module Katello class Erratum < Katello::Model include Concerns::PulpDatabaseUnit SECURITY = ["security"].freeze BUGZILLA = ["bugfix", "recommended"].freeze ENHANCEMENT = ["enhancement", "optional"].freeze TYPES = [SECURITY, BUGZILLA, ENHANCEMENT].flatten.freeze NONE = "None".freeze LOW = "Low".freeze MODERATE = "Moderate".freeze IMPORTANT = "Important".freeze CRITICAL = "Critical".freeze SEVERITIES = [NONE, LOW, MODERATE, IMPORTANT, CRITICAL].freeze CONTENT_TYPE = "erratum".freeze BACKEND_IDENTIFIER_FIELD = "erratum_pulp3_href".freeze has_many :content_facet_errata, :class_name => "Katello::ContentFacetErratum", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :content_facet has_many :content_facets, :through => :content_facet_errata, :class_name => "Katello::Host::ContentFacet", :source => :content_facet has_many :content_facets_applicable, :through => :content_facet_errata, :class_name => "Katello::Host::ContentFacet", :source => :content_facet has_many :bugzillas, :class_name => "Katello::ErratumBugzilla", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :erratum has_many :cves, :class_name => "Katello::ErratumCve", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :erratum has_many :packages, :class_name => "Katello::ErratumPackage", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :erratum scoped_search :on => :id, :rename => :db_id, :only_explicit => true, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER scoped_search :on => :errata_id, :complete_value => true, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :errata_id, :rename => :id, :complete_value => true, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :title scoped_search :on => :title, :rename => :synopsis, :complete_value => true, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :severity, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :errata_type, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :errata_type, :rename => :type, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :issued, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :updated, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :reboot_suggested, :complete_value => true scoped_search :relation => :cves, :on => :cve_id, :rename => :cve scoped_search :relation => :bugzillas, :on => :bug_id, :rename => :bug scoped_search :relation => :packages, :on => :nvrea, :rename => :package, :complete_value => true, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :relation => :packages, :on => :name, :rename => :package_name, :complete_value => true, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :modular, :only_explicit => true, :ext_method => :find_by_modular, :complete_value => {:true => 0, :false => 1}, :special_values => ['true', 'false'], :validator => ->(value) { ['true', 'false'].include?(value.downcase) }, :operators => ["="] def self.of_type(type) where(:errata_type => type) end scope :security, -> { of_type(Erratum::SECURITY) } scope :bugfix, -> { of_type(Erratum::BUGZILLA) } scope :enhancement, -> { of_type(Erratum::ENHANCEMENT) } scope :modular, -> { where(:id => joins(:packages => :module_stream_errata_packages)) } scope :non_modular, -> { where.not(:id => modular) } def self.content_facet_association_class ContentFacetErratum end def self.backend_identifier_field SmartProxy.pulp_primary!.content_service(CONTENT_TYPE).backend_unit_identifier ? BACKEND_IDENTIFIER_FIELD.to_sym : nil end def self.applicable_to_hosts(hosts) # Note: ContentFacetErrata actually holds the "Applicable Errata" to that host # It is not the errata "belonging" to the host. Its rather the errata that is "applicable" # which is calculated elsewhere. where("#{Katello::Host::ContentFacet.table_name}.host_id" => end def self.applicable_to_hosts_dashboard(hosts) Erratum.where(:id => applicable_to_hosts(hosts)). order("#{self.table_name}.updated desc").limit(6) end def <=>(other) return self.errata_id <=> other.errata_id end def self.with_identifiers(ids) ids = [ids] unless ids.is_a?(Array)!