require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::Query::Context do CTX = [] before { CTX.clear } let(:query_type) { GraphQL::ObjectType.define { name "Query" field :context, types.String do argument :key, !types.String resolve ->(target, args, ctx) { ctx[args[:key]] } end field :contextAstNodeName, types.String do resolve ->(target, args, ctx) { } end field :contextIrepNodeName, types.String do resolve ->(target, args, ctx) { } end field :queryName, types.String do resolve ->(target, args, ctx) { } end field :pushContext, types.Int do resolve ->(t,a,c) { CTX << c; 1 } end }} let(:schema) { GraphQL::Schema.define(query: query_type, mutation: nil)} let(:result) { schema.execute(query_string, context: {"some_key" => "some value"})} describe "access to passed-in values" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCtx { context(key: "some_key") } |} it "passes context to fields" do expected = {"data" => {"context" => "some value"}} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "access to the AST node" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCtx { contextAstNodeName } |} it "provides access to the AST node" do expected = {"data" => {"contextAstNodeName" => "GraphQL::Language::Nodes::Field"}} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "access to the InternalRepresentation node" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCtx { contextIrepNodeName } |} it "provides access to the AST node" do expected = {"data" => {"contextIrepNodeName" => "GraphQL::InternalRepresentation::Node"}} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "access to the query" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCtx { queryName } |} it "provides access to the AST node" do expected = {"data" => {"queryName" => "GraphQL::Query"}} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "empty values" do let(:context) { schema), values: nil) } it "returns nil for any key" do assert_equal(nil, context[:some_key]) end end describe "assigning values" do let(:context) { schema), values: nil) } it "allows you to assign new contexts" do assert_equal(nil, context[:some_key]) context[:some_key] = "wow!" assert_equal("wow!", context[:some_key]) end end describe "accessing context after the fact" do let(:query_string) { %| { pushContext } |} it "preserves path information" do assert_equal 1, result["data"]["pushContext"] last_ctx = CTX.pop assert_equal ["pushContext"], last_ctx.path err ="Test position info") last_ctx.add_error(err) assert_equal ["pushContext"], err.path assert_equal [2, 9], [err.ast_node.line, err.ast_node.col] end end end