require_relative '../shared/input_helper' module MM class InputHelper < Shared::InputHelper def computer_or_human_code_setter_inquiry(name) user_choice = get_user_input("#{name}, please enter \"1\" if you would like to be the code-guesser. Enter \"2\" if you would like to set the code and have the computer guess.", "Invalid entry. Please enter either 1(computer picks code) or 2 (you pick code)") do |input| input == 1 || input == 2 end if user_choice == 1 return :computer elsif user_choice == 2 return :human end end def get_secret_code_from_user(name) user_choice = get_user_input("#{name}, please enter a secret code consisting of four numbers that each correspond to a color. Do not separate with punctuation. The computer will try to guess this code.", "Please re-enter a secret code, using only 4 numbers, 1 through 6.") do |input| input.to_s =~ /^[1-6]{4}$/ end end def get_player_choice(game) user_choice = get_user_input("#{game.current_player_name}, please enter a secret code consisting of 4 numbers that correspond to the color of your guess. Do not separate with punctuation.", "Please re-enter a secret code guess, using exactly 4 numbers, each being a digit 1 through 6.") do |input| input.to_s =~ /^[1-6]{4}$/ end end def draw_prompt io.present_with_new_line("No such luck! Please try again.") end def winning_prompt(current_player_name) io.present_with_new_line("#{current_player_name} wins!") end def no_winner_prompt io.present_with_new_line("Game over!") end def get_number_of_rows get_user_input("Please choose how many rows of pegs you would like, from 4 to 12.", "Please choose a number between 4 and 12.") do |input| input.to_i >=4 && input.to_i <=12 end end def get_number_of_cols get_user_input("Please choose how many pegs you would like in each row, from 4 to 6.", "Please choose a number between 4 and 6.") do |input| input.to_i >=4 && input.to_i <=6 end end end end