#!/usr/bin/env ruby $-w = true $:.unshift File.dirname($0) + '/../lib' require 'getoptlong' require 'vpim/icalendar' require 'vpim/duration' include Vpim # TODO - $0 is the full path, fix it. HELP =< Options -h,--help Print this helpful message. -d,--debug Print debug information. -m,--my-addrs My email addresses, a REGEX. Examples: EOF opt_debug = nil opt_print = true # Ways to get this: # Use a --mutt option, and steal it from muttrc, # from $USER, $LOGNAME,, from /etc/passwd... opt_myaddrs = nil opts = GetoptLong.new( [ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--myaddrs", "-m", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ "--accept", "-a", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ "--reject", "-r", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ "--debug", "-d", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ] ) opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when "--help" then puts HELP exit 0 when "--debug" then require 'pp' opt_debug = true when "--myaddrs" then opt_myaddrs = Regexp.new(arg, 'i') end end if ARGV.length < 1 puts "no input files specified, try -h!\n" exit 1 end ARGV.each do |file| cals = Vpim::Icalendar.decode(File.open(file)) cals.each do |cal| if opt_debug puts "vCalendar: version=#{cal.version/10.0} producer='#{cal.producer}'" if cal.protocol; puts " protocol-method=#{cal.protocol}"; end end events = cal.events if events.size != 1 raise "!! #{events.size} calendar events is more than 1!" end events.each do |e| summary = e.summary || e.comment || '' case cal.protocol.upcase when 'PUBLISH' puts "Notification of: #{summary}" when 'REQUEST' puts "Request for: #{summary}" when 'REPLY' else raise "!! unhandled protocol type #{cal.protocol}!" end puts "Organized by: #{e.organizer.to_s}" # TODO - spec as hours/mins/secs e.occurences.each_with_index do |t, i| if(i < 1) puts "At time: #{t}" +( e.duration ? " for #{Duration.secs(e.duration).to_s}" : '' ) else puts "... and others" break end end if e.location; puts "Located at: #{e.location}"; end if e.description puts finish="-- Description --" puts e.description end if e.comments puts finish="-- Comment --" puts " comment=#{e.comments}" end if e.attendees.first puts finish="-- Attendees --" e.attendees.each_with_index do |a,i| puts "#{i} #{a.to_s}" if !opt_myaddrs || a.uri =~ opt_myaddrs puts " participation-status: #{a.partstat ? a.partstat.downcase : 'unknown'}" puts " response-requested? #{a.rsvp ? 'yes' : 'no'}" end end end if finish puts '-' * finish.length end if opt_debug if e.status; puts " status=#{e.status}"; end puts " uid=#{e.uid}" puts " dtstamp=#{e.dtstamp.to_s}" puts " dtstart=#{e.dtstart.to_s}" if e.dtend; puts " dtend=#{e.dtend.to_s}"; end if e.rrule; puts " rrule=#{e.rrule}"; end end end todos = cal.todos todos.each do |e| s = e.status ? " (#{e.status})" : '' puts "Todo#{s}: #{e.summary}" end if opt_debug pp cals end end end