = false;
LzSprite.prototype.tiley = false;
LzSprite.prototype.setBackgroundRepeat = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (backgroundrepeat_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["backgroundrepeat", backgroundrepeat_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 3165;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.backgroundrepeat == backgroundrepeat_$0) return;
var x_$1 = false;
var y_$2 = false;
if (backgroundrepeat_$0 == "repeat") {
x_$1 = y_$2 = true
} else if (backgroundrepeat_$0 == "repeat-x") {
x_$1 = true
} else if (backgroundrepeat_$0 == "repeat-y") {
y_$2 = true
this.tilex = x_$1;
this.tiley = y_$2;
this.backgroundrepeat = backgroundrepeat_$0;
if (!this.__LZimg) $5.lineno = 3179, this.__createIMG();
$5.lineno = 3180, this.__updateBackgroundRepeat();
if (backgroundrepeat_$0) {
$5.lineno = 3182, this.__setBGImage(this.source);
this.__LZimg.src = LzSprite.blankimage
} else {
if (this.__bgimage) $5.lineno = 3185, this.__setBGImage(null);
backgroundrepeat_$0 = "";
this.skiponload = true;
$5.lineno = 3189, this.setSource(this.source, "reset")
}; = backgroundrepeat_$0
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3165/42";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3165;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__updateBackgroundRepeat = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 3194;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZimg) { = this.backgroundrepeat; = "0 0";
this.__LZimg.width = this.backgroundrepeat ? this.width : this.resourceWidth;
this.__LZimg.height = this.backgroundrepeat ? this.height : this.resourceHeight
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3194/47";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3194;
return $lzsc$temp
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_leak_prevention) {
LzSprite.prototype.__sprites = {};
function __cleanUpForIE () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 3207;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
$4.lineno = 3208, LzTextSprite.prototype.__cleanupdivs();
LzTextSprite.prototype._sizecache = {};
var obj_$0 = LzSprite.prototype.__sprites;
for (var i_$1 in obj_$0) {
$4.lineno = 3213, obj_$0[i_$1].destroy();
obj_$0[i_$1] = null
LzSprite.prototype.__sprites = {}}
finally {
if ($3) {
__cleanUpForIE["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
__cleanUpForIE["_dbg_lineno"] = 3207;
lz.embed.attachEventHandler(window, "beforeunload", window, "__cleanUpForIE");
LzSprite.prototype.__discardElement = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (element_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["element", element_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 3221;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (!element_$0 || !element_$0.nodeType) return;
if (element_$0.nodeType >= 1 && element_$0.nodeType < 13) {
if (element_$0.owner) element_$0.owner = null;
var garbageBin_$1 = ($4.lineno = 3228, document.getElementById("__LZIELeakGarbageBin"));
if (!garbageBin_$1) {
garbageBin_$1 = ($4.lineno = 3230, document.createElement("DIV"));
garbageBin_$ = "__LZIELeakGarbageBin";
garbageBin_$ = "none";
$4.lineno = 3233, document.body.appendChild(garbageBin_$1)
$4.lineno = 3237, garbageBin_$1.appendChild(element_$0);
garbageBin_$1.innerHTML = ""
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3221/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3221;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.getSelectedText = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 3245;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (window.getSelection) {
return $2.lineno = 3247, ($2.lineno = 3247, window.getSelection()).toString()
} else if (document.selection) {
return $2.lineno = 3249, ($2.lineno = 3249, document.selection.createRange()).text.toString()
} else if (document.getSelection) {
return $2.lineno = 3251, document.getSelection()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3245/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3245;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setAADescription = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["s", s_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 3259;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var aadiv_$1 = this.aadescriptionDiv;
if (aadiv_$1 == null) {
this.aadescriptionDiv = aadiv_$1 = ($4.lineno = 3264, document.createElement("LABEL"));
aadiv_$1.className = "lzaccessibilitydiv";
if (! = "sprite_" + this.uid;
$4.lineno = 3269, lz.embed.__setAttr(aadiv_$1, "for",;
$4.lineno = 3270, this.__LZdiv.appendChild(aadiv_$1)
aadiv_$1.innerHTML = s_$0
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3259/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3259;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setAccessible = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (accessible_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["accessible", accessible_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3279;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
LzSprite.__rootSprite.accessible = accessible_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3279/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3279;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype._accProps = null;
LzSprite.prototype.setAAActive = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3296;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.__LzAccessibilityActive = s_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3296/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3296;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setAASilent = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3306;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3306/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3306;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setAAName = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3315;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3315/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3315;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.aafocus = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3323;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
try {
if (this.__LZdiv != null) {
$3.lineno = 3326, this.__LZdiv.blur();
$3.lineno = 3327, this.__LZdiv.focus()
catch (e_$0) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3323/30";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3323;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setAATabIndex = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3337;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3337/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3337;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.sendAAEvent = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (childID_$0, eventType_$1, nonHTML_$2) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["childID", childID_$0, "eventType", eventType_$1, "nonHTML", nonHTML_$2];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 3344;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
try {
if (this.__LZdiv != null) {
$6.lineno = 3347, this.__LZdiv.focus()
catch (e_$3) {}}
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3344/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3344;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setID = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (id_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["id", id_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3353;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this._id) this._id = id_$0;
if (! = this._dbg_typename + id_$0;
if (this.__LZclickcontainerdiv && ! = "click" + id_$0;
if (this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv && ! = = "context" + id_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3353/28";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3353;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__resizecanvas = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 3360;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.width > 0 && this.height > 0) {
if (this.__LZcanvas) {
$2.lineno = 3363, lz.embed.__setAttr(this.__LZcanvas, "width", this.width);
$2.lineno = 3364, lz.embed.__setAttr(this.__LZcanvas, "height", this.height);
$2.lineno = 3366, this.__docanvascallback()
if (this.__LZcanvas && this["_canvashidden"]) {
this._canvashidden = false;
$2.lineno = 3370, this.applyCSS("display", "", "__LZcanvas")
}} else if (this.__LZcanvas && this["_canvashidden"] != true) {
this._canvashidden = true;
$2.lineno = 3374, this.applyCSS("display", "none", "__LZcanvas")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3360/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3360;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__docanvascallback = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 3378;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var callback_$0 = this.__canvascallbackscope[this.__canvascallbackname];
if (callback_$0) {
$4.lineno = 3381, callback_$, ($4.lineno = 3381, this.__LZcanvas.getContext("2d")));
if (LzSprite.quirks.resize2dcanvas) {
var canvassize_$1 = this.__LZcanvas.firstChild;
canvassize_$ = this._w;
canvassize_$ = this._h
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3378/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3378;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__initcanvasie = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 3391;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.__canvasTId) $4.lineno = 3393, clearTimeout(this.__canvasTId);
try {
if (this.__LZcanvas && this.__LZcanvas.parentNode != null) {
this.__LZcanvas = ($4.lineno = 3396, G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(this.__LZcanvas));
$4.lineno = 3397, this.__docanvascallback();
catch (e_$0) {};
if (--this.__maxTries > 0) {
var callback_$1 = ($4.lineno = 3403, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackstr(this, "__initcanvasie"));
this.__canvasTId = ($4.lineno = 3404, setTimeout(callback_$1, 50))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3391/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3391;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__getShadowCSS = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (shadowcolor_$0, shadowdistance_$1, shadowangle_$2, shadowblurradius_$3) {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = ["shadowcolor", shadowcolor_$0, "shadowdistance", shadowdistance_$1, "shadowangle", shadowangle_$2, "shadowblurradius", shadowblurradius_$3];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$b.lineno = 3409;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
if (shadowcolor_$0 == null || shadowdistance_$1 == 0 && shadowblurradius_$3 == 0) {
return ""
if (this.capabilities.minimize_opacity_changes) {
shadowdistance_$1 = ($b.lineno = 3414, Math.round(shadowdistance_$1));
shadowblurradius_$3 = ($b.lineno = 3415, Math.round(shadowblurradius_$3));
shadowangle_$2 = ($b.lineno = 3416, Math.round(shadowangle_$2))
if (this.quirks.use_filter_for_dropshadow) {
if (shadowdistance_$1 == 0) {
this.xoffset = this.yoffset = -shadowblurradius_$3;
$b.lineno = 3424, this.applyCSS("left", this.x + this.xoffset);
$b.lineno = 3425, this.applyCSS("top", this.y + this.yoffset);
if (shadowblurradius_$3 > 0) {
var hexcolor_$4 = ($b.lineno = 3427, LzColorUtils.inttohex(shadowcolor_$0));
return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Glow(Color='" + hexcolor_$4 + "',Strength=" + shadowblurradius_$3 + ")"
}} else {
shadowangle_$2 += 90;
var hexcolor_$4 = ($b.lineno = 3433, LzColorUtils.inttohex(shadowcolor_$0));
return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color='" + hexcolor_$4 + "',Direction=" + shadowangle_$2 + ",Strength=" + shadowdistance_$1 + ")"
}} else {
var radians_$5 = shadowangle_$2 * Math.PI / 180;
var xoffset_$6 = ($b.lineno = 3441, this.CSSDimension(($b.lineno = 3441, Math.cos(radians_$5)) * shadowdistance_$1));
var yoffset_$7 = ($b.lineno = 3442, this.CSSDimension(($b.lineno = 3442, Math.sin(radians_$5)) * shadowdistance_$1));
var rgbcolor_$8 = ($b.lineno = 3444, LzColorUtils.torgb(shadowcolor_$0));
return rgbcolor_$8 + " " + xoffset_$6 + " " + yoffset_$7 + " " + ($b.lineno = 3445, this.CSSDimension(shadowblurradius_$3))
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3409/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3409;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.shadow = null;
LzSprite.prototype.updateShadow = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (shadowcolor_$0, shadowdistance_$1, shadowangle_$2, shadowblurradius_$3) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["shadowcolor", shadowcolor_$0, "shadowdistance", shadowdistance_$1, "shadowangle", shadowangle_$2, "shadowblurradius", shadowblurradius_$3];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$8.lineno = 3450;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var newshadow_$4 = ($8.lineno = 3451, this.__getShadowCSS(shadowcolor_$0, shadowdistance_$1, shadowangle_$2, shadowblurradius_$3));
if (newshadow_$4 === this.shadow) return;
this.shadow = newshadow_$4;
if (this.quirks.use_filter_for_dropshadow) { = ($8.lineno = 3456, this.setFilter("shadow", newshadow_$4))
} else {
var cssname_$5 = LzSprite.__styleNames.boxShadow;
if (this.__LZcanvas) {[cssname_$5] = "";[cssname_$5] = newshadow_$4
} else {[cssname_$5] = newshadow_$4
if (this.quirks.size_blank_to_zero) {
if (this.__sizedtozero) {
$8.lineno = 3471, this.__restoreSize()
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3450/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3450;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.cornerradius = null;
LzSprite.prototype.setCornerRadius = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (radii_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["radii", radii_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 3477;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var css_$1 = "";
for (var i_$2 = 0, l_$3 = radii_$0.length;i_$2 < l_$3;i_$2++) {
radii_$0[i_$2] = ($6.lineno = 3481, this.CSSDimension(radii_$0[i_$2]))
css_$1 = ($6.lineno = 3483, radii_$0.join(" "));
if (css_$1 == this.cornerradius) return;
this.cornerradius = css_$1;
$6.lineno = 3487, this.__applyCornerRadius(this.__LZdiv);
if (this.__LZclick) {
$6.lineno = 3489, this.__applyCornerRadius(this.__LZclick)
if (this.__LZcontext) {
$6.lineno = 3492, this.__applyCornerRadius(this.__LZcontext)
if (this.__LZcanvas) {
$6.lineno = 3495, this.__applyCornerRadius(this.__LZcanvas)
if (this.__LZimg) {
$6.lineno = 3498, this.__applyCornerRadius(this.__LZimg)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3477/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3477;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.__applyCornerRadius = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (div_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["div", div_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 3502;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var stylenames_$1 = LzSprite.__styleNames;
if (this.quirks.explicitly_set_border_radius) {
var radii_$2 = ($5.lineno = 3505, this.cornerradius.split(" "));
div_$[stylenames_$1.borderTopLeftRadius] = radii_$2[0];
div_$[stylenames_$1.borderTopRightRadius] = radii_$2[1];
div_$[stylenames_$1.borderBottomRightRadius] = radii_$2[2];
div_$[stylenames_$1.borderBottomLeftRadius] = radii_$2[3]
} else {
div_$[stylenames_$1.borderRadius] = this.cornerradius
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3502/42";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3502;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.setCSS = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1, isdimension_$2) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1, "isdimension", isdimension_$2];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 3520;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (isdimension_$2) value_$1 = ($6.lineno = 3521, this.CSSDimension(value_$1));
var callback_$3 = this["set_" + name_$0];
if (callback_$3) {
$6.lineno = 3526, callback_$, value_$1)
} else {
$6.lineno = 3528, this.applyCSS(name_$0, value_$1);
if (this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) {
$6.lineno = 3530, this.applyCSS(name_$0, value_$1, "__LZclickcontainerdiv")
if (this.__LZcontextcontainerdiv) {
$6.lineno = 3533, this.applyCSS(name_$0, value_$1, "__LZcontextcontainerdiv")
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3520/29";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3520;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.applyCSS = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1, divname_$2) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1, "divname", divname_$2];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$8.lineno = 3543;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
if (!divname_$2) divname_$2 = "__LZdiv";
var key_$3 = divname_$2 + name_$0;
var cache_$4 = this.__csscache;
if (cache_$4[key_$3] === value_$1) {
var styleobject_$5 = this[divname_$2].style;
cache_$4[key_$3] = styleobject_$5[name_$0] = value_$1
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3543/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3543;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.set_borderColor = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (color_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["color", color_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3573;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (color_$0 == null) color_$0 = ""; = color_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3573/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3573;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.borderwidth = 0;
LzSprite.prototype.set_borderWidth = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (width_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["width", width_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3579;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.borderwidth === width_$0) return;
this.borderwidth = width_$0;
if (this.quirks.size_blank_to_zero) {
if (this.__sizedtozero && width_$0 != null) {
$3.lineno = 3584, this.__restoreSize()
if (width_$0 == 0) {
width_$0 = ""
}; = width_$0;
if (this.__LZclick) { = width_$0
if (this.__LZcontext) { = width_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3579/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3579;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.set_padding = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (padding_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["padding", padding_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3602;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.padding === padding_$0) return;
this.padding = padding_$0;
if (this.quirks.size_blank_to_zero) {
if (this.__sizedtozero && padding_$0 != null) {
$3.lineno = 3607, this.__restoreSize()
if (padding_$0 == 0) {
padding_$0 = ""
if (this.__LZclick) { = padding_$0
if (this.__LZcontext) { = padding_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3602/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3602;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.medialoadtimeout = 30000;
LzSprite.setMediaLoadTimeout = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ms_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["ms", ms_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3625;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
LzSprite.medialoadtimeout = ms_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3625/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3625;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.setMediaErrorTimeout = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ms_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["ms", ms_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3629;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3629/33";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3629;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.xscale = 1;
LzSprite.prototype.setXScale = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (xscale_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["xscale", xscale_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3634;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.xscale == xscale_$0) return;
this.xscale = xscale_$0;
this._xscale = "scaleX(" + xscale_$0 + ") ";
$3.lineno = 3638, this.__updateTransform()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3634/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3634;
return $lzsc$temp
LzSprite.prototype.yscale = 1;
LzSprite.prototype.setYScale = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (yscale_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["yscale", yscale_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 3642;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.yscale == yscale_$0) return;
this.yscale = yscale_$0;
this._yscale = "scaleY(" + yscale_$0 + ") ";
$3.lineno = 3646, this.__updateTransform()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js#3642/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3642;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzLibrary", ["loaded", false, "loading", false, "sprite", null, "href", void 0, "stage", "late", "onload", LzDeclaredEvent, "construct", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, args_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["parent", parent_$0, "args", args_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$4.lineno = 64;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.stage = args_$1.stage;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["construct"] || ($4.lineno = 66, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "construct"))).call(this, parent_$0, args_$1);
this.sprite = ($4.lineno = 67, new LzSprite(this, false, args_$1));
LzLibrary.libraries[args_$] = this
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "construct";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 64;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "init", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$2.lineno = 74;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["init"] || ($2.lineno = 75, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "init"))).call(this);
if (this.stage == "late") {
$2.lineno = 77, this.load()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "init";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 74;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "destroy", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$2.lineno = 84;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.sprite) {
$2.lineno = 86, this.sprite.destroy();
this.sprite = null
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["destroy"] || ($2.lineno = 89, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "destroy"))).call(this)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "destroy";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 84;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$2.lineno = 105;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return "Library " + this.href + " named " +
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 105;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "load", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$2.lineno = 115;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.loading || this.loaded) {
this.loading = true;
$2.lineno = 120, lz.embed.__dhtmlLoadLibrary(this.href)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "load";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 115;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "loadfinished", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$2.lineno = 128;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.loading = false;
if (this.onload.ready) $2.lineno = 130, this.onload.sendEvent(true)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "loadfinished";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 128;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzNode, ["tagname", "import", "attributes", new LzInheritedHash(LzNode.attributes), "libraries", {}, "findLibrary", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (libname_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["libname", libname_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$3.lineno = 98;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return LzLibrary.libraries[libname_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "findLibrary";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 98;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "stripQueryString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["str", str_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$3.lineno = 135;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (($3.lineno = 136, str_$0.indexOf("?")) > 0) {
str_$0 = ($3.lineno = 137, str_$0.substring(0, ($3.lineno = 137, str_$0.indexOf("?"))))
return str_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "stripQueryString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 135;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZsnippetLoaded", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["url", url_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$7.lineno = 146;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
url_$0 = ($7.lineno = 149, LzLibrary.stripQueryString(url_$0));
var lib_$1 = null;
var libs_$2 = LzLibrary.libraries;
for (var l_$3 in libs_$2) {
var libhref_$4 = ($7.lineno = 153, LzLibrary.stripQueryString(libs_$2[l_$3].href));
if (libhref_$4 == url_$0) {
lib_$1 = libs_$2[l_$3];
if (lib_$1 == null) {
$7.lineno = 161, Debug.error("could not find library with href", url_$0)
} else {
lib_$1.loaded = true;
$7.lineno = 165, lib_$1.parent.__LzLibraryLoaded(lib_$
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZsnippetLoaded";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzLibrary.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 146;
return $lzsc$temp
lz[LzLibrary.tagname] = LzLibrary;
var LzTextSprite = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (owner_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["owner", owner_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 14;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (owner_$0 == null) return;
this.constructor = arguments.callee;
this.owner = owner_$0;
this.uid = LzSprite.prototype.uid++;
this.__csscache = {};
this.__LZdiv = ($3.lineno = 21, document.createElement("div"));
this.__LZdiv.className = "lztextcontainer";
this.scrolldiv = this.__LZtextdiv = ($3.lineno = 23, document.createElement("div"));
this.scrolldivtagname = "div";
this.scrolldiv.owner = this;
if (this.quirks.emulate_flash_font_metrics) {
this.className = this.scrolldiv.className = "lzswftext"
} else {
this.className = this.scrolldiv.className = "lztext"
$3.lineno = 31, this.__LZdiv.appendChild(this.scrolldiv);
this.__LZdiv.owner = this;
if (this.quirks.ie_leak_prevention) {
this.__sprites[this.uid] = this
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#14/20";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 14;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype = new LzSprite(null);
LzTextSprite.prototype._dbg_typename = "LzTextSprite";
LzTextSprite.prototype.__initTextProperties = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (args_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["args", args_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 46;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 47, this.setFontName(args_$0.font);
$3.lineno = 48, this.setFontStyle(args_$0.fontstyle);
$3.lineno = 49, this.setFontSize(args_$0.fontsize);
$3.lineno = 50, this.setTextColor(args_$0.fgcolor)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#46/47";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 46;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype._fontStyle = "normal";
LzTextSprite.prototype._fontWeight = "normal";
LzTextSprite.prototype._fontSize = "11px";
LzTextSprite.prototype._fontFamily = "Verdana,Vera,sans-serif";
LzTextSprite.prototype._whiteSpace = "nowrap";
LzTextSprite.prototype._textAlign = "left";
LzTextSprite.prototype._textIndent = 0;
LzTextSprite.prototype.__LZtextIndent = 0;
LzTextSprite.prototype._letterSpacing = 0;
LzTextSprite.prototype._textDecoration = "none";
LzTextSprite.prototype.__wpadding = 4;
LzTextSprite.prototype.__hpadding = 4;
LzTextSprite.prototype.__sizecacheupperbound = 1000;
LzTextSprite.prototype.selectable = false;
LzTextSprite.prototype.text = "";
LzTextSprite.prototype.resize = true;
LzTextSprite.prototype.restrict = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.scrolldiv = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.scrolldivtagname = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.setFontSize = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fsize_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["fsize", fsize_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 76;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (fsize_$0 == null || fsize_$0 < 0) return;
var fp_$1 = ($5.lineno = 79, this.CSSDimension(fsize_$0));
if (this._fontSize != fp_$1) {
this._fontSize = fp_$1; = fp_$1;
if (this.quirks["emulate_flash_font_metrics"]) {
var lh_$2 = ($5.lineno = 87, Math.round(fsize_$0 * 1.2)); = ($5.lineno = 88, this.CSSDimension(lh_$2));
this._lineHeight = lh_$2
$5.lineno = 91, this.__updatefieldsize()
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#76/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 76;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setFontStyle = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fstyle_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["fstyle", fstyle_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 95;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var fweight_$1;
if (fstyle_$0 == "plain") {
fweight_$1 = "normal";
fstyle_$0 = "normal"
} else if (fstyle_$0 == "bold") {
fweight_$1 = "bold";
fstyle_$0 = "normal"
} else if (fstyle_$0 == "italic") {
fweight_$1 = "normal";
fstyle_$0 = "italic"
} else if (fstyle_$0 == "bold italic" || fstyle_$0 == "bolditalic") {
fweight_$1 = "bold";
fstyle_$0 = "italic"
var changed_$2 = false;
if (fweight_$1 != this._fontWeight) {
this._fontWeight = fweight_$1; = fweight_$1;
changed_$2 = true
if (fstyle_$0 != this._fontStyle) {
this._fontStyle = fstyle_$0; = fstyle_$0;
changed_$2 = true
if (changed_$2) {
$5.lineno = 125, this.__updatefieldsize()
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#95/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 95;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setFontName = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fname_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["fname", fname_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 129;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (fname_$0 != this._fontFamily) {
this._fontFamily = fname_$0; = fname_$0;
$3.lineno = 133, this.__updatefieldsize()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#129/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 129;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setTextColor = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 137;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.textcolor === c_$0) return;
this.textcolor = c_$0; = ($3.lineno = 140, LzColorUtils.inttohex(c_$0))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#137/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 137;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.lineHeight = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.scrollTop = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.scrollHeight = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.scrollLeft = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.scrollWidth = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.scrolling = false;
LzTextSprite.prototype.setScrolling = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (on_$0) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["on", on_$0];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$a.lineno = 154;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var sdc_$1 = this.className;
if (sdc_$1 == "lzswftext" || sdc_$1 == "lzswfinputtextmultiline") {
var ht_$2 = this.height;
var wt_$3 = this.width;
var cdim_$4 = this.CSSDimension;
if (on_$0 || sdc_$1 == "lzswfinputtextmultiline") {
this.scrolling = on_$0;
$a.lineno = 166, this.applyCSS("overflow", "scroll", "scrolldiv");
ht_$2 += this.quirks.scrollbar_width;
wt_$3 += this.quirks.scrollbar_width
} else {
this.scrolling = false;
$a.lineno = 171, this.applyCSS("overflow", "", "scrolldiv")
var scrolldiv_$5 = this.scrolldiv;
var hp_$6 = ($a.lineno = 174, cdim_$4(ht_$2));
var wp_$7 = ($a.lineno = 175, cdim_$4(wt_$3));
if (on_$0) {
scrolldiv_$ = "rect(0 " + wp_$7 + " " + hp_$6 + " 0)"
} else if (scrolldiv_$ {
scrolldiv_$ = this.quirks["fix_ie_css_syntax"] ? "rect(auto auto auto auto)" : ""
scrolldiv_$ = wp_$7;
scrolldiv_$ = hp_$6
return on_$0 && this.scrolling
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#154/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 154;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.scrollevents = false;
LzTextSprite.prototype.setScrollEvents = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (on_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["on", on_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 193;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.scrollevents = ($3.lineno = 194, this.setScrolling(on_$0));
$3.lineno = 195, this.__updatefieldsize()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#193/42";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 193;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__updatefieldsizeTID = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.__updatefieldsize = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 204;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var loaded_$0 = ($4.lineno = 206, LzFontManager.isFontLoaded(this, this._fontFamily, this._fontStyle, this._fontWeight));
if (!loaded_$0 || !this.initted) return;
$4.lineno = 208, this.owner._updateSize();
var cstr_$1 = ($4.lineno = 209, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(this, "__updatefieldsizeCallback", []));
if (this.__updatefieldsizeTID != null) {
$4.lineno = 211, clearTimeout(this.__updatefieldsizeTID)
this.__updatefieldsizeTID = ($4.lineno = 213, setTimeout(cstr_$1, 0))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#204/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 204;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__fontLoaded = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 216;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this._cachevalue = this._cacheStyleKey = this._cacheTextKey = null;
$2.lineno = 219, this.__updatefieldsize()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#216/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 216;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__updatefieldsizeCallback = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 222;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var lineHeight_$0 = ($3.lineno = 223, this.getLineHeight());
if (this.lineHeight !== lineHeight_$0) {
this.lineHeight = lineHeight_$0;
$3.lineno = 230, this.owner.scrollevent("lineHeight", lineHeight_$0)
if (!this.scrollevents) return;
$3.lineno = 236, this.__updatefieldprop("scrollHeight");
$3.lineno = 237, this.__updatefieldprop("scrollTop");
$3.lineno = 238, this.__updatefieldprop("scrollWidth");
$3.lineno = 239, this.__updatefieldprop("scrollLeft")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#222/52";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 222;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setMaxLength = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 242;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#242/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 242;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__updatefieldprop = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["name", name_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 247;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var val_$1 = this.scrolldiv[name_$0];
if (this[name_$0] !== val_$1 || name_$0 == "scrollHeight") {
this[name_$0] = val_$1;
$4.lineno = 257, this.owner.scrollevent(name_$0, val_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#247/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 247;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setText = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (t_$0, force_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["t", t_$0, "force", force_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 261;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.multiline && t_$0 && ($4.lineno = 269, t_$0.indexOf("\n")) >= 0) {
if (this.quirks["inner_html_strips_newlines"]) {
t_$0 = ($4.lineno = 271, t_$0.replace(this.inner_html_strips_newlines_re, "
if (t_$0 && this.quirks["inner_html_no_entity_apos"]) {
t_$0 = ($4.lineno = 275, t_$0.replace(($4.lineno = 275, RegExp("'", "mg")), "'"))
if (force_$1 != true && this.text == t_$0) return;
this.text = t_$0;
this.scrolldiv.innerHTML = t_$0;
$4.lineno = 285, this.__updatefieldsize()
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#261/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 261;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.multiline = false;
LzTextSprite.prototype.setMultiline = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (m_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["m", m_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 289;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.multiline = m_$0;
if (m_$0) {
var whitespace_$1 = "normal";
$4.lineno = 295, this.applyCSS("overflow", "hidden", "scrolldiv")
} else {
var whitespace_$1 = this.className === "lzswfinputtextmultiline" ? "pre-wrap" : "nowrap";
$4.lineno = 298, this.applyCSS("overflow", "", "scrolldiv")
if (this._whiteSpace !== whitespace_$1) {
this._whiteSpace = whitespace_$1; = whitespace_$1
if (this.quirks["text_height_includes_padding"]) {
this.__hpadding = m_$0 ? 3 : 4
$4.lineno = 309, this.setText(this.text, true)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#289/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 289;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setPattern = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 321;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (val_$0 == null || val_$0 == "") {
this.restrict = null
} else if (($3.lineno = 324, val_$0.substring(0, 1)) == "[" && ($3.lineno = 325, val_$0.substring(val_$0.length - 2, val_$0.length)) == "]*") {
this.restrict = ($3.lineno = 328, RegExp(($3.lineno = 328, val_$0.substring(0, val_$0.length - 1)) + "|[\\r\\n]", "g"))
} else {
$3.lineno = 330, Debug.error('LzTextSprite.setPattern argument %w must be of the form "[...]*"', val_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#321/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 321;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.getTextWidth = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (force_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["force", force_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 340;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (!this.initted && !force_$0) return 0;
var width_$1;
var styleKey_$2 = this.className + "/" +;
var cv_$3 = this._cachevalue;
if (this._cacheStyleKey == styleKey_$2 && this._cacheTextKey == this.text && ("width" in cv_$3)) {
width_$1 = cv_$3.width
} else {
width_$1 = ($6.lineno = 355, this.getTextDimension("width"))
if (width_$1 != 0 && this.quirks["emulate_flash_font_metrics"]) {
width_$1 += this.__wpadding
return width_$1
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#340/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 340;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.getLineHeight = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 363;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this._lineHeight) return this._lineHeight;
if (!this.initted) return 0;
var styleKey_$0 = this.className + "/" +;
var cv_$1 = this._cachevalue;
if (this._cacheStyleKey == styleKey_$0 && ("lineheight" in cv_$1)) {
var lineheight_$2 = cv_$1.lineheight
} else {
var lineheight_$2 = ($5.lineno = 378, this.getTextDimension("lineheight"))
this._lineHeight = lineheight_$2;
return lineheight_$2
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#363/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 363;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.getTextfieldHeight = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (force_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["force", force_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 384;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (!this.initted && !force_$0) return 0;
var fieldHeight_$1 = null;
if (this.multiline && this.text != "") {
var styleKey_$2 = this.className + "/" +;
var cv_$3 = this._cachevalue;
if (this._cacheStyleKey == styleKey_$2 && this._cacheTextKey == this.text && ("height" in cv_$3)) {
fieldHeight_$1 = cv_$3.height
} else {
fieldHeight_$1 = ($6.lineno = 404, this.getTextDimension("height"))
if (this.quirks["safari_textarea_subtract_scrollbar_height"]) {
fieldHeight_$1 += 24
}} else {
fieldHeight_$1 = ($6.lineno = 408, this.getLineHeight())
if (this.quirks["emulate_flash_font_metrics"]) {
