module DataSift # # Class for accessing DataSift's PYLON API class Pylon < DataSift::ApiResource # Check PYLON CSDL is valid by making an /pylon/validate API call # # @param csdl [String] CSDL you wish to validate # @param boolResponse [Boolean] True if you want a boolean response. # False if you want the full response object # @return [Boolean, Object] Dependent on value of boolResponse def valid?(csdl = '', boolResponse = true) fail BadParametersError, 'csdl is required' if csdl.empty? params = { csdl: csdl } res = DataSift.request(:POST, 'pylon/validate', @config, params) boolResponse ? res[:http][:status] == 200 : res end # Compile PYLON CSDL by making an /pylon/compile API call # # @param csdl [String] CSDL you wish to compile # @return [Object] API reponse object def compile(csdl) fail BadParametersError, 'csdl is required' if csdl.empty? params = { csdl: csdl } DataSift.request(:POST, 'pylon/compile', @config, params) end # Perform /pylon/get API call to query status of your PYLON recordings # # @param hash [String] Hash you with the get the status for # @param id [String] The ID of the PYLON recording to get # @return [Object] API reponse object def get(hash = '', id = '') fail BadParametersError, 'hash or id is required' if hash.empty? && id.empty? params = {} params.merge!(hash: hash) unless hash.empty? params.merge!(id: id) unless id.empty? DataSift.request(:GET, 'pylon/get', @config, params) end # Perform /pylon/get API call to list all PYLON Recordings # # @param page [Integer] Which page of recordings to retreive # @param per_page [Integer] How many recordings to return per page # @param order_by [String, Symbol] Which field to sort results by # @param order_dir [String, Symbol] Order results in ascending or descending # order # @return [Object] API reponse object def list(page = nil, per_page = nil, order_by = '', order_dir = '') params = {} params.merge!(page: page) unless page.nil? params.merge!(per_page: per_page) unless per_page.nil? params.merge!(order_by: order_by) unless order_by.empty? params.merge!(order_dir: order_dir) unless order_dir.empty? DataSift.request(:GET, 'pylon/get', @config, params) end # Perform /pylon/update API call to update a given PYLON Recording # # @param id [String] The ID of the PYLON recording to update # @param hash [String] The CSDL filter hash this recording should be subscribed to # @param name [String] Update the name of your recording # @return [Object] API reponse object def update(id, hash = '', name = '') params = {id: id} params.merge!(hash: hash) unless hash.empty? params.merge!(name: name) unless name.empty? DataSift.request(:PUT, 'pylon/update', @config, params) end # Start recording a PYLON filter by making an /pylon/start API call # # @param hash [String] CSDL you wish to begin (or resume) recording # @param name [String] Give your recording a name. Required when starting a # @param id [String] ID of the recording you wish to start # new recording # @return [Object] API reponse object def start(hash = '', name = '', id = '') fail BadParametersError, 'hash or id is required' if hash.empty? && id.empty? params = {} params.merge!(hash: hash) unless hash.empty? params.merge!(name: name) unless name.empty? params.merge!(id: id) unless id.empty? DataSift.request(:PUT, 'pylon/start', @config, params) end # Restart an existing PYLON recording by making an /pylon/start API call with a recording ID # # @param id [String] CSDL you wish to begin (or resume) recording # @param name [String] Give your recording a name. Required when starting a # new recording # @return [Object] API reponse object def restart(id, name = '') fail BadParametersError, 'id is required' if id.empty? params = { id: id } params.merge!(name: name) unless name.empty? DataSift.request(:PUT, 'pylon/start', @config, params) end # Stop an active PYLON recording by making an /pylon/stop API call # # @param hash [String] CSDL you wish to stop recording # @param id [String] ID of the recording you wish to stop # @return [Object] API reponse object def stop(hash = '', id = '') fail BadParametersError, 'hash or id is required' if hash.empty? && id.empty? params = {} params.merge!(hash: hash) unless hash.empty? params.merge!(id: id) unless id.empty? DataSift.request(:PUT, 'pylon/stop', @config, params) end # Perform a PYLON analysis query by making an /pylon/analyze API call # # @param hash [String] Hash of the recording you wish to perform an # analysis against # @param parameters [String] Parameters of the analysis you wish to perform. # See the # { # /pylon/analyze API Docs} for full documentation # @param filter [String] Optional PYLON CSDL for a query filter # @param start_time [Integer] Optional start timestamp for filtering by date # @param end_time [Integer] Optional end timestamp for filtering by date # @param id [String] ID of the recording you wish to analyze # @return [Object] API reponse object def analyze(hash = '', parameters = '', filter = '', start_time = nil, end_time = nil, id = '') fail BadParametersError, 'hash or id is required' if hash.empty? && id.empty? fail BadParametersError, 'parameters is required' if parameters.empty? params = { parameters: parameters } params.merge!(hash: hash) unless hash.empty? params.merge!(id: id) unless id.empty? params.merge!(filter: filter) unless filter.empty? params.merge!(start: start_time) unless start_time.nil? params.merge!(end: end_time) unless end_time.nil? DataSift.request(:POST, 'pylon/analyze', @config, params) end # Query the tag hierarchy on interactions populated by a particular # recording # # @param hash [String] Hash of the recording you wish to query # @param id [String] ID of the recording you wish to query # @return [Object] API reponse object def tags(hash = '', id = '') fail BadParametersError, 'hash or id is required' if hash.empty? && id.empty? params = {} params.merge!(hash: hash) unless hash.empty? params.merge!(id: id) unless id.empty? DataSift.request(:GET, 'pylon/tags', @config, params) end # Hit the PYLON Sample endpoint to pull public sample data from a PYLON recording # # @param hash [String] The CSDL hash that identifies the recording you want to sample # @param count [Integer] Optional number of public interactions you wish to receive # @param start_time [Integer] Optional start timestamp for filtering by date # @param end_time [Integer] Optional end timestamp for filtering by date # @param filter [String] Optional PYLON CSDL for a query filter # @param id [String] ID of the recording you wish to sample # @return [Object] API reponse object def sample(hash = '', count = nil, start_time = nil, end_time = nil, filter = '', id = '') fail BadParametersError, 'hash or id is required' if hash.empty? && id.empty? params = {} params.merge!(hash: hash) unless hash.empty? params.merge!(id: id) unless id.empty? params.merge!(count: count) unless count.nil? params.merge!(start: start_time) unless start_time.nil? params.merge!(end: end_time) unless end_time.nil? if filter.empty? DataSift.request(:GET, 'pylon/sample', @config, params) else params.merge!(filter: filter) DataSift.request(:POST, 'pylon/sample', @config, params) end end end end