import Marionette from 'backbone.marionette'; import _ from 'underscore'; import $ from 'jquery'; import I18n$1 from 'i18n-js'; import Backbone from 'backbone'; import ChildViewContainer from 'backbone.babysitter'; import IScroll from 'iscroll'; import 'jquery.minicolors'; import wysihtml5 from 'wysihtml5'; import 'jquery-ui'; import Cocktail from 'cocktail'; /*global JST*/ Marionette.Renderer.render = function (template, data) { if (_.isFunction(template)) { return template(data); } if (template.indexOf('templates/') === 0) { template = 'pageflow/editor/' + template; } if (!JST[template]) { throw "Template '" + template + "' not found!"; } return JST[template](data); }; /** * Returns an array of translation keys based on the `prefixes` * option and the given `keyName`. * * @param {string} keyName * Suffix to append to prefixes. * * @param {string[]} [options.prefixes] * Array of translation key prefixes. * * @param {string} [options.fallbackPrefix] * Optional additional prefix to form a model based translation * key of the form * `prefix.fallbackModelI18nKey.propertyName.keyName`. * * @param {string} [options.fallbackModelI18nKey] * Required if `fallbackPrefix` option is present. * * @return {string[]} * @memberof i18nUtils * @since 12.0 */ function attributeTranslationKeys(attributeName, keyName, options) { var result = []; if (options.prefixes) { result = result.concat(_(options.prefixes).map(function (prefix) { return prefix + '.' + attributeName + '.' + keyName; }, this)); } if (options && options.fallbackPrefix) { result.push(options.fallbackPrefix + '.' + options.fallbackModelI18nKey + '.' + attributeName); } return result; } /** * Takes the same parameters as {@link * #i18nutilsattributetranslationkeys attributeTranslationKeys}, but returns the first existing * translation. * * @return {string} * @memberof i18nUtils * @since 12.0 */ function attributeTranslation(attributeName, keyName, options) { return findTranslation(attributeTranslationKeys(attributeName, keyName, options)); } /** * Find the first key for which a translation exists and return the * translation. * * @param {string[]} keys * Translation key candidates. * * @param {string} [options.defaultValue] * Value to return if none of the keys has a translation. Is * treated like an HTML translation if html flag is set. * * @param {boolean} [options.html] * If true, also search for keys ending in '_html' and HTML-escape * keys that do not end in 'html' * * @memberof i18nUtils * @return {string} */ function findTranslation(keys, options) { options = options || {}; if (options.html) { keys = translationKeysWithSuffix(keys, 'html'); } return _.chain(keys).reverse().reduce(function (result, key) { var unescapedTranslation = I18n$1.t(key, _.extend({}, options, { defaultValue: result })); if (!options.html || key.match(/_html$/) || result == unescapedTranslation) { return unescapedTranslation; } else { return $('<div />').text(unescapedTranslation).html(); } }, options.defaultValue).value(); } /** * Return the first key for which a translation exists. Returns the * first if non of the keys has a translation. * * @param {string[]} keys * Translation key candidates. * * @memberof i18nUtils * @return {string} */ function findKeyWithTranslation(keys) { var missing = '_not_translated'; return _(keys).detect(function (key) { return I18n$1.t(key, { defaultValue: missing }) !== missing; }) || _.first(keys); } function translationKeysWithSuffix(keys, suffix) { return _.chain(keys).map(function (key) { return [key + '_' + suffix, key]; }).flatten().value(); } var i18nUtils = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, attributeTranslationKeys: attributeTranslationKeys, attributeTranslation: attributeTranslation, findTranslation: findTranslation, findKeyWithTranslation: findKeyWithTranslation, translationKeysWithSuffix: translationKeysWithSuffix }); function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; } function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr))) return; var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(n); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); } /** * Create object that can be passed to Marionette ui property from CSS * module object. * * @param {Object} styles * Class name mapping imported from `.module.css` file. * * @param {...string} classNames * Keys from the styles object that shall be used in the ui object. * * @return {Object} * * @example * * // MyView.module.css * * .container {} * * // MyView.js * * import Marionette from 'marionette'; * import {cssModulesUtils} from 'pageflow/ui'; * * import styles from './MyView.module.css'; * * export const MyView = Marionette.ItemView({ * template: () => ` * <div class=${styles.container}></div> * `, * * ui: cssModulesUtils.ui(styles, 'container'), * * onRender() { * this.ui.container // => JQuery wrapper for container element * } * }); * * @memberof cssModulesUtils */ function ui(styles) { for (var _len = arguments.length, classNames = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { classNames[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } return classNames.reduce(function (result, className) { result[className] = selector(styles, className); return result; }, {}); } /** * Create object that can be passed to Marionette events property from CSS * module object. * * @param {Object} styles * Class name mapping imported from `.module.css` file. * * @param {Object} mapping * Events mapping using keys from the `styles` instead of CSS class names. * * @return {Object} * * @example * * // MyView.module.css * * .addButton {} * * // MyView.js * * import Marionette from 'marionette'; * import {cssModulesUtils} from 'pageflow/ui'; * * import styles from './MyView.module.css'; * * export const MyView = Marionette.ItemView({ * template: () => ` * <button class=${styles.addButton}></button> * `, * * events:, { * 'click addButton': () => console.log('clicked add button'); * }) * }); * * @memberof cssModulesUtils */ function events(styles, mapping) { return Object.keys(mapping).reduce(function (result, key) { var _key$split = key.split(' '), _key$split2 = _slicedToArray(_key$split, 2), event = _key$split2[0], className = _key$split2[1]; result["".concat(event, " ").concat(selector(styles, className))] = mapping[key]; return result; }, {}); } /** * Generates a CSS selector from a CSS module rule. * * @param {Object} styles * Class name mapping imported from `.module.css` file. * * @param {String} className * Key from the `styles` object. * * @return {String} CSS Selector * @memberof cssModulesUtils */ function selector(styles, className) { var classNames = styles[className]; if (!classNames) { throw new Error("Unknown class name ".concat(className, " in mapping. Knwon names: ").concat(Object.keys(styles).join(', '), ".")); } return ".".concat(classNames.replace(/ /g, '.')); } var cssModulesUtils = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, ui: ui, events: events, selector: selector }); // function BaseObject(options) { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } _.extend(BaseObject.prototype, Backbone.Events, { initialize: function initialize(options) {} }); // The self-propagating extend function that Backbone classes use. BaseObject.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; var serverSideValidation = { initialize: function initialize() { var _this = this; this.validationErrors = {}; this.listenTo(this, 'error', function (model, request) { if (request.status === 422) { _this.validationErrors = JSON.parse(request.responseText).errors; _this.trigger('invalid'); } }); this.listenTo(this, 'sync', function () { _this.validationErrors = {}; }); } }; var CollectionView = Marionette.View.extend({ initialize: function initialize() { this.rendered = false; this.itemViews = new ChildViewContainer();, this); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.addItem); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'remove', this.removeItem); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sort', this.sort); if (this.options.loadingViewConstructor) { this.listenTo(this.collection, 'request', function () { this.loading = true; this.togglePlaceHolder(); }); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sync', function () { this.loading = false; this.togglePlaceHolder(); }); } }, render: function render() { if (!this.rendered) { this.$el.append( (itemView) { itemView.$'view', itemView); return itemView.render().el; })); this.togglePlaceHolder(); this.rendered = true; } return this; }, onClose: function onClose() {'close'); this.closePlaceHolderView(); }, addItem: function addItem(item) { var view = new this.options.itemViewConstructor(_.extend({ model: item }, this.getItemViewOptions(item))); this.itemViews.add(view); if (this.rendered) { var index = this.collection.indexOf(item); view.render(); view.$'view', view); if (index > 0) { this.$el.children().eq(index - 1).after(view.el); } else { this.$el.prepend(view.el); } this.togglePlaceHolder(); } }, removeItem: function removeItem(item) { var view = this.itemViews.findByModel(item); if (view) { this.itemViews.remove(view); view.close(); this.togglePlaceHolder(); } }, sort: function sort() { var last = null; this.collection.each(function (item) { var itemView = this.itemViews.findByModel(item); var element; if (!itemView) { return; } element = itemView.$el; if (last) { last.after(element); } else { this.$el.prepend(element); } last = element; }, this); }, getItemViewOptions: function getItemViewOptions(item) { if (typeof this.options.itemViewOptions === 'function') { return this.options.itemViewOptions(item); } else { return this.options.itemViewOptions || {}; } }, closePlaceHolderView: function closePlaceHolderView() { if (this.placeHolderView) { this.placeHolderView.close(); this.placeHolderView = null; } }, togglePlaceHolder: function togglePlaceHolder() { var lastPlaceholderConstructor = this.placeHolderConstructor; this.placeHolderConstructor = this.getPlaceHolderConstructor(); if (this.itemViews.length || !this.placeHolderConstructor) { this.closePlaceHolderView(); } else if (!this.placeHolderView || lastPlaceholderConstructor !== this.placeHolderConstructor) { this.closePlaceHolderView(); this.placeHolderView = new this.placeHolderConstructor(); this.$el.append(this.placeHolderView.render().el); } }, getPlaceHolderConstructor: function getPlaceHolderConstructor() { if (this.loading && this.options.loadingViewConstructor) { return this.options.loadingViewConstructor; } else if (this.options.blankSlateViewConstructor) { return this.options.blankSlateViewConstructor; } } }); var SortableCollectionView = CollectionView.extend({ render: function render() {; this.