fieldHeight_$1 += this.__hpadding
return fieldHeight_$1
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#384/45";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 384;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype._sizecache = {counter: 0};
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_leak_prevention) {
LzTextSprite.prototype.__divstocleanup = [];
LzTextSprite.prototype.__cleanupdivs = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = [];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 424;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var obj_$0 = LzTextSprite.prototype.__divstocleanup;
var func_$1 = LzSprite.prototype.__discardElement;
var l_$2 = obj_$0.length;
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < l_$2;i_$3++) {
$6.lineno = 429, func_$1(obj_$0[i_$3])
LzTextSprite.prototype.__divstocleanup = []
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#424/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 424;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype._cacheStyleKey = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype._cacheTextKey = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype._cachevalue = null;
LzTextSprite.prototype.getTextDimension = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (dimension_$0) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["dimension", dimension_$0];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$a.lineno = 445;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var string_$1 = this.text;
var width_$2 = "auto";
switch (dimension_$0) {
case "lineheight":
if (this._lineHeight) {
return this._lineHeight
}if (LzSprite.prototype.quirks["textmeasurementalphastring"]) {
string_$1 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
} else {
string_$1 = 'Yq_gy"9;'
}break;;case "height":
width_$2 = ($a.lineno = 465, this.CSSDimension(this.width));break;;case "width":
if (this.text == "") {
return 0
$a.lineno = 472, Debug.error("Unknown dimension: %w", dimension_$0)
var scrolldiv_$3 = this.scrolldiv;
var className_$4 = this.className;
var styleKey_$5 = className_$4 + "/" + scrolldiv_$;
var cv_$6 = this._cachevalue;
if (this._cacheStyleKey == styleKey_$5 && (dimension_$0 == "lineheight" || this._cacheTextKey == string_$1) && (dimension_$0 in cv_$6)) {
return cv_$6[dimension_$0]
this._cacheStyleKey = styleKey_$5;
if (dimension_$0 != "lineheight") {
this._cacheTextKey = string_$1
var style_$7 = "padding:0px;overflow:visible;width:" + width_$2 + ";height:auto;" + (this._fontSize ? "font-size:" + this._fontSize + ";" : "") + (this._fontWeight ? "font-weight:" + this._fontWeight + ";" : "") + (this._fontStyle ? "font-style:" + this._fontStyle + ";" : "") + (this._fontFamily ? "font-family:" + this._fontFamily + ";" : "") + (this._fontSize ? "font-size:" + this._fontSize + ";" : "") + (this._letterSpacing ? "letter-spacing:" + this._letterSpacing + ";" : "") + (this._whiteSpace ? "white-space:" + this._whiteSpace + ";" : "");
this._cachevalue = ($a.lineno = 508, LzFontManager.getSize(dimension_$0, className_$4, style_$7, this.scrolldivtagname, string_$1));
return this._cachevalue[dimension_$0]
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#445/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 445;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setSelectable = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["s", s_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 512;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
this.selectable = s_$0; = s_$0 ? "auto" : "";
if (this.quirks["prevent_selection_with_onselectstart"]) {
var handler_$1 = s_$0 ? this.__onselectstartHandler : this.__cancelhandler;
this.__LZdiv.onselectstart = handler_$1
} else {
var selectstyle_$2 = s_$0 ? "text" : "none";
var stylename_$3 = LzSprite.__styleNames.userSelect;[stylename_$3] = selectstyle_$2
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#512/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 512;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.$LzSprite$__mouseEvent = LzSprite.prototype.__mouseEvent;
LzTextSprite.prototype.__mouseEvent = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventname_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["eventname", eventname_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 529;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 531, this.$LzSprite$__mouseEvent(eventname_$0);
return this.selectable
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#529/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 529;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__onselectstartHandler = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 539;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
e_$0 = e_$0 || window.event;
e_$0.cancelBubble = true;
return true
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#539/49";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 539;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__cancelhandler = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 546;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return false
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#546/42";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 546;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setResize = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (r_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["r", r_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 550;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.resize = r_$0;
$3.lineno = 552, this.applyCSS("overflow", r_$0 ? "" : "hidden", "scrolldiv")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#550/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 550;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setSelection = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (start_$0, end_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["start", start_$0, "end", end_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$9.lineno = 555;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
end_$1 = null
if (end_$1 == null) {
end_$1 = start_$0
if (this.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
var range_$2 = ($9.lineno = 559, document.body.createTextRange());
$9.lineno = 561, range_$2.moveToElementText(this.scrolldiv);
if (start_$0 > end_$1) {
var st_$3 = start_$0;
start_$0 = end_$1;
end_$1 = st_$3
var st_$3 = start_$0;
var ed_$4 = end_$1 - range_$2.text.length;
$9.lineno = 571, range_$2.moveStart("character", st_$3);
$9.lineno = 572, range_$2.moveEnd("character", ed_$4);
$9.lineno = 573, range_$
} else {
var range_$2 = ($9.lineno = 575, document.createRange());
var offset_$5 = 0;
$9.lineno = 579, range_$2.setStart(this.scrolldiv.childNodes[0], start_$0);
$9.lineno = 580, range_$2.setEnd(this.scrolldiv.childNodes[0], end_$1);
var sel_$6 = ($9.lineno = 581, window.getSelection());
$9.lineno = 582, sel_$6.removeAllRanges();
$9.lineno = 583, sel_$6.addRange(range_$2)
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#555/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 555;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__findNodeByOffset = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (offset_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["offset", offset_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 588;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var node_$1 = this.scrolldiv.childNodes[0];
var curroffset_$2 = 0;
while (node_$1) {
if (node_$1.nodeType == 3) {
offset_$0 += node_$1.textContent.length
} else if (node_$1.nodeType == 1 && node_$1.nodeName == "BR") {
offset_$0 += 1
if (curroffset_$2 >= offset_$0) {
return node_$1
node_$1 = node_$1.nextSibling
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#588/45";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 588;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__getGlobalRange = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 605;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var userSelection_$0;
if (this.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
userSelection_$0 = ($5.lineno = 609, document.selection.createRange())
} else if (window.getSelection) {
userSelection_$0 = ($5.lineno = 611, window.getSelection())
try {
if (userSelection_$0) {
if (this.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
return userSelection_$0
} else if (userSelection_$0.getRangeAt) {
return $5.lineno = 619, userSelection_$0.getRangeAt(0)
} else {
var range_$1 = ($5.lineno = 621, document.createRange());
$5.lineno = 622, range_$1.setStart(userSelection_$0.anchorNode, userSelection_$0.anchorOffset);
$5.lineno = 623, range_$1.setEnd(userSelection_$0.focusNode, userSelection_$0.focusOffset);
return range_$1
catch (e_$2) {}}
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#605/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 605;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__textareaToRange = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (textarea_$0) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["textarea", textarea_$0];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$9.lineno = 632;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var bookmark_$1 = ($9.lineno = 633, textarea_$0.getBookmark());
var contents_$2, originalContents_$3;
originalContents_$3 = contents_$2 = this.scrolldiv.innerHTML;
var owner_$4 = ($9.lineno = 637, this.__getRangeOwner(textarea_$0));
if (!(owner_$4 instanceof LzTextSprite)) {
do {
var marker_$5 = "~~~" + ($9.lineno = 644, Math.random()) + "~~~"
} while (($9.lineno = 645, contents_$2.indexOf(marker_$5)) != -1);
textarea_$0.text = marker_$5 + textarea_$0.text + marker_$5;
contents_$2 = this.scrolldiv.innerHTML;
contents_$2 = ($9.lineno = 651, contents_$2.replace("
", " "));
var range_$6 = {};
range_$6.startOffset = ($9.lineno = 653, contents_$2.indexOf(marker_$5));
contents_$2 = ($9.lineno = 654, contents_$2.replace(marker_$5, ""));
range_$6.endOffset = ($9.lineno = 655, contents_$2.indexOf(marker_$5));
this.scrolldiv.innerHTML = originalContents_$3;
$9.lineno = 658, textarea_$0.moveToBookmark(bookmark_$1);
$9.lineno = 659, textarea_$;
return range_$6
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#632/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 632;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__getRangeOwner = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (range_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["range", range_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 665;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!range_$0) return;
if (this.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
var range_$0 = ($3.lineno = 668, range_$0.duplicate());
$3.lineno = 669, range_$0.collapse();
return ($3.lineno = 670, range_$0.parentElement()).owner
} else {
if (range_$0.startContainer.parentNode == range_$0.endContainer.parentNode) return range_$0.startContainer.parentNode.owner
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#665/42";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 665;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.__getOffset = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (node_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["node", node_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 677;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var offset_$1 = 0;
while (node_$0 = node_$0.previousSibling) {
if (node_$0.nodeType == 3) {
offset_$1 += node_$0.textContent.length
} else if (node_$0.nodeType == 1 && node_$0.nodeName == "BR") {
offset_$1 += 1
return offset_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#677/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 677;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.getSelectionPosition = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 690;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var range_$0 = ($4.lineno = 691, this.__getGlobalRange());
if (($4.lineno = 692, this.__getRangeOwner(range_$0)) === this) {
if (this.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
range_$0 = ($4.lineno = 694, this.__textareaToRange(range_$0));
return range_$0.startOffset
} else {
var offset_$1 = 0;
if (this.multiline) {
offset_$1 = ($4.lineno = 699, this.__getOffset(range_$0.startContainer))
return range_$0.startOffset + offset_$1
}} else {
return -1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#690/47";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 690;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.getSelectionSize = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 708;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var range_$0 = ($5.lineno = 709, this.__getGlobalRange());
if (($5.lineno = 710, this.__getRangeOwner(range_$0)) === this) {
if (this.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
range_$0 = ($5.lineno = 712, this.__textareaToRange(range_$0))
} else {
if (this.multiline) {
var startoffset_$1 = ($5.lineno = 715, this.__getOffset(range_$0.startContainer));
var endoffset_$2 = ($5.lineno = 716, this.__getOffset(range_$0.endContainer));
return range_$0.endOffset + endoffset_$2 - (range_$0.startOffset + startoffset_$1)
return range_$0.endOffset - range_$0.startOffset
} else {
return -1
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#708/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 708;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.getScroll = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 726;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 729, Debug.warn("LzTextSprite.getScroll is not implemented yet.")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#726/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 726;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.getMaxScroll = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 733;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 736, Debug.warn("LzTextSprite.getMaxScroll is not implemented yet.")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#733/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 733;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setScroll = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 740;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 743, Debug.warn("LzTextSprite.setScroll is not implemented yet.")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#740/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 740;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setYScroll = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 747;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.scrolldiv.scrollTop = this.scrollTop = -n_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#747/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 747;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setXScroll = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 751;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.scrolldiv.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft = -n_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#751/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 751;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.$LzSprite$setX = LzSprite.prototype.setX;
LzTextSprite.prototype.setX = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (x_$0) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["x", x_$0];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$8.lineno = 756;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var scrolling_$1 = this.scrolling;
var turd_$2 = scrolling_$1 && this.quirks["clipped_scrollbar_causes_display_turd"];
if (scrolling_$1) {
var scrolldiv_$3 = this.scrolldiv;
var oldLeft_$4 = scrolldiv_$3.scrollLeft;
var oldTop_$5 = scrolldiv_$3.scrollTop;
if (turd_$2) {
$8.lineno = 764, this.applyCSS("overflow", "hidden", "scrolldiv");
scrolldiv_$ = scrolldiv_$ = this.quirks.scrollbar_width
$8.lineno = 768, this.$LzSprite$setX(x_$0);
if (scrolling_$1) {
if (turd_$2) {
$8.lineno = 771, this.applyCSS("overflow", "scroll", "scrolldiv");
scrolldiv_$ = scrolldiv_$ = "0"
scrolldiv_$3.scrollLeft = oldLeft_$4;
scrolldiv_$3.scrollTop = oldTop_$5
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#756/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 756;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.$LzSprite$setY = LzSprite.prototype.setY;
LzTextSprite.prototype.setY = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (y_$0) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["y", y_$0];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$8.lineno = 780;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var scrolling_$1 = this.scrolling;
var turd_$2 = scrolling_$1 && this.quirks["clipped_scrollbar_causes_display_turd"];
if (scrolling_$1) {
var scrolldiv_$3 = this.scrolldiv;
var oldLeft_$4 = scrolldiv_$3.scrollLeft;
var oldTop_$5 = scrolldiv_$3.scrollTop;
if (turd_$2) {
$8.lineno = 788, this.applyCSS("overflow", "hidden", "scrolldiv");
scrolldiv_$ = scrolldiv_$ = this.quirks.scrollbar_width
$8.lineno = 792, this.$LzSprite$setY(y_$0);
if (scrolling_$1) {
if (turd_$2) {
$8.lineno = 795, this.applyCSS("overflow", "scroll", "scrolldiv");
scrolldiv_$ = scrolldiv_$ = "0"
scrolldiv_$3.scrollLeft = oldLeft_$4;
scrolldiv_$3.scrollTop = oldTop_$5
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#780/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 780;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.$LzSprite$setWidth = LzSprite.prototype.setWidth;
LzTextSprite.prototype.__widthcss = 0;
LzTextSprite.prototype.setWidth = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (w_$0) {
var $a = Debug;
var $b = $a.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($b) {
var $c = ["w", w_$0];
$c.callee = arguments.callee;
$c["this"] = this;
$c.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$c.lineno = 805;
if ($b.length > $b.maxDepth) {
if (w_$0 == null || w_$0 < 0 || ($c.lineno = 806, isNaN(w_$0))) return;
var nw_$1 = ($c.lineno = 808, this.$LzSprite$setWidth(w_$0));
if (nw_$1 == null) return;
var scrolldivwidth_$2 = w_$0 >= this.__wpadding ? w_$0 - this.__wpadding : 0;
if (this.scrolling) {
scrolldivwidth_$2 += this.quirks.scrollbar_width
var clipwidth_$3 = scrolldivwidth_$2;
var wtInd_$4 = this.__LZtextIndent < 0 ? -1 * this.__LZtextIndent : 0;
if (scrolldivwidth_$2 >= wtInd_$4) {
scrolldivwidth_$2 -= wtInd_$4
var cdim_$5 = this.CSSDimension;
var scrolldivcss_$6 = ($c.lineno = 833, cdim_$5(scrolldivwidth_$2));
if (scrolldivcss_$6 !== this.__widthcss) {
this.__widthcss = scrolldivcss_$6;
var scrolldiv_$7 = this.scrolldiv;
scrolldiv_$ = scrolldivcss_$6;
if (this.scrolling) {
var hp_$8 = ($c.lineno = 843, cdim_$5(this.height || 0));
var wp_$9 = ($c.lineno = 844, cdim_$5(clipwidth_$3));
scrolldiv_$ = "rect(0 " + wp_$9 + " " + hp_$8 + " 0)"
return scrolldivwidth_$2
finally {
if ($b) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#805/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 805;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.$LzSprite$setHeight = LzSprite.prototype.setHeight;
LzTextSprite.prototype.__heightcss = 0;
LzTextSprite.prototype.setHeight = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (h_$0) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["h", h_$0];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$9.lineno = 853;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
if (h_$0 == null || h_$0 < 0 || ($9.lineno = 854, isNaN(h_$0))) return;
var nh_$1 = ($9.lineno = 856, this.$LzSprite$setHeight(h_$0));
if (nh_$1 == null) return;
var ht_$2 = h_$0 >= this.__hpadding ? h_$0 - this.__hpadding : 0;
if (this.scrolling || this.classname == "lzswfinputtextmultiline") {
ht_$2 += this.quirks.scrollbar_width
var cdim_$3 = this.CSSDimension;
var hp_$4 = ($9.lineno = 874, cdim_$3(ht_$2));
if (hp_$4 !== this.__heightcss) {
this.__heightcss = hp_$4;
var scrolldiv_$5 = this.scrolldiv;
scrolldiv_$ = hp_$4;
if (this.scrolling) {
var wp_$6 = ($9.lineno = 884, cdim_$3(this.width || 0));
scrolldiv_$ = "rect(0 " + wp_$6 + " " + hp_$4 + " 0)"
return ht_$2
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#853/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 853;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.enableClickableLinks = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (enabled_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["enabled", enabled_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 897;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#897/47";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 897;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.makeTextLink = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, value_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["str", str_$0, "value", value_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 900;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
$5.lineno = 901, LzTextSprite.addLinkID(this);
var uid_$2 = this.uid;
return '" + str_$0 + ""
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#900/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 900;
return $lzsc$temp
$modules.lz.__callTextLink = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (spriteID_$0, val_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["spriteID", spriteID_$0, "val", val_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 907;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var sprite_$2 = LzTextSprite.linkIDMap[spriteID_$0];
if (sprite_$2 != null) {
$5.lineno = 910, sprite_$2.owner.ontextlink.sendEvent(val_$1)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#907/30";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 907;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.linkIDMap = [];
LzTextSprite.addLinkID = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sprite_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sprite", sprite_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 919;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
LzTextSprite.linkIDMap[sprite_$0.uid] = sprite_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#919/26";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 919;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.deleteLinkID = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (UID_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["UID", UID_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 924;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
delete LzTextSprite.linkIDMap[UID_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#924/29";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 924;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.$LzSprite$destroy = LzSprite.prototype.destroy;
LzTextSprite.prototype.destroy = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 929;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 930, LzTextSprite.deleteLinkID(($2.lineno = 930, this.owner.getUID()));
$2.lineno = 931, this.$LzSprite$destroy(this)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#929/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 929;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setTextAlign = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (align_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["align", align_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 934;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this._textAlign != align_$0) {
this._textAlign = align_$0; = align_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#934/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 934;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setTextIndent = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (indent_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["indent", indent_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 941;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var indentPx_$1 = ($6.lineno = 943, this.CSSDimension(indent_$0));
if (this._textIndent != indentPx_$1) {
var negInd_$2 = indent_$0 < 0 || this.__LZtextIndent < 0;
this._textIndent = indentPx_$1;
this.__LZtextIndent = indent_$0; = indentPx_$1;
if (negInd_$2) { = indent_$0 >= 0 ? "" : ($6.lineno = 951, indentPx_$1.substr(1));
var nw_$3 = ($6.lineno = 953, this.setWidth(this.width))
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#941/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 941;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setLetterSpacing = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (spacing_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["spacing", spacing_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 959;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
spacing_$0 = ($3.lineno = 961, this.CSSDimension(spacing_$0));
if (this._letterSpacing != spacing_$0) {
this._letterSpacing = spacing_$0; = spacing_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#959/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 959;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.setTextDecoration = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (decoration_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["decoration", decoration_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 968;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this._textDecoration != decoration_$0) {
this._textDecoration = decoration_$0; = decoration_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#968/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 968;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.getDisplayObject = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 975;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.scrolldiv
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#975/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 975;
return $lzsc$temp
LzTextSprite.prototype.updateShadow = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (shadowcolor_$0, shadowdistance_$1, shadowangle_$2, shadowblurradius_$3) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["shadowcolor", shadowcolor_$0, "shadowdistance", shadowdistance_$1, "shadowangle", shadowangle_$2, "shadowblurradius", shadowblurradius_$3];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$7.lineno = 979;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var cssString_$4 = ($7.lineno = 980, this.__getShadowCSS(shadowcolor_$0, shadowdistance_$1, shadowangle_$2, shadowblurradius_$3));
if (this.quirks.use_filter_for_dropshadow) { = ($7.lineno = 983, this.setFilter("shadow", cssString_$4))
} else { = cssString_$4
this.shadow = cssString_$4;
$7.lineno = 989, this.applyCSS("overflow", "", "scrolldiv")
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js#979/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 979;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzInputTextSprite = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (owner_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["owner", owner_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 12;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (owner_$0 == null) return;
this.constructor = arguments.callee;
this.owner = owner_$0;
this.uid = LzSprite.prototype.uid++;
this.__csscache = {};
this.__LZdiv = ($3.lineno = 18, document.createElement("div"));
this.__LZdiv.className = "lzinputtextcontainer";
this.__LZdiv.owner = this;
if (this.quirks.autoscroll_textarea) {
this.dragging = false
if (this.quirks.ie_leak_prevention) {
this.__sprites[this.uid] = this
$3.lineno = 28, this.__createInputText()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#12/25";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 12;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype = new LzTextSprite(null);
LzInputTextSprite.prototype._dbg_typename = "LzInputTextSprite";
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastshown = null;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite = null;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastfocus = null;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype._cancelfocus = false;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype._cancelblur = false;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.____crregexp = new RegExp("\\r\\n", "g");
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__createInputText = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (t_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["t", t_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 71;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LzInputDiv) return;
var type_$1 = "";
if (this.owner) {
if (this.owner.password) {
type_$1 = "password"
} else if (this.owner.multiline) {
type_$1 = "multiline"
$5.lineno = 82, this.__createInputDiv(type_$1);
t_$0 = t_$0 || "";
$5.lineno = 85, lz.embed.__setAttr(this.__LzInputDiv, "value", t_$0);
if (this.quirks.fix_clickable) {
if (this.quirks.fix_ie_clickable) {
this.__LZinputclickdiv = ($5.lineno = 89, document.createElement("img"));
this.__LZinputclickdiv.src = LzSprite.blankimage
} else {
this.__LZinputclickdiv = ($5.lineno = 92, document.createElement("div"))
this.__LZinputclickdiv.className = "lzclickdiv";
this.__LZinputclickdiv.owner = this;
$5.lineno = 97, this.setClickable(true);
if (!this.__LZclickcontainerdiv) {
this.__LZclickcontainerdiv = ($5.lineno = 101, this.__createContainerDivs("click"))
if (this.quirks.input_highlight_bug) {
var ffoxdiv_$2 = ($5.lineno = 113, document.createElement("div"));
ffoxdiv_$ = "white";
ffoxdiv_$ = 0;
$5.lineno = 116, this.__LZclickcontainerdiv.appendChild(ffoxdiv_$2);
$5.lineno = 117, ffoxdiv_$2.appendChild(this.__LZinputclickdiv)
} else {
$5.lineno = 119, this.__LZclickcontainerdiv.appendChild(this.__LZinputclickdiv)
$5.lineno = 123, this.__LZdiv.appendChild(this.__LzInputDiv);
$5.lineno = 126, this.__setTextEvents(true)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#71/49";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 71;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__createInputDiv = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (type_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["type", type_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 129;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var tagname_$1 = "input";
if (type_$0 === "password") {
this.multiline = false;
this.__LzInputDiv = ($4.lineno = 133, document.createElement(tagname_$1));
$4.lineno = 134, lz.embed.__setAttr(this.__LzInputDiv, "type", "password")
} else if (type_$0 === "multiline") {
tagname_$1 = "textarea";
this.multiline = true;
this.__LzInputDiv = ($4.lineno = 138, document.createElement(tagname_$1))
} else {
this.multiline = false;
this.__LzInputDiv = ($4.lineno = 141, document.createElement(tagname_$1));
$4.lineno = 142, lz.embed.__setAttr(this.__LzInputDiv, "type", "text")
if (this.quirks.firefox_autocomplete_bug) {
$4.lineno = 145, lz.embed.__setAttr(this.__LzInputDiv, "autocomplete", "off")
this.__LzInputDiv.owner = this;
if (this.quirks.emulate_flash_font_metrics) {
if (this.multiline) {
this.className = this.__LzInputDiv.className = "lzswfinputtextmultiline";
this._whiteSpace = "pre-wrap"
} else {
this.className = this.__LzInputDiv.className = "lzswfinputtext"
}} else {
this.className = this.__LzInputDiv.className = "lzinputtext"
if (this.owner) {
$4.lineno = 160, lz.embed.__setAttr(this.__LzInputDiv, "name",
this.scrolldiv = this.__LzInputDiv;
this.scrolldivtagname = tagname_$1;
this.scrolldiv.owner = this;
$4.lineno = 167, this.setScrolling(this.multiline)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#129/48";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 129;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setMultiline = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ml_$0) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["ml", ml_$0];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$8.lineno = 171;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var oldval_$1 = this.multiline;
this.multiline = ml_$0;
if (this.multiline !== oldval_$1) {
var olddiv_$2 = this.__LzInputDiv;
$8.lineno = 178, this.__setTextEvents(false);
$8.lineno = 180, this.__createInputDiv(ml_$0 ? "multiline" : "");
var newdiv_$3 = this.__LzInputDiv;
$8.lineno = 186, lz.embed.__setAttr(newdiv_$3, "style", olddiv_$;
if (this.quirks["fix_ie_css_syntax"]) {
newdiv_$ = olddiv_$;
newdiv_$ = olddiv_$;
newdiv_$ = olddiv_$;
newdiv_$ = olddiv_$;
newdiv_$ = olddiv_$
var oldleft_$4 = olddiv_$2.scrollLeft;
var oldtop_$5 = olddiv_$2.scrollTop;
$8.lineno = 198, this.__discardElement(olddiv_$2);
$8.lineno = 200, this.__LZdiv.appendChild(newdiv_$3);
$8.lineno = 203, this.setScrollEvents(this.owner.scrollevents);
newdiv_$3.scrollLeft = oldleft_$4;
newdiv_$3.scrollTop = oldtop_$5;
$8.lineno = 207, this.__setTextEvents(true);
$8.lineno = 209, this.setText(this.text, true)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#171/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 171;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__show = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = [];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$7.lineno = 213;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
if (this.__shown == true || this.disabled == true) return;
$7.lineno = 215, this.__hideIfNotFocused();
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastshown = this;
this.__shown = true;
if (this.quirks["inputtext_parents_cannot_contain_clip"]) {
var sprites_$0 = ($7.lineno = 220, this.__findParents("clip", true));
var l_$1 = sprites_$0.length;
if (l_$1 > 1) {
if (this._shownclipvals == null) {
this._shownclipvals = [];
this._shownclippedsprites = sprites_$0;
for (var n_$2 = 0;n_$2 < l_$1;n_$2++) {
var v_$3 = sprites_$0[n_$2];
this._shownclipvals[n_$2] = v_$;
var noclip_$4 = this.quirks["fix_ie_css_syntax"] ? "rect(auto auto auto auto)" : "";
v_$ = noclip_$4
$7.lineno = 238, LzMouseKernel.setGlobalClickable(false);
if (LzSprite.quirks.prevent_selection) {
this.__LZdiv.onselectstart = this.__onselectstartHandler
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#213/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 213;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__hideIfNotFocused = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventname_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["eventname", eventname_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$6.lineno = 247;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var lzinppr_$1 = LzInputTextSprite.prototype;
if (lzinppr_$1.__lastshown == null) return;
var quirks_$2 = LzSprite.quirks;
if (quirks_$2.textgrabsinputtextfocus) {
var s_$3 = window.event;
if (s_$3 && s_$3.srcElement && s_$3.srcElement.owner && s_$3.srcElement.owner instanceof LzTextSprite) {
if (eventname_$0 == "onmousedown") {
$6.lineno = 257, lzinppr_$1.__lastshown.gotFocus()
if (lzinppr_$1.__focusedSprite != lzinppr_$1.__lastshown) {
$6.lineno = 263, lzinppr_$1.__lastshown.__hide()
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#247/50";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 247;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__hide = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ignore_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["ignore", ignore_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 267;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.__shown != true || this.disabled == true) return;
if (LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastshown == this) {
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastshown = null
this.__shown = false;
if (this.quirks["inputtext_parents_cannot_contain_clip"]) {
if (this._shownclipvals != null) {
for (var n_$1 = 0;n_$1 < this._shownclipvals.length;n_$1++) {
var v_$2 = this._shownclippedsprites[n_$1];
v_$ = this._shownclipvals[n_$1]
this._shownclipvals = null;
this._shownclippedsprites = null
$5.lineno = 286, LzMouseKernel.setGlobalClickable(true);
if (LzSprite.quirks.prevent_selection) {
if (LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastshown == null) {
this.__LZdiv.onselectstart = LzTextSprite.prototype.__cancelhandler
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#267/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 267;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.gotBlur = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 299;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite != this) return;
$2.lineno = 302, this.deselect()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#299/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 299;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.gotFocus = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 306;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite == this) return;
$2.lineno = 309,
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#306/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 306;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setText = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (t_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["t", t_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 312;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["htmlinputtext"]) {
if (($3.lineno = 318, t_$0.indexOf("
")) != -1) {
t_$0 = ($3.lineno = 319, t_$0.replace(this.br_to_newline_re, "\r"))
this.text = t_$0;
$3.lineno = 324, this.__createInputText(t_$0);
this.__LzInputDiv.value = t_$0;
$3.lineno = 326, this.__updatefieldsize()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#312/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 312;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__setTextEvents = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["c", c_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$5.lineno = 329;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var div_$1 = this.__LzInputDiv;
var f_$2 = c_$0 ? this.__textEvent : null;
div_$1.onblur = f_$2;
div_$1.onfocus = f_$2;
if (this.quirks.ie_mouse_events) {
div_$1.onmouseleave = f_$2
} else {
div_$1.onmouseout = f_$2
div_$1.onmousemove = f_$2;
div_$1.onmousedown = f_$2;
div_$1.onmouseup = f_$2;
div_$1.onkeyup = f_$2;
div_$1.onkeydown = f_$2;
div_$1.onkeypress = f_$2;
div_$1.onchange = f_$2;
if (this.quirks.ie_paste_event || this.quirks.safari_paste_event) {
div_$1.onpaste = c_$0 ? (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 348;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 348, this.owner.__pasteHandlerEx(e_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#348/27";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 348;
return $lzsc$temp
})() : null
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#329/47";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 329;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__pasteHandlerEx = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (evt_$0) {
var $e = Debug;
var $f = $e.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($f) {
var $g = ["evt", evt_$0];
$g.callee = arguments.callee;
$g["this"] = this;
$g.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$g.lineno = 352;
if ($f.length > $f.maxDepth) {
var checkre_$1 = !(!this.restrict);
var checkml_$2 = this.multiline && this.owner.maxlength > 0;
if (checkre_$1 || checkml_$2) {
evt_$0 = evt_$0 || window.event;
if (this.quirks.safari_paste_event) {
var txt_$3 = ($g.lineno = 360, evt_$0.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"))
} else {
var txt_$3 = ($g.lineno = 362, window.clipboardData.getData("TEXT"));
txt_$3 = ($g.lineno = 363, txt_$3.replace(this.____crregexp, "\n"))
var stopPaste_$4 = false;
var selsize_$5 = ($g.lineno = 367, this.getSelectionSize());
if (selsize_$5 < 0) selsize_$5 = 0;
if (checkre_$1) {
var matched_$6 = ($g.lineno = 372, txt_$3.match(this.restrict));
if (matched_$6 == null) {
var newtxt_$7 = ""
} else {
var newtxt_$7 = ($g.lineno = 376, matched_$6.join(""))
stopPaste_$4 = newtxt_$7 != txt_$3;
txt_$3 = newtxt_$7
if (checkml_$2) {
var max_$8 = this.owner.maxlength + selsize_$5;
if (this.quirks.text_ie_carriagereturn) {
var len_$9 = ($g.lineno = 385, this.__LzInputDiv.value.replace(this.____crregexp, "\n")).length
} else {
var len_$9 = this.__LzInputDiv.value.length
var maxchars_$a = max_$8 - len_$9;
if (maxchars_$a > 0) {
if (txt_$3.length > maxchars_$a) {
txt_$3 = ($g.lineno = 393, txt_$3.substring(0, maxchars_$a));
stopPaste_$4 = true
}} else {
txt_$3 = "";
stopPaste_$4 = true
if (stopPaste_$4) {
evt_$0.returnValue = false;
if (evt_$0.preventDefault) {
$g.lineno = 405, evt_$0.preventDefault()
if (txt_$3.length > 0) {
if (this.quirks.safari_paste_event) {
var val_$b = this.__LzInputDiv.value;
var selpos_$c = ($g.lineno = 411, this.getSelectionPosition());
this.__LzInputDiv.value = ($g.lineno = 414, val_$b.substring(0, selpos_$c)) + txt_$3 + ($g.lineno = 414, val_$b.substring(selpos_$c + selsize_$5));
selpos_$c += txt_$3.length;
$g.lineno = 418, this.__LzInputDiv.setSelectionRange(selpos_$c, selpos_$c)
} else {
var range_$d = ($g.lineno = 420, document.selection.createRange());
range_$d.text = txt_$3
finally {
if ($f) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#352/48";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 352;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__pasteHandler = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 429;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
var selpos = ($2.lineno = 430, this.getSelectionPosition());
var selsize = ($2.lineno = 431, this.getSelectionSize());
var val = this.__LzInputDiv.value;
var that = this;
$2.lineno = 436, setTimeout((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = [];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$b.lineno = 436;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
