# frozen_string_literal: true source 'https://rubygems.org' # Specify your gem's dependencies in checkoff.gemspec gemspec gem 'bump' gem 'bundler' gem 'fakeweb' gem 'mdl' # not a direct dependency - but updates a lot and confuses # bump+overcommit+bundler when it unexpectedly updates during the # CircleCI publish step # # https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/apiology/checkoff/1209/workflows/863fa0ce-097e-4a6b-a49f-f6ed62b29908/jobs/2320 gem 'mime-types', ['=3.5.1'] gem 'minitest-profile' gem 'minitest-reporters' gem 'mocha', ['>= 2'] # 0.58.0 and 0.57.0 don't seem super compatible with signatures, and # magit doesn't seem to want to use the bundled version at the moment, # so let's favor the more recent version... gem 'overcommit', ['>=0.60.0', '<0.61.0'] gem 'pry' gem 'punchlist' gem 'rake', '~> 13.0' gem 'rbs' gem 'rubocop', ['~> 1.52'] gem 'rubocop-minitest' gem 'rubocop-rake' # ensure version with branch coverage gem 'simplecov', ['>=0.18.0'] gem 'simplecov-lcov' gem 'solargraph', ['>=0.50.0'] gem 'undercover' gem 'webmock' gem 'yard' # ruby-asana gem is pending key bugfixes for checkoff as of # 2021-07-29: # # See # https://github.com/Asana/ruby-asana/issues/109 # https://github.com/Asana/ruby-asana/issues/110 # gem 'asana', git: 'https://github.com/apiology/ruby-asana', branch: 'checkoff_fixes' # gem 'asana', path: '/Users/broz/src/ruby-asana'