module Auth0 module Api module V2 # Methods to use the users endpoints module Users include Auth0::Mixins::Validation attr_reader :users_path # Retrieves a list of Auth0 users. # @see!/Users/get_users # @param options [hash] The Hash options used to refine the User results. # * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. # * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. # * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. # * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. # * :connection [string] Connection to filter results by. # * :fields [string] A comma separated list of result fields. # * :include_fields [boolean] True to include :fields, false to exclude. # * :q [string] Query in Lucene query string syntax. # * :search_engine [string] User search engine version. # - Will default to v2 if no value is passed. # - Default will change to v3 on 11/13/2018 # - See # @return [json] Returns the list of existing users. def users(options = {}) request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), sort: options.fetch(:sort, nil), connection: options.fetch(:connection, nil), fields: options.fetch(:fields, nil), include_fields: options.fetch(:include_fields, nil), q: options.fetch(:q, nil), search_engine: options.fetch(:search_engine, nil) } get(users_path, request_params) end alias get_users users # Creates a new user according to optional parameters received. # The attribute connection is always mandatory but depending on the type of connection you are using there # could be others too. For instance, Auth0 DB Connections require email and password. # @see!/Users/post_users # @param name [string] The user name. # @param options [hash] # * :connection [string] The connection the user belongs to. # @return [json] Returns the created user. def create_user(name, options = {}) request_params = Hash[ { |(k, v)| [k.to_sym, v] }] request_params[:name] = name post(users_path, request_params) end # Delete all users - USE WITH CAUTION # @deprecated - 4.8.0, endpoint has been removed def delete_users delete(users_path) end # Retrieves a user given a user_id # @see!/Users/get_users_by_id # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the user to retrieve. # @param fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. # @param include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. # # @return [json] Returns the user with the given user_id if it exists. def user(user_id, fields: nil, include_fields: true) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}" request_params = { fields: fields, include_fields: include_fields } get(path, request_params) end # Deletes a single user given its id # @see!/Users/delete_users_by_id # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the user to delete. def delete_user(user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}" delete(path) end # Updates a user with the object's properties received in the optional parameters. # These are the attributes that can be updated at the root level: # blocked, email_verified, email, verify_email, password, phone_number, phone_verified, # verify_password, user_metadata, app_metadata, username # Some considerations: # The properties of the new object will replace the old ones. # The metadata fields are an exception to this rule (user_metadata and app_metadata). These properties are # merged instead of being replaced but be careful, the merge only occurs on the first level. # If you are updating email_verified, phone_verified, username or password you need to specify the connection # property too. # If your are updating email or phone_number you need to specify the connection and the client_id properties. # @see!/Users/patch_users_by_id # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the user to update. # @param body [hash] The optional parameters to update. # # @return [json] Returns the updated user. def patch_user(user_id, body) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body' if body.to_s.empty? || body.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}" patch(path, body) end alias update_user patch_user # Delete a user's multifactor provider # @see!/Users/delete_multifactor_by_provider # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the user to delete the multifactor provider from. # @param provider_name [string] The multifactor provider. Supported values 'duo' or 'google-authenticator'. def delete_user_provider(user_id, provider_name) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid provider name' if provider_name.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/multifactor/#{provider_name}" delete(path) end # Links the account specified in the body (secondary account) to the account specified by the id param # of the URL (primary account). # 1. With the authenticated primary account's JWT in the Authorization header, which has the # update:current_user_identities scope. In this case only the link_with param is required in the body, # containing the JWT obtained upon the secondary account's authentication. # 2. With an API V2 generated token with update:users scope. In this case you need to send provider and user_id # in the body. Optionally you can also send the connection_id param which is suitable for identifying a # particular database connection for the 'auth0' provider. # @see!/Users/post_identities # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the primary identity where you are linking the secondary account to. # @param body [string] the options to link the account to. # # @return [json] Returns the new array of the primary account identities. def link_user_account(user_id, body) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body' if body.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/identities" post(path, body) end # Unlink a user account # @see!