require 'spec_helper' describe Twilio::REST::Client do describe 'config at class level' do after(:each) do Twilio.instance_variable_set('@configuration', nil) end it 'should set the account sid and auth token with a config block' do Twilio.configure do |config| config.account_sid = 'someSid' config.auth_token = 'someToken' end client = expect(client.account_sid).to eq('someSid') expect(client.instance_variable_get('@auth_token')).to eq('someToken') end it 'should overwrite account sid and auth token if passed to initializer' do Twilio.configure do |config| config.account_sid = 'someSid' config.auth_token = 'someToken' end client = 'otherSid', 'otherToken' expect(client.account_sid).to eq('otherSid') expect(client.instance_variable_get('@auth_token')).to eq('otherToken') end it 'should overwrite the account sid if only the sid is given' do Twilio.configure do |config| config.account_sid = 'someSid' config.auth_token = 'someToken' end client = 'otherSid' expect(client.account_sid).to eq('otherSid') expect(client.instance_variable_get('@auth_token')).to eq('someToken') end it 'should allow options after setting up auth with config' do Twilio.configure do |config| config.account_sid = 'someSid' config.auth_token = 'someToken' end client = :host => '' connection = client.instance_variable_get('@connection') expect(connection.address).to eq('') end it 'should throw an argument error if the sid and token isn\'t set' do expect { }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should throw an argument error if only the account_sid is set' do expect { 'someSid' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it 'should not raise an error if the response body is empty' do FakeWeb.register_uri(:any, %r/api\.twilio\.com/, body: '') twilio ='someSid', 'someToken')'/phone_number', twilio).delete end it 'should not raise an error if the response body is nil' do response = double(:response, body: nil) connection = double(:connection, request: response) twilio ='someSid', 'someToken') twilio.instance_variable_set(:@connection, connection)'/phone_number', twilio).delete end it 'should set up a new client instance with the given sid and token' do twilio ='someSid', 'someToken') expect(twilio.account_sid).to eq('someSid') expect(twilio.instance_variable_get('@auth_token')).to eq('someToken') end it 'should set up the proper default http ssl connection' do twilio ='someSid', 'someToken') connection = twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection') expect(connection.address).to eq('') expect(connection.port).to eq(443) expect(connection.use_ssl?).to eq(true) end it 'should set up the requested ssl verification ca_file if provided' do twilio = 'someSid', 'someToken', ssl_ca_file: '/path/to/ca/file' ) connection = twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection') expect(connection.ca_file).to eq('/path/to/ca/file') end it 'should set up the proper http ssl connection when a different ' \ 'domain is given' do twilio = 'someSid', 'someToken', host: '' ) connection = twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection') expect(connection.address).to eq('') expect(connection.port).to eq(443) expect(connection.use_ssl?).to eq(true) end it 'should adjust the open and read timeouts on the underlying Net::HTTP ' \ 'object when asked' do timeout = rand(30) twilio ='someSid', 'someToken', timeout: timeout) connection = twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection') expect(connection.port).to eq(443) expect(connection.use_ssl?).to eq(true) expect(connection.open_timeout).to eq(timeout) expect(connection.read_timeout).to eq(timeout) end it 'should set up the proper http ssl connection when a proxy_host is ' \ 'given' do twilio = 'someSid', 'someToken', host: '', proxy_addr: 'localhost' ) connection = twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection') expect(connection.proxy?).to eq(true) expect(connection.proxy_address).to eq('localhost') expect(connection.proxy_port).to eq(80) expect(connection.address).to eq('') expect(connection.port).to eq(443) expect(connection.use_ssl?).to eq(true) end it 'should set up the proper http ssl connection when a proxy_host and ' \ 'proxy_port are given' do twilio = 'someSid', 'someToken', host: '', proxy_addr: 'localhost', proxy_port: 13128 ) connection = twilio.instance_variable_get('@connection') expect(connection.proxy?).to eq(true) expect(connection.proxy_address).to eq('localhost') expect(connection.proxy_port).to eq(13128) expect(connection.address).to eq('') expect(connection.port).to eq(443) expect(connection.use_ssl?).to eq(true) end it 'should set up an accounts resources object' do twilio ='someSid', 'someToken') expect(twilio).to respond_to(:accounts) expect(twilio.accounts.instance_variable_get('@path')).to eq( '/2010-04-01/Accounts' ) end it 'should set up an account object with the given sid' do twilio ='someSid', 'someToken') expect(twilio).to respond_to(:account) expect(twilio.account.instance_variable_get('@path')).to eq( '/2010-04-01/Accounts/someSid' ) end [ :sandbox, :available_phone_numbers, :incoming_phone_numbers, :calls, :outgoing_caller_ids, :conferences, :sms, :recordings, :transcriptions, :notifications, :applications, :connect_apps, :authorized_connect_apps, :queues, :usage, :messages, :media, :sip ].each do |method| it "should delegate the client method #{method} to the account object" do client ='someSid', 'someToken') expect(client).to respond_to(method) expect(client.send(method)).to eq(client.account.send(method)) end end it 'should convert all parameter names to Twilio-style names' do twilio ='someSid', 'someToken') untwilified = { :sms_url => 'someUrl', 'voiceFallbackUrl' => 'anotherUrl', 'Status_callback' => 'yetAnotherUrl' } twilified = { :SmsUrl => 'someUrl', :VoiceFallbackUrl => 'anotherUrl', :StatusCallback => 'yetAnotherUrl' } expect(twilio.twilify(untwilified)).to eq(twilified) end end