$el.sortable({ connectWith: this.options.connectWith, placeholder: 'sortable-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true, delay: 200, update: _.bind(function (event, ui) { if (ui.item.parent().is(this.el)) { this.updateOrder(); } }, this), receive: _.bind(function (event, ui) { var view ='view'); this.reindexPositions(); this.itemViews.add(view); this.collection.add(view.model); }, this), remove: _.bind(function (event, ui) { var view ='view'); this.itemViews.remove(view); this.collection.remove(view.model); }, this) }); return this; }, addItem: function addItem(item) { if (!this.itemViews.findByModel(item)) {, item); } }, removeItem: function removeItem(item) { if (this.itemViews.findByModel(item)) {, item); } }, updateOrder: function updateOrder() { this.reindexPositions(); this.collection.sort(); this.collection.saveOrder(); }, reindexPositions: function reindexPositions() { this.$el.children().each(function (index) { $(this).data('view').model.set('position', index); }); } }); var ConfigurationEditorTabView = Marionette.View.extend({ className: 'configuration_editor_tab', initialize: function initialize() { this.inputs = new ChildViewContainer(); this.groups = this.options.groups || ConfigurationEditorTabView.groups; }, input: function input(propertyName, view, options) { this.view(view, _.extend({ placeholderModel: this.options.placeholderModel, propertyName: propertyName, attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes: this.options.attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes }, options || {})); }, view: function view(_view, options) { this.inputs.add(new _view(_.extend({ model: this.model, parentTab: }, options || {}))); }, group: function group(name, options) { this.groups.apply(name, this, options); }, render: function render() { this.inputs.each(function (input) { this.$el.append(input.render().el); }, this); return this; }, onClose: function onClose() { if (this.inputs) {'close'); } } }); ConfigurationEditorTabView.Groups = function () { var groups = {}; this.define = function (name, fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw 'Group has to be function.'; } groups[name] = fn; }; this.apply = function (name, context, options) { if (!(name in groups)) { throw 'Undefined group named "' + name + '".'; } groups[name].call(context, options || {}); }; }; ConfigurationEditorTabView.groups = new ConfigurationEditorTabView.Groups(); function template(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<div class="tabs_view-scroller">\n <ul class="tabs_view-headers"></ul>\n</div>\n<div class="tabs_view-container"></div>\n'; return __p } /*global pageflow*/ /** * Switch between different views using tabs. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string} [options.defaultTab] * Name of the tab to enable by default. * * @param {string[]} [options.translationKeyPrefixes] * List of prefixes to append tab name to. First exisiting translation is used as label. * * @param {string} [options.fallbackTranslationKeyPrefix] * Translation key prefix to use if non of the `translationKeyPrefixes` result in an * existing translation for a tab name. * * @param {string} [options.i18n] * Legacy alias for `fallbackTranslationKeyPrefix`. * * @class */ var TabsView = Marionette.Layout.extend( /* @lends TabView.prototype */ { template: template, className: 'tabs_view', ui: { headers: '.tabs_view-headers', scroller: '.tabs_view-scroller' }, regions: { container: '.tabs_view-container' }, events: { 'click .tabs_view-headers > li': function clickTabs_viewHeadersLi(event) { this.changeTab($('tab-name')); } }, initialize: function initialize() { this.tabFactoryFns = {}; this.tabNames = []; this.currentTabName = null; this._refreshScrollerOnSideBarResize(); }, tab: function tab(name, factoryFn) { this.tabFactoryFns[name] = factoryFn; this.tabNames.push(name); }, onRender: function onRender() { _.each(this.tabNames, function (name) { var label = findTranslation(this._labelTranslationKeys(name)); this.ui.headers.append($('<li />').attr('data-tab-name', name).text(label)); }, this); this.scroller = new IScroll(this.ui.scroller[0], { scrollX: true, scrollY: false, bounce: false, mouseWheel: true, preventDefault: false }); this.changeTab(this.defaultTab()); }, changeTab: function changeTab(name) {[name]()); this._updateActiveHeader(name); this.currentTabName = name; }, defaultTab: function defaultTab() { if (_.include(this.tabNames, this.options.defaultTab)) { return this.options.defaultTab; } else { return _.first(this.tabNames); } }, /** * Rerender current tab. */ refresh: function refresh() { this.changeTab(this.currentTabName); }, /** * Adjust tabs scroller to changed width of view. */ refreshScroller: function refreshScroller() { this.scroller.refresh(); }, toggleSpinnerOnTab: function toggleSpinnerOnTab(name, visible) { this.$('[data-tab-name=' + name + ']').toggleClass('spinner', visible); }, _labelTranslationKeys: function _labelTranslationKeys(name) { var result =, function (prefix) { return prefix + '.' + name; }); if (this.options.i18n) { result.push(this.options.i18n + '.' + name); } if (this.options.fallbackTranslationKeyPrefix) { result.push(this.options.fallbackTranslationKeyPrefix + '.' + name); } return result; }, _updateActiveHeader: function _updateActiveHeader(activeTabName) { var scroller = this.scroller; this.ui.headers.children().each(function () { if ($(this).data('tab-name') === activeTabName) { scroller.scrollToElement(this, 200, true); $(this).addClass('active'); } else { $(this).removeClass('active'); } }); }, _refreshScrollerOnSideBarResize: function _refreshScrollerOnSideBarResize() { if ( { this.listenTo(, 'resize', function () { this.scroller.refresh(); }); } } }); /** * Render a inputs on multiple tabs. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string} [options.model] * Backbone model to use for input views. * * @param {string} [options.placeholderModel] * Backbone model to read placeholder values from. * @param {string} [] * Name of the tab to enable by default. * * @param {string[]} [options.attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes] * List of prefixes to use in input views for attribute based transltions. * * @param {string[]} [options.tabTranslationKeyPrefixes] * List of prefixes to append tab name to. First exisiting translation is used as label. * * @param {string} [options.tabTranslationKeyPrefix] * Prefixes to append tab name to. * * @class */ var ConfigurationEditorView = Marionette.View.extend({ className: 'configuration_editor', initialize: function initialize() { this.tabsView = new TabsView({ translationKeyPrefixes: this.options.tabTranslationKeyPrefixes || [this.options.tabTranslationKeyPrefix], fallbackTranslationKeyPrefix: 'pageflow.ui.configuration_editor.tabs', defaultTab: }); this.configure(); }, configure: function configure() {}, tab: function tab(name, callbackOrOptions, callback) { callback = callback || callbackOrOptions; var options = callback ? callbackOrOptions : {};, _.bind(function () { var tabView = new ConfigurationEditorTabView({ model: options.model || this.model, placeholderModel: this.options.placeholderModel, tab: name, attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes: this.options.attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes });; return tabView; }, this)); }, /** * Rerender current tab. */ refresh: function refresh() { this.tabsView.refresh(); }, /** * Adjust tabs scroller to changed width of view. */ refreshScroller: function refreshScroller() { this.tabsView.refreshScroller(); }, render: function render() { this.$el.append(this.subview(this.tabsView).el); return this; } }); _.extend(ConfigurationEditorView, { repository: {}, register: function register(pageTypeName, prototype) { this.repository[pageTypeName] = ConfigurationEditorView.extend(prototype); } }); function template$1(data) { var __p = ''; __p += ''; return __p } /** * Base class for table cell views. * * Inside sub classes the name of the column options are available as * `this.options.column`. Override the `update` method to populate the * element. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string} [options.className] * Class attribute to apply to the cell element. * * @since 12.0 */ var TableCellView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ tagName: 'td', template: template$1, className: function className() { return this.options.className; }, onRender: function onRender() { this.listenTo(this.getModel(), 'change:' +, this.update); this.setupContentBinding(); this.update(); }, /** * Override in concrete cell view. */ update: function update() { throw 'Not implemented'; }, /** * Returns the column attribute's value in the row model. */ attributeValue: function attributeValue() { if (typeof this.options.column.value == 'function') { return this.options.column.value(this.model); } else { return this.getModel().get(; } }, getModel: function getModel() { if (this.options.column.configurationAttribute) { return this.model.configuration; } else { return this.model; } }, /** * Look up attribute specific translations based on * `attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes` of the the parent `TableView`. * * @param {Object} [options] * Interpolations to apply to the translation. * * @param {string} [options.defaultValue] * Fallback value if no translation is found. * * @protected * * @example * * this.attribute.attributeTranslation("cell_title"); * // Looks for keys of the form: * // <table_view_translation_key_prefix>.<column_attribute>.cell_title */ attributeTranslation: function attributeTranslation(keyName, options) { return findTranslation(this.attributeTranslationKeys(keyName), options); }, attributeTranslationKeys: function attributeTranslationKeys(keyName) { return _(this.options.attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes || []).map(function (prefix) { return prefix + '.' + + '.' + keyName; }, this); }, /** * Set up content binding to update this view upon change of * specified attribute on this.getModel(). * * @param {string} [options.column.contentBinding] * Name of the attribute to which this cell's update is bound * * @protected */ setupContentBinding: function setupContentBinding() { if (this.options.column.contentBinding) { this.listenTo(this.getModel(), 'change:' + this.options.column.contentBinding, this.update); this.update(); } } }); var TableHeaderCellView = TableCellView.extend({ tagName: 'th', render: function render() { this.$el.text(this.options.column.headerText || this.attributeTranslation('column_header')); this.$'columnName',; return this; } }); var TableRowView = Marionette.View.extend({ tagName: 'tr', events: { 'click': function click() { if (this.options.selection) { this.options.selection.set(this.selectionAttribute(), this.model); } } }, initialize: function initialize() { if (this.options.selection) { this.listenTo(this.options.selection, 'change', this.updateClassName); } }, render: function render() { _(this.options.columns).each(function (column) { this.appendSubview(new column.cellView(_.extend({ model: this.model, column: column, attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes: this.options.attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes }, column.cellViewOptions || {}))); }, this); this.updateClassName(); return this; }, updateClassName: function updateClassName() { this.