--- en: activemodel: attributes: initiative: answer: Answer answer_url: Answer URL area_id: Area decidim_scope_id: Scope decidim_user_group_id: Author description: Description hashtag: Hashtag offline_votes: In-person signatures offline_votes_for_scope: In-person signatures for %{scope_name} scope_id: Scope signature_end_date: End of signature collection period signature_start_date: Start of signature collection period signature_type: Signature collection type signature_type_values: any: Mixed offline: In-person online: Online state: Status title: Title type_id: Type initiatives_committee_member: user: Committee member initiatives_settings: initiatives_order: Order initiatives_type: area_enabled: Enable authors to choose the area for their initiative attachments_enabled: Enable attachments banner_image: Banner image child_scope_threshold_enabled: Enable child scope signatures collect_user_extra_fields: Collect participant personal data on signature comments_enabled: Enable comments custom_signature_end_date_enabled: Enable authors to choose the end of signature collection period description: Description document_number_authorization_handler: Authorization to verify document number on signatures extra_fields_legal_information: Legal information about the collection of personal data minimum_committee_members: Minimum of committee members online_signature_enabled: Online signature enabled only_global_scope_enabled: Only allow global scope initiatives creation promoting_committee_enabled: Enable promoting committee signature_type: Signature type title: Title undo_online_signatures_enabled: Enable participants to undo their online signatures validate_sms_code_on_votes: Add SMS code validation step to signature process initiatives_type_scope: decidim_scopes_id: Scopes supports_required: Supports required initiatives_vote: date_of_birth: Date of birth document_number: Document number name_and_surname: Name and surname postal_code: Postal code organization_data: address: Address id_document: ID document name: Complete name errors: models: initiative: attributes: attachment: file: File is invalid needs_to_be_reattached: Needs to be reattached title: Title should not be empty activerecord: models: decidim/initiative: one: Initiative other: Initiatives decidim/initiative_comittee: one: Comittee other: Comittees decidim/initiative_vote: one: Signature other: Signatures decidim: admin: actions: new_initiative_type: New initiative type new_initiative_type_scope: New initiative type scope filters: initiatives: decidim_area_id_eq: label: Area state_eq: label: State values: accepted: Enough signatures created: Created discarded: Discarded published: Published rejected: Not enough signatures validating: Technical validation type_id_eq: label: Type search_placeholder: title_or_description_or_id_string_or_author_name_or_author_nickname_cont: Search %{collection} by title, description, ID or author name. initiatives_settings: update: error: An error has occurred. success: The initiatives settings have been successfully updated. menu: attachments: Attachments committee_members: Committee members information: Information initiative_type_scopes: Initiative type scopes initiatives: Initiatives initiatives_menu: see_initiative: See initiative initiatives_settings: Settings initiatives_submenu: info: About this initiative initiatives_types: Initiative types moderations: Moderations models: initiatives: fields: created_at: Created at id: ID published_at: Published at state: Status supports_count: Signatures title: Initiatives initiatives_type_scope: fields: scope: Scope supports_required: Signatures required name: Initiative type scope initiatives_types: fields: created_at: Created at title: Initiative types name: Initiative type initiatives_votes: fields: date_of_birth: Date of birth document_number: Document number hash: Hash initiative_end_date: End date initiative_id: Initiative ID initiative_signatures_count: Number of signatures initiative_start_date: Start date initiative_title: Initiative title name_and_surname: Name and surname postal_code: Postal code scope: Scope time_and_date: Time and date timestamp: Timestamp titles: initiatives: Initiatives initiatives_types: Initiative types events: initiatives: admin: initiative_sent_to_technical_validation: email_intro: The initiative "%{resource_title}" has been sent to technical validation. Check it out at the admin panel email_outro: You have received this notification because you are an admin of the platform. email_subject: Initiative "%{resource_title}" was sent to technical validation. notification_title: The initiative "%{resource_title}" has been sent to technical validation. Check it out at the admin panel initiative_extended: email_intro: The signatures end date for the initiative %{resource_title} have been extended! email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{resource_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: Initiative signatures end date extended! notification_title: The signatures end date for the %{resource_title} initiative have been extended. initiative_sent_to_technical_validation: email_intro: The initiative "%{resource_title}" has been sent to technical validation. Check it out at the admin panel email_outro: You have received this notification because you are an admin of the platform. email_subject: Initiative "%{resource_title}" was sent to technical validation. notification_title: The initiative "%{resource_title}" has been sent to technical validation. Check it out at the admin panel milestone_completed: affected_user: email_intro: Your initiative %{resource_title} has achieved the %{percentage}% of signatures! email_outro: You have received this notification because you are the author of the initiative %{resource_title}. email_subject: New milestone completed! notification_title: Your %{resource_title} initiative has achieved the %{percentage}% of signatures. follower: email_intro: The initiative %{resource_title} has achieved the %{percentage}% of signatures! email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{resource_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: New milestone completed! notification_title: The %{resource_title} initiative has achieved the %{percentage}% of signatures. support_threshold_reached: email_intro: The initiative %{resource_title} has reached the signatures threshold email_outro: You have received this notification because you are an admin of the platform. email_subject: Signatures threshold reached notification_title: The %{resource_title} initiative has reached the signatures threshold gamification: badges: initiatives: conditions: - Go to the participation space of Intiatives - Follow the steps to create a new initiative description: This badge is granted when you launch new initiatives, partnering with others to carry them out. description_another: This participant has gotten %{score} initiatives published. description_own: You have got %{score} initiatives published. name: Published initiatives next_level_in: Get %{score} more initiatives published to reach the next level! unearned_another: This participant has not gotten any initiatives published yet. unearned_own: You got no initiatives published yet. help: participatory_spaces: initiatives: contextual: "

