# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'stringio' describe "Schema dump" do before(:each) do ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do connection.tables.each do |table| drop_table table, force: :cascade end create_table :users, force: true do |t| t.string :login t.datetime :deleted_at t.references :first_post, index: { unique: true } end create_table :posts, force: true do |t| t.text :body t.references :user t.references :first_comment t.string :string_no_default t.integer :short_id t.string :str_short t.integer :integer_col t.float :float_col t.decimal :decimal_col t.datetime :datetime_col t.timestamp :timestamp_col t.time :time_col t.date :date_col t.binary :binary_col t.boolean :boolean_col end create_table :comments, force: true do |t| t.text :body t.references :post t.references :commenter end end end class ::User < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::Post < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::Comment < ActiveRecord::Base ; end end it "should enable foreign keys if any", sqlite3: :only do expect(dump_schema).to_not match(/PRAGMA FOREIGN_KEYS = ON/m) with_foreign_key Post, :user_id, :users, :id do expect(dump_schema).to match(/PRAGMA FOREIGN_KEYS = ON/m) end end it "should include foreign_key definition" do with_foreign_key Post, :user_id, :users, :id do expect(dump_posts).to match(%r{t.(integer|bigint)\s+"user_id".*foreign_key.*users}) end end it "should include foreign_key name" do with_foreign_key Post, :user_id, :users, :id, name: "yippee" do expect(dump_posts).to match(/user_id.*foreign_key.*users.*:name=>"yippee"/) end end it "should respect foreign key's primary key" do with_foreign_key Post, :user_id, :users, :first_post_id do expect(dump_posts).to match(%r{t.(integer|bigint)\s+"user_id".*foreign_key.*:primary_key=>"first_post_id"}) end end it "should include foreign_key exactly once" do with_foreign_key Post, :user_id, :users, :id, name: "yippee" do expect(dump_posts.scan(/foreign_key.*yippee"/).length).to eq 1 end end xit "should sort foreign_key definitions" do with_foreign_keys Comment, [ [ :post_id, :posts, :id ], [ :commenter_id, :users, :id ]] do expect(dump_schema).to match(/foreign_key.+commenter_id.+foreign_key.+post_id/m) end end context "with constraint dependencies" do it "should sort in Posts => Comments direction" do with_foreign_key Comment, :post_id, :posts, :id do expect(dump_schema).to match(%r{create_table "posts".*create_table "comments"}m) end end it "should sort in Comments => Posts direction" do with_foreign_key Post, :first_comment_id, :comments, :id do expect(dump_schema).to match(%r{create_table "comments".*create_table "posts"}m) end end it "should handle regexp in ignore_tables" do with_foreign_key Comment, :post_id, :posts, :id do dump = dump_schema(ignore: /post/) expect(dump).to match(/create_table "comments"/) expect(dump).not_to match(/create_table "posts"/) end end end it "should include foreign_key options" do with_foreign_key Post, :user_id, :users, :id, on_update: :cascade, on_delete: :nullify do expect(dump_posts).to match(%q[t.(integer|bigint)\s*"user_id",.*:foreign_key=>{:references=>"users", :name=>"fk_rails_\w+", :on_update=>:cascade, :on_delete=>:nullify}]) end end context "with cyclic foreign key constraints", sqlite3: :skip do before(:each) do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Comment.table_name, User.table_name, column: :commenter_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Comment.table_name, Post.table_name, column: :post_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Post.table_name, Comment.table_name, column: :first_comment_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Post.table_name, User.table_name, column: :user_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(User.table_name, Post.table_name, column: :first_post_id) end it "should not raise an error" do expect { dump_schema }.to_not raise_error end ["comments", "posts", "users"].each do |table| it "should dump constraints for table #{table.inspect} after the table definition" do dump = dump_schema.gsub(/#[^\n*]/m, '') expect(dump =~ %r{create_table "#{table}"}).to be < (dump =~ %r{foreign_key.*"#{table}"}) end end ["comments", "posts"].each do |table| qtable = table.inspect it "should dump comments for delayed constraint definition referencing table #{qtable}" do expect(dump_schema).to match(%r{# foreign key references #{qtable}.*create_table #{qtable}.*add_foreign_key \S+, #{qtable}}m) end end context 'with complicated schemas' do before(:each) do ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do connection.tables.each do |table| drop_table table, force: :cascade end create_table :grade_systems, force: true do |t| t.string :name t.references :school t.references :parent t.references :profile end create_table :schools, force: true do |t| t.string :name t.references :default_grade_system end create_table :academic_years, force: true do |t| t.string :name t.references :school end create_table :buildings, force: true do |t| t.string :name t.references :school end create_table :profiles, force: true do |t| t.references :school t.references :building end end end class ::AcademicYear < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::Building < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::GradeSystem < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::Profile < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::School < ActiveRecord::Base ; end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(School.table_name, GradeSystem.table_name, column: :default_grade_system_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(GradeSystem.table_name, School.table_name, column: :school_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(GradeSystem.table_name, GradeSystem.table_name, column: :parent_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(GradeSystem.table_name, Profile.table_name, column: :profile_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Profile.table_name, Building.table_name, column: :building_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Profile.table_name, School.table_name, column: :school_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Building.table_name, School.table_name, column: :school_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(AcademicYear.table_name, School.table_name, column: :school_id) end it "should not raise an error" do expect { dump_schema }.to_not raise_error end ["buildings", "grade_systems", "profiles", "schools"].each do |table| it "should dump constraints for table #{table.inspect} after the table definition" do expect(dump_schema =~ %r{create_table "#{table}"}).to be < (dump_schema =~ %r{foreign_key.*"#{table}"}) end end end end protected def to_regexp(string) Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(string)) end def with_foreign_key(model, columns, referenced_table_name, referenced_columns, options = {}, &block) with_foreign_keys(model, [[columns, referenced_table_name, referenced_columns, options]], &block) end def with_foreign_keys(model, columnsets) table_columns = model.columns.reject{|column| column.name == 'id'} ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table model.table_name, force: true do |t| table_columns.each do |column| t.column column.name, column.type, limit: column.limit end columnsets.each do |columns, referenced_table_name, referenced_columns, options| t.foreign_key referenced_table_name, **(options||{}).merge(column: columns, primary_key: referenced_columns) end end end model.reset_column_information begin yield ensure ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table model.table_name, :force => true do |t| table_columns.each do |column| t.column column.name, column.type, limit: column.limit end end end end end def determine_foreign_key_name(model, columns, options) name = options[:name] name ||= model.foreign_keys.detect { |fk| fk.from_table == model.table_name.to_s && Array.wrap(fk.column) == Array.wrap(columns).collect(&:to_s) }.name end def dump_schema(opts={}) stream = StringIO.new ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.ignore_tables = Array.wrap(opts[:ignore]) || [] ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, stream) stream.string end def dump_posts dump_schema(:ignore => %w[users comments]) end end