# encoding: utf-8 require 'nokogiri' require 'uri' module Epuber class Compiler require_relative 'file_finders/normal' class XHTMLProcessor class UnparseableLinkError < StandardError; end # Method for parsing incomplete XML, supports multiple root elements # # @warning Because of nature of XML, when input string don't contain root element, it will create own called `body`, since it will be used in next steps. # # @param [String] text input XHTML text # # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Document] parsed document # def self.xml_doc_from_str_with_errors(text, file_path = nil) if /\A[\n\r ]+(<\?xml)/ =~ text UI.warning('XML header must be at the beginning of document', location: UI::Location.new(file_path, 1)) text = text.lstrip end xml_header = nil if /\A\s*(<\?xml[^>]*\?>)/ =~ text match = Regexp.last_match xml_header = text[match.begin(1)...match.end(1)] text[match.begin(1)...match.end(1)] = '' end doctypes = [] while /(\n|\?>|\A)?(]*>\n*)/ =~ text doctypes << $2.strip match = Regexp.last_match text[match.begin(2)...match.end(2)] = '' end before = ([xml_header] + doctypes).compact.join("\n") unless before.empty? before = before + "\n" end parse_options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML | Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOERROR | # to silence any errors or warnings printing into console Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOWARNING doc = Nokogiri::XML("#{before}#{text}", file_path, nil, parse_options) text_for_errors = before + text doc.encoding = 'UTF-8' doc.file_path = file_path if doc.errors.empty? errors = [] else errors = doc.errors.map do |e| Problem.new(:error, e.message, text_for_errors, line: e.line, column: e.column, file_path: file_path) end end root = root_node = doc.root root_elements = root.children.select { |a| a.element? || a.comment? } if root_elements.count == 1 doc.root = root_elements.first elsif root_node.at_css('html') doc.root = root_node.at_css('html') elsif root_node.at_css('body').nil? root_node.node_name = 'body' else root_node.node_name = 'html' end [doc, errors] end def self.xml_document_from_string(text, file_path = nil) xml, errros = self.xml_doc_from_str_with_errors(text, file_path) xml end # Method to add all missing items in XML root # # Required items: # - html (with all namespaces and other attributes) # - body # - head (with title) # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc input XML document to work with # @param [String] title title of this document, since this is required by EPUB specification # @param [Epuber::Version] epub_version version of result EPUB # # @return nil # def self.add_missing_root_elements(xhtml_doc, title, epub_version) # add missing body element if xhtml_doc.at_css('body').nil? if xhtml_doc.root.node_name == 'html' xhtml_doc.root << xhtml_doc.create_element('body') else xhtml_doc.root.surround_with_element('body') end end html = xhtml_doc.at_css('html') # add missing root html element if html.nil? attrs = {} attrs['xmlns'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' attrs['xmlns:epub'] = 'http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops' if epub_version >= 3 html = xhtml_doc.root.surround_with_element('html', attrs) elsif html.namespaces.empty? html['xmlns'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' html['xmlns:epub'] = 'http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops' if epub_version >= 3 end # add missing head in html if xhtml_doc.at_css('html > head').nil? head = xhtml_doc.create_element('head') head << xhtml_doc.create_element('title', title) head << xhtml_doc.create_element('meta', charset: 'utf-8') if epub_version >= 3.0 if (first = html.children.first) first.before(head) else html << head end end # https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck/issues/631 if epub_version < 3.0 xhtml_doc.internal_subset.remove unless xhtml_doc.internal_subset.nil? xhtml_doc.create_internal_subset('html', "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN", "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd") end end # Method for adding style sheets with links, method will not add duplicate items # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc input XML document to work with # @param [Array] styles links to files # # @return nil # def self.add_styles(xhtml_doc, styles) head = xhtml_doc.at_css('html > head') old_links = head.css('link[rel="stylesheet"]').map { |node| node['href'] } links_to_add = styles - old_links links_to_add.each do |path| head << xhtml_doc.create_element('link', href: path, rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css') end end # Method for adding scripts with links, method will not add duplicate items # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc input XML document to work with # @param [Array] styles links to files # # @return nil # def self.add_scripts(xhtml_doc, scripts) head = xhtml_doc.at_css('html > head') old_links = head.css('script').map { |node| node['src'] } links_to_add = scripts - old_links links_to_add.each do |path| head << xhtml_doc.create_element('script', src: path, type: 'text/javascript') end end # Adds viewport meta tag to head of some document, but only if there is not some existing tag # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc # @param [Epuber::Size] viewport_size # def self.add_viewport(xhtml_doc, viewport_size) head = xhtml_doc.at_css('html > head') return unless head.at_css("meta[name='viewport']").nil? s = viewport_size head << xhtml_doc.create_element('meta', name: 'viewport', content: "width=#{s.width},height=#{s.height}") end # Method which will resolve path to file from pattern # # @param [String] path pattern or path of the file # @param [Symbol | Array] groups groups