= Bivouac
Copyright (C) 2007 Gregoire Lejeune
* http://bivouac.rubyforge.org/
* http://rubyforge.org/projects/bivouac/
* http://greg.rubyfr.net
Bivouac is a simple generator for camping[http://code.whytheluckystiff.net/camping].
=== 0.1.4:
* Add Thin (http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/) support -- Thin is now the default Webserver
* class Public modified to support thin :
@headers['X-Sendfile'] = File.join PATH, '..', 'public', file
replaced by
@body = open( File.join( PATH, '..', 'public', file ) )
* Add image_path function
* ERB applications are no longer supported. Sorry!
* Add script/plugin (beta -- hum... bivouac is beta!)
* Update index page
=== 0.1.3:
* add script/console
* add Rakefile
* Mineur bug corrections
=== 0.1.2:
* You can now use
$ ruby script/server webrick [options]
=== 0.1.1:
* Mineur bug correction in postamble to be really ready for Rails 2.0 !!!!!
* the index class is no longer Root (but Index)
=== 0.1.0:
* Add plugins support. See will_paginate plugin for Bivouac.
* Ready for Rails 2.0 !!!!
=== 0.0.9:
* Upgrade to simple-daemon >= 0.1.2
* Better migration support! And migrate is now migration ! That's better no ?
* Add MySQL, PostgreSQL, ... support. See
$ bivouac -h
* Add tests support with mosquito[http://mosquito.rubyforge.org/] :
$ ruby script/generate test my_test_name
To run a test, juste do :
$ ruby test/test_my_test_name.rb
=== 0.0.8:
* Bivouac now work with WEBrick -- Bug correction
* Markaby::Builder.set(:indent, 2)
=== 0.0.7:
* --postamble' bivouac option is deprecated! You can use the -d option to start your application as a daemon :
$ ruby script/server -d start
Then stop your server with :
$ ruby script/server -d stop
If you don't want to demonize you app, just do
$ ruby script/server
* This version include helpers with a lot of limitations...
=== 0.0.6:
* Scaffold now works with ERB! It's now time to work on a *real* scaffold!
=== 0.0.5:
* new generator : scaffold! -- maybe someone need it!
* Ho my god! the code is horrible!
=== 0.0.4:
* the application file is now in app and not in app/controller
* Mongrel postamble is no more in the TODO list
* You can specify which address (-a) and port (-P) to bind to.
=== 0.0.3:
* Model generation is now ok (i hope)
* It's now possible to create "Get Out of Hand" and "Eruby/Erb" projects
* script/generate have 3 new options :
* -v if you don't want to create the view
* -d if you don't want the default route
* -r if you want to add more routes
* Only sqlite3 is supported
=== 0.0.2:
* So many problems!
=== 0.0.1:
* Can't generate models and migrates
=== Extra:
* With camping 1.5 there is a bug in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/camping-1.5/lib/camping/webrick.rb line 59, change do_GET(req, res) to do_GET(req, resp)
== TODO:
* more helpers...
% bivouac -h
Usage: bivouac [options] app
bivouac, the generator for the microframework ON-button
for ruby 1.8.6 (2007-06-07) [universal-darwin9.0]
Specific options:
-P, --port PORT Which port to bind to (3301)
-a, --address ADDR Address to bind to (
-o, --organize TYPE Type or organisation
(options: JOF:Just On File
GOH:Get Out of Hand
ERB:use Eruby or Erb)
-p, --postamble TYPE Add a postamble
(options: CGI/FastCGI/Mongrel/WEBrick/none)
Common options:
-?, --help Show this message
-v, --version Show version
% bivouac your_app_name
% cd your_app_name
% ruby script/generate -h
Usage: script/generate generator [options] [args]
Builtin: controller, model, migrate, view
controller generator options:
-v, --no-view Do not generate any view for the controller
-d, --no-route Do not add the default route to the controller
-r, --route ROUTE,ROUTE,... Add ROUTES to the controller
Common options:
-h, --help Show this message
% ruby script/generate controller your_controller
% ruby script/server
* camping
* mime-types
* extra
* simple-daemon
* mosquito
sudo gem install bivouac
sudo gem install bivouac --source=http://dev.rubyfr.net
Bivouac is freely distributable according to the terms of the
GNU General Public License.
This program is distributed without any warranty. See the file
'COPYING' for details.