class StepNavHelper include ActionView::Helpers include ActionView::Context def render_step_nav_element(element, options) @options = options @link_index = options[:link_index] case element[:type] when "paragraph" paragraph(element[:text]) when "heading" heading(element[:text]) when "list" list(element) end end # id should be lowercase, contain only numbers and letters and replace spaces with dashes def generate_step_nav_id(step_title)" ", "-").gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-\s]/i, '') end private def paragraph(text) content_tag( :p, text, class: "gem-c-step-nav__paragraph" ) end def heading(text) content_tag( "h#{@options[:heading_level] + 1}", text, class: "gem-c-step-nav__heading" ) end def list(element) content_tag( get_list_element(element[:style]), class: "gem-c-step-nav__links #{get_list_style(element[:style])}", data: { length: element[:contents].length } ) do element[:contents].collect { |contents| concat( content_tag( :li, class: "gem-c-step-nav__link js-list-item #{link_active(contents[:active])}" ) do create_list_item_content(contents) end ) } end end def create_list_item_content(link) if link[:href] @link_index += 1 href = link_href(link[:active], link[:href]) text = "#{link_text(link[:active], link[:text])} #{create_context(link[:context])}".html_safe link_to( href, rel: ("external" if href.start_with?('http')), data: { position: "#{@options[:step_index] + 1}.#{@link_index}" }, class: "gem-c-step-nav__link-item js-link" ) do text end else link[:text] end end def create_context(context) content_tag(:span, context, class: "gem-c-step-nav__context") if context end def get_list_style(style) "gem-c-step-nav__links--choice" if style == "choice" end def get_list_element(style) style == "choice" ? "ul" : "ol" end def link_href(active, href) active ? "#content" : href end def link_text(active, text) active ? content_tag(:span, "You are currently viewing: ", class: "visuallyhidden") + text : text end def link_active(active) "gem-c-step-nav__link--active" if active end end