require File.dirname(__FILE__)+ '/common' describe ParseTemplate do def parse_string string @frame = @frame.parse_setup_string(string) @frame end after do @frame.close if @frame end it "should parse titles" do frame = parse_string " ------------A Title-------------------------------------------" frame.title.should == "A Title" frame.get_title.should == "A Title" # java method mapping :) frame.original_title.should == "A Title" frame.title= 'new title' frame.get_title.should == "new title" frame.original_title.should == "A Title" end it "should parse button only lines, with several buttons same line" do frame = parse_string "| [Setup Preferences:preferences][Start:start] [Stop:stop] |" get_dimentia(frame.elements[:stop]).should == [221, 10, 20, 60] assert frame.elements.length == 3 prefs_button = frame.elements[:preferences] start_button = frame.elements[:start] prefs_button.text.should == "Setup Preferences" get_dimentia(prefs_button).should == [10, 10, 20, 139] assert start_button.text == "Start" prefs_button.text = "new text" assert prefs_button.text == "new text" prefs_button.location.x.should_not == start_button.location.x prefs_button.location.y.should == start_button.location.y frame.get_size.height.should be > 0 frame.get_size.width.should be > 0 end # it "should parse drop down lines" # frame = parse_string "| [some dropdown lines:dropdowns \/] |" # end it "should parse text strings" do frame = parse_string '| "Temp Dir location:temp_dir" |' assert frame.elements.length == 1 frame.elements[:temp_dir].should_not be nil end it "should handle a string below buttons" do frame = parse_string <<-EOL ----------A title------------ | [a button:button] [a button2:button2] | | "some text2:text1" | --------------------------------------- EOL assert frame.elements.length == 3 end it "should split escaped colons" do frame = parse_string "| \"some stuff ::my_name\"" frame.elements[:my_name].text.should == 'some stuff :' end it "should not accept zero length strings without width spec" do proc {frame = parse_string "| \":my_name\""}.should raise_exception end it "should accept zero length strings if they have a width spec" do frame = parse_string "| \":my_name,width=250\"" frame.elements[:my_name].text.should == '' end it "should not add codeless items to elements" do frame = parse_string " \"some stuff without a code name\" " frame.elements.size.should == 0 end it "should not allow unknown param settings" do proc { parse_string " \" text:name,fake=fake \" "}.should raise_exception end # LODO allow internal sub-boxes LOL # TODO mixeds on the same line # LODO should pass the button through to on_clicked [?] or button with frame, too? # LODO should be able to clear everything a button does or used to do... # LODO a 'title managing' object LOL # LODO rel_width=+100 or some odd # buttons should require a code name :P # allow prepropagation of textareas, for easier width detection...and/or separating out concerns...hmm... # parse_setup_string string, :text_area_to_use_text => string # parse_setup_string :default_font => it "should accept height, width, abs_x, abs_y" do frame = parse_string ' [a:my_name,abs_x=1,abs_y=2,width=100,height=101] ' get_dimentia(frame.elements[:my_name]).should == [1,2,101,100] end it "should accept params, without a name" do frame = parse_string ' "a:abs_x=1,abs_y=1,width=100,height=100" ' frame.elements.should be_empty end it "should allow for symbol access" do frame = parse_string '| "a:my_name" |' frame.elements[:my_name].text.should == 'a' end it "should do rstrip on symbol names" do frame = parse_string '| "a:my_name " |' frame.elements[:my_name].text.should == 'a' end it "should disallow double names...I think so anyway..." do proc { frame = parse_string('| "a:my_name" |\n'*2) }.should raise_exception end def get_dimentia(element) x = element.get_location.x y = element.get_location.y h = element.size.height w = element.size.width [x,y,h,w] end it "should line up elements right when given some abs" do frame = parse_string <<-EOL | [a button:button_name,width=100,height=100,abs_x=50,abs_y=50] [a third button:third] | [another button:button_name2] [another button:button_name4]| | [another button:button_name3] | EOL get_dimentia(frame.elements[:button_name]).should == [50,50,100,100] #assert_matches_dimentia(frame.elements[:third], # TODO end it "should parse blank buttons with the extra space counting for size" do frame = parse_string " | [ :text_to_use] |" button = frame.elements[:text_to_use] button.text.should == "" # torn on this one... button.size.width.should==129 # bigger than 35, basically end it "should parse text areas" do string = <<-EOL | [ :text_area] | | [ ] | EOL frame = parse_string string frame.elements[:text_area].class.should == Java::JavaxSwing::JTextArea frame.elements.length.should == 1 # not create fake empty buttons underneath :) get_dimentia(frame.elements[:text_area]).should == [0, 0, 32, 319]# it's "sub-contained" in a jscrollpane end it "should let you use ending colons" do frame = parse_string "\"Here's your template:\"" frame.elements.length.should == 0 # and hope it includes the colon in there :) end it "should allow for spaced out attributes" do frame = parse_string "| [ :text, width = 200 ] " get_dimentia(frame.elements[:text])[3].should == 200 end it "should parse text areas that aren't first, also one right next to it both sides" it "should allow for blank lines to mean spacing" do frame = parse_string "| [ a button] |\n [ a button] \n[ a button]" frame.size.height.should == 125 frame.close frame = parse_string "| [ a button] |\n [ a button] \n[ a button]\n| |" frame.size.height.should == 150 end end