/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 the libgit2 contributors * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #ifndef INCLUDE_git_errors_h__ #define INCLUDE_git_errors_h__ #include "common.h" /** * @file git2/errors.h * @brief Git error handling routines and variables * @ingroup Git * @{ */ GIT_BEGIN_DECL #ifdef GIT_OLD_ERRORS enum { GIT_SUCCESS = 0, GIT_ENOTOID = -2, GIT_ENOTFOUND = -3, GIT_ENOMEM = -4, GIT_EOSERR = -5, GIT_EOBJTYPE = -6, GIT_ENOTAREPO = -7, GIT_EINVALIDTYPE = -8, GIT_EMISSINGOBJDATA = -9, GIT_EPACKCORRUPTED = -10, GIT_EFLOCKFAIL = -11, GIT_EZLIB = -12, GIT_EBUSY = -13, GIT_EBAREINDEX = -14, GIT_EINVALIDREFNAME = -15, GIT_EREFCORRUPTED = -16, GIT_ETOONESTEDSYMREF = -17, GIT_EPACKEDREFSCORRUPTED = -18, GIT_EINVALIDPATH = -19, GIT_EREVWALKOVER = -20, GIT_EINVALIDREFSTATE = -21, GIT_ENOTIMPLEMENTED = -22, GIT_EEXISTS = -23, GIT_EOVERFLOW = -24, GIT_ENOTNUM = -25, GIT_ESTREAM = -26, GIT_EINVALIDARGS = -27, GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED = -28, GIT_EAMBIGUOUS = -29, GIT_EPASSTHROUGH = -30, GIT_ENOMATCH = -31, GIT_ESHORTBUFFER = -32, }; #endif /** Generic return codes */ enum { GIT_OK = 0, GIT_ERROR = -1, GIT_ENOTFOUND = -3, GIT_EEXISTS = -4, GIT_EAMBIGUOUS = -5, GIT_EBUFS = -6, GIT_PASSTHROUGH = -30, GIT_REVWALKOVER = -31, }; typedef struct { char *message; int klass; } git_error; typedef enum { GITERR_NOMEMORY, GITERR_OS, GITERR_INVALID, GITERR_REFERENCE, GITERR_ZLIB, GITERR_REPOSITORY, GITERR_CONFIG, GITERR_REGEX, GITERR_ODB, GITERR_INDEX, GITERR_OBJECT, GITERR_NET, GITERR_TAG, GITERR_TREE, GITERR_INDEXER, GITERR_SSL, } git_error_t; /** * Return the last `git_error` object that was generated for the * current thread or NULL if no error has occurred. * * @return A git_error object. */ GIT_EXTERN(const git_error *) giterr_last(void); /** * Clear the last library error that occurred for this thread. */ GIT_EXTERN(void) giterr_clear(void); /** @} */ GIT_END_DECL #endif