#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' no_ncursesw = false begin require 'ncursesw' rescue LoadError require 'ncurses' no_ncursesw = true end require 'fileutils' require 'trollop' require "sup"; Redwood::check_library_version_against "0.10.2" if no_ncursesw debug "No 'ncursesw' gem detected. Install it for wide character support." end $opts = Trollop::options do version "sup v#{Redwood::VERSION}" banner < String opt :compose, "Compose message to this recipient upon startup", :type => String opt :subject, "When composing, use this subject", :type => String, :short => "j" opt :index, "Use this index type ('auto' for autodetect)", :default => "auto" end Trollop::die :subject, "requires --compose" if $opts[:subject] && !$opts[:compose] Redwood::HookManager.register "startup", < e warn "cannot dlload setlocale(); ncurses wide character support probably broken." warn "dlload error was #{e.class}: #{e.message}" if Config::CONFIG['arch'] =~ /bsd/ warn "BSD variant detected. You may have to install a compat6x package to acquire libc." end end end def start_cursing Ncurses.initscr Ncurses.noecho Ncurses.cbreak Ncurses.stdscr.keypad 1 Ncurses.use_default_colors Ncurses.curs_set 0 Ncurses.start_color $cursing = true end def stop_cursing return unless $cursing Ncurses.curs_set 1 Ncurses.echo Ncurses.endwin end module_function :start_cursing, :stop_cursing Index.init $opts[:index] Index.lock_interactively or exit if Index.is_a_deprecated_ferret_index? FERRET_DEPRECATION_WARNING_FN = File.join BASE_DIR, "you-have-been-warned-about-ferret-deprecation" unless File.exist? FERRET_DEPRECATION_WARNING_FN $stderr.puts < 0 Logger.force_message "For more verbose logging, restart with SUP_LOG_LEVEL=#{Logger::LEVELS[Logger::LEVELS.index(Logger.level)-1]}." end debug "initializing inbox buffer" imode = InboxMode.new ibuf = bm.spawn "Inbox", imode debug "ready for interaction!" bm.draw_screen Redwood::SourceManager.usual_sources.each do |s| next unless s.respond_to? :connect reporting_thread("call #connect on #{s}") do begin s.connect rescue SourceError => e error "fatal error loading from #{s}: #{e.message}" end end end unless $opts[:no_initial_poll] imode.load_threads :num => ibuf.content_height, :when_done => lambda { |num| reporting_thread("poll after loading inbox") { sleep 1; PollManager.poll } unless $opts[:no_threads] || $opts[:no_initial_poll] } if $opts[:compose] to = Person.from_address_list $opts[:compose] mode = ComposeMode.new :to => to, :subj => $opts[:subject] BufferManager.spawn "New Message", mode mode.edit_message end unless $opts[:no_threads] PollManager.start Index.start_lock_update_thread end if $opts[:search] SearchResultsMode.spawn_from_query $opts[:search] end until Redwood::exceptions.nonempty? || $die c = begin Ncurses.nonblocking_getch rescue Interrupt raise if BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no "Die ungracefully now?" BufferManager.draw_screen nil end if c.nil? if BufferManager.sigwinch_happened? debug "redrawing screen on sigwinch" BufferManager.completely_redraw_screen end next end if c == 410 ## this is ncurses's way of telling us it's detected a refresh. ## since we have our own sigwinch handler, we don't do anything. next end bm.erase_flash action = begin if bm.handle_input c :nothing else bm.resolve_input_with_keymap c, global_keymap end rescue InputSequenceAborted :nothing end case action when :quit_now break if bm.kill_all_buffers_safely when :quit_ask if bm.ask_yes_or_no "Really quit?" break if bm.kill_all_buffers_safely end when :help curmode = bm.focus_buf.mode bm.spawn_unless_exists("") { HelpMode.new curmode, global_keymap } when :roll_buffers bm.roll_buffers when :roll_buffers_backwards bm.roll_buffers_backwards when :kill_buffer bm.kill_buffer_safely bm.focus_buf when :list_buffers bm.spawn_unless_exists("buffer list", :system => true) { BufferListMode.new } when :list_contacts b, new = bm.spawn_unless_exists("Contact List") { ContactListMode.new } b.mode.load_in_background if new when :search query = BufferManager.ask :search, "search all messages: " next unless query && query !~ /^\s*$/ SearchResultsMode.spawn_from_query query when :search_unread SearchResultsMode.spawn_from_query "is:unread" when :list_labels labels = LabelManager.all_labels.map { |l| LabelManager.string_for l } user_label = bm.ask_with_completions :label, "Show threads with label (enter for listing): ", labels unless user_label.nil? if user_label.empty? bm.spawn_unless_exists("Label list") { LabelListMode.new } if user_label && user_label.empty? else LabelSearchResultsMode.spawn_nicely user_label end end when :compose ComposeMode.spawn_nicely when :poll reporting_thread("user-invoked poll") { PollManager.poll } when :poll_unusual if BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no "Really poll unusual sources?" reporting_thread("user-invoked unusual poll") { PollManager.poll_unusual } end when :recall_draft case Index.num_results_for :label => :draft when 0 bm.flash "No draft messages." when 1 m = nil Index.each_id_by_date(:label => :draft) { |mid, builder| m = builder.call } r = ResumeMode.new(m) BufferManager.spawn "Edit message", r r.edit_message else b, new = BufferManager.spawn_unless_exists("All drafts") { LabelSearchResultsMode.new [:draft] } b.mode.load_threads :num => b.content_height if new end when :show_inbox BufferManager.raise_to_front ibuf when :show_console b, new = bm.spawn_unless_exists("Console", :system => true) { ConsoleMode.new } b.mode.run when :nothing, InputSequenceAborted when :redraw bm.completely_redraw_screen else bm.flash "Unknown keypress '#{c.to_character}' for #{bm.focus_buf.mode.name}." end bm.draw_screen end bm.kill_all_buffers if $die rescue Exception => e Redwood::record_exception e, "main" ensure unless $opts[:no_threads] PollManager.stop if PollManager.instantiated? Index.stop_lock_update_thread end HookManager.run "shutdown" Index.stop_sync_worker Redwood::finish stop_cursing Redwood::Logger.remove_all_sinks! Redwood::Logger.add_sink $stderr, false debug "stopped cursing" if $die info "I've been ordered to commit seppuku. I obey!" end if Redwood::exceptions.empty? debug "no fatal errors. good job, william." Index.save else error "oh crap, an exception" end Index.unlock end unless Redwood::exceptions.empty? File.open(File.join(BASE_DIR, "exception-log.txt"), "w") do |f| Redwood::exceptions.each do |e, name| f.puts "--- #{e.class.name} from thread: #{name}" f.puts e.message, e.backtrace end end $stderr.puts <