require 'rails/generators' class TestAppGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("../../../../test_app_templates", __FILE__) def update_gemfile append_to_file "Gemfile" do "\n gem 'factory_girl_rails'" end end def run_blacklight_generator say_status("warning", "GENERATING BL", :yellow) generate "blacklight:install", '--devise' end def run_hydra_head_generator say_status("warning", "GENERATING HH", :yellow) generate 'hydra:head', '-f' end def run_migrations rake("db:migrate") end # Inject call to Hydra::Collections.add_routes in config/routes.rb def inject_routes insert_into_file "config/routes.rb", :after => '.draw do' do "\n # Add Collections routes." "\n mount Hydra::Collections::Engine => '/'" end end def copy_rspec_rake_task copy_file "lib/tasks/rspec.rake" end def delete_generated_noise remove_file("public/index.html") remove_file("test/factories/users.rb") end def copy_view_overrides directory("app/views/catalog") end # Inject javascript into application.js def inject_javascript insert_into_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", :after => '//= require_tree .' do "\n //include javascript for batches and collections\n//= require hydra/batch_select\n//= require hydra_collections" end end # Inject javascript into application.js def inject_css insert_into_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css", :after => '*= require_tree .' do "\n *= require hydra_collections" end end # Inject collections call into balacklight catalog def inject_collections insert_into_file "app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb", :after => 'Hydra::Controller::ControllerBehavior' do "\n include Hydra::Collections::SelectsCollections\n before_filter :find_collections, :only=>:index" end end # Inject collections SolrDocumentBehavior into balacklight SolrDocument def inject_solr_doc insert_into_file "app/models/solr_document.rb", :after => 'include Blacklight::Solr::Document' do "\n # Adds Collection behaviors to the SolrDocument.\n include Hydra::Collections::SolrDocumentBehavior" end end def add_create_permissions insert_into_file 'app/models/ability.rb', after: 'custom_permissions' do "\n can :create, :all if user_groups.include? 'registered'\n" end end end