/Users/delete_provider_by_user_id # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the user identity. # @param provider [string] The type of identity provider. # @param secondary_user_id [string] The unique identifier for the user for the identity. # # @return [json] Returns the array of the unlinked account identities. def unlink_user_account(user_id, provider, secondary_user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid secondary user_id' if secondary_user_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid provider' if provider.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/identities/#{provider}/#{secondary_user_id}" delete(path) end alias unlink_users_account unlink_user_account # Retrieve every log event for a specific user id # @see!/Users/get_logs_by_user # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the logs to retrieve. # @param options [hash] # * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. # * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. # * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. # * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. # # @return [json] Returns the list of existing log entries for the given user_id. # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def user_logs(user_id, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/logs" request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), sort: options.fetch(:sort, nil) } if request_params[:per_page].to_i > 100 raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'The total amount of entries per page should be less than 100' end sort_pattern = /^(([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+))\:(1|-1)$/ if !request_params[:sort].nil? && !sort_pattern.match(request_params[:sort]) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Sort does not match pattern ^(([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+))\\:(1|-1)$' end get(path, request_params) end alias get_user_log_events user_logs # Get all roles assigned to a specific user. # @see!/Users/get_user_roles # # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the roles to retrieve. # @param options [hash] # * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. # * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. # * :include_totals [boolean] True if a query summary must be included in the result. # * :sort [string] The field to use for sorting. 1 == ascending and -1 == descending. # # @return [json] Returns roles for the given user_id. def get_user_roles(user_id, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/roles" request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil) } get(path, request_params) end # Remove one or more roles from a specific user. # @see!/Users/delete_user_roles # # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the roles to remove. # @param roles [array] An array of role names to remove. def remove_user_roles(user_id, roles) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? validate_strings_array roles path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/roles" delete_with_body path, roles: roles end # Add one or more roles to a specific user. # @see!/Users/post_user_roles # # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the roles to add. # @param roles [array] An array of role ids to add. def add_user_roles(user_id, roles) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? validate_strings_array roles path = "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/roles" post(path, roles: roles) end # Get all Guardian enrollments for a specific user # @see!/Users/get_enrollments # # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the enrollments to get. # # @return [json] Returns Guardian enrollments for the given user_id. def get_enrollments(user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? get "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/enrollments" end # Get all permissions for a specific user. # @see!/Users/get_permissions # # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the permissions to get. # # @return [json] Returns permissions for the given user_id. def get_user_permissions(user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? get "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/permissions" end # Remove one or more permissions from a specific user. # @see!/Users/delete_permissions # # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the permissions to remove. # @param permissions [array] An array of Permission structs to remove. def remove_user_permissions(user_id, permissions) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? permissions = validate_permissions_array permissions delete_with_body "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/permissions", permissions: permissions end # Add one or more permissions from a specific user. # @see!/Users/post_permissions # # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the permissions to add. # @param permissions [array] An array of Permission structs to add. def add_user_permissions(user_id, permissions) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? permissions = validate_permissions_array permissions post "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/permissions", permissions: permissions end # Remove the current Guardian recovery code and generates and returns a new one. # @see!/Users/post_recovery_code_regeneration # # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the recovery codes to regenerate. def generate_recovery_code(user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? post "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/recovery-code-generation" end # Invalidate all remembered browsers for all authentication factors for a specific user. # @see!/Users/post_invalidate_remember_browser # # @param user_id [string] The user_id of the browsers to invalidate. def invalidate_browsers(user_id) raise Auth0::MissingUserId, 'Must supply a valid user_id' if user_id.to_s.empty? post "#{users_path}/#{user_id}/multifactor/actions/invalidate-remember-browser" end private # Users API path def users_path @users_path ||= '/api/v2/users' end end end end end