(&:to_s) id_integers = { |string| Integer(string) rescue -1 } where("#{self.table_name}.id in (?) or #{self.table_name}.pulp_id in (?) or #{self.table_name}.errata_id in (?)", id_integers, ids, ids) end def hosts_applicable(org_id = nil) if org_id.present? self.content_facets_applicable.joins(:host).where("#{::Host.table_name}.organization_id" => org_id) else self.content_facets_applicable.joins(:host) end end def hosts_available(org_id = nil) self.hosts_applicable(org_id).distinct.joins("INNER JOIN #{Katello::RepositoryErratum.table_name} on \ #{Katello::RepositoryErratum.table_name}.erratum_id = #{}").joins(:content_facet_repositories). where("#{Katello::ContentFacetRepository.table_name}.repository_id = #{Katello::RepositoryErratum.table_name}.repository_id") end def self.ids_installable_for_hosts(hosts = nil) installable_for_hosts(hosts).select(:id) end def self.list_filenames_by_clauses(repo, clauses, additional_included_errata) query_clauses = do |clause| "(#{clause.to_sql})" end statement = query_clauses.join(" AND ") Katello::ErratumPackage.joins(:erratum => :repository_errata). where("#{RepositoryErratum.table_name}.repository_id" => - Katello::ErratumPackage.joins(:erratum => :repository_errata).where("#{RepositoryErratum.table_name}.repository_id" => where("#{Erratum.table_name}.errata_id" => additional_included_errata.pluck(:errata_id)).pluck(:filename) end def self.list_modular_streams_by_clauses(repo, clauses, additional_included_errata) query_clauses = do |clause| "(#{clause.to_sql})" end statement = query_clauses.join(" AND ") ModuleStream.where(:id => ModuleStreamErratumPackage.joins(:erratum_package => {:erratum => :repository_errata}). where("#{RepositoryErratum.table_name}.repository_id" => where(statement).select("#{ModuleStreamErratumPackage.table_name}.module_stream_id")). joins(:repository_module_streams). where("#{RepositoryModuleStream.table_name}.repository_id" => - ModuleStream.where(:id => ModuleStreamErratumPackage.joins(:erratum_package => {:erratum => :repository_errata}). where("#{RepositoryErratum.table_name}.repository_id" => where(statement).where("#{Erratum.table_name}.errata_id" => additional_included_errata.pluck(:errata_id)).select("#{ModuleStreamErratumPackage.table_name}.module_stream_id")). joins(:repository_module_streams). where("#{RepositoryModuleStream.table_name}.repository_id" => end def module_streams # return something like # {module_stream => [packages]} module_stream_rpms = {} packages.each do |pack| pack.module_streams.each do |mod| module_stream_rpms[mod.module_spec_hash] ||= [] module_stream_rpms[mod.module_spec_hash] << pack.nvrea unless module_stream_rpms[mod.module_spec_hash].include?(pack.nvrea) end end do |module_hash, nvreas| module_hash.merge(:packages => nvreas) end end def module_stream_specs packages.collect { |package| }.flatten.uniq end def module_stream_objects streams = do |pack| pack.module_streams end return streams.flatten.uniq end def self.find_by_modular(_key, operator, value) conditions = "" if operator == '=' query = value.downcase == "true" ? modular : non_modular conditions = "#{table_name}.id in (#{})" else #failure condition. No such value so must return 0 conditions = "1=0" end { :conditions => conditions } end def content_view_filters Katello::ContentViewErratumFilterRule.where(errata_id: self.errata_id).eager_load(:filter).map(&:filter) end apipie :class, desc: "A class representing #{model_name.human} object" do name 'Erratum' refs 'Erratum' sections only: %w[all additional] property :errata_id, String, desc: 'Returns errata identifier, e.g. "RHSA-1999-1231"' property :errata_type, String, desc: 'Returns errata type, e.g. "security"' property :issued, Date, desc: 'Returns the date of issue for the errata' property :created_at, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, desc: 'Returns the time when the errata was created' property :severity, String, desc: 'Returns severity of the errata, e.g. "Critical"' property :package_names, array_of: String, desc: 'Returns names of packages the errata can be applied to' property :cves, array_of: 'ErratumCve', desc: 'Returns CVEs associated with the errata' property :reboot_suggested, one_of: [true, false], desc: 'Returns true if reboot is suggested after errata applying, false otherwise' property :title, String, desc: 'Returns the errata title, e.g. "Important: net-snmp security update"' property :summary, String, desc: 'Returns the errata summary, the length can very, it is usually in range of 60 to 1000 characters. It can include empty line characters.' end class Jail < ::Safemode::Jail allow :errata_id, :errata_type, :issued, :created_at, :severity, :package_names, :cves, :reboot_suggested, :title, :summary end end end