var checkre_$0 = !(!that.restrict);
var checkml_$1 = that.multiline && that.owner.maxlength > 0;
var newval_$2 = that.__LzInputDiv.value;
var newlen_$3 = newval_$2.length;
var max_$4 = that.owner.maxlength;
if (checkre_$0 || checkml_$1 && newlen_$3 > max_$4) {
var len_$5 = val.length;
var newc_$6 = ($b.lineno = 446, newval_$2.substr(selpos, newlen_$3 - len_$5 + selsize));
if (checkre_$0) {
var matched_$7 = ($b.lineno = 450, newc_$6.match(that.restrict));
newc_$6 = matched_$7 != null ? ($b.lineno = 451, matched_$7.join("")) : ""
if (checkml_$1) {
var maxchars_$8 = max_$4 + selsize - len_$5;
newc_$6 = ($b.lineno = 457, newc_$6.substring(0, maxchars_$8))
that.__LzInputDiv.value = ($b.lineno = 461, val.substring(0, selpos)) + newc_$6 + ($b.lineno = 461, val.substring(selpos + selsize));
selpos += newc_$6.length;
$b.lineno = 466, that.__LzInputDiv.setSelectionRange(selpos, selpos)
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#436/16";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 436;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), 1)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#429/46";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 429;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__textEvent = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (evt_$0) {
var $j = Debug;
var $k = $j.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($k) {
var $l = ["evt", evt_$0];
$l.callee = arguments.callee;
$l["this"] = this;
$l.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$l.lineno = 472;
if ($k.length > $k.maxDepth) {
evt_$0 = evt_$0 || window.event;
var sprite_$1 = this.owner;
if (sprite_$1.__LZdeleted == true) return;
if (sprite_$1.__skipevent) {
sprite_$1.__skipevent = false;
var eventname_$2 = "on" + evt_$0.type;
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_mouse_events) {
if (eventname_$2 === "onmouseleave") {
eventname_$2 = "onmouseout"
var quirks_$3 = sprite_$1.quirks;
if (eventname_$2 === "onmousedown" || eventname_$2 === "onmouseup" || eventname_$2 === "onmouseout" || eventname_$2 === "onmousemove") {
if (quirks_$3.autoscroll_textarea) {
if (eventname_$2 === "onmousedown") {
sprite_$1.dragging = true
} else if (eventname_$2 === "onmouseup" || eventname_$2 === "onmouseout") {
sprite_$1.dragging = false
} else if (eventname_$2 === "onmousemove") {
if (sprite_$1.dragging) {
var d_$4 = sprite_$1.__LzInputDiv;
var y_$5 = evt_$0.pageY - d_$4.offsetTop;
if (y_$5 <= 3) {
d_$4.scrollTop -= sprite_$1.lineHeight ? sprite_$1.lineHeight : 10
if (y_$5 >= d_$4.clientHeight - 3) {
d_$4.scrollTop += sprite_$1.lineHeight ? sprite_$1.lineHeight : 10
if (eventname_$2 === "onmouseout") {
$l.lineno = 519, sprite_$1.__mouseEvent(eventname_$2)
} else if (eventname_$2 === "onmousedown") {
sprite_$1.__mouseisdown = true
} else if (eventname_$2 === "onmouseup") {
evt_$0.cancelBubble = true;
if (!($l.lineno = 525, sprite_$1.__isMouseOver())) {
$l.lineno = 526, sprite_$1.__globalmouseup(evt_$0);
$l.lineno = 528, sprite_$1.deselect()
} else {
$l.lineno = 530, sprite_$1.__mouseEvent(eventname_$2)
if (sprite_$1.__shown != true) {
if (eventname_$2 === "onfocus") {
sprite_$1.__skipevent = true;
$l.lineno = 544, sprite_$1.__show();
$l.lineno = 545, sprite_$1.__LzInputDiv.blur();
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastfocus = sprite_$1;
$l.lineno = 547, LzKeyboardKernel.setKeyboardControl(true)
var view_$6 = this.owner.owner;
if (eventname_$2 === "onfocus") {
$l.lineno = 554, LzMouseKernel.setGlobalClickable(false);
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite = sprite_$1;
$l.lineno = 556, sprite_$1.__show();
if (sprite_$1._cancelfocus) {
sprite_$1._cancelfocus = false;
if (window["LzKeyboardKernel"]) LzKeyboardKernel.__cancelKeys = false
} else if (eventname_$2 === "onblur") {
if (window["LzKeyboardKernel"]) LzKeyboardKernel.__cancelKeys = true;
if (LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite === sprite_$1) {
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__focusedSprite = null
$l.lineno = 572, sprite_$1.__hide();
if (sprite_$1._cancelblur) {
sprite_$1._cancelblur = false;
}} else if (eventname_$2 === "onkeypress") {
if (sprite_$1.restrict || sprite_$1.multiline && view_$6.maxlength && view_$6.maxlength < Infinity) {
var keycode_$7 = evt_$0.keyCode;
var charcode_$8 = quirks_$3.text_event_charcode ? evt_$0.charCode : evt_$0.keyCode;
var validChar_$9 = !(evt_$0.ctrlKey || evt_$0.altKey) && (charcode_$8 >= 32 || keycode_$7 === 13);
if (validChar_$9) {
var prevent_$a = false;
if (keycode_$7 != 13 && sprite_$1.restrict) {
prevent_$a = 0 > ($l.lineno = 589, ($l.lineno = 589, String.fromCharCode(charcode_$8)).search(sprite_$1.restrict))
if (!prevent_$a) {
var selsize_$b = ($l.lineno = 592, sprite_$1.getSelectionSize());
if (selsize_$b <= 0) {
if (quirks_$3.text_ie_carriagereturn) {
var val_$c = ($l.lineno = 596, sprite_$1.__LzInputDiv.value.replace(sprite_$1.____crregexp, "\n"))
} else {
var val_$c = sprite_$1.__LzInputDiv.value
var len_$d = val_$c.length, max_$e = view_$6.maxlength;
if (len_$d >= max_$e) {
prevent_$a = true
if (prevent_$a) {
evt_$0.returnValue = false;
if (evt_$0.preventDefault) {
$l.lineno = 610, evt_$0.preventDefault()
}}} else {
if (quirks_$3.keypress_function_keys) {
var ispaste_$f = false;
if (evt_$0.ctrlKey && !evt_$0.altKey && !evt_$0.shiftKey) {
var c_$g = ($l.lineno = 619, String.fromCharCode(charcode_$8));
ispaste_$f = c_$g === "v" || c_$g === "V"
} else if (evt_$0.shiftKey && !evt_$0.altKey && !evt_$0.ctrlKey) {
ispaste_$f = keycode_$7 === 45
if (ispaste_$f) {
if (sprite_$1.restrict) {
$l.lineno = 631, sprite_$1.__pasteHandler()
} else {
var len_$d = sprite_$1.__LzInputDiv.value.length, max_$e = view_$6.maxlength;
if (len_$d < max_$e || ($l.lineno = 634, sprite_$1.getSelectionSize()) > 0) {
$l.lineno = 635, sprite_$1.__pasteHandler()
} else {
evt_$0.returnValue = false;
if (evt_$0.preventDefault) {
$l.lineno = 639, evt_$0.preventDefault()
$l.lineno = 646, sprite_$1.__updatefieldsize()
if (view_$6) {
if (eventname_$2 === "onkeydown" || eventname_$2 === "onkeyup") {
var d_$4 = sprite_$1.__LzInputDiv;
var v_$h = d_$4.value;
if (v_$h != sprite_$1.text) {
sprite_$1.text = v_$h;
if (sprite_$1.multiline) {
if (sprite_$1.quirks["forcemeasurescrollheight"]) {
d_$ = 0;
var oldscroll_$i = d_$4.scrollTop;
d_$4.scrollTop = 0;
if (sprite_$1._h != 0) {
d_$ = sprite_$1._h
if (oldscroll_$i != 0) {
d_$4.scrollTop = oldscroll_$i
$l.lineno = 690, view_$6.inputtextevent("onchange", v_$h)
if (quirks_$3.autoscroll_textarea && eventname_$2 === "onkeydown" && d_$4.selectionStart === v_$h.length) {
d_$4.scrollTop = d_$4.scrollHeight - d_$4.clientHeight + 20
}} else {
$l.lineno = 699, view_$6.inputtextevent(eventname_$2)
finally {
if ($k) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#472/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 472;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.$LzTextSprite$setClickable = LzTextSprite.prototype.setClickable;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setClickable = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (clickable_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["clickable", clickable_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 705;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.__clickable = clickable_$0;
$3.lineno = 709, this.$LzTextSprite$setClickable(true)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#705/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 705;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setEnabled = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 712;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.disabled = !val_$0;
this.__LzInputDiv.disabled = this.disabled
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#712/42";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 712;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setMaxLength = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["val", val_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 717;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (val_$0 == Infinity) {
val_$0 = ~0 >>> 1
var t_$1 = ($4.lineno = 722, this.getText());
this.__LzInputDiv.maxLength = val_$0;
if (t_$1 && t_$1.length > val_$0) {
$4.lineno = 726, this.owner._updateSize()
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#717/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 717;
return $lzsc$temp
})(); = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 730;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 732, this.__show();
try {
$3.lineno = 735, this.__LzInputDiv.focus()
catch (err_$0) {};
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastfocus = this;
$3.lineno = 738, setTimeout(LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__selectLastFocused, 50);
if (window["LzKeyboardKernel"]) LzKeyboardKernel.__cancelKeys = false
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#730/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 730;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__selectLastFocused = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 744;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastfocus != null) {
$2.lineno = 746,
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#744/51";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 744;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setSelection = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (start_$0, end_$1) {
var $b = Debug;
var $c = $b.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($c) {
var $d = ["start", start_$0, "end", end_$1];
$d.callee = arguments.callee;
$d["this"] = this;
$d.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$d.lineno = 751;
if ($c.length > $c.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
end_$1 = null
if (end_$1 == null) {
end_$1 = start_$0
this._cancelblur = true;
$d.lineno = 754, this.__show();
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__lastfocus = this;
if (this.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
var range_$2 = ($d.lineno = 758, this.__LzInputDiv.createTextRange());
var val_$3 = this.__LzInputDiv.value;
if (start_$0 > end_$1) {
var st_$4 = start_$0;
start_$0 = end_$1;
end_$1 = st_$4
if (this.multiline) {
var offset_$5 = 0;
var startcounter_$6 = 0;
while (offset_$5 < start_$0) {
offset_$5 = ($d.lineno = 774, val_$3.indexOf("\r\n", offset_$5 + 2));
if (offset_$5 == -1) break;
var midcounter_$7 = 0;
while (offset_$5 < end_$1) {
offset_$5 = ($d.lineno = 780, val_$3.indexOf("\r\n", offset_$5 + 2));
if (offset_$5 == -1) break;
var endcounter_$8 = 0;
while (offset_$5 < val_$3.length) {
offset_$5 = ($d.lineno = 786, val_$3.indexOf("\r\n", offset_$5 + 2));
if (offset_$5 == -1) break;
var tl_$9 = range_$2.text.length;
var st_$4 = start_$0;
var ed_$a = end_$1 - val_$3.length + startcounter_$6 + midcounter_$7 + endcounter_$8 + 1
} else {
var st_$4 = start_$0;
var ed_$a = end_$1 - range_$2.text.length
$d.lineno = 802, range_$2.moveStart("character", st_$4);
$d.lineno = 803, range_$2.moveEnd("character", ed_$a);
$d.lineno = 804, range_$
} else {
$d.lineno = 809, this.__LzInputDiv.setSelectionRange(start_$0, end_$1)
$d.lineno = 811, this.__LzInputDiv.focus();
if (window["LzKeyboardKernel"]) LzKeyboardKernel.__cancelKeys = false
finally {
if ($c) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#751/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 751;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.getSelectionPosition = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 816;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this.__shown || this.disabled == true) return -1;
if (this.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
if (this.multiline) {
var p_$0 = ($3.lineno = 820, this._getTextareaSelection())
} else {
var p_$0 = ($3.lineno = 822, this._getTextSelection())
if (p_$0) {
return p_$0.start
} else {
return -1
}} else {
return this.__LzInputDiv.selectionStart
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#816/52";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 816;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.getSelectionSize = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 835;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this.__shown || this.disabled == true) return -1;
if (this.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
if (this.multiline) {
var p_$0 = ($3.lineno = 839, this._getTextareaSelection())
} else {
var p_$0 = ($3.lineno = 841, this._getTextSelection())
if (p_$0) {
return p_$0.end - p_$0.start
} else {
return -1
}} else {
return this.__LzInputDiv.selectionEnd - this.__LzInputDiv.selectionStart
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#835/48";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 835;
return $lzsc$temp
if (LzSprite.quirks["text_selection_use_range"]) {
LzInputTextSprite.prototype._getTextSelection = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = [];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$8.lineno = 854;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
$8.lineno = 855, this.__LzInputDiv.focus();
var range_$0 = ($8.lineno = 857, document.selection.createRange());
var bookmark_$1 = ($8.lineno = 858, range_$0.getBookmark());
var originalContents_$2 = contents = this.__LzInputDiv.value;
do {
var marker_$3 = "~~~" + ($8.lineno = 862, Math.random()) + "~~~"
} while (($8.lineno = 863, contents.indexOf(marker_$3)) != -1);
var parent_$4 = ($8.lineno = 865, range_$0.parentElement());
if (parent_$4 == null || !(parent_$4.type == "text" || parent_$4.type == "textarea")) {
range_$0.text = marker_$3 + range_$0.text + marker_$3;
contents = this.__LzInputDiv.value;
var result_$5 = {};
result_$5.start = ($8.lineno = 873, contents.indexOf(marker_$3));
contents = ($8.lineno = 874, contents.replace(marker_$3, ""));
result_$5.end = ($8.lineno = 875, contents.indexOf(marker_$3));
this.__LzInputDiv.value = originalContents_$2;
$8.lineno = 878, range_$0.moveToBookmark(bookmark_$1);
$8.lineno = 879, range_$;
return result_$5
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#854/49";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 854;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype._getTextareaSelection = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $n = Debug;
var $o = $n.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($o) {
var $p = [];
$p.callee = arguments.callee;
$p["this"] = this;
$p.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$p.lineno = 884;
if ($o.length > $o.maxDepth) {
var textarea_$0 = this.__LzInputDiv;
var selection_range_$1 = ($p.lineno = 886, ($p.lineno = 886, document.selection.createRange()).duplicate());
if (($p.lineno = 888, selection_range_$1.parentElement()) == textarea_$0) {
var before_range_$2 = ($p.lineno = 892, document.body.createTextRange());
$p.lineno = 893, before_range_$2.moveToElementText(textarea_$0);
$p.lineno = 894, before_range_$2.setEndPoint("EndToStart", selection_range_$1);
var after_range_$3 = ($p.lineno = 896, document.body.createTextRange());
$p.lineno = 897, after_range_$3.moveToElementText(textarea_$0);
$p.lineno = 898, after_range_$3.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", selection_range_$1);
var before_finished_$4 = false, selection_finished_$5 = false, after_finished_$6 = false;
var before_text_$7, untrimmed_before_text_$8, selection_text_$9, untrimmed_selection_text_$a, after_text_$b, untrimmed_after_text_$c;
before_text_$7 = untrimmed_before_text_$8 = before_range_$2.text;
selection_text_$9 = untrimmed_selection_text_$a = selection_range_$1.text;
after_text_$b = untrimmed_after_text_$c = after_range_$3.text;
do {
if (!before_finished_$4) {
if (($p.lineno = 913, before_range_$2.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", before_range_$2)) == 0) {
before_finished_$4 = true
} else {
$p.lineno = 916, before_range_$2.moveEnd("character", -1);
if (before_range_$2.text == before_text_$7) {
untrimmed_before_text_$8 += "\r\n"
} else {
before_finished_$4 = true
if (!selection_finished_$5) {
if (($p.lineno = 925, selection_range_$1.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", selection_range_$1)) == 0) {
selection_finished_$5 = true
} else {
$p.lineno = 928, selection_range_$1.moveEnd("character", -1);
if (selection_range_$1.text == selection_text_$9) {
untrimmed_selection_text_$a += "\r\n"
} else {
selection_finished_$5 = true
if (!after_finished_$6) {
if (($p.lineno = 937, after_range_$3.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", after_range_$3)) == 0) {
after_finished_$6 = true
} else {
$p.lineno = 940, after_range_$3.moveEnd("character", -1);
if (after_range_$3.text == after_text_$b) {
untrimmed_after_text_$c += "\r\n"
} else {
after_finished_$6 = true
}}}} while (!before_finished_$4 || !selection_finished_$5 || !after_finished_$6);
var untrimmed_text_$d = untrimmed_before_text_$8 + untrimmed_selection_text_$a + untrimmed_after_text_$c;
var untrimmed_successful_$e = false;
if (textarea_$0.value == untrimmed_text_$d) {
untrimmed_successful_$e = true
var startPoint_$f = untrimmed_before_text_$8.length;
var endPoint_$g = startPoint_$f + untrimmed_selection_text_$a.length;
var selected_text_$h = untrimmed_selection_text_$a;
var val_$i = this.__LzInputDiv.value;
var offset_$j = 0;
var startcounter_$k = 0;
while (offset_$j < startPoint_$f) {
offset_$j = ($p.lineno = 971, val_$i.indexOf("\r\n", offset_$j + 2));
if (offset_$j == -1) break;
var midcounter_$l = 0;
while (offset_$j < endPoint_$g) {
offset_$j = ($p.lineno = 977, val_$i.indexOf("\r\n", offset_$j + 2));
if (offset_$j == -1) break;
var endcounter_$m = 0;
while (offset_$j < val_$i.length) {
offset_$j = ($p.lineno = 983, val_$i.indexOf("\r\n", offset_$j + 2));
if (offset_$j == -1) break;
startPoint_$f -= startcounter_$k;
endPoint_$g -= midcounter_$l + startcounter_$k;
return {start: startPoint_$f, end: endPoint_$g}}}
finally {
if ($o) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#884/53";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 884;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.deselect = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 997;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 999, this.__hide();
if (this.__LzInputDiv && this.__LzInputDiv.blur) $2.lineno = 1000, this.__LzInputDiv.blur();
if (window["LzKeyboardKernel"]) LzKeyboardKernel.__cancelKeys = true
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#997/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 997;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__fontStyle = "normal";
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__fontWeight = "normal";
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__fontSize = "11px";
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__fontFamily = "Verdana,Vera,sans-serif";
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.$LzTextSprite$setFontSize = LzTextSprite.prototype.setFontSize;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setFontSize = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fsize_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["fsize", fsize_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1012;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1013, this.$LzTextSprite$setFontSize(fsize_$0);
if (this.__fontSize != this._fontSize) {
this.__fontSize = this._fontSize; = this._fontSize
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#1012/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1012;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.$LzTextSprite$setFontStyle = LzTextSprite.prototype.setFontStyle;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setFontStyle = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fstyle_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["fstyle", fstyle_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1021;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1022, this.$LzTextSprite$setFontStyle(fstyle_$0);
if (this.__fontStyle != this._fontStyle) {
this.__fontStyle = this._fontStyle; = this._fontStyle
if (this.__fontWeight != this._fontWeight) {
this.__fontWeight = this._fontWeight; = this._fontWeight
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#1021/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1021;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.$LzTextSprite$setFontName = LzTextSprite.prototype.setFontName;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setFontName = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fname_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["fname", fname_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1034;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1035, this.$LzTextSprite$setFontName(fname_$0);
if (this.__fontFamily != this._fontFamily) {
this.__fontFamily = this._fontFamily; = this._fontFamily
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#1034/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1034;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.$LzTextSprite$setWidth = LzTextSprite.prototype.setWidth;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__iwidthcss = 0;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setWidth = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (w_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["w", w_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 1044;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (w_$0 == null || w_$0 < 0 || ($4.lineno = 1045, isNaN(w_$0))) return;
var nw_$1 = ($4.lineno = 1047, this.$LzTextSprite$setWidth(w_$0));
if (nw_$1 == null) return;
if (this.quirks.fix_clickable && nw_$1 !== null) {
nw_$1 = ($4.lineno = 1052, this.CSSDimension(nw_$1));
if (nw_$1 !== this.__iwidthcss) {
this.__iwidthcss = nw_$1; = nw_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#1044/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1044;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.$LzTextSprite$setHeight = LzTextSprite.prototype.setHeight;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.__iheightcss = 0;
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setHeight = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (h_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["h", h_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$4.lineno = 1063;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (h_$0 == null || h_$0 < 0 || ($4.lineno = 1064, isNaN(h_$0))) return;
var nh_$1 = ($4.lineno = 1066, this.$LzTextSprite$setHeight(h_$0));
if (nh_$1 == null) return;
if (this.quirks.fix_clickable && nh_$1 !== null) {
nh_$1 = ($4.lineno = 1071, this.CSSDimension(nh_$1));
if (nh_$1 !== this.__iheightcss) {
this.__iheightcss = nh_$1; = nh_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#1063/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1063;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setColor = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1081;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.color == c_$0) return;
this.color = c_$0; = ($3.lineno = 1084, LzColorUtils.inttohex(c_$0))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#1081/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1081;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.getText = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 1087;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.multiline && this.quirks.text_ie_carriagereturn) {
return $2.lineno = 1089, this.__LzInputDiv.value.replace(this.____crregexp, "\n")
} else {
return this.__LzInputDiv.value
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#1087/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1087;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.findSelection = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$2.lineno = 1098;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (LzInputTextSprite.__focusedSprite && LzInputTextSprite.__focusedSprite.owner) {
return LzInputTextSprite.__focusedSprite.owner
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#1098/35";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1098;
return $lzsc$temp
LzInputTextSprite.prototype.setTextColor = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$3.lineno = 1105;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.textcolor === c_$0) return;
this.textcolor = c_$0; = ($3.lineno = 1108, LzColorUtils.inttohex(c_$0))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js#1105/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzInputTextSprite.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1105;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzXMLParser = {parseXML: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, trimwhitespace_$1, nsprefix_$2) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["str", str_$0, "trimwhitespace", trimwhitespace_$1, "nsprefix", nsprefix_$2];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$8.lineno = 15;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var parser_$3 = ($8.lineno = 21, new DOMParser());
var doc_$4 = ($8.lineno = 22, parser_$3.parseFromString(str_$0, "text/xml"));
var err_$5 = ($8.lineno = 24, this.getParserError(doc_$4));
if (err_$5) {
throw $8.lineno = 26, new Error(err_$5)
} else {
return doc_$4.firstChild
catch ($lzsc$e) {
if (Error["$lzsc$isa"] ? Error.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$e) : $lzsc$e instanceof Error) {
lz.$lzsc$thrownError = $lzsc$e
throw $lzsc$e
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js#15/15";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 15;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), getParserError: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (doc_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["doc", doc_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$4.lineno = 31;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var browser_$1 = lz.embed.browser;
if (browser_$1.isIE) {
return $4.lineno = 35, this.__checkIE(doc_$0)
} else if (browser_$1.isFirefox || browser_$1.isOpera) {
return $4.lineno = 37, this.__checkFirefox(doc_$0)
} else if (browser_$1.isSafari) {
return $4.lineno = 39, this.__checkSafari(doc_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js#31/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 31;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __checkIE: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (doc_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["doc", doc_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$4.lineno = 42;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var perr_$1 = doc_$0.parseError;
if (perr_$1.errorCode != 0) {
return perr_$1.reason
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js#42/16";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 42;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __checkFirefox: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (doc_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["doc", doc_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$5.lineno = 48;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var c_$1 = doc_$0.documentElement;
if (c_$1 && c_$1.nodeName == "parsererror") {
var msg_$2 = c_$1.firstChild.nodeValue;
return ($5.lineno = 54, msg_$2.match(".*"))[0]
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js#48/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 48;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __checkSafari: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (doc_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["doc", doc_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$5.lineno = 57;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var c_$1 = doc_$0.documentElement;
if (c_$1 instanceof HTMLElement) {
(c_$1 = c_$1.firstChild) && (c_$1 = c_$1.firstChild)
} else {
c_$1 = c_$1.firstChild
if (c_$1 && c_$1.nodeName == "parsererror") {
var msg_$2 = c_$1.childNodes[1].textContent;
return ($5.lineno = 74, msg_$2.match("[^:]*: (.*)"))[1]
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js#57/20";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 57;
return $lzsc$temp
if (typeof DOMParser == "undefined") {
var DOMParser = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$2.lineno = 84;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js#84/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 84;
return $lzsc$temp
DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, contentType_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["str", str_$0, "contentType", contentType_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$9.lineno = 85;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
if (typeof window.ActiveXObject != "undefined") {
var progIDs_$2 = ["Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0", "MSXML.DomDocument"];
var xmlDOM_$3 = null;
for (var i_$4 = 0;i_$4 < progIDs_$2.length;i_$4++) {
try {
xmlDOM_$3 = ($9.lineno = 93, new ActiveXObject(progIDs_$2[i_$4]));
catch (ex_$5) {}};
if (xmlDOM_$3 == null) {
$9.lineno = 100, Debug.error("Could not instantiate a XML DOM ActiveXObject")
$9.lineno = 103, xmlDOM_$3.loadXML(str_$0);
return xmlDOM_$3
} else if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined") {
contentType_$1 = contentType_$1 || "application/xml";
var req_$6 = ($9.lineno = 107, new XMLHttpRequest());
$9.lineno = 108, req_$"GET", "data:" + contentType_$1 + ";charset=utf-8," + ($9.lineno = 109, encodeURIComponent(str_$0)), false);
if (req_$6.overrideMimeType) {
$9.lineno = 111, req_$6.overrideMimeType(contentType_$1)
$9.lineno = 113, req_$6.send(null);
return req_$6.responseXML
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js#85/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLParser.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 85;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzXMLTranslator = {whitespacePat: new RegExp("^\\s*$"), stringTrimPat: new RegExp("^\\s+|\\s+$", "g"), copyXML: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (xmldoc_$0, trimwhitespace_$1, nsprefix_$2) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["xmldoc", xmldoc_$0, "trimwhitespace", trimwhitespace_$1, "nsprefix", nsprefix_$2];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLTranslator.js";
$6.lineno = 22;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var lfcnode_$3 = ($6.lineno = 23, this.copyBrowserXML(xmldoc_$0, true, trimwhitespace_$1, nsprefix_$2));
if (lfcnode_$3 instanceof LzDataElement) {
return lfcnode_$3
} else {
return null
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLTranslator.js#22/10";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLTranslator.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 22;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), copyBrowserNode: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (node_$0, ignorewhite_$1, trimwhite_$2, nsprefix_$3) {
var $e = Debug;
var $f = $e.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($f) {
var $g = ["node", node_$0, "ignorewhite", ignorewhite_$1, "trimwhite", trimwhite_$2, "nsprefix", nsprefix_$3];
$g.callee = arguments.callee;
$g["this"] = this;
$g.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLTranslator.js";
$g.lineno = 35;
if ($f.length > $f.maxDepth) {
var type_$4 = node_$0.nodeType;
if (type_$4 == 3 || type_$4 == 4) {
var nv_$5 = node_$0.nodeValue;
if (!(ignorewhite_$1 && ($g.lineno = 41, this.whitespacePat.test(nv_$5)))) {
if (trimwhite_$2) {
nv_$5 = ($g.lineno = 43, nv_$5.replace(this.stringTrimPat, ""))
return $g.lineno = 45, new LzDataText(nv_$5)
}} else if (type_$4 == 1 || type_$4 == 9) {
var nname_$6 = !nsprefix_$3 && (node_$0.localName || node_$0.baseName) || node_$0.nodeName;
var cattrs_$7 = {};
var nattrs_$8 = node_$0.attributes;
if (nattrs_$8) {
for (var k_$9 = 0, len_$a = nattrs_$8.length;k_$9 < len_$a;k_$9++) {
var attrnode_$b = nattrs_$8[k_$9];
if (attrnode_$b) {
var attrname_$c = !nsprefix_$3 && (attrnode_$b.localName || attrnode_$b.baseName) || attrnode_$;
cattrs_$7[attrname_$c] = attrnode_$b.value
var lfcnode_$d = ($g.lineno = 66, new LzDataElement(nname_$6));
lfcnode_$d.attributes = cattrs_$7;
return lfcnode_$d
finally {
if ($f) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLTranslator.js#35/18";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLTranslator.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 35;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), copyBrowserXML: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (xmlnode_$0, ignorewhite_$1, trimwhite_$2, nsprefix_$3) {
var $m = Debug;
var $n = $m.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($n) {
var $o = ["xmlnode", xmlnode_$0, "ignorewhite", ignorewhite_$1, "trimwhite", trimwhite_$2, "nsprefix", nsprefix_$3];
$o.callee = arguments.callee;
$o["this"] = this;
$o.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLTranslator.js";
$o.lineno = 78;
if ($n.length > $n.maxDepth) {
var document_$4 = ($o.lineno = 80, new LzDataElement(null));
if (!xmlnode_$0.firstChild) {
return $o.lineno = 84, document_$4.appendChild(($o.lineno = 84, this.copyBrowserNode(xmlnode_$0, ignorewhite_$1, trimwhite_$2, nsprefix_$3)))
var wsPat_$5 = this.whitespacePat;
var trimPat_$6 = this.stringTrimPat;
var lfcparent_$7 = document_$4;
var next_$8, node_$9 = xmlnode_$0;
for (;;) {
var type_$a = node_$9.nodeType;
if (type_$a == 3 || type_$a == 4) {
var nv_$b = node_$9.nodeValue;
if (!(ignorewhite_$1 && ($o.lineno = 106, wsPat_$5.test(nv_$b)))) {
if (trimwhite_$2) {
nv_$b = ($o.lineno = 108, nv_$b.replace(trimPat_$6, ""))
var cnodes_$c = lfcparent_$7.childNodes;
var last_$d = cnodes_$c[cnodes_$c.length - 1];
if (last_$d instanceof LzDataText) {
last_$ += nv_$b
} else {
var lfcnode_$e = ($o.lineno = 116, new LzDataText(nv_$b));
lfcnode_$e.parentNode = lfcparent_$7;
lfcnode_$e.ownerDocument = document_$4;
lfcnode_$e.__LZo = ($o.lineno = 120, cnodes_$c.push(lfcnode_$e)) - 1
}}} else if (type_$a == 1 || type_$a == 9) {
var nname_$f = !nsprefix_$3 && (node_$9.localName || node_$9.baseName) || node_$9.nodeName;
var cattrs_$g = {};
var nattrs_$h = node_$9.attributes;
if (nattrs_$h) {
for (var k_$i = 0, len_$j = nattrs_$h.length;k_$i < len_$j;k_$i++) {
var attrnode_$k = nattrs_$h[k_$i];
if (attrnode_$k) {
var attrname_$l = !nsprefix_$3 && (attrnode_$k.localName || attrnode_$k.baseName) || attrnode_$;
cattrs_$g[attrname_$l] = attrnode_$k.value
var lfcnode_$e = ($o.lineno = 147, new LzDataElement(nname_$f));
lfcnode_$e.attributes = cattrs_$g;
lfcnode_$e.parentNode = lfcparent_$7;
lfcnode_$e.ownerDocument = document_$4;
lfcnode_$e.__LZo = ($o.lineno = 153, lfcparent_$7.childNodes.push(lfcnode_$e)) - 1;
if (next_$8 = node_$9.firstChild) {
lfcparent_$7 = lfcnode_$e;
node_$9 = next_$8;
while (!(next_$8 = node_$9.nextSibling)) {
node_$9 = node_$9.parentNode;
lfcparent_$7 = lfcparent_$7.parentNode;
if (node_$9 === xmlnode_$0) {
return document_$4.childNodes[0]
node_$9 = next_$8
finally {
if ($n) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzXMLTranslator.js#78/17";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzXMLTranslator.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 78;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzHTTPLoader = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (owner_$0, proxied_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["owner", owner_$0, "proxied", proxied_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$4.lineno = 12;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.owner = owner_$0;
this.options = {parsexml: true, serverproxyargs: null};
this.requestheaders = {};
this.requestmethod = LzHTTPLoader.GET_METHOD
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#12/20";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 12;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.__timeoutID = 0;
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.loadSuccess = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (loader_$0, data_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["loader", loader_$0, "data", data_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$4.lineno = 30;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#30/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 30;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.loadError = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (loader_$0, data_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["loader", loader_$0, "data", data_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$4.lineno = 31;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#31/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 31;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.loadTimeout = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (loader_$0, data_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["loader", loader_$0, "data", data_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$4.lineno = 32;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#32/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 32;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.loadContent = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (self_$0, content_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["self", self_$0, "content", content_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$4.lineno = 34;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.options["parsexml"]) {
$4.lineno = 36, this.translateXML()
} else {
$4.lineno = 38, this.loadSuccess(this, content_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#34/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 34;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.translateXML = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = [];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$8.lineno = 43;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var xml_$0 = this.responseXML;
if (xml_$0 == null || xml_$0.childNodes.length == 0 || lz.embed.browser.isFirefox && ($8.lineno = 46, LzXMLParser.getParserError(xml_$0)) != null) {
$8.lineno = 51, this.loadError(this, null)
} else {
var elt_$1;
var nodes_$2 = xml_$0.childNodes;
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < nodes_$2.length;i_$3++) {
var child_$4 = ($8.lineno = 57, nodes_$2.item(i_$3));
if (child_$4.nodeType == 1) {
elt_$1 = child_$4;
if (elt_$1 != null) {
var lzxdata_$5 = ($8.lineno = 64, LzXMLTranslator.copyXML(elt_$1, this.options.trimwhitespace, this.options.nsprefix));
$8.lineno = 67, this.loadSuccess(this, lzxdata_$5)
} else {
$8.lineno = 70, this.loadError(this, null)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#43/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 43;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.getResponse = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$2.lineno = 76;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.responseText
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#76/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 76;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.getResponseStatus = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$2.lineno = 81;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.responseStatus
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#81/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 81;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.getResponseHeaders = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$2.lineno = 86;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.responseHeaders
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#86/45";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 86;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.getResponseHeader = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["key", key_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 90;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return this.responseHeaders[key_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#90/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 90;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.setRequestHeaders = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (obj_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["obj", obj_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 97;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.requestheaders = obj_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#97/44";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 97;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.setRequestHeader = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0, val_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["key", key_$0, "val", val_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$4.lineno = 105;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.requestheaders[key_$0] = val_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#105/43";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 105;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.setOption = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0, val_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["key", key_$0, "val", val_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$4.lineno = 110;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.options[key_$0] = val_$1