$el.toggleClass('is_selected', this.isSelected()); }, isSelected: function isSelected() { return this.options.selection && this.options.selection.get(this.selectionAttribute()) === this.model; }, selectionAttribute: function selectionAttribute() { return this.options.selectionAttribute || 'current'; } }); function template$2(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<table>\n <thead>\n <tr></tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n'; return __p } function blankSlateTemplate(data) { var __t, __p = ''; __p += '<td colspan="' + ((__t = ( data.colSpan )) == null ? '' : __t) + '">\n ' + ((__t = ( data.blankSlateText )) == null ? '' : __t) + '\n</td>\n'; return __p } var TableView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ tagName: 'table', className: 'table_view', template: template$2, ui: { headRow: 'thead tr', body: 'tbody' }, onRender: function onRender() { var view = this; _(this.options.columns).each(function (column) { this.ui.headRow.append(this.subview(new TableHeaderCellView({ column: column, attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes: this.options.attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes })).el); }, this); this.subview(new CollectionView({ el: this.ui.body, collection: this.collection, itemViewConstructor: TableRowView, itemViewOptions: { columns: this.options.columns, selection: this.options.selection, selectionAttribute: this.options.selectionAttribute, attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes: this.options.attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes }, blankSlateViewConstructor: Marionette.ItemView.extend({ tagName: 'tr', className: 'blank_slate', template: blankSlateTemplate, serializeData: function serializeData() { return { blankSlateText: view.options.blankSlateText, colSpan: view.options.columns.length }; } }) })); } }); function template$3(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<span class="label">\n</span>\n'; return __p } var TooltipView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: template$3, className: 'tooltip', ui: { label: '.label' }, hide: function hide() { this.visible = false; clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.$el.removeClass('visible'); }, show: function show(text, position, options) { options = options || {}; this.visible = true; clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = setTimeout(_.bind(function () { var offsetTop; var offsetLeft; this.ui.label.text(text); this.$el.toggleClass('align_bottom_right', options.align === 'bottom right'); this.$el.toggleClass('align_bottom_left', options.align === 'bottom left'); this.$el.toggleClass('align_top_center', options.align === 'top center'); if (options.align === 'bottom right' || options.align === 'bottom left') { offsetTop = 10; offsetLeft = 0; } else if (options.align === 'top center') { offsetTop = -10; offsetLeft = 0; } else { offsetTop = -17; offsetLeft = 10; } this.$el.css({ top: + offsetTop + 'px', left: position.left + offsetLeft + 'px' }); this.$el.addClass('visible'); }, this), 200); } }); function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread2(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; } var attributeBinding = { setupBooleanAttributeBinding: function setupBooleanAttributeBinding(optionName, updateMethod) { this.setupAttributeBinding(optionName, updateMethod, Boolean); }, getBooleanAttributBoundOption: function getBooleanAttributBoundOption(optionName) { return this.getAttributeBoundOption(optionName, Boolean); }, setupAttributeBinding: function setupAttributeBinding(optionName, updateMethod) { var _this = this; var normalize = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : function (value) { return value; }; var binding = this.options["".concat(optionName, "Binding")]; var view = this; if (binding) { _.flatten([binding]).forEach(function (attribute) { _this.listenTo(_this.model, 'change:' + attribute, update); }); } update(); function update() {, view.getAttributeBoundOption(optionName, normalize)); } }, getAttributeBoundOption: function getAttributeBoundOption(optionName) { var _this2 = this; var normalize = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : function (value) { return value; }; var binding = this.options["".concat(optionName, "Binding")]; var bindingValueOptionName = "".concat(optionName, "BindingValue"); var value = Array.isArray(binding) ? (attribute) { return _this2.model.get(attribute); }) : this.model.get(binding); if (bindingValueOptionName in this.options) { return value === this.options[bindingValueOptionName]; } else if (typeof this.options[optionName] === 'function') { return normalize(this.options[optionName](value)); } else if (optionName in this.options) { return normalize(this.options[optionName]); } else if (binding) { return normalize(value); } } }; /** * Mixin for input views handling common concerns like labels, * inline help, visiblity and disabling. * * ## Label and Inline Help Translations * * By default `#labelText` and `#inlineHelpText` are defined through * translations. If no `attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes` are given, * translation keys for labels and inline help are constructed from * the `i18nKey` of the model and the given `propertyName` * option. Suppose the model's `i18nKey` is "page" and the * `propertyName` option is "title". Then the key * * * * will be used for the label. And the key * * * * * will be used for the inline help. * * ### Attribute Translation Key Prefixes * * The `attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes` option can be used to supply * an array of scopes in which label and inline help translations * shall be looked up based on the `propertyName` option. * * Suppose the array `['some.attributes', 'fallback.attributes']` is * given as `attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes` option. Then, in the * example above, the first existing translation key is used as label: * * some.attributes.title.label * fallback.attributes.title.label * * * Accordingly, for the inline help: * * some.attributes.title.inline_help_html * some.attributes.title.inline_help * fallback.attributes.title.inline_help_html * fallback.attributes.title.inline_help * * * * This setup allows to keep all translation keys for an attribute * to share a common prefix: * * some: * attributes: * title: * label: "Label" * inline_help: "..." * inline_help_disabled: "..." * * ### Inline Help for Disabled Inputs * * For each inline help translation key, a separate key with an * `"_disabled"` suffix can be supplied, which provides a help string * that shall be displayed when the input is disabled. More specific * attribute translation key prefixes take precedence over suffixed * keys: * * some.attributes.title.inline_help_html * some.attributes.title.inline_help * some.attributes.title.inline_help_disabled_html * some.attributes.title.inline_help_disabled * fallback.attributes.title.inline_help_html * fallback.attributes.title.inline_help * fallback.attributes.title.inline_help_disabled_html * fallback.attributes.title.inline_help_disabled * * * * * * @param {string} options * Common constructor options for all views that include this mixin. * * @param {string} options.propertyName * Name of the attribute on the model to display and edit. * * @param {string} [options.label] * Label text for the input. * * @param {string[]} [options.attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes] * An array of prefixes to lookup translations for labels and * inline help texts based on attribute names. * * @param {string} [options.additionalInlineHelpText] * A text that will be appended to the translation based inline * text. * * @param {string|string[]} [options.disabledBinding] * Name of an attribute to control whether the input is disabled. If * the `disabled` and `disabledBinding` options are not set, * input will be disabled whenever this attribute has a truthy value. * When multiple attribute names are passed, the function passed to * the `disabled` option will receive an array of values in the same * order. * * @param {function|boolean} [options.disabled] * Render input as disabled. A Function taking the value of the * `disabledBinding` attribute as parameter. Input will be disabled * only if function returns `true`. * * @param {any} [options.disabledBindingValue] * Input will be disabled whenever the value of the `disabledBinding` * attribute equals the value of this option. * * @param {string|string[]} [options.visibleBinding] * Name of an attribute to control whether the input is visible. If * the `visible` and `visibleBindingValue` options are not set, * input will be visible whenever this attribute has a truthy value. * When multiple attribute names are passed, the function passed to * the `visible` option will receive an array of values in the same * order. * * @param {function|boolean} [options.visible] * A Function taking the value of the `visibleBinding` attribute as * parameter. Input will be visible only if function returns `true`. * * @param {any} [options.visibleBindingValue] * Input will be visible whenever the value of the `visibleBinding` * attribute equals the value of this option. * * @mixin */ var inputView = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, attributeBinding), {}, { ui: { label: 'label', labelText: 'label .name', inlineHelp: 'label .inline_help' }, /** * Returns an array of translation keys based on the * `attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes` option and the given keyName. * * Combined with {@link #i18nutils * i18nUtils.findTranslation}, this can be used inside input views * to obtain additional translations with the same logic as for * labels and inline help texts. * * findTranslation(this.attributeTranslationKeys('default_value')); * * @param {string} keyName * Suffix to append to prefixes. * * @param {string} [options.fallbackPrefix] * Optional additional prefix to form a model based translation * key of the form `prefix.modelI18nKey.propertyName.keyName * * @return {string[]} * @since 0.9 * @member */ attributeTranslationKeys: function attributeTranslationKeys$1(keyName, options) { return attributeTranslationKeys(this.options.propertyName, keyName, _.extend({ prefixes: this.options.attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes, fallbackModelI18nKey: this.model.i18nKey }, options || {})); }, onRender: function onRender() { this.$el.addClass('input'); this.$el.addClass(this.model.modelName + '_' + this.options.propertyName); this.$'inputPropertyName', this.options.propertyName); this.$'labelText', this.labelText()); this.