# Changelog This project uses [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](http://semver.org/). #### Release 1.2.0 - CHANGED: Updated .ORG parser to the latest response (GH-98, GH-97). [Thanks @talarini] - CHANGED: Updated .IO, .AC, .SH, .TM parsers to the latest response. - CHANGED: Renamed WhoisDomainKg to WhoisKg (GH-48) #### Release 1.1.0 - NEW: Added .FM parser (GH-74). [Thanks @thomas07vt] - NEW: Added .BR parser contacts (GH-31). [Thanks @forain] - CHANGED: Updated WhoisAi to WhoisNicAi. - CHANGED: WhoizBiz to the new response (GH-73). [Thanks @thomas07vt] - CHANGED: WhoizNicSt to the new response (GH-72). [Thanks @fturmel] - CHANGED: WhoisRegistryNetZa to the new response (GH-43). [Thanks @sheldonh] - FIXED: Bug where .EU domain property had double .eu suffix (GH-63). - FIXED: Fix scanning issue with .ca when keys have no value (GH-36). #### Release 1.0.1 - CHANGED: Updated GoDaddy parser to the new response (GH-60). - CHANGED: Updated Donuts parser to the new response. It looks like Donuts is now more compliant with base ICANN parser. - CHANGED: Updated Verisign parser to the new response (GH-57). [Thanks @phcyso] - CHANGED: Updated .BR parser to the new response (GH-51). [Thanks @otaviojr] - CHANGED: Add support for :expires_on to base_nic_fr (GH-54). [Thanks @yastupin] #### Release 1.0 **1.0.0-beta2** - NEW: Added whois.cdmon.com parser (GH-27). [Thanks @sfumanal] - FIXED: Fix for Record#respond_to?(:available?) (GH-28, GH-29, GH-30). Thanks [@marcandre] **1.0.0-beta1** Initial import from the `whois` library. - NEW: whois.dk-hostmaster.dk parser now recognizes throttled responses (whois/GH-382). [Thanks @troelskn] - NEW: Safer time parsing (GH-18). [Thanks @davidcornu] - NEW: Detect reserved .INFO domains (whois/GH-468). - CHANGED: whois.audns.net.au removed the registrar ID field (GH-20, GH-21). Thanks [@afoster] - CHANGED: Updated .JOBS from obswhois.verisign-grs.com to whois.nic.jobs (GH-23). - CHANGED: Updated .PRO from whois.dotproregistry.net to whois.afilias.net (GH-24).