of the searching file, could be for example :image when searching for file from tag # @param [String] file_path path to file from which is searching for other file # @param [Epuber::Compiler::FileFinder] file_finder finder for searching for files # # @raise UnparseableLinkError, FileFinder::FileNotFoundError, FileFinder::MultipleFilesFoundError # # @return [URI] resolved path to file or remote web page # def self.resolved_link_to_file(path, groups, file_path, file_finder) raise FileFinders::FileNotFoundError.new(path, file_path) if path.empty? begin uri = URI(path) rescue URI::InvalidURIError begin uri = URI(URI::encode(path)) rescue URI::InvalidURIError # skip not valid uri raise UnparseableLinkError, "Unparseable link `#{path}`" end end # skip uri with scheme (links to web pages) return uri unless uri.scheme.nil? # skip empty path return uri if uri.path.empty? && !uri.fragment.nil? && !uri.fragment.empty? uri.path = file_finder.find_file(uri.path, groups: groups, context_path: file_path) uri end # Resolves all links to files in XHTML document and returns the valid and resolved versions # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc input XML document to work with # @param [String] tag_name CSS selector for tag # @param [String] attribute_name name of attribute # @param [Symbol | Array] groups groups of the searching file, could be for example :image when searching for file from tag # @param [String] file_path path to file from which is searching for other file # @param [Epuber::Compiler::FileFinder] file_finder finder for searching for files # # @return [Array] resolved links # def self.resolve_links_for(xhtml_doc, tag_name, attribute_name, groups, file_path, file_finder) founded_links = [] xhtml_doc.css("#{tag_name}[#{attribute_name}]").each do |node| begin src = node[attribute_name] # @type [String] src next if src.nil? target_file = resolved_link_to_file(src, groups, file_path, file_finder) founded_links << target_file node[attribute_name] = target_file.to_s rescue UnparseableLinkError, FileFinders::FileNotFoundError, FileFinders::MultipleFilesFoundError => e UI.warning(e.to_s, location: node) # skip not found files next end end founded_links end # Resolves all links to files in XHTML document and returns the valid and resolved versions # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc input XML document to work with # @param [String] file_path path to file from which is searching for other file # @param [Epuber::Compiler::FileFinder] file_finder finder for searching for files # # @return [Array] resolved links # def self.resolve_links(xhtml_doc, file_path, file_finder) [ resolve_links_for(xhtml_doc, 'a', 'href', :text, file_path, file_finder), resolve_links_for(xhtml_doc, 'map > area', 'href', :text, file_path, file_finder), ].flatten end # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc input XML document to work with # # @return [Bool] # def self.using_javascript?(xhtml_doc) !xhtml_doc.at_css('script').nil? end def self.using_remote_resources?(xhtml_doc) regexp = %r{^[^:/?#]+://.*} result = false result ||= xhtml_doc.css('[src]').any? { |node| node['src'] =~ regexp } result ||= xhtml_doc.css('link[href]').any? { |node| node['href'] =~ regexp } result end # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc input XML document to work with # # @return [Bool] # def self.using_mathml?(xhtml_doc) !xhtml_doc.at_css('math|math', 'math' => 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML').nil? end def self.resolve_mathml_namespace(xhtml_doc) xhtml_doc.css('math').each do |math_node| math_node.add_namespace('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML') end end # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc # @param [String] file_path path of referring file # @param [FileResolver] file_resolver # # @return nil # def self.resolve_images(xhtml_doc, file_path, file_resolver) resolve_resources_in('img', 'src', :image, xhtml_doc, file_path, file_resolver) end # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc # @param [String] file_path path of referring file # @param [FileResolver] file_resolver # # @return nil # def self.resolve_scripts(xhtml_doc, file_path, file_resolver) resolve_resources_in('script', 'src', :script, xhtml_doc, file_path, file_resolver) end # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] xhtml_doc # @param [String] file_path path of referring file # @param [FileResolver] file_resolver # # @return nil # def self.resolve_stylesheets(xhtml_doc, file_path, file_resolver) resolve_resources_in('link[rel="stylesheet"]', 'href', :style, xhtml_doc, file_path, file_resolver) end def self.resolve_resources_in(node_css_query, attribute_name, resource_group, xhtml_doc, file_path, file_resolver) dirname = File.dirname(file_path) xhtml_doc.css(node_css_query).each do |img| path = img[attribute_name] next if path.nil? begin new_path = file_resolver.dest_finder.find_file(path, groups: resource_group, context_path: dirname) rescue UnparseableLinkError, FileFinders::FileNotFoundError, FileFinders::MultipleFilesFoundError begin new_path = resolved_link_to_file(path, resource_group, dirname, file_resolver.source_finder).to_s pkg_abs_path = File.expand_path(new_path, dirname).unicode_normalize pkg_new_path = Pathname.new(pkg_abs_path).relative_path_from(Pathname.new(file_resolver.source_path)).to_s file_class = FileResolver.file_class_for(File.extname(new_path)) file = file_class.new(pkg_new_path) file.path_type = :manifest file_resolver.add_file(file) new_path = FileResolver::renamed_file_with_path(new_path) rescue UnparseableLinkError, FileFinders::FileNotFoundError, FileFinders::MultipleFilesFoundError => e UI.warning(e.to_s, location: img) next end end img[attribute_name] = new_path end end end end end