$'inlineHelpText', this.inlineHelpText()); this.ui.labelText.text(this.labelText()); this.updateInlineHelp(); this.setLabelFor(); this.setupBooleanAttributeBinding('disabled', this.updateDisabled); this.setupBooleanAttributeBinding('visible', this.updateVisible); }, /** * The label to display in the form. * @return {string} */ labelText: function labelText() { return this.options.label || this.localizedAttributeName(); }, localizedAttributeName: function localizedAttributeName() { return findTranslation(this.attributeTranslationKeys('label', { fallbackPrefix: 'activerecord.attributes' })); }, updateInlineHelp: function updateInlineHelp() { this.ui.inlineHelp.html(this.inlineHelpText()); if (!this.inlineHelpText()) { this.ui.inlineHelp.hide(); } }, /** * The inline help text for the form field. * @return {string} */ inlineHelpText: function inlineHelpText() { var keys = this.attributeTranslationKeys('inline_help', { fallbackPrefix: 'pageflow.ui.inline_help' }); if (this.isDisabled()) { keys = translationKeysWithSuffix(keys, 'disabled'); } return _.compact([findTranslation(keys, { defaultValue: '', html: true }), this.options.additionalInlineHelpText]).join(' '); }, setLabelFor: function setLabelFor() { if (this.ui.input && this.ui.label.length === 1 && !this.ui.input.attr('id')) { var id = 'input_' + this.model.modelName + '_' + this.options.propertyName; this.ui.input.attr('id', id); this.ui.label.attr('for', id); } }, isDisabled: function isDisabled() { return this.getBooleanAttributBoundOption('disabled'); }, updateDisabled: function updateDisabled() { this.$el.toggleClass('input-disabled', !!this.isDisabled()); this.updateInlineHelp(); if (this.ui.input) { this.updateDisabledAttribute(this.ui.input); } }, updateDisabledAttribute: function updateDisabledAttribute(element) { if (this.isDisabled()) { element.attr('disabled', true); } else { element.removeAttr('disabled'); } }, updateVisible: function updateVisible() { this.$el.toggleClass('hidden_via_binding', this.getBooleanAttributBoundOption('visible') === false); } }); function template$4(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<label>\n <span class="name"></span>\n <span class="inline_help"></span>\n</label>\n<div class="check_boxes_container" />\n'; return __p } /** * Input view for attributes storing configuration hashes with boolean values. * See {@link inputView} for further options. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @class */ var CheckBoxGroupInputView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView], template: template$4, className: 'check_box_group_input', events: { 'change': 'save' }, ui: { label: 'label', container: '.check_boxes_container' }, initialize: function initialize() { if (!this.options.texts) { if (!this.options.translationKeys) { var translationKeyPrefix = this.options.translationKeyPrefix || findKeyWithTranslation(this.attributeTranslationKeys('values', { fallbackPrefix: 'activerecord.values' })); this.options.translationKeys =, function (value) { return translationKeyPrefix + '.' + value; }, this); } this.options.texts =, function (key) { return I18n$1.t(key); }); } }, onRender: function onRender() { this.ui.label.attr('for', this.cid); this.appendOptions(); this.load(); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.propertyName, this.load); }, appendOptions: function appendOptions() { _.each(this.options.values, function (value, index) { var option = '<div class="check_box">' + '<label><input type="checkbox" name="' + value + '" />' + this.options.texts[index] + '</label></div>'; this.ui.container.append($(option)); }, this); }, save: function save() { var configured = {}; _.each(this.ui.container.find('input'), function (input) { configured[$(input).attr('name')] = $(input).prop('checked'); }); this.model.set(this.options.propertyName, configured); }, load: function load() { if (!this.isClosed) { _.each(this.options.values, function (value) { this.ui.container.find('input[name="' + value + '"]').prop('checked', this.model.get(this.options.propertyName)[value]); }, this); } } }); function template$5(data) { var __t, __p = ''; __p += '<label>\n <span class="name"></span>\n <span class="inline_help"></span>\n</label>\n<a class="original" href="#" download target="_blank">\n ' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.url_display.link_text') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '\n</a>\n'; return __p } /** * Display view for a link to a URL, to be used like an input view. * See {@link inputView} for further options * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string} [options.propertyName] * Target URL for link * * @class */ var UrlDisplayView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView], template: template$5, ui: { link: 'a' }, modelEvents: { 'change': 'update' }, events: { 'click a': function clickA(event) { // Ensure default is not prevented by parent event listener. event.stopPropagation(); } }, onRender: function onRender() { this.update(); }, update: function update() { var url = this.model.get('original_url'); this.$el.toggle(this.model.isUploaded() && !_.isEmpty(url));'href', url); } }); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } /** * Input view for a number. * * See {@link inputView} for further options. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string} [options.locale] * Locale used to fomat and parse numbers. * * @class */ var NumberInputView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView], template: function template() { return "\n <label>\n <span class=\"name\"></span>\n <span class=\"inline_help\"></span>\n </label>\n <input type=\"text\" dir=\"auto\" />\n "; }, ui: { input: 'input' }, events: { 'change': 'onChange' }, initialize: function initialize() { this.parser = new NumberParser(this.options.locale); }, onRender: function onRender() { this.load(); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.propertyName, this.load); }, onChange: function onChange() {; this.load(); }, onClose: function onClose() {; }, save: function save() { var inputValue = this.ui.input.val(); this.model.set(this.options.propertyName, this.parser.parse(inputValue) || 0); }, load: function load() { var input = this.ui.input; var value = this.model.get(this.options.propertyName) || 0; input.val(value.toLocaleString(this.options.locale, { useGrouping: false })); }, displayValidationError: function displayValidationError(message) { this.$el.addClass('invalid'); this.ui.input.attr('title', message); }, resetValidationError: function resetValidationError(message) { this.$el.removeClass('invalid'); this.ui.input.attr('title', ''); } }); var NumberParser = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function NumberParser(locale) { _classCallCheck(this, NumberParser); var format = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale); var parts = format.formatToParts(12345.6); var numerals = Array.from({ length: 10 }).map(function (_, i) { return format.format(i); }); var index = new Map( (d, i) { return [d, i]; })); this._group = new RegExp("[".concat(parts.find(function (d) { return d.type === "group"; }).value, "]"), "g"); this._decimal = new RegExp("[".concat(parts.find(function (d) { return d.type === "decimal"; }).value, "]")); this._numeral = new RegExp("[".concat(numerals.join(""), "]"), "g"); this._index = function (d) { return index.get(d); }; } _createClass(NumberParser, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse(string) { string = string.trim().replace(this._group, "").replace(this._decimal, ".").replace(this._numeral, this._index); return string ? +string : NaN; } }]); return NumberParser; }(); /** * Text based input view that can display a placeholder. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string|function} [options.placeholder] * Display a placeholder string if the input is blank. Either a * string or a function taking the model as a first parameter and * returning a string. * * @param {string} [options.placeholderBinding] * Name of an attribute. Recompute the placeholder function whenever * this attribute changes. * * @param {boolean} [options.hidePlaceholderIfDisabled] * Do not display the placeholder if the input is disabled. * * @param {Backbone.Model} [options.placeholderModel] * Obtain placeholder by looking up the configured `propertyName` * inside a given model. */ var inputWithPlaceholderText = { onRender: function onRender() { this.updatePlaceholder(); if (this.options.placeholderBinding) { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.placeholderBinding, this.updatePlaceholder); } }, updateDisabled: function updateDisabled() { this.updatePlaceholder(); }, updatePlaceholder: function updatePlaceholder() { this.ui.input.attr('placeholder', this.placeholderText()); }, placeholderText: function placeholderText() { if (!this.isDisabled() || !this.options.hidePlaceholderIfDisabled) { if (this.options.placeholder) { if (typeof this.options.placeholder == 'function') { return this.options.placeholder(this.model); } else { return this.options.placeholder; } } else { return this.placeholderModelValue(); } } return ''; }, placeholderModelValue: function placeholderModelValue() { return this.options.placeholderModel && this.options.placeholderModel.get(this.options.propertyName); } }; var viewWithValidationErrorMessages = { onRender: function onRender() { this.listenTo(this.model, 'invalid sync', this.updateValidationErrorMessages); this.updateValidationErrorMessages(); }, updateValidationErrorMessages: function updateValidationErrorMessages() { var _this = this; var errors = this.model.validationErrors && this.model.validationErrors[this.options.propertyName] || []; if (errors.length) { this.validationErrorList = this.validationErrorList || $('<ul class="validation_error_messages" />').appendTo(this.el); this.validationErrorList.html(''); errors.forEach(function (error) { return _this.validationErrorList.append("<li>".concat(error, "</li>")); }); this.$el.addClass('invalid'); } else if (this.validationErrorList) { this.validationErrorList.remove(); this.validationErrorList = null; this.$el.removeClass('invalid'); } } }; function template$6(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<label>\n <span class="name"></span>\n <span class="inline_help"></span>\n</label>\n<input type="text" dir="auto" />\n'; return __p } /** * Input view for a single line of text. * * See {@link inputWithPlaceholderText} for placeholder related * further options. See {@link inputView} for further options. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {boolean} [options.required=false] * Display an error if the input is blank. * * @param {number} [options.maxLength=255] * Maximum length of characters for this input. To support legacy * data which consists of more characters than the specified * maxLength, the option will only take effect for data which is * shorter than the specified maxLength. * * @class */ var TextInputView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView, inputWithPlaceholderText, viewWithValidationErrorMessages], template: template$6, ui: { input: 'input' }, events: { 'change': 'onChange' }, onRender: function onRender() { this.load(); this.validate(); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.propertyName, this.load); }, onChange: function onChange() { if (this.validate()) {; } }, onClose: function onClose() { if (this.validate()) {; } }, save: function save() { this.model.set(this.options.propertyName, this.ui.input.val()); }, load: function load() { var input = this.ui.input; input.val(this.model.get(this.options.propertyName)); // set mysql varchar length as default for non-legacy data this.options.maxLength = this.options.maxLength || 255; // do not validate legacy data which length exceeds the specified maximum // for new and maxLength-conforming data: add validation this.validateMaxLength = input.val().length <= this.options.maxLength; }, validate: function validate() { var input = this.ui.input; if (this.options.required && !input.val()) { this.displayValidationError(I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.text_input_view.required_field')); return false; } if (this.validateMaxLength && input.val().length > this.options.maxLength) { this.displayValidationError(I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.text_input_view.max_characters_exceeded', { max_length: this.options.maxLength })); return false; } else { this.resetValidationError(); return true; } }, displayValidationError: function displayValidationError(message) { this.