require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') module Owasp module Esapi describe Encoder do # Setup some encoders let (:encoder) { Owasp::Esapi.encoder } let (:jsencoder) {[])} let (:cssencoder) {[])} # HTML and Percent Codec tests # Generate dynamic canonicalization tests { "%25F"=> "%F", "%3c"=> "<", "%3C"=> "<", "%X1"=> "%X1", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=>"<", "<"=>"<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "&Lt"=> "<", "&lT"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "<"=> "<", "≪"=> "<", "&lT;"=> "<", "%"=> "%", "%"=> "%", "%b"=> "%b", "%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%22hello%22%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E"=> "", "%3Cscript>alert%28%22hello"%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E"=> "", }.each_pair do |k,v| it "should canonicalize #{k} to #{v}" do begin encoder.canonicalize(k.dup).should == v rescue IntrustionException =>e # if IDSis on we would throw an intrustion exception, other exceptions are real errors end end end # Javascript dynamic canonicilzation tests { "\\0"=> "\0", "\\b"=> "\b", "\\t"=> "\t", "\\n"=> "\n", "\\v"=> "\v", "\\f"=> "\f", "\\r"=> "\r", "\\'"=> "\'", "\\\""=> "\"", "\\\\"=> "\\", "\\<"=> "<", }.each_pair do |k,v| it "should canonicalize javascript #{k} to #{v}" do begin jsencoder.canonicalize(k.dup).should == v rescue IntrustionException =>e # if IDSis on we would throw an intrustion exception, other exceptions are real errors end end end # CSS dynamic canonicalization tests { "\\3c"=> "<", "\\03c"=> "<", "\\003c"=> "<", "\\0003c"=> "<", "\\00003c"=> "<", "\\3C"=> "<", "\\03C"=> "<", "\\003C"=> "<", "\\0003C"=> "<", "\\00003C"=> "<", }.each_pair do |k,v| it "should canonicalize CSS #{k} to #{v}" do begin cssencoder.canonicalize(k.dup).should == v rescue IntrustionException =>e # if IDSis on we would throw an intrustion exception, other exceptions are real errors end end end # Sanitize it "should sanitize input exceptions" do # test null value encoder.canonicalize(nil).should == nil # test exception paths encoder.sanitize("%25",true).should == '%' encoder.sanitize("%25",false).should == '%' end # Dynamic double canonicalization tests { "&lt;"=> "<",# double entity "%255c"=> "\\", # double percent "%2525"=> "%" , #double percent "%26lt%3b"=> "<", #double percent "%253c"=> "<", "%26lt%3b"=> "<", "%26"=> "&", "%%33%63"=> "<", "%%33c"=> "<", "%3%63"=> "<", "&lt;"=> "<", "&%6ct;"=> "<", "%3c"=> "<", "%25 %2526 %26#X3c;script> %3Cscript%25252525253e"=> "% &