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#110/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 110;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.getOption = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (key_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["key", key_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 115;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return this.options[key_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#115/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 115;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.setProxied = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (proxied_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["proxied", proxied_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 120;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 121, this.setOption("proxied", proxied_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#120/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 120;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.setQueryParams = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (qparams_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["qparams", qparams_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 125;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.queryparams = qparams_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#125/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 125;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.setQueryString = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (qstring_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["qstring", qstring_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 130;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.querystring = qstring_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#130/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 130;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.setQueueing = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (queuing_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["queuing", queuing_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 138;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 139, this.setOption("queuing", queuing_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#138/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 138;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.abort = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$2.lineno = 143;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.req) {
this.__abort = true;
$2.lineno = 146, this.req.abort();
this.req = null;
$2.lineno = 148, this.removeTimeout(this)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#143/32";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 143;
return $lzsc$temp
})(); = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (method_$0, url_$1, username_$2, password_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["method", method_$0, "url", url_$1, "username", username_$2, "password", password_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$6.lineno = 152;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (this.req) {
$6.lineno = 155, Debug.warn("pending request for %w", this);
$6.lineno = 157, this.abort()
this.req = window.XMLHttpRequest ? ($6.lineno = 160, new XMLHttpRequest()) : ($6.lineno = 160, new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"));
this.responseStatus = 0;
this.responseHeaders = null;
this.responseText = null;
this.responseXML = null;
this.__abort = false;
this.__timeout = false;
this.__timeoutID = 0;
this.requesturl = url_$1;
this.requestmethod = method_$0
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#152/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 152;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.send = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (content_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["content", content_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 173;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 174, this.loadXMLDoc(this.requestmethod, this.requesturl, this.requestheaders, content_$0, true)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#173/31";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 173;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.makeProxiedURL = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (proxyurl_$0, url_$1, httpmethod_$2, lzt_$3, headers_$4, postbody_$5) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["proxyurl", proxyurl_$0, "url", url_$1, "httpmethod", httpmethod_$2, "lzt", lzt_$3, "headers", headers_$4, "postbody", postbody_$5];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$9.lineno = 185;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var params_$6 = {serverproxyargs: this.options.serverproxyargs, sendheaders: this.options.sendheaders, trimwhitespace: this.options.trimwhitespace, nsprefix: this.options.nsprefix, timeout: this.timeout, cache: this.options.cacheable, ccache: this.options.ccache, proxyurl: proxyurl_$0, url: url_$1, secure:, postbody: postbody_$5, headers: headers_$4, httpmethod: httpmethod_$2, service: lzt_$3};
return $9.lineno = 202, lz.Browser.makeProxiedURL(params_$6)
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#185/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 185;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.timeout = Infinity;
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.setTimeout = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (timeout_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["timeout", timeout_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 208;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.timeout = timeout_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#208/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 208;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.setupTimeout = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (loader_$0, duration_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["loader", loader_$0, "duration", duration_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$4.lineno = 214;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
loader_$0.__timeoutID = ($4.lineno = 215, setTimeout(LzHTTPLoader.__LZhandleXMLHTTPTimeout, duration_$1, loader_$0))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#214/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 214;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.removeTimeout = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (loader_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["loader", loader_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$4.lineno = 219;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var tid_$1 = loader_$0.__timeoutID;
if (tid_$1 != 0) {
$4.lineno = 222, clearTimeout(tid_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#219/40";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 219;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.__LZhandleXMLHTTPTimeout = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (loader_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["loader", loader_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$3.lineno = 227;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
loader_$0.__timeout = true;
if (loader_$0.req) {
$3.lineno = 230, loader_$0.req.abort();
loader_$0.req = null
$3.lineno = 233, loader_$0.loadTimeout(loader_$0, null)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#227/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 227;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.getElapsedTime = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$2.lineno = 236;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return ($2.lineno = 237, ($2.lineno = 237, new Date()).getTime()) - this.gstart
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#236/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 236;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.__setRequestHeaders = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (xhr_$0, headers_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["xhr", xhr_$0, "headers", headers_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$6.lineno = 241;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (headers_$1 != null) {
for (var key_$2 in headers_$1) {
var val_$3 = headers_$1[key_$2];
$6.lineno = 246, xhr_$0.setRequestHeader(key_$2, val_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#241/46";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 241;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.__getAllResponseHeaders = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (xhr_$0) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["xhr", xhr_$0];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$7.lineno = 251;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
var re_$1 = ($7.lineno = 252, new RegExp("^([-\\w]+):\\s*(\\S(?:.*\\S)?)\\s*$", "mg"));
var respheader_$2 = ($7.lineno = 253, xhr_$0.getAllResponseHeaders());
var allheaders_$3 = {};
var header_$4;
while ((header_$4 = ($7.lineno = 257, re_$1.exec(respheader_$2))) != null) {
allheaders_$3[header_$4[1]] = header_$4[2]
return allheaders_$3
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#251/50";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 251;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.loadXMLDoc = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (method_$0, url_$1, headers_$2, postbody_$3, ignorewhite_$4) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["method", method_$0, "url", url_$1, "headers", headers_$2, "postbody", postbody_$3, "ignorewhite", ignorewhite_$4];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$8.lineno = 264;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
if (this.req) {
var self = this;
this.req.onreadystatechange = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = [];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$5.lineno = 268;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var xhr_$0 = self.req;
if (xhr_$0 == null) {
if (xhr_$0.readyState == 4) {
if (self.__timeout) {
} else if (self.__abort) {
} else {
$5.lineno = 278, self.removeTimeout(self);
self.req = null;
var status_$1 = -1;
try {
status_$1 = xhr_$0.status
catch (e_$2) {};
self.responseStatus = status_$1;
if (status_$1 == 200 || status_$1 == 304) {
self.responseXML = xhr_$0.responseXML;
self.responseText = xhr_$0.responseText;
self.responseHeaders = ($5.lineno = 294, self.__getAllResponseHeaders(xhr_$0));
$5.lineno = 302, self.loadContent(self, self.responseText)
} else {
$5.lineno = 304, self.loadError(self, null)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#268/39";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 268;
return $lzsc$temp
try {
$8.lineno = 311,$0, url_$1, true)
catch (e_$5) {
this.req = null;
$8.lineno = 315, this.loadError(this, null);
if (method_$0 == "POST" && headers_$2["content-type"] == null) {
headers_$2["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
$8.lineno = 323, this.__setRequestHeaders(this.req, headers_$2);
this.gstart = ($8.lineno = 324, ($8.lineno = 324, new Date()).getTime());
try {
$8.lineno = 326, this.req.send(postbody_$3)
catch (e_$5) {
this.req = null;
$8.lineno = 330, this.loadError(this, null);
if ($8.lineno = 335, isFinite(this.timeout)) {
$8.lineno = 336, this.setupTimeout(this, this.timeout)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#264/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 264;
return $lzsc$temp
LzHTTPLoader.prototype.destroy = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$2.lineno = 341;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js#341/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzHTTPLoader.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 341;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzScreenKernel = {width: null, height: null, __resizeEvent: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzScreenKernel.js";
$3.lineno = 16;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var rootcontainerdiv_$0 = LzSprite.__rootSpriteContainer;
LzScreenKernel.width = rootcontainerdiv_$0.offsetWidth;
LzScreenKernel.height = rootcontainerdiv_$0.offsetHeight;
if (LzScreenKernel.__callback) $3.lineno = 56, LzScreenKernel.__scope[LzScreenKernel.__callback]({width: LzScreenKernel.width, height: LzScreenKernel.height})
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzScreenKernel.js#16/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzScreenKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 16;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __init: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzScreenKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 59;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 60, lz.embed.attachEventHandler(, "resize", LzScreenKernel, "__resizeEvent")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzScreenKernel.js#59/14";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzScreenKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 59;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), __callback: null, __scope: null, setCallback: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (scope_$0, funcname_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["scope", scope_$0, "funcname", funcname_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzScreenKernel.js";
$4.lineno = 64;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.__scope = scope_$0;
this.__callback = funcname_$1;
$4.lineno = 67, this.__init();
$4.lineno = 68, this.__resizeEvent()
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzScreenKernel.js#64/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzScreenKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 64;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzContextMenuKernel", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (newowner_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["newowner", newowner_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 17;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.owner = newowner_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 17;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "owner", null, "showbuiltins", false, "_delegate", null, "setDelegate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (delegate_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["delegate", delegate_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 33;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this._delegate = delegate_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setDelegate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 33;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addItem", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (item_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["item", item_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 43;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addItem";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 43;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "hideBuiltInItems", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$2.lineno = 51;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.showbuiltins = false
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "hideBuiltInItems";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 51;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "showBuiltInItems", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$2.lineno = 59;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.showbuiltins = true
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "showBuiltInItems";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 59;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clearItems", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$2.lineno = 68;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clearItems";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 68;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__show", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = [];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$b.lineno = 85;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
if (LzMouseKernel.__showncontextmenu === this) {
} else {
LzMouseKernel.__showncontextmenu = this
var owner_$0 = this.owner;
var del_$1 = this._delegate;
if (del_$1 != null) $b.lineno = 95, del_$1.execute(owner_$0);
if (owner_$0.onmenuopen.ready) $b.lineno = 96, owner_$0.onmenuopen.sendEvent(owner_$0);
var classlist_$2 = [];
var items_$3 = ($b.lineno = 99, owner_$0.getItems());
var _items_$4 = {};
for (var i_$5 = 0;i_$5 < items_$3.length;i_$5++) {
var v_$6 = items_$3[i_$5].kernel.cmenuitem;
var caption_$7 = v_$6.caption;
if (v_$6.visible != true || (caption_$7 in _items_$4)) {
_items_$4[caption_$7] = true;
if (v_$6.separatorBefore) {
$b.lineno = 112, classlist_$2.push({type: "separator"})
if (v_$6.enabled) {
$b.lineno = 117, classlist_$2.push({type: "text", label: caption_$7, offset: i_$5})
} else {
$b.lineno = 120, classlist_$2.push({type: "disabled", label: caption_$7, offset: i_$5})
var s_$8 = LzContextMenuKernel.lzcontextmenu || ($b.lineno = 126, LzContextMenuKernel.__create());
$b.lineno = 127, s_$8.setItems(classlist_$2);
$b.lineno = 128, s_$
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__show";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 85;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__hide", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$2.lineno = 132;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
LzMouseKernel.__showncontextmenu = null
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__hide";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 132;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__select", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (i_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["i", i_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$4.lineno = 137;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var items_$1 = ($4.lineno = 138, this.owner.getItems());
if (items_$1 && items_$1[i_$0]) $4.lineno = 139, items_$1[i_$0].kernel.__select()
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__select";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 137;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], null, ["lzcontextmenu", null, "__create", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 76;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var s_$0 = LzContextMenuKernel.lzcontextmenu;
if (!s_$0) {
LzContextMenuKernel.lzcontextmenu = s_$0 = ($3.lineno = 79, new (lz.lzcontextmenu)(canvas))
return s_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__create";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 76;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzContextMenuItemKernel", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (newowner_$0, title_$1, del_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["newowner", newowner_$0, "title", title_$1, "del", del_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$5.lineno = 151;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
this.owner = newowner_$0;
this.cmenuitem = {visible: true, enabled: true, separatorBefore: false, caption: title_$1};
$5.lineno = 154, this.setDelegate(del_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 151;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "owner", null, "cmenuitem", null, "_delegate", null, "setDelegate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (delegate_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["delegate", delegate_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 170;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this._delegate = delegate_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setDelegate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 170;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setCaption", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (caption_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["caption", caption_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 180;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.cmenuitem.caption = caption_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setCaption";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 180;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getCaption", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$2.lineno = 189;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.cmenuitem.caption
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getCaption";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 189;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setEnabled", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 198;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.cmenuitem.enabled = val_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setEnabled";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 198;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setSeparatorBefore", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 209;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.cmenuitem.separatorBefore = val_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setSeparatorBefore";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 209;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setVisible", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$3.lineno = 219;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.cmenuitem.visible = val_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setVisible";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 219;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__select", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$4.lineno = 224;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var owner_$0 = this.owner;
var delegate_$1 = this._delegate;
if (delegate_$1 != null) {
if (delegate_$1 instanceof LzDelegate) {
$4.lineno = 229, delegate_$1.execute(owner_$0)
} else if (typeof delegate_$1 === "function") {
$4.lineno = 231, delegate_$1()
} else {
$4.lineno = 233, Debug.error("LzContextMenuItem.setDelegate must be passed a delegate", owner_$0, delegate_$1)
if (owner_$0.onselect.ready) $4.lineno = 236, owner_$0.onselect.sendEvent(owner_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__select";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzContextMenuKernel.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 224;
return $lzsc$temp
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_timer_closure) {
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["f", f_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$3.lineno = 18;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
window.setTimeout = ($3.lineno = 19, f_$0(window.setTimeout));
window.setInterval = ($3.lineno = 20, f_$0(window.setInterval))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js#18/4";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 18;
return $lzsc$temp
})()((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f) {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = ["f", f];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 21;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c, t_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c, "t", t_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$3.lineno = 22;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var a = ($3.lineno = 23,, 2));
if (typeof c != "function") c = ($3.lineno = 25, new Function(c));
return( $3.lineno = 26, f((function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 26;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 27, c.apply(this, a)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js#26/18";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 26;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), t_$0))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js#22/12";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 22;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js#21/6";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 21;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzTimeKernel = {setTimeout: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 34;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 35, window.setTimeout.apply(window, arguments)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js#34/17";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 34;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), setInterval: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 37;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 38, window.setInterval.apply(window, arguments)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js#37/19";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 37;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), clearTimeout: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (id_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["id", id_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$3.lineno = 40;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 41, window.clearTimeout(id_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js#40/20";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 40;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), clearInterval: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (id_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["id", id_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$3.lineno = 43;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 44, window.clearInterval(id_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js#43/21";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 43;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), startTime: new Date().valueOf(), getTimer: (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$2.lineno = 49;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return ($2.lineno = 50, ($2.lineno = 50, new Date()).valueOf()) - LzTimeKernel.startTime
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js#49/16";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzTimeKernel.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 49;
return $lzsc$temp
var LzFontManager = new Object();
LzFontManager.fonts = {};
LzFontManager.addFont = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fontname_$0, fontstyle_$1, fontweight_$2, path_$3, ptype_$4) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["fontname", fontname_$0, "fontstyle", fontstyle_$1, "fontweight", fontweight_$2, "path", path_$3, "ptype", ptype_$4];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$8.lineno = 35;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var fontobj_$5 = {name: fontname_$0, style: fontstyle_$1, weight: fontweight_$2, url: path_$3, ptype: ptype_$4};
this.fonts[fontname_$0 + "_" + fontstyle_$1 + "_" + fontweight_$2] = fontobj_$5
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#35/25";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 35;
return $lzsc$temp
LzFontManager.generateCSS = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = [];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$8.lineno = 42;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var fonts_$0 = this.fonts;
var output_$1 = "";
for (var i_$2 in fonts_$0) {
var font_$3 = fonts_$0[i_$2];
var url_$4 = ($8.lineno = 47, this.getURL(font_$3));
var i_$2 = ($8.lineno = 48, url_$4.lastIndexOf(".ttf"));
var ieurl_$5 = ($8.lineno = 49, url_$4.substring(0, i_$2)) + ".eot";
output_$1 += "@font-face{font-family:" + font_$ + ";src:url(" + ieurl_$5 + ');src:local("' + font_$ + '"), url(' + url_$4 + ') format("truetype");font-weight:' + font_$3.weight + ";font-style:" + font_$ + ";}"
return output_$1
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#42/29";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 42;
return $lzsc$temp
LzFontManager.getURL = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (font_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["font", font_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$3.lineno = 55;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return ($3.lineno = 56, LzSprite.prototype.getBaseUrl(font_$0)) + font_$0.url
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#55/24";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 55;
return $lzsc$temp
LzFontManager.__fontloadstate = {counter: 0};
LzFontManager.__fontloadcallbacks = {};
LzFontManager.isFontLoaded = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sprite_$0, fontname_$1, fontstyle_$2, fontweight_$3) {
var $d = Debug;
var $e = $d.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($e) {
var $f = ["sprite", sprite_$0, "fontname", fontname_$1, "fontstyle", fontstyle_$2, "fontweight", fontweight_$3];
$f.callee = arguments.callee;
$f["this"] = this;
$f.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$f.lineno = 64;
if ($e.length > $e.maxDepth) {
var font_$4 = this.fonts[fontname_$1 + "_" + fontstyle_$2 + "_" + fontweight_$3];
if (!font_$4) return true;
var url_$5 = ($f.lineno = 70, this.getURL(font_$4));
var fontloadstate_$6 = this.__fontloadstate[url_$5];
if (fontloadstate_$6) {
var loadingstatus_$7 = fontloadstate_$6.state;
if (loadingstatus_$7 >= 2) {
return true
}} else {
var style_$8 = "font-family:" + fontname_$1 + ";font-style:" + fontstyle_$2 + ";font-weight:" + fontweight_$3 + ";width:auto;height:auto;";
var mdiv_$9 = ($f.lineno = 83, this.__createMeasureDiv("lzswftext", style_$8));
$f.lineno = 84, this.__setTextContent(mdiv_$9, "div", 'Yq_gy"9;ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789-=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
mdiv_$ = "inline";
var width_$a = mdiv_$9.clientWidth;
var height_$b = mdiv_$9.clientHeight;
mdiv_$ = "none";
var fontloadstate_$6 = {state: 1, timer: ($f.lineno = 91, ($f.lineno = 91, new Date()).valueOf())};
this.__fontloadstate[url_$5] = fontloadstate_$6;
var cstr_$c = ($f.lineno = 96, lz.BrowserUtils.getcallbackfunc(LzFontManager, "__measurefontdiv", [mdiv_$9, width_$a, height_$b, url_$5]));
fontloadstate_$6.TID = ($f.lineno = 97, setInterval(cstr_$c, ($f.lineno = 97, Math.random()) * 20 + 30))
this.__fontloadcallbacks[sprite_$0.uid] = sprite_$0
finally {
if ($e) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#64/30";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 64;
return $lzsc$temp
LzFontManager.fontloadtimeout = 15000;
LzFontManager.__measurefontdiv = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (mdiv_$0, width_$1, height_$2, url_$3) {
var $b = Debug;
var $c = $b.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($c) {
var $d = ["mdiv", mdiv_$0, "width", width_$1, "height", height_$2, "url", url_$3];
$d.callee = arguments.callee;
$d["this"] = this;
$d.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$d.lineno = 107;
if ($c.length > $c.maxDepth) {
mdiv_$ = "inline";
var newwidth_$4 = mdiv_$0.clientWidth;
var newheight_$5 = mdiv_$0.clientHeight;
mdiv_$ = "none";
var fontloadstate_$6 = this.__fontloadstate[url_$3];
if (newwidth_$4 == width_$1 && newheight_$5 == height_$2) {
var timediff_$7 = ($d.lineno = 116, ($d.lineno = 116, new Date()).valueOf()) - fontloadstate_$6.timer;
if (timediff_$7 < this.fontloadtimeout) {
fontloadstate_$6.state = 3;
$d.lineno = 124, Debug.warn("Timeout loading font %w: the font size didn't change.", url_$3)
} else {
fontloadstate_$6.state = 2
$d.lineno = 132, clearInterval(fontloadstate_$6.TID);
if (this.__fontloadstate.counter != 0) return;
$d.lineno = 139, this.__clearMeasureCache();
var callbacks_$8 = this.__fontloadcallbacks;
for (var i_$9 in callbacks_$8) {
var sprite_$a = callbacks_$8[i_$9];
if (sprite_$a) {
$d.lineno = 146, sprite_$a.__fontLoaded()
delete this.__fontloadcallbacks
finally {
if ($c) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#107/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 107;
return $lzsc$temp
LzFontManager.__sizecache = {counter: 0};
LzFontManager.__rootdiv = null;
LzFontManager.__clearMeasureCache = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$2.lineno = 154;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this.__sizecache = {counter: 0};
if (LzSprite.quirks.ie_leak_prevention) {
$2.lineno = 157, LzTextSprite.prototype.__cleanupdivs()
if (this.__rootdiv) {
this.__rootdiv.innerHTML = ""
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#154/37";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 154;
return $lzsc$temp
LzFontManager.__createContainerDiv = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$3.lineno = 163;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var textsizecache_$0 = ($3.lineno = 164, document.createElement("div"));
$3.lineno = 165, lz.embed.__setAttr(textsizecache_$0, "id", "lzTextSizeCache");
$3.lineno = 166, document.body.appendChild(textsizecache_$0);
this.__rootdiv = ($3.lineno = 167, document.getElementById("lzTextSizeCache"))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#163/38";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 163;
return $lzsc$temp
LzFontManager.getSize = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (dimension_$0, className_$1, style_$2, tagname_$3, string_$4) {
var $a = Debug;
var $b = $a.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($b) {
var $c = ["dimension", dimension_$0, "className", className_$1, "style", style_$2, "tagname", tagname_$3, "string", string_$4];
$c.callee = arguments.callee;
$c["this"] = this;
$c.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$c.lineno = 171;
if ($b.length > $b.maxDepth) {
var cacheFullKey_$5 = className_$1 + "/" + style_$2 + "{" + string_$4 + "}";
var __sizecache_$6 = this.__sizecache;
var cv_$7 = __sizecache_$6[cacheFullKey_$5];
if (cv_$7 && (dimension_$0 in cv_$7)) {
return cv_$7
if (__sizecache_$6.counter > 0 && __sizecache_$6.counter % this.__sizecacheupperbound == 0) {
$c.lineno = 182, this.__clearMeasureCache();
cv_$7 = null
if (!cv_$7) {
cv_$7 = __sizecache_$6[cacheFullKey_$5] = {}};
var divCacheKey_$8 = className_$1 + "/" + style_$2 + "/" + tagname_$3;
var mdiv_$9 = __sizecache_$6[divCacheKey_$8];
if (!mdiv_$9) {
var mdiv_$9 = ($c.lineno = 194, this.__createMeasureDiv(className_$1, style_$2));
__sizecache_$6[divCacheKey_$8] = mdiv_$9
$c.lineno = 198, this.__setTextContent(mdiv_$9, tagname_$3, string_$4);
mdiv_$ = "inline";
cv_$7[dimension_$0] = dimension_$0 == "width" ? mdiv_$9.clientWidth : mdiv_$9.clientHeight;
mdiv_$ = "none";
return cv_$7
finally {
if ($b) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#171/25";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 171;
return $lzsc$temp
LzFontManager.__createMeasureDiv = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (className_$0, style_$1) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["className", className_$0, "style", style_$1];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$8.lineno = 207;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var tagname_$2 = "div";
var __sizecache_$3 = this.__sizecache;
if (LzSprite.prototype.quirks["text_measurement_use_insertadjacenthtml"]) {
var html_$4 = "<" + tagname_$2 + ' id="testSpan' + __sizecache_$3.counter + '"';
html_$4 += ' class="' + className_$0 + '"';
html_$4 += ' style="' + style_$1 + '">';
html_$4 += "" + tagname_$2 + ">";
$8.lineno = 215, this.__rootdiv.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", html_$4);
var mdiv_$5 = document.all["testSpan" + __sizecache_$3.counter];
if (LzSprite.prototype.quirks.ie_leak_prevention) {
$8.lineno = 218, LzTextSprite.prototype.__divstocleanup.push(mdiv_$5)
}} else {
var mdiv_$5 = ($8.lineno = 221, document.createElement(tagname_$2));
$8.lineno = 224, lz.embed.__setAttr(mdiv_$5, "class", className_$0);
$8.lineno = 225, lz.embed.__setAttr(mdiv_$5, "style", style_$1);
$8.lineno = 226, this.__rootdiv.appendChild(mdiv_$5)
return mdiv_$5
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#207/36";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 207;
return $lzsc$temp
LzFontManager.__setTextContent = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (mdiv_$0, tagname_$1, string_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["mdiv", mdiv_$0, "tagname", tagname_$1, "string", string_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$5.lineno = 232;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (tagname_$1) {
case "div":
mdiv_$0.innerHTML = string_$2;break;;case "input":
case "textarea":
if (LzSprite.prototype.quirks["text_content_use_inner_text"]) {
mdiv_$0.innerText = string_$2
} else {
mdiv_$0.textContent = string_$2
$5.lineno = 250, Debug.error("Unknown tagname: %w", tagname_$1)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js#232/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/kernel/dhtml/LzFontManager.js";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 232;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzView", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, attrs_$1, children_$2, instcall_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["parent", parent_$0, "attrs", attrs_$1, "children", children_$2, "instcall", instcall_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$6.lineno = 51;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
parent_$0 = null;;case 1:
attrs_$1 = null;;case 2:
children_$2 = null;;case 3:
instcall_$3 = false
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 52, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, parent_$0, attrs_$1, children_$2, instcall_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 51;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZlayout", void 0, "__LZstoredbounds", void 0, "__movecounter", 0, "__mousecache", null, "playing", false, "_visible", void 0, "$lzc$set_visible", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (amVisible_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["amVisible", amVisible_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 87;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this._visible == amVisible_$0) return;
this._visible = amVisible_$0;
if (amVisible_$0) {
var v_$1 = "visible"
} else if (amVisible_$0 == null) {
$4.lineno = 96,"%w.%s(%w) is deprecated. Perhaps you meant %w.%s(%s)? If not, use %w.%s('collapse').", this, arguments.callee, amVisible_$0, this, arguments.callee, false, this, this.setVisibility);
var v_$1 = "collapse"
} else {
var v_$1 = "hidden"
this.visibility = v_$1;
if (this.onvisibility.ready) $4.lineno = 105, this.onvisibility.sendEvent(this.visibility);
$4.lineno = 106, this.__LZupdateShown()
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_visible";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 87;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onaddsubview", LzDeclaredEvent, "onblur", LzDeclaredEvent, "onclick", LzDeclaredEvent, "onclickable", LzDeclaredEvent, "onfocus", LzDeclaredEvent, "onframe", LzDeclaredEvent, "onheight", LzDeclaredEvent, "onkeyup", LzDeclaredEvent, "onkeydown", LzDeclaredEvent, "onlastframe", LzDeclaredEvent, "onload", LzDeclaredEvent, "onframesloadratio", LzDeclaredEvent, "onloadratio", LzDeclaredEvent, "onerror", LzDeclaredEvent, "ontimeout", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmousedown", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmouseout", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmouseover", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmousetrackover", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmousetrackup", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmousetrackout", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmouseup", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmousedragin", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmousedragout", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmouseupoutside", LzDeclaredEvent, "onopacity", LzDeclaredEvent, "onplay", LzDeclaredEvent, "onremovesubview", LzDeclaredEvent, "onresource", LzDeclaredEvent, "onresourceheight", LzDeclaredEvent, "onresourcewidth", LzDeclaredEvent, "onrotation", LzDeclaredEvent, "onstop", LzDeclaredEvent, "ontotalframes", LzDeclaredEvent, "onunstretchedheight", LzDeclaredEvent, "onunstretchedwidth", LzDeclaredEvent, "onvisible", LzDeclaredEvent, "onvisibility", LzDeclaredEvent, "onwidth", LzDeclaredEvent, "onx", LzDeclaredEvent, "onxoffset", LzDeclaredEvent, "ony", LzDeclaredEvent, "onyoffset", LzDeclaredEvent, "onfont", LzDeclaredEvent, "onfontsize", LzDeclaredEvent, "onfontstyle", LzDeclaredEvent, "ondblclick", LzDeclaredEvent, "DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME", 500, "onclip", LzDeclaredEvent, "capabilities", void 0, "construct", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, args_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["parent", parent_$0, "args", args_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$5.lineno = 427;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["construct"] || ($5.lineno = 428, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "construct"))).call(this, parent_$0 ? parent_$0 : canvas, args_$1);
this.mask = this.immediateparent.mask;
$5.lineno = 432, this.__makeSprite(args_$1);
this.capabilities = this.sprite.capabilities;
if (this.capabilities.setid) {
$5.lineno = 438, this.sprite.setID(($5.lineno = 438, this._dbg_name()))
if (args_$1["width"] != null || ($5.lineno = 447, this.__LZhasConstraint("width"))) {
this.hassetwidth = true;
this.__LZcheckwidth = false
if (args_$1["height"] != null || ($5.lineno = 451, this.__LZhasConstraint("height"))) {
this.hassetheight = true;
this.__LZcheckheight = false
if (args_$1["clip"]) {
this.clip = args_$1.clip;
$5.lineno = 457, this.makeMasked()
var ignore_$2 = LzNode._ignoreAttribute;
if (args_$1["stretches"] != null) {
$5.lineno = 461, this.$lzc$set_stretches(args_$1.stretches);
args_$1.stretches = ignore_$2
if (args_$1["resource"] != null) {
$5.lineno = 467, this.$lzc$set_resource(args_$1.resource);
args_$1.resource = ignore_$2
if (args_$1["valign"] && args_$1["y"]) {
$5.lineno = 473, Debug.warn(this, "y attribute ignored; superseded by valign constraint.")
if (args_$1["align"] && args_$1["x"]) {
$5.lineno = 476, Debug.warn(this, "x attribute ignored; superseded by align constraint.")