An initiative is a proposal that can be promoted by anyone on their own initiative (independently of other channels or participation spaces) through the collection of (digital) signatures for the organization to carry out a specific action (modify a regulation, initiate a project, change the name of a department or a street, etc.).

The promoters of an initiative can define its objectives, gather support, debate, disseminate it and define meeting points where signatures can be collected from the attendees or debates open to other participants.

Examples: An initiative can collect signatures to convene a consultation among all the people of an organization, or to create or convene an assembly, or to initiate a process of budget increase for a territory or area of the organization. During the process of collecting signatures, more people can add to this demand and carry it forward in the organization.

\n" page: "

An initiative is a proposal that can be promoted by anyone on their own initiative (independently of other channels or participation spaces) through the collection of (digital) signatures for the organization to carry out a specific action (modify a regulation, initiate a project, change the name of a department or a street, etc.).

The promoters of an initiative can define its objectives, gather support, debate, disseminate it and define meeting points where signatures can be collected from the attendees or debates open to other participants.

Examples: An initiative can collect signatures to convene a consultation among all the people of an organization, or to create or convene an assembly, or to initiate a process of budget increase for a territory or area of the organization. During the process of collecting signatures, more people can add to this demand and carry it forward in the organization.

\n" title: What are initiatives? initiatives: actions: answer: Answer admin: answers: edit: answer: Answer title: Answer for %{title} info_initiative: created_at: Created at description: Description initiative_votes_count: Votes count initiatives: Initiatives state: State committee_requests: index: approve: Approve confirm_revoke: Are you sure? invite_to_committee_help: Share this link to invite other participants to the promoter committee. no_members_yet: There are no members in the promoter committee. revoke: Revoke title: Committee members content_blocks: highlighted_initiatives: max_results: Maximum amount of elements to show order: default: Default (Least recent) label: 'Order element by:' most_recent: Most recent exports: initiatives: Initiatives index: initiatives_types: alert_html: "

You must create at least one initiative type so participants can start creating initiatives.


