# encoding: utf-8 require 'nokogiri' require 'spreadsheet' require 'stringio' require 'rubyXL' module Oddb2xml module TxtExtractorMethods def initialize(str) @io = StringIO.new(str) end def to_hash data = {} while line = @io.gets next unless line =~ /\d{13}/ ean = line.chomp.gsub("\"", '') data[ean] = true end data end end class Extractor attr_accessor :xml def initialize(xml) @xml = xml end def correct_code(pharmacode, length=7) if pharmacode.length != length # restore zero at the beginnig ("%0#{length}i" % pharmacode.to_i) else pharmacode end end end class BMUpdateExtractor < Extractor include TxtExtractorMethods end class LppvExtractor < Extractor include TxtExtractorMethods end class BagXmlExtractor < Extractor def to_hash data = {} doc = Nokogiri::XML(@xml) doc.xpath('//Preparation').each do |seq| item = {} item[:product_key] = seq.attr('ProductCommercial').to_s item[:desc_de] = (desc = seq.at_xpath('.//DescriptionDe')) ? desc.text : '' item[:desc_fr] = (desc = seq.at_xpath('.//DescriptionFr')) ? desc.text : '' item[:name_de] = (name = seq.at_xpath('.//NameDe')) ? name.text : '' item[:name_fr] = (name = seq.at_xpath('.//NameFr')) ? name.text : '' item[:swissmedic_number5] = (num5 = seq.at_xpath('.//SwissmedicNo5')) ? (num5.text.rjust(5,'0')) : '' item[:org_gen_code] = (orgc = seq.at_xpath('.//OrgGenCode')) ? orgc.text : '' item[:deductible] = (ddbl = seq.at_xpath('.//FlagSB20')) ? ddbl.text : '' item[:atc_code] = (atcc = seq.at_xpath('.//AtcCode')) ? atcc.text : '' item[:comment_de] = (info = seq.at_xpath('.//CommentDe')) ? info.text : '' item[:comment_fr] = (info = seq.at_xpath('.//CommentFr')) ? info.text : '' item[:it_code] = '' seq.xpath('.//ItCode').each do |itc| if item[:it_code].to_s.empty? it_code = itc.attr('Code').to_s item[:it_code] = (it_code =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)./) ? it_code : '' end end item[:substances] = [] seq.xpath('.//Substance').each_with_index do |sub, i| item[:substances] << { :index => i.to_s, :name => (name = sub.at_xpath('.//DescriptionLa')) ? name.text : '', :quantity => (qtty = sub.at_xpath('.//Quantity')) ? qtty.text : '', :unit => (unit = sub.at_xpath('.//QuantityUnit')) ? unit.text : '', } end item[:pharmacodes] = [] item[:packages] = {} # pharmacode => package seq.xpath('.//Pack').each do |pac| phar = pac.attr('Pharmacode') phar = correct_code(phar.to_s, 7) ean = pac.at_xpath('.//GTIN') search_key = phar.to_i != 0 ? phar : ean.text # as common key with swissINDEX item[:pharmacodes] << phar # packages item[:packages][search_key] = { :pharmacode => phar, :ean => (ean) ? ean.text : '', :swissmedic_category => (cat = pac.at_xpath('.//SwissmedicCategory')) ? cat.text : '', :swissmedic_number8 => (num = pac.at_xpath('.//SwissmedicNo8')) ? num.text.rjust(8, '0') : '', :narcosis_flag => (flg = pac.at_xpath('.//FlagNarcosis')) ? flg.text : '', :prices => { :exf_price => { :price => (exf = pac.at_xpath('.//ExFactoryPrice/Price')) ? exf.text : '', :valid_date => (exf = pac.at_xpath('.//ExFactoryPrice/ValidFromDate')) ? exf.text : '', :price_code => (exf = pac.at_xpath('.//ExFactoryPrice/PriceTypeCode')) ? exf.text : '', }, :pub_price => { :price => (pub = pac.at_xpath('.//PublicPrice/Price')) ? pub.text : '', :valid_date => (pub = pac.at_xpath('.//PublicPrice/ValidFromDate')) ? pub.text : '', :price_code => (pub = pac.at_xpath('.