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "construct";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 427;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__spriteAttribute", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (attrname_$0, value_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["attrname", attrname_$0, "value", value_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 486;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this[attrname_$0]) {
if (!this.__LZdeleted) {
var $lzsc$6303l2 = "$lzc$set_" + attrname_$0;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? Function.$lzsc$isa(this[$lzsc$6303l2]) : this[$lzsc$6303l2] instanceof Function) {
} else {
this[attrname_$0] = value_$1;
var $lzsc$k2q7h3 = this["on" + attrname_$0];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? LzEvent.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$k2q7h3) : $lzsc$k2q7h3 instanceof LzEvent) {
if ($lzsc$k2q7h3.ready) {
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__spriteAttribute";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 486;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__makeSprite", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (args_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["args", args_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 495;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.sprite = ($3.lineno = 496, new LzSprite(this, false))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__makeSprite";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 495;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "init", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 505;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.__updateshadowoninit) {
delete this.__updateshadowoninit;
$2.lineno = 508, this.__updateShadow()
if (this.sprite) {
$2.lineno = 511, this.sprite.init(this.visible)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "init";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 505;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addSubview", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 521;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (s_$0.addedToParent) return;
if (this.sprite) {
$3.lineno = 525, this.sprite.addChildSprite(s_$0.sprite)
if (this.subviews.length == 0) {
this.subviews = []
$3.lineno = 535, this.subviews.push(s_$0);
s_$0.addedToParent = true;
if (this.__LZcheckwidth) $3.lineno = 540, this.__LZcheckwidthFunction(s_$0);
if (this.__LZcheckheight) $3.lineno = 542, this.__LZcheckheightFunction(s_$0);
if (this.onaddsubview.ready) $3.lineno = 544, this.onaddsubview.sendEvent(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addSubview";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 521;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZinstantiationDone", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 552;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var vip_$0 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$0) {
$3.lineno = 555, vip_$0.addSubview(this)
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["__LZinstantiationDone"] || ($3.lineno = 558, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "__LZinstantiationDone"))).call(this)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZinstantiationDone";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 552;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "mask", void 0, "focusable", false, "focustrap", void 0, "clip", false, "$lzc$set_clip", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 591;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.clip = c_$0;
if (c_$0) {
$3.lineno = 594, this.makeMasked()
} else {
$3.lineno = 596, this.removeMask()
if (this.onclip.ready) $3.lineno = 598, this.onclip.sendEvent(this.clip)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_clip";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 591;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "align", "left", "$lzc$set_align", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (align_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
var map_$1;
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["align", align_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$6.lineno = 609;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
map_$1 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (align_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["align", align_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 614;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (align_$0) {
case "center":
return "__LZalignCenter";;case "right":
return "__LZalignRight";;case "left":
return null
$3.lineno = 621, Debug.error("%w.setAttribute(%w, %w): Invalid argument. Valid choices are: 'left', 'center', or 'right'.", view, "align", align_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "map";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 614;
return $lzsc$temp
if (this.align == align_$0) return;
var view = this;
var from_$2 = ($6.lineno = 625, map_$1(this.align));
var to_$3 = ($6.lineno = 626, map_$1(align_$0));
if (from_$2 != null) {
$6.lineno = 628, this.releaseConstraintMethod(from_$2)
if (to_$3 != null) {
$6.lineno = 631, this.applyConstraintMethod(to_$3, [this.immediateparent, "width", this, "width"])
} else {
$6.lineno = 633, this.$lzc$set_x(0)
this.align = align_$0
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_align";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 609;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "valign", "top", "$lzc$set_valign", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (valign) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
var map_$0;
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["valign", valign];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$5.lineno = 649;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
map_$0 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (align_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["align", align_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 654;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (align_$0) {
case "middle":
return "__LZvalignMiddle";;case "bottom":
return "__LZvalignBottom";;case "top":
return null
$3.lineno = 661, Debug.error("%w.setAttribute(%w, %w): Invalid argument. Valid choices are: 'top', 'middle', or 'bottom'.", view, "valign", valign)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "map";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 654;
return $lzsc$temp
if (this.valign == valign) return;
var view = this;
var from_$1 = ($5.lineno = 665, map_$0(this.valign));
var to_$2 = ($5.lineno = 666, map_$0(valign));
if (from_$1 != null) {
$5.lineno = 668, this.releaseConstraintMethod(from_$1)
if (to_$2 != null) {
$5.lineno = 671, this.applyConstraintMethod(to_$2, [this.immediateparent, "height", this, "height"])
} else {
$5.lineno = 673, this.$lzc$set_y(0)
this.valign = valign
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_valign";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 649;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "source", void 0, "$lzc$set_source", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 693;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 693, this.setSource(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_source";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 693;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clickregion", void 0, "onclickregion", LzDeclaredEvent, "$lzc$set_clickregion", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (region_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["region", region_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 706;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.clickregion) {
if (this.clickregion !== region_$0) {
if (!this.clickable) {
$3.lineno = 712, this.$lzc$set_clickable(true)
$3.lineno = 714, this.sprite.setClickRegion(region_$0)
}} else {
$3.lineno = 717, LzView.__warnCapability("view.clickregion", "clickregion")
this.clickregion = region_$0;
if (this.onclickregion.ready) $3.lineno = 720, this.onclickregion.sendEvent(region_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_clickregion";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 706;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "cursor", void 0, "fgcolor", null, "onfgcolor", LzDeclaredEvent, "$lzc$set_fgcolor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 748;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.tintcolor != "") {
$3.lineno = 751, Debug.warn("Setting fgcolor when tintcolor is already set on", this)
if (c_$0 != null && ($3.lineno = 757, isNaN(c_$0))) {
c_$0 = ($3.lineno = 758, lz.Type.acceptTypeValue("color", c_$0, this, "fgcolor"))
this.fgcolor = c_$0;
if (this.onfgcolor.ready) $3.lineno = 761, this.onfgcolor.sendEvent(c_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_fgcolor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 748;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "font", void 0, "$lzc$set_font", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 775;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.font = val_$0;
if (this.onfont.ready) {
$3.lineno = 778, this.onfont.sendEvent(this.font)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_font";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 775;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "fontstyle", void 0, "$lzc$set_fontstyle", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 790;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (val_$0 == "plain" || val_$0 == "bold" || val_$0 == "italic" || val_$0 == "bolditalic" || val_$0 == "bold italic") {
this.fontstyle = val_$0;
if (this.onfontstyle.ready) {
$3.lineno = 794, this.onfontstyle.sendEvent(this.fontstyle)
}} else {
$3.lineno = 797, Debug.warn('invalid font style "%s" on %w', val_$0, this)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_fontstyle";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 790;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "fontsize", void 0, "$lzc$set_fontsize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 811;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!(val_$0 <= 0 || ($3.lineno = 812, isNaN(val_$0)))) {
this.fontsize = val_$0;
if (this.onfontsize.ready) {
$3.lineno = 815, this.onfontsize.sendEvent(this.fontsize)
}} else {
$3.lineno = 818, Debug.warn("invalid font size", val_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_fontsize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 811;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "stretches", "none", "$lzc$set_stretches", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (stretch_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["stretch", stretch_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 835;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (!(stretch_$0 == "none" || stretch_$0 == "both" || stretch_$0 == "width" || stretch_$0 == "height")) {
var newstretch_$1 = stretch_$0 == null ? "both" : (stretch_$0 == "x" ? "width" : (stretch_$0 == "y" ? "height" : "none"));
if (newstretch_$1 != "none") {
$4.lineno = 841,"%w.%s(%w) is deprecated. Use %w.%s(%w) instead.", this, arguments.callee, stretch_$0, this, arguments.callee, newstretch_$1)
stretch_$0 = newstretch_$1
} else if (this.stretches == stretch_$0) {
if (this.backgroundrepeat != "norepeat") {
$4.lineno = 850, Debug.warn("Backgroundrepeat and stretches can't be on at the same time. Canceling backgroundrepeat.", this);
$4.lineno = 851, this.$lzc$set_backgroundrepeat("norepeat")
this.stretches = stretch_$0;
$4.lineno = 855, this.sprite.stretchResource(stretch_$0);
if (stretch_$0 == "width" || stretch_$0 == "both") {
this._setrescwidth = true;
this.__LZcheckwidth = true;
$4.lineno = 860, this.reevaluateSize("width")
if (stretch_$0 == "height" || stretch_$0 == "both") {
this._setrescheight = true;
this.__LZcheckheight = true;
$4.lineno = 866, this.reevaluateSize("height")
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_stretches";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 835;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "backgroundrepeat", "norepeat", "onbackgroundrepeat", LzDeclaredEvent, "$lzc$set_backgroundrepeat", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (backgroundrepeat_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["backgroundrepeat", backgroundrepeat_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 885;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!this.capabilities.backgroundrepeat) {
$3.lineno = 888, LzView.__warnCapability("view.backgroundrepeat", "backgroundrepeat");
} else if (backgroundrepeat_$0 != "repeat" && backgroundrepeat_$0 != "repeat-x" && backgroundrepeat_$0 != "repeat-y" && backgroundrepeat_$0 != "norepeat") {
$3.lineno = 893, Debug.warn("backgroundrepeat must be set to 'repeat', 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y' or 'norepeat':", backgroundrepeat_$0);
if (backgroundrepeat_$0 !== this.backgroundrepeat) {
if (backgroundrepeat_$0 != "norepeat" && this.stretches != "none") {
$3.lineno = 899, Debug.warn("Backgroundrepeat and stretches can't be on at the same time. Canceling stretches.", this);
$3.lineno = 900, this.$lzc$set_stretches("none")
this.backgroundrepeat = backgroundrepeat_$0;
if (backgroundrepeat_$0 == "norepeat") backgroundrepeat_$0 = null;
$3.lineno = 906, this.sprite.setBackgroundRepeat(backgroundrepeat_$0)
if (this.onbackgroundrepeat.ready) $3.lineno = 908, this.onbackgroundrepeat.sendEvent(this.backgroundrepeat)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_backgroundrepeat";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 885;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "layout", void 0, "$lzc$set_layout", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (layoutobj_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["layoutobj", layoutobj_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$6.lineno = 930;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
this.layout = layoutobj_$0;
if (!this.isinited) {
$6.lineno = 933, this.__LZstoreAttr(layoutobj_$0, "layout");
var classname_$1 = layoutobj_$0["class"];
if (classname_$1 == null) {
classname_$1 = "simplelayout"
if (this.__LZlayout) {
$6.lineno = 944, this.__LZlayout.destroy()
if (classname_$1 != "none") {
var o_$2 = {};
for (var i_$3 in layoutobj_$0) {
if (i_$3 != "class") {
o_$2[i_$3] = layoutobj_$0[i_$3]
if (classname_$1 == "null") {
this.__LZlayout = null;
this.__LZlayout = ($6.lineno = 963, new (lz[classname_$1])(this, o_$2))
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_layout";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 930;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "aaactive", void 0, "$lzc$set_aaactive", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 974;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.accessibility) {
this.aaactive = s_$0;
$3.lineno = 977, this.sprite.setAAActive(s_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 979, LzView.__warnCapability("view.aaactive", "accessibility")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_aaactive";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 974;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "aaname", void 0, "$lzc$set_aaname", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 990;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.accessibility) {
this.aaname = s_$0;
$3.lineno = 993, this.sprite.setAAName(s_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 995, LzView.__warnCapability("view.aaname", "accessibility")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_aaname";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 990;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "aadescription", void 0, "$lzc$set_aadescription", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1006;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.accessibility) {
this.aadescription = s_$0;
$3.lineno = 1009, this.sprite.setAADescription(s_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 1011, LzView.__warnCapability("view.aadescription", "accessibility")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_aadescription";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1006;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "aatabindex", void 0, "$lzc$set_aatabindex", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1022;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.accessibility) {
this.aatabindex = s_$0;
$3.lineno = 1025, this.sprite.setAATabIndex(s_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 1027, LzView.__warnCapability("view.aatabindex", "accessibility")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_aatabindex";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1022;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "aasilent", void 0, "$lzc$set_aasilent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1039;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.accessibility) {
this.aasilent = s_$0;
$3.lineno = 1042, this.sprite.setAASilent(s_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 1044, LzView.__warnCapability("view.aasilent", "accessibility")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_aasilent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1039;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "sendAAEvent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (childID_$0, eventType_$1, nonHTML_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["childID", childID_$0, "eventType", eventType_$1, "nonHTML", nonHTML_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$5.lineno = 1053;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
nonHTML_$2 = false
if (this.capabilities.accessibility) {
$5.lineno = 1055, this.sprite.sendAAEvent(childID_$0, eventType_$1, nonHTML_$2)
} else {
$5.lineno = 1057, LzView.__warnCapability("view.sendAAEvent()", "accessibility")
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "sendAAEvent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1053;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "sprite", null, "visible", true, "visibility", "collapse", "$lzc$set_visibility", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (amVisible_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["amVisible", amVisible_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1087;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.visibility == amVisible_$0) return;
this.visibility = amVisible_$0;
if (!(amVisible_$0 == "visible" || amVisible_$0 == "hidden" || amVisible_$0 == "collapse")) {
$3.lineno = 1092, Debug.error("%w.%s called with unknown arg '%s' use 'visible', 'hidden', or 'collapse'.", this, arguments.callee, amVisible_$0)
if (this.onvisibility.ready) $3.lineno = 1096, this.onvisibility.sendEvent(amVisible_$0);
$3.lineno = 1097, this.__LZupdateShown()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_visibility";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1087;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZvizO", true, "__LZvizLoad", true, "__LZvizDat", true, "opacity", 1, "$lzc$set_opacity", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["v", v_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1119;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.opacity !== v_$0) {
this.opacity = v_$0;
if (this.capabilities.opacity) {
$4.lineno = 1123, this.sprite.setOpacity(v_$0)
} else {
$4.lineno = 1125, LzView.__warnCapability("view.opacity", "opacity")
var newoviz_$1 = v_$0 != 0;
if (this.__LZvizO != newoviz_$1) {
this.__LZvizO = newoviz_$1;
$4.lineno = 1130, this.__LZupdateShown()
if (this.onopacity.ready) $4.lineno = 1133, this.onopacity.sendEvent(v_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_opacity";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1119;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "bgcolor", null, "onbgcolor", LzDeclaredEvent, "$lzc$set_bgcolor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (bgc_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["bgc", bgc_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1153;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (bgc_$0 != null && ($3.lineno = 1157, isNaN(bgc_$0))) {
bgc_$0 = ($3.lineno = 1158, lz.Type.acceptTypeValue("color", bgc_$0, this, "bgcolor"))
} else if (bgc_$0 < 0) {
bgc_$0 = null
$3.lineno = 1163, this.sprite.setBGColor(bgc_$0);
this.bgcolor = bgc_$0;
if (this.onbgcolor.ready) $3.lineno = 1165, this.onbgcolor.sendEvent(bgc_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_bgcolor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1153;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "x", 0, "__set_x_memo", void 0, "$lzc$set_x", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["v", v_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1191;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.x = v_$0;
if (this.__set_x_memo === v_$0) {
if (this.onx.ready) {
$4.lineno = 1197, this.onx.sendEvent(this.x)
this.__set_x_memo = v_$0;
this.__mousecache = null;
if (this.__LZhasoffset) {
if (this.capabilities.rotation) {
v_$0 -= this.xoffset * this.__LZrcos - this.yoffset * this.__LZrsin
} else {
v_$0 -= this.xoffset
if (this.pixellock) {
v_$0 = v_$0 | 0
$4.lineno = 1216, this.sprite.setX(v_$0);
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$1.__LZcheckwidth) {
$4.lineno = 1218, vip_$1.__LZcheckwidthFunction(this)
if (this.onx.ready) {
$4.lineno = 1219, this.onx.sendEvent(this.x)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_x";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1191;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "y", 0, "__set_y_memo", void 0, "$lzc$set_y", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["v", v_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1246;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.y = v_$0;
if (this.__set_y_memo === v_$0) {
if (this.ony.ready) {
$4.lineno = 1252, this.ony.sendEvent(this.y)
this.__set_y_memo = v_$0;
this.__mousecache = null;
if (this.__LZhasoffset) {
if (this.capabilities.rotation) {
v_$0 -= this.xoffset * this.__LZrsin + this.yoffset * this.__LZrcos
} else {
v_$0 -= this.yoffset
if (this.pixellock) {
v_$0 = v_$0 | 0
$4.lineno = 1271, this.sprite.setY(v_$0);
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$1.__LZcheckheight) {
$4.lineno = 1273, vip_$1.__LZcheckheightFunction(this)
if (this.ony.ready) {
$4.lineno = 1274, this.ony.sendEvent(this.y)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_y";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1246;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "rotation", 0, "$lzc$set_rotation", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["v", v_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$5.lineno = 1287;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.rotation) {
$5.lineno = 1289, this.sprite.setRotation(v_$0)
} else {
$5.lineno = 1291, LzView.__warnCapability("view.rotation", "rotation")
this.rotation = v_$0;
this.usegetbounds = this.__LZhasoffset || this.rotation != 0 || this.xscale != 1 || this.yscale != 1;
var rrad_$1 = Math.PI / 180 * this.rotation;
this.__LZrsin = ($5.lineno = 1296, Math.sin(rrad_$1));
this.__LZrcos = ($5.lineno = 1297, Math.cos(rrad_$1));
if (this.onrotation.ready) $5.lineno = 1298, this.onrotation.sendEvent(v_$0);
if (this.__LZhasoffset) {
this.__set_x_memo = void 0;
$5.lineno = 1303, this.$lzc$set_x(this.x);
this.__set_y_memo = void 0;
$5.lineno = 1306, this.$lzc$set_y(this.y)
var vip_$2 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$2.__LZcheckwidth) $5.lineno = 1311, vip_$2.__LZcheckwidthFunction(this);
if (vip_$2.__LZcheckheight) $5.lineno = 1313, vip_$2.__LZcheckheightFunction(this)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_rotation";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1287;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "width", 0, "__set_width_memo", void 0, "$lzc$set_width", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["v", v_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1343;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (v_$0 != null) {
this.hassetwidth = true;
this.width = v_$0
} else {
this.hassetwidth = false
if (this.__set_width_memo === v_$0) {
if (this.onwidth.ready) {
$4.lineno = 1354, this.onwidth.sendEvent(this.width)
this.__set_width_memo = v_$0;
if (v_$0 == null) {
this.__LZcheckwidth = true;
if (this._setrescwidth) {
this.unstretchedwidth = null
$4.lineno = 1374, this.reevaluateSize("width");
if (this.pixellock) {
v_$0 = v_$0 | 0
if (!this._setrescwidth) {
this.__LZcheckwidth = false
if (!(LzText["$lzsc$isa"] ? ($4.lineno = 1382, LzText.$lzsc$isa(this)) : this instanceof LzText)) {
$4.lineno = 1384, this.sprite.setWidth(v_$0)
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$1 && vip_$1.__LZcheckwidth) {
$4.lineno = 1388, vip_$1.__LZcheckwidthFunction(this)
if (this.onwidth.ready) {
$4.lineno = 1390, this.onwidth.sendEvent(this.width)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_width";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1343;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "height", 0, "__set_height_memo", void 0, "$lzc$set_height", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["v", v_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1420;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (v_$0 != null) {
this.hassetheight = true;
this.height = v_$0
} else {
this.hassetheight = false
if (this.__set_height_memo === v_$0) {
if (this.onheight.ready) {
$4.lineno = 1431, this.onheight.sendEvent(this.height)
this.__set_height_memo = v_$0;
if (v_$0 == null) {
this.__LZcheckheight = true;
if (this._setrescheight) {
this.unstretchedheight = null
$4.lineno = 1451, this.reevaluateSize("height");
if (this.pixellock) {
v_$0 = v_$0 | 0
if (!this._setrescheight) {
this.__LZcheckheight = false
$4.lineno = 1459, this.sprite.setHeight(v_$0);
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$1 && vip_$1.__LZcheckheight) {
$4.lineno = 1462, vip_$1.__LZcheckheightFunction(this)
if (this.onheight.ready) {
$4.lineno = 1464, this.onheight.sendEvent(this.height)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_height";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1420;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "unstretchedwidth", 0, "unstretchedheight", 0, "subviews", [], "xoffset", 0, "$lzc$set_xoffset", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["o", o_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1504;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.xoffset = o_$0;
this.__LZhasoffset = this.xoffset != 0 || this.yoffset != 0 || this.__widthoffset != 0 || this.__heightoffset != 0;
this.usegetbounds = this.__LZhasoffset || this.rotation != 0 || this.xscale != 1 || this.yscale != 1;
this.__set_x_memo = void 0;
$3.lineno = 1510, this.$lzc$set_x(this.x);
this.__set_y_memo = void 0;
$3.lineno = 1513, this.$lzc$set_y(this.y);
if (this.onxoffset.ready) $3.lineno = 1514, this.onxoffset.sendEvent(o_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_xoffset";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1504;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "yoffset", 0, "$lzc$set_yoffset", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["o", o_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1531;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.yoffset = o_$0;
this.__LZhasoffset = this.xoffset != 0 || this.yoffset != 0 || this.__widthoffset != 0 || this.__heightoffset != 0;
this.usegetbounds = this.__LZhasoffset || this.rotation != 0 || this.xscale != 1 || this.yscale != 1;
this.__set_x_memo = void 0;
$3.lineno = 1537, this.$lzc$set_x(this.x);
this.__set_y_memo = void 0;
$3.lineno = 1540, this.$lzc$set_y(this.y);
if (this.onyoffset.ready) $3.lineno = 1541, this.onyoffset.sendEvent(o_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_yoffset";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1531;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZrsin", 0, "__LZrcos", 1, "totalframes", 1, "frame", 1, "$lzc$set_frame", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1571;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.frame = n_$0;
$3.lineno = 1574, this.stop(n_$0);
if (this.onframe.ready) $3.lineno = 1575, this.onframe.sendEvent(n_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_frame";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1571;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "framesloadratio", 0, "loadratio", 0, "hassetheight", false, "hassetwidth", false, "addedToParent", null, "masked", false, "pixellock", null, "clickable", false, "$lzc$set_clickable", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (amclickable_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["amclickable", amclickable_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1635;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1636, this.sprite.setClickable(amclickable_$0);
this.clickable = amclickable_$0;
if (this.onclickable.ready) $3.lineno = 1638, this.onclickable.sendEvent(amclickable_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_clickable";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1635;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "showhandcursor", null, "$lzc$set_showhandcursor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1650;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.showhandcursor = s_$0;
$3.lineno = 1652, this.sprite.setShowHandCursor(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_showhandcursor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1650;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "resource", null, "$lzc$set_resource", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (resourceName_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["resourceName", resourceName_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1668;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (resourceName_$0 == null || resourceName_$0 == this._resource) return;
this.resource = this._resource = resourceName_$0;
$3.lineno = 1671, this.sprite.setResource(resourceName_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_resource";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1668;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "resourcewidth", 0, "resourceheight", 0, "__LZcheckwidth", true, "__LZcheckheight", true, "__LZhasoffset", null, "__LZoutlieheight", null, "__LZoutliewidth", null, "setLayout", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (layoutobj_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["layoutobj", layoutobj_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1710;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1711, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1712, this.$lzc$set_layout(layoutobj_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setLayout";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1710;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setFontName", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0, prop_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["val", val_$0, "prop", prop_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1722;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
prop_$1 = null
$4.lineno = 1723, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$4.lineno = 1724, this.$lzc$set_font(val_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setFontName";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1722;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_setrescwidth", false, "_setrescheight", false, "searchSubviews", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, val_$1) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["prop", prop_$0, "val", val_$1];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$a.lineno = 1753;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
var nextS_$2 = ($a.lineno = 1754, this.subviews.concat());
while (nextS_$2.length > 0) {
var s_$3 = nextS_$2;
nextS_$2 = ($a.lineno = 1758, new Array());
for (var i_$4 = s_$3.length - 1;i_$4 >= 0;i_$4--) {
var si_$5 = s_$3[i_$4];
if (si_$5[prop_$0] == val_$1) {
return si_$5
var sis_$6 = si_$5.subviews;
for (var j_$7 = sis_$6.length - 1;j_$7 >= 0;j_$7--) {
$a.lineno = 1766, nextS_$2.push(sis_$6[j_$7])
return null
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "searchSubviews";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1753;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "layouts", null, "_resource", null, "setResource", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1795;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1796, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1797, this.$lzc$set_resource(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setResource";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1795;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "resourceload", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (i_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["i", i_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1806;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if ("resource" in i_$0) {
this.resource = i_$0.resource;
if (this.onresource.ready) $3.lineno = 1809, this.onresource.sendEvent(i_$0.resource)
if (this.resourcewidth != i_$0.width) {
if ("width" in i_$0) {
this.resourcewidth = i_$0.width;
if (this.onresourcewidth.ready) $3.lineno = 1815, this.onresourcewidth.sendEvent(i_$0.width)
if (!this.hassetwidth && this.resourcewidth != this.width || this._setrescwidth && this.unstretchedwidth != this.resourcewidth) {
$3.lineno = 1822, this.updateWidth(this.resourcewidth)
if (this.resourceheight != i_$0.height) {
if ("height" in i_$0) {
this.resourceheight = i_$0.height;
if (this.onresourceheight.ready) $3.lineno = 1829, this.onresourceheight.sendEvent(i_$0.height)
if (!this.hassetheight && this.resourceheight != this.height || this._setrescheight && this.unstretchedheight != this.resourceheight) {
$3.lineno = 1834, this.updateHeight(this.resourceheight)
if (i_$0.skiponload != true) {
if (this.onload.ready) $3.lineno = 1839, this.onload.sendEvent(this)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "resourceload";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1806;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "resourceloaderror", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1847;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
e_$0 = null
this.resourcewidth = 0;
this.resourceheight = 0;
if (this.onresourcewidth.ready) $3.lineno = 1850, this.onresourcewidth.sendEvent(0);
if (this.onresourceheight.ready) $3.lineno = 1851, this.onresourceheight.sendEvent(0);
$3.lineno = 1852, this.reevaluateSize();
if (this.onerror.ready) $3.lineno = 1853, this.onerror.sendEvent(e_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "resourceloaderror";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1847;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "resourceloadtimeout", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1860;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
e_$0 = null
this.resourcewidth = 0;
this.resourceheight = 0;
if (this.onresourcewidth.ready) $3.lineno = 1863, this.onresourcewidth.sendEvent(0);
if (this.onresourceheight.ready) $3.lineno = 1864, this.onresourceheight.sendEvent(0);
$3.lineno = 1865, this.reevaluateSize();
if (this.ontimeout.ready) $3.lineno = 1866, this.ontimeout.sendEvent(e_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "resourceloadtimeout";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1860;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "resourceevent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1, eventonly_$2, force_$3) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1, "eventonly", eventonly_$2, "force", force_$3];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$8.lineno = 1873;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
eventonly_$2 = false;;case 3:
force_$3 = false
var sendevent_$4 = force_$3 == true || eventonly_$2 == true || this[name_$0] != value_$1;
if (eventonly_$2 != true) this[name_$0] = value_$1;
if (sendevent_$4) {
var ev_$5 = this["on" + name_$0];
if (ev_$5.ready) $8.lineno = 1879, ev_$5.sendEvent(value_$1)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "resourceevent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1873;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "destroy", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = [];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$6.lineno = 1888;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZdeleted) return;
var vip_$0 = this.immediateparent;
var parentvalid_$1 = vip_$0 && !vip_$0.__LZdeleted;
if (parentvalid_$1) {
if (this.sprite) $6.lineno = 1894, this.sprite.predestroy();
if (this.addedToParent) {
var svs_$2 = vip_$0.subviews;
if (svs_$2 != null) {
for (var i_$3 = svs_$2.length - 1;i_$3 >= 0;i_$3--) {
if (svs_$2[i_$3] == this) {
$6.lineno = 1901, svs_$2.splice(i_$3, 1);
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["destroy"] || ($6.lineno = 1909, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "destroy"))).call(this);
if (this.sprite) {
$6.lineno = 1912, this.sprite.destroy(parentvalid_$1)
if (parentvalid_$1) {
$6.lineno = 1915, this.$lzc$set_visible(false);
if (this.addedToParent) {
if (vip_$0["__LZoutliewidth"] == this) {
vip_$0.__LZoutliewidth = null
if (vip_$0["__LZoutlieheight"] == this) {
vip_$0.__LZoutlieheight = null
if (vip_$0.onremovesubview.ready) $6.lineno = 1926, vip_$0.onremovesubview.sendEvent(this)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "destroy";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1888;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setVisible", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1940;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1941, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1942, this.$lzc$set_visible(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setVisible";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1940;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setVisibility", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (amVisible_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["amVisible", amVisible_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1957;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1958, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1959, this.$lzc$set_visibility(amVisible_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setVisibility";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1957;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZupdateShown", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1966;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.visibility == "collapse") {
var shown_$0 = this.__LZvizO && this.__LZvizDat && this.__LZvizLoad
} else {
var shown_$0 = this.visibility == "visible"
if (shown_$0 != this.visible) {
this.visible = shown_$0;
if (this.sprite) {
$4.lineno = 1978, this.sprite.setVisible(shown_$0)
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$1 && vip_$1.__LZcheckwidth) $4.lineno = 1983, vip_$1.__LZcheckwidthFunction(this);
if (vip_$1 && vip_$1.__LZcheckheight) $4.lineno = 1985, vip_$1.__LZcheckheightFunction(this);
if (this.onvisible.ready) $4.lineno = 1987, this.onvisible.sendEvent(shown_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZupdateShown";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1966;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setWidth", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1999;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2000, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2001, this.$lzc$set_width(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setWidth";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1999;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setHeight", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2012;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2013, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2014, this.$lzc$set_height(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setHeight";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2012;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setOpacity", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2023;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2024, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2025, this.$lzc$set_opacity(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setOpacity";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2023;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setX", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2033;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2034, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2035, this.$lzc$set_x(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setX";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2033;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setY", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2043;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2044, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2045, this.$lzc$set_y(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setY";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2043;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setRotation", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2053;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2054, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2055, this.$lzc$set_rotation(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setRotation";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2053;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAlign", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (align_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["align", align_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2070;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2071, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2072, this.$lzc$set_align(align_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAlign";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2070;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZalignCenter", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["e", e_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2076;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
e_$0 = null
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
$4.lineno = 2078, this.$lzc$set_x(vip_$1.width / 2 - this.width / 2)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZalignCenter";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2076;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZalignRight", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["e", e_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2082;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
e_$0 = null
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
$4.lineno = 2084, this.$lzc$set_x(vip_$1.width - this.width)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZalignRight";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2082;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setXOffset", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["o", o_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2093;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2094, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2095, this.$lzc$set_xoffset(o_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setXOffset";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2093;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setYOffset", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["o", o_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2103;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2104, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2105, this.$lzc$set_yoffset(o_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setYOffset";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2103;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getBounds", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $9 = Debug;
var $a = $9.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($a) {
var $b = [];
$b.callee = arguments.callee;
$b["this"] = this;
$b.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$b.lineno = 2129;
if ($a.length > $a.maxDepth) {
var width_$0 = (this.width + this.__widthoffset) * this.xscale;
var height_$1 = (this.height + this.__heightoffset) * this.yscale;
var mtrix_$2 = [-this.xoffset, -this.yoffset, width_$0 - this.xoffset, -this.yoffset, -this.xoffset, height_$1 - this.yoffset, width_$0 - this.xoffset, height_$1 - this.yoffset, this.rotation, this.x, this.y];
if (this.__LZstoredbounds) {
var i_$3 = mtrix_$2.length - 1;
while (mtrix_$2[i_$3] == LzView.__LZlastmtrix[i_$3]) {
if (i_$3-- == 0) {
return this.__LZstoredbounds
var o_$4 = {};
for (var i_$3 = 0;i_$3 < 8;i_$3 += 2) {
var x_$5 = mtrix_$2[i_$3];
var y_$6 = mtrix_$2[i_$3 + 1];
var cx_$7 = x_$5 * this.__LZrcos - y_$6 * this.__LZrsin;
var cy_$8 = x_$5 * this.__LZrsin + y_$6 * this.__LZrcos;
if (o_$4.xoffset == null || o_$4.xoffset > cx_$7) {
o_$4.xoffset = cx_$7
if (o_$4.yoffset == null || o_$4.yoffset > cy_$8) {
o_$4.yoffset = cy_$8
if (o_$4.width == null || o_$4.width < cx_$7) {
o_$4.width = cx_$7
if (o_$4.height == null || o_$4.height < cy_$8) {
o_$4.height = cy_$8
o_$4.width -= o_$4.xoffset;
o_$4.height -= o_$4.yoffset;
o_$4.x = this.x + o_$4.xoffset;
o_$4.y = this.y + o_$4.yoffset;
this.__LZstoredbounds = o_$4;
LzView.__LZlastmtrix = mtrix_$2;
return o_$4
finally {
if ($a) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getBounds";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2129;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$getBounds_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2184;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return [self_$1, "rotation", self_$1, "x", self_$1, "y", self_$1, "width", self_$1, "height"]
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$getBounds_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2184;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setValign", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (valign_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["valign", valign_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2202;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2203, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2204, this.$lzc$set_valign(valign_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setValign";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2202;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZvalignMiddle", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["e", e_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2208;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
e_$0 = null
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
$4.lineno = 2210, this.$lzc$set_y(vip_$1.height / 2 - this.height / 2)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZvalignMiddle";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2208;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZvalignBottom", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["e", e_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2214;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
e_$0 = null
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
$4.lineno = 2216, this.$lzc$set_y(vip_$1.height - this.height)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZvalignBottom";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2214;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setColor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2227;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2228, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2229, this.$lzc$set_fgcolor(c_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setColor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2227;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getColor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2238;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 2239, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.fgcolor);
return this.fgcolor
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getColor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2238;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setColorTransform", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["o", o_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2262;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.colortransform) {
$3.lineno = 2264, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.colortransform);