" button: New initiative type initiatives: accept: success: The initiative has been successfully accepted. discard: success: The initiative has been successfully discarded. edit: accept: Accept initiative confirm: Are you sure? confirm_send_to_technical_validation: Are you sure? discard: Discard the initiative export_pdf_signatures: Export PDF of signatures export_votes: Export signatures reject: Reject initiative send_to_technical_validation: Send to technical validation success: The initiative has been sent to technical validation. update: Update form: settings: Settings title: General information index: actions_title: Action preview: Preview print: Print initiative_attachments: documents: Documents edit: Edit new: New photos: Photos publish: success: The initiative has been successfully published. reject: success: The initiative has been successfully rejected. unpublish: success: The initiative has been successfully unpublished. update: error: An error has occurred. success: The initiative has been successfully updated. initiatives_settings: edit: update: Update form: comments: Most commented date: Most recent publication_date: Most recently published random: Random signatures: Most signed title: Settings for initiatives initiatives_type_scopes: create: error: An error has occurred. success: A new scope for the given initiative type has been created. destroy: success: The scope has been successfully removed. edit: title: Edit initiative type scope update: Update new: create: Create title: Create initiative type scope update: error: An error has occurred. success: The scope has been successfully updated. initiatives_types: create: error: An error has occurred. success: A new initiative type has been successfully created. You need to define at least one scope for this initiative type so it can be used. destroy: success: The initiative type has been successfully removed. edit: update: Update form: authorizations: Authorization settings child_scope_threshold_enabled_help_html: 'This config flag doesn''t support offline votes. It enables sub-scopes and works with an authorization handler that associates a scope to the user. Make sure you select that authorization, below in authorization settings. For it to work, scopes need to be configured in a hierarchical way: 1 Parent - N Child. For more info on how this configuration works, see initiatives'' admin documentation page.' only_global_scope_enabled_help_html: Tick this flag if you enabled "Child scope signature" and configured the global scope as your parent scope. By enabling this, initiative type selection will be skipped in the initiative creation wizard. For more info on how this configuration works, see this link. options: Options initiative_type_scopes: title: Scopes for the initiative type new: create: Create title: New initiative type update: error: An error has occurred. success: The initiative type has been successfully updated. admin_log: initiative: publish: "%{user_name} published the %{resource_name} initiative" send_to_technical_validation: "%{user_name} sent the %{resource_name} initiative to technical validation" unpublish: "%{user_name} discarded the %{resource_name} initiative" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} initiative" initiatives_settings: update: "%{user_name} updated the initiatives settings" initiatives_type: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} initiatives type" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the %{resource_name} initiatives type" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} initiatives type" admin_states: accepted: Enough signatures created: Created discarded: Discarded published: Published rejected: Not enough signatures validating: Technical validation application_helper: filter_state_values: accepted: Enough signatures all: All answered: Answered closed: Closed open: Open rejected: Not enough signatures filter_type_values: all: All committee_requests: approve: success: Request has been approved. new: continue: Continue help_text: You are about to request becoming a member of the promoter committee of this initiative. revoke: success: Request has been revoked. spawn: success: Your request has been sent to the initiative author. content_blocks: highlighted_initiatives: name: Highlighted initiatives create_initiative: fill_data: back: Back continue: Continue fill_data_help: "" more_information: "(More information)" select_area: Select an area select_scope: Select a scope finish: back: Back back_to_initiatives: Back to initiatives callout_text: Congratulations! Your initiative has been successfully created. confirm: You are going to send the initiative for an admin to review it and publish it. Once published you will not be able to edit it. Are you sure? edit_my_initiative: Edit my initiative go_to_my_initiatives: Go to my initiatives more_information: "(More information)" send_my_initiative: Send my initiative to technical validation finish_help: publish_helper_text: Remember that for your initiative to be published you must complete the required information and send it to technical validation for an administrator to review it. previous_form: back: Back continue: Continue promotal_committee: individual_help_text: This kind of initiative requires a Promoting Commission consisting of at least %{committee_size} people (attestors). You must share the following link with the other people that are part of this initiative. When your contacts receive this link they will have to follow the indicated steps. more_information: "(More information)" select_initiative_type: back: Back choose_html: I want to create a %{title} more_information: More information new: Create a new initiative select: I want to promote this initiative select_initiative_type_help: Initiatives are a means by which the participants can intervene so that the organization can undertake actions in defence of the general interest. Which initiative do you want to launch? verification_required: Verify your account to promote this initiative share_committee_link: invite_to_committee_help: Link to invite people that will be part of the promoter committee edit: accept: Accept the