//PublicPrice/PriceTypeCode')) ? pub.text : '', } } } # related all limitations item[:packages][search_key][:limitations] = [] limitations = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = [] } # in seq limitations[:seq] = (lims = seq.xpath('.//Limitations/Limitation')) ? lims.to_a : nil # in it-codes limitations[:itc] = (lims = seq.xpath('.//ItCodes/ItCode/Limitations/Limitation')) ? lims.to_a : nil # in pac limitations[:pac] = (lims = pac.xpath('.//Limitations/Limitation')) ? lims.to_a : nil limitations.each_pair do |lim_key, lims| key = '' id = '' case lim_key when :seq, :itc key = :swissmedic_number5 id = item[key].to_s when :pac key = :swissmedic_number8 id = item[:packages][search_key][key].to_s end if id.empty? or id == '0' key = :pharmacode id = phar.to_s end lims.each do |lim| limitation = { :it => item[:it_code], :key => key, :id => id, :code => (lic = lim.at_xpath('.//LimitationCode')) ? lic.text : '', :type => (lit = lim.at_xpath('.//LimitationType')) ? lit.text : '', :value => (liv = lim.at_xpath('.//LimitationValue')) ? liv.text : '', :niv => (niv = lim.at_xpath('.//LimitationNiveau')) ? niv.text : '', :desc_de => (dsc = lim.at_xpath('.//DescriptionDe')) ? dsc.text : '', :desc_fr => (dsc = lim.at_xpath('.//DescriptionFr')) ? dsc.text : '', :vdate => (dat = lim.at_xpath('.//ValidFromDate')) ? dat.text : '', } deleted = false if upto = ((thr = lim.at_xpath('.//ValidThruDate')) ? thr.text : nil) and upto =~ /\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}/ begin deleted = true if Date.strptime(upto, '%d.%m.%y') >= Date.today rescue ArgumentError end end limitation[:del] = deleted item[:packages][search_key][:limitations] << limitation end end # limitation points pts = pac.at_xpath('.//PointLimitations/PointLimitation/Points') # only first points item[:packages][search_key][:limitation_points] = pts ? pts.text : '' # pharmacode => seq (same data) data[search_key] = item end end data end end class SwissIndexExtractor < Extractor def initialize(xml, type) @type = (type == :pharma ? 'PHARMA' : 'NONPHARMA') super(xml) end def to_hash data = {} doc = Nokogiri::XML(@xml) doc.remove_namespaces! doc.xpath("//Envelope/Body/#{@type}/ITEM").each do |pac| item = {} item[:_type] = @type.downcase.intern item[:ean] = (gtin = pac.at_xpath('.//GTIN')) ? gtin.text : '' item[:pharmacode] = (phar = pac.at_xpath('.//PHAR')) ? phar.text : '' item[:status] = (stat = pac.at_xpath('.//STATUS')) ? stat.text : '' item[:stat_date] = (date = pac.at_xpath('.//SDATE')) ? date.text : '' item[:lang] = (lang = pac.at_xpath('.//LANG')) ? lang.text : '' item[:desc] = (dscr = pac.at_xpath('.//DSCR')) ? dscr.text : '' item[:atc_code] = (code = pac.at_xpath('.//ATC')) ? code.text.to_s : '' # as quantity text item[:additional_desc] = (dscr = pac.at_xpath('.//ADDSCR')) ? dscr.text : '' if comp = pac.xpath('.//COMP') item[:company_name] = (nam = comp.at_xpath('.//NAME')) ? nam.text : '' item[:company_ean] = (gln = comp.at_xpath('.//GLN')) ? gln.text : '' end unless item[:pharmacode].empty? item[:pharmacode] = correct_code(item[:pharmacode].to_s, 7) unless data[item[:pharmacode]] # pharmacode => GTINs data[item[:pharmacode]] = [] end data[item[:pharmacode]] << item end end data end end class SwissmedicExtractor < Extractor def initialize(filename, type) @filename = filename @type = type return unless File.exists?