module CounterCulture class Counter CONFIG_OPTIONS = [ :column_names, :counter_cache_name, :delta_column, :foreign_key_values, :touch, :delta_magnitude] ACTIVE_RECORD_VERSION = Gem.loaded_specs["activerecord"].version attr_reader :model, :relation, *CONFIG_OPTIONS def initialize(model, relation, options) @model = model @relation = relation.is_a?(Enumerable) ? relation : [relation] if options.fetch(:execute_after_commit, false) fail("execute_after_commit was removed; updates now run within the transaction") end @counter_cache_name = options.fetch(:column_name, "#{}_count") @column_names = options[:column_names] @delta_column = options[:delta_column] @foreign_key_values = options[:foreign_key_values] @touch = options.fetch(:touch, false) @delta_magnitude = options[:delta_magnitude] || 1 @with_papertrail = options.fetch(:with_papertrail, false) end # increments or decrements a counter cache # # options: # :increment => true to increment, false to decrement # :relation => which relation to increment the count on, # :counter_cache_name => the column name of the counter cache # :counter_column => overrides :counter_cache_name # :delta_column => override the default count delta (1) with the value of this column in the counted record # :was => whether to get the current value or the old value of the # first part of the relation # :with_papertrail => update the column via Papertrail touch_with_version method def change_counter_cache(obj, options) change_counter_column = options.fetch(:counter_column) { counter_cache_name_for(obj) } # default to the current foreign key value id_to_change = foreign_key_value(obj, relation, options[:was]) # allow overwriting of foreign key value by the caller id_to_change = if foreign_key_values if id_to_change && change_counter_column delta_magnitude = if delta_column (options[:was] ? attribute_was(obj, delta_column) : obj.public_send(delta_column)) || 0 else counter_delta_magnitude_for(obj) end # increment or decrement? operator = options[:increment] ? '+' : '-' # we don't use Rails' update_counters because we support changing the timestamp quoted_column = model.connection.quote_column_name(change_counter_column) updates = [] # this updates the actual counter updates << "#{quoted_column} = COALESCE(#{quoted_column}, 0) #{operator} #{delta_magnitude}" # and here we update the timestamp, if so desired if touch current_time = obj.send(:current_time_from_proper_timezone) timestamp_columns = obj.send(:timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model) timestamp_columns << touch if touch != true timestamp_columns.each do |timestamp_column| updates << "#{timestamp_column} = '#{current_time.to_formatted_s(:db)}'" end end klass = relation_klass(relation, source: obj, was: options[:was]) primary_key = relation_primary_key(relation, source: obj, was: options[:was]) if @with_papertrail instance = klass.where(primary_key => id_to_change).first if instance if instance.paper_trail.respond_to?(:save_with_version) # touch_with_version is deprecated starting in PaperTrail 9.0.0 current_time = obj.send(:current_time_from_proper_timezone) timestamp_columns = obj.send(:timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model) timestamp_columns.each do |timestamp_column| instance.send("#{timestamp_column}=", current_time) end instance.paper_trail.save_with_version(validate: false) else instance.paper_trail.touch_with_version end end end klass.where(primary_key => id_to_change).update_all updates.join(', ') end end # Gets the delta magnitude of the counter cache for a specific object # # obj: object to calculate the counter cache name for def counter_delta_magnitude_for(obj) if delta_magnitude.is_a?(Proc) else delta_magnitude end end # Gets the name of the counter cache for a specific object # # obj: object to calculate the counter cache name for # cache_name_finder: object used to calculate the cache name def counter_cache_name_for(obj) # figure out what the column name is if counter_cache_name.is_a?(Proc) # dynamic column name -- call the Proc else # static column name counter_cache_name end end # the string to pass to order() in order to sort by primary key def full_primary_key(klass) "#{klass.quoted_table_name}.#{klass.quoted_primary_key}" end # gets the value of the foreign key on the given relation # # relation: a symbol or array of symbols; specifies the relation # that has the counter cache column # was: whether to get the current or past value from ActiveRecord; # pass true to get the past value, false or nothing to get the # current value def foreign_key_value(obj, relation, was = false) relation = relation.is_a?(Enumerable) ? relation.dup : [relation] first_relation = relation.first if was first = relation.shift foreign_key_value = attribute_was(obj, relation_foreign_key(first)) klass = relation_klass(first, source: obj, was: was) if foreign_key_value value = klass.where( "#{klass.table_name}.