$el.addClass('invalid'); this.ui.input.attr('title', message); }, resetValidationError: function resetValidationError(message) { this.$el.removeClass('invalid'); this.ui.input.attr('title', ''); } }); /** * Input view for a color value in hex representation. * See {@link inputView} for further options * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string|function} [options.defaultValue] * Color value to display by default. The corresponding value is not * stored in the model. Selecting the default value when a different * value was set before, unsets the attribute in the model. * * @param {string} [options.defaultValueBinding] * Name of an attribute the default value depends on. If a function * is used as defaultValue option, it will be passed the value of the * defaultValueBinding attribute each time it changes. If no * defaultValue option is set, the value of the defaultValueBinding * attribute will be used as default value. * * @param {string[]} [options.swatches] * Preset color values to be displayed inside the picker drop * down. The default value, if present, is always used as the * first swatch automatically. * * @class */ var ColorInputView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView], template: template$6, className: 'color_input', ui: { input: 'input' }, events: { 'mousedown': 'refreshPicker' }, onRender: function onRender() { this.ui.input.minicolors({ changeDelay: 200, change: _.bind(function (color) { this._saving = true; if (color === this.defaultValue()) { this.model.unset(this.options.propertyName); } else { this.model.set(this.options.propertyName, color); } this._saving = false; }, this) }); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.propertyName, this.load); if (this.options.defaultValueBinding) { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.defaultValueBinding, this.updateSettings); } this.updateSettings(); }, updateSettings: function updateSettings() { this.resetSwatchesInStoredSettings(); this.ui.input.minicolors('settings', { defaultValue: this.defaultValue(), swatches: this.getSwatches() }); this.load(); }, // see resetSwatchesInStoredSettings: function resetSwatchesInStoredSettings() { var settings ='minicolors-settings'); if (settings) { delete settings.swatches;'minicolors-settings', settings); } }, load: function load() { if (!this._saving) { this.ui.input.minicolors('value', this.model.get(this.options.propertyName) || this.defaultValue()); } this.$el.toggleClass('is_default', !this.model.has(this.options.propertyName)); }, refreshPicker: function refreshPicker() { this.ui.input.minicolors('value', {}); }, getSwatches: function getSwatches() { return _.chain([this.defaultValue(), this.options.swatches]).flatten().uniq().compact().value(); }, defaultValue: function defaultValue() { var bindingValue; if (this.options.defaultValueBinding) { bindingValue = this.model.get(this.options.defaultValueBinding); } if (typeof this.options.defaultValue === 'function') { return this.options.defaultValue(bindingValue); } else if ('defaultValue' in this.options) { return this.options.defaultValue; } else { return bindingValue; } } }); function template$7(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<label>\n <span class="name"></span>\n <span class="inline_help"></span>\n</label>\n<select></select>'; return __p } /** * A drop down with support for grouped items. * See {@link inputView} for further options * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string[]} [options.values] * List of possible values to persist in the attribute. * * @param {string[]} [options.texts] * List of display texts for drop down items. * * @param {string[]} [options.translationKeys] * Translation keys to obtain item texts from. * * @param {string[]} [options.translationKeyPrefix] * Obtain texts for items from translations by appending the item * value to this prefix separated by a dot. By default the * [`attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes` option]{@link inputView} * is used by appending the suffix `.values` to each candidate. * * @param {string[]} [options.groups] * Array of same length as `values` array, containing the display * name of a group header each item shall be grouped under. * * @param {Backbone.Model[]} [options.collection] * Create items for each model in the collection. Use the * `*Property` options to extract values and texts for each items * from the models. * * @param {string} [options.valueProperty] * Attribute to use as item value. * * @param {string} [options.textProperty] * Attribute to use as item display text. * * @param {string} [options.groupProperty] * Attribute to use as item group name. * * @param {string} [options.translationKeyProperty] * Attribute to use as translation key to obtain display text. * * @param {string} [options.groupTranslationKeyProperty] * Attribute to use as translation key to obtain group name. * * @param {boolean} [options.ensureValueDefined] * Set the attribute to the first value on view creation. * * @param {boolean} [options.includeBlank] * Include an item that sets the value of the attribute to a blank * string. * * @param {string} [options.blankText] * Display text for the blank item. * * @param {string} [options.blankTranslationKey] * Translation key to obtain display text for blank item. * * @param {string} [options.placeholderValue] * Include an item that sets the value of the attribute to a blank * string and indicate that the attribute is set to a default * value. Include the display name of the given value, in the * text. This option can be used if a fallback to the * `placeholderValue` occurs whenever the attribute is blank. * * @param {Backbone.Model} [options.placeholderModel] * Behaves like `placeholderValue`, but obtains the value by looking * up the `propertyName` attribute inside the given model. This * option can be used if a fallback to the corresponding attribute * value of the `placeholderModel` occurs whenever the attribute is * blank. * * @param {function} [options.optionDisabled] * Receives value and has to return boolean indicating whether * option is disabled. * * @class */ var SelectInputView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView], template: template$7, events: { 'change': 'save' }, ui: { select: 'select', input: 'select' }, initialize: function initialize() { if (this.options.collection) { this.options.values = _.pluck(this.options.collection, this.options.valueProperty); if (this.options.textProperty) { this.options.texts = _.pluck(this.options.collection, this.options.textProperty); } else if (this.options.translationKeyProperty) { this.options.translationKeys = _.pluck(this.options.collection, this.options.translationKeyProperty); } if (this.options.groupProperty) { this.options.groups = _.pluck(this.options.collection, this.options.groupProperty); } else if (this.options.groupTranslationKeyProperty) { this.options.groupTanslationKeys = _.pluck(this.options.collection, this.options.groupTranslationKeyProperty); } } if (!this.options.texts) { if (!this.options.translationKeys) { var translationKeyPrefix = this.options.translationKeyPrefix || findKeyWithTranslation(this.attributeTranslationKeys('values', { fallbackPrefix: 'activerecord.values' })); this.options.translationKeys =, function (value) { return translationKeyPrefix + '.' + value; }, this); } this.options.texts =, function (key) { return I18n$1.t(key); }); } if (!this.options.groups) { this.options.groups =, function (key) { return I18n$1.t(key); }); } this.optGroups = {}; }, onRender: function onRender() { this.appendBlank(); this.appendPlaceholder(); this.appendOptions(); this.load(); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.propertyName, this.load); if (this.options.ensureValueDefined && !this.model.has(this.options.propertyName)) {; } }, appendBlank: function appendBlank() { if (!this.options.includeBlank) { return; } if (this.options.blankTranslationKey) { this.options.blankText = I18n$1.t(this.options.blankTranslationKey); } var option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = ''; option.text = this.options.blankText || I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.select_input_view.none');; }, appendPlaceholder: function appendPlaceholder() { if (!this.options.placeholderModel && !this.options.placeholderValue) { return; } var placeholderValue = this.options.placeholderValue || this.options.placeholderModel.get(this.options.propertyName); var placeholderIndex = this.options.values.indexOf(placeholderValue); if (placeholderIndex >= 0) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = ''; option.text = I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.select_input_view.placeholder', { text: this.options.texts[placeholderIndex] });; } }, appendOptions: function appendOptions() { _.each(this.options.values, function (value, index) { var option = document.createElement('option'); var group = this.options.groups[index]; option.value = value; option.text = this.options.texts[index]; if (this.options.optionDisabled && this.options.optionDisabled(value)) { option.setAttribute('disabled', true); } if (group) { option.setAttribute('data-group', group); this.findOrCreateOptGroup(group).append(option); } else {; } }, this); }, findOrCreateOptGroup: function findOrCreateOptGroup(label) { if (!this.optGroups[label]) { this.optGroups[label] = $('<optgroup />', { label: label }).appendTo(; } return this.optGroups[label]; }, save: function save() { this.model.set(this.options.propertyName,; }, load: function load() { if (!this.isClosed) { var value = this.model.get(this.options.propertyName); if (this.model.has(this.options.propertyName) &&'option[value="' + value + '"]:not([disabled])').length) {; } else {'option:not([disabled]):first').val()); } } } }); var ExtendedSelectInputView = SelectInputView.extend({ className: 'extended_select_input', initialize: function initialize() { SelectInputView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); if (this.options.collection) { if (this.options.descriptionProperty) { this.options.descriptions = _.pluck(this.options.collection, this.options.descriptionProperty); } else if (this.options.descriptionTranslationKeyProperty) { this.options.descriptionTanslationKeys = _.pluck(this.options.collection, this.options.descriptionTranslationKeyProperty); } } if (!this.options.descriptions) { this.options.descriptions =, function (key) { return I18n$1.t(key); }); } }, onRender: function onRender() { var view = this, options = this.options; SelectInputView.prototype.onRender.apply(this, arguments); $.widget("custom.extendedselectmenu", $.ui.selectmenu, { _renderItem: function _renderItem(ul, item) { var widget = this; var li = $('<li>', { "class": item.value }); var container = $('<div>', { "class": 'text-container' }).appendTo(li); var index = options.values.indexOf(item.value); if (item.disabled) { li.addClass('ui-state-disabled'); } if (options.pictogramClass) { $('<span>', { "class": options.pictogramClass }).prependTo(li); } $('<p>', { text: item.label, "class": 'item-text' }).appendTo(container); $('<p>', { text: options.descriptions[index], "class": 'item-description' }).appendTo(container); if (options.helpLinkClicked) { $('<a>', { href: '#', title: I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.extended_select_input_view.display_help') }).on('click', function () { widget.close(); options.helpLinkClicked(item.value); return false; }).appendTo(li); } return li.appendTo(ul); }, _resizeMenu: function _resizeMenu() { this.menuWrap.addClass('extended_select_input_menu'); var menuHeight =, menuOffset = this.button.offset().top + this.button.outerHeight(), bodyHeight = $('body').height(); if (menuHeight + menuOffset > bodyHeight) { this.menuWrap.outerHeight(bodyHeight - menuOffset - 5).css({ 'overflow-y': 'scroll' }); } else { this.menuWrap.css({ height: 'initial', 'overflow-y': 'initial' }); } } });{ select:, width: '100%', position: { my: 'right top', at: 'right bottom' } }); }, select: function select(event, ui) {;; } }); function template$8(data) { var __t, __p = ''; __p += '<label>\n <span class="name"></span>\n <span class="inline_help"></span>\n</label>\n\n<!-- inline style for wysihtml5 to pick up -->\n<textarea style="width: 100%;" dir="auto"></textarea>\n\n<div class="toolbar">\n <a data-wysihtml5-command="bold" title="' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.bold') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '"></a>\n <a data-wysihtml5-command="italic" title="' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.italic') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '"></a>\n <a data-wysihtml5-command="underline" title="' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.underline') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '"></a>\n <a data-wysihtml5-command="createLink" class="link_button" title="' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.create_link') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '"></a>\n <a data-wysihtml5-command="insertOrderedList" title="' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.insert_ordered_list') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '"></a>\n <a data-wysihtml5-command="insertUnorderedList" title="' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.insert_unordered_list') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '"></a>\n\n <div data-wysihtml5-dialog="createLink" class="dialog link_dialog" style="display: none;">\n <div class="link_type_select">\n <label>\n <input type="radio" name="link_type" class="url_link_radio_button">\n ' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.link_type.url') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '\n </label>\n <label>\n <input type="radio" name="link_type" class="fragment_link_radio_button">\n ' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.link_type.page_link') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '\n </label>\n </div>\n <div class="url_link_panel">\n <label>\n <span>\n ' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '\n </span>\n </label>\n <input type="text" class="display_url">\n <div class="open_in_new_tab_section">\n <label>\n <input type="checkbox" class="open_in_new_tab">\n ' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.open_in_new_tab') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '\n </label>\n <span class="inline_help">\n ' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.open_in_new_tab_help') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '\n </span>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="fragment_link_panel">\n <!-- LinkInputView is inserted here -->\n </div>\n\n <!-- wysihtml5 does not handle hidden fields correctly -->\n <div class="internal">\n <input type="text" data-wysihtml5-dialog-field="href" class="current_url" value="">\n <input type="text" data-wysihtml5-dialog-field="target" class="current_target" value="_blank">\n </div>\n\n <a class="button" data-wysihtml5-dialog-action="save">\n ' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '\n </a>\n <a class="button" data-wysihtml5-dialog-action="cancel">\n ' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.cancel') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '\n </a>\n\n <a data-wysihtml5-command="removeLink">' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.ui.templates.inputs.text_area_input.remove_link') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '</a>\n </div>\n</div>\n'; return __p } /** * Input view for multi line text with simple formatting options. * See {@link inputWithPlaceholderText} for placeholder related options. * See {@link inputView} for further options. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string} [options.size="normal"] * Pass `"short"` to reduce the text area height. * * @param {boolean} [options.disableLinks=false] * Do not allow links inside the text. * * @param {boolean} [options.disableRichtext=false] * Do not provide text formatting options. * * @param {Backbone.View} [options.fragmentLinkInputView] * A view to select an id to use in links which only consist * of a url fragment. Will receive a model with a `linkId` * attribute. * * @class */ var TextAreaInputView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView, inputWithPlaceholderText], template: template$8, ui: { input: 'textarea', toolbar: '.toolbar', linkButton: '.link_button', linkDialog: '.link_dialog', urlInput: '.current_url', targetInput: '.current_target', linkTypeSelection: '.link_type_select', urlLinkRadioButton: '.url_link_radio_button', fragmentLinkRadioButton: '.fragment_link_radio_button', urlLinkPanel: '.url_link_panel', displayUrlInput: '.display_url', openInNewTabCheckBox: '.open_in_new_tab', fragmentLinkPanel: '.fragment_link_panel' }, events: { 'change textarea': 'save', 'click .url_link_radio_button': 'showUrlLinkPanel', 'click .fragment_link_radio_button': 'showFragmentLinkPanel', 'change .open_in_new_tab': 'setTargetFromOpenInNewTabCheckBox', 'change .display_url': 'setUrlFromDisplayUrl' }, onRender: function onRender() { this.ui.input.addClass(this.options.size); this.load(); this.updatePlaceholder(); this.editor = new wysihtml5.Editor(this.ui.input[0], { toolbar: this.ui.toolbar[0], autoLink: this.options.disableLinks ? 0 : 1, parserRules: { tags: { em: { unwrap: this.options.disableRichtext ? 1 : 0, rename_tag: "i" }, strong: { unwrap: this.options.disableRichtext ? 1 : 0, rename_tag: "b" }, u: { unwrap: this.options.disableRichtext ? 1 : 0 }, b: { unwrap: this.options.disableRichtext ? 1 : 0 }, i: { unwrap: this.options.disableRichtext ? 1 : 0 }, ol: { unwrap: this.options.enableLists ? 0 : 1 }, ul: { unwrap: this.options.enableLists ? 0 : 1 }, li: { unwrap: this.options.enableLists ? 0 : 1 }, br: {}, a: { unwrap: this.options.disableLinks ? 1 : 0, check_attributes: { href: 'href', target: 'any' }, set_attributes: { rel: 'nofollow' } } } } }); if (this.options.disableRichtext) { this.ui.toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="bold"]').hide(); this.ui.toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="italic"]').hide(); this.ui.toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="underline"]').hide(); this.ui.toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="insertOrderedList"]').hide(); this.ui.toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="insertUnorderedList"]').hide(); } if (!this.options.enableLists) { this.ui.toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="insertOrderedList"]').hide(); this.ui.toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="insertUnorderedList"]').hide(); } if (this.options.disableLinks) { this.ui.toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="createLink"]').hide(); } else { this.setupUrlLinkPanel(); this.setupFragmentLinkPanel(); } this.editor.on('change', _.bind(, this)); this.editor.on('aftercommand:composer', _.bind(, this)); }, onClose: function onClose() {'destroy:composer'); }, save: function save() { this.model.set(this.options.propertyName, this.editor.getValue()); }, load: function load() { this.ui.input.val(this.model.get(this.options.propertyName)); }, setupUrlLinkPanel: function setupUrlLinkPanel() { this.editor.on('show:dialog', _.bind(function () { this.ui.linkDialog.toggleClass('for_existing_link', this.ui.linkButton.hasClass('wysihtml5-command-active')); var currentUrl = this.ui.urlInput.val(); if (currentUrl.startsWith('#')) { this.ui.displayUrlInput.val(''); this.ui.openInNewTabCheckBox.prop('checked', true); } else { this.ui.displayUrlInput.val(currentUrl); this.ui.openInNewTabCheckBox.prop('checked', this.ui.targetInput.val() !== '_self'); } }, this)); }, setupFragmentLinkPanel: function setupFragmentLinkPanel() { if (this.options.fragmentLinkInputView) { this.fragmentLinkModel = new Backbone.Model(); this.listenTo(this.fragmentLinkModel, 'change', function (model, options) { if (!options.skipCurrentUrlUpdate) { this.setInputsFromFragmentLinkModel(); } }); this.editor.on('show:dialog', _.bind(function () { var currentUrl = this.ui.urlInput.val(); var id = currentUrl.startsWith('#') ? currentUrl.substr(1) : null; this.fragmentLinkModel.set('linkId', id, { skipCurrentUrlUpdate: true }); this.initLinkTypePanels(!id); }, this)); var fragmentLinkInput = new this.options.fragmentLinkInputView({ model: this.fragmentLinkModel, propertyName: 'linkId', label: I18n$1.t(''), hideUnsetButton: true }); this.ui.fragmentLinkPanel.append(fragmentLinkInput.render().el); } else { this.ui.linkTypeSelection.hide(); this.ui.fragmentLinkPanel.hide(); } }, initLinkTypePanels: function initLinkTypePanels(isUrlLink) { if (isUrlLink) { this.ui.urlLinkRadioButton.prop('checked', true); } else { this.ui.fragmentLinkRadioButton.prop('checked', true); } this.ui.toolbar.toggleClass('fragment_link_panel_active', !isUrlLink); }, showUrlLinkPanel: function showUrlLinkPanel() { this.ui.toolbar.removeClass('fragment_link_panel_active'); this.setUrlFromDisplayUrl(); this.setTargetFromOpenInNewTabCheckBox(); }, showFragmentLinkPanel: function showFragmentLinkPanel() { this.ui.toolbar.addClass('fragment_link_panel_active'); this.setInputsFromFragmentLinkModel(); }, setInputsFromFragmentLinkModel: function setInputsFromFragmentLinkModel() { this.ui.urlInput.val('#' + (this.fragmentLinkModel.get('linkId') || '')); this.ui.targetInput.val('_self'); }, setUrlFromDisplayUrl: