/* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */ import { shallow, mount } from 'enzyme'; import { filter } from 'graphql-anywhere'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import Comment from './comment.component'; import AddCommentForm from './add_comment_form.component'; import UpVoteButton from './up_vote_button.component'; import DownVoteButton from './down_vote_button.component'; import commentFragment from './comment.fragment.graphql'; import commentDataFragment from './comment_data.fragment.graphql'; import upVoteFragment from './up_vote.fragment.graphql'; import downVoteFragment from './down_vote.fragment.graphql'; import stubComponent from '../support/stub_component'; import generateCommentsData from '../support/generate_comments_data'; import generateUserData from '../support/generate_user_data'; describe("", () => { let comment = {}; let session = null; stubComponent(AddCommentForm); stubComponent(UpVoteButton); stubComponent(DownVoteButton); beforeEach(() => { let commentsData = generateCommentsData(1); commentsData[0].replies = generateCommentsData(3); const fragment = gql` ${commentFragment} ${commentDataFragment} ${upVoteFragment} ${downVoteFragment} `; comment = filter(fragment, commentsData[0]); session = { user: generateUserData() } }); it("should render an article with class comment", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('article.comment')).to.present(); }); it("should render a time tag with comment's created at", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('time')).to.have.text(comment.created_at); }); it("should render author's name in a link with class author__name", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('a.author__name')).to.have.text(comment.author.name); }); it("should render author's avatar as a image tag", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('a.author__avatar img')).to.have.attr('src').equal(comment.author.avatarUrl); }); it("should render comment's body on a div with class comment__content", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('div.comment__content')).to.have.text(comment.body); }); it("should initialize with a state property showReplyForm as false", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper).to.have.state('showReplyForm', false); }); it("should render a AddCommentForm component with the correct props when clicking the reply button", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find(AddCommentForm)).not.to.be.present(); wrapper.find('button.comment__reply').simulate('click'); expect(wrapper.find(AddCommentForm)).to.have.prop('session').deep.equal(session); expect(wrapper.find(AddCommentForm)).to.have.prop('commentableId').equal(comment.id); expect(wrapper.find(AddCommentForm)).to.have.prop('commentableType').equal("Decidim::Comments::Comment"); expect(wrapper.find(AddCommentForm)).to.have.prop('showTitle').equal(false); expect(wrapper.find(AddCommentForm)).to.have.prop('submitButtonClassName').equal('button small hollow'); }); it("should not render the reply button if the comment cannot have replies", () => { comment.canHaveReplies = false; const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('button.comment__reply')).not.to.be.present(); }); it("should not render the additional reply button if the parent comment has no replies and isRootcomment", () => { comment.canHaveReplies = true; comment.hasReplies = false; const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('div.comment__additionalreply')).not.to.be.present(); }); it("should not render the additional reply button if the parent comment has replies and not isRootcomment", () => { comment.canHaveReplies = true; comment.hasReplies = true; const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('div.comment__additionalreply')).not.to.be.present(); }); it("should render the additional reply button if the parent comment has replies and isRootcomment", () => { comment.canHaveReplies = true; comment.hasReplies = true; const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('div.comment__additionalreply')).to.be.present(); }); it("should render comment replies a separate Comment components", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.find(Comment).forEach((node, idx) => { expect(node).to.have.prop("comment").deep.equal(comment.replies[idx]); expect(node).to.have.prop("session").deep.equal(session); expect(node).to.have.prop("articleClassName").equal("comment comment--nested") expect(node).to.have.prop("votable").equal(true); }); }); it("should render comment replies with articleClassName as 'comment comment--nested comment--nested--alt' when articleClassName is 'comment comment--nested'", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.find(Comment).forEach((node) => { expect(node).to.have.prop("articleClassName").equal("comment comment--nested comment--nested--alt") }); }); it("should have a default prop articleClassName with value 'comment'", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper).to.have.prop("articleClassName").equal("comment"); }); it("should have a default prop isRootComment with value false", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper).to.have.prop("isRootComment").equal(false); }); describe("when user is not logged in", () => { beforeEach(() => { session = null; }); it("should not render reply button", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('button.comment__reply')).not.to.be.present(); }); }); it("should render a 'in favor' badge if comment's alignment is 1", () => { comment.alignment = 1; const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('span.success.label')).to.have.text('In favor'); }); it("should render a 'against' badge if comment's alignment is -1", () => { comment.alignment = -1; const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('span.alert.label')).to.have.text('Against'); }); describe("when the comment is votable", () => { it("should render an UpVoteButton component", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find(UpVoteButton)).to.have.prop("comment").deep.equal(comment); }) it("should render an DownVoteButton component", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find(DownVoteButton)).to.have.prop("comment").deep.equal(comment); }) }); });