#{relation_primary_key(first, source: obj, was: was)} = ?", foreign_key_value).first end else value = obj end while !value.nil? && relation.size > 0 value = value.send(relation.shift) end return value.try(relation_primary_key(first_relation, source: obj, was: was).try(:to_sym)) end # gets the reflect object on the given relation # # relation: a symbol or array of symbols; specifies the relation # that has the counter cache column def relation_reflect(relation) relation = relation.is_a?(Enumerable) ? relation.dup : [relation] # go from one relation to the next until we hit the last reflect object klass = model while relation.size > 0 cur_relation = relation.shift reflect = klass.reflect_on_association(cur_relation) raise "No relation #{cur_relation} on #{}" if reflect.nil? if relation.size > 0 # not necessary to do this at the last link because we won't use # klass again. not calling this avoids the following causing an # exception in the now-supported one-level polymorphic counter cache klass = reflect.klass end end return reflect end # gets the class of the given relation # # relation: a symbol or array of symbols; specifies the relation # that has the counter cache column # source [optional]: the source object, # only needed for polymorphic associations, # probably only works with a single relation (symbol, or array of 1 symbol) # was: boolean # we're actually looking for the old value -- only can change for polymorphic relations def relation_klass(relation, source: nil, was: false) reflect = relation_reflect(relation) if reflect.options.key?(:polymorphic) raise "Can't work out relation's class without being passed object (relation: #{relation}, reflect: #{reflect})" if source.nil? raise "Can't work out polymorhpic relation's class with multiple relations yet" unless (relation.is_a?(Symbol) || relation.length == 1) # this is the column that stores the polymorphic type, aka the class name type_column = reflect.foreign_type.to_sym # so now turn that into the class that we're looking for here if was attribute_was(source, type_column).try(:constantize) else source.public_send(type_column).try(:constantize) end else reflect.klass end end def first_level_relation_changed?(instance) return true if attribute_changed?(instance, first_level_relation_foreign_key) if polymorphic? return true if attribute_changed?(instance, first_level_relation_foreign_type) end false end def attribute_changed?(obj, attr) if ACTIVE_RECORD_VERSION >="5.1.0") obj.saved_changes[attr].present? else obj.send(:attribute_changed?, attr) end end def polymorphic? is_polymorphic = relation_reflect(relation).options.key?(:polymorphic) if is_polymorphic && !(relation.is_a?(Symbol) || relation.length == 1) raise "Polymorphic associations only supported with one level" end return is_polymorphic end # gets the foreign key name of the given relation # # relation: a symbol or array of symbols; specifies the relation # that has the counter cache column def relation_foreign_key(relation) relation_reflect(relation).foreign_key end # gets the primary key name of the given relation # # relation: a symbol or array of symbols; specifies the relation # that has the counter cache column # source[optional]: the model instance that the relationship is linked from, # only needed for polymorphic associations, # probably only works with a single relation (symbol, or array of 1 symbol) # was: boolean # we're actually looking for the old value -- only can change for polymorphic relations def relation_primary_key(relation, source: nil, was: false) reflect = relation_reflect(relation) klass = nil if reflect.options.key?(:polymorphic) raise "can't handle multiple keys with polymorphic associations" unless (relation.is_a?(Symbol) || relation.length == 1) raise "must specify source for polymorphic associations..." unless source return relation_klass(relation, source: source, was: was).try(:primary_key) end reflect.association_primary_key(klass) end # gets the foreign key name of the relation. will look at the first # level only -- i.e., if passed an array will consider only its # first element # # relation: a symbol or array of symbols; specifies the relation # that has the counter cache column def first_level_relation_foreign_key first_relation = relation.first if relation.is_a?(Enumerable) relation_reflect(first_relation).foreign_key end def first_level_relation_foreign_type return nil unless polymorphic? first_relation = relation.first if relation.is_a?(Enumerable) relation_reflect(first_relation).foreign_type end def previous_model(obj) prev = obj.dup changes_method = ACTIVE_RECORD_VERSION >="5.1.0") ? :saved_changes : :changed_attributes obj.public_send(changes_method).each do |key, value| old_value = ACTIVE_RECORD_VERSION >="5.1.0") ? value.first : value prev.public_send("#{key}=", old_value) end prev end private def attribute_was(obj, attr) changes_method = if ACTIVE_RECORD_VERSION >="5.1.0") "_before_last_save" else "_was" end obj.public_send("#{attr}#{changes_method}") end end end