initiative back: Back confirm: Are you sure? discard: Discard the initiative export_pdf_signatures: Export PDF of signatures export_votes: Export signatures reject: Reject initiative title: Edit Initiative update: Update events: approve_membership_request: email_intro: "%{author_nickname} accepted your application to be part of the promoter committee for the initiative %{resource_title}." email_outro: 'You received this notification because you applied to this initiative: %{resource_title}' email_subject: "%{author_nickname} accepted your application to the promoter committee" notification_title: %{author_nickname} accepted your application to be part of the promoter committee for the following initiative %{resource_title}. create_initiative_event: email_intro: "%{author_name} %{author_nickname}, who you are following, has created a new initiative, check it out and contribute:" email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{author_nickname}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: New initiative by %{author_nickname} notification_title: The %{resource_title} initiative was created by %{author_name} %{author_nickname}. endorse_initiative_event: email_intro: "%{author_name} %{author_nickname}, who you are following, has endorsed the following initiative, maybe you want to contribute to the conversation:" email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{author_nickname}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: Initiative endorsed by %{author_nickname} notification_title: The %{resource_title} initiative was endorsed by %{author_name} %{author_nickname}. revoke_membership_request: email_intro: "%{author_nickname} rejected your application to be part of the promoter committee for the following initiative %{resource_title}." email_outro: 'You received this notification because you applied to this initiative: %{resource_title}.' email_subject: "%{author_nickname} rejected your application to the promoter committee" notification_title: %{author_nickname} rejected your application to be part of the promoter committee for the following initiative %{resource_title}. spawn_committee_request_event: email_intro: "%{applicant_nickname} applied for the promoter committee of your initiative %{resource_title}. To accept or reject the application, go to the edit form of your initiative." email_outro: 'You received this notification because you are the author of this initiative: %{resource_title}' email_subject: "%{applicant_nickname} wants to join your initiative" notification_title: %{applicant_nickname} applied for the promoter committee of your initiative %{resource_title}. To accept or reject click here. form: add_documents: Add documents add_image: Add image attachment_legend: "(Optional) Add an attachment" edit_documents: Edit documents edit_image: Edit image image_legend: "(Optional) Add an image" index: uninitialized: Initiatives are not yet configured by an administrator. initiative_signatures: fill_personal_data: continue: Continue help: Please, fill the following fields with your personal data to sign the initiative. finish: back_to_initiative: Back to initiative sms_code: continue: Check code and continue help: Check the SMS received at your phone sms_phone_number: continue: Send me an SMS help: Fill the form with your verified phone number to request your verification code. initiative_votes: create: error: There was a problem signing the initiative. invalid: The data provided to sign the initiative is not valid. success_html: Congratulations! The %{title} initiative has been successfully signed. personal_data: invalid: Personal data is not consistent with data provided for authorization. sms_code: invalid: Your verification code does not match ours. Please double-check the SMS we sent you. sms_phone: invalid: The phone number is invalid or pending of authorization. Please, check your authorizations. initiatives: author_list: hidden_authors_count: one: and 1 more person other: and %{count} more people committee_members: approve: Approve confirm_approve: Are you sure you want to approve this member? confirm_revoke: Are you sure you want to revoke this member? invite_to_committee_help: Share this link to invite other participants to the promoter committee. link: Link no_members_yet: There are no members in the promoter committee. revoke: Revoke title: Committee members count: title: one: "%{count} initiative" other: "%{count} initiatives" filters: any: Any area: Area author: Author myself: My initiatives scope: Scope state: Status type: Type index_header: new_initiative: New initiative initiatives: closed_initiatives_warning: Currently, there are no open initiatives, but here you can find all the closed initiatives listed. no_initiatives_warning: No initiatives match your search criteria. interactions: comments_count: count: one: Comment other: Comments orders: label: 'Sort initiatives by:' most_commented: Most commented most_voted: Most signed random: Random recent: Most recent recently_published: Most recently published print: address: Address author_title: Author of the initiative city: City email: Email full_name: Full Name general_title: Application for admission of an initiative id_number: ID Number initiative: attachments: Attached documentation (please write the name of each document below) description: 'Description:' title: 'Title:' type: Type of initiative legal_text: The personal data collected will be incorporated and treated confidentially by the organization, according to current legislation. members_header: Members of the initiative's promoter committee phone_number: Phone Number place_date: Place, Date postal_code: Postal Code/ZIP print: Print province: Province/State section: 'If requested by the organization, please print and fill out this form to submit where indicated:' signature: Signature result: answer_title: This initiative has been answered. initiative_rejected_reason: This initiative has been rejected due to its lack of signatures. show: area: Area before_send_to_technical_validation_announcement: 'Before sending your initiative for technical validation, you need to add %{count} more members to the promoter committee.

