Feature: My bootstrapped app kinda works In order to get going on coding my awesome app I want to have aruba and cucumber setup So I don't have to do it myself Scenario: App just runs When I get help for "sc" Then the exit status should be 0 And the banner should be present And the banner should document that this app takes options And the following options should be documented: |--version| |--create| |--attach| |--fix| |--grab| |--name| |--agent_file| Scenario: App provides help with no arguments When I run `sc` Then the exit status should be 64 And the banner should be present And the output should contain "We expect a HOST if no options are passed" Scenario: Grab gets variables Given I set the environment variables to: | SSH_CLIENT | foo | | SSH_TTY | bar | | SSH_AUTH_SOCK | derp | | SSH_CONNECTION | perp | When I run `sc -g` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Grab gets variables to a custom agent_file Given I set the environment variables to: | SSH_CLIENT | foo | | SSH_TTY | bar | | SSH_AUTH_SOCK | derp | | SSH_CONNECTION | perp | When I run `sc -g --agent_file .ag_file_test` Then the exit status should be 0 And the file ".ag_file_test" should contain: """ SSH_CLIENT="foo" SSH_TTY="bar" SSH_AUTH_SOCK="derp" SSH_CONNECTION="perp" """ Scenario: Fix outputs variables Given a file named ".ag_file_test" with: """ SSH_CLIENT="bark" SSH_TTY="meow" SSH_AUTH_SOCK="oink" SSH_CONNECTION="caw" """ When I run `sc -f --agent_file .ag_file_test` Then the output should contain: """ SSH_CLIENT="bark" SSH_TTY="meow" SSH_AUTH_SOCK="oink" SSH_CONNECTION="caw" """ Scenario: Setup outputs alias When I run `sc -s` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain: """ Add the following alias to wherever you keep aliases: alias fixssh='eval $(sc -f)' """