require 'helper' describe Desk::Client do context "Article" do let(:endpoint) { "article" } let(:id) { 1 } let(:check_key) { "subject" } let(:check_value) { "Awesome Subject" } include_context "basic configuration" it_behaves_like "a list endpoint" it_behaves_like "a show endpoint" it_behaves_like "a create endpoint", { :subject => "Awesome Subject", :body => "Simply post here", :_links => { :topic => { :href => "/api/v2/topics/1", :class => "topic" } } } it_behaves_like "an update endpoint", { :subject => "How to make your customers happy", :body => "Use", :body_email => "Custom email body for article", :body_email_auto => false, :_links => { :topic => { :href => "/api/v2/topics/1", :class => "topic" } } } do let(:check_value) { "How to make your customers happy" } end it_behaves_like "a delete endpoint" it_behaves_like "a search endpoint", { :text => "happy", :topic_ids => "1,2,4" } context "Translation" do let(:sub_endpoint) { "translation" } let(:sub_id) { "en" } let(:check_key) { "subject" } let(:check_value) { "Awesome Subject" } it_behaves_like "a sub list endpoint" it_behaves_like "a sub show endpoint" it_behaves_like "a sub create endpoint", { :locale => "es", :subject => "Spanish Translation", :body => "Traducción español aquí" } do let(:sub_id) { "es" } let(:check_value) { "Spanish Translation" } end it_behaves_like "a sub update endpoint", { :subject => "Updated Spanish Translation" } do let(:sub_id) { "es" } let(:check_value) { "Updated Spanish Translation" } end end end end