(filename) if type == :orphan book = Spreadsheet.open(filename, 'rb') @sheet = book.worksheet(0) else @sheet = RubyXL::Parser.parse(File.expand_path(filename)).worksheets[0] end end def to_arry data = [] return data unless @sheet case @type when :orphan i = 1 @sheet.each do |row| number = row[1].to_i if number != 0 data << sprintf("%05d", number) end end when :fridge i,c = 1,7 @sheet.each do |row| if row[i] and number = row[i].value and row[c] and row[c].value.to_s.downcase == 'x' data << sprintf("%05d", number) end end end cleanup_file data.uniq end def to_hash # Packungen.xls data = {} return data unless @sheet case @type when :package typ = 6 # Heilmittelcode i_5,i_3 = 0,10 # :swissmedic_numbers p_5,p_1_2 = 0,1 # :prodno cat = 13 # :swissmedic_category ith = 4 # :ith_swissmedic IT-Code (swissmedic-diff) atc = 5 # :atc_code siz = 11 # :package_size eht = 12 # :einheit_swissmedic sub = 14 # :substance_swissmedic @sheet.each_with_index do |row, i| next if (i <= 1) next unless row[i_5] and row[i_3] no8 = sprintf('%05d',row[i_5].value.to_i) + sprintf('%03d',row[i_3].value.to_i) prodno = sprintf('%05d',row[i_5].value.to_i) + row[p_1_2].value.to_i.to_s unless no8.empty? next if no8.to_i == 0 ean_base12 = "7680#{no8}" data[no8.intern] = { :ean => (ean_base12.ljust(12, '0') + calc_checksum(ean_base12)), :prodno => prodno ? prodno : '', :ith_swissmedic => row[ith] ? row[ith].value.to_s : '', :swissmedic_category => row[cat].value.to_s, :atc_code => row[atc] ? row[atc].value.to_s : '', :package_size => row[siz] ? row[siz].value.to_s : '', :einheit_swissmedic => row[eht] ? row[eht].value.to_s : '', :substance_swissmedic => row[sub] ? row[sub].value.to_s : '', :is_tier => (row[typ] == 'Tierarzneimittel' ? true : false), } end end end cleanup_file data end private def cleanup_file begin File.unlink(@filename) if File.exists?(@filename) rescue Errno::EACCES # Permission Denied on Windows end unless defined?(RSpec) end def calc_checksum(str) str = str.strip sum = 0 val = str.split(//u) 12.times do |idx| fct = ((idx%2)*2)+1 sum += fct*val[idx].to_i end ((10-(sum%10))%10).to_s end end class MigelExtractor < Extractor def initialize(bin) io = StringIO.new(bin) book = Spreadsheet.open(io, 'rb') @sheet = book.worksheet(0) end def to_hash data = {} @sheet.each_with_index do |row, i| next if i.zero? phar = correct_code(row[1].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/, ''), 7) data[phar] = { :ean => row[0].to_i.to_s, :pharmacode => phar, :desc_de => row[3], :desc_fr => row[4], :additional_desc => row[5], # quantity :company_name => row[6], :company_ean => row[7].to_i.to_s, } end data end end class SwissmedicInfoExtractor < Extractor def to_hash data = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = [] } doc = Nokogiri::XML(@xml) doc.xpath("//medicalInformations/medicalInformation[@type='fi']").each do |fi| lang = fi.attr('lang').to_s next unless lang =~ /de|fr/ item = {} item[:name] = (name = fi.at_xpath('.//title')) ? name.text : '' item[:owner] = (ownr = fi.at_xpath('.//authHolder')) ? ownr.text : '' if content = fi.at_xpath('.//content').children.detect{|child| child.cdata? } html = Nokogiri::HTML(content.to_s) # all HTML contents without MonTitle and ownerCompany item[:paragraph] = "