/** * Numo::OpenBLAS downloads and builds OpenBLAS during installation and * uses that as a background library for Numo::Linalg. */ #include #include VALUE mNumo; VALUE mOpenBLAS; void Init_openblas() { /** * Document-module: Numo * Numo is the top level namespace of NUmerical MOdules for Ruby. */ mNumo = rb_define_module("Numo"); /** * Document-module: Numo::Liblinear * Numo::OpenBLAS loads Numo::NArray and Linalg with OpenBLAS used as backend library. */ mOpenBLAS = rb_define_module_under(mNumo, "OpenBLAS"); /* The number of cores detected by OpenBLAS. */ rb_define_const(mOpenBLAS, "OPENBLAS_NUM_CORES", INT2NUM(OPENBLAS_NUM_CORES)); /* The core name detected by OpenBLAS. */ rb_define_const(mOpenBLAS, "OPENBLAS_CHAR_CORENAME", rb_str_new_cstr(OPENBLAS_CHAR_CORENAME)); /* The version of OpenBLAS used in background library. */ rb_define_const(mOpenBLAS, "OPENBLAS_VERSION", rb_str_new_cstr(OPENBLAS_VERSION)); }