var fs = require('fs'); var glob = require('glob'); var mm = require('minimatch'); var q = require('q'); var helper = require('./helper'); var log = require('./logger').create('watcher'); var createWinGlob = function(realGlob) { return function(pattern, options, done) { realGlob(pattern, options, function(err, results) { done(err,; }); }; }; if (process.platform === 'win32') { glob = createWinGlob(glob); } var File = function(path, mtime) { // used for serving (processed path, eg some/ -> some/ this.path = path; // original absolute path, id of the file this.originalPath = path; // where the content is stored (processed) this.contentPath = path; this.mtime = mtime; this.isUrl = false; }; var Url = function(path) { this.path = path; this.isUrl = true; }; Url.prototype.toString = File.prototype.toString = function() { return this.path; }; var GLOB_OPTS = { // globDebug: true, cwd: '/' }; var byPath = function(a, b) { if (a.path > b.path) { return 1; } if (a.path < b.path) { return -1; } return 0; }; // TODO(vojta): ignore changes (add/change/remove) when in the middle of refresh // TODO(vojta): do not glob patterns that are watched (both on init and refresh) var List = function(patterns, excludes, emitter, preprocess, batchInterval) { var self = this; var pendingDeferred; var pendingTimeout; var errors = []; var addError = function(path) { if (errors.indexOf(path) === -1) { errors.push(path); } }; var removeError = function(path) { var idx = errors.indexOf(path); if (idx !== -1) { errors.splice(idx, 1); } }; var resolveFiles = function(buckets) { var uniqueMap = {}; var files = { served: [], included: [] }; buckets.forEach(function(bucket, idx) { bucket.sort(byPath).forEach(function(file) { if (!uniqueMap[file.path]) { if (patterns[idx].served) { files.served.push(file); } if (patterns[idx].included) { files.included.push(file); } uniqueMap[file.path] = true; } }); }); return files; }; var resolveDeferred = function(files) { clearPendingTimeout(); if (!errors.length) { pendingDeferred.resolve(files || resolveFiles(self.buckets)); } else { pendingDeferred.reject(errors.slice()); } pendingDeferred = pendingTimeout = null; }; var fireEventAndDefer = function() { clearPendingTimeout(); if (!pendingDeferred) { pendingDeferred = q.defer(); emitter.emit('file_list_modified', pendingDeferred.promise); } pendingTimeout = setTimeout(resolveDeferred, batchInterval); }; var clearPendingTimeout = function() { if (pendingTimeout) { clearTimeout(pendingTimeout); } }; // re-glob all the patterns this.refresh = function() { // TODO(vojta): cancel refresh if another refresh starts var buckets = self.buckets = new Array(patterns.length); var complete = function() { if (buckets !== self.buckets) { return; } var files = resolveFiles(buckets); resolveDeferred(files); log.debug('Resolved files:\n\t' + files.served.join('\n\t')); }; // TODO(vojta): use some async helper library for this var pending = 0; var finish = function() { pending--; if (!pending) { complete(); } }; errors = []; if (!pendingDeferred) { pendingDeferred = q.defer(); emitter.emit('file_list_modified', pendingDeferred.promise); } clearPendingTimeout(); patterns.forEach(function(patternObject, i) { var pattern = patternObject.pattern; if (helper.isUrlAbsolute(pattern)) { buckets[i] = [new Url(pattern)]; return; } pending++; glob(pattern, GLOB_OPTS, function(err, resolvedFiles) { var matchedAndNotIgnored = 0; buckets[i] = []; if (!resolvedFiles.length) { log.warn('Pattern "%s" does not match any file.', pattern); return finish(); } // stat each file to get mtime and isDirectory resolvedFiles.forEach(function(path) { var matchExclude = function(excludePattern) { return mm(path, excludePattern); }; if (excludes.some(matchExclude)) { log.debug('Excluded file "%s"', path); return; } pending++; matchedAndNotIgnored++; fs.stat(path, function(error, stat) { if (error) { log.debug('An error occured while reading "%s"', path); finish(); } else { if (!stat.isDirectory()) { // TODO(vojta): reuse file objects var file = new File(path, stat.mtime); preprocess(file, function(err) { buckets[i].push(file); if (err) { addError(path); } finish(); }); } else { log.debug('Ignored directory "%s"', path); finish(); } } }); }); if (!matchedAndNotIgnored) { log.warn('All files matched by "%s" were excluded.', pattern); } finish(); }); }); if (!pending) { process.nextTick(complete); } return pendingDeferred.promise; }; // set new patterns and excludes // and re-glob this.reload = function(newPatterns, newExcludes) { patterns = newPatterns; excludes = newExcludes; return this.refresh(); }; /** * Adds a new file into the list (called by watcher) * - ignore excluded files * - ignore files that are already in the list * - get mtime (by stat) * - fires "file_list_modified" */ this.addFile = function(path, done) { var buckets = this.buckets; var i, j; // sorry, this callback is just for easier testing done = done || function() {}; // check excludes for (i = 0; i < excludes.length; i++) { if (mm(path, excludes[i])) { log.debug('Add file "%s" ignored. Excluded by "%s".', path, excludes[i]); return done(); } } for (i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { if (mm(path, patterns[i].pattern)) { for (j = 0; j < buckets[i].length; j++) { if (buckets[i][j].originalPath === path) { log.debug('Add file "%s" ignored. Already in the list.', path); return done(); } } break; } } if (i >= patterns.length) { log.debug('Add file "%s" ignored. Does not match any pattern.', path); return done(); } var addedFile = new File(path); buckets[i].push(addedFile); clearPendingTimeout(); return fs.stat(path, function(err, stat) { // in the case someone refresh() the list before stat callback if (self.buckets === buckets) { addedFile.mtime = stat.mtime; return preprocess(addedFile, function(err) { // TODO(vojta): ignore if refresh/reload happens'Added file "%s".', path); if (err) { addError(path); } fireEventAndDefer(); done(); }); } return done(); }); }; /** * Update mtime of a file (called by watcher) * - ignore if file is not in the list * - ignore if mtime has not changed * - fire "file_list_modified" */ this.changeFile = function(path, done) { var buckets = this.buckets; var i, j; // sorry, this callback is just for easier testing done = done || function() {}; outer: for (i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < buckets[i].length; j++) { if (buckets[i][j].originalPath === path) { break outer; } } } if (!buckets[i]) { log.debug('Changed file "%s" ignored. Does not match any file in the list.', path); return done(); } var changedFile = buckets[i][j]; return fs.stat(path, function(err, stat) { // if (err || !stat) { return self.removeFile(path, done); } if (self.buckets === buckets && stat.mtime > changedFile.mtime) {'Changed file "%s".', path); changedFile.mtime = stat.mtime; // TODO(vojta): THIS CAN MAKE FILES INCONSISTENT // if batched change is resolved before preprocessing is finished, the file can be in // inconsistent state, when the promise is resolved. // Solutions: // 1/ the preprocessor should not change the object in place, but create a copy that would // be eventually merged into the original file, here in the callback, synchronously. // 2/ delay the promise resolution - wait for any changeFile operations to finish return preprocess(changedFile, function(err) { if (err) { addError(path); } else { removeError(path); } // TODO(vojta): ignore if refresh/reload happens fireEventAndDefer(); done(); }); } return done(); }); }; /** * Remove a file from the list (called by watcher) * - ignore if file is not in the list * - fire "file_list_modified" */ this.removeFile = function(path, done) { var buckets = this.buckets; // sorry, this callback is just for easier testing done = done || function() {}; for (var i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < buckets[i].length; j++) { if (buckets[i][j].originalPath === path) { buckets[i].splice(j, 1);'Removed file "%s".', path); removeError(path); fireEventAndDefer(); return done(); } } } log.debug('Removed file "%s" ignored. Does not match any file in the list.', path); return done(); }; }; List.$inject = ['config.files', 'config.exclude', 'emitter', 'preprocess', 'config.autoWatchBatchDelay']; // PUBLIC exports.List = List; exports.File = File; exports.Url = Url;