$3.lineno = 2265, this.$lzc$set_colortransform({redMultiplier: o_$0.ra != null ? o_$0.ra / 100 : 1, redOffset: o_$0.rb, greenMultiplier: o_$ != null ? o_$ / 100 : 1, greenOffset: o_$, blueMultiplier: o_$ != null ? o_$ / 100 : 1, blueOffset: o_$, alphaMultiplier: o_$0.aa != null ? o_$0.aa / 100 : 1, alphaOffset: o_$0.ab})
} else {
$3.lineno = 2274, LzView.__warnCapability("view.setColorTransform()", "colortransform")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setColorTransform";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2262;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "oncolortransform", LzDeclaredEvent, "colortransform", void 0, "$lzc$set_colortransform", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (o_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["o", o_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2306;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.colortransform) {
if (this.colortransform === o_$0) {
$3.lineno = 2309, this.oncolortransform.sendEvent(o_$0);
if (o_$0.redMultiplier == null) o_$0.redMultiplier = 1;
if (o_$0.redOffset == null) o_$0.redOffset = 0;
if (o_$0.greenMultiplier == null) o_$0.greenMultiplier = 1;
if (o_$0.greenOffset == null) o_$0.greenOffset = 0;
if (o_$0.blueMultiplier == null) o_$0.blueMultiplier = 1;
if (o_$0.blueOffset == null) o_$0.blueOffset = 0;
if (o_$0.alphaMultiplier == null) o_$0.alphaMultiplier = 1;
if (o_$0.alphaOffset == null) o_$0.alphaOffset = 0;
this.colortransform = o_$0;
$3.lineno = 2322, this.sprite.setColorTransform(o_$0);
if (this.oncolortransform.ready) $3.lineno = 2323, this.oncolortransform.sendEvent(o_$0);
if (o_$0.redOffset || o_$0.greenOffset || o_$0.blueOffset || o_$0.alphaOffset) {
this.tintcolor = ($3.lineno = 2327, LzColorUtils.rgbatoint(o_$0.redOffset, o_$0.greenOffset, o_$0.blueOffset, o_$0.alphaOffset));
if (this.ontintcolor.ready) $3.lineno = 2330, this.ontintcolor.sendEvent(this.tintcolor)
}} else {
$3.lineno = 2333, LzView.__warnCapability("view.colortransform", "colortransform")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_colortransform";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2306;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getColorTransform", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2354;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 2355, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.tintcolor);
if (this.capabilities.colortransform) {
return $2.lineno = 2357, this.sprite.getColorTransform()
} else {
$2.lineno = 2359, LzView.__warnCapability("view.getColorTransform()", "colortransform")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getColorTransform";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2354;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZcheckSize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sview_$0, axis_$1, xory_$2) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["sview", sview_$0, "axis", axis_$1, "xory", xory_$2];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$8.lineno = 2369;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
if (sview_$0.addedToParent) {
if (sview_$0.usegetbounds) {
var bobj_$3 = ($8.lineno = 2373, sview_$0.getBounds())
} else {
var bobj_$3 = sview_$0
var ss_$4 = bobj_$3[xory_$2] + bobj_$3[axis_$1];
var ts_$5 = this["_setresc" + axis_$1] ? this["unstretched" + axis_$1] : this[axis_$1];
if (ss_$4 > ts_$5 && sview_$0.visible) {
this["__LZoutlie" + axis_$1] = sview_$0;
if (axis_$1 == "width") {
$8.lineno = 2386, this.updateWidth(ss_$4)
} else $8.lineno = 2388, this.updateHeight(ss_$4)
} else if (this["__LZoutlie" + axis_$1] == sview_$0 && (ss_$4 < ts_$5 || !sview_$0.visible)) {
$8.lineno = 2392, this.reevaluateSize(axis_$1)
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZcheckSize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2369;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZcheckwidthFunction", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sview_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sview", sview_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2413;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2414, this.__LZcheckSize(sview_$0, "width", "x")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZcheckwidthFunction";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2413;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZcheckheightFunction", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sview_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sview", sview_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2418;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2419, this.__LZcheckSize(sview_$0, "height", "y")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZcheckheightFunction";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2418;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "measureSize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (axis_$0) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["axis", axis_$0];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$8.lineno = 2437;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var w_$1 = this["resource" + axis_$0];
for (var i_$2 = this.subviews.length - 1;i_$2 >= 0;i_$2--) {
var sview_$3 = this.subviews[i_$2];
if (sview_$3.visible) {
if (sview_$3.usegetbounds) {
var bobj_$4 = ($8.lineno = 2444, sview_$3.getBounds())
} else {
var bobj_$4 = sview_$3
var svs_$5 = bobj_$4[axis_$0 == "width" ? "x" : "y"] + bobj_$4[axis_$0];
if (svs_$5 > w_$1) {
w_$1 = svs_$5
return w_$1
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "measureSize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2437;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "measureWidth", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2464;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 2465, this.measureSize("width")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "measureWidth";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2464;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "measureHeight", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2475;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 2476, this.measureSize("height")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "measureHeight";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2475;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "updateSize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (axis_$0, newsize_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["axis", axis_$0, "newsize", newsize_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2480;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (axis_$0 == "width") {
$4.lineno = 2482, this.updateWidth(newsize_$1)
} else $4.lineno = 2484, this.updateHeight(newsize_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "updateSize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2480;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "updateWidth", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (newsize_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["newsize", newsize_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2488;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this._setrescwidth) {
this.unstretchedwidth = newsize_$0;
if (this.onunstretchedwidth.ready) $4.lineno = 2492, this.onunstretchedwidth.sendEvent(newsize_$0)
if (!this.hassetwidth) {
this.width = newsize_$0;
$4.lineno = 2497, this.sprite.setWidth(newsize_$0);
if (this.onwidth.ready) $4.lineno = 2498, this.onwidth.sendEvent(newsize_$0);
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$1.__LZcheckwidth) $4.lineno = 2502, vip_$1.__LZcheckwidthFunction(this)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "updateWidth";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2488;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "updateHeight", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (newsize_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["newsize", newsize_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2508;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this._setrescheight) {
this.unstretchedheight = newsize_$0;
if (this.onunstretchedheight.ready) $4.lineno = 2512, this.onunstretchedheight.sendEvent(newsize_$0)
if (!this.hassetheight) {
this.height = newsize_$0;
$4.lineno = 2517, this.sprite.setHeight(newsize_$0);
if (this.onheight.ready) $4.lineno = 2518, this.onheight.sendEvent(newsize_$0);
var vip_$1 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$1.__LZcheckheight) $4.lineno = 2522, vip_$1.__LZcheckheightFunction(this)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "updateHeight";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2508;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "reevaluateSize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ia_$0) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["ia", ia_$0];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$a.lineno = 2528;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
ia_$0 = null
if (ia_$0 == null) {
var axis_$1 = "height";
$a.lineno = 2532, this.reevaluateSize("width")
} else {
var axis_$1 = ia_$0
if (this["hasset" + axis_$1] && !this["_setresc" + axis_$1]) return;
var o_$2 = this["_setresc" + axis_$1] ? this["unstretched" + axis_$1] : this[axis_$1];
var w_$3 = this["resource" + axis_$1] || 0;
this["__LZoutlie" + axis_$1] = this;
for (var i_$4 = this.subviews.length - 1;i_$4 >= 0;i_$4--) {
var sv_$5 = this.subviews[i_$4];
if (sv_$5.usegetbounds) {
var b_$6 = ($a.lineno = 2551, sv_$5.getBounds());
var svs_$7 = b_$6[axis_$1 == "width" ? "x" : "y"] + b_$6[axis_$1]
} else {
var svs_$7 = sv_$5[axis_$1 == "width" ? "x" : "y"] + sv_$5[axis_$1]
if (sv_$5.visible && svs_$7 > w_$3) {
w_$3 = svs_$7;
this["__LZoutlie" + axis_$1] = sv_$5
if (o_$2 != w_$3) {
if (axis_$1 == "width") {
$a.lineno = 2564, this.updateWidth(w_$3)
} else $a.lineno = 2566, this.updateHeight(w_$3)
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "reevaluateSize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2528;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "updateResourceSize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2575;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 2576, this.sprite.updateResourceSize();
$2.lineno = 2577, this.reevaluateSize()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "updateResourceSize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2575;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAttributeRelative", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, refView_$1) {
var $6 = Debug;
var $7 = $6.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($7) {
var $8 = ["prop", prop_$0, "refView", refView_$1];
$8.callee = arguments.callee;
$8["this"] = this;
$8.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$8.lineno = 2602;
if ($7.length > $7.maxDepth) {
var tLink_$2 = ($8.lineno = 2603, this.getLinkage(refView_$1));
var val_$3 = refView_$1[prop_$0];
if (prop_$0 == "x" || prop_$0 == "y") {
$8.lineno = 2607, tLink_$2.update(prop_$0);
var $lzsc$505r35 = (val_$3 - tLink_$2[prop_$0 + "offset"]) / tLink_$2[prop_$0 + "scale"];
if (!this.__LZdeleted) {
var $lzsc$m7tp4p = "$lzc$set_" + prop_$0;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? Function.$lzsc$isa(this[$lzsc$m7tp4p]) : this[$lzsc$m7tp4p] instanceof Function) {
} else {
this[prop_$0] = $lzsc$505r35;
var $lzsc$1u4kc = this["on" + prop_$0];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? LzEvent.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$1u4kc) : $lzsc$1u4kc instanceof LzEvent) {
if ($lzsc$1u4kc.ready) {
}}}}}} else if (prop_$0 == "width" || prop_$0 == "height") {
var axis_$4 = prop_$0 == "width" ? "x" : "y";
$8.lineno = 2613, tLink_$2.update(axis_$4);
var scale_$5 = axis_$4 + "scale";
var $lzsc$k19kzq = val_$3 * refView_$1[scale_$5] / tLink_$2[scale_$5] / this[scale_$5];
if (!this.__LZdeleted) {
var $lzsc$y7azyu = "$lzc$set_" + prop_$0;
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? Function.$lzsc$isa(this[$lzsc$y7azyu]) : this[$lzsc$y7azyu] instanceof Function) {
} else {
this[prop_$0] = $lzsc$k19kzq;
var $lzsc$5xb2by = this["on" + prop_$0];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? LzEvent.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$5xb2by) : $lzsc$5xb2by instanceof LzEvent) {
if ($lzsc$5xb2by.ready) {
finally {
if ($7) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAttributeRelative";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2602;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$setAttributeRelative_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1, prop_$2, refView_$3) {
var $b = Debug;
var $c = $b.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($c) {
var $d = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1, "prop", prop_$2, "refView", refView_$3];
$d.callee = arguments.callee;
$d["this"] = this;
$d.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$d.lineno = 2631;
if ($c.length > $c.maxDepth) {
var tLink_$4 = ($d.lineno = 2633, who_$0.getLinkage(refView_$3));
var pass_$5 = 2;
var d_$6 = [];
if (prop_$2 == "width") {
var ax_$7 = "x"
} else if (prop_$2 == "height") {
var ax_$7 = "y"
} else {
var ax_$7 = prop_$2
var sax_$8 = ax_$7 == "x" ? "width" : "height";
while (pass_$5) {
if (pass_$5 == 2) {
var carr_$9 = tLink_$4.uplinkArray
} else {
var carr_$9 = tLink_$4.downlinkArray
for (var i_$a = carr_$9.length - 1;i_$a >= 0;i_$a--) {
$d.lineno = 2655, d_$6.push(carr_$9[i_$a], ax_$7);
if (d_$6["_setresc" + sax_$8]) {
$d.lineno = 2658, d_$6.push([carr_$9[i_$a], sax_$8])
return d_$6
finally {
if ($c) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$setAttributeRelative_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2631;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getAttributeRelative", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (prop_$0, refView_$1) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["prop", prop_$0, "refView", refView_$1];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$7.lineno = 2692;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
if (refView_$1 === this) {
return this[prop_$0]
var tLink_$2 = ($7.lineno = 2696, this.getLinkage(refView_$1));
if (prop_$0 == "x" || prop_$0 == "y") {
$7.lineno = 2699, tLink_$2.update(prop_$0);
return this[prop_$0] * tLink_$2[prop_$0 + "scale"] + tLink_$2[prop_$0 + "offset"]
} else if (prop_$0 == "width" || prop_$0 == "height") {
var axis_$3 = prop_$0 == "width" ? "x" : "y";
$7.lineno = 2703, tLink_$2.update(axis_$3);
var scale_$4 = axis_$3 + "scale";
return this[prop_$0] * this[scale_$4] * tLink_$2[scale_$4] / refView_$1[scale_$4]
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getAttributeRelative";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2692;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$getAttributeRelative_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1, prop_$2, refView_$3) {
var $c = Debug;
var $d = $c.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($d) {
var $e = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1, "prop", prop_$2, "refView", refView_$3];
$e.callee = arguments.callee;
$e["this"] = this;
$e.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$e.lineno = 2715;
if ($d.length > $d.maxDepth) {
var tLink_$4 = ($e.lineno = 2717, self_$1.getLinkage(refView_$3));
var pass_$5 = 2;
var d_$6 = [self_$1, prop_$2];
if (prop_$2 == "width") {
var ax_$7 = "x"
} else if (prop_$2 == "height") {
var ax_$7 = "y"
} else {
var ax_$7 = prop_$2
var sax_$8 = ax_$7 == "x" ? "width" : "height";
while (pass_$5) {
if (pass_$5 == 2) {
var carr_$9 = tLink_$4.uplinkArray
} else {
var carr_$9 = tLink_$4.downlinkArray
for (var i_$a = carr_$9.length - 1;i_$a >= 0;i_$a--) {
var ci_$b = carr_$9[i_$a];
$e.lineno = 2740, d_$6.push(ci_$b, ax_$7);
if (ci_$b["_setresc" + sax_$8]) {
$e.lineno = 2743, d_$6.push(ci_$b, sax_$8)
return d_$6
finally {
if ($d) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$getAttributeRelative_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2715;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZviewLinks", null, "getLinkage", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (refView_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["refView", refView_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 2765;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.__LZviewLinks == null) {
this.__LZviewLinks = ($4.lineno = 2767, new Object())
var uid_$1 = ($4.lineno = 2770, refView_$0.getUID());
if (this.__LZviewLinks[uid_$1] == null) {
this.__LZviewLinks[uid_$1] = ($4.lineno = 2773, new LzViewLinkage(this, refView_$0))
return this.__LZviewLinks[uid_$1]
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getLinkage";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2765;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "mouseevent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventname_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["eventname", eventname_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2784;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this[eventname_$0] && this[eventname_$0].ready) $3.lineno = 2785, this[eventname_$0].sendEvent(this)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "mouseevent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2784;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getMouse", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (xory_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["xory", xory_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2798;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
xory_$0 = null
if (this.__mousecache == null || this.__movecounter !== lz.GlobalMouse.__movecounter) {
this.__movecounter = lz.GlobalMouse.__movecounter;
this.__mousecache = ($3.lineno = 2801, this.sprite.getMouse())
if (xory_$0 == null) return this.__mousecache;
return this.__mousecache[xory_$0]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getMouse";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2798;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$getMouse_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2808;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var ignore_$0 = ($3.lineno = 2808,, 0));
return [lz.Idle, "idle"]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$getMouse_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2808;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "containsPt", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (x_$0, y_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["x", x_$0, "y", y_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$9.lineno = 2819;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
var offsetx_$2 = 0;
var offsety_$3 = 0;
var view_$4 = this;
do {
if (!view_$4.visible) return false;
if (view_$4.masked || view_$4 === this) {
var vx_$5 = x_$0 - offsetx_$2;
var vy_$6 = y_$1 - offsety_$3;
if (vx_$5 < 0 || vx_$5 >= view_$4.width || vy_$6 < 0 || vy_$6 >= view_$4.height) {
return false
offsetx_$2 -= view_$4.x;
offsety_$3 -= view_$4.y;
view_$4 = view_$4.immediateparent
} while (view_$4 !== canvas);
return true
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "containsPt";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2819;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "bringToFront", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2854;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (!this.sprite) {
$2.lineno = 2858, Debug.warn("no sprite on ", this);
$2.lineno = 2862, this.sprite.bringToFront()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "bringToFront";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2854;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getDepthList", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2869;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var o_$0 = ($3.lineno = 2870, this.subviews.concat());
$3.lineno = 2871, o_$0.sort(this.__zCompare);
return o_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getDepthList";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2869;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__zCompare", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (a_$0, b_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["a", a_$0, "b", b_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$6.lineno = 2881;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var az_$2 = ($6.lineno = 2882, a_$0.sprite.getZ());
var bz_$3 = ($6.lineno = 2883, b_$1.sprite.getZ());
if (az_$2 < bz_$3) return -1;
if (az_$2 > bz_$3) return 1;
return 0
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__zCompare";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2881;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "sendBehind", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2900;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (v_$0 === this) return;
return v_$0 ? ($3.lineno = 2904, this.sprite.sendBehind(v_$0.sprite)) : false
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "sendBehind";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2900;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "sendInFrontOf", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2916;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (v_$0 === this) return;
return v_$0 ? ($3.lineno = 2920, this.sprite.sendInFrontOf(v_$0.sprite)) : false
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "sendInFrontOf";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2916;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "sendToBack", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2926;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 2927, this.sprite.sendToBack()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "sendToBack";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2926;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setResourceNumber", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2940;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2941, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2942, this.$lzc$set_frame(n_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setResourceNumber";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2940;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "stretchResource", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2955;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2956, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2957, this.$lzc$set_stretches(v_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "stretchResource";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2955;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setBGColor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (bgc_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["bgc", bgc_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 2966;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 2967, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 2968, this.$lzc$set_bgcolor(bgc_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setBGColor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2966;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setSource", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (source_$0, cache_$1, headers_$2, filetype_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["source", source_$0, "cache", cache_$1, "headers", headers_$2, "filetype", filetype_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$6.lineno = 2986;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
cache_$1 = null;;case 2:
headers_$2 = null;;case 3:
filetype_$3 = null
$6.lineno = 2987, this.sprite.setSource(source_$0, cache_$1, headers_$2, filetype_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setSource";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2986;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "unload", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 2993;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
this._resource = null;
$2.lineno = 2995, this.sprite.unload()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "unload";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 2993;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "makeMasked", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3003;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 3004, this.sprite.setClip(true);
this.masked = true;
this.mask = this
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeMasked";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3003;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "removeMask", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3010;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 3011, this.sprite.setClip(false);
this.masked = false;
this.mask = null
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "removeMask";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3010;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setClickable", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (amclickable_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["amclickable", amclickable_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3022;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3023, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3024, this.$lzc$set_clickable(amclickable_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setClickable";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3022;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_cursor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (cursor_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["cursor", cursor_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3029;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3030, this.sprite.setCursor(cursor_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_cursor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3029;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setCursor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (cursor_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["cursor", cursor_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3039;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
cursor_$0 = null
$3.lineno = 3040, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3041, this.$lzc$set_cursor(cursor_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setCursor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3039;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_play", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (b_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["b", b_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3046;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (b_$0) {
$3.lineno = 3048,
} else {
$3.lineno = 3050, this.stop()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_play";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3046;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setPlay", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (b_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["b", b_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3059;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3060, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3061, this.$lzc$set_play(b_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setPlay";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3059;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getMCRef", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3069;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 3070, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.getDisplayObject);
return $2.lineno = 3071, this.getDisplayObject()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getMCRef";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3069;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getDisplayObject", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3077;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 3078, this.sprite.getDisplayObject()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getDisplayObject";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3077;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "play", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0, rel_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["f", f_$0, "rel", rel_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 3092;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
f_$0 = null;;case 1:
rel_$1 = false
$4.lineno = 3093,$0, rel_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "play";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3092;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "stop", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0, rel_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["f", f_$0, "rel", rel_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 3102;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
f_$0 = null;;case 1:
rel_$1 = false
$4.lineno = 3103, this.sprite.stop(f_$0, rel_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "stop";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3102;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setVolume", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3110;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if ( {
$3.lineno = 3112, this.sprite.setVolume(v_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 3114, LzView.__warnCapability("view.setVolume()", "audio")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setVolume";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3110;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getVolume", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3122;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if ( {
return $2.lineno = 3124, this.sprite.getVolume()
} else {
$2.lineno = 3126, LzView.__warnCapability("view.getVolume()", "audio")
return NaN
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getVolume";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3122;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setPan", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (p_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["p", p_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3135;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if ( {
$3.lineno = 3137, this.sprite.setPan(p_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 3139, LzView.__warnCapability("view.setPan()", "audio")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setPan";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3135;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getPan", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3147;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if ( {
return $2.lineno = 3149, this.sprite.getPan()
} else {
$2.lineno = 3151, LzView.__warnCapability("view.getPan()", "audio")
return NaN
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getPan";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3147;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getZ", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3161;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 3162, this.sprite.getZ()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getZ";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3161;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "seek", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (secs_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["secs", secs_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 3172;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if ( {
if (this.sprite.isaudio) {
$4.lineno = 3175,$0, this.playing);
var frames_$1 = secs_$0 * canvas.framerate;
if (this.playing) {
$4.lineno = 3181,$1, true)
} else {
$4.lineno = 3183, this.stop(frames_$1, true)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "seek";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3172;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getCurrentTime", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3192;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if ( {
if (this.sprite.isaudio) {
return $2.lineno = 3195, this.sprite.getCurrentTime()
return this.frame / canvas.framerate
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getCurrentTime";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3192;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$getCurrentTime_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 3202;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return [self_$1, "frame"]
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$getCurrentTime_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3202;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getTotalTime", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3210;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if ( {
if (this.sprite.isaudio) {
return $2.lineno = 3213, this.sprite.getTotalTime()
return this.totalframes / canvas.framerate
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getTotalTime";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3210;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$getTotalTime_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 3220;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return [self_$1, "load"]
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$getTotalTime_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3220;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getID3", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3229;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if ( {
if (this.sprite.isaudio) {
return $2.lineno = 3232, this.sprite.getID3()
}} else {
$2.lineno = 3235, LzView.__warnCapability("view.getID3()", "audio")
return null
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getID3";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3229;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setShowHandCursor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3247;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3248, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3249, this.$lzc$set_showhandcursor(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setShowHandCursor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3247;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAccessible", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (accessible_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["accessible", accessible_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3255;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.accessibility) {
$3.lineno = 3257, this.sprite.setAccessible(accessible_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 3259, LzView.__warnCapability("view.setAccessible()", "accessibility")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAccessible";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3255;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAAActive", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3268;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3269, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3270, this.$lzc$set_aaactive(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAAActive";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3268;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAAName", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3279;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3280, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3281, this.$lzc$set_aaname(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAAName";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3279;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAADescription", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3290;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3291, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3292, this.$lzc$set_aadescription(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAADescription";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3290;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAATabIndex", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3300;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3301, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3302, this.$lzc$set_aatabindex(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAATabIndex";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3300;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAASilent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3311;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3312, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3313, this.$lzc$set_aasilent(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAASilent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3311;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "shouldYieldFocus", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3320;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return true
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "shouldYieldFocus";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3320;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "blurring", false, "getProxyURL", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["url", url_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 3335;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
url_$0 = null
var proxy_$1 = this.proxyurl;
if (proxy_$1 == null) {
return null
} else if (typeof proxy_$1 == "string") {
return proxy_$1
} else if (typeof proxy_$1 == "function") {
return $4.lineno = 3342, proxy_$1(url_$0)
} else {
$4.lineno = 3344, Debug.error("Unknown value for proxyurl expression %w on %w", proxy_$1, this)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getProxyURL";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3335;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZcheckProxyPolicy", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["url", url_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$6.lineno = 3352;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (this.__proxypolicy != null) {
return $6.lineno = 3355, this.__proxypolicy(url_$0)
var pol_$1 = LzView.__LZproxypolicies;
for (var i_$2 = pol_$1.length - 1;i_$2 >= 0;i_$2--) {
var resp_$3 = ($6.lineno = 3361, pol_$1[i_$2](url_$0));
if (resp_$3 != null) return resp_$3
return canvas.proxied
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZcheckProxyPolicy";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3352;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setProxyPolicy", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["f", f_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3409;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.__proxypolicy = f_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setProxyPolicy";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3409;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__proxypolicy", null, "setProxyURL", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["f", f_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3422;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3423, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3424, this.$lzc$set_proxyurl(f_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setProxyURL";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3422;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "proxyurl", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (url_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["url", url_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3442;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
return $3.lineno = 3447, canvas.getProxyURL(url_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "views/LaszloView.lzs#3442/16";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3442;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_proxyurl", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["f", f_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3451;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.proxyurl = f_$0
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_proxyurl";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3451;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "contextmenu", null, "$lzc$set_contextmenu", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (cmenu_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["cmenu", cmenu_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3462;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.contextmenu = cmenu_$0;
$3.lineno = 3464, this.sprite.setContextMenu(cmenu_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_contextmenu";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3462;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setContextMenu", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (cmenu_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["cmenu", cmenu_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3472;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3473, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 3474, this.$lzc$set_contextmenu(cmenu_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setContextMenu";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3472;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getContextMenu", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3482;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 3483, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, "contextmenu");
return this.contextmenu
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getContextMenu";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3482;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getNextSelection", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3499;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getNextSelection";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3499;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getPrevSelection", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3505;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getPrevSelection";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3505;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "cachebitmap", false, "$lzc$set_cachebitmap", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (cache_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["cache", cache_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3518;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (cache_$0 != this.cachebitmap) {
this.cachebitmap = cache_$0;
if (this.capabilities.bitmapcaching) {
$3.lineno = 3522, this.sprite.setBitmapCache(cache_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 3524, LzView.__warnCapability("view.cachebitmap", "bitmapcaching")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_cachebitmap";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3518;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "oncontext", LzDeclaredEvent, "context", null, "$lzc$set_context", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (context_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["context", context_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3546;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.context = context_$0;
if (this.oncontext.ready) {
$3.lineno = 3549, this.oncontext.sendEvent(context_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_context";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3546;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "createContext", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3557;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["2dcanvas"]) {
$3.lineno = 3560, this.sprite.setContextCallback(this, "$lzc$set_context");
var context_$0 = ($3.lineno = 3562, this.sprite.getContext());
if (context_$0) {
if (!this.__LZdeleted) {
if (Function["$lzsc$isa"] ? Function.$lzsc$isa(this["$lzc$set_context"]) : this["$lzc$set_context"] instanceof Function) {
} else {
this["context"] = context_$0;
var $lzsc$fk82pm = this["oncontext"];
if (LzEvent["$lzsc$isa"] ? LzEvent.$lzsc$isa($lzsc$fk82pm) : $lzsc$fk82pm instanceof LzEvent) {
if ($lzsc$fk82pm.ready) {
}}}}}}} else {
$3.lineno = 3567, LzView.__warnCapability("view.createContext", "2dcanvas")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "createContext";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3557;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onshadowangle", LzDeclaredEvent, "shadowangle", 0, "$lzc$set_shadowangle", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (angle_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["angle", angle_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3589;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["dropshadows"]) {
this.shadowangle = angle_$0;
$3.lineno = 3592, this.__updateShadow();
if (this.onshadowangle.ready) {
$3.lineno = 3594, this.onshadowangle.sendEvent(angle_$0)
}} else {
$3.lineno = 3597, LzView.__warnCapability("view.shadowangle", "dropshadows")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_shadowangle";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3589;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onshadowdistance", LzDeclaredEvent, "shadowdistance", 10, "$lzc$set_shadowdistance", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (distance_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["distance", distance_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3619;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["dropshadows"]) {
if (distance_$0 < 0.01) distance_$0 = 0;
this.shadowdistance = distance_$0;
$3.lineno = 3623, this.__updateShadow();
if (this.onshadowdistance.ready) {
$3.lineno = 3625, this.onshadowdistance.sendEvent(distance_$0)
}} else {
$3.lineno = 3628, LzView.__warnCapability("view.shadowdistance", "dropshadows")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_shadowdistance";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3619;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onshadowcolor", LzDeclaredEvent, "shadowcolor", 0, "$lzc$set_shadowcolor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (color_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["color", color_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3650;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["dropshadows"]) {
this.shadowcolor = ($3.lineno = 3652, LzColorUtils.torgb(color_$0));
$3.lineno = 3653, this.__updateShadow();
if (this.onshadowcolor.ready) {
$3.lineno = 3655, this.onshadowcolor.sendEvent(color_$0)
}} else {
$3.lineno = 3658, LzView.__warnCapability("view.shadowcolor", "dropshadows")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_shadowcolor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3650;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onshadowblurradius", LzDeclaredEvent, "shadowblurradius", 4, "$lzc$set_shadowblurradius", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (blurradius_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["blurradius", blurradius_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3680;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["dropshadows"]) {
if (blurradius_$0 < 0.01) blurradius_$0 = 0;
this.shadowblurradius = blurradius_$0;
$3.lineno = 3684, this.__updateShadow();
if (this.onshadowblurradius.ready) {
$3.lineno = 3686, this.onshadowblurradius.sendEvent(blurradius_$0)
}} else {
$3.lineno = 3689, LzView.__warnCapability("view.shadowblurradius", "dropshadows")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_shadowblurradius";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3680;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__updateShadow", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$2.lineno = 3696;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (!this.isinited) {
this.__updateshadowoninit = true
} else {
$2.lineno = 3700, this.sprite.updateShadow(this.shadowcolor, this.shadowdistance, this.shadowangle, this.shadowblurradius)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__updateShadow";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3696;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ontintcolor", LzDeclaredEvent, "tintcolor", "", "$lzc$set_tintcolor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (color_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["color", color_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$5.lineno = 3720;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.colortransform) {
if (this.fgcolor != null) {
$5.lineno = 3724, Debug.warn("Setting tintcolor when fgcolor is already set on", this)
var obj_$1 = {redMultiplier: 0, greenMultiplier: 0, blueMultiplier: 0, alphaMultiplier: 1};
if (color_$0 != null && color_$0 != "") {
if ($5.lineno = 3733, isNaN(color_$0)) {
var color_$0 = ($5.lineno = 3734, lz.Type.acceptTypeValue("color", color_$0, this, "tintcolor"))
var rgba_$2 = ($5.lineno = 3736, LzColorUtils.inttorgba(color_$0));
obj_$1.redOffset = rgba_$2[0];
obj_$1.greenOffset = rgba_$2[1];
