require 'digest/md5' module Boson # This class is used by BinRunner to index/store all of Boson's commands and libraries. When this index updates, # it detects library files whose md5 hash have changed and reindexes them. The index is stored with Marshal # at ~/.boson/config/index.marshal. Since the index is marshaled, putting lambdas/procs in it will break it. # If your index gets corrupted, simply delete it and next time Boson needs it, the index will be recreated. module Index extend self attr_reader :libraries, :commands # Updates the index. def update(options={}) libraries_to_update = !exists? ? Runner.all_libraries : options[:libraries] || changed_libraries read_and_transfer(libraries_to_update) if options[:verbose] puts !exists? ? "Generating index for all #{libraries_to_update.size} libraries. Patience ... is a bitch" : (libraries_to_update.empty? ? "No libraries indexed" : "Indexing the following libraries: #{libraries_to_update.join(', ')}") end Manager.failed_libraries = [] unless libraries_to_update.empty? Manager.load(libraries_to_update, options.merge(:index=>true)) unless Manager.failed_libraries.empty? $stderr.puts("Error: These libraries failed to load while indexing: #{Manager.failed_libraries.join(', ')}") end end write(Manager.failed_libraries) end # Reads and initializes index. def read return if @read @libraries, @commands, @lib_hashes = exists? ? Marshal.load( : [[], [], {}] delete_stale_libraries_and_commands set_command_namespaces @read = true end # Writes/saves current index to config/index.marshal. def write(failed_libraries=[]) latest = latest_hashes failed_libraries.each {|e| latest.delete(e) } save_marshal_index Marshal.dump([Boson.libraries, Boson.commands, latest]) end #:stopdoc: def read_and_transfer(ignored_libraries=[]) read existing_libraries = ( {|e|} + ignored_libraries).uniq libraries_to_add = {|e| !existing_libraries.include?(} Boson.libraries += libraries_to_add # depends on saved commands being correctly associated with saved libraries Boson.commands += {|e| e.command_objects(e.commands, @commands) }.flatten end def exists? File.exists? marshal_file end def save_marshal_index(marshal_string), 'w') {|f| f.write marshal_string } end def delete_stale_libraries_and_commands cached_libraries = @lib_hashes.keys libs_to_delete = {|e| !cached_libraries.include?( && e.is_a?(FileLibrary) } names_to_delete = {|e| } libs_to_delete.each {|e| @libraries.delete(e) } @commands.delete_if {|e| names_to_delete.include? e.lib } end # set namespaces for commands def set_command_namespaces lib_commands = @commands.inject({}) {|t,e| (t[e.lib] ||= []) << e; t } namespace_libs = {|e| e.namespace(e.indexed_namespace) } namespace_libs.each {|lib| (lib_commands[] || []).each {|e| e.namespace = lib.namespace } } end def namespaces nsps = {|e| e.namespace }.compact nsps.delete(false) nsps end def all_main_methods @commands.reject {|e| e.namespace }.map {|e| [, e.alias]}.flatten.compact + namespaces end def marshal_file File.join(Boson.repo.config_dir, 'index.marshal') end def find_library(command) read namespace_command = command.split('.')[0] if (lib = @libraries.find {|e| e.namespace == namespace_command }) elsif (cmd = Command.find(command, @commands)) cmd.lib end end def changed_libraries read {|lib, hash| @lib_hashes[lib] != hash}.map {|e| e[0]} end def latest_hashes Runner.all_libraries.inject({}) {|h, e| lib_file = FileLibrary.library_file(e, Boson.repo.dir) h[e] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( if File.exists?(lib_file) h } end #:startdoc: end end