Minitest: Enabled: true DocumentationBaseURL: Include: - '**/test/**/*' - '**/*_test.rb' Minitest/AssertEmpty: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_empty` instead of using `assert(object.empty?)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.2' Minitest/AssertEmptyLiteral: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_empty` instead of using `assert_equal([], object)`.' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.5' VersionChanged: '0.11' Minitest/AssertEqual: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_equal` instead of using `assert(expected == actual)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.4' Minitest/AssertInDelta: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_in_delta` instead of using `assert_equal` to compare floats.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/AssertIncludes: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_includes` instead of using `assert(collection.include?(object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.2' Minitest/AssertInstanceOf: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_instance_of(Class, object)` over `assert(object.instance_of?(Class))`' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.4' Minitest/AssertKindOf: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_kind_of(Class, object)` over `assert(object.kind_of?(Class))`' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/AssertMatch: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_match` instead of using `assert(matcher.match(object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.6' Minitest/AssertNil: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_nil` instead of using `assert_equal(nil, something)` or `assert(something.nil?)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.1' Minitest/AssertOutput: Description: 'This cop checks for opportunities to use `assert_output`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/AssertPathExists: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_path_exists` instead of using `assert(File.exist?(path))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/AssertPredicate: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_predicate` instead of using `assert(obj.a_predicate_method?)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.18' Minitest/AssertRaisesCompoundBody: Description: 'This cop enforces the block body of `assert_raises { ... }` to be reduced to only the raising code.' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.21' Minitest/AssertRaisesWithRegexpArgument: Description: 'This cop enforces checks for regular expression literals passed to `assert_raises`.' Enabled: pending Severity: warning VersionAdded: '0.22' VersionChanged: '0.26' Minitest/AssertRespondTo: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_respond_to(object, :do_something)` over `assert(object.respond_to?(:do_something))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.3' Minitest/AssertSame: Description: 'Enforces the use of `assert_same(expected, actual)` over `assert(expected.equal?(actual))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.26' Minitest/AssertSilent: Description: "This cop enforces the test to use `assert_silent { ... }` instead of using `assert_output('', '') { ... }`." StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/AssertTruthy: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert(actual)` instead of using `assert_equal(true, actual)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true Safe: false VersionAdded: '0.2' VersionChanged: '0.27' Minitest/AssertWithExpectedArgument: Description: 'This cop tries to detect when a user accidentally used `assert` when they meant to use `assert_equal`.' Enabled: pending Severity: warning Safe: false VersionAdded: '0.11' VersionChanged: '0.26' Minitest/AssertionInLifecycleHook: Description: 'This cop checks for usage of assertions in lifecycle hooks.' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/DuplicateTestRun: Description: 'This cop detects duplicate test runs caused by one test class inheriting from another.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.19' Minitest/EmptyLineBeforeAssertionMethods: Description: 'Add empty line before assertion methods.' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.23' Minitest/GlobalExpectations: Description: 'This cop checks for deprecated global expectations.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true Severity: warning EnforcedStyle: any Include: - '**/test/**/*' - '**/*_test.rb' - '**/spec/**/*' - '**/*_spec.rb' SupportedStyles: - _ - any - expect - value VersionAdded: '0.7' VersionChanged: '0.26' Minitest/LifecycleHooksOrder: Description: 'Checks that lifecycle hooks are declared in the order in which they will be executed.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.28' Minitest/LiteralAsActualArgument: Description: 'This cop enforces correct order of `expected` and `actual` arguments for `assert_equal`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/MultipleAssertions: Description: 'This cop checks if test cases contain too many assertion calls.' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Max: 3 Minitest/NoAssertions: Description: 'This cop checks for at least one assertion (or flunk) in tests.' Enabled: false VersionAdded: '0.12' Minitest/NoTestCases: Description: 'Checks if test class contains any test cases.' Enabled: false VersionAdded: '0.30' Minitest/NonPublicTestMethod: Description: 'Detects non `public` (marked as `private` or `protected`) test methods.' Enabled: pending Severity: warning VersionAdded: '0.27' Minitest/RefuteEmpty: Description: 'This cop enforces to use `refute_empty` instead of using `refute(object.empty?)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.3' Minitest/RefuteEqual: Description: 'Check if your test uses `refute_equal` instead of `assert(expected != object)` or `assert(! expected == object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.3' Minitest/RefuteFalse: Description: 'Check if your test uses `refute(actual)` instead of `assert_equal(false, actual)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true Safe: false VersionAdded: '0.3' VersionChanged: '0.27' Minitest/RefuteInDelta: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_in_delta` instead of using `refute_equal` to compare floats.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/RefuteIncludes: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_includes` instead of using `refute(collection.include?(object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.3' Minitest/RefuteInstanceOf: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_instance_of(Class, object)` over `refute(object.instance_of?(Class))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.4' Minitest/RefuteKindOf: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_kind_of(Class, object)` over `refute(object.kind_of?(Class))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/RefuteMatch: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_match` instead of using `refute(matcher.match(object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.6' Minitest/RefuteNil: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_nil` instead of using `refute_equal(nil, something)` or `refute(something.nil?)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.2' Minitest/RefutePathExists: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_path_exists` instead of using `refute(File.exist?(path))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/RefutePredicate: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_predicate` instead of using `refute(obj.a_predicate_method?)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.18' Minitest/RefuteRespondTo: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_respond_to(object, :do_something)` over `refute(object.respond_to?(:do_something))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.4' Minitest/RefuteSame: Description: 'Enforces the use of `refute_same(expected, actual)` over `refute(expected.equal?(actual))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.26' Minitest/ReturnInTestMethod: Description: 'Enforces the use of `skip` instead of `return` in test methods.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.31' Minitest/SkipEnsure: Description: 'Checks that `ensure` call even if `skip`.' Enabled: pending Severity: warning VersionAdded: '0.20' VersionChanged: '0.26' Minitest/SkipWithoutReason: Description: 'Checks for skipped tests missing the skipping reason.' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.24' Minitest/TestFileName: Description: 'Checks if test file names start with `test_` or end with `_test.rb`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.26' Minitest/TestMethodName: Description: 'This cop enforces that test method names start with `test_` prefix.' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/UnreachableAssertion: Description: 'This cop checks for an `assert_raises` block containing any unreachable assertions.' Enabled: pending Severity: warning VersionAdded: '0.14' VersionChanged: '0.26' Minitest/UnspecifiedException: Description: 'This cop checks for a specified error in `assert_raises`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: 'pending' VersionAdded: '0.10' Minitest/UselessAssertion: Description: 'Detects useless assertions (assertions that either always pass or always fail).' Enabled: pending VersionAdded: '0.26'