Share this link with the people you want to be part of your committee: %{href}' confirm: You are going to send the initiative for an admin to review it and publish it. Once published you will not be able to edit it. Are you sure? edit: Edit initiative_data: Initiative data scope: Scope send_to_technical_validation: Send to technical validation send_to_technical_validation_announcement: If everything looks ok, click on "Send to technical validation" for an administrator to review and publish your initiative signature_collection: Signature collection state: State type: Type signatures_count: one: " signature" other: " signatures" vote_cabin: already_voted: Already signed verification_required: Verify your account to sign the initiative vote: Sign votes_blocked: Signing disabled votes_count: count: one: Signature other: Signatures initiatives_mailer: creation_subject: Your initiative '%{title}' has been created initiative_link: check_initiative_details: You can see the initiative details here: here more_information: Here you have more information about the initiative creation process. progress_report_body_for: The initiative %{title} has reached the %{percentage}% of required signatures. progress_report_for: 'Summary about the initiative: %{title}' promotal_committee_help: Remember that you must invite at least %{member_count} people to promoter committee. Forward the following link to invite people to the promoter committee status_change_body_for: 'The initiative %{title} has changed its status to: %{state}' status_change_for: The initiative %{title} has changed its status last_activity: new_initiative: 'New initiative:' modal: not_authorized: authorizations_page: View authorizations explanation: You need to be verified in order to create a new initiative. title: Authorization required pages: home: highlighted_initiatives: active_spaces: Active initiatives see_all_spaces: See all initiatives show: badge_name: accepted: Enough signatures created: Created discarded: Discarded published: Published rejected: Not enough signatures validating: Technical validation states: accepted: Accepted expired: Expired unavailable_scope: Unavailable scope update: error: An error has occurred. success: The initiative has been successfully updated. menu: initiatives: Initiatives resources: initiative: actions: comment: Comment initiatives_type: actions: create: Create title: Actions vote: Sign layouts: decidim: initiative_creation_header: fill_data: Create finish: Finish promotal_committee: Promoter committee select_initiative_type: Choose initiative_signature_creation_header: fill_personal_data: Complete your data finish: Finish sms_code: SMS code verification sms_phone_number: Mobile phone number title: Sign %{initiative_title} initiatives: no_initiatives_yet: no_initiatives_yet: No initiatives yet!