module WorkflowSSHClient def self.__prepare_inputs_for_restclient(inputs) inputs.each do |k,v| if v.respond_to? :path and not v.respond_to? :original_filename class << v def original_filename File.expand_path(path) end end end if Array === v and v.empty? inputs[k] = "EMPTY_ARRAY" end end end def workflow_description WorkflowSSHClient.get_raw(File.join(url, 'description')) end def documentation @documention ||= IndiferentHash.setup(WorkflowSSHClient.get_json(File.join(url, "documentation"))) @documention end def task_info(task) @task_info ||= IndiferentHash.setup({}) @task_info[task] if @task_info[task].nil? task_info = WorkflowSSHClient.get_json(File.join(url, task.to_s, 'info')) task_info = WorkflowSSHClient.fix_hash(task_info) task_info[:result_type] = task_info[:result_type].to_sym task_info[:export] = task_info[:export].to_sym task_info[:input_types] = WorkflowSSHClient.fix_hash(task_info[:input_types], true) task_info[:inputs] = task_info[:inputs].collect{|input| input.to_sym } @task_info[task] = task_info end @task_info[task] end def tasks @tasks ||= do |hash,task_name| info = @task_info[task_name] task = Task.setup info do |*args| raise "This is a remote task" end = task_name.to_sym hash[task_name] = task end end def load_tasks @task_info.keys.each{|name| tasks[name]} end def task_dependencies @task_dependencies ||= do |hash,task| hash[task] = if exported_tasks.include? task WorkflowSSHClient.get_json(File.join(url, task.to_s, 'dependencies')) else [] end end end def init_remote_tasks @task_info = IndiferentHash.setup(WorkflowSSHClient.get_json(url)) @exec_exports = @stream_exports = @synchronous_exports = [] @asynchronous_exports = @task_info.keys end def self.execute_job(base_url, task, task_params, cache_type) end end