obj_$1.blueOffset = rgba_$2[2];
if (rgba_$2[3] != null) {
obj_$1.alphaOffset = rgba_$2[3]
$5.lineno = 3749, this.$lzc$set_colortransform(obj_$1);
} else {
$5.lineno = 3759, LzView.__warnCapability("view.tintcolor", "colortransform")
this.tintcolor = color_$0;
if (this.ontintcolor.ready) $5.lineno = 3762, this.ontintcolor.sendEvent(color_$0)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_tintcolor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3720;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "oncornerradius", LzDeclaredEvent, "cornerradius", "4", "$lzc$set_cornerradius", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (radius_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["radius", radius_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$6.lineno = 3783;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["cornerradius"]) {
if (this.cornerradius !== radius_$0) {
var radii_$1 = ($6.lineno = 3788, ($6.lineno = 3788, String(radius_$0)).split(" "));
var l_$2 = radii_$1.length;
if (l_$2 == 0) return;
if (l_$2 <= 1) radii_$1[1] = radii_$1[0];
if (l_$2 <= 3) radii_$1[3] = radii_$1[1];
if (l_$2 <= 2) radii_$1[2] = radii_$1[0];
for (var i_$3 = 0, l_$2 = radii_$1.length;i_$3 < l_$2;i_$3++) {
radii_$1[i_$3] = ($6.lineno = 3800, parseFloat(radii_$1[i_$3]))
$6.lineno = 3802, this.sprite.setCornerRadius(radii_$1)
}} else {
$6.lineno = 3805, LzView.__warnCapability("view.cornerradius", "cornerradius")
this.cornerradius = radius_$0;
if (this.oncornerradius.ready) $6.lineno = 3808, this.oncornerradius.sendEvent(radius_$0)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_cornerradius";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3783;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "isMouseOver", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3812;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var mousepos_$0 = ($3.lineno = 3813, this.getMouse());
return $3.lineno = 3814, this.containsPt(mousepos_$0.x, mousepos_$0.y)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "isMouseOver";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3812;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$isMouseOver_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = [];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3818;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
var ignore_$0 = ($3.lineno = 3818,, 0));
return [lz.Idle, "idle"]
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$isMouseOver_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3818;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "isInFrontOf", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sibling_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sibling", sibling_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3823;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!sibling_$0 || sibling_$0.parent !== this.parent) return null;
return ($3.lineno = 3825, this.sprite.getZ()) > ($3.lineno = 3825, sibling_$0.sprite.getZ())
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "isInFrontOf";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3823;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "isBehind", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sibling_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sibling", sibling_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3829;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (!sibling_$0 || sibling_$0.parent !== this.parent) return null;
return ($3.lineno = 3831, this.sprite.getZ()) < ($3.lineno = 3831, sibling_$0.sprite.getZ())
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "isBehind";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3829;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__widthoffset", 0, "__heightoffset", 0, "__styleinfo", {}, "setCSS", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (stylename_$0, value_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["stylename", stylename_$0, "value", value_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$6.lineno = 3850;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var styleinfo_$2 = this.__styleinfo[stylename_$0];
if (!styleinfo_$2) {
$6.lineno = 3854, Debug.warn("Unknown CSS property", stylename_$0);
if (this.capabilities[styleinfo_$2.capability]) {
$6.lineno = 3862, this.sprite.setCSS(stylename_$0, value_$1, styleinfo_$2.isdimension)
} else {
$6.lineno = 3864, LzView.__warnCapability("view." + ($6.lineno = 3864, stylename_$0.toLowerCase()), styleinfo_$2.capability);
if (styleinfo_$2.affectsoffset) {
this.__LZhasoffset = this.xoffset != 0 || this.yoffset != 0 || this.__widthoffset != 0 || this.__heightoffset != 0;
this.usegetbounds = this.__LZhasoffset || this.rotation != 0 || this.xscale != 1 || this.yscale != 1;
var vip_$3 = this.immediateparent;
if (vip_$3.__LZcheckwidth) $6.lineno = 3874, vip_$3.__LZcheckwidthFunction(this);
if (vip_$3.__LZcheckheight) $6.lineno = 3876, vip_$3.__LZcheckheightFunction(this)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setCSS";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3850;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZresolveOtherReferences", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (rdict_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["rdict", rdict_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$4.lineno = 3883;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var layout_$1 = rdict_$0["layout"];
if (layout_$1 != null) {
$4.lineno = 3887, this.$lzc$set_layout(layout_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZresolveOtherReferences";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3883;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "usegetbounds", false, "xscale", 1, "onxscale", LzDeclaredEvent, "$lzc$set_xscale", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (xscale_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["xscale", xscale_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3914;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.scaling) {
this.xscale = xscale_$0;
this.usegetbounds = this.__LZhasoffset || this.rotation != 0 || this.xscale != 1 || this.yscale != 1;
$3.lineno = 3918, this.sprite.setXScale(xscale_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 3920, LzView.__warnCapability("view.xscale", "scaling")
if (this.onxscale.ready) $3.lineno = 3922, this.onxscale.sendEvent(xscale_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_xscale";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3914;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "yscale", 1, "onyscale", LzDeclaredEvent, "$lzc$set_yscale", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (yscale_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["yscale", yscale_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3939;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.scaling) {
this.yscale = yscale_$0;
this.usegetbounds = this.__LZhasoffset || this.rotation != 0 || this.yscale != 1 || this.yscale != 1;
$3.lineno = 3943, this.sprite.setYScale(yscale_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 3945, LzView.__warnCapability("view.yscale", "scaling")
if (this.onyscale.ready) $3.lineno = 3947, this.onyscale.sendEvent(yscale_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_yscale";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3939;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzNode, ["tagname", "view", "attributes", new LzInheritedHash(LzNode.attributes), "__LZlastmtrix", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "__LZproxypolicies", [], "addProxyPolicy", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["f", f_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 3378;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 3379, LzView.__LZproxypolicies.push(f_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addProxyPolicy";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3378;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "removeProxyPolicy", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (f_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["f", f_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$5.lineno = 3390;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var pol_$1 = LzView.__LZproxypolicies;
for (var i_$2 = 0;i_$2 < pol_$1.length;i_$2++) {
if (pol_$1[i_$2] == f_$0) {
LzView.__LZproxypolicies = ($5.lineno = 3394, pol_$1.splice(i_$2, 1));
return true
return false
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "removeProxyPolicy";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3390;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__warnCapability", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (msg_$0, capabilityname_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["msg", msg_$0, "capabilityname", capabilityname_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$5.lineno = 3488;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
capabilityname_$1 = ""
var check_$2 = capabilityname_$1 == "" ? "" : 'Check "canvas.capabilities.' + capabilityname_$1 + '" to avoid this warning.';
$5.lineno = 3491, Debug.warn("The %s runtime does not support %s. %s", canvas["runtime"], msg_$0, check_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__warnCapability";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 3488;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$3.lineno = 46;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {}}
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "views/LaszloView.lzs#46/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloView.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 46;
return $lzsc$temp
lz[LzView.tagname] = LzView;
Class.make("LzTextscrollEvent", ["__senderscope", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventSender_$0, eventName_$1, d_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["eventSender", eventSender_$0, "eventName", eventName_$1, "d", d_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$5.lineno = 37;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
d_$2 = null
this.__senderscope = eventSender_$0;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($5.lineno = 39, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, eventSender_$0, eventName_$1, d_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 37;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "notify", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ready_$0) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["ready", ready_$0];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$5.lineno = 45;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
if (this.__senderscope) {
var scope_$1 = this.__senderscope;
if (ready_$0) {
} else {
var scrollevents_$2 = scope_$1.__scrollEventListeners > 0 || scope_$1.__userscrollevents;
if (scrollevents_$2 != scope_$1.scrollevents) {
$5.lineno = 56, scope_$1.__set_scrollevents(scrollevents_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "notify";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 45;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzNotifyingEvent, ["LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent", void 0]);
LzTextscrollEvent.LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent = new LzDeclaredEventClass(LzTextscrollEvent);
Class.make("LzTextlinkEvent", ["__senderscope", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventSender_$0, eventName_$1, d_$2) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["eventSender", eventSender_$0, "eventName", eventName_$1, "d", d_$2];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$5.lineno = 85;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
d_$2 = null
this.__senderscope = eventSender_$0;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($5.lineno = 87, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, eventSender_$0, eventName_$1, d_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 85;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "notify", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ready_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["ready", ready_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 93;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var scope_$1 = this.__senderscope;
if (scope_$1 && scope_$1.tsprite) {
$4.lineno = 96, scope_$1.tsprite.activateLinks(ready_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "notify";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 93;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzNotifyingEvent, ["LzDeclaredTextlinkEvent", void 0]);
LzTextlinkEvent.LzDeclaredTextlinkEvent = new LzDeclaredEventClass(LzTextlinkEvent);
Class.make("LzText", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, attrs_$1, children_$2, instcall_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["parent", parent_$0, "attrs", attrs_$1, "children", children_$2, "instcall", instcall_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$6.lineno = 199;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
parent_$0 = null;;case 1:
attrs_$1 = null;;case 2:
children_$2 = null;;case 3:
instcall_$3 = false
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 200, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, parent_$0, attrs_$1, children_$2, instcall_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 199;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "selectable", false, "hasdirectionallayout", false, "onselectable", LzDeclaredEvent, "$lzc$set_selectable", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (isSel_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["isSel", isSel_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 234;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
isSel_$0 = !(!isSel_$0);
this.selectable = isSel_$0;
$3.lineno = 238, this.tsprite.setSelectable(isSel_$0);
if (this.onselectable.ready) $3.lineno = 239, this.onselectable.sendEvent(isSel_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_selectable";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 234;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "direction", "ltr", "ondirection", LzDeclaredEvent, "$lzc$set_direction", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (dir_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["dir", dir_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 252;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.direction = dir_$0;
if (this.capabilities.directional_layout) {
$3.lineno = 255, this.tsprite.setDirection(dir_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 257, LzView.__warnCapability("text.directional_layout", "direction")
if (this.ondirection.ready) $3.lineno = 260, this.ondirection.sendEvent(dir_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_direction";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 252;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "antiAliasType", "advanced", "$lzc$set_antiAliasType", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (aliasType_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["aliasType", aliasType_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 275;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.advancedfonts) {
if (aliasType_$0 == "normal" || aliasType_$0 == "advanced") {
this.antiAliasType = aliasType_$0;
$3.lineno = 279, this.tsprite.setAntiAliasType(aliasType_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 281, Debug.warn("antiAliasType invalid, must be 'normal' or 'advanced', but you said '" + aliasType_$0 + "'")
}} else {
$3.lineno = 284, LzView.__warnCapability("text.setAntiAliasType()", "advancedfonts")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_antiAliasType";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 275;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "gridFit", "pixel", "$lzc$set_gridFit", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (gridFit_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["gridFit", gridFit_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 295;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.advancedfonts) {
if (gridFit_$0 == "none" || gridFit_$0 == "pixel" || gridFit_$0 == "subpixel") {
this.gridFit = gridFit_$0;
$3.lineno = 299, this.tsprite.setGridFit(gridFit_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 301, Debug.warn("gridFit invalid, must be 'none', 'pixel', or 'subpixel' but you said '" + gridFit_$0 + "'")
}} else {
$3.lineno = 304, LzView.__warnCapability("text.setGridFit()", "advancedfonts")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_gridFit";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 295;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "sharpness", 0, "$lzc$set_sharpness", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sharpness_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sharpness", sharpness_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 315;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.advancedfonts) {
if (sharpness_$0 >= -400 && sharpness_$0 <= 400) {
this.sharpness = sharpness_$0;
$3.lineno = 319, this.tsprite.setSharpness(sharpness_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 321, Debug.warn("sharpness out of range, must be -400 to 400")
}} else {
$3.lineno = 324, LzView.__warnCapability("text.setSharpness()", "advancedfonts")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_sharpness";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 315;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "thickness", 0, "$lzc$set_thickness", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (thickness_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["thickness", thickness_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 335;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.advancedfonts) {
if (thickness_$0 >= -200 && thickness_$0 <= 200) {
this.thickness = thickness_$0;
$3.lineno = 339, this.tsprite.setThickness(thickness_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 341, Debug.warn("thickness out of range, must be -200 to 200")
}} else {
$3.lineno = 344, LzView.__warnCapability("text.setThickness()", "advancedfonts")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_thickness";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 335;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_clip", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (c_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["c", c_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 349;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzc$set_clip"] || ($3.lineno = 350, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzc$set_clip"))).call(this, c_$0);
if (this.isinited && this.scrollevents && !this.clip) {
$3.lineno = 353, Debug.warn("You have set 'clip' to false on text view ", this, ", 'scrollevents' will be set to false as well");
$3.lineno = 355, this.$lzc$set_scrollevents(false)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_clip";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 349;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_width", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["val", val_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 364;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
$4.lineno = 365, this.tsprite.setWidth(val_$0);
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzc$set_width"] || ($4.lineno = 366, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzc$set_width"))).call(this, val_$0);
if (this.scrollwidth < this.width) {
this.scrollwidth = this.width
$4.lineno = 369, this.updateAttribute("maxhscroll", this.scrollwidth - this.width);
if (!this.hassetheight) {
var h_$1 = ($4.lineno = 372, this.tsprite.getTextfieldHeight());
if (h_$1 > 0 && h_$1 != this.height) {
$4.lineno = 374, this.updateHeight(h_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_width";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 364;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getDefaultWidth", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 383;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return 0
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getDefaultWidth";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 383;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "updateAttribute", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$5.lineno = 402;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
this[name_$0] = value_$1;
var event_$2 = this["on" + name_$0];
if (event_$2.ready) {
$5.lineno = 405, event_$2.sendEvent(value_$1)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "updateAttribute";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 402;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "updateLineAttribute", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$5.lineno = 420;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
var lineNo_$2;
if (this.capabilities.linescrolling) {
lineNo_$2 = ($5.lineno = 423, this.tsprite.pixelToLineNo(value_$1))
} else {
lineNo_$2 = ($5.lineno = 425, Math.ceil(value_$1 / this.lineheight)) + 1
$5.lineno = 427, this.updateAttribute(name_$0, lineNo_$2)
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "updateLineAttribute";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 420;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "lineheight", 0, "$lzc$set_lineheight", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (x_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["x", x_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 447;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 448, Debug.error("lineheight is read-only")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_lineheight";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 447;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onlineheight", LzDeclaredEvent, "__scrollEventListeners", 0, "scrollevents", false, "__userscrollevents", false, "$lzc$set_scrollevents", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (on_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["on", on_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 472;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.__userscrollevents = on_$0;
if (this.scrollevents !== on_$0) {
$3.lineno = 475, this.__set_scrollevents(on_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_scrollevents";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 472;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__set_scrollevents", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (on_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["on", on_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 480;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.scrollevents == on_$0) return;
this.scrollevents = on_$0;
if (this.isinited && this.scrollevents && !this.clip) {
$3.lineno = 486, Debug.warn("You have set scrollevents to true on text view ", this, ", but you must also set clip='true' on this view to have scrolling work correctly")
$3.lineno = 489, this.tsprite.setScrollEvents(on_$0);
if (this.onscrollevents.ready) $3.lineno = 490, this.onscrollevents.sendEvent(on_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__set_scrollevents";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 480;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onscrollevents", LzDeclaredEvent, "yscroll", 0, "$lzc$set_yscroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 511;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (n_$0 > 0) {
$3.lineno = 514, Debug.warn("Invalid value for %w.yscroll: %w", this, n_$0);
n_$0 = 0
$3.lineno = 518, this.tsprite.setYScroll(n_$0);
$3.lineno = 519, this.updateAttribute("yscroll", n_$0);
$3.lineno = 520, this.updateLineAttribute("scroll", -n_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_yscroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 511;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onyscroll", LzTextscrollEvent.LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent, "scrollheight", 0, "$lzc$set_scrollheight", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (x_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["x", x_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 546;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 547, Debug.error("scrollheight is read-only")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_scrollheight";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 546;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onscrollheight", LzTextscrollEvent.LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent, "xscroll", 0, "$lzc$set_xscroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 568;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (n_$0 > 0) {
$3.lineno = 571, Debug.warn("Invalid value for %w.xscroll: %w", this, n_$0);
n_$0 = 0
$3.lineno = 575, this.tsprite.setXScroll(n_$0);
$3.lineno = 576, this.updateAttribute("xscroll", n_$0);
$3.lineno = 577, this.updateAttribute("hscroll", -n_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_xscroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 568;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onxscroll", LzTextscrollEvent.LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent, "scrollwidth", 0, "$lzc$set_scrollwidth", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (x_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["x", x_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 603;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 604, Debug.error("scrollwidth is read-only")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_scrollwidth";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 603;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onscrollwidth", LzTextscrollEvent.LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent, "scroll", 1, "$lzc$set_scroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["n", n_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 628;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (n_$0 < 1 || n_$0 > this.maxscroll) {
$4.lineno = 631, Debug.warn("Invalid valuefor %w.scroll: %w (limits [1, %w])", this, n_$0, this.maxscroll);
n_$0 = n_$0 < 1 ? 1 : this.maxscroll
var pixel_$1;
if (this.capabilities.linescrolling) {
pixel_$1 = ($4.lineno = 637, this.tsprite.lineNoToPixel(n_$0))
} else {
pixel_$1 = (n_$0 - 1) * this.lineheight
$4.lineno = 643, this.$lzc$set_yscroll(-pixel_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_scroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 628;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onscroll", LzTextscrollEvent.LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent, "maxscroll", 1, "$lzc$set_maxscroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (x_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["x", x_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 665;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 666, Debug.error("maxscroll is read-only")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_maxscroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 665;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onmaxscroll", LzTextscrollEvent.LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent, "hscroll", 0, "$lzc$set_hscroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 682;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (n_$0 < 0 || n_$0 > this.maxhscroll) {
$3.lineno = 685, Debug.warn("Invalid value for %w.hscroll: %w (limits [0, %w])", this, n_$0, this.maxhscroll);
n_$0 = n_$0 < 1 ? 1 : this.maxhscroll
$3.lineno = 691, this.$lzc$set_xscroll(-n_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_hscroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 682;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onhscroll", LzTextscrollEvent.LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent, "maxhscroll", 0, "$lzc$set_maxhscroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (x_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["x", x_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 714;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 715, Debug.error("maxhscroll is read-only")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_maxhscroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 714;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onmaxhscroll", LzTextscrollEvent.LzDeclaredTextscrollEvent, "scrollevent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, value_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["name", name_$0, "value", value_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 731;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (name_$0) {
case "scrollTop":
$4.lineno = 734, this.updateAttribute("yscroll", -value_$1);$4.lineno = 735, this.updateLineAttribute("scroll", value_$1);break;;case "scrollLeft":
$4.lineno = 738, this.updateAttribute("xscroll", -value_$1);$4.lineno = 739, this.updateAttribute("hscroll", value_$1);break;;case "scrollHeight":
$4.lineno = 742, this.updateAttribute("scrollheight", value_$1);$4.lineno = 744, this.updateLineAttribute("maxscroll", ($4.lineno = 744, Math.max(0, value_$1 - this.height)));break;;case "scrollWidth":
$4.lineno = 747, this.updateAttribute("scrollwidth", value_$1);$4.lineno = 749, this.updateAttribute("maxhscroll", ($4.lineno = 749, Math.max(0, value_$1 - this.width)));break;;case "lineHeight":
$4.lineno = 752, this.updateAttribute("lineheight", value_$1);if (this.inited) {
$4.lineno = 755, this.updateLineAttribute("scroll", -this.yscroll)
$4.lineno = 760, Debug.error("%w: Uknown scrollevent %s (%w)", arguments.callee, name_$0, value_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "scrollevent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 731;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "multiline", false, "$lzc$set_multiline", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ml_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["ml", ml_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 795;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
ml_$0 = !(!ml_$0);
if (ml_$0 !== this.multiline) {
this.multiline = ml_$0;
$3.lineno = 799, this.tsprite.setMultiline(ml_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_multiline";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 795;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "resize", true, "$lzc$set_resize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 813;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
val_$0 = !(!val_$0);
if (val_$0 !== this.resize) {
this.resize = val_$0;
$3.lineno = 817, this.tsprite.setResize(val_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_resize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 813;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "text", "", "$lzc$set_text", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (t_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["t", t_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 836;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
t_$0 = ($3.lineno = 838, String(t_$0));
if (t_$0 == ($3.lineno = 840, this.getText())) {
if (this.ontext.ready) $3.lineno = 841, this.ontext.sendEvent(t_$0);
if (this.visible) $3.lineno = 844, this.tsprite.setVisible(this.visible);
if (t_$0.length > this.maxlength) {
t_$0 = ($3.lineno = 846, t_$0.substring(0, this.maxlength))
$3.lineno = 848, this.tsprite.setText(t_$0);
this.text = t_$0;
if (this.ontext.ready) $3.lineno = 851, this.ontext.sendEvent(t_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_text";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 836;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_updateSize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 858;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (!this.isinited) {
if (this.width == 0 || this.resize && this.multiline == false) {
var w_$0 = ($4.lineno = 863, this.tsprite.getTextWidth());
if (w_$0 != this.width) {
$4.lineno = 866, this.$lzc$set_width(w_$0)
if (!this.hassetheight) {
var h_$1 = ($4.lineno = 871, this.tsprite.getTextfieldHeight());
if (h_$1 > 0 && h_$1 != this.height) {
$4.lineno = 873, this.updateHeight(h_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "_updateSize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 858;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "ontext", LzDeclaredEvent, "ontextlink", LzDeclaredEvent, "maxlength", Infinity, "$lzc$set_maxlength", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 897;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (val_$0 == null) {
val_$0 = Infinity
if (this.maxlength === val_$0) return;
if ($3.lineno = 900, isNaN(val_$0)) {
$3.lineno = 902, Debug.warn("Invalid value for %w.maxlength: %w", this, val_$0);
this.maxlength = val_$0;
$3.lineno = 907, this.tsprite.setMaxLength(val_$0);
if (this.onmaxlength.ready) $3.lineno = 908, this.onmaxlength.sendEvent(val_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_maxlength";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 897;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onmaxlength", LzDeclaredEvent, "pattern", void 0, "$lzc$set_pattern", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 921;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (val_$0 == null || val_$0 == "") return;
this.pattern = val_$0;
$3.lineno = 924, this.tsprite.setPattern(val_$0);
if (this.onpattern.ready) $3.lineno = 925, this.onpattern.sendEvent(val_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_pattern";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 921;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onpattern", LzDeclaredEvent, "$lzc$set_fontstyle", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fstyle_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["fstyle", fstyle_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 931;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (fstyle_$0 == "plain" || fstyle_$0 == "bold" || fstyle_$0 == "italic" || fstyle_$0 == "bolditalic" || fstyle_$0 == "bold italic") {
var oldval_$1 = this.fontstyle;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzc$set_fontstyle"] || ($4.lineno = 934, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzc$set_fontstyle"))).call(this, fstyle_$0);
if (this.__keepconstraint != true && this["__cascadeDelfontstyle"]) {
$4.lineno = 936, this.__cascadeDelfontstyle.unregisterAll();
this.__cascadeDelfontstyle = null
if (oldval_$1 !== this.fontstyle) {
$4.lineno = 940, this.tsprite.setFontStyle(fstyle_$0)
}} else {
$4.lineno = 943, Debug.warn("invalid font style", fstyle_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_fontstyle";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 931;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_font", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fname_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["fname", fname_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 948;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var oldval_$1 = this.font;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzc$set_font"] || ($4.lineno = 950, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzc$set_font"))).call(this, fname_$0);
if (this.__keepconstraint != true && this["__cascadeDelfont"]) {
$4.lineno = 952, this.__cascadeDelfont.unregisterAll();
this.__cascadeDelfont = null
if (oldval_$1 !== this.font) {
$4.lineno = 956, this.tsprite.setFontName(fname_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_font";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 948;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_fontsize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fsize_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["fsize", fsize_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 961;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (fsize_$0 <= 0 || ($4.lineno = 962, isNaN(fsize_$0))) {
$4.lineno = 963, Debug.warn("invalid font size", fsize_$0)
} else {
var oldval_$1 = this.fontsize;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzc$set_fontsize"] || ($4.lineno = 966, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzc$set_fontsize"))).call(this, fsize_$0);
if (this.__keepconstraint != true && this["__cascadeDelfontsize"]) {
$4.lineno = 968, this.__cascadeDelfontsize.unregisterAll();
this.__cascadeDelfontsize = null
if (oldval_$1 !== this.fontsize) {
$4.lineno = 972, this.tsprite.setFontSize(fsize_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_fontsize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 961;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_fgcolor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (color_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["color", color_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 977;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var oldval_$1 = this.fgcolor;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzc$set_fgcolor"] || ($4.lineno = 979, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzc$set_fgcolor"))).call(this, color_$0);
if (this.__keepconstraint != true && this["__cascadeDelfgcolor"]) {
$4.lineno = 981, this.__cascadeDelfgcolor.unregisterAll();
this.__cascadeDelfgcolor = null
if (oldval_$1 !== this.fgcolor) {
$4.lineno = 985, this.tsprite.setTextColor(this.fgcolor)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_fgcolor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 977;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__keepconstraint", false, "$lzc$set_cascadedfontsize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 993;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.__keepconstraint = true;
$3.lineno = 995, this.$lzc$set_fontsize(val_$0);
this.__keepconstraint = false
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_cascadedfontsize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 993;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_cascadedfont", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 999;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.__keepconstraint = true;
$3.lineno = 1001, this.$lzc$set_font(val_$0);
this.__keepconstraint = false
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_cascadedfont";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 999;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_cascadedfontstyle", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1005;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.__keepconstraint = true;
$3.lineno = 1007, this.$lzc$set_fontstyle(val_$0);
this.__keepconstraint = false
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_cascadedfontstyle";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1005;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_cascadedfgcolor", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1011;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.__keepconstraint = true;
$3.lineno = 1013, this.$lzc$set_fgcolor(val_$0);
this.__keepconstraint = false
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_cascadedfgcolor";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1011;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "textalign", "left", "$lzc$set_textalign", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (align_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["align", align_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1023;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
align_$0 = align_$0 ? ($3.lineno = 1024, align_$0.toLowerCase()) : "left";
if (!(align_$0 == "left" || align_$0 == "right" || align_$0 == "center" || align_$0 == "justify")) {
$3.lineno = 1028, Debug.warn("Invalid value for %w.textalign: %w", this, align_$0);
align_$0 = "left"
this.textalign = align_$0;
$3.lineno = 1033, this.tsprite.setTextAlign(align_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_textalign";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1023;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "textindent", 0, "$lzc$set_textindent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (indent_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["indent", indent_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1042;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if ($3.lineno = 1043, isNaN(indent_$0)) {
$3.lineno = 1044, Debug.warn("invalid text indent", indent_$0)
} else {
this.textindent = indent_$0;
$3.lineno = 1047, this.tsprite.setTextIndent(indent_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_textindent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1042;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "letterspacing", 0, "$lzc$set_letterspacing", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (spacing_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["spacing", spacing_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1057;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if ($3.lineno = 1058, isNaN(spacing_$0)) {
$3.lineno = 1059, Debug.warn("invalid letter spacing", spacing_$0)
} else {
this.letterspacing = spacing_$0;
$3.lineno = 1062, this.tsprite.setLetterSpacing(spacing_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_letterspacing";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1057;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "textdecoration", "none", "$lzc$set_textdecoration", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (decoration_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["decoration", decoration_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1072;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
decoration_$0 = decoration_$0 ? ($3.lineno = 1073, decoration_$0.toLowerCase()) : "none";
if (!(decoration_$0 == "none" || decoration_$0 == "underline")) {
$3.lineno = 1078, Debug.warn("Invalid value for %w.textdecoration: %w", this, decoration_$0);
decoration_$0 = "none"
this.textdecoration = decoration_$0;
$3.lineno = 1083, this.tsprite.setTextDecoration(decoration_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_textdecoration";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1072;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "construct", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, args_$1) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["parent", parent_$0, "args", args_$1];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$a.lineno = 1092;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
this.hasdirectionallayout = ("hasdirectionallayout" in args_$1) ? args_$1.hasdirectionallayout : false;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["construct"] || ($a.lineno = 1094, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "construct"))).call(this, parent_$0, args_$1);
var cascadeattrs_$2 = {font: null, fontsize: null, fontstyle: null, fgcolor: null};
var initattrs_$3 = {hassetheight: this.hassetheight, height: this.height};
var searchattrs_$4 = [];
for (var attr_$5 in cascadeattrs_$2) {
if (attr_$5 in args_$1) {
this[attr_$5] = initattrs_$3[attr_$5] = args_$1[attr_$5]
} else {
$a.lineno = 1115, searchattrs_$4.push(attr_$5)
if (searchattrs_$4.length > 0) {
var parents_$6 = ($a.lineno = 1120, this.searchParentAttrs(searchattrs_$4));
for (var attr_$5 in parents_$6) {
var par_$7 = parents_$6[attr_$5];
this[attr_$5] = initattrs_$3[attr_$5] = par_$7[attr_$5];
this["__cascadeDel" + attr_$5] = ($a.lineno = 1126, new LzDelegate(this, "$lzc$set_cascaded" + attr_$5, par_$7, "on" + attr_$5))
$a.lineno = 1132, this.tsprite.__initTextProperties(initattrs_$3);
this.yscroll = 0;
this.xscroll = 0;
$a.lineno = 1137, this.$lzc$set_resize(("resize" in args_$1) ? !(!args_$1.resize) : this.resize);
if (args_$1["maxlength"] != null) {
$a.lineno = 1140, this.$lzc$set_maxlength(args_$1.maxlength)
this.text = args_$1["text"] != null ? ($a.lineno = 1143, String(args_$1.text)) : "";
if (this.text.length > this.maxlength) {
this.text = ($a.lineno = 1145, this.text.substring(0, this.maxlength))
$a.lineno = 1148, this.$lzc$set_multiline(("multiline" in args_$1) ? args_$1.multiline : this.multiline);
$a.lineno = 1150, this.tsprite.setText(this.text);
if (!this.hassetwidth) {
if (this.multiline) {
args_$1.width = this.parent.width
} else {
if (this.text != null && this.text != "" && this.text.length > 0) {
args_$1.width = ($a.lineno = 1164, this.tsprite.getTextWidth())
} else {
args_$1.width = ($a.lineno = 1168, this.getDefaultWidth())
}}} else {
$a.lineno = 1172, this.$lzc$set_resize(false)
if (this.hassetheight && ("height" in args_$1)) {
$a.lineno = 1182, this.$lzc$set_height(args_$1.height)
if (args_$1["pattern"] != null) {
$a.lineno = 1186, this.$lzc$set_pattern(args_$1.pattern)
if (this.capabilities.advancedfonts) {
if (!("antiAliasType" in args_$1)) {
$a.lineno = 1192, this.$lzc$set_antiAliasType("advanced")
if (!("gridFit" in args_$1)) {
$a.lineno = 1195, this.$lzc$set_gridFit("subpixel")
if (LzSprite.quirks && LzSprite.quirks.textlinksneedmouseevents) {
this.ontextlink = LzTextlinkEvent.LzDeclaredTextlinkEvent
finally {
if ($9) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "construct";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1092;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "init", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1211;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["init"] || ($2.lineno = 1212, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "init"))).call(this);
if (this.scrollevents && !this.clip) {
$2.lineno = 1216, Debug.warn("You have set scrollevents to true on text view ", this, ", but you must also set clip='true' on this view to have scrolling work correctly")
$2.lineno = 1219, this._updateSize()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "init";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1211;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "tsprite", void 0, "__makeSprite", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (args_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["args", args_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1234;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.sprite = this.tsprite = ($3.lineno = 1235, new LzTextSprite(this, args_$0, this.hasdirectionallayout))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__makeSprite";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1234;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setResize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1248;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1249, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1250, this.$lzc$set_resize(val_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setResize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1248;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (t_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["t", t_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1257;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1266, this.$lzc$set_text(($3.lineno = 1266, this.getText()) + t_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1257;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "clearText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1272;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 1273, this.$lzc$set_text("")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "clearText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1272;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setMaxLength", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1281;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1282, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1283, this.$lzc$set_maxlength(val_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setMaxLength";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1281;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setPattern", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (val_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["val", val_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1292;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1293, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1294, this.$lzc$set_pattern(val_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setPattern";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1292;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getTextWidth", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1300;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 1303, this.tsprite.getTextWidth(true)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getTextWidth";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1300;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$getTextWidth_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1306;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return [self_$1, "text"]