function setUrlFromDisplayUrl() { this.ui.urlInput.val(this.ui.displayUrlInput.val()); }, setTargetFromOpenInNewTabCheckBox: function setTargetFromOpenInNewTabCheckBox() { this.ui.targetInput.val(':checked') ? '_blank' : '_self'); } }); function template$9(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<label>\n <span class="name"></span>\n <span class="inline_help"></span>\n</label>\n<input type="text" />\n<div class="validation"></div>\n'; return __p } /** * Input view for URLs. * See {@link inputView} for further options * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string[]} options.supportedHosts * List of allowed url prefixes. * * @param {boolean} [options.required=false] * Display an error if the url is blank. * * @param {boolean} [options.permitHttps=false] * Allow urls with https protocol. * * @class */ var UrlInputView = Marionette.Layout.extend( /** @lends UrlInputView.prototype */ { mixins: [inputView], template: template$9, ui: { input: 'input', validation: '.validation' }, events: { 'change': 'onChange' }, onRender: function onRender() { this.ui.validation.hide(); this.load(); this.validate(); }, onChange: function onChange() { var _this = this; this.validate().then(function () { return; }, function () { return _this.saveDisplayProperty(); }); }, saveDisplayProperty: function saveDisplayProperty() { this.model.unset(this.options.propertyName, { silent: true }); this.model.set(this.options.displayPropertyName, this.ui.input.val()); }, save: function save() { var _this2 = this; var value = this.ui.input.val(); $.when(this.transformPropertyValue(value)).then(function (transformedValue) { var _this2$model$set; _this2.model.set((_this2$model$set = {}, _defineProperty(_this2$model$set, _this2.options.displayPropertyName, value), _defineProperty(_this2$model$set, _this2.options.propertyName, transformedValue), _this2$model$set)); }); }, load: function load() { this.ui.input.val(this.model.has(this.options.displayPropertyName) ? this.model.get(this.options.displayPropertyName) : this.model.get(this.options.propertyName)); this.onLoad(); }, /** * Override to be notified when the input has been loaded. */ onLoad: function onLoad() {}, /** * Override to validate the untransformed url. Validation error * message can be passed as rejected promise. Progress notifications * are displayed. Only valid urls are stored in the configuration. * * @return Promise */ validateUrl: function validateUrl(url) { return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); }, /** * Override to transform the property value before it is stored. * * @return Promise | String */ transformPropertyValue: function transformPropertyValue(value) { return value; }, /** * Override to change the list of supported host names. */ supportedHosts: function supportedHosts() { return this.options.supportedHosts; }, // Host names used to be expected to include protocols. Remove // protocols for backwards compatilbity. Since supportedHosts // is supposed to be overridden in subclasses, we do it in a // separate method. supportedHostsWithoutLegacyProtocols: function supportedHostsWithoutLegacyProtocols() { return, function (host) { return host.replace(/^https?:\/\//, ''); }); }, validate: function validate(success) { var view = this; var options = this.options; var value = this.ui.input.val(); if (options.required && !value) { displayValidationError(I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.url_input_view.required_field')); } else if (value && !isValidUrl(value)) { var errorMessage = I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.url_input_view.url_hint'); if (options.permitHttps) { errorMessage = I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.url_input_view.url_hint_https'); } displayValidationError(errorMessage); } else if (value && !hasSupportedHost(value)) { displayValidationError(I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.url_input_view.supported_vendors') +, function (url) { return '<li>' + url + '</li>'; }).join('')); } else { return view.validateUrl(value).progress(function (message) { displayValidationPending(message); }).done(function () { resetValidationError(); }).fail(function (error) { displayValidationError(error); }); } return $.Deferred().reject().promise(); function isValidUrl(url) { return options.permitHttps ? url.match(/^https?:\/\//i) : url.match(/^http:\/\//i); } function hasSupportedHost(url) { return _.any(view.supportedHostsWithoutLegacyProtocols(), function (host) { return url.match(new RegExp('^https?://' + host)); }); } function displayValidationError(message) { view.$el.addClass('invalid'); view.ui.input.attr('aria-invalid', 'true'); view.ui.validation.removeClass('pending').addClass('failed').html(message).show(); } function displayValidationPending(message) { view.$el.removeClass('invalid'); view.ui.input.removeAttr('aria-invalid'); view.ui.validation.removeClass('failed').addClass('pending').html(message).show(); } function resetValidationError(message) { view.$el.removeClass('invalid'); view.ui.input.attr('aria-invalid', 'false'); view.ui.validation.hide(); } } }); /** * Input view that verifies that a certain URL is reachable via a * proxy. To conform with same origin restrictions, this input view * lets the user enter some url and saves a rewritten url where the * domain is replaced with some path segment. * * That way, when `/example` is setup to proxy requests to * ``, the user can enter an url of the form * `` but the string `/example/some/path` * is persisited to the database. * * See {@link inputView} for further options * * @param {Object} options * * @param {string} options.displayPropertyName * Attribute name to store the url entered by the user. * * @param {Object[]} options.proxies * List of supported proxies. * * @param {string} options.proxies[].url * Supported prefix of an url that can be entered by the user. * * @param {string} options.proxies[].base_path * Path to replace the url prefix with. * * @param {boolean} [options.required=false] * Display an error if the url is blank. * * @param {boolean} [options.permitHttps=false] * Allow urls with https protocol. * * @example * * this.input('url, ProxyUrlInputView, { * proxies: [ * { * url: '', * base_path: '/example' * } * ] * }); * * @class */ var ProxyUrlInputView = UrlInputView.extend( /** @lends ProxyUrlInputView.prototype */ { // @override validateUrl: function validateUrl(url) { var view = this; return $.Deferred(function (deferred) { deferred.notify(I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.proxy_url_input_view.url_validation')); $.ajax({ url: view.rewriteUrl(url), dataType: 'html' }).done(deferred.resolve).fail(function (xhr) { deferred.reject(I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.proxy_url_input_view.http_error', { status: xhr.status })); }); }).promise(); }, // override transformPropertyValue: function transformPropertyValue(url) { return this.rewriteUrl(url); }, // override supportedHosts: function supportedHosts() { return _.pluck(this.options.proxies, 'url'); }, rewriteUrl: function rewriteUrl(url) { _.each(this.options.proxies, function (proxy) { url = url.replace(new RegExp('^' + proxy.url + '/?'), proxy.base_path + '/'); }); return url; } }); function template$a(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<label>\n <span class="name"></span>\n <span class="inline_help"></span>\n</label>\n<div class="value"></div>\n<div class="slider"></div>\n'; return __p } /** * A slider for numeric inputs. * See {@link inputView} for options * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {number} [options.defaultValue] * Defaults value to display if property is not set. * * @param {number} [options.minValue=0] * Value when dragging slider to the very left. * * @param {number} [options.maxValue=100] * Value when dragging slider to the very right. * * @param {string} [options.unit="%"] * Unit to display after value. * * @param {function} [options.displayText] * Function that receives value and returns custom text to display as value. * * @param {boolean} [options.saveOnSlide] * Already update the model while dragging the handle - not only after * handle has been released. * * @class */ var SliderInputView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView], className: 'slider_input', template: template$a, ui: { widget: '.slider', value: '.value' }, events: { 'slidechange': 'save', 'slide': 'handleSlide' }, onRender: function onRender() { var _this = this; this.ui.widget.slider({ animate: 'fast' }); this.setupAttributeBinding('minValue', function (value) { return _this.updateSliderOption('min', value || 0); }); this.setupAttributeBinding('maxValue', function (value) { return _this.updateSliderOption('max', value || 100); }); this.load(); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.propertyName, this.load); }, updateSliderOption: function updateSliderOption(name, value) { this.ui.widget.slider('option', name, value); this.updateText(this.ui.widget.slider('value')); }, updateDisabled: function updateDisabled(disabled) { this.$el.toggleClass('disabled', !!disabled); if (disabled) { this.ui.widget.slider('disable'); } else { this.ui.widget.slider('enable'); } }, handleSlide: function handleSlide(event, ui) { this.updateText(ui.value); if (this.options.saveOnSlide) {, ui); } }, save: function save(event, ui) { this.model.set(this.options.propertyName, ui.value); }, load: function load() { var value; if (this.model.has(this.options.propertyName)) { value = this.model.get(this.options.propertyName); } else { value = 'defaultValue' in this.options ? this.options.defaultValue : 0; } this.ui.widget.slider('option', 'value', this.clampValue(value)); this.updateText(value); }, clampValue: function clampValue(value) { var min = this.ui.widget.slider('option', 'min'); var max = this.ui.widget.slider('option', 'max'); return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, value)); }, updateText: function updateText(value) { var unit = 'unit' in this.options ? this.options.unit : '%'; var text = 'displayText' in this.options ? this.options.displayText(value) : value + unit; this.ui.value.text(text); } }); function template$b(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<label>\n <span class="name"></span>\n <span class="inline_help"></span>\n</label>\n\n<textarea></textarea>\n'; return __p } var JsonInputView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView], template: template$b, className: 'json_input', ui: { input: 'textarea' }, events: { 'change': 'onChange', 'keyup': 'validate' }, onRender: function onRender() { this.load(); this.validate(); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.propertyName, this.load); }, onChange: function onChange() { if (this.validate()) {; } }, onClose: function onClose() { if (this.validate()) {; } }, save: function save() { this.model.set(this.options.propertyName, this.ui.input.val() ? JSON.parse(this.ui.input.val()) : null); }, load: function load() { var input = this.ui.input; var value = this.model.get(this.options.propertyName); input.val(value ? JSON.stringify(value, null, 2) : ''); }, validate: function validate() { var input = this.ui.input; if (input.val() && !this.isValidJson(input.val())) { this.displayValidationError(I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.views.inputs.json_input_view.invalid')); return false; } else { this.resetValidationError(); return true; } }, displayValidationError: function displayValidationError(message) { this.