require 'rails/generators/base' require 'rails/generators/active_record' require 'generators/invitation/helpers' module Invitation module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration include Invitation::Generators::Helpers source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) class_option :model, optional: true, type: :string, banner: 'model', desc: "Specify the model class name if you will use anything other than 'User'" # class_option :invitable, optional: true, type: :array, banner: 'invitable', # desc: "Specify the model class name if you will use anything other than 'User'" def verify if options[:model] && !File.exist?(model_path) puts "Exiting: the model class you specified, #{options[:model]}, is not found." exit 1 end end def inject_into_user_model inject_into_class model_path, model_class_name, " include Invitation::User\n\n" end def copy_migration_files copy_migration 'create_invites.rb' end def create_initializer copy_file 'invitation.rb', 'config/initializers/invitation.rb' if options[:model] inject_into_file( 'config/initializers/invitation.rb', " config.user_model = '#{options[:model]}' \n", after: "Invitation.configure do |config|\n" ) end end protected def copy_migration(migration_name) migration_template "db/migrate/#{migration_name}", "db/migrate/#{migration_name}" end # for generating a timestamp when using `create_migration` def self.next_migration_number(dir) ActiveRecord::Generators::Base.next_migration_number(dir) end end end end