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$getTextWidth_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1306;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getTextHeight", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1313;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 1316, this.tsprite.getTextfieldHeight(true)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getTextHeight";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1313;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$getTextHeight_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1319;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return [self_$1, "text"]
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$getTextHeight_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1319;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "applyData", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (d_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["d", d_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1324;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (null == d_$0) {
$3.lineno = 1326, this.clearText()
} else {
$3.lineno = 1328, this.$lzc$set_text(d_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "applyData";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1324;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setScroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (h_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["h", h_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1336;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1337, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1338, this.$lzc$set_scroll(h_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setScroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1336;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getScroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1342;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.scroll
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getScroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1342;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getMaxScroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1348;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.maxscroll
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getMaxScroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1348;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$getMaxScroll_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1353;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return [self_$1, "maxscroll"]
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$getMaxScroll_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1353;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getBottomScroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1358;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.scroll + this.height / this.lineheight
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getBottomScroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1358;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setXScroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1370;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1371, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1372, this.$lzc$set_xscroll(n_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setXScroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1370;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setYScroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (n_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["n", n_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1381;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1382, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1383, this.$lzc$set_yscroll(n_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setYScroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1381;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setHScroll", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (s_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["s", s_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1390;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1391, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1392, this.$lzc$set_hscroll(s_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setHScroll";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1390;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "annotateAAimg", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (txt_$0) {
var $8 = Debug;
var $9 = $8.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($9) {
var $a = ["txt", txt_$0];
$a.callee = arguments.callee;
$a["this"] = this;
$a.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$a.lineno = 1397;
if ($9.length > $9.maxDepth) {
if (typeof txt_$0 == "undefined") {
if (txt_$0.length == 0) {
var ntxt_$1 = "";
var start_$2 = 0;
var end_$3 = 0;
var i_$4;
var IMGSTART_$5 = " $f.maxDepth) {
var i_$2;
var end_$3 = 0;
var ATTNAME_$4 = "attrname";
var ATTVAL_$5 = "attrval";
var WHITESPACE_$6 = "whitespace";
var WHITESPACE2_$7 = "whitespace2";
var mode_$8 = WHITESPACE_$6;
var smax_$9 = str_$1.length;
var attrname_$a;
var attrval_$b;
var delimiter_$c;
for (i_$2 = 0;i_$2 < smax_$9;i_$2++) {
end_$3 = i_$2;
var c_$d = ($g.lineno = 1450, str_$1.charAt(i_$2));
if (c_$d == ">") {
if (mode_$8 == WHITESPACE_$6) {
if (c_$d != " ") {
mode_$8 = ATTNAME_$4;
attrname_$a = c_$d
}} else if (mode_$8 == ATTNAME_$4) {
if (c_$d == " " || c_$d == "=") {
mode_$8 = WHITESPACE2_$7
} else {
attrname_$a += c_$d
}} else if (mode_$8 == WHITESPACE2_$7) {
if (c_$d == " " || c_$d == "=") {
} else {
mode_$8 = ATTVAL_$5;
delimiter_$c = c_$d;
attrval_$b = ""
}} else if (mode_$8 == ATTVAL_$5) {
if (c_$d != delimiter_$c) {
attrval_$b += c_$d
} else {
mode_$8 = WHITESPACE_$6;
attrs_$0[attrname_$a] = attrval_$b
return end_$3
finally {
if ($f) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "parseImgAttributes";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1436;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (t_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["t", t_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1491;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1492, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1493, this.$lzc$set_text(t_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1491;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "format", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (control_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["control", control_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1508;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var args_$1 = ($4.lineno = 1508,, 1));
$4.lineno = 1512, this.$lzc$set_text(($4.lineno = 1512, ($4.lineno = 1512, ($4.lineno = 1512, this.formatToString.apply(this, ($4.lineno = 1512, [control_$0].concat(args_$1)))).toString()).toHTML()))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "format";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1508;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "addFormat", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (control_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["control", control_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1527;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var args_$1 = ($4.lineno = 1527,, 1));
$4.lineno = 1531, this.$lzc$set_text(($4.lineno = 1531, this.getText()) + ($4.lineno = 1532, ($4.lineno = 1532, ($4.lineno = 1532, this.formatToString.apply(this, ($4.lineno = 1532, [control_$0].concat(args_$1)))).toString()).toHTML()))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "addFormat";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1527;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1540;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return this.text
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1540;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$getText_dependencies", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (who_$0, self_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["who", who_$0, "self", self_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1546;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return [self_$1, "text"]
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$getText_dependencies";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1546;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "escapeText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ts_$0) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["ts", ts_$0];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$6.lineno = 1558;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var t_$1 = ts_$0 == null ? this.text : ts_$0;
var i_$2;
for (var ec_$3 in LzText.escapeChars) {
while (($6.lineno = 1562, t_$1.indexOf(ec_$3)) > -1) {
i_$2 = ($6.lineno = 1563, t_$1.indexOf(ec_$3));
t_$1 = ($6.lineno = 1564, t_$1.substring(0, i_$2)) + LzText.escapeChars[ec_$3] + ($6.lineno = 1565, t_$1.substring(i_$2 + 1))
return t_$1
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "escapeText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1558;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setSelectable", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (isSel_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["isSel", isSel_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1576;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1577, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1578, this.$lzc$set_selectable(isSel_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setSelectable";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1576;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setFontSize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fsize_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["fsize", fsize_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1585;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1586, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1587, this.$lzc$set_fontsize(fsize_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setFontSize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1585;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setFontStyle", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fstyle_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["fstyle", fstyle_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1594;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1595, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1596, this.$lzc$set_fontstyle(fstyle_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setFontStyle";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1594;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setMultiline", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ml_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["ml", ml_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1606;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1607, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1608, this.$lzc$set_multiline(ml_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setMultiline";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1606;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setBorder", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (onroff_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["onroff", onroff_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1613;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1614, this.tsprite.setBorder(onroff_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setBorder";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1613;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setWordWrap", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (wrap_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["wrap", wrap_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1621;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1622, this.tsprite.setWordWrap(wrap_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setWordWrap";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1621;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setEmbedFonts", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (onroff_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["onroff", onroff_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1627;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1628, this.tsprite.setEmbedFonts(onroff_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setEmbedFonts";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1627;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setAntiAliasType", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (aliasType_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["aliasType", aliasType_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1638;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1639, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1640, this.$lzc$set_antiAliasType(aliasType_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setAntiAliasType";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1638;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getAntiAliasType", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1647;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.advancedfonts) {
return this.antiAliasType
} else {
$2.lineno = 1651, LzView.__warnCapability("text.getAntiAliasType()", "advancedfonts")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getAntiAliasType";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1647;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setGridFit", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (gridFit_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["gridFit", gridFit_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1662;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1663, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1664, this.$lzc$set_gridFit(gridFit_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setGridFit";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1662;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getGridFit", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1671;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.advancedfonts) {
return this.gridFit
} else {
$2.lineno = 1675, LzView.__warnCapability("text.getGridFit()", "advancedfonts")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getGridFit";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1671;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setSharpness", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (sharpness_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["sharpness", sharpness_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1686;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1687, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1688, this.$lzc$set_sharpness(sharpness_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setSharpness";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1686;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getSharpness", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1695;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.advancedfonts) {
return this.sharpness
} else {
$2.lineno = 1699, LzView.__warnCapability("text.getSharpness()", "advancedfonts")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getSharpness";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1695;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setThickness", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (thickness_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["thickness", thickness_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 1709;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 1710, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 1711, this.$lzc$set_thickness(thickness_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setThickness";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1709;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getThickness", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1718;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities.advancedfonts) {
return this.thickness
} else {
$2.lineno = 1722, LzView.__warnCapability("text.getThickness()", "advancedfonts")
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getThickness";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1718;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setSelection", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (start_$0, end_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["start", start_$0, "end", end_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1736;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
end_$1 = null
if (end_$1 == null) {
end_$1 = start_$0
$4.lineno = 1738, this.tsprite.setSelection(start_$0, end_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setSelection";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1736;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getSelectionPosition", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1747;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 1748, this.tsprite.getSelectionPosition()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getSelectionPosition";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1747;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getSelectionSize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1757;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 1758, this.tsprite.getSelectionSize()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getSelectionSize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1757;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "makeTextLink", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (str_$0, value_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["str", str_$0, "value", value_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1772;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
return $4.lineno = 1773, this.tsprite.makeTextLink(str_$0, value_$1)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "makeTextLink";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1772;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 1778;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return "LzText: " + ($2.lineno = 1779, this.getText())
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1778;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], [LzFormatter, LzView], ["tagname", "text", "attributes", new LzInheritedHash(LzView.attributes), "escapeChars", {">": ">", "<": "<"}]);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 193;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
LzText.attributes.pixellock = true;
LzText.attributes.selectable = false;
LzText.prototype._dbg_name = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = [];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 1786;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
var id_$0 = ($4.lineno = 1787,;
if (id_$0 != ($4.lineno = 1788, this.toString())) {
return id_$0
} else {
var contents_$1 = ($4.lineno = 1791, this.getText());
if (contents_$1) {
return $4.lineno = 1793, Debug.stringEscape(contents_$1, true)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "views/LzText.lzs#1786/34";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 1786;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "views/LzText.lzs#193/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 193;
return $lzsc$temp
lz[LzText.tagname] = LzText;
Class.make("LzInputText", ["$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, attrs_$1, children_$2, instcall_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["parent", parent_$0, "attrs", attrs_$1, "children", children_$2, "instcall", instcall_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$6.lineno = 61;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
parent_$0 = null;;case 1:
attrs_$1 = null;;case 2:
children_$2 = null;;case 3:
instcall_$3 = false
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 62, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, parent_$0, attrs_$1, children_$2, instcall_$3)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 61;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "password", void 0, "onenabled", LzDeclaredEvent, "getDefaultWidth", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 90;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return 100
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getDefaultWidth";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 90;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_onfocusDel", null, "_onblurDel", null, "_modemanagerDel", null, "construct", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, args_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["parent", parent_$0, "args", args_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$4.lineno = 105;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.password = ("password" in args_$1) ? !(!args_$1.password) : false;
this.focusable = true;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["construct"] || ($4.lineno = 108, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "construct"))).call(this, parent_$0, args_$1);
$4.lineno = 109, this.$lzc$set_resize(("resize" in args_$1) ? !(!args_$1.resize) : false);
this._onfocusDel = ($4.lineno = 110, new LzDelegate(this, "_gotFocusEvent", this, "onfocus"));
this._onblurDel = ($4.lineno = 112, new LzDelegate(this, "_gotBlurEvent", this, "onblur"));
this._modemanagerDel = ($4.lineno = 114, new LzDelegate(this, "_modechanged", lz.ModeManager, "onmode"))
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "construct";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 105;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "isprite", void 0, "__makeSprite", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (args_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["args", args_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 125;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.sprite = this.tsprite = this.isprite = ($3.lineno = 126, new LzInputTextSprite(this, args_$0, this.hasdirectionallayout))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__makeSprite";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 125;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_focused", false, "_gotFocusEvent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 133;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
e_$0 = null
this._focused = true;
$3.lineno = 135, this.isprite.gotFocus()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "_gotFocusEvent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 133;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_gotBlurEvent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 139;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
e_$0 = null
this._focused = false;
$3.lineno = 141, this.isprite.gotBlur()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "_gotBlurEvent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 139;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "inputtextevent", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (eventname_$0, value_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["eventname", eventname_$0, "value", value_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$6.lineno = 148;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
value_$1 = null
if (eventname_$0 == "onfocus" && this._focused) return;
if (eventname_$0 == "onblur" && !this._focused) return;
if (eventname_$0 == "onfocus") {
this._focused = true;
if (($6.lineno = 154, lz.Focus.getFocus()) !== this) {
var tabdown_$2 = ($6.lineno = 155, lz.Keys.isKeyDown("tab"));
$6.lineno = 156, lz.Focus.setFocus(this, tabdown_$2);
if (($6.lineno = 157, lz.Focus.getFocus()) !== this && this._focused) {
$6.lineno = 164, this._gotBlurEvent()
}}} else if (eventname_$0 == "onchange") {
this.text = ($6.lineno = 169, this.isprite.getText());
if (this.multiline && !this.hassetheight) {
var textheight_$3 = ($6.lineno = 173, this.isprite.getTextfieldHeight());
if (this.height != textheight_$3) {
$6.lineno = 175, this.updateHeight(textheight_$3)
if (this.ontext.ready) $6.lineno = 178, this.ontext.sendEvent(this.text)
} else if (eventname_$0 == "onblur") {
this._focused = false;
if (($6.lineno = 181, lz.Focus.getFocus()) === this) {
$6.lineno = 182, lz.Focus.clearFocus()
}} else {
$6.lineno = 186, Debug.warn("unhandled inputtextevent='%s' in %#w", eventname_$0, this)
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "inputtextevent";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 148;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "updateData", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 196;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return $2.lineno = 197, this.isprite.getText()
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "updateData";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 196;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "enabled", true, "$lzc$set_enabled", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (enabled_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["enabled", enabled_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 210;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.focusable = true;
this.enabled = enabled_$0;
$3.lineno = 213, this.isprite.setEnabled(enabled_$0);
if (this.onenabled.ready) $3.lineno = 214, this.onenabled.sendEvent(enabled_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_enabled";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 210;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setEnabled", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (enabled_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["enabled", enabled_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 222;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 223, Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
$3.lineno = 224, this.$lzc$set_enabled(enabled_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setEnabled";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 222;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "setHTML", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (htmlp_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["htmlp", htmlp_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 231;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["htmlinputtext"]) {
$3.lineno = 233, this.isprite.setHTML(htmlp_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 235, LzView.__warnCapability("inputtext.setHTML()", "htmlinputtext")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "setHTML";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 231;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "getText", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$2.lineno = 241;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
if (this.isprite != null) {
return $2.lineno = 243, this.isprite.getText()
} else {
return ""
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getText";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 241;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_allowselectable", true, "_selectable", void 0, "_modechanged", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (modalview_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["modalview", modalview_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 265;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 268, this._setallowselectable(!modalview_$0 || ($3.lineno = 268, lz.ModeManager.__LZallowInput(modalview_$0, this)))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "_modechanged";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 265;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "_setallowselectable", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["value", value_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 275;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this._allowselectable = value_$0;
$3.lineno = 277, this.$lzc$set_selectable(this._selectable)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "_setallowselectable";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 275;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_selectable", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (value_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["value", value_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 283;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this._selectable = value_$0;
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzc$set_selectable"] || ($3.lineno = 286, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzc$set_selectable"))).call(this, this._allowselectable ? value_$0 : false)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_selectable";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 283;
return $lzsc$temp
})()], LzText, ["tagname", "inputtext", "attributes", new LzInheritedHash(LzText.attributes)]);
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$3.lineno = 59;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
$3.lineno = 78, LzNode.mergeAttributes({selectable: true, enabled: true, clip: true}, LzInputText.attributes)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "views/LzInputText.lzs#59/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzInputText.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 59;
return $lzsc$temp
lz[LzInputText.tagname] = LzInputText;
Class.make("LzViewLinkage", ["xscale", 1, "yscale", 1, "xoffset", 0, "yoffset", 0, "uplinkArray", null, "downlinkArray", null, "fromView", void 0, "toView", void 0, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fromView_$0, toView_$1) {
var $5 = Debug;
var $6 = $5.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($6) {
var $7 = ["fromView", fromView_$0, "toView", toView_$1];
$7.callee = arguments.callee;
$7["this"] = this;
$7.filename = "lfc/views/LzViewLinkage.lzs";
$7.lineno = 57;
if ($6.length > $6.maxDepth) {
this.fromView = fromView_$0;
this.toView = toView_$1;
if (fromView_$0 === toView_$1) {
var uplinkArray_$2 = this.uplinkArray = [];
var pview_$3 = fromView_$0;
do {
pview_$3 = pview_$3.immediateparent;
$7.lineno = 70, uplinkArray_$2.push(pview_$3)
} while (pview_$3 !== canvas);
var downlinkArray_$4 = this.downlinkArray = [];
var pview_$3 = toView_$1;
do {
pview_$3 = pview_$3.immediateparent;
$7.lineno = 78, downlinkArray_$4.push(pview_$3)
} while (pview_$3 !== canvas);
while (uplinkArray_$2.length > 1 && downlinkArray_$4[downlinkArray_$4.length - 1] === uplinkArray_$2[uplinkArray_$2.length - 1] && downlinkArray_$4[downlinkArray_$4.length - 2] === uplinkArray_$2[uplinkArray_$2.length - 2]) {
$7.lineno = 88, downlinkArray_$4.pop();
$7.lineno = 89, uplinkArray_$2.pop()
finally {
if ($6) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzViewLinkage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 57;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "update", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (xory_$0) {
var $b = Debug;
var $c = $b.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($c) {
var $d = ["xory", xory_$0];
$d.callee = arguments.callee;
$d["this"] = this;
$d.filename = "lfc/views/LzViewLinkage.lzs";
$d.lineno = 100;
if ($c.length > $c.maxDepth) {
var scale_$1 = xory_$0 + "scale";
var offset_$2 = xory_$0 + "offset";
var uplinkArray_$3 = this.uplinkArray;
var downlinkArray_$4 = this.downlinkArray;
var upscale_$5 = 1;
var upoffset_$6 = 0;
if (uplinkArray_$3) {
var i_$7 = uplinkArray_$3.length - 1;
var v_$8 = uplinkArray_$3[i_$7--];
upscale_$5 *= v_$8[scale_$1];
for (;i_$7 >= 0;i_$7--) {
v_$8 = uplinkArray_$3[i_$7];
upoffset_$6 += v_$8[xory_$0] * upscale_$5;
upscale_$5 *= v_$8[scale_$1]
var downscale_$9 = 1;
var downoffset_$a = 0;
if (downlinkArray_$4) {
var i_$7 = downlinkArray_$4.length - 1;
var v_$8 = downlinkArray_$4[i_$7--];
downscale_$9 *= v_$8[scale_$1];
for (;i_$7 >= 0;i_$7--) {
v_$8 = downlinkArray_$4[i_$7];
downoffset_$a += v_$8[xory_$0] * downscale_$9;
downscale_$9 *= v_$8[scale_$1]
this[scale_$1] = upscale_$5 / downscale_$9;
this[offset_$2] = (upoffset_$6 - downoffset_$a) / downscale_$9
finally {
if ($c) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "update";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzViewLinkage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 100;
return $lzsc$temp
(function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function ($0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["$lzsc$c", $0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LzViewLinkage.lzs";
$3.lineno = 40;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
with ($0) with ($0.prototype) {
LzViewLinkage.prototype._dbg_name = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LzViewLinkage.lzs";
$2.lineno = 177;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
$2.lineno = 179, this.update("x");
$2.lineno = 180, this.update("y");
return $2.lineno = 181, Debug.formatToString("%w -> %w: [%d 0 %d 0 %d %d 0 0 1]", this.fromView, this.toView, this.xscale, this.xoffset, this.yscale, this.yoffset)
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "views/LzViewLinkage.lzs#177/41";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzViewLinkage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 177;
return $lzsc$temp
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "views/LzViewLinkage.lzs#40/1";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LzViewLinkage.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 40;
return $lzsc$temp
Class.make("LzCanvas", ["updatePercentCreatedEnabled", true, "_lzinitialsubviews", [], "totalnodes", void 0, "framerate", 30, "onframerate", LzDeclaredEvent, "creatednodes", void 0, "__LZproxied", void 0, "embedfonts", void 0, "lpsbuild", void 0, "lpsbuilddate", void 0, "appbuilddate", void 0, "runtime", void 0, "allowfullscreen", void 0, "fullscreen", void 0, "onfullscreen", LzDeclaredEvent, "__LZmouseupDel", void 0, "__LZmousedownDel", void 0, "__LZmousemoveDel", void 0, "__LZDefaultCanvasMenu", void 0, "httpdataprovider", null, "defaultdataprovider", null, "$lzsc$initialize", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, args_$1, children_$2, async_$3) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["parent", parent_$0, "args", args_$1, "children", children_$2, "async", async_$3];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$6.lineno = 197;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
parent_$0 = null;;case 1:
args_$1 = null;;case 2:
children_$2 = null;;case 3:
async_$3 = null
if (!args_$1["medialoadtimeout"]) args_$1.medialoadtimeout = this.medialoadtimeout;
if (!args_$1["mediaerrortimeout"]) args_$1.mediaerrortimeout = this.mediaerrortimeout;
if (args_$1["fontsize"] != null) {
this.fontsize = LzCanvas.attributes.fontsize.fallback = args_$1.fontsize;
delete args_$1.fontsize
if (args_$1["fontstyle"] != null) {
this.fontstyle = LzCanvas.attributes.fontstyle.fallback = args_$1.fontstyle;
delete args_$1.fontstyle
if (args_$1["font"] != null) {
this.font = LzCanvas.attributes.font.fallback = args_$1.font;
delete args_$1.font
if (args_$1["bgcolor"] != null) {
LzCanvas.attributes.bgcolor.fallback = args_$1.bgcolor;
delete args_$1.bgcolor
if (args_$1["width"] != null) {
LzCanvas.attributes.width.fallback = args_$1.width;
delete args_$1.width
if (args_$1["height"] != null) {
LzCanvas.attributes.height.fallback = args_$1.height;
delete args_$1.height
(arguments.callee["$superclass"] && arguments.callee.$superclass.prototype["$lzsc$initialize"] || ($6.lineno = 226, this.nextMethod(arguments.callee, "$lzsc$initialize"))).call(this, parent_$0, args_$1, children_$2, async_$3);
if (this.fgcolor == null) this.fgcolor = 0;
if (this.fontsize == null) this.fontsize = 11;
this.datasets = {};
this.__LZcheckwidth = null;
this.__LZcheckheight = null;
this.hassetwidth = true;
this.hassetheight = true
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzsc$initialize";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 197;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "construct", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (parent_$0, args) {
var $3 = Debug;
var $4 = $3.backtraceStack;
try {
var getQueryArg_$2;
if ($4) {
var $5 = ["parent", parent_$0, "args", args];
$5.callee = arguments.callee;
$5["this"] = this;
$5.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$5.lineno = 247;
if ($4.length > $4.maxDepth) {
getQueryArg_$2 = (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (name_$0, initname_$1) {
var $4 = Debug;
var $5 = $4.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($5) {
var $6 = ["name", name_$0, "initname", initname_$1];
$6.callee = arguments.callee;
$6["this"] = this;
$6.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$6.lineno = 268;
if ($5.length > $5.maxDepth) {
var arg_$2 = args[name_$0];
delete args[name_$0];
if (arg_$2 != null) {
return !(!arg_$2)
} else if (initname_$1 != null) {
var initarg_$3 = ($6.lineno = 275, lz.Browser.getInitArg(initname_$1));
if (initarg_$3 != null) {
return initarg_$3 == "true"
return void 0
finally {
if ($5) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "getQueryArg";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 268;
return $lzsc$temp
$5.lineno = 248, this.__makeSprite(null);
var capabilities_$1 = this.sprite.capabilities;
this.capabilities = capabilities_$1;
this.immediateparent = this;
this.datapath = ($5.lineno = 264, new LzDatapath(this));
this.mask = null;
this.accessible = ($5.lineno = 285, getQueryArg_$2("accessible", null));
if (capabilities_$1.accessibility == true) {
$5.lineno = 288, this.sprite.setAccessible(this.accessible);
if (this.accessible) {
$5.lineno = 290, this.sprite.setAAActive(true);
$5.lineno = 291, this.sprite.setAASilent(false)
}} else if (this.accessible) {
$5.lineno = 294, Debug.warn("This runtime doesn't support accessibility.");
this.accessible = false
this.history = ($5.lineno = 298, getQueryArg_$2("history", "history"));
if (this.history && capabilities_$1.history != true) {
$5.lineno = 301, Debug.warn("This runtime doesn't support history.");
this.history = false
this.allowfullscreen = ($5.lineno = 306, getQueryArg_$2("allowfullscreen", "allowfullscreen"));
if (this.allowfullscreen && capabilities_$1.allowfullscreen != true) {
$5.lineno = 309, Debug.warn("This runtime doesn't support full screen mode.");
this.allowfullscreen = false
this.fullscreen = false;
this.viewLevel = 0;
this.totalnodes = 0;
this.creatednodes = 0;
this.percentcreated = 0;
if (!args.framerate) {
args.framerate = 30
this.proxied = ($5.lineno = 327, getQueryArg_$2("proxied", "lzproxied"));
if (this.proxied == null) {
this.proxied = args.__LZproxied == "true"
if (typeof args.proxyurl == "undefined") {
this.proxyurl = ($5.lineno = 335, ($5.lineno = 335, lz.Browser.getBaseURL()).toString())
if (args.focustrap != null) {
if (capabilities_$1.globalfocustrap != true) {
delete args.focustrap
$5.lineno = 350, LzScreenKernel.setCallback(this, "__windowResize");
delete args.width;
delete args.height;
if (capabilities_$1.allowfullscreen == true) {
$5.lineno = 355, LzScreenKernel.setFullscreenCallback(this, "__fullscreenEventCallback", "__fullscreenErrorCallback")
this.lpsversion = args.lpsversion + "." + this.__LZlfcversion;
delete args.lpsversion;
if (!this.version) {
this.version = this.lpsversion
this.isinited = false;
this._lzinitialsubviews = [];
this.datasets = {};
global.canvas = this;
this.parent = this;
$5.lineno = 371, this.makeMasked();
this.__LZmouseupDel = ($5.lineno = 373, new LzDelegate(this, "__LZmouseup", lz.GlobalMouse, "onmouseup"));
this.__LZmousedownDel = ($5.lineno = 374, new LzDelegate(this, "__LZmousedown", lz.GlobalMouse, "onmousedown"));
this.__LZmousemoveDel = ($5.lineno = 375, new LzDelegate(this, "__LZmousemove", lz.GlobalMouse, "onmousemove"));
this.defaultdataprovider = this.httpdataprovider = ($5.lineno = 378, new LzHTTPDataProvider()); = ($5.lineno = 380, lz.Browser.getAppID())
finally {
if ($4) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "construct";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 247;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZmouseup", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 387;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.onmouseup.ready) $3.lineno = 388, this.onmouseup.sendEvent()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZmouseup";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 387;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZmousemove", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 395;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.onmousemove.ready) $3.lineno = 396, this.onmousemove.sendEvent()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZmousemove";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 395;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__LZmousedown", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (e_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["e", e_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 403;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.onmousedown.ready) $3.lineno = 404, this.onmousedown.sendEvent()
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__LZmousedown";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 403;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__makeSprite", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (args_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["args", args_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 411;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
this.sprite = ($3.lineno = 412, new LzSprite(this, true))
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__makeSprite";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 411;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "onmouseleave", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmouseenter", LzDeclaredEvent, "onpercentcreated", LzDeclaredEvent, "onmousemove", LzDeclaredEvent, "onafterinit", LzDeclaredEvent, "lpsversion", void 0, "lpsrelease", void 0, "version", null, "scriptlimits", void 0, "__LZlfcversion", "0", "proxied", true, "dataloadtimeout", 30000, "medialoadtimeout", 30000, "$lzc$set_medialoadtimeout", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ms_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["ms", ms_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 505;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["medialoading"]) {
$3.lineno = 507, LzSprite.setMediaLoadTimeout(ms_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_medialoadtimeout";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 505;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "mediaerrortimeout", 4500, "$lzc$set_mediaerrortimeout", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ms_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["ms", ms_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 519;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
if (this.capabilities["medialoading"]) {
$3.lineno = 521, LzSprite.setMediaErrorTimeout(ms_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_mediaerrortimeout";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 519;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "percentcreated", void 0, "datasets", null, "compareVersion", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (ver_$0, over_$1) {
var $7 = Debug;
var $8 = $7.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($8) {
var $9 = ["ver", ver_$0, "over", over_$1];
$9.callee = arguments.callee;
$9["this"] = this;
$9.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$9.lineno = 545;
if ($8.length > $8.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
over_$1 = null
if (over_$1 == null) {
over_$1 = this.lpsversion
if (ver_$0 == over_$1) return 0;
var ver1_$2 = ($9.lineno = 553, ver_$0.split("."));
var ver2_$3 = ($9.lineno = 554, over_$1.split("."));
var i_$4 = 0;
while (i_$4 < ver1_$2.length || i_$4 < ver2_$3.length) {
var my_$5 = ($9.lineno = 558, Number(ver1_$2[i_$4])) || 0;
var oth_$6 = ($9.lineno = 559, Number(ver2_$3[i_$4++])) || 0;
if (my_$5 < oth_$6) {
return -1
} else if (my_$5 > oth_$6) {
return 1
return 0
finally {
if ($8) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "compareVersion";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 545;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_resource", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (v_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["v", v_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 574;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 576, Debug.error("You cannot set a resource on the canvas.")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_resource";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 574;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_focustrap", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (istrapped_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["istrapped", istrapped_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 583;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
$3.lineno = 584, lz.Keys.setGlobalFocusTrap(istrapped_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_focustrap";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 583;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "toString", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function () {
var $0 = Debug;
var $1 = $0.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($1) {
var $2 = [];
$2.callee = arguments.callee;
$2["this"] = this;
$2.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$2.lineno = 590;
if ($1.length > $1.maxDepth) {
return "This is the canvas"
finally {
if ($1) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "toString";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 590;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_framerate", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fps_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["fps", fps_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 597;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
fps_$0 *= 1;
if (fps_$0 < 1) {
fps_$0 = 1
} else if (fps_$0 > 1000) {
fps_$0 = 1000
this.framerate = fps_$0;
$3.lineno = 605, lz.Idle.setFrameRate(fps_$0);
if (this.onframerate.ready) $3.lineno = 606, this.onframerate.sendEvent(fps_$0)
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_framerate";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 597;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "$lzc$set_fullscreen", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (fullscreen_$0) {
var $1 = Debug;
var $2 = $1.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($2) {
var $3 = ["fullscreen", fullscreen_$0];
$3.callee = arguments.callee;
$3["this"] = this;
$3.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$3.lineno = 613;
if ($2.length > $2.maxDepth) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
fullscreen_$0 = true
if (this.capabilities.allowfullscreen == true) {
$3.lineno = 615, LzScreenKernel.showFullScreen(fullscreen_$0)
} else {
$3.lineno = 617, LzView.__warnCapability("canvas.setAttribute('fullscreen', " + fullscreen_$0 + ")")
finally {
if ($2) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "$lzc$set_fullscreen";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 613;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__fullscreenEventCallback", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (result_$0, isFullscreen_$1) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["result", result_$0, "isFullscreen", isFullscreen_$1];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$4.lineno = 628;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
this.fullscreen = isFullscreen_$1;
if (this.onfullscreen.ready) $4.lineno = 631, this.onfullscreen.sendEvent(result_$0)
finally {
if ($3) {
$lzsc$temp["displayName"] = "__fullscreenEventCallback";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_filename"] = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$lzsc$temp["_dbg_lineno"] = 628;
return $lzsc$temp
})(), "__fullscreenErrorCallback", (function () {
var $lzsc$temp = function (errorMessage_$0) {
var $2 = Debug;
var $3 = $2.backtraceStack;
try {
if ($3) {
var $4 = ["errorMessage", errorMessage_$0];
$4.callee = arguments.callee;
$4["this"] = this;
$4.filename = "lfc/views/LaszloCanvas.lzs";
$4.lineno = 638;
if ($3.length > $3.maxDepth) {
if (this.allowfullscreen == false) {
$4.lineno = 641, Debug.error('Please set for fullscreen support')
} else {
var message_$1 = "Usage of fullscreen feature is supported starting with Flash Player 9.0.28 (Windows & OS X) and (Linux).\n" + "You are currently using Flash Player " + ($4.lineno = 644, lz.Browser.getVersion());
if (errorMessage_$0 != null) {
message_$1 = "Flash Player Security Error " + errorMessage_$0 + "\n" + message_$1
$4.lineno = 649, Debug.error(message_$1);
$4.lineno = 651, Debug.error("Check your SWF embed code for missing param tag " + ' inside the