require "test_helper" require "action_view/testing/resolvers" class JbuilderTemplateTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase POST_PARTIAL = <<-JBUILDER json.extract! post, :id, :body do first_name, last_name = post.author_name.split(nil, 2) json.first_name first_name json.last_name last_name end JBUILDER COLLECTION_PARTIAL = <<-JBUILDER json.extract! collection, :id, :name JBUILDER RACER_PARTIAL = <<-JBUILDER json.extract! racer, :id, :name JBUILDER PARTIALS = { "_partial.json.jbuilder" => "json.content content", "_post.json.jbuilder" => POST_PARTIAL, "racers/_racer.json.jbuilder" => RACER_PARTIAL, "_collection.json.jbuilder" => COLLECTION_PARTIAL, # Ensure we find only Jbuilder partials from within Jbuilder templates. "_post.html.erb" => "Hello world!" } AUTHORS = [ "David Heinemeier Hansson", "Pavel Pravosud" ].cycle POSTS = (1..10).collect { |i|, "Post ##{i}", } setup { Rails.cache.clear } test "basic template" do result = render('json.content "hello"') assert_equal "hello", result["content"] end test "partial by name with top-level locals" do result = render('json.partial! "partial", content: "hello"') assert_equal "hello", result["content"] end test "partial by name with nested locals" do result = render('json.partial! "partial", locals: { content: "hello" }') assert_equal "hello", result["content"] end test "partial by options containing nested locals" do result = render('json.partial! partial: "partial", locals: { content: "hello" }') assert_equal "hello", result["content"] end test "partial by options containing top-level locals" do result = render('json.partial! partial: "partial", content: "hello"') assert_equal "hello", result["content"] end test "partial for Active Model" do result = render('json.partial! @racer', racer:, "Chris Harris")) assert_equal 123, result["id"] assert_equal "Chris Harris", result["name"] end test "partial collection by name with symbol local" do result = render('json.partial! "post", collection: @posts, as: :post', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result.count assert_equal "Post #5", result[4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result[2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result[5]["author"]["first_name"] end test "partial collection by name with caching" do result = render('json.partial! "post", collection: @posts, cached: true, as: :post', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result.count assert_equal "Post #5", result[4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result[2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result[5]["author"]["first_name"] end test "partial collection by name with string local" do result = render('json.partial! "post", collection: @posts, as: "post"', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result.count assert_equal "Post #5", result[4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result[2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result[5]["author"]["first_name"] end test "partial collection by options" do result = render('json.partial! partial: "post", collection: @posts, as: :post', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result.count assert_equal "Post #5", result[4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result[2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result[5]["author"]["first_name"] end test "nil partial collection by name" do Jbuilder::CollectionRenderer.expects(:new).never assert_equal [], render('json.partial! "post", collection: @posts, as: :post', posts: nil) end test "nil partial collection by options" do Jbuilder::CollectionRenderer.expects(:new).never assert_equal [], render('json.partial! partial: "post", collection: @posts, as: :post', posts: nil) end test "array of partials" do result = render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result.count assert_equal "Post #5", result[4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result[2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result[5]["author"]["first_name"] end test "empty array of partials from empty collection" do Jbuilder::CollectionRenderer.expects(:new).never assert_equal [], render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post', posts: []) end test "empty array of partials from nil collection" do Jbuilder::CollectionRenderer.expects(:new).never assert_equal [], render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post', posts: nil) end test "array of partials under key" do result = render('json.posts @posts, partial: "post", as: :post', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result["posts"].count assert_equal "Post #5", result["posts"][4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result["posts"][2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result["posts"][5]["author"]["first_name"] end test "empty array of partials under key from nil collection" do Jbuilder::CollectionRenderer.expects(:new).never result = render('json.posts @posts, partial: "post", as: :post', posts: nil) assert_equal [], result["posts"] end test "empty array of partials under key from an empy collection" do Jbuilder::CollectionRenderer.expects(:new).never result = render('json.posts @posts, partial: "post", as: :post', posts: []) assert_equal [], result["posts"] end test "object fragment caching" do render(<<-JBUILDER) json.cache! "cache-key" do "Hit" end JBUILDER hit = render('json.cache! "cache-key" do; end') assert_equal "Hit", hit["name"] end test "conditional object fragment caching" do render(<<-JBUILDER) json.cache_if! true, "cache-key" do json.a "Hit" end json.cache_if! false, "cache-key" do json.b "Hit" end JBUILDER result = render(<<-JBUILDER) json.cache_if! true, "cache-key" do json.a "Miss" end json.cache_if! false, "cache-key" do json.b "Miss" end JBUILDER assert_equal "Hit", result["a"] assert_equal "Miss", result["b"] end test "object fragment caching with expiry" do travel_to Time.iso8601("2018-05-12T11:29:00-04:00") render <<-JBUILDER json.cache! "cache-key", expires_in: 1.minute do "Hit" end JBUILDER travel 30.seconds result = render(<<-JBUILDER) json.cache! "cache-key", expires_in: 1.minute do "Miss" end JBUILDER assert_equal "Hit", result["name"] travel 31.seconds result = render(<<-JBUILDER) json.cache! "cache-key", expires_in: 1.minute do "Miss" end JBUILDER assert_equal "Miss", result["name"] end test "object root caching" do render <<-JBUILDER json.cache_root! "cache-key" do "Hit" end JBUILDER assert_equal JSON.dump(name: "Hit"),"jbuilder/root/cache-key") result = render(<<-JBUILDER) json.cache_root! "cache-key" do "Miss" end JBUILDER assert_equal "Hit", result["name"] end test "array fragment caching" do render <<-JBUILDER json.cache! "cache-key" do json.array! %w[ a b c ] end JBUILDER assert_equal %w[ a b c ], render('json.cache! "cache-key" do; end') end test "array root caching" do render <<-JBUILDER json.cache_root! "cache-key" do json.array! %w[ a b c ] end JBUILDER assert_equal JSON.dump(%w[ a b c ]),"jbuilder/root/cache-key") assert_equal %w[ a b c ], render(<<-JBUILDER) json.cache_root! "cache-key" do json.array! %w[ d e f ] end JBUILDER end test "failing to cache root after JSON structures have been defined" do assert_raises ActionView::Template::Error, "cache_root! can't be used after JSON structures have been defined" do render <<-JBUILDER "Kaboom" json.cache_root! "cache-key" do "Miss" end JBUILDER end end test "empty fragment caching" do render 'json.cache! "nothing" do; end' result = nil assert_nothing_raised do result = render(<<-JBUILDER) "bar" json.cache! "nothing" do; end JBUILDER end assert_equal "bar", result["foo"] end test "cache instrumentation" do payloads = {} ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("read_fragment.action_controller") { |*args| payloads[:read] = args.last } ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("write_fragment.action_controller") { |*args| payloads[:write] = args.last } render <<-JBUILDER json.cache! "cache-key" do "Cache" end JBUILDER assert_equal "jbuilder/cache-key", payloads[:read][:key] assert_equal "jbuilder/cache-key", payloads[:write][:key] end test "camelized keys" do result = render(<<-JBUILDER) json.key_format! camelize: [:lower] json.first_name "David" JBUILDER assert_equal "David", result["firstName"] end if JbuilderTemplate::CollectionRenderer.supported? test "returns an empty array for an empty collection" do Jbuilder::CollectionRenderer.expects(:new).never result = render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post, cached: true', posts: []) # Do not use #assert_empty as it is important to ensure that the type of the JSON result is an array. assert_equal [], result end test "works with an enumerable object" do enumerable_class = do include Enumerable def each(&block) [].each(&block) end end result = render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post, cached: true', posts: # Do not use #assert_empty as it is important to ensure that the type of the JSON result is an array. assert_equal [], result end test "supports the cached: true option" do result = render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post, cached: true', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result.count assert_equal "Post #5", result[4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result[2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result[5]["author"]["first_name"] expected = { "id" => 1, "body" => "Post #1", "author" => { "first_name" => "David", "last_name" => "Heinemeier Hansson" } } assert_equal expected,"post-1") result = render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post, cached: true', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result.count assert_equal "Post #5", result[4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result[2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result[5]["author"]["first_name"] end test "supports the cached: ->() {} option" do result = render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post, cached: ->(post) { [post, "foo"] }', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result.count assert_equal "Post #5", result[4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result[2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result[5]["author"]["first_name"] expected = { "id" => 1, "body" => "Post #1", "author" => { "first_name" => "David", "last_name" => "Heinemeier Hansson" } } assert_equal expected,"post-1/foo") result = render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post, cached: ->(post) { [post, "foo"] }', posts: POSTS) assert_equal 10, result.count assert_equal "Post #5", result[4]["body"] assert_equal "Heinemeier Hansson", result[2]["author"]["last_name"] assert_equal "Pavel", result[5]["author"]["first_name"] end test "raises an error on a render call with the :layout option" do error = assert_raises NotImplementedError do render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post, layout: "layout"', posts: POSTS) end assert_equal "The `:layout' option is not supported in collection rendering.", error.message end test "raises an error on a render call with the :spacer_template option" do error = assert_raises NotImplementedError do render('json.array! @posts, partial: "post", as: :post, spacer_template: "template"', posts: POSTS) end assert_equal "The `:spacer_template' option is not supported in collection rendering.", error.message end end private def render(*args) JSON.load render_without_parsing(*args) end def render_without_parsing(source, assigns = {}) view = build_view(fixtures: PARTIALS.merge("source.json.jbuilder" => source), assigns: assigns) view.render(template: "source") end def build_view(options = {}) resolver = lookup_context =[ resolver ], {}, [""]) controller = # TODO: Use with_empty_template_cache unconditionally after dropping support for Rails <6.0. view = if ActionView::Base.respond_to?(:with_empty_template_cache), options.fetch(:assigns, {}), controller) else, options.fetch(:assigns, {}), controller) end def view.view_cache_dependencies; []; end def view.combined_fragment_cache_key(key) [ key ] end def view.cache_fragment_name(key, *) key end def view.fragment_name_with_digest(key) key end view end end