$el.addClass('invalid'); this.ui.input.attr('title', message); }, resetValidationError: function resetValidationError(message) { this.$el.removeClass('invalid'); this.ui.input.attr('title', ''); }, isValidJson: function isValidJson(text) { try { JSON.parse(text); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } }); function template$c(data) { var __p = ''; __p += '<input type="checkbox" />\n<label>\n <span class="name"></span>\n <span class="inline_help"></span>\n</label>'; return __p } /** * Input view for boolean values. * See {@link inputView} for further options * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {boolean} [options.displayUncheckedIfDisabled=false] * Ignore the attribute value if the input is disabled and display * an unchecked check box. * * @param {boolean} [options.displayCheckedIfDisabled=false] * Ignore the attribute value if the input is disabled and display * an checked check box. * * @param {string} [options.storeInverted] * Display checked by default and store true in given attribute when * unchecked. The property name passed to `input` is only used for * translations. * * @class */ var CheckBoxInputView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView], template: template$c, className: 'check_box_input', events: { 'change': 'save' }, ui: { input: 'input', label: 'label' }, onRender: function onRender() { this.ui.label.attr('for', this.cid); this.ui.input.attr('id', this.cid); this.load(); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + this.options.propertyName, this.load); }, updateDisabled: function updateDisabled() { this.load(); }, save: function save() { if (!this.isDisabled()) { var value =':checked'); if (this.options.storeInverted) { this.model.set(this.options.storeInverted, !value); } else { this.model.set(this.options.propertyName, value); } } }, load: function load() { if (!this.isClosed) { this.ui.input.prop('checked', this.displayValue()); } }, displayValue: function displayValue() { if (this.isDisabled() && this.options.displayUncheckedIfDisabled) { return false; } else if (this.isDisabled() && this.options.displayCheckedIfDisabled) { return true; } else if (this.options.storeInverted) { return !this.model.get(this.options.storeInverted); } else { return this.model.get(this.options.propertyName); } } }); /** * Render a separator in a {@link ConfigurationEditorView} tab. * * @example * * this.view(SeparatorView); * * @class */ var SeparatorView = Marionette.View.extend({ className: 'separator' }); /** * Render an input that is only a label. Can be used to render * additional inline help. * * See {@link inputView} for further options * * @class */ var LabelOnlyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ mixins: [inputView], template: function template() { return "\n <label>\n <span class=\"name\"></span>\n <span class=\"inline_help\"></span>\n </label>\n "; }, ui: { label: 'label' } }); /** * A table cell mapping column attribute values to a list of * translations. * * ## Attribute Translations * * The following attribute translations are used: * * - `.cell_text.<attribute_value>` - Used as cell content. * - `.cell_text.blank` - Used as cell content if attribute is blank. * - `.cell_title.<attribute_value>` - Used as title attribute. * - `.cell_title.blank` - Used as title attribute if attribute is blank. * * @since 12.0 */ var EnumTableCellView = TableCellView.extend({ className: 'enum_table_cell', update: function update() { this.$el.text(this.attributeTranslation('cell_text.' + (this.attributeValue() || 'blank'))); this.$el.attr('title', this.attributeTranslation('cell_title.' + (this.attributeValue() || 'blank'), { defaultValue: '' })); } }); function template$d(data) { var __t, __p = ''; __p += '<a class="remove" title="' + ((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.editor.templates.row.destroy') )) == null ? '' : __t) + '"></a>\n'; return __p } /** * A table cell providing a button which destroys the model that the * current row refers to. * * ## Attribute Translations * * The following attribute translation is used: * * - `.cell_title` - Used as title attribute. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {function} [options.toggleDeleteButton] * A function with boolean return value to be called on * this.getModel(). Delete button will be visible only if the * function returns a truthy value. * * @param {boolean} [options.invertToggleDeleteButton] * Invert the return value of `toggleDeleteButton`? * * @since 12.0 */ var DeleteRowTableCellView = TableCellView.extend({ className: 'delete_row_table_cell', template: template$d, ui: { removeButton: '.remove' }, events: { 'click .remove': 'destroy', 'click': function click() { return false; } }, showButton: function showButton() { if (this.options.toggleDeleteButton) { var context = this.getModel(); var toggle = context[this.options.toggleDeleteButton].apply(context); if (this.options.invertToggleDeleteButton) { return !toggle; } else { return !!toggle; } } else { return true; } }, update: function update() { this.ui.removeButton.toggleClass('remove', this.showButton()); this.ui.removeButton.attr('title', this.attributeTranslation('cell_title')); }, destroy: function destroy() { this.getModel().destroy(); } }); /** * A table cell representing whether the column attribute is present * on the row model. * * ## Attribute Translations * * The following attribute translations are used: * * - `.cell_title.present` - Used as title attribute if the attribute * is present. The current attribute value is provided as * interpolation `%{value}`. * - `.cell_title.blank` - Used as title attribute if the * attribute is blank. * * @since 12.0 */ var PresenceTableCellView = TableCellView.extend({ className: 'presence_table_cell', update: function update() { var isPresent = !!this.attributeValue(); this.$el.attr('title', isPresent ? this.attributeTranslation('cell_title.present', { value: this.attributeValue() }) : this.attributeTranslation('cell_title.blank')); this.$el.toggleClass('is_present', isPresent); } }); /** * A table cell mapping column attribute values to icons. * * ## Attribute Translations * * The following attribute translations are used: * * - `.cell_title.<attribute_value>` - Used as title attribute. * - `.cell_title.blank` - Used as title attribute if attribute is blank. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {string[]} [options.icons] * An array of all possible attribute values to be mapped to HTML * classes of the same name. A global mapping from those classes to * icon mixins is provided in * pageflow/ui/table_cells/icon_table_cell.scss. * * @since 12.0 */ var IconTableCellView = TableCellView.extend({ className: 'icon_table_cell', update: function update() { var icon = this.attributeValue(); var isPresent = !!this.attributeValue(); this.removeExistingIcons(); this.$el.attr('title', isPresent ? this.attributeTranslation('cell_title.' + icon, { value: this.attributeValue() }) : this.attributeTranslation('cell_title.blank')); this.$el.addClass(icon); }, removeExistingIcons: function removeExistingIcons() { this.$el.removeClass(this.options.icons.join(' ')); } }); /** * A table cell using the row model's value of the column attribute as * text. If attribute value is empty, use most specific default * available. * * @param {Object} [options] * * @param {function|string} [options.column.default] * A function returning a default value for display if attribute * value is empty. * * @param {string} [options.column.contentBinding] * If this is provided, the function `options.column.default` * receives the values of `options.column.contentBinding` and of * this.getModel() via its options hash. No-op if * `options.column.default` is not a function. * * @since 12.0 */ var TextTableCellView = TableCellView.extend({ className: 'text_table_cell', update: function update() { this.$el.text(this._updateText()); }, _updateText: function _updateText() { if (this.attributeValue()) { return this.attributeValue(); } else if (typeof this.options.column["default"] === 'function') { var options = {}; if (this.options.column.contentBinding) { options = { contentBinding: this.options.column.contentBinding, model: this.getModel() }; } return this.options.column["default"](options); } else if ('default' in this.options.column) { return this.options.column["default"]; } else { return I18n$1.t('pageflow.ui.text_table_cell_view.empty'); } } }); var subviewContainer = { subview: function subview(view) { this.subviews = this.subviews || new ChildViewContainer(); this.subviews.add(view.render()); return view; }, appendSubview: function appendSubview(view) { var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}, to =; return (to || this.$el).append(this.subview(view).el); }, onClose: function onClose() { if (this.subviews) {'close'); } } }; if (!Marionette.View.prototype.appendSubview) { Cocktail.mixin(Marionette.View, subviewContainer); } var tooltipContainer = { events: { 'mouseover [data-tooltip]': function mouseoverDataTooltip(event) { if (!this.tooltip.visible) { var target = $(event.currentTarget); var key = target.attr('data-tooltip'); var position; if ('tooltipAlign') === 'bottom left') { position = { left: target.position().left, top: target.position().top + target.outerHeight() }; } else if ('tooltipAlign') === 'bottom right') { position = { left: target.position().left + target.outerWidth(), top: target.position().top + target.outerHeight() }; } else if ('tooltipAlign') === 'top center') { position = { left: target.position().left + target.outerWidth() / 2, top: target.position().top + 2 }; } else { position = { left: target.position().left + target.outerWidth(), top: target.position().top + target.outerHeight() / 2 }; }$1.t(key), position, { align:'tooltipAlign') }); } }, 'mouseleave [data-tooltip]': function mouseleaveDataTooltip() { this.tooltip.hide(); } }, onRender: function onRender() { this.appendSubview(this.tooltip = new TooltipView()); } }; export { CheckBoxGroupInputView, CheckBoxInputView, CollectionView, ColorInputView, ConfigurationEditorTabView, ConfigurationEditorView, DeleteRowTableCellView, EnumTableCellView, ExtendedSelectInputView, IconTableCellView, JsonInputView, LabelOnlyView, NumberInputView, BaseObject as Object, PresenceTableCellView, ProxyUrlInputView, SelectInputView, SeparatorView, SliderInputView, SortableCollectionView, TableCellView, TableHeaderCellView, TableRowView, TableView, TabsView, TextAreaInputView, TextInputView, TextTableCellView, TooltipView, UrlDisplayView, UrlInputView, attributeBinding, cssModulesUtils, i18nUtils, inputView, inputWithPlaceholderText, serverSideValidation, subviewContainer, tooltipContainer, viewWithValidationErrorMessages };