require 'spec_helper' describe Konacha::Reporter::Example do subject {{}, nil) } describe "#initialize" do it "loads up a metadata instance and the parent" do data = double('data') parent_metadata ={}) parent = double('parent', metadata: parent_metadata) # Check if parent metadata is added to metadata described_class.any_instance.stub(:update_metadata) { nil } described_class.any_instance.should_receive(:update_metadata).with(example_group: parent_metadata) example =, parent) example.parent.should == parent example.metadata.should be_a(Konacha::Reporter::Metadata) == data end end describe "delegated methods" do let(:metadata) { double('metadata') } before { Konacha::Reporter::Metadata.stub(:new) { metadata } } [:full_description, :description, :location, :file_path, :line_number, :pending, :pending_message, :exception, :execution_result].each do |method| it "delegates #{method} to metadata" do metadata.should_receive(method) subject.send(method) end end end describe "aliased_methods" do it "aliases pending? to pending" do subject.pending?.should == subject.pending end it "aliases options to metadata" do subject.options.should == subject.metadata end it "aliases example_group to parent" do subject.example_group.should == subject.parent end end describe "#passed?" do it "returns true iff execution_result[:status] is passed" do subject.should_receive(:execution_result) { {:status => "passed"} } subject.passed?.should == true end it "returns false" do subject.should_receive(:execution_result) { {} } subject.passed?.should == false end end describe "#failed?" do it "returns true iff execution_result[:status] is failed" do subject.should_receive(:execution_result) { {:status => "failed"} } subject.failed?.should == true end it "returns false" do subject.should_receive(:execution_result) { {} } subject.failed?.should == false end end describe "#update_metadata" do it "calls metadata.update" do data = double('data') metadata = double('metadata') metadata.should_receive(:update).with(data) Konacha::Reporter::Metadata.stub(:new) { metadata } subject.update_metadata(data) end end describe "#[]" do it "should delegate to instance method if it exists" do subject.stub(:some_method) { nil } subject.stub(:metadata) { nil } subject.should_receive(:some_method) subject.should_not_receive(:metadata) subject[:some_method] end it "should delegate to metadata if no method exists" do subject.should_not respond_to(:some_method) subject.metadata.stub(:[]) { nil } subject.metadata.should_receive(:[]).with(:some_method) subject[:some_method] end end end